blob: c9cd0e28f1c7fbc269618472aa48a6fea92cc089 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Werner Dittmann
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Authors: Werner Dittmann <>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpQueue.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZIDFile.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZRtp.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpStateClass.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpUserCallback.h>
static TimeoutProvider<std::string, ost::ZrtpQueue*>* staticTimeoutProvider = NULL;
using namespace GnuZrtpCodes;
ZrtpQueue::ZrtpQueue(uint32 size, RTPApplication& app) :
ZrtpQueue::ZrtpQueue(uint32 ssrc, uint32 size, RTPApplication& app) :
void ZrtpQueue::init()
zrtpUserCallback = NULL;
enableZrtp = false;
started = false;
mitmMode = false;
enableParanoidMode = false;
zrtpEngine = NULL;
senderZrtpSeqNo = 1;
clientIdString = clientId;
peerSSRC = 0;
ZrtpQueue::~ZrtpQueue() {
if (zrtpUserCallback != NULL) {
delete zrtpUserCallback;
zrtpUserCallback = NULL;
ZrtpQueue::initialize(const char *zidFilename, bool autoEnable, ZrtpConfigure* config)
int32_t ret = 1;
ZrtpConfigure* configOwn = NULL;
if (config == NULL) {
config = configOwn = new ZrtpConfigure();
enableZrtp = autoEnable;
if (staticTimeoutProvider == NULL) {
staticTimeoutProvider = new TimeoutProvider<std::string, ZrtpQueue*>();
ZIDFile* zf = ZIDFile::getInstance();
if (!zf->isOpen()) {
std::string fname;
if (zidFilename == NULL) {
char *home = getenv("HOME");
std::string baseDir = (home != NULL) ? (std::string(home) + std::string("/."))
: std::string(".");
fname = baseDir + std::string("GNUZRTP.zid");
zidFilename = fname.c_str();
if (zf->open((char *)zidFilename) < 0) {
enableZrtp = false;
ret = -1;
if (ret > 0) {
const uint8_t* ownZid = zf->getZid();
zrtpEngine = new ZRtp((uint8_t*)ownZid, (ZrtpCallback*)this, clientIdString, config, mitmMode, signSas);
if (configOwn != NULL) {
delete configOwn;
return ret;
void ZrtpQueue::startZrtp() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL) {
started = true;
void ZrtpQueue::stopZrtp() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL) {
delete zrtpEngine;
zrtpEngine = NULL;
started = false;
* The takeInDataPacket implementation for ZRTPQueue.
InetHostAddress network_address;
tpport_t transport_port;
uint32 nextSize = (uint32)getNextDataPacketSize();
unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[nextSize];
int32 rtn = (int32)recvData(buffer, nextSize, network_address, transport_port);
if ( (rtn < 0) || ((uint32)rtn > getMaxRecvPacketSize()) ){
delete buffer;
return 0;
IncomingZRTPPkt* packet = NULL;
// check if this could be a real RTP/SRTP packet.
if ((*buffer & 0xf0) != 0x10) {
return (rtpDataPacket(buffer, rtn, network_address, transport_port));
// We assume all other packets are ZRTP packets here. Process
// if ZRTP processing is enabled. Because valid RTP packets are
// already handled we delete any packets here after processing.
if (enableZrtp && zrtpEngine != NULL) {
// Fixed header length + smallest ZRTP packet (includes CRC)
if ((unsigned)rtn < (12 + sizeof(HelloAckPacket_t))) // data too small, dismiss
return 0;
// Get CRC value into crc (see above how to compute the offset)
uint16_t temp = rtn - CRC_SIZE;
uint32_t crc = *(uint32_t*)(buffer + temp);
crc = ntohl(crc);
if (!zrtpCheckCksum(buffer, temp, crc)) {
delete buffer;
if (zrtpUserCallback != NULL)
zrtpUserCallback->showMessage(Warning, WarningCRCmismatch);
return 0;
packet = new IncomingZRTPPkt(buffer,rtn);
uint32 magic = packet->getZrtpMagic();
// Check if it is really a ZRTP packet, if not delete it and return 0
if (magic != ZRTP_MAGIC || zrtpEngine == NULL) {
delete packet;
return 0;
// cover the case if the other party sends _only_ ZRTP packets at the
// beginning of a session. Start ZRTP in this case as well.
if (!started) {
// this now points beyond the undefined and length field.
// We need them, thus adjust
unsigned char* extHeader =
const_cast<unsigned char*>(packet->getHdrExtContent());
extHeader -= 4;
// store peer's SSRC, used when creating the CryptoContext
peerSSRC = packet->getSSRC();
zrtpEngine->processZrtpMessage(extHeader, peerSSRC);
delete packet;
return 0;
ZrtpQueue::rtpDataPacket(unsigned char* buffer, int32 rtn, InetHostAddress network_address, tpport_t transport_port)
// Special handling of padding to take care of encrypted content.
// In case of SRTP the padding length field is also encrypted, thus
// it gives a wrong length. Check and clear padding bit before
// creating the RTPPacket. Will be set and re-computed after a possible
// SRTP decryption.
uint8 padSet = (*buffer & 0x20);
if (padSet) {
*buffer = *buffer & ~0x20; // clear padding bit
// build a packet. It will link itself to its source
IncomingRTPPkt* packet =
new IncomingRTPPkt(buffer,rtn);
// Generic header validity check.
if ( !packet->isHeaderValid() ) {
delete packet;
return 0;
// Look for a CryptoContext for this packet's SSRC
CryptoContext* pcc = getInQueueCryptoContext(packet->getSSRC());
// If no crypto context is available for this SSRC but we are already in
// Secure state then create a CryptoContext for this SSRC.
// Assumption: every SSRC stream sent via this connection is secured
// _and_ uses the same crypto parameters.
if (pcc == NULL) {
pcc = getInQueueCryptoContext(0);
if (pcc != NULL) {
pcc = pcc->newCryptoContextForSSRC(packet->getSSRC(), 0, 0L);
if (pcc != NULL) {
// If no crypto context: then either ZRTP is off or in early state
// If crypto context is available then unprotect data here. If an error
// occurs report the error and discard the packet.
if (pcc != NULL) {
int32 ret;
if ((ret = packet->unprotect(pcc)) < 0) {
if (!onSRTPPacketError(*packet, ret)) {
delete packet;
return 0;
if (started && zrtpEngine->inState(WaitConfAck)) {
// virtual for profile-specific validation and processing.
if (!onRTPPacketRecv(*packet) ) {
delete packet;
return 0;
if (padSet) {
// get time of arrival
struct timeval recvtime;
bool source_created;
SyncSourceLink* sourceLink =
SyncSource* s = sourceLink->getSource();
if ( source_created ) {
// Set data transport address.
// Network address is assumed to be the same as the control one
// First packet arrival time.
if ( sourceLink->getHello() )
else if ( 0 == s->getDataTransportPort() ) {
// Test if RTCP packets had been received but this is the
// first data packet from this source.
// Before inserting in the queue,
// 1) check for collisions and loops. If the packet cannot be
// assigned to a source, it will be rejected.
// 2) check the source is a sufficiently well known source
// TODO: also check CSRC identifiers.
if (checkSSRCInIncomingRTPPkt(*sourceLink, source_created,
network_address, transport_port) &&
recordReception(*sourceLink,*packet,recvtime) ) {
// now the packet link is linked in the queues
IncomingRTPPktLink* packetLink = new IncomingRTPPktLink(packet, sourceLink, recvtime,
packet->getTimestamp() - sourceLink->getInitialDataTimestamp(),
} else {
// must be discarded due to collision or loop or
// invalid source
delete packet;
return 0;
// Start the ZRTP engine after we got a at least one RTP packet and
// sent some as well or we are in multi-stream mode.
if (!started && enableZrtp) {
return rtn;
ZrtpQueue::onSRTPPacketError(IncomingRTPPkt& pkt, int32 errorCode)
if (errorCode == -1) {
sendInfo(Warning, WarningSRTPauthError);
else {
sendInfo(Warning, WarningSRTPreplayError);
return false;
ZrtpQueue::putData(uint32 stamp, const unsigned char* data, size_t len)
OutgoingDataQueue::putData(stamp, data, len);
ZrtpQueue::sendImmediate(uint32 stamp, const unsigned char* data, size_t len)
OutgoingDataQueue::sendImmediate(stamp, data, len);
* Here the callback methods required by the ZRTP implementation
int32_t ZrtpQueue::sendDataZRTP(const unsigned char *data, int32_t length) {
OutgoingZRTPPkt* packet = new OutgoingZRTPPkt(data, length);
* Compute the ZRTP CRC over the full ZRTP packet. Thus include
* the fixed packet header into the calculation.
uint16_t temp = packet->getRawPacketSize() - CRC_SIZE;
uint8_t* pt = (uint8_t*)packet->getRawPacket();
uint32_t crc = zrtpGenerateCksum(pt, temp);
// convert and store CRC in crc field of ZRTP packet.
crc = zrtpEndCksum(crc);
// advance pointer to CRC storage
pt += temp;
*(uint32_t*)pt = htonl(crc);
delete packet;
return 1;
bool ZrtpQueue::srtpSecretsReady(SrtpSecret_t* secrets, EnableSecurity part)
CryptoContext* recvCryptoContext;
CryptoContext* senderCryptoContext;
CryptoContextCtrl* recvCryptoContextCtrl;
CryptoContextCtrl* senderCryptoContextCtrl;
int cipher;
int authn;
int authKeyLen;
if (secrets->authAlgorithm == Sha1) {
authn = SrtpAuthenticationSha1Hmac;
authKeyLen = 20;
if (secrets->authAlgorithm == Skein) {
authn = SrtpAuthenticationSkeinHmac;
authKeyLen = 32;
if (secrets->symEncAlgorithm == Aes)
cipher = SrtpEncryptionAESCM;
if (secrets->symEncAlgorithm == TwoFish)
cipher = SrtpEncryptionTWOCM;
if (part == ForSender) {
// To encrypt packets: intiator uses initiator keys,
// responder uses responder keys
// Create a "half baked" crypto context first and store it. This is
// the main crypto context for the sending part of the connection.
if (secrets->role == Initiator) {
senderCryptoContext = new CryptoContext(
0L, // keyderivation << 48,
cipher, // encryption algo
authn, // authtentication algo
(unsigned char*)secrets->keyInitiator, // Master Key
secrets->initKeyLen / 8, // Master Key length
(unsigned char*)secrets->saltInitiator, // Master Salt
secrets->initSaltLen / 8, // Master Salt length
secrets->initKeyLen / 8, // encryption keyl
authKeyLen, // authentication key len
secrets->initSaltLen / 8, // session salt len
secrets->srtpAuthTagLen / 8); // authentication tag lenA
senderCryptoContextCtrl = new CryptoContextCtrl(0,
cipher, // encryption algo
authn, // authtication algo
(unsigned char*)secrets->keyInitiator, // Master Key
secrets->initKeyLen / 8, // Master Key length
(unsigned char*)secrets->saltInitiator, // Master Salt
secrets->initSaltLen / 8, // Master Salt length
secrets->initKeyLen / 8, // encryption keyl
authKeyLen, // authentication key len
secrets->initSaltLen / 8, // session salt len
secrets->srtpAuthTagLen / 8); // authentication tag len
else {
senderCryptoContext = new CryptoContext(
0L, // keyderivation << 48,
cipher, // encryption algo
authn, // authtentication algo
(unsigned char*)secrets->keyResponder, // Master Key
secrets->respKeyLen / 8, // Master Key length
(unsigned char*)secrets->saltResponder, // Master Salt
secrets->respSaltLen / 8, // Master Salt length
secrets->respKeyLen / 8, // encryption keyl
authKeyLen, // authentication key len
secrets->respSaltLen / 8, // session salt len
secrets->srtpAuthTagLen / 8); // authentication tag len
senderCryptoContextCtrl = new CryptoContextCtrl(0,
cipher, // encryption algo
authn, // authtication algo
(unsigned char*)secrets->keyResponder, // Master Key
secrets->respKeyLen / 8, // Master Key length
(unsigned char*)secrets->saltResponder, // Master Salt
secrets->respSaltLen / 8, // Master Salt length
secrets->respKeyLen / 8, // encryption keyl
authKeyLen, // authentication key len
secrets->respSaltLen / 8, // session salt len
secrets->srtpAuthTagLen / 8); // authentication tag len
if (senderCryptoContext == NULL) {
return false;
// Insert the Crypto templates (SSRC == 0) into the queue. When we send
// the first RTP or RTCP packet the real crypto context will be created.
// Refer to putData(), sendImmediate() in ccrtp's outqueue.cpp and
// takeinControlPacket() in ccrtp's control.cpp.
if (part == ForReceiver) {
// To decrypt packets: intiator uses responder keys,
// responder initiator keys
// See comment above.
if (secrets->role == Initiator) {
recvCryptoContext = new CryptoContext(
0L, // keyderivation << 48,
cipher, // encryption algo
authn, // authtentication algo
(unsigned char*)secrets->keyResponder, // Master Key
secrets->respKeyLen / 8, // Master Key length
(unsigned char*)secrets->saltResponder, // Master Salt
secrets->respSaltLen / 8, // Master Salt length
secrets->respKeyLen / 8, // encryption keyl
authKeyLen, // authentication key len
secrets->respSaltLen / 8, // session salt len
secrets->srtpAuthTagLen / 8); // authentication tag len
recvCryptoContextCtrl = new CryptoContextCtrl(0,
cipher, // encryption algo
authn, // authtication algo
(unsigned char*)secrets->keyResponder, // Master Key
secrets->respKeyLen / 8, // Master Key length
(unsigned char*)secrets->saltResponder, // Master Salt
secrets->respSaltLen / 8, // Master Salt length
secrets->respKeyLen / 8, // encryption keyl
authKeyLen, // authentication key len
secrets->respSaltLen / 8, // session salt len
secrets->srtpAuthTagLen / 8); // authentication tag len
else {
recvCryptoContext = new CryptoContext(
0L, // keyderivation << 48,
cipher, // encryption algo
authn, // authtentication algo
(unsigned char*)secrets->keyInitiator, // Master Key
secrets->initKeyLen / 8, // Master Key length
(unsigned char*)secrets->saltInitiator, // Master Salt
secrets->initSaltLen / 8, // Master Salt length
secrets->initKeyLen / 8, // encryption keyl
authKeyLen, // authentication key len
secrets->initSaltLen / 8, // session salt len
secrets->srtpAuthTagLen / 8); // authentication tag len
recvCryptoContextCtrl = new CryptoContextCtrl(0,
cipher, // encryption algo
authn, // authtication algo
(unsigned char*)secrets->keyInitiator, // Master Key
secrets->initKeyLen / 8, // Master Key length
(unsigned char*)secrets->saltInitiator, // Master Salt
secrets->initSaltLen / 8, // Master Salt length
secrets->initKeyLen / 8, // encryption keyl
authKeyLen, // authentication key len
secrets->initSaltLen / 8, // session salt len
secrets->srtpAuthTagLen / 8); // authentication tag len
if (recvCryptoContext == NULL) {
return false;
// Insert the Crypto templates (SSRC == 0) into the queue. When we receive
// the first RTP or RTCP packet the real crypto context will be created.
// Refer to rtpDataPacket() above and takeinControlPacket in ccrtp's control.cpp.
return true;
void ZrtpQueue::srtpSecretsOn(std::string c, std::string s, bool verified)
if (zrtpUserCallback != NULL) {
if (!s.empty()) {
zrtpUserCallback->showSAS(s, verified);
void ZrtpQueue::srtpSecretsOff(EnableSecurity part) {
if (part == ForSender) {
if (part == ForReceiver) {
if (zrtpUserCallback != NULL) {
int32_t ZrtpQueue::activateTimer(int32_t time) {
std::string s("ZRTP");
if (staticTimeoutProvider != NULL) {
staticTimeoutProvider->requestTimeout(time, this, s);
return 1;
int32_t ZrtpQueue::cancelTimer() {
std::string s("ZRTP");
if (staticTimeoutProvider != NULL) {
staticTimeoutProvider->cancelRequest(this, s);
return 1;
void ZrtpQueue::handleTimeout(const std::string &c) {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL) {
void ZrtpQueue::handleGoClear()
fprintf(stderr, "Need to process a GoClear message!");
void ZrtpQueue::sendInfo(MessageSeverity severity, int32_t subCode) {
if (zrtpUserCallback != NULL) {
zrtpUserCallback->showMessage(severity, subCode);
void ZrtpQueue::zrtpNegotiationFailed(MessageSeverity severity, int32_t subCode) {
if (zrtpUserCallback != NULL) {
zrtpUserCallback->zrtpNegotiationFailed(severity, subCode);
void ZrtpQueue::zrtpNotSuppOther() {
if (zrtpUserCallback != NULL) {
void ZrtpQueue::synchEnter() {
void ZrtpQueue::synchLeave() {
void ZrtpQueue::zrtpAskEnrollment(GnuZrtpCodes::InfoEnrollment info) {
if (zrtpUserCallback != NULL) {
void ZrtpQueue::zrtpInformEnrollment(GnuZrtpCodes::InfoEnrollment info) {
if (zrtpUserCallback != NULL) {
void ZrtpQueue::signSAS(uint8_t* sasHash) {
if (zrtpUserCallback != NULL) {
bool ZrtpQueue::checkSASSignature(uint8_t* sasHash) {
if (zrtpUserCallback != NULL) {
return zrtpUserCallback->checkSASSignature(sasHash);
return false;
void ZrtpQueue::setEnableZrtp(bool onOff) {
enableZrtp = onOff;
bool ZrtpQueue::isEnableZrtp() {
return enableZrtp;
void ZrtpQueue::SASVerified() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
void ZrtpQueue::resetSASVerified() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
void ZrtpQueue::goClearOk() { }
void ZrtpQueue::requestGoClear() { }
void ZrtpQueue::setAuxSecret(uint8* data, int32_t length) {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
zrtpEngine->setAuxSecret(data, length);
void ZrtpQueue::setUserCallback(ZrtpUserCallback* ucb) {
zrtpUserCallback = ucb;
void ZrtpQueue::setClientId(std::string id) {
clientIdString = id;
std::string ZrtpQueue::getHelloHash() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->getHelloHash();
return std::string();
std::string ZrtpQueue::getPeerHelloHash() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->getPeerHelloHash();
return std::string();
std::string ZrtpQueue::getMultiStrParams() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->getMultiStrParams();
return std::string();
void ZrtpQueue::setMultiStrParams(std::string parameters) {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
bool ZrtpQueue::isMultiStream() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->isMultiStream();
return false;
bool ZrtpQueue::isMultiStreamAvailable() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->isMultiStreamAvailable();
return false;
void ZrtpQueue::acceptEnrollment(bool accepted) {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
std::string ZrtpQueue::getSasType() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->getSasType();
return NULL;
uint8_t* ZrtpQueue::getSasHash() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->getSasHash();
return NULL;
bool ZrtpQueue::sendSASRelayPacket(uint8_t* sh, std::string render) {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->sendSASRelayPacket(sh, render);
return false;
bool ZrtpQueue::isMitmMode() {
return mitmMode;
void ZrtpQueue::setMitmMode(bool mitmMode) {
this->mitmMode = mitmMode;
bool ZrtpQueue::isEnrollmentMode() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->isEnrollmentMode();
return false;
void ZrtpQueue::setEnrollmentMode(bool enrollmentMode) {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
void ZrtpQueue::setParanoidMode(bool yesNo) {
enableParanoidMode = yesNo;
bool ZrtpQueue::isParanoidMode() {
return enableParanoidMode;
bool ZrtpQueue::isPeerEnrolled() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->isPeerEnrolled();
return false;
void ZrtpQueue::setSignSas(bool sasSignMode) {
signSas = sasSignMode;
bool ZrtpQueue::setSignatureData(uint8* data, int32 length) {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->setSignatureData(data, length);
return 0;
const uint8* ZrtpQueue::getSignatureData() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->getSignatureData();
return 0;
int32 ZrtpQueue::getSignatureLength() {
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->getSignatureLength();
return 0;
int32 ZrtpQueue::getPeerZid(uint8* data) {
if (data == NULL)
return 0;
if (zrtpEngine != NULL)
return zrtpEngine->getPeerZid(data);
return 0;
IncomingZRTPPkt::IncomingZRTPPkt(const unsigned char* const block, size_t len) :
IncomingRTPPkt(block,len) {
uint32 IncomingZRTPPkt::getZrtpMagic() const {
return ntohl(getHeader()->timestamp);
uint32 IncomingZRTPPkt::getSSRC() const {
return ntohl(getHeader()->sources[0]);
const unsigned char* const hdrext, uint32 hdrextlen) :
OutgoingRTPPkt(NULL, 0, hdrext, hdrextlen, NULL ,0, 0, NULL)
getHeader()->version = 0;
getHeader()->timestamp = htonl(ZRTP_MAGIC);
/** EMACS **
* Local variables:
* mode: c++
* c-default-style: ellemtel
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End: