blob: eb2d190dcc6e87fde264a2c8285076cd7142800c [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Werner Dittmann
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef _ZIDRECORD_H_
#define _ZIDRECORD_H_
* @file ZIDRecord.h
* @brief ZID record management
* A ZID record stores (caches) ZID (ZRTP ID) specific data that helps ZRTP
* to achives its key continuity feature. Please refer to the ZRTP
* specification to get detailed information about the ZID.
* @ingroup GNU_ZRTP
* @{
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define RS_LENGTH 32
#define TIME_LENGTH 8 // 64 bit, can hold time on 64 bit systems
* This is the recod structure of version 1 ZID records.
* This is not longer in use - only during migration.
typedef struct zidrecord1 {
char recValid; //!< if 1 record is valid, if 0: invalid
char ownZid; //!< if >1 record contains own ZID, usually 1st record
char rs1Valid; //!< if 1 RS1 contains valid data
char rs2Valid; //!< if 1 RS2 contains valid data
unsigned char identifier[IDENTIFIER_LEN]; ///< the peer's ZID or own ZID
unsigned char rs1Data[RS_LENGTH], rs2Data[RS_LENGTH]; ///< the peer's RS data
} zidrecord1_t;
* This is the recod structure of version 2 ZID records.
typedef struct zidrecord2 {
char version; ///< version number of file format, this is #2
char flags; ///< bit field holding various flags, see below
char filler1; ///< round up to next 32 bit
char filler2; ///< round up to next 32 bit
unsigned char identifier[IDENTIFIER_LEN]; ///< the peer's ZID or own ZID
unsigned char rs1Interval[TIME_LENGTH]; ///< expiration time of RS1; -1 means indefinite
unsigned char rs1Data[RS_LENGTH]; ///< the peer's RS2 data
unsigned char rs2Interval[TIME_LENGTH]; ///< expiration time of RS2; -1 means indefinite
unsigned char rs2Data[RS_LENGTH]; ///< the peer's RS2 data
unsigned char mitmKey[RS_LENGTH]; ///< MiTM key if available
} zidrecord2_t;
#ifndef __EXPORT
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
#define __EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
#define __LOCAL __attribute__ ((visibility("hidden")))
#elif defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
#define __EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#define __LOCAL
#define __EXPORT
#define __LOCAL
static const int Valid = 0x1;
static const int SASVerified = 0x2;
static const int RS1Valid = 0x4;
static const int RS2Valid = 0x8;
static const int MITMKeyAvailable = 0x10;
static const int OwnZIDRecord = 0x20;
* This class implements the ZID record.
* The ZID record holds data about a peer. According to ZRTP specification
* we use a ZID to identify a peer. ZRTP uses the RS (Retained Secret) data
* to construct shared secrets.
* <p>
* NOTE: ZIDRecord has ZIDFile as friend. ZIDFile knows about the private
* data of ZIDRecord - please keep both classes synchronized.
* @author: Werner Dittmann <>
class __EXPORT ZIDRecord {
friend class ZIDFile;
zidrecord2_t record;
unsigned long position;
* The default constructor is private
ZIDRecord() {
record.version = 2;
* Functions for I/O availabe for ZID file handling
* These functions are private, thus only friends may use it.
void setPosition(long pos) {position = pos;}
long getPosition() {return position; }
zidrecord2_t* getRecordData() {return &record; }
int getRecordLength() {return sizeof(zidrecord2_t); }
bool isValid() { return ((record.flags & Valid) == Valid); }
void setValid() { record.flags |= Valid; }
* Create a ZID Record with given ZID data
* The method creates a new ZID record and initializes its ZID
* data field. All other fields are set to null.
* An application can use this pre-initialized record to look
* up the associated record in the ZID file. If the record is
* available, the ZID record fields are filled with the stored
* data.
* @param idData
* Pointer to the fixed length ZID data
* @see ZIDFile::getRecord
ZIDRecord(const unsigned char *idData) {
memset(&record, 0, sizeof(zidrecord2_t));
memcpy(record.identifier, idData, IDENTIFIER_LEN);
record.version = 2;
* Set @c valid flag in RS1
void setRs1Valid() { record.flags |= RS1Valid; }
* reset @c valid flag in RS1
void resetRs1Valid() { record.flags &= ~RS1Valid; }
* Check @c valid flag in RS1
bool isRs1Valid() { return ((record.flags & RS1Valid) == RS1Valid); }
* Set @c valid flag in RS2
void setRs2Valid() { record.flags |= RS2Valid; }
* Reset @c valid flag in RS2
void resetRs2Valid() { record.flags &= ~RS2Valid; }
* Check @c valid flag in RS2
bool isRs2Valid() { return ((record.flags & RS2Valid) == RS2Valid); }
* Set MITM key available
void setMITMKeyAvailable() { record.flags |= MITMKeyAvailable; }
* Reset MITM key available
void resetMITMKeyAvailable() { record.flags &= ~MITMKeyAvailable; }
* Check MITM key available is set
bool isMITMKeyAvailable() { return ((record.flags & MITMKeyAvailable) == MITMKeyAvailable); }
* Mark this as own ZID record
void setOwnZIDRecord() { record.flags = OwnZIDRecord; }
* Reset own ZID record marker
void resetOwnZIDRecord(){ record.flags = 0; }
* Check own ZID record marker
bool isOwnZIDRecord() { return (record.flags == OwnZIDRecord); } // no other flag allowed if own ZID
* Set SAS for this ZID as verified
void setSasVerified() { record.flags |= SASVerified; }
* Reset SAS for this ZID as verified
void resetSasVerified() { record.flags &= ~SASVerified; }
* Check if SAS for this ZID was verified
bool isSasVerified() { return ((record.flags & SASVerified) == SASVerified); }
* Return the ZID for this record
const uint8_t* getIdentifier() {return record.identifier; }
* Check if RS1 is still valid
* Returns true if RS1 is still valid, false otherwise.
* @return
* Returns true is RS1 is not expired (valid), false otherwise.
const bool isRs1NotExpired();
* Returns pointer to RS1 data.
const unsigned char* getRs1() { return record.rs1Data; }
* Check if RS2 is still valid
* Returns true if RS2 is still valid, false otherwise.
* @return
* Returns true is RS2 is not expired (valid), false otherwise.
const bool isRs2NotExpired();
* Returns pointer to RS1 data.
const unsigned char* getRs2() { return record.rs2Data; }
* Sets new RS1 data and associated expiration value.
* If the expiration value is >0 or -1 the method stores the new
* RS1. Before it stores the new RS1 it shifts the exiting RS1
* into RS2 (together with its expiration time). Then it computes
* the expiration time of the and stores the result together with
* the new RS1.
* If the expiration value is -1 then this RS will never expire.
* If the expiration value is 0 then the expiration value of a
* stored RS1 is cleared and no new RS1 value is stored. Also RS2
* is left unchanged.
* @param data
* Points to the new RS1 data.
* @param expire
* The expiration interval in seconds. Default is -1.
void setNewRs1(const unsigned char* data, int32_t expire =-1);
* Set MiTM key data.
void setMiTMData(const unsigned char* data);
* Get MiTM key data.
const unsigned char* getMiTMData() {return record.mitmKey; }
#endif // ZIDRECORD
/** EMACS **
* Local variables:
* mode: c++
* c-default-style: ellemtel
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End: