blob: 525c26e341c12939465cc910912ebee15290855e [file] [log] [blame]
@echo off
rem bootstrap framework when no pre-packaged setup.exe is available
rem we use a default configuration and copy the "debug" version of libs
echo Bootstrapping Framework from Debugging Libraries
if exist "C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony" goto common
echo Creating C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony...
mkdir "C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony"
mkdir "C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony\CAPE Framework"
mkdir "C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony\CAPE Framework\Include"
mkdir "C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony\CAPE Framework\Include\cc++"
mkdir "C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony\CAPE Framework\Compat"
mkdir "C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony\CAPE Framework\Import"
if exist "C:\Program Files\Common Files\CAPE Framework" goto include
echo Creating C:\Program Files\Common Files\CAPE Framework...
mkdir "C:\Program Files\Common Files\CAPE Framework"
mkdir "C:\Program Files\Common Files\CAPE Framework\Common"
mkdir "C:\Program Files\Common Files\CAPE Framework\Compat"
echo Copying include files...
copy /y ..\include\cc++\*.h "C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony\CAPE Framework\Include\cc++" >nul
copy /y cc++\config.h "C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony\CAPE Framework\Include\cc++" >nul
copy /y ..\src\getopt.h "C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony\CAPE Framework\Include" >nul
if not exist debug6\ccext2.lib goto import
echo Copying compat import libs...
copy /y debug6\cc*.lib "C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony\CAPE Framework\Compat" >nul
if not exist debug\ccext2.lib goto compat
echo Copying common import libs...
copy /y debug\cc*.lib "C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony\CAPE Framework\Import" >nul
if not exist debug6\ccext2.dll goto runtime
echo Copying compat runtime files...
copy /y debug6\cc*.dll "C:\Program Files\Common Files\CAPE Framework\Compat" >nul
if not exist debug\ccext2.dll goto finish
echo Copying common runtime files...
copy /y debug\cc*.dll "C:\Program Files\Common Files\CAPE Framework\Common" >nul
echo Updating registry...
regedit /s common.reg