* #34826: android: add SDES support and pcre
diff --git a/jni/libpcre/doc/html/pcre_assign_jit_stack.html b/jni/libpcre/doc/html/pcre_assign_jit_stack.html
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+<title>pcre_assign_jit_stack specification</title>
+<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#00005A" link="#0066FF" alink="#3399FF" vlink="#2222BB">
+<h1>pcre_assign_jit_stack man page</h1>
+Return to the <a href="index.html">PCRE index page</a>.
+This page is part of the PCRE HTML documentation. It was generated automatically
+from the original man page. If there is any nonsense in it, please consult the
+man page, in case the conversion went wrong.
+<b>#include &#60;pcre.h&#62;</b>
+<b>void pcre_assign_jit_stack(pcre_extra *<i>extra</i>,</b>
+<b>pcre_jit_callback <i>callback</i>, void *<i>data</i>);</b>
+This function provides control over the memory used as a stack at runtime by a
+call to <b>pcre_exec()</b> with a pattern that has been successfully compiled
+with JIT optimization. The arguments are:
+  extra     the data pointer returned by <b>pcre_study()</b>
+  callback  a callback function
+  data      a JIT stack or a value to be passed to the callback
+              function
+If <i>callback</i> is NULL and <i>data</i> is NULL, an internal 32K block on
+the machine stack is used.
+If <i>callback</i> is NULL and <i>data</i> is not NULL, <i>data</i> must
+be a valid JIT stack, the result of calling <b>pcre_jit_stack_alloc()</b>.
+If <i>callback</i> not NULL, it is called with <i>data</i> as an argument at
+the start of matching, in order to set up a JIT stack. If the result is NULL,
+the internal 32K stack is used; otherwise the return value must be a valid JIT
+stack, the result of calling <b>pcre_jit_stack_alloc()</b>.
+You may safely assign the same JIT stack to multiple patterns, as long as they
+are all matched in the same thread. In a multithread application, each thread
+must use its own JIT stack. For more details, see the
+<a href="pcrejit.html"><b>pcrejit</b></a>
+There is a complete description of the PCRE native API in the
+<a href="pcreapi.html"><b>pcreapi</b></a>
+page and a description of the POSIX API in the
+<a href="pcreposix.html"><b>pcreposix</b></a>
+Return to the <a href="index.html">PCRE index page</a>.