blob: f7972bed6cbe2c1fe876a4a6c41a71b4cfa07662 [file] [log] [blame]
* D-Bus++ - C++ bindings for D-Bus
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Paolo Durante <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include "generator_utils.h"
#include "generate_adaptor.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace DBus;
extern const char *tab;
extern const char *header;
extern const char *dbus_includes;
/*! Generate adaptor code for a XML introspection
void generate_adaptor(Xml::Document &doc, const char *filename)
ostringstream body;
ostringstream head;
vector <string> include_vector;
head << header;
string filestring = filename;
string cond_comp = "__dbusxx__" + filestring + "__ADAPTOR_MARSHAL_H";
head << "#ifndef " << cond_comp << endl
<< "#define " << cond_comp << endl;
head << dbus_includes;
Xml::Node &root = *(doc.root);
Xml::Nodes interfaces = root["interface"];
// iterate over all interface definitions
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator i = interfaces.begin(); i != interfaces.end(); ++i)
Xml::Node &iface = **i;
Xml::Nodes methods = iface["method"];
Xml::Nodes signals = iface["signal"];
Xml::Nodes properties = iface["property"];
Xml::Nodes ms;
ms.insert(ms.end(), methods.begin(), methods.end());
ms.insert(ms.end(), signals.begin(), signals.end());
// gets the name of a interface: <interface name="XYZ">
string ifacename = iface.get("name");
// these interface names are skipped.
if (ifacename == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
|| ifacename == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")
cerr << "skipping interface " << ifacename << endl;
istringstream ss(ifacename);
string nspace;
unsigned int nspaces = 0;
// prints all the namespaces defined with <interface name="X.Y.Z">
while (ss.str().find('.', ss.tellg()) != string::npos)
getline(ss, nspace, '.');
body << "namespace " << nspace << " {" << endl;
body << endl;
string ifaceclass;
getline(ss, ifaceclass);
// a "_adaptor" is added to class name to distinguish between proxy and adaptor
ifaceclass += "_adaptor";
cerr << "generating code for interface " << ifacename << "..." << endl;
// the code from class definiton up to opening of the constructor is generated...
body << "class " << ifaceclass << endl
<< ": public ::DBus::InterfaceAdaptor" << endl
<< "{" << endl
<< "public:" << endl
<< endl
<< tab << ifaceclass << "()" << endl
<< tab << ": ::DBus::InterfaceAdaptor(\"" << ifacename << "\")" << endl
<< tab << "{" << endl;
// generates code to bind the properties
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator pi = properties.begin(); pi != properties.end(); ++pi)
Xml::Node &property = **pi;
body << tab << tab << "bind_property("
<< property.get("name") << ", "
<< "\"" << property.get("type") << "\", "
<< (property.get("access").find("read") != string::npos
? "true"
: "false")
<< ", "
<< (property.get("access").find("write") != string::npos
? "true"
: "false")
<< ");" << endl;
// generate code to register all methods
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator mi = methods.begin(); mi != methods.end(); ++mi)
Xml::Node &method = **mi;
body << tab << tab << "register_method("
<< ifaceclass << ", " << method.get("name") << ", " << stub_name(method.get("name"))
<< ");" << endl;
body << tab << "}" << endl
<< endl;
body << tab << "::DBus::IntrospectedInterface *introspect() const " << endl
<< tab << "{" << endl;
// generate the introspect arguments
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator mi = ms.begin(); mi != ms.end(); ++mi)
Xml::Node &method = **mi;
Xml::Nodes args = method["arg"];
body << tab << tab << "static ::DBus::IntrospectedArgument " << method.get("name") << "_args[] = " << endl
<< tab << tab << "{" << endl;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator ai = args.begin(); ai != args.end(); ++ai)
Xml::Node &arg = **ai;
body << tab << tab << tab << "{ ";
if (arg.get("name").length())
body << "\"" << arg.get("name") << "\", ";
body << "0, ";
body << "\"" << arg.get("type") << "\", "
<< (arg.get("direction") == "in" ? "true" : "false")
<< " }," << endl;
body << tab << tab << tab << "{ 0, 0, 0 }" << endl
<< tab << tab << "};" << endl;
body << tab << tab << "static ::DBus::IntrospectedMethod " << ifaceclass << "_methods[] = " << endl
<< tab << tab << "{" << endl;
// generate the introspect methods
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator mi = methods.begin(); mi != methods.end(); ++mi)
Xml::Node &method = **mi;
body << tab << tab << tab << "{ \"" << method.get("name") << "\", " << method.get("name") << "_args }," << endl;
body << tab << tab << tab << "{ 0, 0 }" << endl
<< tab << tab << "};" << endl;
body << tab << tab << "static ::DBus::IntrospectedMethod " << ifaceclass << "_signals[] = " << endl
<< tab << tab << "{" << endl;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator si = signals.begin(); si != signals.end(); ++si)
Xml::Node &method = **si;
body << tab << tab << tab << "{ \"" << method.get("name") << "\", " << method.get("name") << "_args }," << endl;
body << tab << tab << tab << "{ 0, 0 }" << endl
<< tab << tab << "};" << endl;
body << tab << tab << "static ::DBus::IntrospectedProperty " << ifaceclass << "_properties[] = " << endl
<< tab << tab << "{" << endl;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator pi = properties.begin(); pi != properties.end(); ++pi)
Xml::Node &property = **pi;
body << tab << tab << tab << "{ "
<< "\"" << property.get("name") << "\", "
<< "\"" << property.get("type") << "\", "
<< (property.get("access").find("read") != string::npos
? "true"
: "false")
<< ", "
<< (property.get("access").find("write") != string::npos
? "true"
: "false")
<< " }," << endl;
body << tab << tab << tab << "{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }" << endl
<< tab << tab << "};" << endl;
// generate the Introspected interface
body << tab << tab << "static ::DBus::IntrospectedInterface " << ifaceclass << "_interface = " << endl
<< tab << tab << "{" << endl
<< tab << tab << tab << "\"" << ifacename << "\"," << endl
<< tab << tab << tab << ifaceclass << "_methods," << endl
<< tab << tab << tab << ifaceclass << "_signals," << endl
<< tab << tab << tab << ifaceclass << "_properties" << endl
<< tab << tab << "};" << endl
<< tab << tab << "return &" << ifaceclass << "_interface;" << endl
<< tab << "}" << endl
<< endl;
body << "public:" << endl
<< endl
<< tab << "/* properties exposed by this interface, use" << endl
<< tab << " * property() and property(value) to get and set a particular property" << endl
<< tab << " */" << endl;
// generate the properties code
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator pi = properties.begin(); pi != properties.end(); ++pi)
Xml::Node &property = **pi;
string name = property.get("name");
string type = property.get("type");
string type_name = signature_to_type(type);
body << tab << "::DBus::PropertyAdaptor< " << type_name << " > " << name << ";" << endl;
body << endl;
body << "public:" << endl
<< endl
<< tab << "/* methods exported by this interface," << endl
<< tab << " * you will have to implement them in your ObjectAdaptor" << endl
<< tab << " */" << endl;
// generate the methods code
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator mi = methods.begin(); mi != methods.end(); ++mi)
Xml::Node &method = **mi;
Xml::Nodes args = method["arg"];
Xml::Nodes args_in ="direction", "in");
Xml::Nodes args_out ="direction", "out");
Xml::Nodes annotations = args["annotation"];
Xml::Nodes annotations_object ="name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Object");
string arg_object;
if (!annotations_object.empty())
arg_object = annotations_object.front()->get("value");
body << tab << "virtual ";
// return type is 'void' if none or multible return values
if (args_out.size() == 0 || args_out.size() > 1)
body << "void ";
else if (args_out.size() == 1)
// generate basic or object return type
if (arg_object.length())
body << arg_object << " ";
body << signature_to_type(args_out.front()->get("type")) << " ";
// generate the method name
body << method.get("name") << "(";
// generate the methods 'in' variables
unsigned int i = 0;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator ai = args_in.begin(); ai != args_in.end(); ++ai, ++i)
Xml::Node &arg = **ai;
Xml::Nodes annotations = arg["annotation"];
Xml::Nodes annotations_object ="name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Object");
string arg_name = arg.get("name");
string arg_object;
if (!annotations_object.empty())
arg_object = annotations_object.front()->get("value");
// generate basic signature only if no object name available...
if (!arg_object.length())
body << "const " << signature_to_type(arg.get("type")) << "& ";
// ...or generate object style if available
body << "const " << arg_object << "& ";
// store a object name to later generate header includes
if (arg_name.length())
body << arg_name;
if ((i + 1 != args_in.size() || args_out.size() > 1))
body << ", ";
// generate the method 'out' variables if multibe 'out' values exist
if (args_out.size() > 1)
unsigned int i = 0;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator ao = args_out.begin(); ao != args_out.end(); ++ao, ++i)
Xml::Node &arg = **ao;
Xml::Nodes annotations = arg["annotation"];
Xml::Nodes annotations_object ="name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Object");
string arg_name = arg.get("name");
string arg_object;
if (!annotations_object.empty())
arg_object = annotations_object.front()->get("value");
// generate basic signature only if no object name available...
if (!arg_object.length())
body << signature_to_type(arg.get("type")) << "& ";
// ...or generate object style if available
body << arg_object << "& ";
// store a object name to later generate header includes
if (arg_name.length())
body << arg_name;
if (i + 1 != args_out.size())
body << ", ";
body << ") = 0;" << endl;
body << endl
<< "public:" << endl
<< endl
<< tab << "/* signal emitters for this interface" << endl
<< tab << " */" << endl;
// generate the signals code
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator si = signals.begin(); si != signals.end(); ++si)
Xml::Node &signal = **si;
Xml::Nodes args = signal["arg"];
body << tab << "void " << signal.get("name") << "(";
// generate the signal arguments
unsigned int i = 0;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator a = args.begin(); a != args.end(); ++a, ++i)
Xml::Node &arg = **a;
Xml::Nodes annotations = arg["annotation"];
Xml::Nodes annotations_object ="name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Object");
string arg_object;
if (!annotations_object.empty())
arg_object = annotations_object.front()->get("value");
// generate basic signature only if no object name available...
if (!arg_object.length())
body << "const " << signature_to_type(arg.get("type")) << "& arg" << i + 1;
// ...or generate object style if available
body << "const " << arg_object << "& arg" << i + 1;
// store a object name to later generate header includes
if (i + 1 != args.size())
body << ", ";
body << ")" << endl
<< tab << "{" << endl
<< tab << tab << "::DBus::SignalMessage sig(\"" << signal.get("name") << "\");" << endl;
// generate the signal body
if (!args.empty())
body << tab << tab << "::DBus::MessageIter wi = sig.writer();" << endl;
unsigned int i = 0;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator a = args.begin(); a != args.end(); ++a, ++i)
Xml::Node &arg = **a;
Xml::Nodes annotations = arg["annotation"];
Xml::Nodes annotations_object ="name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Object");
string arg_object;
if (!annotations_object.empty())
arg_object = annotations_object.front()->get("value");
if (arg_object.length())
body << tab << tab << signature_to_type(arg.get("type")) << " _arg" << i + 1 << ";" << endl;
body << tab << tab << "_arg" << i + 1 << " << " << "arg" << i + 1 << ";" << endl;
body << tab << tab << "wi << _arg" << i + 1 << ";" << endl;
body << tab << tab << "wi << arg" << i + 1 << ";" << endl;
// emit the signal in method body
body << tab << tab << "emit_signal(sig);" << endl
<< tab << "}" << endl;
body << endl
<< "private:" << endl
<< endl
<< tab << "/* unmarshalers (to unpack the DBus message before calling the actual interface method)" << endl
<< tab << " */" << endl;
// generate the unmarshalers
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator mi = methods.begin(); mi != methods.end(); ++mi)
Xml::Node &method = **mi;
Xml::Nodes args = method["arg"];
Xml::Nodes args_in ="direction", "in");
Xml::Nodes args_out ="direction", "out");
body << tab << "::DBus::Message " << stub_name(method.get("name")) << "(const ::DBus::CallMessage &call)" << endl
<< tab << "{" << endl
<< tab << tab << "::DBus::MessageIter ri = call.reader();" << endl
<< endl;
// generate the 'in' variables
unsigned int i = 1;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator ai = args_in.begin(); ai != args_in.end(); ++ai, ++i)
Xml::Node &arg = **ai;
body << tab << tab << signature_to_type(arg.get("type")) << " argin" << i << ";" << " ";
body << "ri >> argin" << i << ";" << endl;
// generate the 'in' object variables
i = 1;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator ai = args_in.begin(); ai != args_in.end(); ++ai, ++i)
Xml::Node &arg = **ai;
Xml::Nodes annotations = arg["annotation"];
Xml::Nodes annotations_object ="name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Object");
string arg_object;
if (!annotations_object.empty())
arg_object = annotations_object.front()->get("value");
if (arg_object.length())
body << tab << tab << arg_object << " _argin" << i << ";";
body << " " << "_argin" << i << " << " << "argin" << i << ";" << endl;
// generate 'out' variables
if (!args_out.empty())
unsigned int i = 1;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator ao = args_out.begin(); ao != args_out.end(); ++ao, ++i)
Xml::Node &arg = **ao;
body << tab << tab << signature_to_type(arg.get("type")) << " argout" << i;
if (args_out.size() == 1) // a single 'out' parameter will be assigned
body << " = ";
else // multible 'out' parameters will be handled as parameters below
body << ";" << endl;
// generate 'out' object variables
if (!args_out.empty())
unsigned int i = 1;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator ao = args_out.begin(); ao != args_out.end(); ++ao, ++i)
Xml::Node &arg = **ao;
Xml::Nodes annotations = arg["annotation"];
Xml::Nodes annotations_object ="name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Object");
string arg_object;
if (!annotations_object.empty())
arg_object = annotations_object.front()->get("value");
// generate object types
if (arg_object.length())
body << tab << tab << arg_object << " _argout" << i << ";" << endl;
// generate in '<<' operation
i = 0;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator ai = args_in.begin(); ai != args_in.end(); ++ai, ++i)
Xml::Node &arg = **ai;
Xml::Nodes annotations = arg["annotation"];
Xml::Nodes annotations_object ="name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Object");
string arg_object;
if (!annotations_object.empty())
arg_object = annotations_object.front()->get("value");
// do correct indent
if (args_out.size() != 1)
body << tab << tab;
body << method.get("name") << "(";
// generate call stub parameters
i = 0;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator ai = args_in.begin(); ai != args_in.end(); ++ai, ++i)
Xml::Node &arg = **ai;
Xml::Nodes annotations = arg["annotation"];
Xml::Nodes annotations_object ="name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Object");
string arg_object;
if (!annotations_object.empty())
arg_object = annotations_object.front()->get("value");
if (arg_object.length())
body << "_argin" << i + 1;
body << "argin" << i + 1;
if ((i + 1 != args_in.size() || args_out.size() > 1))
body << ", ";
if (args_out.size() > 1)
i = 0;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator ao = args_out.begin(); ao != args_out.end(); ++ao, ++i)
Xml::Node &arg = **ao;
Xml::Nodes annotations = arg["annotation"];
Xml::Nodes annotations_object ="name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Object");
string arg_object;
if (!annotations_object.empty())
arg_object = annotations_object.front()->get("value");
if (arg_object.length())
body << "_argout" << i + 1;
body << "argout" << i + 1;
if (i + 1 != args_out.size())
body << ", ";
body << ");" << endl;
body << tab << tab << "::DBus::ReturnMessage reply(call);" << endl;
if (!args_out.empty())
body << tab << tab << "::DBus::MessageIter wi = reply.writer();" << endl;
// generate out '<<' operation
i = 0;
for (Xml::Nodes::iterator ao = args_out.begin(); ao != args_out.end(); ++ao, ++i)
Xml::Node &arg = **ao;
Xml::Nodes annotations = arg["annotation"];
Xml::Nodes annotations_object ="name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Object");
string arg_object;
if (!annotations_object.empty())
arg_object = annotations_object.front()->get("value");
if (arg_object.length())
body << tab << tab << "argout" << i + 1 << " << " << "_argout" << i + 1 << ";" << endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args_out.size(); ++i)
body << tab << tab << "wi << argout" << i + 1 << ";" << endl;
body << tab << tab << "return reply;" << endl;
body << tab << "}" << endl;
body << "};" << endl
<< endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nspaces; ++i)
body << "} ";
body << endl;
body << "#endif //" << cond_comp << endl;
// remove all duplicates in the header include vector
vector<string>::const_iterator vec_end_it = unique(include_vector.begin(), include_vector.end());
for (vector<string>::const_iterator vec_it = include_vector.begin();
vec_it != vec_end_it;
const string &include = *vec_it;
head << "#include " << "\"" << include << ".h" << "\"" << endl;
head << endl;
ofstream file(filename);
if (file.bad())
cerr << "unable to write file " << filename << endl;
file << head.str();
file << body.str();