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// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.
// This exception applies only to the code released under the name GNU
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// If you write modifications of your own for GNU Common C++, it is your choice
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// If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
* @file misc.h
* @short Memory management, configuration keydata objects and string
* tokenizer.
#ifndef CCXX_MISC_H_
#define CCXX_MISC_H_
#include <cc++/missing.h>
#ifndef CCXX_THREAD_H_
#include <cc++/thread.h>
#if defined(PATH_MAX)
#if PATH_MAX > 512
namespace ost {
class __EXPORT Runlist;
class __EXPORT Runable;
* The memory pager is used to allocate cumulative memory pages for
* storing object specific "persistant" data that is presumed to persist
* during the life of a given derived object. When the object is
* destroyed, all accumulated data is automatically purged.
* There are a number of odd and specialized utility classes found in Common
* C++. The most common of these is the "MemPager" class. This is basically
* a class to enable page-grouped "cumulative" memory allocation; all
* accumulated allocations are dropped during the destructor. This class has
* found it's way in a lot of other utility classes in Common C++.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Accumulative object memory allocator.
class __EXPORT MemPager
friend class String;
friend class MemPagerObject;
size_t pagesize;
unsigned int pages;
struct _page {
struct _page *next;
size_t used;
} *page;
* Allocate first workspace from paged memory. This method
* scans all currently allocated blocks for available space
* before adding new pages and hence is both slower and more
* efficient.
* @param size size of memory to allocate.
* @return pointer to allocated memory.
virtual void* first(size_t size);
* Allocate memory from either the currently active page, or
* allocate a new page for the object.
* @param size size of memory to allocate.
* @return pointer to allocated memory.
virtual void* alloc(size_t size);
* Allocate a string from the memory pager pool and copy the
* string into it's new memory area. This method allocates
* memory by first searching for an available page, and then
* allocating a new page if no space is found.
* @param str string to allocate and copy into paged memory pool.
* @return copy of string from allocated memory.
char* first(char *str);
* Allocate a string from the memory pager pool and copy the
* string inti it's new memory area. This checks only the
* last active page for available space before allocating a
* new page.
* @param str string to allocate and copy into paged memory pool.
* @return copy of string from allocated memory.
char* alloc(const char *str);
* Create a paged memory pool for cumulative storage. This
* pool allocates memory in fixed "pagesize" chunks. Ideal
* performance is achived when the pool size matches the
* system page size. This pool can only exist in derived
* objects.
* @param pagesize page size to allocate chunks.
MemPager(size_t pagesize = 4096);
* purge the current memory pool.
void purge(void);
* Clean for memory cleanup before exiting.
void clean(void);
* Delete the memory pool and all allocated memory.
virtual ~MemPager();
* Return the total number of pages that have been allocated
* for this memory pool.
* @return number of pages allocated.
inline int getPages(void)
{return pages;};
* The StackPager provides a repository to stash and retrieve working
* data in last-in-first-out order. The use of a mempager to support
* it's operation allows storage of arbitrary sized objects with no
* fixed limit.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short last in first out object pager.
class __EXPORT StackPager : protected MemPager
typedef struct frame {
struct frame *next;
char data[1];
} frame_t;
frame_t *stack;
* Create a lifo pager as a mempager.
* @param pagesize for memory allocation
StackPager(size_t pagesize);
* Push an arbitrary object onto the stack.
* @return stack memory location.
* @param object pointer to data
* @param size of data.
void *push(const void *object, size_t size);
* Push a string onto the stack.
* @return stack memory location.
* @param string pointer.
void *push(const char *string);
* Retrieve next object from stack.
* @return object.
void *pull(void);
* Purge the stack of all objects and memory allocations.
void purge(void);
* The shared mempager uses a mutex to protect key access methods.
* This class is used when a mempager will be shared by multiple
* threads.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short mutex protected memory pager.
class __EXPORT SharedMemPager : public MemPager, public Mutex
* Create a mempager mutex pool.
* @param pagesize page size for allocation.
* @param name a name for the pool.
SharedMemPager(size_t pagesize = 4096, const char *name = NULL);
* Purge the memory pool while locked.
void purge(void);
* Get the first memory page after locking.
* @return allocated memory space.
* @param size of request.
void* first(size_t size);
* Get the last memory page after locking.
* @return allocated memory space.
* @param size of request.
void* alloc(size_t size);
__EXPORT void endKeydata(void);
* Keydata objects are used to load and hold "configuration" data for
* a given application.
* This class is used to load and then hold "<code>keyword = value</code>" pairs parsed from a text
* based "config" file that has been divided into "<code>[sections]</code>". The syntax is:
* <code><pre>
* [section_name]
* key1=value1
* key2=value2</pre></code>
* Essentially, the "path" is a "keypath" into a theoretical namespace of key
* pairs, hence one does not use "real" filepaths that may be OS dependent. The "<code>/</code>" path refers
* to "<code>/etc</code>" prefixed (on UNIX) directories and this is processed within the constructor. It
* could refer to the <code>/config</code> prefix on QNX, or even, gasp, a "<code>C:\WINDOWS</code>". Hence, a keypath of
* "<code>/bayonne.d/vmhost/smtp</code>" actually resolves to a "<code>/etc/bayonne.d/vmhost.conf</code>" and loads key
* value pairs from the <code>[smtp]</code> section of that <code>.conf</code> file.
* Similarly, something like "<code>~bayonne/smtp</code>" path refers to a "<code>~/.bayonnerc</code>" and loads key pairs
* from the <code>[smtp]</code> section. This coercion occurs before the name is passed to the open call.
* I actually use derived keydata based classes as global initialized objects, and they hence
* automatically load and parse config file entries even before "main" has started.
* Keydata can hold multiple values for the same key pair. This can
* occur either from storing a "list" of data items in a config file,
* or when overlaying multiple config sources (such as <code>/etc/....conf</code> and
* <code>~/.confrc</code> segments) into a single object. The keys are stored as
* cumulative (read-only/replacable) config values under a hash index
* system for quick retrieval.
* Keydata can
* also load a table of "initialization" values for keyword pairs that were
* not found in the external file.
* One typically derives an application specific keydata class to load a
* specific portion of a known config file and initialize it's values. One
* can then declare a global instance of these objects and have
* configuration data initialized automatically as the executable is loaded.
* Hence, if I have a "[paths]" section in a "<code>/etc/server.conf?</code>" file, I might
* define something like:
* <code><pre>
* class KeyPaths : public Keydata
* {
* public:
* KeyPaths() : Keydata("/server/paths")
* {
* static Keydata::Define *defvalues = {
* {"datafiles", "/var/server"},
* {NULL, NULL}};
* // override with [paths] from "~/.serverrc" if avail.
* load("~server/paths");
* load(defvalues);
* }
* };
* KeyPaths keypaths;
* </pre></code>
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short load text configuration files into keyword pairs.
class __EXPORT Keydata : protected MemPager
#pragma pack(1)
struct Keyval {
Keyval *next;
char val[1];
struct Keysym {
Keysym *next;
Keyval *data;
const char **list;
short count;
char sym[1];
struct Define {
const char *keyword;
const char *value;
#pragma pack()
static std::ifstream *cfgFile;
static char lastpath[KEYDATA_PATH_SIZE + 1];
static int count;
static int sequence;
int link;
* Compute a hash key signature id for a symbol name.
* @return key signature index path.
* @param sym symbol name.
unsigned getIndex(const char *sym);
Keysym* getSymbol(const char *sym, bool create);
* Load additional key values into the currrent object from
* the specfied config source (a config file/section pair).
* These values will overlay the current keywords when matches
* are found. This can be used typically in a derived config
* object class constructor to first load a <code>/etc</code> section, and
* then load a matching user specific entry from <code>~/.</code> to override
* default system values with user specific keyword values.
* @param keypath (filepath/section)
void load(const char *keypath);
* Load additional key values into the currrent object from
* the specfied config source (a config file/section pair).
* These values will overlay the current keywords when matches
* are found. This can be used typically in a derived config
* object class constructor to first load a <code>/etc</code> section, and
* then load a matching user specific entry from <code>~/.</code> to override
* default system values with user specific keyword values.
* This varient puts a prefix in front of the key name.
* @param prefix
* @param keypath (filepath/section)
void loadPrefix(const char *prefix, const char *keypath);
* Load additional keys into the current object using a real
* filename that is directly passed rather than a computed key
* path. This also uses a [keys] section as passed to the object.
* @param filepath to load from
* @param keys section to parse from, or NULL to parse from head
* @param pre optional key prefix
void loadFile(const char *filepath, const char *keys = NULL, const char *pre = NULL);
* Load default keywords into the current object. This only
* loads keyword entries which have not already been defined
* to reduce memory usage. This form of Load is also commonly
* used in the constructor of a derived Keydata class.
* @param pairs list of NULL terminated default keyword/value pairs.
void load(Define *pairs);
* Create an empty key data object.
* Create a new key data object and use "Load" method to load an
* initial config file section into it.
* @param keypath (filepath/section)
* specifies the home path.
Keydata(const char *keypath);
* Alternate constructor can take a define list and an optional
* pathfile to parse.
* @param pairs of keyword values from a define list
* @param keypath of optional file and section to load from
Keydata(Define *pairs, const char *keypath = NULL);
* Destroy the keydata object and all allocated memory. This
* may also clear the "cache" file stream if no other keydata
* objects currently reference it.
virtual ~Keydata();
* Unlink the keydata object from the cache file stream. This
* should be used if you plan to keepa Keydata object after it
* is loaded once all keydata objects have been loaded, otherwise
* the cfgFile stream will remain open. You can also use
* endKeydata().
void unlink(void);
* Get a count of the number of data "values" that is associated
* with a specific keyword. Each value is from an accumulation of
* "<code>load()</code>" requests.
* @param sym keyword symbol name.
* @return count of values associated with keyword.
int getCount(const char *sym);
* Get the first data value for a given keyword. This will
* typically be the <code>/etc</code> set global default.
* @param sym keyword symbol name.
* @return first set value for this symbol.
const char* getFirst(const char *sym);
* Get the last (most recently set) value for a given keyword.
* This is typically the value actually used.
* @param sym keyword symbol name.
* @return last set value for this symbol.
const char* getLast(const char *sym);
* Find if a given key exists.
* @param sym keyword to find.
* @return true if exists.
bool isKey(const char *sym);
* Get a string value, with an optional default if missing.
* @param sym keyword name.
* @param default if not present.
* @return string value of key.
const char *getString(const char *sym, const char *def = NULL);
* Get a long value, with an optional default if missing.
* @param sym keyword name.
* @param default if not present.
* @return long value of key.
long getLong(const char *sym, long def = 0);
* Get a bool value.
* @param sym keyword name.
* @return true or false.
bool getBool(const char *key);
* Get a floating value.
* @param sym keyword name.
* @param default if not set.
* @return value of key.
double getDouble(const char *key, double def = 0.);
* Get an index array of ALL keywords that are stored by the
* current keydata object.
* @return number of keywords found.
* @param data pointer of array to hold keyword strings.
* @param max number of entries the array can hold.
unsigned getIndex(char **data, unsigned max);
* Get the count of keyword indexes that are actually available
* so one can allocate a table to receive getIndex.
* @return number of keywords found.
unsigned getCount(void);
* Set (replace) the value of a given keyword. This new value
* will become the value returned from getLast(), while the
* prior value will still be stored and found from <code>getList()</code>.
* @param sym keyword name to set.
* @param data string to store for the keyword.
void setValue(const char *sym, const char *data);
* Return a list of all values set for the given keyword
* returned in order.
* @return list pointer of array holding all keyword values.
* @param sym keyword name to fetch.
const char * const* getList(const char *sym);
* Clear all values associated with a given keyword. This does
* not de-allocate the keyword from memory, however.
* @return keyword name to clear.
void clrValue(const char *sym);
* A convient notation for accessing the keydata as an associative
* array of keyword/value pairs through the [] operator.
inline const char *operator[](const char *keyword)
{return getLast(keyword);};
* static member to end keydata i/o allocations.
static void end(void);
* Shutdown the file stream cache. This should be used before
* detaching a deamon, <code>exec()</code>, <code>fork()</code>, etc.
friend inline void endKeydata(void)
* This class is used to create derived classes which are constructed
* within a memory pager pool.
* @short create objects in a memory pager.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT MemPagerObject
* Allocate memory from a memory pager.
* @param size of new passed from operator.
* @param pager to allocate from.
inline void *operator new(size_t size, MemPager &pager)
{return pager.alloc(size);};
* Allocate array from a memory pager.
* @param size of new passed from operator.
* @param pager to allocate from.
inline void *operator new[](size_t size, MemPager &pager)
{return pager.alloc(size);};
* Mempager delete does nothing; the pool purges.
inline void operator delete(void *) {};
* Array mempager delete does nothing; the pool purges.
inline void operator delete[](void *) {};
* This class is used to associate (object) pointers with named strings.
* A virtual is used to allocate memory which can be overriden in the
* derived class.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short associate names with pointers.
class __EXPORT Assoc
struct entry {
const char *id;
entry *next;
void *data;
entry *entries[KEYDATA_INDEX_SIZE];
virtual ~Assoc();
void clear(void);
virtual void *getMemory(size_t size) = 0;
void *getPointer(const char *id) const;
void setPointer(const char *id, void *data);
* A runlist is used to restrict concurrent exection to a limited set
* of concurrent sessions, much like a semaphore. However, the runlist
* differs in that it notifies objects when they become ready to run,
* rather than requiring them to wait and "block" for the semaphore
* count to become low enough to continue.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short list of runable objects.
class __EXPORT Runlist : public Mutex
Runable *first, *last;
unsigned limit, used;
void check(void);
* Create a new runlist with a specified limit.
* @param count limit before wait queuing.
Runlist(unsigned count = 1);
* Add a runable object to this runlist. If the number of
* entries running is below the limit, then add returns true
* otherwise the entry is added to the list.
* @return true if immediately ready to run
* @param run pointer to runable object.
bool add(Runable *run);
* Remove a runable object from the wait list or notify when
* it is done running so that the used count can be decremented.
* @param run pointer to runable object.
void del(Runable *run);
* Set the limit.
* @param limit to use.
void set(unsigned limit);
* A container for objects that can be queued against a runlist.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short runable object with notify when ready.
class __EXPORT Runable
friend class Runlist;
Runlist *list;
Runable *next, *prev;
virtual ~Runable();
* Method handler that is invoked when a wait-listed object
* becomes ready to run.
virtual void ready(void) = 0;
* Start the object against a run list.
* @return true if immediately available to run.
* @param list to start under.
bool starting(Runlist *list);
* Stop the object, called when stopping or ready completes.
* May also be used for a task that has not yet started to
* remove it from the wait list.
void stoping(void);
/** EMACS **
* Local variables:
* mode: c++
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End: