blob: 34065c44b8f5e1ee4b1327ad83e2eb3fc4ee324c [file] [log] [blame]
* Test program for tivi interface
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <CtZrtpSession.h>
#include <CtZrtpCallback.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpSdesStream.h>
static void hexdump(const char* title, const unsigned char *s, int l)
int n=0;
if (s == NULL) return;
fprintf(stderr, "%s",title);
for( ; n < l ; ++n) {
if((n%16) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "\n%04x",n);
fprintf(stderr, " %02x",s[n]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
static bool verbose = false;
// static bool verbose = true;
// This is the callback that we use for audio stream
class TestCallbackAudio: public CtZrtpCb {
void onNewZrtpStatus(CtZrtpSession *session, char *p, CtZrtpSession::streamName streamNm) {
if (!verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "new status: %s\n", p == NULL ? "NULL" : p);
if (session->isSecure(streamNm)) {
uint8_t buffer[20];
session->getInfo("rs1", buffer, 9);
printf("RS1: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("rs2", buffer, 9);
printf("RS2: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("pbx", buffer, 9);
printf("PBX: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("aux", buffer, 9);
printf("AUX: %s\n", buffer);
session->getInfo("lbClient", buffer, 19);
printf("Client: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("lbVersion", buffer, 19);
printf("Version: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("lbChiper", buffer, 19);
printf("cipher: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("lbHash", buffer, 19);
printf("hash: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("lbAuthTag", buffer, 19);
printf("auth: %s ", buffer);
session->getInfo("lbKeyExchange", buffer, 19);
printf("KeyEx: %s\n", buffer);
void onNeedEnroll(CtZrtpSession *session, CtZrtpSession::streamName streamNm, int32_t info) {
fprintf(stderr, "Need enroll\n");
void onPeer(CtZrtpSession *session, char *name, int iIsVerified, CtZrtpSession::streamName streamNm) {
fprintf(stderr, "onPeer: %s\n", name == NULL ? "NULL" : name);
void onZrtpWarning(CtZrtpSession *session, char *p, CtZrtpSession::streamName streamNm) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: %s\n", p == NULL ? "NULL" : p);
class TestSendCallbackAudio: public CtZrtpSendCb {
void sendRtp(CtZrtpSession const *session, uint8_t* packet, size_t length, CtZrtpSession::streamName streamNm) {
if (!verbose)
// hexdump("ZRTP packet", packet, length);
fprintf(stderr, "ZRTP send packet, length: %lu\n", length);
// V2 | PT | seqnum | timestamp | SSRC |
uint8_t inviterPacket[] = {
0x80, 0x03, 0x47, 0x11, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0xfe, 0xed, 0xba, 0xac, // Header
0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x20};
uint8_t answererPacket[] = {
0x80, 0x03, 0x08, 0x11, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0xba, 0xac, 0xed, 0xfe, // Header
0x20, 0x19, 0x18, 0x17, 0x16, 0x15, 0x14, 0x13, 0x12, 0x11};
uint8_t inviterPacket_fixed[] = {
0x80, 0x03, 0x47, 0x11, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0xfe, 0xed, 0xba, 0xac, // Header
0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x20};
uint8_t answererPacket_fixed[] = {
0x80, 0x03, 0x08, 0x11, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0xba, 0xac, 0xed, 0xfe, // Header
0x20, 0x19, 0x18, 0x17, 0x16, 0x15, 0x14, 0x13, 0x12, 0x11};
static bool testBasicMix()
char buffer[200];
ZrtpSdesStream sdes;
int rc = sdes.getCryptoMixAttribute(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (rc == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "testBasicMix: Get mix is zero\n");
return false;
if (verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "testBasicMix: algorithms on first get: %s\n", buffer);
if (sdes.setCryptoMixAttribute("")) {
fprintf(stderr, "testBasicMix: Testing empty mix returned true, expecting false\n");
return false;
if (!sdes.setCryptoMixAttribute("HMAC-SHA-384")) {
fprintf(stderr, "testBasicMix: Testing one valid algo returned false, expecting true\n");
return false;
if (!sdes.setCryptoMixAttribute("BABAB HMAC-SHA-384 XYZABC")) {
fprintf(stderr, "testBasicMix: Testing invalid/valid returned false, expecting true\n");
return false;
if (sdes.setCryptoMixAttribute("BABAB XYZABC")) {
fprintf(stderr, "testBasicMix: Testing invalid returned true, expecting false\n");
return false;
// set a valid algorithms that we can check on the next get
sdes.setCryptoMixAttribute("BABAB HMAC-SHA-384 XYZABC");
rc = sdes.getCryptoMixAttribute(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
int len = strlen("HMAC-SHA-384");
if (rc != len) {
fprintf(stderr, "testBasicMix: get final mix algo returned wrong length, expected: %d, got: %d\n", len, rc);
return false;
if (strcmp(buffer, "HMAC-SHA-384") != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "testBasicMix: get final mix algo returned wrong algorithm, expected:\n'HMAC-SHA-384', got: '%s'\n", buffer);
return false;
printf("PASSED - basic mix test\n");
return true;
static bool testNormalSdes()
size_t invLength, answLength;
char invBuffer[200];
char answBuffer[200];
TestCallbackAudio *callback = new TestCallbackAudio();
TestSendCallbackAudio *sendCallback = new TestSendCallbackAudio();
// The Inviter session (offerer)
CtZrtpSession *inviter = new CtZrtpSession();
inviter->init(true, true); // audio and video
inviter->setUserCallback(callback, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
inviter->setSendCallback(sendCallback, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// The answerer session
CtZrtpSession *answerer = new CtZrtpSession();
answerer->init(true, true); // audio and video
answerer->setSendCallback(sendCallback, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// Inviter first step: create a SDES crypto string
invLength = sizeof(invBuffer);
inviter->createSdes(invBuffer, &invLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
if (invLength != 73) {
fprintf(stderr, "testNormalSdes: Inviter: SDES crypto string wrong size: got: %d, expected: 73\n%s\n", (int)invLength, invBuffer);
return false;
// ****
// Now send the Inviter SDES crypto string to the answerer via SIP INVITE ........
// ****
// answerer first step: parse the SDES crypto string and the answerer SDES creates onw crypto string
answLength = sizeof(answBuffer);
answerer->parseSdes(invBuffer, invLength, NULL, NULL, false, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// answerer second step: get the generated SDES crypto string
answerer->getSavedSdes(answBuffer, &answLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
if (answLength != 73) {
fprintf(stderr, "testNormalSdes: Answerer: SDES crypto string wrong size: got: %d, expected: 73\n%s\n", (int)answLength, answBuffer);
return false;
// Send the answerer SDES crypto string and crypto mixer algorithms back to Inviter, via 200 OK probably
// Inviter second step: parses answerer's string, sets the "sipInvite" parameter to true
inviter->parseSdes(answBuffer, answLength, NULL, NULL, true, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
inviter->start(0xfeedbac, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream); // start this stream to get a send callback
invLength = 0;
inviter->processOutoingRtp(inviterPacket, sizeof(inviterPacket), &invLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// hexdump("Inviter packet protected", inviterPacket, invLength);
answLength = 0;
answerer->processIncomingRtp(inviterPacket, invLength, &answLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
if (memcmp(inviterPacket, inviterPacket_fixed, answLength) != 0) {
hexdump("testNormalSdes: Inviter packet unprotected by answerer does not match original data", inviterPacket, answLength);
return false;
answLength = 0;
answerer->processOutoingRtp(answererPacket, sizeof(answererPacket), &answLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// hexdump("Answerer packet protected", answererPacket, answLength);
invLength = 0;
inviter->processIncomingRtp(answererPacket, answLength, &invLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
if (memcmp(answererPacket, answererPacket_fixed, invLength) != 0) {
hexdump("testNormalSdes: Answerer packet unprotected by inviter does not match original data", answererPacket, invLength);
return false;
delete inviter;
delete answerer;
delete callback;
delete sendCallback;
printf("PASSED - normal SDES\n");
return true;
static bool testWithMix()
size_t invLength, answLength;
char invBuffer[200];
char answBuffer[200];
char invMixBuffer[200];
char answMixBuffer[200];
TestCallbackAudio *callback = new TestCallbackAudio();
TestSendCallbackAudio *sendCallback = new TestSendCallbackAudio();
// The Inviter session (offerer)
CtZrtpSession *inviter = new CtZrtpSession();
inviter->init(true, true); // audio and video
inviter->setUserCallback(callback, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
inviter->setSendCallback(sendCallback, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// The answerer session
CtZrtpSession *answerer = new CtZrtpSession();
answerer->init(true, true); // audio and video
answerer->setSendCallback(sendCallback, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// Inviter first step: create a SDES crypto string
invLength = sizeof(invBuffer);
inviter->createSdes(invBuffer, &invLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
if (invLength != 73) {
fprintf(stderr, "testWithMix: Inviter: SDES crypto string wrong size: got: %d, expected: 73\n%s\n", (int)invLength, invBuffer);
return false;
// Inviter second step: Get all available SDES crypto mix algorithms as nul terminated string
int invMixLength = sizeof(invMixBuffer);
invMixLength = inviter->getCryptoMixAttribute(invMixBuffer, invMixLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
if (invMixLength == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "testWithMix: Inviter: SDES crypto mixer algorithm returned zero\n");
return false;
// ****
// Now send the Inviter SDES crypto string and the mixer algo string to the answerer via SIP INVITE ........
// ****
// answerer first step: set the crypto mix algorithms, the answerer selects one of it
answerer->setCryptoMixAttribute(invMixBuffer, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// answerer second step: get the seleted crypto mixer algorithm
int answMixLength = sizeof(answMixBuffer);
answMixLength = answerer->getCryptoMixAttribute(answMixBuffer, answMixLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
if (answMixLength == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "testWithMix: Answerer: SDES crypto mixer algorithm returned zero\n");
return false;
// answerer third step: parse the SDES crypto string and the answere SDES creates onw crypto string
answLength = sizeof(answBuffer);
answerer->parseSdes(invBuffer, invLength, NULL, NULL, false, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// answerer fourth step: get the generated SDES crypto string
answerer->getSavedSdes(answBuffer, &answLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
if (answLength != 73) {
fprintf(stderr, "testWithMix: Answerer: SDES crypto string wrong size: got: %d, expected: 73\n%s\n", (int)answLength, answBuffer);
return false;
// additional test: get the seleted crypto mixer algorithm again after parse and check.
answMixLength = sizeof(answMixBuffer);
answMixLength = answerer->getCryptoMixAttribute(answMixBuffer, answMixLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
if (answMixLength == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "testWithMix: Answerer: SDES crypto mixer algorithm returned zero at second call\n");
return false;
// Send the answerer SDES crypto string and crypto mixer algorithms back to Inviter, via 200 OK probably
// Inviter third step: set the received (it's one only) crypto mix algorithm
inviter->setCryptoMixAttribute(answMixBuffer, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// Inviter fourth step: parses answerer's string, sets the "sipInvite" parameter to true
inviter->parseSdes(answBuffer, answLength, NULL, NULL, true, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
inviter->start(0xfeedbac, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream); // start this stream to get a send callback
invLength = 0;
inviter->processOutoingRtp(inviterPacket, sizeof(inviterPacket), &invLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// hexdump("Inviter packet protected", inviterPacket, invLength);
answLength = 0;
answerer->processIncomingRtp(inviterPacket, invLength, &answLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
if (memcmp(inviterPacket, inviterPacket_fixed, answLength) != 0) {
hexdump("testWithMix: Inviter packet unprotected by answerer does not match original data", inviterPacket, answLength);
return false;
answLength = 0;
answerer->processOutoingRtp(answererPacket, sizeof(answererPacket), &answLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
// hexdump("Answerer packet protected", answererPacket, answLength);
invLength = 0;
inviter->processIncomingRtp(answererPacket, answLength, &invLength, CtZrtpSession::AudioStream);
if (memcmp(answererPacket, answererPacket_fixed, invLength) != 0) {
hexdump("testWithMix: Answerer packet unprotected by inviter does not match original data", answererPacket, invLength);
return false;
delete inviter;
delete answerer;
delete callback;
delete sendCallback;
printf("PASSED - with SDES Mix\n");
return true;
int main(int argc,char **argv)
CtZrtpSession::initCache("testzidSdes.dat"); // initialize global cache file
if (!testNormalSdes()) {
fprintf(stderr, "SDES crypto test failed\n");
return 1;
if (!testBasicMix()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Basic crypto mixing test failed\n");
return 1;
if (!testWithMix()) {
fprintf(stderr, "SDES crypto mixing test failed\n");
return 1;
return 0;