blob: 32fe19a1ed45c9898f8d8c3d38c3164fd4585e04 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "../upnp_protocol.h"
#include "../igd.h"
#include "upnp_igd.h"
#include "ip_utils.h"
#include <opendht/thread_pool.h>
#include <upnp/upnp.h>
#include <upnp/upnptools.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <future>
namespace dhtnet {
class IpAddr;
namespace dhtnet {
namespace upnp {
constexpr static unsigned int MAPPING_LEASE_DURATION {604800};
class PUPnP : public UPnPProtocol
using XMLDocument = std::unique_ptr<IXML_Document, decltype(ixmlDocument_free)&>;
enum class CtrlAction {
PUPnP(const std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context>& ctx, const std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger>& logger);
// Set the observer
void setObserver(UpnpMappingObserver* obs) override;
// Returns the protocol type.
NatProtocolType getProtocol() const override { return NatProtocolType::PUPNP; }
// Get protocol type as string.
char const* getProtocolName() const override { return "PUPNP"; }
// Notifies a change in network.
void clearIgds() override;
// Sends out async search for IGD.
void searchForIgd() override;
// Get the IGD list.
std::list<std::shared_ptr<IGD>> getIgdList() const override;
// Return true if the it's fully setup.
bool isReady() const override;
// Get from the IGD the list of already allocated mappings if any.
std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping> getMappingsListByDescr(
const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const std::string& descr) const override;
// Get information about all existing port mappings on the given IGD
std::vector<MappingInfo> getMappingsInfo(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd) const override;
// Request a new mapping.
void requestMappingAdd(const Mapping& mapping) override;
// Renew an allocated mapping.
void requestMappingRenew(const Mapping& mapping) override;
// Removes a mapping.
void requestMappingRemove(const Mapping& igdMapping) override;
// Get the host (local) address.
const IpAddr getHostAddress() const override;
// Terminate the instance.
void terminate() override;
PUPnP& operator=(const PUPnP&) = delete;
PUPnP(const PUPnP&) = delete;
void terminate(std::condition_variable& cv);
// Init lib-upnp
void initUpnpLib();
// Return true if running.
bool isRunning() const;
// Register the client
void registerClient();
// Unregister the client
void unregisterClient();
// Start search for UPNP devices
void searchForDevices();
// Return true if it has at least one valid IGD.
bool hasValidIgd() const;
// Update the host (local) address.
void updateHostAddress();
// Check the host (local) address.
// Returns true if the address is valid.
bool hasValidHostAddress();
// Delete mappings matching the description
void deleteMappingsByDescription(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd,
const std::string& description);
// Search for the IGD in the local list of known IGDs.
std::shared_ptr<UPnPIGD> findMatchingIgd(const std::string& ctrlURL) const;
// Process the reception of an add mapping action answer.
void processAddMapAction(const Mapping& map);
// Called after a successful mapping renewal
void processMappingRenewed(const Mapping& map);
// Process the a mapping request failure.
void processRequestMappingFailure(const Mapping& map);
// Process the reception of a remove mapping action answer.
void processRemoveMapAction(const Mapping& map);
// Increment IGD errors counter.
void incrementErrorsCounter(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd);
// Download XML document.
void downLoadIgdDescription(const std::string& url);
// Validate IGD from the xml document received from the router.
bool validateIgd(const std::string& location, IXML_Document* doc_container_ptr);
// Returns control point action callback based on xml node.
static CtrlAction getAction(const char* xmlNode);
// Control point callback.
static int ctrlPtCallback(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event, void* user_data);
#if UPNP_VERSION < 10800
static inline int ctrlPtCallback(Upnp_EventType event_type, void* event, void* user_data)
return ctrlPtCallback(event_type, (const void*) event, user_data);
// Process IGD responses.
void processDiscoverySearchResult(const std::string& deviceId,
const std::string& igdUrl,
const IpAddr& dstAddr);
void processDiscoveryAdvertisementByebye(const std::string& deviceId);
void processDiscoverySubscriptionExpired(Upnp_EventType event_type,
const std::string& eventSubUrl);
// Callback event handler function for the UPnP client (control point).
int handleCtrlPtUPnPEvents(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event);
// Subscription event callback.
static int subEventCallback(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event, void* user_data);
#if UPNP_VERSION < 10800
static inline int subEventCallback(Upnp_EventType event_type, void* event, void* user_data)
return subEventCallback(event_type, (const void*) event, user_data);
// Callback subscription event function for handling subscription request.
int handleSubscriptionUPnPEvent(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event);
// Parses the IGD candidate.
std::unique_ptr<UPnPIGD> parseIgd(IXML_Document* doc, std::string locationUrl);
// These functions directly create UPnP actions and make synchronous UPnP
// control point calls. Must be run on the PUPNP internal execution queue.
bool actionIsIgdConnected(const UPnPIGD& igd);
IpAddr actionGetExternalIP(const UPnPIGD& igd);
bool actionAddPortMapping(const Mapping& mapping);
bool actionDeletePortMapping(const Mapping& mapping);
// Event type to string
static const char* eventTypeToString(Upnp_EventType eventType);
std::weak_ptr<PUPnP> weak() { return std::static_pointer_cast<PUPnP>(shared_from_this()); }
// Initialization status.
std::atomic_bool initialized_ {false};
// Client registration status.
std::atomic_bool clientRegistered_ {false};
std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context> ioContext;
asio::steady_timer searchForIgdTimer_;
unsigned int igdSearchCounter_ {0};
// List of discovered IGDs.
std::set<std::string> discoveredIgdList_;
// Control point handle.
UpnpClient_Handle ctrlptHandle_ {-1};
// Observer to report the results.
UpnpMappingObserver* observer_ {nullptr};
// List of valid IGDs.
std::list<std::shared_ptr<IGD>> validIgdList_;
// Current host address.
IpAddr hostAddress_ {};
// Calls from other threads that does not need synchronous access are
// rescheduled on the UPNP private queue. This will avoid the need to
// protect most of the data members of this class.
// For some internal members (namely the validIgdList and the hostAddress)
// that need to be synchronously accessed, are protected by this mutex.
mutable std::mutex pupnpMutex_;
// Shutdown synchronization
bool shutdownComplete_ {false};
// Count ongoing operations
std::mutex ongoingOpsMtx_;
int ongoingOps_ {0};
bool destroying_ {false};
dht::ThreadPool ongoingOpsThreadPool_;
} // namespace upnp
} // namespace dhtnet