blob: b2f1cc72d2475f975f612f8160c50ce6ff3dfc70 [file] [log] [blame]
Changes proposed for Common C++ 2.0:
* Use uCommon Object/linking/containers/templates in place of Common C++ ones
* Redo/simplify library naming/versioning conventions
* Remove separation of ccext2/ccgnu2; uCommon will be used for embedded work
* Add cmake build support
Shorter term changes:
* AppLog: using a better integration with commoncpp (slog?)
* Merge 1.0.x and 1.1 beta together
* Add debug stuff like threadnames, mutexnames, etc, which can be used
when auditing for deadlocks.
* Use "itimer" instead of alarm when available for higher resolution
timing in setTimer/getTimer.
* Determine more pthread targets which may allow SIGALRM to be used
beyond Linux for multiple timer instances.
* Optional support for Posix timers rather than alarm or setitimer
for getTimer/setTimer when available on target platform.
* Introduce "stream" support for Pipe.
* Manual and overview documentation.
* GNU PTH specific source tree.
* redo exception handling
* why Solaris use select instead of poll for TCPService ???
* cleanup and config.h (two configure for public and private?)
* merge Thread implementation (main cancellation)
* serial support (Serial, TTYStream, ttystream, TTYSession, SerialPort,
* CommandOption and related class
* fifostream, FIFOSession classes (use NamedPipe ??) or document
not win32 support
* completion mode in RandomFile
* Conditional class
* Detached behaviour
- detached thread release all resources on termination
- you can't wait termination of detached
* Do not restart if already started
* Test if Thread::isRunning say the truth (check all combination
started suspended detached ended)