blob: 9616a48ae3aab1d504df4fcdaad2150a719b3362 [file] [log] [blame]
.TH DHTNET-CRTMGR 1 "July 2024"
dhtnet-crtmgr \- DHTNet Certificate Manager
.B dhtnet-crtmgr
\fBdhtnet-crtmgr\fR is a command-line utility designed to manage certificates for the DHTNet network.
It enables users to generate, sign, and configure certificates for secure communication across the network.
For easy setup and testing purpose, you can use \fBdhtner-crtmgr \-\-interactive\fR to generate a self-signed certificate for server and/or client.
.B \-h, \-\-help
Display help information and exit.
.B \-v, \-\-version
Show program version.
.B \-i, \-\-interactive
Generate a self-signed certificate interactively and edit configuration to use it.
.B \-a, \-\-identifier
Print the identifier of the certificate in stdout. This identifier is the one used to reach node on DHT network.
Require options \fB\-c\fR and \fB\-p\fR to be set.
.B \-s, \-\-setup
Generate a CA and a certificate signed with this CA. Require \fB\-o\fR option. If used with \fB\-c\fR and \fB\-p\fR, will generate a certificate signed with the CA given by these options.
Will create sub-folders \fICA\fR and \fIid\fR in the output folder given at \fB\-o\fR.
.B \-o, \-\-output \fIFOLDER\fR
Define the output folder for the generated certificate.
.B \-c, \-\-certificate \fIFILE\fR
Define the certificate file to use. Usually a \fI.crt\fR file.
.B \-p, \-\-privatekey \fIFILE\fR
Define the private key file to use. Usually a \fI.pem\fR file.
.B \-n, \-\-name \fINAME\fR
Define the name of the certificate. Will be used to generate \fINAME.crt\fR and \fINAME.pem\fR. Doesn't work with \fB\-s, \-\-setup\fR but must be used with \fB\-o, \-\-output\fR.
Use interactive mode to generate a self-signed certificate:
.B dhtnet-crtmgr \-\-interactive
Generate a CA in \fIoutput_folder\fR:
.B dhtnet-crtmgr \-\-name \fImy_ca\fB \-\-output \fIoutput_folder\fR
Generate a key signed by previously generated CA:
.B dhtnet-crtmgr \-\-certificate \fIoutput_folder/my_ca.crt\fB \-\-privateKey \fIoutput_folder/my_ca.pem\fB \-\-name \fImy_key\fB \-\-output \fIkeys_folder\fR
Print the identifier of this newly generated key:
.B dhtnet-crtmgr \-\-certificate \fIkeys_folder/my_key.crt\fB \-\-privateKey \fIkeys_folder/my_key.pem\fB \-\-identifier\fR
.BR dnc(1),
.BR dsh(1),
.BR dvpn(1)