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/* $Id$ */
* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @file resolver.h
* @brief Asynchronous DNS resolver
#include <pjlib-util/dns.h>
* @defgroup PJ_DNS_RESOLVER DNS Asynchronous/Caching Resolution Engine
* @ingroup PJ_DNS
* @{
* This module manages the host/server resolution by performing asynchronous
* DNS queries and caching the results in the cache. It uses PJLIB-UTIL
* low-level DNS parsing functions (see @ref PJ_DNS) and currently supports
* several types of DNS resource records such as A record (typical query with
* gethostbyname()) and SRV record.
* \section PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_FEATURES Features
* \subsection PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_FEATURES_ASYNC Asynchronous Query and Query Aggregation
* The DNS queries are performed asychronously, with timeout setting
* configured on per resolver instance basis. Application can issue multiple
* asynchronous queries simultaneously. Subsequent queries to the same resource
* (name and DNS resource type) while existing query is still pending will be
* merged into one query, so that only one DNS request packet is issued.
* \subsection PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_FEATURES_RETRANSMISSION Query Retransmission
* Asynchronous query will be retransmitted if no response is received
* within the preconfigured time. Once maximum retransmission count is
* exceeded and no response is received, the query will time out and the
* callback will be called when error status.
* \subsection PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_FEATURES_CACHING Response Caching with TTL
* The resolver instance caches the results returned by nameservers, to
* enhance the performance by minimizing the message round-trip to the server.
* The TTL of the cached resposne is calculated from minimum TTL value found
* across all resource record (RR) TTL in the response and further more it can
* be limited to some preconfigured maximum TTL in the resolver.
* Response caching can be disabled by setting the maximum TTL value of the
* resolver to zero.
* \subsection PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_FEATURES_PARALLEL Parallel and Backup Name Servers
* When the resolver is configured with multiple nameservers, initially the
* queries will be issued to multiple name servers simultaneously to probe
* which servers are not active. Once the probing stage is done, subsequent
* queries will be directed to only one ACTIVE server which provides the best
* response time.
* Name servers are probed periodically to see which nameservers are active
* and which are down. This probing is done when a query is sent, thus no
* timer is needed to maintain this. Also probing will be done in parallel
* so that there would be no additional delay for the query.
* \subsection PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_FEATURES_REC Supported Resource Records
* The low-level DNS parsing utility (see @ref PJ_DNS) supports parsing of
* the following DNS resource records (RR):
* - DNS A record
* - DNS SRV record
* - DNS PTR record
* - DNS NS record
* - DNS CNAME record
* For other types of record, application can parse the raw resource
* record data (rdata) from the parsed DNS packet (#pj_dns_parsed_packet).
* \section PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_USING Using the Resolver
* To use the resolver, application first creates the resolver instance by
* calling #pj_dns_resolver_create(). If application already has its own
* timer and ioqueue instances, it can instruct the resolver to use these
* instances so that application does not need to poll the resolver
* periodically to process events. If application does not specify the
* timer and ioqueue instance for the resolver, an internal timer and
* ioqueue will be created by the resolver. And since the resolver does not
* create it's own thread, application MUST poll the resolver periodically
* by calling #pj_dns_resolver_handle_events() to allow events (network and
* timer) to be processed.
* Next, application MUST configure the nameservers to be used by the
* resolver, by calling #pj_dns_resolver_set_ns().
* Application performs asynchronous query by submitting the query with
* #pj_dns_resolver_start_query(). Once the query completes (either
* successfully or times out), the callback will be called.
* Application can cancel a pending query by calling #pj_dns_resolver_cancel_query().
* Resolver must be destroyed by calling #pj_dns_resolver_destroy() to
* release all resources back to the system.
* \section PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_LIMITATIONS Resolver Limitations
* Current implementation mainly suffers from a growing memory problem,
* which mainly is caused by the response caching. Although there is only
* one cache entry per {query, name} combination, these cache entry will
* never get deleted since there is no timer is created to invalidate these
* entries. So the more unique names being queried by application, there more
* enties will be created in the response cache.
* Note that a single response entry will occupy about 600-700 bytes of
* pool memory (the PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_RES_BUF_SIZE value plus internal
* structure).
* Application can work around this problem by doing one of these:
* - disable caching by setting PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_MAX_TTL and
* - periodically query #pj_dns_resolver_get_cached_count() and destroy-
* recreate the resolver to recycle the memory used by the resolver.
* Note that future improvement may solve this problem by introducing
* expiration timer to the cached entries.
* \section PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_REFERENCE Reference
* The PJLIB-UTIL resolver was built from the information in the following
* standards:
* - <A HREF="">
* RFC 1035: "Domain names - implementation and specification"</A>
* - <A HREF="">
* RFC 2782: "A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)"
* </A>
* Opaque data type for DNS resolver object.
typedef struct pj_dns_resolver pj_dns_resolver;
* Opaque data type for asynchronous DNS query object.
typedef struct pj_dns_async_query pj_dns_async_query;
* Type of asynchronous callback which will be called when the asynchronous
* query completes.
* @param user_data The user data set by application when creating the
* asynchronous query.
* @param status Status of the DNS resolution.
* @param response The response packet received from the server. This
* argument may be NULL when status is not PJ_SUCCESS.
typedef void pj_dns_callback(void *user_data,
pj_status_t status,
pj_dns_parsed_packet *response);
* This structure describes resolver settings.
typedef struct pj_dns_settings
unsigned options; /**< Options flags. */
unsigned qretr_delay; /**< Query retransmit delay in msec. */
unsigned qretr_count; /**< Query maximum retransmission count. */
unsigned cache_max_ttl; /**< Maximum TTL for cached responses. If the
value is zero, caching is disabled. */
unsigned good_ns_ttl; /**< See #PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_GOOD_NS_TTL */
unsigned bad_ns_ttl; /**< See #PJ_DNS_RESOLVER_BAD_NS_TTL */
} pj_dns_settings;
* This structure represents DNS A record, as the result of parsing
* DNS response packet using #pj_dns_parse_a_response().
typedef struct pj_dns_a_record
/** The target name being queried. */
pj_str_t name;
/** If target name corresponds to a CNAME entry, the alias contains
* the value of the CNAME entry, otherwise it will be empty.
pj_str_t alias;
/** Number of IP addresses. */
unsigned addr_count;
/** IP addresses of the host found in the response */
pj_in_addr addr[PJ_DNS_MAX_IP_IN_A_REC];
/** Internal buffer for hostname and alias. */
char buf_[128];
} pj_dns_a_record;
* Set default values to the DNS settings.
* @param s The DNS settings to be initialized.
PJ_DECL(void) pj_dns_settings_default(pj_dns_settings *s);
* Create DNS resolver instance. After the resolver is created, application
* MUST configure the nameservers with #pj_dns_resolver_set_ns().
* When creating the resolver, application may specify both timer heap
* and ioqueue instance, so that it doesn't need to poll the resolver
* periodically.
* @param pf Pool factory where the memory pool will be created from.
* @param name Optional resolver name to identify the instance in
* the log.
* @param options Optional options, must be zero for now.
* @param timer Optional timer heap instance to be used by the resolver.
* If timer heap is not specified, an internal timer will be
* created, and application would need to poll the resolver
* periodically.
* @param ioqueue Optional I/O Queue instance to be used by the resolver.
* If ioqueue is not specified, an internal one will be
* created, and application would need to poll the resolver
* periodically.
* @param p_resolver Pointer to receive the resolver instance.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code,
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_dns_resolver_create(pj_pool_factory *pf,
const char *name,
unsigned options,
pj_timer_heap_t *timer,
pj_ioqueue_t *ioqueue,
pj_dns_resolver **p_resolver);
* Update the name servers for the DNS resolver. The name servers MUST be
* configured before any resolution can be done. The order of nameservers
* specifies their priority; the first name server will be tried first
* before the next in the list.
* @param resolver The resolver instance.
* @param count Number of name servers in the array.
* @param servers Array of name server IP addresses or hostnames. If
* hostname is specified, the hostname must be resolvable
* with pj_gethostbyname().
* @param ports Optional array of ports. If this argument is NULL,
* the nameserver will use default port.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code,
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_dns_resolver_set_ns(pj_dns_resolver *resolver,
unsigned count,
const pj_str_t servers[],
const pj_uint16_t ports[]);
* Get the resolver current settings.
* @param resolver The resolver instance.
* @param st Buffer to be filled up with resolver settings.
* @return The query timeout setting, in seconds.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_dns_resolver_get_settings(pj_dns_resolver *resolver,
pj_dns_settings *st);
* Modify the resolver settings. Application should initialize the settings
* by retrieving current settings first before applying new settings, to
* ensure that all fields are initialized properly.
* @param resolver The resolver instance.
* @param st The resolver settings.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code,
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_dns_resolver_set_settings(pj_dns_resolver *resolver,
const pj_dns_settings *st);
* Poll for events from the resolver. This function MUST be called
* periodically when the resolver is using it's own timer or ioqueue
* (in other words, when NULL is specified as either \a timer or
* \a ioqueue argument in #pj_dns_resolver_create()).
* @param resolver The resolver instance.
* @param timeout Maximum time to wait for event occurence. If this
* argument is NULL, this function will wait forever
* until events occur.
PJ_DECL(void) pj_dns_resolver_handle_events(pj_dns_resolver *resolver,
const pj_time_val *timeout);
* Destroy DNS resolver instance.
* @param resolver The resolver object to be destryed
* @param notify If non-zero, all pending asynchronous queries will be
* cancelled and its callback will be called. If FALSE,
* then no callback will be called.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code,
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_dns_resolver_destroy(pj_dns_resolver *resolver,
pj_bool_t notify);
* Create and start asynchronous DNS query for a single resource. Depending
* on whether response cache is available, this function will either start
* an asynchronous DNS query or call the callback immediately.
* If response is not available in the cache, an asynchronous query will be
* started, and callback will be called at some time later when the query
* completes. If \a p_query argument is not NULL, it will be filled with
* the asynchronous query object.
* If response is available in the cache, the callback will be called
* immediately before this function returns. In this case, if \a p_query
* argument is not NULL, the value will be set to NULL since no new query
* is started.
* @param resolver The resolver object.
* @param name The name to be resolved.
* @param type The type of resource (see #pj_dns_type constants).
* @param options Optional options, must be zero for now.
* @param cb Callback to be called when the query completes,
* either successfully or with failure.
* @param user_data Arbitrary user data to be associated with the query,
* and which will be given back in the callback.
* @param p_query Optional pointer to receive the query object, if one
* was started. If this pointer is specified, a NULL may
* be returned if response cache is available immediately.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS if either an asynchronous query has been
* started successfully or response cache is available and
* the user callback has been called.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_dns_resolver_start_query(pj_dns_resolver *resolver,
const pj_str_t *name,
int type,
unsigned options,
pj_dns_callback *cb,
void *user_data,
pj_dns_async_query **p_query);
* Cancel a pending query.
* @param query The pending asynchronous query to be cancelled.
* @param notify If non-zero, the callback will be called with failure
* status to notify that the query has been cancelled.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code,
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_dns_resolver_cancel_query(pj_dns_async_query *query,
pj_bool_t notify);
* A utility function to parse a DNS response containing A records into
* DNS A record.
* @param pkt The DNS response packet.
* @param rec The structure to be initialized with the parsed
* DNS A record from the packet.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS if response can be parsed successfully.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_dns_parse_a_response(const pj_dns_parsed_packet *pkt,
pj_dns_a_record *rec);
* Put the specified DNS packet into DNS cache. This function is mainly used
* for testing the resolver, however it can also be used to inject entries
* into the resolver.
* The packet MUST contain either answer section or query section so that
* it can be indexed.
* @param resolver The resolver instance.
* @param pkt DNS packet to be added to the DNS cache. If the packet
* matches existing entry, it will update the entry.
* @param set_ttl If the value is PJ_FALSE, the entry will not expire
* (so use with care). Otherwise cache expiration will be
* calculated based on the TTL of the answeres.
* @return PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_dns_resolver_add_entry(pj_dns_resolver *resolver,
const pj_dns_parsed_packet *pkt,
pj_bool_t set_ttl);
* Get the total number of response in the response cache.
* @param resolver The resolver instance.
* @return Current number of entries being stored in the response
* cache.
PJ_DECL(unsigned) pj_dns_resolver_get_cached_count(pj_dns_resolver *resolver);
* Dump resolver state to the log.
* @param resolver The resolver instance.
* @param detail Will print detailed entries.
PJ_DECL(void) pj_dns_resolver_dump(pj_dns_resolver *resolver,
pj_bool_t detail);
* @}
#endif /* __PJLIB_UTIL_RESOLVER_H__ */