blob: 33a7e8e11b88d549104ff034381766251da2a938 [file] [log] [blame]
set -e
umask 022
create_server_keys() {
mkdir -p /etc/dhtnet/id
if [ ! -f /etc/dhtnet/id/id-server.crt ] && [ ! -f /etc/dhtnet/id/id-server.pem ]; then
echo "Generating server keys..."
dhtnet-crtmgr --setup -o /etc/dhtnet/
dhtnet-crtmgr -a -c /etc/dhtnet/id/id-server.crt -p /etc/dhtnet/id/id-server.pem
echo "===================="
echo "dnc server installed and configured."
echo "To configure it, edit /etc/dhtnet/dnc.yaml"
echo "To enable and start server, run:"
echo " systemctl enable dnc.service"
echo " systemctl start dnc.service"
echo "To configure your dnc client, run:"
echo " dhtnet-crtmgr --interactive"
echo "===================="
# reload_dnc_service() {
# status=$(systemctl is-active dnc.service || true)
# if [ "$status" = "failed" ]; then
# echo "dnc.service failed to start, try a restart after keys was created..."
# systemctl restart dnc.service
# fi
# }
disable_dnc_service() {
systemctl stop dnc.service
systemctl disable dnc.service
configure_yaml() {
if [ -f /etc/dhtnet/dnc.yaml ]; then
sed -i 's/^#certificate:.*$/certificate: \"\/etc\/dhtnet\/id\/id-server.crt\"/' /etc/dhtnet/dnc.yaml
sed -i 's/^#privateKey:.*$/privateKey: \"\/etc\/dhtnet\/id\/id-server.pem\"/' /etc/dhtnet/dnc.yaml
echo "# The bootstrap node serves as the entry point to the DHT network."
echo "# By default, is configured for the public DHT network and should be used for personal use only."
echo "# For production environments, it is recommended to set up your own bootstrap node to establish your own DHT network."
echo "# Documentation:"
echo "bootstrap: \"\""
echo ""
echo "# TURN server is used as a fallback for connections if the NAT block all possible connections."
echo "# By default is (which uses coturn) but can be any TURN."
echo "# Developer must set up their own TURN server."
echo "# Documentation:"
echo "turn_host: \"\""
echo "turn_user: \"ring\""
echo "turn_pass: \"ring\""
echo "turn_realm: \"ring\""
echo ""
echo "# When verbose is set to true, the server logs all incoming connections"
echo "verbose: false"
echo ""
echo "# On server, identities are saved in /etc/dhtnet/id/"
echo "certificate: \"/etc/dhtnet/id/id-server.crt\""
echo "privateKey: \"/etc/dhtnet/id/id-server.pem\""
echo ""
echo "# When anonymous is set to true, the server accepts any connection without checking CA"
echo "# When anonymous is set to false, the server allows only connection which are issued by the same CA as the server"
echo "anonymous: false"
echo ""
echo ""
} > /etc/dhtnet/dnc.yaml