blob: e3dc30bf9bf1cf6e19be52bdc7f8937cbeed4116 [file] [log] [blame]
# The bootstrap node serves as the entry point to the DHT network.
# By default, is configured for the public DHT network and should be used for personal use only.
# For production environments, it is recommended to set up your own bootstrap node to establish your own DHT network.
# Documentation:
bootstrap: ""
# TURN server is used as a fallback for connections if the NAT block all possible connections.
# By default is (which uses coturn) but can be any TURN.
# Developer must set up their own TURN server.
# Documentation:
turn_host: ""
turn_user: "ring"
turn_pass: "ring"
turn_realm: "ring"
# When verbose is set to true, the server logs all incoming connections
verbose: false
# If true, will send request to use UPNP if available
enable_upnp: true
# On server, identities are saved in /etc/dhtnet/id/
# On client, identities are saved in ~/.dnc/
#certificate: "/etc/dhtnet/id/id-server.crt"
#privateKey: "/etc/dhtnet/id/id-server.pem"
### For Client Use Only ##
# When dnc server receives connexions, it forwards them to service at specified IP:port requested by CLIENT.
# By default, it forwards them to SSH server running on localhost at port 22
ip: ""
port: 22
### For Server Use Only ##
# When anonymous is set to true, the server accepts any connection without checking CA
# When anonymous is set to false, the server allows only connection which are issued by the same CA as the server
anonymous: false
# List of authorized services
# Each service is defined by an IP and a port
# If no authorized services are defined, the server will accept any connection.
- ip: ""
port: 22
# - ip: ""
# port: 80
# - ip: ""
# port: 443