blob: 6a586585a9e646862856196194c571f645404164 [file] [log] [blame]
* Test program for tivi interface
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <CtZrtpSession.h>
#include <CtZrtpCallback.h>
struct sockaddr_in adr_inet;
struct sockaddr_in adr_clnt;
socklen_t lenClnt; // length
int s; // Socket
static void hexdump(const char* title, const unsigned char *s, int l)
int n=0;
if (s == NULL) return;
fprintf(stderr, "%s",title);
for( ; n < l ; ++n) {
if((n%16) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "\n%04x",n);
fprintf(stderr, " %02x",s[n]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
static void displayError(const char *what) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s: %s\n", strerror(errno), what);
static void sendData(uint8_t *buffer, unsigned int length)
int z = sendto(s, buffer, length, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&adr_clnt, lenClnt);
if ( z < 0 ) {
// This is the callback that we use for audio stream
class TestCallbackAudio: public CtZrtpCb {
void onNewZrtpStatus(CtZrtpSession *session, char *p, CtZrtpSession::streamName streamNm) {
uint8_t buffer[20];
fprintf(stderr, "new status: %s\n", p == NULL ? "NULL" : p);
session->getInfo("sec_state", buffer, 19);
printf("secState: %s\n", buffer);
void onNeedEnroll(CtZrtpSession *session, CtZrtpSession::streamName streamNm, int32_t info) {
fprintf(stderr, "Need enroll\n");
void onPeer(CtZrtpSession *session, char *name, int iIsVerified, CtZrtpSession::streamName streamNm) {
fprintf(stderr, "onPeer: %s", name == NULL || strlen(name) == 0 ? "NULL" : name);
fprintf(stderr, ", verified: %s\n", iIsVerified ? "YES" : "NO");
uint8_t buffer[20];
session->getInfo("rs1", buffer, 19);
printf("RS1: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("rs2", buffer, 19);
printf("RS2: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("pbx", buffer, 19);
printf("PBX: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("aux", buffer, 9);
printf("AUX: %s\n", buffer);
session->getInfo("lbClient", buffer, 19);
printf("Client: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("lbVersion", buffer, 19);
printf("Version: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("lbChiper", buffer, 19);
printf("cipher: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("lbHash", buffer, 19);
printf("hash: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("lbAuthTag", buffer, 19);
printf("auth: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("lbKeyExchange", buffer, 19);
printf("KeyEx: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("sc_secure", buffer, 19);
printf("SC secure: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("sdp_hash", buffer, 19);
printf("zrtp-hash: %s\n", buffer);
session->setLastPeerNameVerify("TestName", 0);
void onZrtpWarning(CtZrtpSession *session, char *p, CtZrtpSession::streamName streamNm) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: %s\n", p == NULL ? "NULL" : p);
class TestSendCallbackAudio: public CtZrtpSendCb {
void sendRtp(CtZrtpSession const *session, uint8_t* packet, size_t length, CtZrtpSession::streamName streamNm) {
// hexdump("ZRTP packet", packet, length);
fprintf(stderr, "ZRTP send packet, length: %lu, %.8s\n", length, packet+16);
sendData(packet, length);
extern char zrtpBuildInfo[];
static unsigned char recvAuxSecret[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0};
int main(int argc,char **argv) {
int z;
ssize_t length;
socklen_t len_inet;
const char *srvr_addr = "";
uint8_t buffer[1300]; // Recv buffer
uint32_t uiSSRC = 0xfeedbacc;
fprintf(stderr, "Config info: %s\n", getZrtpBuildInfo());
CtZrtpSession::initCache("testzid.dat"); // initialize cache file
CtZrtpSession *session = new CtZrtpSession();
TestCallbackAudio *callback = new TestCallbackAudio();
TestSendCallbackAudio *sendCallback = new TestSendCallbackAudio();
session->init(true, true); // audio and video
session->setUserCallback(callback, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
session->setSendCallback(sendCallback, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
session->getSignalingHelloHash((char*)buffer, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream, 0);
session->setAuxSecret(recvAuxSecret, sizeof(recvAuxSecret));
fprintf(stderr, "Our Hello hash: %s\n", buffer);
// Set a bogous peer hello hash to force a warning
// session->setSignalingHelloHash("950ff29288587ca0115948f386a89aa98d41b56089f267e62d5cbd42c997aa7c", CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
if ( s == -1 ) {
memset(&adr_inet,0,sizeof adr_inet);
adr_inet.sin_family = AF_INET;
adr_inet.sin_port = htons(5002);
adr_inet.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(srvr_addr);
if (adr_inet.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE ) {
displayError("bad address listener.");
len_inet = sizeof(adr_inet);
z = bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&adr_inet, len_inet);
if ( z == -1 ) {
memset(&adr_inet,0,sizeof adr_inet);
adr_clnt.sin_family = AF_INET;
adr_clnt.sin_port = htons(5004);
adr_clnt.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(srvr_addr);
if (adr_clnt.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE ) {
displayError("bad address listener.");
lenClnt = sizeof(adr_clnt);
if (!session->isStarted(CtZrtpSession::AudioStream))
session->start(uiSSRC, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// Now wait for requests:
for (;;) {
len_inet = sizeof(adr_clnt);
length = recvfrom(s, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, NULL, NULL);
if (length < 0) {
// hexdump("Data before processing", buffer, length);
// if (!session->isStarted(CtZrtpSession::AudioStream))
// session->start(uiSSRC, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
* process incoming data
size_t newLength;
int rc = session->processIncomingRtp(buffer, length, &newLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
fprintf(stderr, "processing returns: %d\n", rc);
// hexdump("Data after processing", buffer, newLength);
if (rc == 0)
continue; // drop packet
fprintf(stderr, "Received data: %s\n", &buffer[12]); // assume normal RTP packet for debug printout
* Close the socket and exit:
return 0;