blob: 9941e3b24f4feedded35036d2210849f19c20de5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
/*#include "upnp_protocol.h"
#include "protocol/natpmp/nat_pmp.h"
#include "protocol/pupnp/pupnp.h"
#include "igd.h"*/
#include "../ip_utils.h"
#include "mapping.h"
#include <opendht/rng.h>
#include <opendht/logger.h>
#include <asio/steady_timer.hpp>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <random>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <cstdlib>
using IgdFoundCallback = std::function<void()>;
namespace dhtnet {
class IpAddr;
namespace dhtnet {
namespace upnp {
class UPnPProtocol;
class IGD;
enum class UpnpIgdEvent { ADDED, REMOVED, INVALID_STATE };
// Interface used to report mapping event from the protocol implementations.
// This interface is meant to be implemented only by UPnPConext class. Sincce
// this class is a singleton, it's assumed that it out-lives the protocol
// implementations. In other words, the observer is always assumed to point to a
// valid instance.
class UpnpMappingObserver
UpnpMappingObserver() {};
virtual ~UpnpMappingObserver() {};
virtual void onIgdUpdated(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, UpnpIgdEvent event) = 0;
virtual void onMappingAdded(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map) = 0;
virtual void onMappingRequestFailed(const Mapping& map) = 0;
virtual void onMappingRenewed(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map) = 0;
virtual void onMappingRemoved(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map) = 0;
class UPnPContext : public UpnpMappingObserver
struct MappingStatus
int openCount_ {0};
int readyCount_ {0};
int pendingCount_ {0};
int inProgressCount_ {0};
int failedCount_ {0};
void reset()
openCount_ = 0;
readyCount_ = 0;
pendingCount_ = 0;
inProgressCount_ = 0;
failedCount_ = 0;
int sum() { return openCount_ + pendingCount_ + inProgressCount_ + failedCount_; }
UPnPContext(const std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context>& ctx, const std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger>& logger);
std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context> createIoContext(const std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context>& ctx, const std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger>& logger);
// Terminate the instance.
void shutdown();
// Set the known public address
void setPublicAddress(const IpAddr& addr);
// Check if there is a valid IGD in the IGD list.
bool isReady() const;
// Get external Ip of a chosen IGD.
IpAddr getExternalIP() const;
// Inform the UPnP context that the network status has changed. This clears the list of known
void connectivityChanged();
// Returns a shared pointer of the mapping.
Mapping::sharedPtr_t reserveMapping(Mapping& requestedMap);
// Release an used mapping (make it available for future use).
void releaseMapping(const Mapping& map);
// Register a controller
void registerController(void* controller);
// Unregister a controller
void unregisterController(void* controller);
// Generate random port numbers
static uint16_t generateRandomPort(PortType type, bool mustBeEven = false);
template <typename T>
inline void dispatch(T&& f) {
// Initialization
void init();
* @brief start the search for IGDs activate the mapping
* list update.
void startUpnp();
* @brief Clear all IGDs and release/delete current mappings
* @param forceRelease If true, also delete mappings with enabled
* auto-update feature.
void stopUpnp(bool forceRelease = false);
void shutdown(std::condition_variable& cv);
// Create and register a new mapping.
Mapping::sharedPtr_t registerMapping(Mapping& map);
// Removes the mapping from the list.
void unregisterMapping(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map);
// Perform the request on the provided IGD.
void requestMapping(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map);
// Request a mapping remove from the IGD.
void requestRemoveMapping(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map);
// Remove all mappings of the given type.
void deleteAllMappings(PortType type);
// Update the state and notify the listener
void updateMappingState(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map,
MappingState newState,
bool notify = true);
// Provision ports.
uint16_t getAvailablePortNumber(PortType type);
// Update preferred IGD
void updatePreferredIgd();
// Get preferred IGD
std::shared_ptr<IGD> getPreferredIgd() const;
// Check and prune the mapping list. Called periodically.
void updateMappingList(bool async);
// Provision (pre-allocate) the requested number of mappings.
bool provisionNewMappings(PortType type, int portCount);
// Close unused mappings.
bool deleteUnneededMappings(PortType type, int portCount);
* Prune the mapping list.To avoid competing with allocation
* requests, the pruning is performed only if there are no
* requests in progress.
void pruneMappingList();
* Check if there are allocated mappings from previous instances,
* and try to close them.
* Only done for UPNP protocol. NAT-PMP allocations will expire
* anyway if not renewed.
void pruneUnMatchedMappings(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd,
const std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping>& remoteMapList);
* Check the local mapping list against the list returned by the
* IGD and remove all mappings which do not have a match.
* Only done for UPNP protocol.
void pruneUnTrackedMappings(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd,
const std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping>& remoteMapList);
void pruneMappingsWithInvalidIgds(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd);
* @brief Get the mapping list
* @param type transport type (TCP/UDP)
* @return a reference on the map
* @warning concurrency protection done by the caller
std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping::sharedPtr_t>& getMappingList(PortType type);
// Get the mapping from the key.
Mapping::sharedPtr_t getMappingWithKey(Mapping::key_t key);
// Get the number of mappings per state.
void getMappingStatus(PortType type, MappingStatus& status);
void getMappingStatus(MappingStatus& status);
void renewAllocations();
// Process requests with pending status.
void processPendingRequests(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd);
// Process mapping with auto-update flag enabled.
void processMappingWithAutoUpdate();
// Implementation of UpnpMappingObserver interface.
// Callback used to report changes in IGD status.
void onIgdUpdated(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, UpnpIgdEvent event) override;
// Callback used to report add request status.
void onMappingAdded(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map) override;
// Callback invoked when a request fails. Reported on failures for both
// new requests and renewal requests (if supported by the the protocol).
void onMappingRequestFailed(const Mapping& map) override;
// Callback used to report renew request status.
void onMappingRenewed(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map) override;
// Callback used to report remove request status.
void onMappingRemoved(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map) override;
UPnPContext(const UPnPContext&) = delete;
UPnPContext(UPnPContext&&) = delete;
UPnPContext& operator=(UPnPContext&&) = delete;
UPnPContext& operator=(const UPnPContext&) = delete;
void _connectivityChanged(const asio::error_code& ec);
// Thread (io_context), destroyed last
std::unique_ptr<std::thread> ioContextRunner_ {};
bool started_ {false};
// The known public address. The external addresses returned by
// the IGDs will be checked against this address.
IpAddr knownPublicAddress_ {};
// Set of registered controllers
std::mutex mutable controllerMutex_;
std::set<void*> controllerList_;
// Map of available protocols.
std::map<NatProtocolType, std::shared_ptr<UPnPProtocol>> protocolList_;
// Port ranges for TCP and UDP (in that order).
std::map<PortType, std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t>> portRange_ {};
// Min open ports limit
int minOpenPortLimit_[2] {4, 8};
// Max open ports limit
int maxOpenPortLimit_[2] {8, 12};
std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context> ctx;
std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger> logger_;
asio::steady_timer mappingListUpdateTimer_;
asio::steady_timer connectivityChangedTimer_;
// Current preferred IGD. Can be null if there is no valid IGD.
std::shared_ptr<IGD> preferredIgd_;
// This mutex must lock only these two members. All other
// members must be accessed only from the UPNP context thread.
std::mutex mutable mappingMutex_;
// List of mappings.
std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping::sharedPtr_t> mappingList_[2] {};
std::set<std::shared_ptr<IGD>> validIgdList_ {};
// Shutdown synchronization
bool shutdownComplete_ {false};
bool shutdownTimedOut_ {false};
} // namespace upnp
} // namespace dhtnet