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// Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Gianni Mariani
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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* @file cmdoptns.h
* @short Command line option parsing interface.
#ifndef CCXX_STRING_H_
#include <cc++/string.h>
namespace ost {
class CommandOption;
class CommandOptionParse;
* This defines a linked list head pointer for all the command line
* options that use the default list. It will most likely
* be used in most cases without being explicitly referenced in application
* code. It is a default value of various method's parameters.
extern __EXPORT CommandOption * defaultCommandOptionList;
* CommandOption is the base class for all command line options. Command
* line options can be defined statically and used when constructing
* a command line parser onject using makeCommandOptionParse. This serves
* only as a base class to CommandOptionWithArg, CommandOptionRest or
* CommandOptionNoArg which can also be used to derive more complex
* classes or even entire applications.
* @author Gianni Mariani <>
class __EXPORT CommandOption {
* Long option name, these will be preceded with "--" on the command line.
* e.g. --file foo.x
const char * optionName;
* option letter, these will be preceded with "-" on the command line.
* e.g. -f foo.x
const char * optionLetter;
* A short description of the option for Usage messages.
* e.g. Usage: mycommand : blah
* -f, --file \<DESCRIPTION here\>
const char * description;
* OptionType is for denoting what type of option this is, with an
* arg, without an arg or the trailing args.
* @short Option type
enum OptionType {
* This option is associated with a value
* This option is a flag only
* Remaining of the command line arguments
* Collect values that are not a value to an option
* This command option's OptionType.
OptionType optionType; // HasArg, NoArg or Trailing
* True if this parameter is required. If the parameter is not supplied
* and required is true, an error will be flagged in the option processor.
bool required; // Option is required - fail without it
* This next CommandOption in this list of options or nil if no more
* options exist.
CommandOption * next;
* A virtual destructor just in case.
virtual ~CommandOption();
* CommandOption contructor. Note the default values for required and
* ppNext.
* @param inOptionName long option name
* @param inOptionLetter short letter name
* @param inDescription short description of the option
* @param inOptionType the type of this option
* @param inRequired true if option is required
* @param ppNext the linked list header
const char * inOptionName,
const char * inOptionLetter,
const char * inDescription,
OptionType inOptionType,
bool inRequired = false,
CommandOption ** ppNext = & defaultCommandOptionList
* foundOption is called by the CommandOptionParse object during the parsing
* of the command line options.
* @param cop pointer to the command option parser
* @param value the value of this option
virtual void foundOption( CommandOptionParse * cop, const char * value = 0 );
* foundOption is called by the CommandOptionParse object during the parsing
* of the command line options.
* @param cop pointer to the command option parser
* @param value an array of values of this option
* @param num number of values in the array
virtual void foundOption( CommandOptionParse * cop, const char ** value, int num );
* Once parsing of command line options is complete, this method is called.
* This can be used to perform last minute checks on the options collected.
* @param cop pointer to the command option parser
virtual void parseDone( CommandOptionParse * cop );
* Once CommandOption objects have completed parsing and there are no
* errors they may have some specific tasks to perform. PerformTask
* must return.
* @param cop pointer to the command option parser
virtual void performTask( CommandOptionParse * cop );
* For fields with the required flag set, this method is used to determine
* if the Option has satisfied it's required status. The default methods
* simply returns true if any values have been found. This could be specialized
* to return true based on some other criteria.
virtual bool hasValue();
* Derived class of CommandOption for options that have a value associated with them.
* Classes CommandOptionRest and CommandOptionArg derive from this class.
class __EXPORT CommandOptionWithArg : public CommandOption {
* Array of list of values collected for this option.
const char ** values;
* Number of values in the values array.
int numValue;
* CommandOptionWithArg contructor. Note the default values for required and
* ppNext.
* @param inOptionName long option name
* @param inOptionLetter short letter name
* @param inDescription short description of the option
* @param inOptionType the type of this option
* @param inRequired true if option is required
* @param ppNext the linked list header
const char * inOptionName,
const char * inOptionLetter,
const char * inDescription,
OptionType inOptionType,
bool inRequired = false,
CommandOption ** ppNext = & defaultCommandOptionList
virtual ~CommandOptionWithArg();
virtual void foundOption( CommandOptionParse * cop, const char * value = 0 );
virtual void foundOption( CommandOptionParse * cop, const char ** value, int num );
virtual bool hasValue();
* Class for options with an argument e.g. --option value .
class __EXPORT CommandOptionArg : public CommandOptionWithArg {
* CommandOptionArg contructor. This sets the optionType for this
* object to HasArg.
* @param inOptionName long option name
* @param inOptionLetter short letter name
* @param inDescription short description of the option
* @param inRequired true if option is required
* @param ppNext the linked list header
const char * inOptionName,
const char * inOptionLetter,
const char * inDescription,
bool inRequired = false,
CommandOption ** ppNext = & defaultCommandOptionList
virtual ~CommandOptionArg();
* It only makes sense to have a single one of these set and it is
* exclusive with CommandOptionCollect. It is the option that takes the rest
* of the command line options that are not part of any other options.
* e.g. "strace -ofile command arg1 arg2". The "command arg1 arg2" part is
* placed in objects of this class.
* @short CommandOption to take the rest of the command line
class __EXPORT CommandOptionRest : public CommandOptionWithArg {
* CommandOptionRest contructor. This sets the optionType for this
* object to Trailing.
* @param inOptionName long option name
* @param inOptionLetter short letter name
* @param inDescription short description of the option
* @param inRequired true if option is required
* @param ppNext the linked list header
const char * inOptionName,
const char * inOptionLetter,
const char * inDescription,
bool inRequired = false,
CommandOption ** ppNext = & defaultCommandOptionList
* It only makes sense to have a single one of these set and it is also
* exclusive with CommandOptionRest. This makes parameter collecting
* behave line the Unix "cat" command.
* @short CommandOption to collect parameters that are not options.
class __EXPORT CommandOptionCollect : public CommandOptionWithArg {
* CommandOptionRest contructor. This sets the optionType for this
* object to Collect.
* @param inOptionName long option name
* @param inOptionLetter short letter name
* @param inDescription short description of the option
* @param inRequired true if option is required
* @param ppNext the linked list header
const char * inOptionName,
const char * inOptionLetter,
const char * inDescription,
bool inRequired = false,
CommandOption ** ppNext = & defaultCommandOptionList
* CommandOption type for flags.
class __EXPORT CommandOptionNoArg : public CommandOption {
* The number of times this value has been set.
int numSet; // The number of times this argument is set
* CommandOptionArg contructor. This sets the optionType for this
* object to NoArg.
* @param inOptionName long option name
* @param inOptionLetter short letter name
* @param inDescription short description of the option
* @param inRequired true if option is required
* @param ppNext the linked list header
const char * inOptionName,
const char * inOptionLetter,
const char * inDescription,
bool inRequired = false,
CommandOption ** ppNext = & defaultCommandOptionList
* CommandOptionNoArg::foundOption will evpect a nil "value" passed in.
virtual void foundOption( CommandOptionParse * cop, const char * value = 0 );
* This is the CommandOptionParse interface class. To implement this object you can
* call makeCommandOptionParse(); This will instantiate a dynamically allocated
* version of this class and parse the command line for the list of command options
* that are passed in.
* @author Gianni Mariani <>
class __EXPORT CommandOptionParse {
* Virtual destructor needed so that the object may be correctly deleted.
virtual ~CommandOptionParse() = 0;
* Get the value of the error flag set if the parser encountered errors.
virtual bool argsHaveError() = 0;
* Return a string of text describing the list of errors encountered.
virtual const char * printErrors() = 0;
* Return a string that contains the usage description of this list of paramaters.
virtual const char * printUsage() = 0;
* Register an error with this parser. This string will be appended to the
* errors already buffered in this object.
virtual void registerError( const char * errMsg ) = 0;
* The method should be invoked by the main code once it has determined that
* the application should be started.
virtual void performTask() = 0;
* makeCommandOptionParse will create an implementation of a CommandOptionParse
* object. This particular implementation is a wrapper around getopt_long(3).
* That interface unfortunatly does not provide enough information to give
* the best error messages with malformed input. If the implementation changes
* there is a good chance that the binary interface will remain the same.
__EXPORT CommandOptionParse * makeCommandOptionParse(
int argc,
char ** argv,
const char * comment,
CommandOption * options = defaultCommandOptionList
/** EMACS **
* Local variables:
* mode: c++
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End: