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// Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Angelo Naselli, Penta Engineering s.r.l.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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* @file applog.h
* @short Application logging facilities abstraction.
#ifndef ___APPLOG_H___
#define ___APPLOG_H___
#ifndef CCXX_SLOG_H_
#include <cc++/slog.h>
#include <cc++/exception.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
namespace ost
* Produces a dump of a buffer in a hexdump way with its
* code Ascii translation and relative buffer address.
* For instance:
* 0000000 - 77 98 21 49 0e 00 05 00 40 1c 01 1c 2f 00 00 00 w.!I....@.../...
class __EXPORT HEXdump
* output string
std::string _str;
// max_len: max number of bytes to be printed. 0 prints all.
* HEXdump constructor.
* @param buffer buffer to be "hexdumped"
* @param buff_len buffer length
* @param max_len max number of bytes to be "hexdumped". Usefull to
* truncate output. mas_len=0 does prints all.
HEXdump(const unsigned char *buffer, int buff_len, int max_len = 200);
* HEXdump destructor.
virtual ~HEXdump() { _str = string();}
* const char* cast provided for conveneince.
const char * c_str() const
return _str.c_str();
* string cast provided for conveneince.
std::string str()
return _str;
* operator <<
* @param hd hexdump.
* @return application logger stream
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const HEXdump &hd)
out << hd.c_str();
return out;
* Applog exception, used for memory problems at the moment
class __EXPORT AppLogException : public ost::Exception
* Constructor.
* @param what_arg exception string
AppLogException(const std::string &what_arg) : ost::Exception(what_arg) {};
class AppLogPrivate;
* Application logger is a class that implements a logger that can be used
* by applications to save log file somewhere on the system.
* It uses ost::slog to write to syslog and std::clog to write to standard
* output.
* It provides either a stream oriented logger or a old printf style one.
* It can be used to log directly on a file or in a spooler like way. Latter
* uses a ost::ThreadQueue to implement a thread safe access to logger.
* It provides a global stream variable called ost::alog.
* It provides an AppLog::Ident class that represents a module name for
* instance that can be used to tag logs. Logging levels are the same
* defined into ost::Slog:
* Slog::levelEmergency
* Slog::levelAlert
* Slog::levelCritical
* Slog::levelError
* Slog::levelWarning
* Slog::levelNotice
* Slog::levelInfo
* Slog::levelDebugfrom.
* Example of usage: alog << mod_name << debug << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
class __EXPORT AppLog : protected streambuf, public ostream
// d pointer
AppLogPrivate *d;
void writeLog(bool endOfLine = true);
static map<string, Slog::Level> *assoc;
* Ident class that represents module name.
class __EXPORT Ident
std::string _ident;
* Constructor.
Ident() {};
* Desctructor.
~Ident() {};
* Copy constructor.
Ident(Ident& id) {_ident = id._ident;}
* const char* constructor, provided for convenience.
Ident(const char *str) : _ident(str) {};
* std::string cast.
std::string& str() {return _ident;}
* Assignment operator (string).
Ident& operator= (std::string &st) {_ident = st; return *this;}
* Assignment operator (const char[]), provided for convenience.
Ident& operator= (const char str[]) {_ident = str; return *this;}
* const char* cast provided for conveneince.
const char* c_str() {return _ident.c_str();}
#ifndef WIN32
* Constructor for a customized logger.
* @param logFileName log file name.
* @param logDirectly true to write directly to file, false to use
* a spooler like logger.
* @param usePipe true to use pipe instead of file, false otherwise
AppLog(const char* logFileName = NULL, bool logDirectly = false , bool usePipe = false);
* Constructor for a customized logger.
* @param logFileName log file name.
* @param logDirectly true to write directly to file, false to use
* a spooler like logger.
AppLog(const char* logFileName = NULL, bool logDirectly = false);
* Destructor
virtual ~AppLog();
* Subscribes the current thread to logger, it reserves thread safe
* buffer for it.
void subscribe();
* Unsubscribes the current thread from logger.
void unsubscribe();
#ifndef WIN32
* Allows to set up ost::alog parameters.
* @param FileName log file name.
* @param logDirectly true to write directly to file, false to use
* a spooler like logger.
* @param usePipe true to use pipe instead of file, false otherwise
void logFileName(const char* FileName, bool logDirectly = false, bool usePipe = false);
* Allows to set up ost::alog parameters.
* @param FileName log file name.
* @param logDirectly true to write directly to file, false to use
* a spooler like logger.
void logFileName(const char* FileName, bool logDirectly = false);
* if logDirectly is set it closes the file.
void close(void);
* Sets the log level.
* @param enable log level.
void level(Slog::Level enable);
* Enables clog output.
* @param en true to enable clog output.
void clogEnable(bool en = true);
* Enables slog output for error level messages.
* @param en true to enable slog output.
void slogEnable(bool en = true);
* Sets the level for that ident.
* @param ident ident (module name for instance).
* @param level level
void identLevel(const char *ident, Slog::Level level);
* Opens the file if not already and sets ident
* @param ident module name for instance.
void open(const char *ident);
* stream overflow() overload.
* @param c character to be managed
* @return c
virtual int overflow(int c);
* stream sync() overload
virtual int sync();
* emerg level printf style method, provided for convenience.
* @param format printf format
void emerg(const char *format, ...);
* alert level printf style method, provided for convenience.
* @param format printf format
void alert(const char *format, ...);
* critical level printf style method, provided for convenience.
* @param format printf format
void critical(const char *format, ...);
* error level printf style method, provided for convenience.
* @param format printf format
void error(const char *format, ...);
* warn level printf style method, provided for convenience.
* @param format printf format
void warn(const char *format, ...);
* notice level printf style method, provided for convenience.
* @param format printf format
void notice(const char *format, ...);
* info level printf style method, provided for convenience.
* @param format printf format
void info(const char *format, ...);
* debug level printf style method, provided for convenience.
* @param format printf format
void debug(const char *format, ...);
* operator to change ident and log level
* @param ident ident (module name for instance)
* @param level new log level
* @return application logger stream
AppLog &operator()(const char *ident, Slog::Level level = Slog::levelError);
* operator to change ident
* @param ident ident (module name for instance)
* @return application logger stream
inline AppLog& operator()(Ident &ident)
return *this;
* operator to change logging level
* @param level new log level
* @return application logger stream
AppLog &operator()(Slog::Level level);
* manipulator operator, to change print levels.
* @param (* pfManipulator)(AppLog &)
* @return application logger stream
AppLog& operator<< (AppLog& (*pfManipulator)(AppLog&));
* manipulator operator, to use ostream manipulators (i.e. std::endl,...)
* @param (* pfManipulator)(AppLog &)
* @return application logger stream
AppLog& operator<< (ostream& (*pfManipulator)(ostream&));
friend ostream& operator << (ostream &out, AppLog & al)
return al;
* operator <<
* @param ident module name for instance.
* @return application logger stream
inline AppLog& operator<< (Ident &ident)
return *this;
* warn level
* @return application logger stream
inline AppLog &warn(void)
{return operator()(Slog::levelWarning);}
* error level
* @return application logger stream
AppLog &error(void)
{ return operator()(Slog::levelError);}
* debug level
* @return application logger stream
inline AppLog &debug(void)
{return operator()(Slog::levelDebug);}
* emerg level
* @return application logger stream
inline AppLog &emerg(void)
{return operator()(Slog::levelEmergency);}
* alert level
* @return application logger stream
inline AppLog &alert(void)
{return operator()(Slog::levelAlert);}
* critical level
* @return application logger stream
inline AppLog &critical(void)
{return operator()(Slog::levelCritical);}
* notice level
* @return application logger stream
inline AppLog &notice(void)
{return operator()(Slog::levelNotice);}
* info level
* @return application logger stream
inline AppLog &info(void)
{return operator()(Slog::levelInfo);}
* Translates level from string to Slog::Level, useful for
* configuration files for instance.
* Valid level names are:
* "emerg" for Slog::levelEmergency
* "alert" for Slog::levelAlert
* "critical" for Slog::levelCritical
* "error" for Slog::levelError
* "warn" for Slog::levelWarning
* "notice" for Slog::levelNotice
* "info" for Slog::levelInfo
* "debug" for Slog::levelDebug
* @param name Slog Level name
* @return Slog level value
static Slog::Level levelTranslate(string name)
map<string, Slog::Level>::iterator it = assoc->find(name);
return (it != assoc->end()) ? it->second : Slog::levelEmergency;
* Manipulator for debug level
* @param sl application logger stream
* @return application logger stream
__EXPORT inline AppLog &debug(AppLog& sl)
{return sl.operator()(Slog::levelDebug);}
* Manipulator for warn level
* @param sl application logger stream
* @return application logger stream
__EXPORT inline AppLog &warn(AppLog& sl)
{return sl.operator()(Slog::levelWarning);}
* Manipulator for error level
* @param sl application logger stream
* @return application logger stream
__EXPORT inline AppLog &error(AppLog& sl)
{ return sl.operator()(Slog::levelError);}
* Manipulator for emerg level
* @param sl application logger stream
* @return application logger stream
__EXPORT inline AppLog &emerg(AppLog& sl)
{return sl.operator()(Slog::levelEmergency);}
* Manipulator for alert level
* @param sl application logger stream
* @return application logger stream
__EXPORT inline AppLog &alert(AppLog& sl)
{return sl.operator()(Slog::levelAlert);}
* Manipulator for critical level
* @param sl application logger stream
* @return application logger stream
__EXPORT inline AppLog &critical(AppLog& sl)
{return sl.operator()(Slog::levelCritical);}
* Manipulator for notice level
* @param sl application logger stream
* @return application logger stream
__EXPORT inline AppLog &notice(AppLog& sl)
{return sl.operator()(Slog::levelNotice);}
* Manipulator for info level
* @param sl application logger stream
* @return application logger stream
__EXPORT inline AppLog &info(AppLog& sl)
{return sl.operator()(Slog::levelInfo);}
* alog global log stream definition
__EXPORT extern AppLog alog;
} //namespace
#endif //___APPLOG_H___