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// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* @file buffer.h
* @short object passing services between threads.
#ifndef CCXX_BUFFER_H_
#define CCXX_BUFFER_H_
#ifndef CCXX_THREAD_H_
#include <cc++/thread.h>
#ifndef CCXX_STRING_H_
#include <cc++/string.h>
namespace ost {
* The buffer class represents an IPC service that is built upon a buffer
* of fixed capacity that can be used to transfer objects between one or
* more producer and consumer threads. Producer threads post objects
* into the buffer, and consumer threads wait for and receive objects from
* the buffer. Semaphores are used to to block the buffer from overflowing
* and indicate when there is data available, and mutexes are used to protect
* multiple consumers and producer threads from stepping over each other.
* The buffer class is an abstract class in that the actual data being
* buffered is not directly specified within the buffer class itself. The
* buffer class should be used as a base class for a class that actually
* impliments buffering and which may be aware of the data types actually
* are being buffered. A template class could be created based on buffer
* for this purpose. Another possibility is to create a class derived
* from both Thread and Buffer which can be used to implement message passing
* threads.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Producer/Consumer buffer for use between threads.
#ifdef WIN32
class __EXPORT Buffer : public Mutex
class __EXPORT Buffer : public Conditional
#ifdef WIN32
HANDLE sem_head, sem_tail;
size_t _size;
size_t _used;
* Invoke derived class buffer peeking method.
* @return size of object found.
* @param buf pointer to copy contents of head of buffer to.
virtual size_t onPeek(void *buf) = 0;
* Invoke derived class object request from buffer.
* @return size of object returned.
* @param buf pointer to hold object returned from the buffer.
virtual size_t onWait(void *buf) = 0;
* Invoke derived class posting of object to buffer.
* @return size of object posted.
* @param buf pointer to object being posted to the buffer.
virtual size_t onPost(void *buf) = 0;
* value to return when a timed operation returned with a
* timeout.
static const size_t timeout;
* Create a buffer object of known capacity.
* @param capacity is the integer capacity of the buffer.
Buffer(size_t capacity);
* In derived functions, may be used to free the actual memory
* used to hold buffered data.
virtual ~Buffer();
* Return the capacity of the buffer as specified at creation.
* @return size of buffer.
inline size_t getSize(void)
{return _size;};
* Return the current capacity in use for the buffer. Free space
* is technically getSize() - getUsed().
* @return integer used capacity of the buffer.
* @see #getSize
inline size_t getUsed(void)
{return _used;};
* Let one or more threads wait for an object to become available
* in the buffer. The waiting thread(s) will wait forever if no
* object is ever placed into the buffer.
* @return size of object passed by buffer in bytes.
* @param buf pointer to store object retrieved from the buffer.
* @param timeout time to wait.
size_t wait(void *buf, timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Post an object into the buffer and enable a waiting thread to
* receive it.
* @return size of object posted in bytes.
* @param buf pointer to object to store in the buffer.
* @param timeout time to wait.
size_t post(void *buf, timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Peek at the current content (first object) in the buffer.
* @return size of object in the buffer.
* @param buf pointer to store object found in the buffer.
size_t peek(void *buf);
* New virtual to test if buffer is a valid object.
* @return true if object is valid.
virtual bool isValid(void);
* A buffer class that holds a known capacity of fixed sized objects defined
* during creation.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short producer/consumer buffer for fixed size objects.
class __EXPORT FixedBuffer : public Buffer
char *buf, *head, *tail;
size_t objsize;
* Return the first object in the buffer.
* @return predefined size of this buffers objects.
* @param buf pointer to copy contents of head of buffer to.
size_t onPeek(void *buf);
* Wait for and return a fixed object in the buffer.
* @return predefined size of this buffers objects.
* @param buf pointer to hold object returned from the buffer.
size_t onWait(void *buf);
* Post an object of the appropriate size into the buffer.
* @return predefined size of this buffers objects.
* @param buf pointer to data to copy into the buffer.
size_t onPost(void *buf);
* Create a buffer of known capacity for objects of a specified
* size.
* @param capacity of the buffer.
* @param objsize for each object held in the buffer.
FixedBuffer(size_t capacity, size_t objsize);
* Create a copy of an existing fixed size buffer and duplicate
* it's contents.
* @param fb existing FixedBuffer object.
FixedBuffer(const FixedBuffer &fb);
* Destroy the fixed buffer and free the memory used to store objects.
virtual ~FixedBuffer();
FixedBuffer &operator=(const FixedBuffer &fb);
bool isValid(void);
* Somewhat generic queue processing class to establish a producer
* consumer queue. This may be used to buffer cdr records, or for
* other purposes where an in-memory queue is needed for rapid
* posting. This class is derived from Mutex and maintains a linked
* list. A thread is used to dequeue data and pass it to a callback
* method that is used in place of "run" for each item present on the
* queue. The conditional is used to signal the run thread when new
* data is posted.
* This class was changed by Angelo Naselli to have a timeout on the queue
* @short in memory data queue interface.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT ThreadQueue : public Mutex, public Thread, public Semaphore
void run(void); // private run method
typedef struct _data {
struct _data *next;
unsigned len;
char data[1];
} data_t;
timeout_t timeout;
bool started;
data_t *first, *last; // head/tail of list
String name;
* Overloading of final(). It demarks Semaphore to avoid deadlock.
virtual void final();
* Start of dequeing. Maybe we need to connect a database
* or something, so we have a virtual...
virtual void startQueue(void);
* End of dequeing, we expect the queue is empty for now. Maybe
* we need to disconnect a database or something, so we have
* another virtual.
virtual void stopQueue(void);
* A derivable method to call when the timout is expired.
virtual void onTimer(void);
* Virtual callback method to handle processing of a queued
* data items. After the item is processed, it is deleted from
* memory. We can call multiple instances of runQueue in order
* if multiple items are waiting.
* @param data item being dequed.
virtual void runQueue(void *data) = 0;
* Create instance of our queue and give it a process priority.
* @param id queue ID.
* @param pri process priority.
* @param stack stack size.
ThreadQueue(const char *id, int pri, size_t stack = 0);
* Destroy the queue.
virtual ~ThreadQueue();
* Set the queue timeout.
* When the timer expires, the onTimer() method is called
* for the thread
* @param timeout timeout in milliseconds.
void setTimer(timeout_t timeout);
* Put some unspecified data into this queue. A new qd
* structure is created and sized to contain a copy of
* the actual content.
* @param data pointer to data.
* @param len size of data.
void post(const void *data, unsigned len);
/** @relates Buffer */
inline size_t get(Buffer &b, void *o, timeout_t t = 0)
{return b.wait(o, t);}
/** @relates Buffer */
inline size_t put(Buffer &b, void *o, timeout_t t = 0)
{return, t);}
/** @relates Buffer */
inline size_t peek(Buffer &b, void *o)
{return b.peek(o);}
/** EMACS **
* Local variables:
* mode: c++
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