add initial project structure

Change-Id: I6a3fb080ff623b312e42d71754480a7ce00b81a0
diff --git a/src/upnp/upnp_context.cpp b/src/upnp/upnp_context.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef556f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/upnp_context.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1339 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "upnp_context.h"
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+constexpr static auto MAP_UPDATE_INTERVAL = std::chrono::seconds(30);
+constexpr static int MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES = 20;
+constexpr static int MAX_REQUEST_REMOVE_COUNT = 5;
+constexpr static uint16_t UPNP_TCP_PORT_MIN {10000};
+constexpr static uint16_t UPNP_TCP_PORT_MAX {UPNP_TCP_PORT_MIN + 5000};
+constexpr static uint16_t UPNP_UDP_PORT_MIN {20000};
+constexpr static uint16_t UPNP_UDP_PORT_MAX {UPNP_UDP_PORT_MIN + 5000};
+    JAMI_DBG("Creating UPnPContext instance [%p]", this);
+    // Set port ranges
+    portRange_.emplace(PortType::TCP, std::make_pair(UPNP_TCP_PORT_MIN, UPNP_TCP_PORT_MAX));
+    portRange_.emplace(PortType::UDP, std::make_pair(UPNP_UDP_PORT_MIN, UPNP_UDP_PORT_MAX));
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this] { init(); });
+        return;
+    }
+    // This is the unique shared instance (singleton) of UPnPContext class.
+    static auto context = std::make_shared<UPnPContext>();
+    return context;
+UPnPContext::shutdown(std::condition_variable& cv)
+    JAMI_DBG("Shutdown UPnPContext instance [%p]", this);
+    stopUpnp(true);
+    for (auto const& [_, proto] : protocolList_) {
+        proto->terminate();
+    }
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        mappingList_->clear();
+        if (mappingListUpdateTimer_)
+            mappingListUpdateTimer_->cancel();
+        controllerList_.clear();
+        protocolList_.clear();
+        shutdownComplete_ = true;
+        cv.notify_one();
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mappingMutex_);
+    std::condition_variable cv;
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([&, this] { shutdown(cv); });
+    JAMI_DBG("Waiting for shutdown ...");
+    if (cv.wait_for(lk, std::chrono::seconds(30), [this] { return shutdownComplete_; })) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Shutdown completed");
+    } else {
+        JAMI_ERR("Shutdown timed-out");
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("UPnPContext instance [%p] destroyed", this);
+    threadId_ = getCurrentThread();
+    auto natPmp = std::make_shared<NatPmp>();
+    natPmp->setObserver(this);
+    protocolList_.emplace(NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP, std::move(natPmp));
+    auto pupnp = std::make_shared<PUPnP>();
+    pupnp->setObserver(this);
+    protocolList_.emplace(NatProtocolType::PUPNP, std::move(pupnp));
+    assert(not controllerList_.empty());
+    JAMI_DBG("Starting UPNP context");
+    // Request a new IGD search.
+    for (auto const& [_, protocol] : protocolList_) {
+        protocol->searchForIgd();
+    }
+    started_ = true;
+UPnPContext::stopUpnp(bool forceRelease)
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, forceRelease] { stopUpnp(forceRelease); });
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("Stopping UPNP context");
+    // Clear all current mappings if any.
+    // Use a temporary list to avoid processing the mapping
+    // list while holding the lock.
+    std::list<Mapping::sharedPtr_t> toRemoveList;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        PortType types[2] {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP};
+        for (auto& type : types) {
+            auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+            for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+                toRemoveList.emplace_back(map);
+            }
+        }
+        // Invalidate the current IGDs.
+        preferredIgd_.reset();
+        validIgdList_.clear();
+    }
+    for (auto const& map : toRemoveList) {
+        requestRemoveMapping(map);
+        // Notify is not needed in updateMappingState when
+        // shutting down (hence set it to false). NotifyCallback
+        // would trigger a new SIP registration and create a
+        // false registered state upon program close.
+        // It's handled by upper layers.
+        updateMappingState(map, MappingState::FAILED, false);
+        // We dont remove mappings with auto-update enabled,
+        // unless forceRelease is true.
+        if (not map->getAutoUpdate() or forceRelease) {
+            map->enableAutoUpdate(false);
+            unregisterMapping(map);
+        }
+    }
+    // Clear all current IGDs.
+    for (auto const& [_, protocol] : protocolList_) {
+        protocol->clearIgds();
+    }
+    started_ = false;
+UPnPContext::generateRandomPort(PortType type, bool mustBeEven)
+    auto minPort = type == PortType::TCP ? UPNP_TCP_PORT_MIN : UPNP_UDP_PORT_MIN;
+    auto maxPort = type == PortType::TCP ? UPNP_TCP_PORT_MAX : UPNP_UDP_PORT_MAX;
+    if (minPort >= maxPort) {
+        JAMI_ERR("Max port number (%i) must be greater than min port number (%i)", maxPort, minPort);
+        // Must be called with valid range.
+        assert(false);
+    }
+    int fact = mustBeEven ? 2 : 1;
+    if (mustBeEven) {
+        minPort /= fact;
+        maxPort /= fact;
+    }
+    // Seed the generator.
+    static std::mt19937 gen(dht::crypto::getSeededRandomEngine());
+    // Define the range.
+    std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t> dist(minPort, maxPort);
+    return dist(gen) * fact;
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this] { connectivityChanged(); });
+        return;
+    }
+    auto hostAddr = ip_utils::getLocalAddr(AF_INET);
+    JAMI_DBG("Connectivity change check: host address %s", hostAddr.toString().c_str());
+    auto restartUpnp = false;
+    // On reception of "connectivity change" notification, the UPNP search
+    // will be restarted if either there is no valid IGD, or the IGD address
+    // changed.
+    if (not isReady()) {
+        restartUpnp = true;
+    } else {
+        // Check if the host address changed.
+        for (auto const& [_, protocol] : protocolList_) {
+            if (protocol->isReady() and hostAddr != protocol->getHostAddress()) {
+                JAMI_WARN("Host address changed from %s to %s",
+                          protocol->getHostAddress().toString().c_str(),
+                          hostAddr.toString().c_str());
+                protocol->clearIgds();
+                restartUpnp = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // We have at least one valid IGD and the host address did
+    // not change, so no need to restart.
+    if (not restartUpnp) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // No registered controller. A new search will be performed when
+    // a controller is registered.
+    if (controllerList_.empty())
+        return;
+    JAMI_DBG("Connectivity changed. Clear the IGDs and restart");
+    stopUpnp();
+    startUpnp();
+    // Mapping with auto update enabled must be processed first.
+    processMappingWithAutoUpdate();
+UPnPContext::setPublicAddress(const IpAddr& addr)
+    if (not addr)
+        return;
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    if (knownPublicAddress_ != addr) {
+        knownPublicAddress_ = std::move(addr);
+        JAMI_DBG("Setting the known public address to %s", addr.toString().c_str());
+    }
+UPnPContext::isReady() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    return not validIgdList_.empty();
+UPnPContext::getExternalIP() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    // Return the first IGD Ip available.
+    if (not validIgdList_.empty()) {
+        return (*validIgdList_.begin())->getPublicIp();
+    }
+    return {};
+UPnPContext::reserveMapping(Mapping& requestedMap)
+    auto desiredPort = requestedMap.getExternalPort();
+    if (desiredPort == 0) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Desired port is not set, will provide the first available port for [%s]",
+                 requestedMap.getTypeStr());
+    } else {
+        JAMI_DBG("Try to find mapping for port %i [%s]", desiredPort, requestedMap.getTypeStr());
+    }
+    Mapping::sharedPtr_t mapRes;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        auto& mappingList = getMappingList(requestedMap.getType());
+        // We try to provide a mapping in "OPEN" state. If not found,
+        // we provide any available mapping. In this case, it's up to
+        // the caller to use it or not.
+        for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+            // If the desired port is null, we pick the first available port.
+            if (map->isValid() and (desiredPort == 0 or map->getExternalPort() == desiredPort)
+                and map->isAvailable()) {
+                // Considere the first available mapping regardless of its
+                // state. A mapping with OPEN state will be used if found.
+                if (not mapRes)
+                    mapRes = map;
+                if (map->getState() == MappingState::OPEN) {
+                    // Found an "OPEN" mapping. We are done.
+                    mapRes = map;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Create a mapping if none was available.
+    if (not mapRes) {
+        JAMI_WARN("Did not find any available mapping. Will request one now");
+        mapRes = registerMapping(requestedMap);
+    }
+    if (mapRes) {
+        // Make the mapping unavailable
+        mapRes->setAvailable(false);
+        // Copy attributes.
+        mapRes->setNotifyCallback(requestedMap.getNotifyCallback());
+        mapRes->enableAutoUpdate(requestedMap.getAutoUpdate());
+        // Notify the listener.
+        if (auto cb = mapRes->getNotifyCallback())
+            cb(mapRes);
+    }
+    updateMappingList(true);
+    return mapRes;
+UPnPContext::releaseMapping(const Mapping& map)
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, map] { releaseMapping(map); });
+        return;
+    }
+    auto mapPtr = getMappingWithKey(map.getMapKey());
+    if (not mapPtr) {
+        // Might happen if the mapping failed or was never granted.
+        JAMI_DBG("Mapping %s does not exist or was already removed", map.toString().c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    if (mapPtr->isAvailable()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("Trying to release an unused mapping %s", mapPtr->toString().c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    // Remove it.
+    requestRemoveMapping(mapPtr);
+    unregisterMapping(mapPtr);
+UPnPContext::registerController(void* controller)
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        if (shutdownComplete_) {
+            JAMI_WARN("UPnPContext already shut down");
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, controller] { registerController(controller); });
+        return;
+    }
+    auto ret = controllerList_.emplace(controller);
+    if (not ret.second) {
+        JAMI_WARN("Controller %p is already registered", controller);
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("Successfully registered controller %p", controller);
+    if (not started_)
+        startUpnp();
+UPnPContext::unregisterController(void* controller)
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, controller] { unregisterController(controller); });
+        return;
+    }
+    if (controllerList_.erase(controller) == 1) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Successfully unregistered controller %p", controller);
+    } else {
+        JAMI_DBG("Controller %p was already removed", controller);
+    }
+    if (controllerList_.empty()) {
+        stopUpnp();
+    }
+UPnPContext::getAvailablePortNumber(PortType type)
+    // Only return an availalable random port. No actual
+    // reservation is made here.
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+    int tryCount = 0;
+    while (tryCount++ < MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES) {
+        uint16_t port = generateRandomPort(type);
+        Mapping map(type, port, port);
+        if (mappingList.find(map.getMapKey()) == mappingList.end())
+            return port;
+    }
+    // Very unlikely to get here.
+    JAMI_ERR("Could not find an available port after %i trials", MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES);
+    return 0;
+UPnPContext::requestMapping(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map)
+    assert(map);
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, map] { requestMapping(map); });
+        return;
+    }
+    auto const& igd = getPreferredIgd();
+    // We must have at least a valid IGD pointer if we get here.
+    // Not this method is called only if there were a valid IGD, however,
+    // because the processing is asynchronous, it's possible that the IGD
+    // was invalidated when the this code executed.
+    if (not igd) {
+        JAMI_DBG("No valid IGDs available");
+        return;
+    }
+    map->setIgd(igd);
+    JAMI_DBG("Request mapping %s using protocol [%s] IGD [%s]",
+             map->toString().c_str(),
+             igd->getProtocolName(),
+             igd->toString().c_str());
+    if (map->getState() != MappingState::IN_PROGRESS)
+        updateMappingState(map, MappingState::IN_PROGRESS);
+    auto const& protocol =>getProtocol());
+    protocol->requestMappingAdd(*map);
+UPnPContext::provisionNewMappings(PortType type, int portCount)
+    JAMI_DBG("Provision %i new mappings of type [%s]", portCount, Mapping::getTypeStr(type));
+    assert(portCount > 0);
+    while (portCount > 0) {
+        auto port = getAvailablePortNumber(type);
+        if (port > 0) {
+            // Found an available port number
+            portCount--;
+            Mapping map(type, port, port, true);
+            registerMapping(map);
+        } else {
+            // Very unlikely to get here!
+            JAMI_ERR("Can not find any available port to provision!");
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+UPnPContext::deleteUnneededMappings(PortType type, int portCount)
+    JAMI_DBG("Remove %i unneeded mapping of type [%s]", portCount, Mapping::getTypeStr(type));
+    assert(portCount > 0);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+    for (auto it = mappingList.begin(); it != mappingList.end();) {
+        auto map = it->second;
+        assert(map);
+        if (not map->isAvailable()) {
+            it++;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (map->getState() == MappingState::OPEN and portCount > 0) {
+            // Close portCount mappings in "OPEN" state.
+            requestRemoveMapping(map);
+            it = unregisterMapping(it);
+            portCount--;
+        } else if (map->getState() != MappingState::OPEN) {
+            // If this methods is called, it means there are more open
+            // mappings than required. So, all mappings in a state other
+            // than "OPEN" state (typically in in-progress state) will
+            // be deleted as well.
+            it = unregisterMapping(it);
+        } else {
+            it++;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+    if (preferredIgd_ and preferredIgd_->isValid())
+        return;
+    // Reset and search for the best IGD.
+    preferredIgd_.reset();
+    for (auto const& [_, protocol] : protocolList_) {
+        if (protocol->isReady()) {
+            auto igdList = protocol->getIgdList();
+            assert(not igdList.empty());
+            auto const& igd = igdList.front();
+            if (not igd->isValid())
+                continue;
+            // Prefer NAT-PMP over PUPNP.
+            if (preferredIgd_ and igd->getProtocol() != NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP)
+                continue;
+            // Update.
+            preferredIgd_ = igd;
+        }
+    }
+    if (preferredIgd_ and preferredIgd_->isValid()) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Preferred IGD updated to [%s] IGD [%s %s] ",
+                 preferredIgd_->getProtocolName(),
+                 preferredIgd_->getUID().c_str(),
+                 preferredIgd_->toString().c_str());
+    }
+UPnPContext::getPreferredIgd() const
+    return preferredIgd_;
+UPnPContext::updateMappingList(bool async)
+    // Run async if requested.
+    if (async) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this] { updateMappingList(false); });
+        return;
+    }
+    // Update the preferred IGD.
+    updatePreferredIgd();
+    if (mappingListUpdateTimer_) {
+        mappingListUpdateTimer_->cancel();
+        mappingListUpdateTimer_ = {};
+    }
+    // Skip if no controller registered.
+    if (controllerList_.empty())
+        return;
+    // Cancel the current timer (if any) and re-schedule.
+    std::shared_ptr<IGD> prefIgd = getPreferredIgd();
+    if (not prefIgd) {
+        JAMI_DBG("UPNP/NAT-PMP enabled, but no valid IGDs available");
+        // No valid IGD. Nothing to do.
+        return;
+    }
+    mappingListUpdateTimer_ = getScheduler()->scheduleIn([this] { updateMappingList(false); },
+                                                         MAP_UPDATE_INTERVAL);
+    // Process pending requests if any.
+    processPendingRequests(prefIgd);
+    // Make new requests for mappings that failed and have
+    // the auto-update option enabled.
+    processMappingWithAutoUpdate();
+    PortType typeArray[2] = {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP};
+    for (auto idx : {0, 1}) {
+        auto type = typeArray[idx];
+        MappingStatus status;
+        getMappingStatus(type, status);
+        JAMI_DBG("Mapping status [%s] - overall %i: %i open (%i ready + %i in use), %i pending, %i "
+                 "in-progress, %i failed",
+                 Mapping::getTypeStr(type),
+                 status.sum(),
+                 status.openCount_,
+                 status.readyCount_,
+                 status.openCount_ - status.readyCount_,
+                 status.pendingCount_,
+                 status.inProgressCount_,
+                 status.failedCount_);
+        if (status.failedCount_ > 0) {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+            auto const& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+            for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+                if (map->getState() == MappingState::FAILED) {
+                    JAMI_DBG("Mapping status [%s] - Available [%s]",
+                             map->toString(true).c_str(),
+                             map->isAvailable() ? "YES" : "NO");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        int toRequestCount = (int) minOpenPortLimit_[idx]
+                             - (int) (status.readyCount_ + status.inProgressCount_
+                                      + status.pendingCount_);
+        // Provision/release mappings accordingly.
+        if (toRequestCount > 0) {
+            // Take into account the request in-progress when making
+            // requests for new mappings.
+            provisionNewMappings(type, toRequestCount);
+        } else if (status.readyCount_ > maxOpenPortLimit_[idx]) {
+            deleteUnneededMappings(type, status.readyCount_ - maxOpenPortLimit_[idx]);
+        }
+    }
+    // Prune the mapping list if needed
+    if (>isReady()) {
+        // Dont perform if NAT-PMP is valid.
+        if (not>isReady())
+        {
+            pruneMappingList();
+        }
+    }
+    // Renew nat-pmp allocations
+    if (>isReady())
+        renewAllocations();
+    MappingStatus status;
+    getMappingStatus(status);
+    // Do not prune the list if there are pending/in-progress requests.
+    if (status.inProgressCount_ != 0 or status.pendingCount_ != 0) {
+        return;
+    }
+    auto const& igd = getPreferredIgd();
+    if (not igd or igd->getProtocol() != NatProtocolType::PUPNP) {
+        return;
+    }
+    auto protocol =;
+    auto remoteMapList = protocol->getMappingsListByDescr(igd,
+                                                          Mapping::UPNP_MAPPING_DESCRIPTION_PREFIX);
+    if (remoteMapList.empty()) {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        if (not getMappingList(PortType::TCP).empty() or getMappingList(PortType::TCP).empty()) {
+            JAMI_WARN("We have provisionned mappings but the PUPNP IGD returned an empty list!");
+        }
+    }
+    pruneUnMatchedMappings(igd, remoteMapList);
+    pruneUnTrackedMappings(igd, remoteMapList);
+UPnPContext::pruneUnMatchedMappings(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd,
+                                    const std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping>& remoteMapList)
+    // Check/synchronize local mapping list with the list
+    // returned by the IGD.
+    PortType types[2] {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP};
+    for (auto& type : types) {
+        // Use a temporary list to avoid processing mappings while holding the lock.
+        std::list<Mapping::sharedPtr_t> toRemoveList;
+        {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+            auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+            for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+                // Only check mappings allocated by UPNP protocol.
+                if (map->getProtocol() != NatProtocolType::PUPNP) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // Set mapping as failed if not found in the list
+                // returned by the IGD.
+                if (map->getState() == MappingState::OPEN
+                    and remoteMapList.find(map->getMapKey()) == remoteMapList.end()) {
+                    toRemoveList.emplace_back(map);
+                    JAMI_WARN("Mapping %s (IGD %s) marked as \"OPEN\" but not found in the "
+                              "remote list. Mark as failed!",
+                              map->toString().c_str(),
+                              igd->toString().c_str());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for (auto const& map : toRemoveList) {
+            updateMappingState(map, MappingState::FAILED);
+            unregisterMapping(map);
+        }
+    }
+UPnPContext::pruneUnTrackedMappings(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd,
+                                    const std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping>& remoteMapList)
+    // Use a temporary list to avoid processing mappings while holding the lock.
+    std::list<Mapping> toRemoveList;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        for (auto const& [_, map] : remoteMapList) {
+            // Must has valid IGD pointer and use UPNP protocol.
+            assert(map.getIgd());
+            assert(map.getIgd()->getProtocol() == NatProtocolType::PUPNP);
+            auto& mappingList = getMappingList(map.getType());
+            auto it = mappingList.find(map.getMapKey());
+            if (it == mappingList.end()) {
+                // Not present, request mapping remove.
+                toRemoveList.emplace_back(std::move(map));
+                // Make only few remove requests at once.
+                if (toRemoveList.size() >= MAX_REQUEST_REMOVE_COUNT)
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Remove un-tracked mappings.
+    auto protocol =;
+    for (auto const& map : toRemoveList) {
+        protocol->requestMappingRemove(map);
+    }
+UPnPContext::pruneMappingsWithInvalidIgds(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd)
+    // Use temporary list to avoid holding the lock while
+    // processing the mapping list.
+    std::list<Mapping::sharedPtr_t> toRemoveList;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        PortType types[2] {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP};
+        for (auto& type : types) {
+            auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+            for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+                if (map->getIgd() == igd)
+                    toRemoveList.emplace_back(map);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (auto const& map : toRemoveList) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Remove mapping %s (has an invalid IGD %s [%s])",
+                 map->toString().c_str(),
+                 igd->toString().c_str(),
+                 igd->getProtocolName());
+        updateMappingState(map, MappingState::FAILED);
+        unregisterMapping(map);
+    }
+UPnPContext::processPendingRequests(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd)
+    // This list holds the mappings to be requested. This is
+    // needed to avoid performing the requests while holding
+    // the lock.
+    std::list<Mapping::sharedPtr_t> requestsList;
+    // Populate the list of requests to perform.
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        PortType typeArray[2] {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP};
+        for (auto type : typeArray) {
+            auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+            for (auto& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+                if (map->getState() == MappingState::PENDING) {
+                    JAMI_DBG("Send pending request for mapping %s to IGD %s",
+                             map->toString().c_str(),
+                             igd->toString().c_str());
+                    requestsList.emplace_back(map);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Process the pending requests.
+    for (auto const& map : requestsList) {
+        requestMapping(map);
+    }
+    // This list holds the mappings to be requested. This is
+    // needed to avoid performing the requests while holding
+    // the lock.
+    std::list<Mapping::sharedPtr_t> requestsList;
+    // Populate the list of requests for mappings with auto-update enabled.
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        PortType typeArray[2] {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP};
+        for (auto type : typeArray) {
+            auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+            for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+                if (map->getState() == MappingState::FAILED and map->getAutoUpdate()) {
+                    requestsList.emplace_back(map);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (auto const& oldMap : requestsList) {
+        // Request a new mapping if auto-update is enabled.
+        JAMI_DBG("Mapping %s has auto-update enabled, a new mapping will be requested",
+                 oldMap->toString().c_str());
+        // Reserve a new mapping.
+        Mapping newMapping(oldMap->getType());
+        newMapping.enableAutoUpdate(true);
+        newMapping.setNotifyCallback(oldMap->getNotifyCallback());
+        auto const& mapPtr = reserveMapping(newMapping);
+        assert(mapPtr);
+        // Release the old one.
+        oldMap->setAvailable(true);
+        oldMap->enableAutoUpdate(false);
+        oldMap->setNotifyCallback(nullptr);
+        unregisterMapping(oldMap);
+    }
+UPnPContext::onIgdUpdated(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, UpnpIgdEvent event)
+    assert(igd);
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, igd, event] { onIgdUpdated(igd, event); });
+        return;
+    }
+    // Reset to start search for a new best IGD.
+    preferredIgd_.reset();
+    char const* IgdState = event == UpnpIgdEvent::ADDED     ? "ADDED"
+                           : event == UpnpIgdEvent::REMOVED ? "REMOVED"
+                                                            : "INVALID";
+    auto const& igdLocalAddr = igd->getLocalIp();
+    auto protocolName = igd->getProtocolName();
+    JAMI_DBG("New event for IGD [%s %s] [%s]: [%s]",
+             igd->getUID().c_str(),
+             igd->toString().c_str(),
+             protocolName,
+             IgdState);
+    // Check if the IGD has valid addresses.
+    if (not igdLocalAddr) {
+        JAMI_WARN("[%s] IGD has an invalid local address", protocolName);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (not igd->getPublicIp()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("[%s] IGD has an invalid public address", protocolName);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (knownPublicAddress_ and igd->getPublicIp() != knownPublicAddress_) {
+        JAMI_WARN("[%s] IGD external address [%s] does not match known public address [%s]."
+                  " The mapped addresses might not be reachable",
+                  protocolName,
+                  igd->getPublicIp().toString().c_str(),
+                  knownPublicAddress_.toString().c_str());
+    }
+    // The IGD was removed or is invalid.
+    if (event == UpnpIgdEvent::REMOVED or event == UpnpIgdEvent::INVALID_STATE) {
+        JAMI_WARN("State of IGD [%s %s] [%s] changed to [%s]. Pruning the mapping list",
+                  igd->getUID().c_str(),
+                  igd->toString().c_str(),
+                  protocolName,
+                  IgdState);
+        pruneMappingsWithInvalidIgds(igd);
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        validIgdList_.erase(igd);
+        return;
+    }
+    // Update the IGD list.
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        auto ret = validIgdList_.emplace(igd);
+        if (ret.second) {
+            JAMI_DBG("IGD [%s] on address %s was added. Will process any pending requests",
+                     protocolName,
+                     igdLocalAddr.toString(true, true).c_str());
+        } else {
+            // Already in the list.
+            JAMI_ERR("IGD [%s] on address %s already in the list",
+                     protocolName,
+                     igdLocalAddr.toString(true, true).c_str());
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    // Update the provisionned mappings.
+    updateMappingList(false);
+UPnPContext::onMappingAdded(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& mapRes)
+    // Check if we have a pending request for this response.
+    auto map = getMappingWithKey(mapRes.getMapKey());
+    if (not map) {
+        // We may receive a response for a canceled request. Just ignore it.
+        JAMI_DBG("Response for mapping %s [IGD %s] [%s] does not have a local match",
+                 mapRes.toString().c_str(),
+                 igd->toString().c_str(),
+                 mapRes.getProtocolName());
+        return;
+    }
+    // The mapping request is new and successful. Update.
+    map->setIgd(igd);
+    map->setInternalAddress(mapRes.getInternalAddress());
+    map->setExternalPort(mapRes.getExternalPort());
+    // Update the state and report to the owner.
+    updateMappingState(map, MappingState::OPEN);
+    JAMI_DBG("Mapping %s (on IGD %s [%s]) successfully performed",
+             map->toString().c_str(),
+             igd->toString().c_str(),
+             map->getProtocolName());
+    // Call setValid() to reset the errors counter. We need
+    // to reset the counter on each successful response.
+    igd->setValid(true);
+UPnPContext::onMappingRenewed(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map)
+    auto mapPtr = getMappingWithKey(map.getMapKey());
+    if (not mapPtr) {
+        // We may receive a notification for a canceled request. Ignore it.
+        JAMI_WARN("Renewed mapping %s from IGD  %s [%s] does not have a match in local list",
+                  map.toString().c_str(),
+                  igd->toString().c_str(),
+                  map.getProtocolName());
+        return;
+    }
+    if (mapPtr->getProtocol() != NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP or not mapPtr->isValid()
+        or mapPtr->getState() != MappingState::OPEN) {
+        JAMI_WARN("Renewed mapping %s from IGD %s [%s] is in unexpected state",
+                  mapPtr->toString().c_str(),
+                  igd->toString().c_str(),
+                  mapPtr->getProtocolName());
+        return;
+    }
+    mapPtr->setRenewalTime(map.getRenewalTime());
+UPnPContext::requestRemoveMapping(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map)
+    if (not map) {
+        JAMI_ERR("Mapping shared pointer is null!");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (not map->isValid()) {
+        // Silently ignore if the mapping is invalid
+        return;
+    }
+    auto protocol =>getIgd()->getProtocol());
+    protocol->requestMappingRemove(*map);
+UPnPContext::deleteAllMappings(PortType type)
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, type] { deleteAllMappings(type); });
+        return;
+    }
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+    for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+        requestRemoveMapping(map);
+    }
+UPnPContext::onMappingRemoved(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& mapRes)
+    if (not mapRes.isValid())
+        return;
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, igd, mapRes] { onMappingRemoved(igd, mapRes); });
+        return;
+    }
+    auto map = getMappingWithKey(mapRes.getMapKey());
+    // Notify the listener.
+    if (map and map->getNotifyCallback())
+        map->getNotifyCallback()(map);
+UPnPContext::registerMapping(Mapping& map)
+    if (map.getExternalPort() == 0) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Port number not set. Will set a random port number");
+        auto port = getAvailablePortNumber(map.getType());
+        map.setExternalPort(port);
+        map.setInternalPort(port);
+    }
+    // Newly added mapping must be in pending state by default.
+    map.setState(MappingState::PENDING);
+    Mapping::sharedPtr_t mapPtr;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        auto& mappingList = getMappingList(map.getType());
+        auto ret = mappingList.emplace(map.getMapKey(), std::make_shared<Mapping>(map));
+        if (not ret.second) {
+            JAMI_WARN("Mapping request for %s already added!", map.toString().c_str());
+            return {};
+        }
+        mapPtr = ret.first->second;
+        assert(mapPtr);
+    }
+    // No available IGD. The pending mapping requests will be processed
+    // when a IGD becomes available (in onIgdAdded() method).
+    if (not isReady()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("No IGD available. Mapping will be requested when an IGD becomes available");
+    } else {
+        requestMapping(mapPtr);
+    }
+    return mapPtr;
+std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping::sharedPtr_t>::iterator
+UPnPContext::unregisterMapping(std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping::sharedPtr_t>::iterator it)
+    assert(it->second);
+    auto descr = it->second->toString();
+    auto& mappingList = getMappingList(it->second->getType());
+    auto ret = mappingList.erase(it);
+    return ret;
+UPnPContext::unregisterMapping(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map)
+    if (not map) {
+        JAMI_ERR("Mapping pointer is null");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (map->getAutoUpdate()) {
+        // Dont unregister mappings with auto-update enabled.
+        return;
+    }
+    auto& mappingList = getMappingList(map->getType());
+    if (mappingList.erase(map->getMapKey()) == 1) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Unregistered mapping %s", map->toString().c_str());
+    } else {
+        // The mapping may already be un-registered. Just ignore it.
+        JAMI_DBG("Mapping %s [%s] does not have a local match",
+                 map->toString().c_str(),
+                 map->getProtocolName());
+    }
+std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping::sharedPtr_t>&
+UPnPContext::getMappingList(PortType type)
+    unsigned typeIdx = type == PortType::TCP ? 0 : 1;
+    return mappingList_[typeIdx];
+UPnPContext::getMappingWithKey(Mapping::key_t key)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    auto const& mappingList = getMappingList(Mapping::getTypeFromMapKey(key));
+    auto it = mappingList.find(key);
+    if (it == mappingList.end())
+        return nullptr;
+    return it->second;
+UPnPContext::getMappingStatus(PortType type, MappingStatus& status)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+    for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+        switch (map->getState()) {
+        case MappingState::PENDING: {
+            status.pendingCount_++;
+            break;
+        }
+        case MappingState::IN_PROGRESS: {
+            status.inProgressCount_++;
+            break;
+        }
+        case MappingState::FAILED: {
+            status.failedCount_++;
+            break;
+        }
+        case MappingState::OPEN: {
+            status.openCount_++;
+            if (map->isAvailable())
+                status.readyCount_++;
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+            // Must not get here.
+            assert(false);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+UPnPContext::getMappingStatus(MappingStatus& status)
+    getMappingStatus(PortType::TCP, status);
+    getMappingStatus(PortType::UDP, status);
+UPnPContext::onMappingRequestFailed(const Mapping& mapRes)
+    auto const& map = getMappingWithKey(mapRes.getMapKey());
+    if (not map) {
+        // We may receive a response for a removed request. Just ignore it.
+        JAMI_DBG("Mapping %s [IGD %s] does not have a local match",
+                 mapRes.toString().c_str(),
+                 mapRes.getProtocolName());
+        return;
+    }
+    auto igd = map->getIgd();
+    if (not igd) {
+        JAMI_ERR("IGD pointer is null");
+        return;
+    }
+    updateMappingState(map, MappingState::FAILED);
+    unregisterMapping(map);
+    JAMI_WARN("Mapping request for %s failed on IGD %s [%s]",
+              map->toString().c_str(),
+              igd->toString().c_str(),
+              igd->getProtocolName());
+UPnPContext::updateMappingState(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map, MappingState newState, bool notify)
+    assert(map);
+    // Ignore if the state did not change.
+    if (newState == map->getState()) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Mapping %s already in state %s", map->toString().c_str(), map->getStateStr());
+        return;
+    }
+    // Update the state.
+    map->setState(newState);
+    // Notify the listener if set.
+    if (notify and map->getNotifyCallback())
+        map->getNotifyCallback()(map);
+    // Check if the we have valid PMP IGD.
+    auto pmpProto =;
+    auto now = sys_clock::now();
+    std::vector<Mapping::sharedPtr_t> toRenew;
+    for (auto type : {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP}) {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        auto mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+        for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+            if (not map->isValid())
+                continue;
+            if (map->getProtocol() != NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP)
+                continue;
+            if (map->getState() != MappingState::OPEN)
+                continue;
+            if (now < map->getRenewalTime())
+                continue;
+            toRenew.emplace_back(map);
+        }
+    }
+    // Quit if there are no mapping to renew
+    if (toRenew.empty())
+        return;
+    for (auto const& map : toRenew) {
+        pmpProto->requestMappingRenew(*map);
+    }
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami