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// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
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* @file socketport.h
* @short Network service framework and design pattern.
#include <cc++/address.h>
#ifndef CCXX_SOCKET_H_
#include <cc++/socket.h>
namespace ost {
class __EXPORT SocketPort;
class __EXPORT SocketService;
* The socket port is an internal class which is attached to and then
* serviced by a specific SocketService "object". Derived versions of
* this class offer specific functionality for specific protocols. Both
* Common C++ supporting frameworks and application objects may be derived
* from related protocol specific base classes.
* A special set of classes, "SocketPort" and "SocketService", exist
* for building realtime streaming media servers on top of UDP and TCP
* protocols. The "SocketPort" is used to hold a connected or associated TCP
* or UDP socket which is being "streamed" and which offers callback methods
* that are invoked from a "SocketService" thread. SocketService's can be
* pooled into logical thread pools that can service a group of SocketPorts.
* A millisecond accurate "timer" is associated with each SocketPort and can
* be used to time synchronize SocketPort I/O operations.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short base class for realtime and thread pool serviced protocols.
class __EXPORT SocketPort : public Socket, public TimerPort
SocketPort *next, *prev;
SocketService *service;
#ifndef WIN32
struct timeval porttimer;
#ifdef USE_POLL
struct pollfd * ufd;
HANDLE event;
bool detect_pending;
bool detect_output;
bool detect_disconnect;
friend class SocketService;
* Construct an accepted TCP socket connection from a specific
* bound TCP server. This is meant to derive advanced application
* specific TCP servers that can be thread pooled.
* @param svc pool thread object.
* @param tcp socket object to accept.
SocketPort(SocketService *svc, TCPSocket &tcp);
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
SocketPort(SocketService *svc, TCPV6Socket &tcp);
* Construct a bound UDP socket for use in deriving realtime
* UDP streaming protocols handled by thread pool objects.
* @param svc pool thread object.
* @param ia address of interface to bind.
* @param port number to bind to.
SocketPort(SocketService *svc, const IPV4Address &ia, tpport_t port);
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
SocketPort(SocketService *svc, const IPV6Address &ia, tpport_t port);
* A non-blocking constructor for outbound tcp connections.
* To detect when the connection is established, overload
* SocketPort::output(). SocketPort::output() get's called by
* the SocketService when the connection is ready,
* SocketPort::disconnect() when the connect failed. at the
* moment you should set the socket state to "CONNECTED" when
* SocketPort::output() get's called for the first time.
* @param svc pool thread object.
* @param ih addess to connect to.
* @param port number to connect to.
SocketPort(SocketService *svc, const IPV4Host &ih, tpport_t port);
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
SocketPort(SocketService *svc, const IPV6Host &ih, tpport_t port);
* Attach yourself to the service pool thread object. The later version.
* @param svc pool thread object
void attach( SocketService* svc );
* Disconnect the socket from the service thread pool and
* the remote connection.
virtual ~SocketPort();
* Used to indicate if the service thread should monitor pending
* data for us.
void setDetectPending( bool );
* Get the current state of the DetectPending flag.
bool getDetectPending( void ) const
{ return detect_pending; }
* Used to indicate if output ready monitoring should be performed
* by the service thread.
void setDetectOutput( bool );
* Get the current state of the DetectOutput flag.
bool getDetectOutput( void ) const
{ return detect_output; }
* Called by the service thread pool when the objects timer
* has expired. Used for timed events.
virtual void expired(void);
* Called by the service thread pool when input data is pending
* for this socket.
virtual void pending(void);
* Called by the service thread pool when output data is pending
* for this socket.
virtual void output(void);
* Called by the service thread pool when a disconnect has
* occured.
virtual void disconnect(void);
* Connect a Socket Port to a known peer host. This is normally
* used with the UDP constructor. This is also performed as a
* non-blocking operation under Posix systems to prevent delays
* in a callback handler.
* @return 0 if successful.
* @param ia address of remote host or subnet.
* @param port number of remote peer(s).
Error connect(const IPV4Address &ia, tpport_t port);
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
Error connect(const IPV6Address &ia, tpport_t port);
* Transmit "send" data to a connected peer host. This is not
* public by default since an overriding protocol is likely to
* be used in a derived class.
* @return number of bytes sent.
* @param buf address of buffer to send.
* @param len of bytes to send.
inline ssize_t send(const void *buf, size_t len)
{return _IORET64 ::send(so, (const char *)buf, _IOLEN64 len, 0);};
* Receive a message from any host. This is used in derived
* classes to build protocols.
* @param buf pointer to packet buffer to receive.
* @param len of packet buffer to receive.
* @return number of bytes received.
inline ssize_t receive(void *buf, size_t len)
{return _IORET64 ::recv(so, (char *)buf, _IOLEN64 len, 0);};
* Examine the content of the next packet. This can be used
* to build "smart" line buffering for derived TCP classes.
* @param buf pointer to packet buffer to examine.
* @param len of packet buffer to examine.
* @return number of bytes actually available.
inline ssize_t peek(void *buf, size_t len)
{return _IORET64 ::recv(so, (char *)buf, _IOLEN64 len, MSG_PEEK);};
* Derived setTimer to notify the service thread pool of change
* in expected timeout. This allows SocketService to
* reschedule all timers. Otherwise same as TimerPort.
* @param timeout in milliseconds.
void setTimer(timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Derived incTimer to notify the service thread pool of a
* change in expected timeout. This allows SocketService to
* reschedule all timers. Otherwise same as TimerPort.
* @param timeout in milliseconds.
void incTimer(timeout_t timeout);
* The SocketService is a thread pool object that is meant to service
* attached socket ports. Multiple pool objects may be created and
* multiple socket ports may be attached to the same thread of execution.
* This allows one to balance threads and sockets they service rather than
* either using a single thread for all connections or a seperate thread
* for each connection. Features can be added through supported virtual
* methods.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Thread pool service object for socket ports.
class __EXPORT SocketService : public Thread, private Mutex
#ifndef WIN32
fd_set connect;
int iosync[2];
int hiwater;
// private syncronization class
class Sync;
Sync* sync;
int volatile count;
SocketPort* volatile first, *last;
* Attach a new socket port to this service thread.
* @param port of SocketPort derived object to attach.
void attach(SocketPort *port);
* Detach a socket port from this service thread.
* @param port of SocketPort derived object to remove.
void detach(SocketPort *port);
* The service thread itself.
void run(void);
friend class SocketPort;
* Handles all requests other than "termination".
* @param buf request id as posted from update().
virtual void onUpdate(unsigned char buf);
* Called once each time the service thread is rescheduled.
* This is called after the mutex is locked and can be used to
* slip in additional processing.
virtual void onEvent(void);
* Called for each port that is being processed in response to
* an event. This can be used to add additional notification
* options during callback in combination with update().
* @param port SocketPort who's callback events are being evaluated.
virtual void onCallback(SocketPort *port);
* Notify service thread that a port has been added or
* removed, or a timer changed, so that a new schedule
* can be computed for expiring attached ports. A "0"
* is used to terminate the service thread, and additional
* values can be specified which will be "caught" in the
* onUpdate() handler.
* @param flag update flag value.
void update(unsigned char flag = 0xff);
* Create a service thread for attaching socket ports. The
* thread begins execution with the first attached socket.
* @param pri of this thread to run under.
* @param stack stack size.
* @param id thread ID.
SocketService(int pri = 0, size_t stack = 0, const char *id = NULL);
* Terminate the thread pool and eliminate any attached
* socket ports.
virtual ~SocketService();
* Get current reference count. This can be used when selecting
* the least used service handler from a pool.
* @return count of active ports.
inline int getCount(void) const
{return count;};
/** EMACS **
* Local variables:
* mode: c++
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