blob: ddf29eb3d28795a96ec4cb1ce29d9a56b4367311 [file] [log] [blame]
** ITU-T G.722.1 (2005-05) - Fixed point implementation for main body and Annex C
** > Software Release 2.1 (2008-06)
** (Simple repackaging; no change from 2005-05 Release 2.0 code)
** © 1999 PictureTel Coporation
** Andover, MA, USA
** All rights reserved.
Filename: tables.h
Purpose: Contains table definitions used by G.722.1 Annex C
Design Notes:
Include files
#define DCT_LENGTH 320
#define MAX_DCT_LENGTH 640
extern Word16 int_region_standard_deviation_table[REGION_POWER_TABLE_SIZE];
extern Word16 standard_deviation_inverse_table[REGION_POWER_TABLE_SIZE];
extern Word16 step_size_inverse_table[NUM_CATEGORIES];
extern Word16 vector_dimension[NUM_CATEGORIES];
extern Word16 number_of_vectors[NUM_CATEGORIES];
/* The last category isn't really coded with scalar quantization. */
extern Word16 max_bin[NUM_CATEGORIES];
extern Word16 max_bin_plus_one_inverse[NUM_CATEGORIES];
extern Word16 int_dead_zone[NUM_CATEGORIES];
extern Word16 samples_to_rmlt_window[DCT_LENGTH];
extern Word16 rmlt_to_samples_window[DCT_LENGTH];
/* Add next line in Release 1.2 */
extern Word16 int_dead_zone_low_bits[NUM_CATEGORIES];
extern Word16 max_samples_to_rmlt_window[MAX_DCT_LENGTH];
extern Word16 max_rmlt_to_samples_window[MAX_DCT_LENGTH];