add initial project structure

Change-Id: I6a3fb080ff623b312e42d71754480a7ce00b81a0
diff --git a/src/connectionmanager.cpp b/src/connectionmanager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96bd6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/connectionmanager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1656 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *  Author: Sébastien Blin <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "connectionmanager.h"
+#include "peer_connection.h"
+#include "upnp/upnp_control.h"
+#include "certstore.h"
+#include "fileutils.h"
+#include "sip_utils.h"
+#include "string_utils.h"
+#include <opendht/crypto.h>
+#include <opendht/thread_pool.h>
+#include <opendht/value.h>
+#include <asio.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <map>
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <set>
+#include <charconv>
+namespace jami {
+static constexpr std::chrono::seconds DHT_MSG_TIMEOUT {30};
+static constexpr uint64_t ID_MAX_VAL = 9007199254740992;
+using ValueIdDist = std::uniform_int_distribution<dht::Value::Id>;
+using CallbackId = std::pair<jami::DeviceId, dht::Value::Id>;
+struct ConnectionInfo
+    ~ConnectionInfo()
+    {
+        if (socket_)
+            socket_->join();
+    }
+    std::mutex mutex_ {};
+    bool responseReceived_ {false};
+    PeerConnectionRequest response_ {};
+    std::unique_ptr<IceTransport> ice_ {nullptr};
+    // Used to store currently non ready TLS Socket
+    std::unique_ptr<TlsSocketEndpoint> tls_ {nullptr};
+    std::shared_ptr<MultiplexedSocket> socket_ {};
+    std::set<CallbackId> cbIds_ {};
+    std::function<void(bool)> onConnected_;
+    std::unique_ptr<asio::steady_timer> waitForAnswer_ {};
+ * returns whether or not UPnP is enabled and active_
+ * ie: if it is able to make port mappings
+ */
+ConnectionManager::Config::getUPnPActive() const
+    if (upnpCtrl)
+        return upnpCtrl->isReady();
+    return false;
+class ConnectionManager::Impl : public std::enable_shared_from_this<ConnectionManager::Impl>
+    explicit Impl(std::shared_ptr<ConnectionManager::Config> config_)
+        : config_ {std::move(config_)}
+    {}
+    ~Impl() {}
+    std::shared_ptr<dht::DhtRunner> dht() { return config_->dht; }
+    const dht::crypto::Identity& identity() const { return config_->id; }
+    void removeUnusedConnections(const DeviceId& deviceId = {})
+    {
+        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ConnectionInfo>> unused {};
+        {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(infosMtx_);
+            for (auto it = infos_.begin(); it != infos_.end();) {
+                auto& [key, info] = *it;
+                if (info && (!deviceId || key.first == deviceId)) {
+                    unused.emplace_back(std::move(info));
+                    it = infos_.erase(it);
+                } else {
+                    ++it;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for (auto& info: unused) {
+            if (info->tls_)
+                info->tls_->shutdown();
+            if (info->socket_)
+                info->socket_->shutdown();
+            if (info->waitForAnswer_)
+                info->waitForAnswer_->cancel();
+        }
+        if (!unused.empty())
+            dht::ThreadPool::io().run([infos = std::move(unused)]() mutable { infos.clear(); });
+    }
+    void shutdown()
+    {
+        if (
+            return;
+        {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(connectCbsMtx_);
+            // Call all pending callbacks that channel is not ready
+            for (auto& [deviceId, pcbs] : pendingCbs_)
+                for (auto& pending : pcbs)
+                    pending.cb(nullptr, deviceId);
+            pendingCbs_.clear();
+        }
+        removeUnusedConnections();
+    }
+    struct PendingCb
+    {
+        std::string name;
+        ConnectCallback cb;
+        dht::Value::Id vid;
+    };
+    void connectDeviceStartIce(const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::PublicKey>& devicePk,
+                               const dht::Value::Id& vid,
+                               const std::string& connType,
+                               std::function<void(bool)> onConnected);
+    void onResponse(const asio::error_code& ec, const DeviceId& deviceId, const dht::Value::Id& vid);
+    bool connectDeviceOnNegoDone(const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                                 const std::string& name,
+                                 const dht::Value::Id& vid,
+                                 const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>& cert);
+    void connectDevice(const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                       const std::string& uri,
+                       ConnectCallback cb,
+                       bool noNewSocket = false,
+                       bool forceNewSocket = false,
+                       const std::string& connType = "");
+    void connectDevice(const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>& cert,
+                       const std::string& name,
+                       ConnectCallback cb,
+                       bool noNewSocket = false,
+                       bool forceNewSocket = false,
+                       const std::string& connType = "");
+    /**
+     * Send a ChannelRequest on the TLS socket. Triggers cb when ready
+     * @param sock      socket used to send the request
+     * @param name      channel's name
+     * @param vid       channel's id
+     * @param deviceId  to identify the linked ConnectCallback
+     */
+    void sendChannelRequest(std::shared_ptr<MultiplexedSocket>& sock,
+                            const std::string& name,
+                            const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                            const dht::Value::Id& vid);
+    /**
+     * Triggered when a PeerConnectionRequest comes from the DHT
+     */
+    void answerTo(IceTransport& ice,
+                  const dht::Value::Id& id,
+                  const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::PublicKey>& fromPk);
+    bool onRequestStartIce(const PeerConnectionRequest& req);
+    bool onRequestOnNegoDone(const PeerConnectionRequest& req);
+    void onDhtPeerRequest(const PeerConnectionRequest& req,
+                          const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>& cert);
+    void addNewMultiplexedSocket(const CallbackId& id, const std::shared_ptr<ConnectionInfo>& info);
+    void onPeerResponse(const PeerConnectionRequest& req);
+    void onDhtConnected(const dht::crypto::PublicKey& devicePk);
+    const std::shared_future<tls::DhParams> dhParams() const;
+    tls::CertificateStore& certStore() const { return *config_->certStore; }
+    mutable std::mutex messageMutex_ {};
+    std::set<std::string, std::less<>> treatedMessages_ {};
+    void loadTreatedMessages();
+    void saveTreatedMessages() const;
+    /// \return true if the given DHT message identifier has been treated
+    /// \note if message has not been treated yet this method st/ore this id and returns true at
+    /// further calls
+    bool isMessageTreated(std::string_view id);
+    const std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger>& logger() const { return config_->logger; }
+    /**
+     * Published IPv4/IPv6 addresses, used only if defined by the user in account
+     * configuration
+     *
+     */
+    IpAddr publishedIp_[2] {};
+    // This will be stored in the configuration
+    std::string publishedIpAddress_ {};
+    /**
+     * Published port, used only if defined by the user
+     */
+    pj_uint16_t publishedPort_ {sip_utils::DEFAULT_SIP_PORT};
+    /**
+     * interface name on which this account is bound
+     */
+    std::string interface_ {"default"};
+    /**
+     * Get the local interface name on which this account is bound.
+     */
+    const std::string& getLocalInterface() const { return interface_; }
+    /**
+     * Get the published IP address, fallbacks to NAT if family is unspecified
+     * Prefers the usage of IPv4 if possible.
+     */
+    IpAddr getPublishedIpAddress(uint16_t family = PF_UNSPEC) const;
+    /**
+     * Set published IP address according to given family
+     */
+    void setPublishedAddress(const IpAddr& ip_addr);
+    /**
+     * Store the local/public addresses used to register
+     */
+    void storeActiveIpAddress(std::function<void()>&& cb = {});
+    /**
+     * Create and return ICE options.
+     */
+    void getIceOptions(std::function<void(IceTransportOptions&&)> cb) noexcept;
+    IceTransportOptions getIceOptions() const noexcept;
+    /**
+     * Inform that a potential peer device have been found.
+     * Returns true only if the device certificate is a valid device certificate.
+     * In that case (true is returned) the account_id parameter is set to the peer account ID.
+     */
+    static bool foundPeerDevice(const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>& crt,
+                                dht::InfoHash& account_id, const std::shared_ptr<Logger>& logger);
+    bool findCertificate(const dht::PkId& id,
+                         std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>&)>&& cb);
+    /**
+     * returns whether or not UPnP is enabled and active
+     * ie: if it is able to make port mappings
+     */
+    bool getUPnPActive() const;
+    /**
+     * Triggered when a new TLS socket is ready to use
+     * @param ok        If succeed
+     * @param deviceId  Related device
+     * @param vid       vid of the connection request
+     * @param name      non empty if TLS was created by connectDevice()
+     */
+    void onTlsNegotiationDone(bool ok,
+                              const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                              const dht::Value::Id& vid,
+                              const std::string& name = "");
+    std::shared_ptr<ConnectionManager::Config> config_;
+    IceTransportFactory iceFactory_ {};
+    mutable std::mt19937_64 rand;
+    iOSConnectedCallback iOSConnectedCb_ {};
+    std::mutex infosMtx_ {};
+    // Note: Someone can ask multiple sockets, so to avoid any race condition,
+    // each device can have multiple multiplexed sockets.
+    std::map<CallbackId, std::shared_ptr<ConnectionInfo>> infos_ {};
+    std::shared_ptr<ConnectionInfo> getInfo(const DeviceId& deviceId, const dht::Value::Id& id)
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(infosMtx_);
+        auto it = infos_.find({deviceId, id});
+        if (it != infos_.end())
+            return it->second;
+        return {};
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<ConnectionInfo> getConnectedInfo(const DeviceId& deviceId)
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(infosMtx_);
+        auto it = std::find_if(infos_.begin(), infos_.end(), [&](const auto& item) {
+            auto& [key, value] = item;
+            return key.first == deviceId && value && value->socket_;
+        });
+        if (it != infos_.end())
+            return it->second;
+        return {};
+    }
+    ChannelRequestCallback channelReqCb_ {};
+    ConnectionReadyCallback connReadyCb_ {};
+    onICERequestCallback iceReqCb_ {};
+    /**
+     * Stores callback from connectDevice
+     * @note: each device needs a vector because several connectDevice can
+     * be done in parallel and we only want one socket
+     */
+    std::mutex connectCbsMtx_ {};
+    std::map<DeviceId, std::vector<PendingCb>> pendingCbs_ {};
+    std::vector<PendingCb> extractPendingCallbacks(const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                                                   const dht::Value::Id vid = 0)
+    {
+        std::vector<PendingCb> ret;
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(connectCbsMtx_);
+        auto pendingIt = pendingCbs_.find(deviceId);
+        if (pendingIt == pendingCbs_.end())
+            return ret;
+        auto& pendings = pendingIt->second;
+        if (vid == 0) {
+            ret = std::move(pendings);
+        } else {
+            for (auto it = pendings.begin(); it != pendings.end(); ++it) {
+                if (it->vid == vid) {
+                    ret.emplace_back(std::move(*it));
+                    pendings.erase(it);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (pendings.empty())
+            pendingCbs_.erase(pendingIt);
+        return ret;
+    }
+    std::vector<PendingCb> getPendingCallbacks(const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                                               const dht::Value::Id vid = 0)
+    {
+        std::vector<PendingCb> ret;
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(connectCbsMtx_);
+        auto pendingIt = pendingCbs_.find(deviceId);
+        if (pendingIt == pendingCbs_.end())
+            return ret;
+        auto& pendings = pendingIt->second;
+        if (vid == 0) {
+            ret = pendings;
+        } else {
+            std::copy_if(pendings.begin(),
+                         pendings.end(),
+                         std::back_inserter(ret),
+                         [&](auto pending) { return pending.vid == vid; });
+        }
+        return ret;
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<ConnectionManager::Impl> shared()
+    {
+        return std::static_pointer_cast<ConnectionManager::Impl>(shared_from_this());
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<ConnectionManager::Impl const> shared() const
+    {
+        return std::static_pointer_cast<ConnectionManager::Impl const>(shared_from_this());
+    }
+    std::weak_ptr<ConnectionManager::Impl> weak()
+    {
+        return std::static_pointer_cast<ConnectionManager::Impl>(shared_from_this());
+    }
+    std::weak_ptr<ConnectionManager::Impl const> weak() const
+    {
+        return std::static_pointer_cast<ConnectionManager::Impl const>(shared_from_this());
+    }
+    std::atomic_bool isDestroying_ {false};
+    const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::PublicKey>& devicePk,
+    const dht::Value::Id& vid,
+    const std::string& connType,
+    std::function<void(bool)> onConnected)
+    auto deviceId = devicePk->getLongId();
+    auto info = getInfo(deviceId, vid);
+    if (!info) {
+        onConnected(false);
+        return;
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(info->mutex_);
+    auto& ice = info->ice_;
+    if (!ice) {
+        if (config_->logger)
+            config_->logger->error("No ICE detected");
+        onConnected(false);
+        return;
+    }
+    auto iceAttributes = ice->getLocalAttributes();
+    std::ostringstream icemsg;
+    icemsg << iceAttributes.ufrag << "\n";
+    icemsg << iceAttributes.pwd << "\n";
+    for (const auto& addr : ice->getLocalCandidates(1)) {
+        icemsg << addr << "\n";
+        if (config_->logger)
+            config_->logger->debug("Added local ICE candidate {}", addr);
+    }
+    // Prepare connection request as a DHT message
+    PeerConnectionRequest val;
+ = vid; /* Random id for the message unicity */
+    val.ice_msg = icemsg.str();
+    val.connType = connType;
+    auto value = std::make_shared<dht::Value>(std::move(val));
+    value->user_type = "peer_request";
+    // Send connection request through DHT
+    if (config_->logger)
+        config_->logger->debug("Request connection to {}", deviceId);
+    dht()->putEncrypted(dht::InfoHash::get(PeerConnectionRequest::key_prefix
+                                           + devicePk->getId().toString()),
+                        devicePk,
+                        value,
+                        [l=config_->logger,deviceId](bool ok) {
+                            if (l)
+                                l->debug("Sent connection request to {:s}. Put encrypted {:s}",
+                                       deviceId,
+                                       (ok ? "ok" : "failed"));
+                        });
+    // Wait for call to onResponse() operated by DHT
+    if (isDestroying_) {
+        onConnected(true); // This avoid to wait new negotiation when destroying
+        return;
+    }
+    info->onConnected_ = std::move(onConnected);
+    info->waitForAnswer_ = std::make_unique<asio::steady_timer>(*config_->ioContext,
+                                                                std::chrono::steady_clock::now()
+                                                                    + DHT_MSG_TIMEOUT);
+    info->waitForAnswer_->async_wait(
+        std::bind(&ConnectionManager::Impl::onResponse, this, std::placeholders::_1, deviceId, vid));
+ConnectionManager::Impl::onResponse(const asio::error_code& ec,
+                                    const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                                    const dht::Value::Id& vid)
+    if (ec == asio::error::operation_aborted)
+        return;
+    auto info = getInfo(deviceId, vid);
+    if (!info)
+        return;
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(info->mutex_);
+    auto& ice = info->ice_;
+    if (isDestroying_) {
+        info->onConnected_(true); // The destructor can wake a pending wait here.
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!info->responseReceived_) {
+        if (config_->logger)
+            config_->logger->error("no response from DHT to E2E request.");
+        info->onConnected_(false);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!info->ice_) {
+        info->onConnected_(false);
+        return;
+    }
+    auto sdp = ice->parseIceCandidates(info->response_.ice_msg);
+    if (not ice->startIce({sdp.rem_ufrag, sdp.rem_pwd}, std::move(sdp.rem_candidates))) {
+        if (config_->logger)
+            config_->logger->warn("start ICE failed");
+        info->onConnected_(false);
+        return;
+    }
+    info->onConnected_(true);
+    const DeviceId& deviceId,
+    const std::string& name,
+    const dht::Value::Id& vid,
+    const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>& cert)
+    auto info = getInfo(deviceId, vid);
+    if (!info)
+        return false;
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {info->mutex_};
+    if (info->waitForAnswer_) {
+        // Negotiation is done and connected, go to handshake
+        // and avoid any cancellation at this point.
+        info->waitForAnswer_->cancel();
+    }
+    auto& ice = info->ice_;
+    if (!ice || !ice->isRunning()) {
+        if (config_->logger)
+            config_->logger->error("No ICE detected or not running");
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Build socket
+    auto endpoint = std::make_unique<IceSocketEndpoint>(std::shared_ptr<IceTransport>(
+                                                            std::move(ice)),
+                                                        true);
+    // Negotiate a TLS session
+    if (config_->logger)
+        config_->logger->debug("Start TLS session - Initied by connectDevice(). Launched by channel: {} - device: {} - vid: {}", name, deviceId, vid);
+    info->tls_ = std::make_unique<TlsSocketEndpoint>(std::move(endpoint),
+                                                     certStore(),
+                                                     identity(),
+                                                     dhParams(),
+                                                     *cert);
+    info->tls_->setOnReady(
+        [w = weak(), deviceId = std::move(deviceId), vid = std::move(vid), name = std::move(name)](
+            bool ok) {
+            if (auto shared = w.lock())
+                shared->onTlsNegotiationDone(ok, deviceId, vid, name);
+        });
+    return true;
+ConnectionManager::Impl::connectDevice(const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                                       const std::string& name,
+                                       ConnectCallback cb,
+                                       bool noNewSocket,
+                                       bool forceNewSocket,
+                                       const std::string& connType)
+    if (!dht()) {
+        cb(nullptr, deviceId);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (deviceId.toString() == identity().second->getLongId().toString()) {
+        cb(nullptr, deviceId);
+        return;
+    }
+    findCertificate(deviceId,
+                    [w = weak(),
+                     deviceId,
+                     name,
+                     cb = std::move(cb),
+                     noNewSocket,
+                     forceNewSocket,
+                     connType](const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>& cert) {
+                        if (!cert) {
+                            if (auto shared = w.lock())
+                                if (shared->config_->logger)
+                                    shared->config_->logger->error(
+                                        "No valid certificate found for device {}",
+                                        deviceId);
+                            cb(nullptr, deviceId);
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        if (auto shared = w.lock()) {
+                            shared->connectDevice(cert,
+                                                  name,
+                                                  std::move(cb),
+                                                  noNewSocket,
+                                                  forceNewSocket,
+                                                  connType);
+                        } else
+                            cb(nullptr, deviceId);
+                    });
+ConnectionManager::Impl::connectDevice(const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>& cert,
+                                       const std::string& name,
+                                       ConnectCallback cb,
+                                       bool noNewSocket,
+                                       bool forceNewSocket,
+                                       const std::string& connType)
+    // Avoid dht operation in a DHT callback to avoid deadlocks
+    dht::ThreadPool::computation().run([w = weak(),
+                     name = std::move(name),
+                     cert = std::move(cert),
+                     cb = std::move(cb),
+                     noNewSocket,
+                     forceNewSocket,
+                     connType] {
+        auto devicePk = cert->getSharedPublicKey();
+        auto deviceId = devicePk->getLongId();
+        auto sthis = w.lock();
+        if (!sthis || sthis->isDestroying_) {
+            cb(nullptr, deviceId);
+            return;
+        }
+        dht::Value::Id vid = ValueIdDist(1, ID_MAX_VAL)(sthis->rand);
+        auto isConnectingToDevice = false;
+        {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(sthis->connectCbsMtx_);
+            auto pendingsIt = sthis->pendingCbs_.find(deviceId);
+            if (pendingsIt != sthis->pendingCbs_.end()) {
+                const auto& pendings = pendingsIt->second;
+                while (std::find_if(pendings.begin(), pendings.end(), [&](const auto& it){ return it.vid == vid; }) != pendings.end()) {
+                    vid = ValueIdDist(1, ID_MAX_VAL)(sthis->rand);
+                }
+            }
+            // Check if already connecting
+            isConnectingToDevice = pendingsIt != sthis->pendingCbs_.end();
+            // Save current request for sendChannelRequest.
+            // Note: do not return here, cause we can be in a state where first
+            // socket is negotiated and first channel is pending
+            // so return only after we checked the info
+            if (isConnectingToDevice)
+                pendingsIt->second.emplace_back(PendingCb {name, std::move(cb), vid});
+            else
+                sthis->pendingCbs_[deviceId] = {{name, std::move(cb), vid}};
+        }
+        // Check if already negotiated
+        CallbackId cbId(deviceId, vid);
+        if (auto info = sthis->getConnectedInfo(deviceId)) {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(info->mutex_);
+            if (info->socket_) {
+                if (sthis->config_->logger)
+                    sthis->config_->logger->debug("Peer already connected to {}. Add a new channel", deviceId);
+                info->cbIds_.emplace(cbId);
+                sthis->sendChannelRequest(info->socket_, name, deviceId, vid);
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        if (isConnectingToDevice && !forceNewSocket) {
+            if (sthis->config_->logger)
+                sthis->config_->logger->debug("Already connecting to {}, wait for the ICE negotiation", deviceId);
+            return;
+        }
+        if (noNewSocket) {
+            // If no new socket is specified, we don't try to generate a new socket
+            for (const auto& pending : sthis->extractPendingCallbacks(deviceId, vid))
+                pending.cb(nullptr, deviceId);
+            return;
+        }
+        // Note: used when the ice negotiation fails to erase
+        // all stored structures.
+        auto eraseInfo = [w, cbId] {
+            if (auto shared = w.lock()) {
+                // If no new socket is specified, we don't try to generate a new socket
+                for (const auto& pending : shared->extractPendingCallbacks(cbId.first, cbId.second))
+                    pending.cb(nullptr, cbId.first);
+                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(shared->infosMtx_);
+                shared->infos_.erase(cbId);
+            }
+        };
+        // If no socket exists, we need to initiate an ICE connection.
+        sthis->getIceOptions([w,
+                              deviceId = std::move(deviceId),
+                              devicePk = std::move(devicePk),
+                              name = std::move(name),
+                              cert = std::move(cert),
+                              vid,
+                              connType,
+                              eraseInfo](auto&& ice_config) {
+            auto sthis = w.lock();
+            if (!sthis) {
+                dht::ThreadPool::io().run([eraseInfo = std::move(eraseInfo)] { eraseInfo(); });
+                return;
+            }
+            ice_config.tcpEnable = true;
+            ice_config.onInitDone = [w,
+                                     deviceId = std::move(deviceId),
+                                     devicePk = std::move(devicePk),
+                                     name = std::move(name),
+                                     cert = std::move(cert),
+                                     vid,
+                                     connType,
+                                     eraseInfo](bool ok) {
+                dht::ThreadPool::io().run([w = std::move(w),
+                                           devicePk = std::move(devicePk),
+                                           vid = std::move(vid),
+                                           eraseInfo,
+                                           connType, ok] {
+                    auto sthis = w.lock();
+                    if (!ok && sthis && sthis->config_->logger)
+                        sthis->config_->logger->error("Cannot initialize ICE session.");
+                    if (!sthis || !ok) {
+                        eraseInfo();
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    sthis->connectDeviceStartIce(devicePk, vid, connType, [=](bool ok) {
+                        if (!ok) {
+                            dht::ThreadPool::io().run([eraseInfo = std::move(eraseInfo)] { eraseInfo(); });
+                        }
+                    });
+                });
+            };
+            ice_config.onNegoDone = [w,
+                    deviceId,
+                    name,
+                     cert = std::move(cert),
+                     vid,
+                     eraseInfo](bool ok) {
+                dht::ThreadPool::io().run([w = std::move(w),
+                                           deviceId = std::move(deviceId),
+                                           name = std::move(name),
+                                           cert = std::move(cert),
+                                           vid = std::move(vid),
+                                           eraseInfo = std::move(eraseInfo),
+                                           ok] {
+                    auto sthis = w.lock();
+                    if (!ok && sthis && sthis->config_->logger)
+                        sthis->config_->logger->error("ICE negotiation failed.");
+                    if (!sthis || !ok || !sthis->connectDeviceOnNegoDone(deviceId, name, vid, cert))
+                        eraseInfo();
+                });
+            };
+            auto info = std::make_shared<ConnectionInfo>();
+            {
+                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(sthis->infosMtx_);
+                sthis->infos_[{deviceId, vid}] = info;
+            }
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {info->mutex_};
+            ice_config.master = false;
+            ice_config.streamsCount = 1;
+            ice_config.compCountPerStream = 1;
+            info->ice_ = sthis->iceFactory_.createUTransport("");
+            if (!info->ice_) {
+                if (sthis->config_->logger)
+                    sthis->config_->logger->error("Cannot initialize ICE session.");
+                eraseInfo();
+                return;
+            }
+            // We need to detect any shutdown if the ice session is destroyed before going to the
+            // TLS session;
+            info->ice_->setOnShutdown([eraseInfo]() {
+                dht::ThreadPool::io().run([eraseInfo = std::move(eraseInfo)] { eraseInfo(); });
+            });
+            info->ice_->initIceInstance(ice_config);
+        });
+    });
+ConnectionManager::Impl::sendChannelRequest(std::shared_ptr<MultiplexedSocket>& sock,
+                                            const std::string& name,
+                                            const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                                            const dht::Value::Id& vid)
+    auto channelSock = sock->addChannel(name);
+    channelSock->onShutdown([name, deviceId, vid, w = weak()] {
+        auto shared = w.lock();
+        if (shared)
+            for (const auto& pending : shared->extractPendingCallbacks(deviceId, vid))
+                pending.cb(nullptr, deviceId);
+    });
+    channelSock->onReady(
+        [wSock = std::weak_ptr<ChannelSocket>(channelSock), name, deviceId, vid, w = weak()]() {
+            auto shared = w.lock();
+            auto channelSock = wSock.lock();
+            if (shared)
+                for (const auto& pending : shared->extractPendingCallbacks(deviceId, vid))
+                    pending.cb(channelSock, deviceId);
+        });
+    ChannelRequest val;
+ = channelSock->name();
+    val.state = ChannelRequestState::REQUEST;
+ = channelSock->channel();
+    msgpack::sbuffer buffer(256);
+    msgpack::pack(buffer, val);
+    std::error_code ec;
+    int res = sock->write(CONTROL_CHANNEL,
+                          reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
+                          buffer.size(),
+                          ec);
+    if (res < 0) {
+        // TODO check if we should handle errors here
+        if (config_->logger)
+            config_->logger->error("sendChannelRequest failed - error: {}", ec.message());
+    }
+ConnectionManager::Impl::onPeerResponse(const PeerConnectionRequest& req)
+    auto device = req.owner->getLongId();
+    if (config_->logger)
+        config_->logger->debug("New response received from {}", device);
+    if (auto info = getInfo(device, {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk {info->mutex_};
+        info->responseReceived_ = true;
+        info->response_ = std::move(req);
+        info->waitForAnswer_->expires_at(std::chrono::steady_clock::now());
+        info->waitForAnswer_->async_wait(std::bind(&ConnectionManager::Impl::onResponse,
+                                                   this,
+                                                   std::placeholders::_1,
+                                                   device,
+                                         ;
+    } else {
+        if (config_->logger)
+            config_->logger->warn("Respond received, but cannot find request");
+    }
+ConnectionManager::Impl::onDhtConnected(const dht::crypto::PublicKey& devicePk)
+    if (!dht())
+        return;
+    dht()->listen<PeerConnectionRequest>(
+        dht::InfoHash::get(PeerConnectionRequest::key_prefix + devicePk.getId().toString()),
+        [w = weak()](PeerConnectionRequest&& req) {
+            auto shared = w.lock();
+            if (!shared)
+                return false;
+            if (shared->isMessageTreated(to_hex_string( {
+                // Message already treated. Just ignore
+                return true;
+            }
+            if (req.isAnswer) {
+                if (shared->config_->logger)
+                    shared->config_->logger->debug("Received request answer from {}", req.owner->getLongId());
+            } else {
+                if (shared->config_->logger)
+                    shared->config_->logger->debug("Received request from {}", req.owner->getLongId());
+            }
+            if (req.isAnswer) {
+                shared->onPeerResponse(req);
+            } else {
+                // Async certificate checking
+                shared->dht()->findCertificate(
+                    req.from,
+                    [w, req = std::move(req)](
+                        const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>& cert) mutable {
+                        auto shared = w.lock();
+                        if (!shared)
+                            return;
+                        dht::InfoHash peer_h;
+                        if (foundPeerDevice(cert, peer_h, shared->config_->logger)) {
+                            if (shared->iOSConnectedCb_(req.connType, peer_h))
+                                return;
+                            shared->onDhtPeerRequest(req, cert);
+                        } else {
+                            if (shared->config_->logger)
+                                shared->config_->logger->warn(
+                                    "Received request from untrusted peer {}",
+                                    req.owner->getLongId());
+                        }
+                    });
+            }
+            return true;
+        },
+        dht::Value::UserTypeFilter("peer_request"));
+ConnectionManager::Impl::onTlsNegotiationDone(bool ok,
+                                              const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                                              const dht::Value::Id& vid,
+                                              const std::string& name)
+    if (isDestroying_)
+        return;
+    // Note: only handle pendingCallbacks here for TLS initied by connectDevice()
+    // Note: if not initied by connectDevice() the channel name will be empty (because no channel
+    // asked yet)
+    auto isDhtRequest = name.empty();
+    if (!ok) {
+        if (isDhtRequest) {
+            if (config_->logger)
+                config_->logger->error("TLS connection failure for peer {} - Initied by DHT request. channel: {} - vid: {}",
+                                       deviceId,
+                                       name,
+                                       vid);
+            if (connReadyCb_)
+                connReadyCb_(deviceId, "", nullptr);
+        } else {
+            if (config_->logger)
+                config_->logger->error("TLS connection failure for peer {} - Initied by connectDevice. channel: {} - vid: {}",
+                                       deviceId,
+                                       name,
+                                       vid);
+            for (const auto& pending : extractPendingCallbacks(deviceId))
+                pending.cb(nullptr, deviceId);
+        }
+    } else {
+        // The socket is ready, store it
+        if (isDhtRequest) {
+            if (config_->logger)
+                config_->logger->debug("Connection to {} is ready - Initied by DHT request. Vid: {}",
+                                       deviceId,
+                                       vid);
+        } else {
+            if (config_->logger)
+                config_->logger->debug("Connection to {} is ready - Initied by connectDevice(). channel: {} - vid: {}",
+                                       deviceId,
+                                       name,
+                                       vid);
+        }
+        auto info = getInfo(deviceId, vid);
+        addNewMultiplexedSocket({deviceId, vid}, info);
+        // Finally, open the channel and launch pending callbacks
+        if (info->socket_) {
+            // Note: do not remove pending there it's done in sendChannelRequest
+            for (const auto& pending : getPendingCallbacks(deviceId)) {
+                if (config_->logger)
+                    config_->logger->debug("Send request on TLS socket for channel {} to {}",
+                                 ,
+                                           deviceId);
+                sendChannelRequest(info->socket_,, deviceId, pending.vid);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ConnectionManager::Impl::answerTo(IceTransport& ice,
+                                  const dht::Value::Id& id,
+                                  const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::PublicKey>& from)
+    // NOTE: This is a shortest version of a real SDP message to save some bits
+    auto iceAttributes = ice.getLocalAttributes();
+    std::ostringstream icemsg;
+    icemsg << iceAttributes.ufrag << "\n";
+    icemsg << iceAttributes.pwd << "\n";
+    for (const auto& addr : ice.getLocalCandidates(1)) {
+        icemsg << addr << "\n";
+    }
+    // Send PeerConnection response
+    PeerConnectionRequest val;
+ = id;
+    val.ice_msg = icemsg.str();
+    val.isAnswer = true;
+    auto value = std::make_shared<dht::Value>(std::move(val));
+    value->user_type = "peer_request";
+    if (config_->logger)
+        config_->logger->debug("Connection accepted, DHT reply to {}", from->getLongId());
+    dht()->putEncrypted(dht::InfoHash::get(PeerConnectionRequest::key_prefix
+                                           + from->getId().toString()),
+                        from,
+                        value,
+                        [from,l=config_->logger](bool ok) {
+                            if (l)
+                                l->debug("Answer to connection request from {:s}. Put encrypted {:s}",
+                                         from->getLongId(),
+                                         (ok ? "ok" : "failed"));
+                        });
+ConnectionManager::Impl::onRequestStartIce(const PeerConnectionRequest& req)
+    auto deviceId = req.owner->getLongId();
+    auto info = getInfo(deviceId,;
+    if (!info)
+        return false;
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {info->mutex_};
+    auto& ice = info->ice_;
+    if (!ice) {
+        if (config_->logger)
+            config_->logger->error("No ICE detected");
+        if (connReadyCb_)
+            connReadyCb_(deviceId, "", nullptr);
+        return false;
+    }
+    auto sdp = ice->parseIceCandidates(req.ice_msg);
+    answerTo(*ice,, req.owner);
+    if (not ice->startIce({sdp.rem_ufrag, sdp.rem_pwd}, std::move(sdp.rem_candidates))) {
+        if (config_->logger)
+            config_->logger->error("Start ICE failed - fallback to TURN");
+        ice = nullptr;
+        if (connReadyCb_)
+            connReadyCb_(deviceId, "", nullptr);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+ConnectionManager::Impl::onRequestOnNegoDone(const PeerConnectionRequest& req)
+    auto deviceId = req.owner->getLongId();
+    auto info = getInfo(deviceId,;
+    if (!info)
+        return false;
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {info->mutex_};
+    auto& ice = info->ice_;
+    if (!ice) {
+        if (config_->logger)
+            config_->logger->error("No ICE detected");
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Build socket
+    auto endpoint = std::make_unique<IceSocketEndpoint>(std::shared_ptr<IceTransport>(
+                                                            std::move(ice)),
+                                                        false);
+    // init TLS session
+    auto ph = req.from;
+    if (config_->logger)
+        config_->logger->debug("Start TLS session - Initied by DHT request. Device: {} - vid: {}",
+                               req.from,
+                     ;
+    info->tls_ = std::make_unique<TlsSocketEndpoint>(
+        std::move(endpoint),
+        certStore(),
+        identity(),
+        dhParams(),
+        [ph, w = weak()](const dht::crypto::Certificate& cert) {
+            auto shared = w.lock();
+            if (!shared)
+                return false;
+            auto crt = shared->certStore().getCertificate(cert.getLongId().toString());
+            if (!crt)
+                return false;
+            return crt->getPacked() == cert.getPacked();
+        });
+    info->tls_->setOnReady(
+        [w = weak(), deviceId = std::move(deviceId), vid = std::move(](bool ok) {
+            if (auto shared = w.lock())
+                shared->onTlsNegotiationDone(ok, deviceId, vid);
+        });
+    return true;
+ConnectionManager::Impl::onDhtPeerRequest(const PeerConnectionRequest& req,
+                                          const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>& /*cert*/)
+    auto deviceId = req.owner->getLongId();
+    if (config_->logger)
+        config_->logger->debug("New connection request from {}", deviceId);
+    if (!iceReqCb_ || !iceReqCb_(deviceId)) {
+        if (config_->logger)
+            config_->logger->debug("Refuse connection from {}", deviceId);
+        return;
+    }
+    // Because the connection is accepted, create an ICE socket.
+    getIceOptions([w = weak(), req, deviceId](auto&& ice_config) {
+        auto shared = w.lock();
+        if (!shared)
+            return;
+        // Note: used when the ice negotiation fails to erase
+        // all stored structures.
+        auto eraseInfo = [w, id =, deviceId] {
+            if (auto shared = w.lock()) {
+                // If no new socket is specified, we don't try to generate a new socket
+                for (const auto& pending : shared->extractPendingCallbacks(deviceId, id))
+                    pending.cb(nullptr, deviceId);
+                if (shared->connReadyCb_)
+                    shared->connReadyCb_(deviceId, "", nullptr);
+                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(shared->infosMtx_);
+                shared->infos_.erase({deviceId, id});
+            }
+        };
+        ice_config.tcpEnable = true;
+        ice_config.onInitDone = [w, req, eraseInfo](bool ok) {
+            auto shared = w.lock();
+            if (!shared)
+                return;
+            if (!ok) {
+                if (shared->config_->logger)
+                    shared->config_->logger->error("Cannot initialize ICE session.");
+                dht::ThreadPool::io().run([eraseInfo = std::move(eraseInfo)] { eraseInfo(); });
+                return;
+            }
+            dht::ThreadPool::io().run(
+                [w = std::move(w), req = std::move(req), eraseInfo = std::move(eraseInfo)] {
+                    auto shared = w.lock();
+                    if (!shared)
+                        return;
+                    if (!shared->onRequestStartIce(req))
+                        eraseInfo();
+                });
+        };
+        ice_config.onNegoDone = [w, req, eraseInfo](bool ok) {
+            auto shared = w.lock();
+            if (!shared)
+                return;
+            if (!ok) {
+                if (shared->config_->logger)
+                    shared->config_->logger->error("ICE negotiation failed.");
+                dht::ThreadPool::io().run([eraseInfo = std::move(eraseInfo)] { eraseInfo(); });
+                return;
+            }
+            dht::ThreadPool::io().run(
+                [w = std::move(w), req = std::move(req), eraseInfo = std::move(eraseInfo)] {
+                    if (auto shared = w.lock())
+                        if (!shared->onRequestOnNegoDone(req))
+                            eraseInfo();
+                });
+        };
+        // Negotiate a new ICE socket
+        auto info = std::make_shared<ConnectionInfo>();
+        {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(shared->infosMtx_);
+            shared->infos_[{deviceId,}] = info;
+        }
+        if (shared->config_->logger)
+            shared->config_->logger->debug("Accepting connection from {}", deviceId);
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {info->mutex_};
+        ice_config.streamsCount = 1;
+        ice_config.compCountPerStream = 1; // TCP
+        ice_config.master = true;
+        info->ice_ = shared->iceFactory_.createUTransport("");
+        if (not info->ice_) {
+            if (shared->config_->logger)
+                shared->config_->logger->error("Cannot initialize ICE session");
+            eraseInfo();
+            return;
+        }
+        // We need to detect any shutdown if the ice session is destroyed before going to the TLS session;
+        info->ice_->setOnShutdown([eraseInfo]() {
+            dht::ThreadPool::io().run([eraseInfo = std::move(eraseInfo)] { eraseInfo(); });
+        });
+        info->ice_->initIceInstance(ice_config);
+    });
+ConnectionManager::Impl::addNewMultiplexedSocket(const CallbackId& id, const std::shared_ptr<ConnectionInfo>& info)
+    info->socket_ = std::make_shared<MultiplexedSocket>(config_->ioContext, id.first, std::move(info->tls_));
+    info->socket_->setOnReady(
+        [w = weak()](const DeviceId& deviceId, const std::shared_ptr<ChannelSocket>& socket) {
+            if (auto sthis = w.lock())
+                if (sthis->connReadyCb_)
+                    sthis->connReadyCb_(deviceId, socket->name(), socket);
+        });
+    info->socket_->setOnRequest([w = weak()](const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>& peer,
+                                             const uint16_t&,
+                                             const std::string& name) {
+        if (auto sthis = w.lock())
+            if (sthis->channelReqCb_)
+                return sthis->channelReqCb_(peer, name);
+        return false;
+    });
+    info->socket_->onShutdown([w = weak(), deviceId=id.first, vid=id.second]() {
+        // Cancel current outgoing connections
+        dht::ThreadPool::io().run([w, deviceId, vid] {
+            auto sthis = w.lock();
+            if (!sthis)
+                return;
+            std::set<CallbackId> ids;
+            if (auto info = sthis->getInfo(deviceId, vid)) {
+                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(info->mutex_);
+                if (info->socket_) {
+                    ids = std::move(info->cbIds_);
+                    info->socket_->shutdown();
+                }
+            }
+            for (const auto& cbId : ids)
+                for (const auto& pending : sthis->extractPendingCallbacks(cbId.first, cbId.second))
+                    pending.cb(nullptr, deviceId);
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(sthis->infosMtx_);
+            sthis->infos_.erase({deviceId, vid});
+        });
+    });
+const std::shared_future<tls::DhParams>
+ConnectionManager::Impl::dhParams() const
+    return dht::ThreadPool::computation().get<tls::DhParams>(
+        std::bind(tls::DhParams::loadDhParams, config_->cachePath + DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "dhParams"));
+    ;
+template<typename ID = dht::Value::Id>
+std::set<ID, std::less<>>
+loadIdList(const std::string& path)
+    std::set<ID, std::less<>> ids;
+    std::ifstream file = fileutils::ifstream(path);
+    if (!file.is_open()) {
+        //JAMI_DBG("Could not load %s", path.c_str());
+        return ids;
+    }
+    std::string line;
+    while (std::getline(file, line)) {
+        if constexpr (std::is_same<ID, std::string>::value) {
+            ids.emplace(std::move(line));
+        } else if constexpr (std::is_integral<ID>::value) {
+            ID vid;
+            if (auto [p, ec] = std::from_chars(, + line.size(), vid, 16);
+                ec == std::errc()) {
+                ids.emplace(vid);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return ids;
+template<typename List = std::set<dht::Value::Id>>
+saveIdList(const std::string& path, const List& ids)
+    std::ofstream file = fileutils::ofstream(path, std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary);
+    if (!file.is_open()) {
+        //JAMI_ERR("Could not save to %s", path.c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    for (auto& c : ids)
+        file << std::hex << c << "\n";
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(messageMutex_);
+    auto path = config_->cachePath + DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "treatedMessages";
+    treatedMessages_ = loadIdList<std::string>(path);
+    if (treatedMessages_.empty()) {
+        auto messages = loadIdList(path);
+        for (const auto& m : messages)
+            treatedMessages_.emplace(to_hex_string(m));
+    }
+ConnectionManager::Impl::saveTreatedMessages() const
+    dht::ThreadPool::io().run([w = weak()]() {
+        if (auto sthis = w.lock()) {
+            auto& this_ = *sthis;
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(this_.messageMutex_);
+            fileutils::check_dir(this_.config_->cachePath.c_str());
+            saveIdList<decltype(this_.treatedMessages_)>(this_.config_->cachePath
+                                                             + DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "treatedMessages",
+                                                         this_.treatedMessages_);
+        }
+    });
+ConnectionManager::Impl::isMessageTreated(std::string_view id)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(messageMutex_);
+    auto res = treatedMessages_.emplace(id);
+    if (res.second) {
+        saveTreatedMessages();
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+ * returns whether or not UPnP is enabled and active_
+ * ie: if it is able to make port mappings
+ */
+ConnectionManager::Impl::getUPnPActive() const
+    return config_->getUPnPActive();
+ConnectionManager::Impl::getPublishedIpAddress(uint16_t family) const
+    if (family == AF_INET)
+        return publishedIp_[0];
+    if (family == AF_INET6)
+        return publishedIp_[1];
+    assert(family == AF_UNSPEC);
+    // If family is not set, prefere IPv4 if available. It's more
+    // likely to succeed behind NAT.
+    if (publishedIp_[0])
+        return publishedIp_[0];
+    if (publishedIp_[1])
+        return publishedIp_[1];
+    return {};
+ConnectionManager::Impl::setPublishedAddress(const IpAddr& ip_addr)
+    if (ip_addr.getFamily() == AF_INET) {
+        publishedIp_[0] = ip_addr;
+    } else {
+        publishedIp_[1] = ip_addr;
+    }
+ConnectionManager::Impl::storeActiveIpAddress(std::function<void()>&& cb)
+    dht()->getPublicAddress([this, cb = std::move(cb)](std::vector<dht::SockAddr>&& results) {
+        bool hasIpv4 {false}, hasIpv6 {false};
+        for (auto& result : results) {
+            auto family = result.getFamily();
+            if (family == AF_INET) {
+                if (not hasIpv4) {
+                    hasIpv4 = true;
+                    if (config_->logger)
+                        config_->logger->debug("Store DHT public IPv4 address: {}", result);
+                    //JAMI_DBG("Store DHT public IPv4 address : %s", result.toString().c_str());
+                    setPublishedAddress(*result.get());
+                    if (config_->upnpCtrl) {
+                        config_->upnpCtrl->setPublicAddress(*result.get());
+                    }
+                }
+            } else if (family == AF_INET6) {
+                if (not hasIpv6) {
+                    hasIpv6 = true;
+                    if (config_->logger)
+                        config_->logger->debug("Store DHT public IPv6 address: {}", result);
+                    setPublishedAddress(*result.get());
+                }
+            }
+            if (hasIpv4 and hasIpv6)
+                break;
+        }
+        if (cb)
+            cb();
+    });
+ConnectionManager::Impl::getIceOptions(std::function<void(IceTransportOptions&&)> cb) noexcept
+    storeActiveIpAddress([this, cb = std::move(cb)] {
+        IceTransportOptions opts = ConnectionManager::Impl::getIceOptions();
+        auto publishedAddr = getPublishedIpAddress();
+        if (publishedAddr) {
+            auto interfaceAddr = ip_utils::getInterfaceAddr(getLocalInterface(),
+                                                            publishedAddr.getFamily());
+            if (interfaceAddr) {
+                opts.accountLocalAddr = interfaceAddr;
+                opts.accountPublicAddr = publishedAddr;
+            }
+        }
+        if (cb)
+            cb(std::move(opts));
+    });
+ConnectionManager::Impl::getIceOptions() const noexcept
+    IceTransportOptions opts;
+    opts.upnpEnable = getUPnPActive();
+    if (config_->stunEnabled)
+        opts.stunServers.emplace_back(StunServerInfo().setUri(config_->stunServer));
+    if (config_->turnEnabled) {
+        auto cached = false;
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(config_->cachedTurnMutex);
+        cached = config_->cacheTurnV4 || config_->cacheTurnV6;
+        if (config_->cacheTurnV4) {
+            opts.turnServers.emplace_back(TurnServerInfo()
+                                              .setUri(config_->cacheTurnV4.toString())
+                                              .setUsername(config_->turnServerUserName)
+                                              .setPassword(config_->turnServerPwd)
+                                              .setRealm(config_->turnServerRealm));
+        }
+        // NOTE: first test with ipv6 turn was not concluant and resulted in multiple
+        // co issues. So this needs some debug. for now just disable
+        // if (cacheTurnV6 && *cacheTurnV6) {
+        //    opts.turnServers.emplace_back(TurnServerInfo()
+        //                                      .setUri(cacheTurnV6->toString(true))
+        //                                      .setUsername(turnServerUserName_)
+        //                                      .setPassword(turnServerPwd_)
+        //                                      .setRealm(turnServerRealm_));
+        //}
+        // Nothing cached, so do the resolution
+        if (!cached) {
+            opts.turnServers.emplace_back(TurnServerInfo()
+                                              .setUri(config_->turnServer)
+                                              .setUsername(config_->turnServerUserName)
+                                              .setPassword(config_->turnServerPwd)
+                                              .setRealm(config_->turnServerRealm));
+        }
+    }
+    return opts;
+ConnectionManager::Impl::foundPeerDevice(const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>& crt,
+                                         dht::InfoHash& account_id,
+                                         const std::shared_ptr<Logger>& logger)
+    if (not crt)
+        return false;
+    auto top_issuer = crt;
+    while (top_issuer->issuer)
+        top_issuer = top_issuer->issuer;
+    // Device certificate can't be self-signed
+    if (top_issuer == crt) {
+        if (logger)
+            logger->warn("Found invalid peer device: {}", crt->getLongId());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Check peer certificate chain
+    // Trust store with top issuer as the only CA
+    dht::crypto::TrustList peer_trust;
+    peer_trust.add(*top_issuer);
+    if (not peer_trust.verify(*crt)) {
+        if (logger)
+            logger->warn("Found invalid peer device: {}", crt->getLongId());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Check cached OCSP response
+    if (crt->ocspResponse and crt->ocspResponse->getCertificateStatus() != GNUTLS_OCSP_CERT_GOOD) {
+        if (logger)
+            logger->error("Certificate %s is disabled by cached OCSP response", crt->getLongId());
+        return false;
+    }
+    account_id = crt->issuer->getId();
+    if (logger)
+        logger->warn("Found peer device: {} account:{} CA:{}",
+              crt->getLongId(),
+              account_id,
+              top_issuer->getId());
+    return true;
+    const dht::PkId& id, std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>&)>&& cb)
+    if (auto cert = certStore().getCertificate(id.toString())) {
+        if (cb)
+            cb(cert);
+    } else if (cb)
+        cb(nullptr);
+    return true;
+ConnectionManager::ConnectionManager(std::shared_ptr<ConnectionManager::Config> config_)
+    : pimpl_ {std::make_shared<Impl>(config_)}
+    if (pimpl_)
+        pimpl_->shutdown();
+ConnectionManager::connectDevice(const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                                 const std::string& name,
+                                 ConnectCallback cb,
+                                 bool noNewSocket,
+                                 bool forceNewSocket,
+                                 const std::string& connType)
+    pimpl_->connectDevice(deviceId, name, std::move(cb), noNewSocket, forceNewSocket, connType);
+ConnectionManager::connectDevice(const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>& cert,
+                                 const std::string& name,
+                                 ConnectCallback cb,
+                                 bool noNewSocket,
+                                 bool forceNewSocket,
+                                 const std::string& connType)
+    pimpl_->connectDevice(cert, name, std::move(cb), noNewSocket, forceNewSocket, connType);
+ConnectionManager::isConnecting(const DeviceId& deviceId, const std::string& name) const
+    auto pending = pimpl_->getPendingCallbacks(deviceId);
+    return std::find_if(pending.begin(), pending.end(), [&](auto p) { return == name; })
+           != pending.end();
+ConnectionManager::closeConnectionsWith(const std::string& peerUri)
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ConnectionInfo>> connInfos;
+    std::set<DeviceId> peersDevices;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pimpl_->infosMtx_);
+        for (auto iter = pimpl_->infos_.begin(); iter != pimpl_->infos_.end();) {
+            auto const& [key, value] = *iter;
+            auto deviceId = key.first;
+            auto cert = pimpl_->certStore().getCertificate(deviceId.toString());
+            if (cert && cert->issuer && peerUri == cert->issuer->getId().toString()) {
+                connInfos.emplace_back(value);
+                peersDevices.emplace(deviceId);
+                iter = pimpl_->infos_.erase(iter);
+            } else {
+                iter++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Stop connections to all peers devices
+    for (const auto& deviceId : peersDevices) {
+        for (const auto& pending : pimpl_->extractPendingCallbacks(deviceId))
+            pending.cb(nullptr, deviceId);
+        // This will close the TLS Session
+        pimpl_->removeUnusedConnections(deviceId);
+    }
+    for (auto& info : connInfos) {
+        if (info->socket_)
+            info->socket_->shutdown();
+        if (info->waitForAnswer_)
+            info->waitForAnswer_->cancel();
+        if (info->ice_) {
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {info->mutex_};
+            dht::ThreadPool::io().run(
+                [ice = std::shared_ptr<IceTransport>(std::move(info->ice_))] {});
+        }
+    }
+ConnectionManager::onDhtConnected(const dht::crypto::PublicKey& devicePk)
+    pimpl_->onDhtConnected(devicePk);
+ConnectionManager::onICERequest(onICERequestCallback&& cb)
+    pimpl_->iceReqCb_ = std::move(cb);
+ConnectionManager::onChannelRequest(ChannelRequestCallback&& cb)
+    pimpl_->channelReqCb_ = std::move(cb);
+ConnectionManager::onConnectionReady(ConnectionReadyCallback&& cb)
+    pimpl_->connReadyCb_ = std::move(cb);
+ConnectionManager::oniOSConnected(iOSConnectedCallback&& cb)
+    pimpl_->iOSConnectedCb_ = std::move(cb);
+ConnectionManager::activeSockets() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pimpl_->infosMtx_);
+    return pimpl_->infos_.size();
+ConnectionManager::monitor() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pimpl_->infosMtx_);
+    auto logger = pimpl_->config_->logger;
+    if (!logger)
+        return;
+    logger->debug("ConnectionManager current status:");
+    for (const auto& [_, ci] : pimpl_->infos_) {
+        if (ci->socket_)
+            ci->socket_->monitor();
+    }
+    logger->debug("ConnectionManager end status.");
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pimpl_->infosMtx_);
+    for (const auto& [_, ci] : pimpl_->infos_) {
+        if (ci->socket_)
+            ci->socket_->sendBeacon();
+    }
+ConnectionManager::getIceOptions(std::function<void(IceTransportOptions&&)> cb) noexcept
+    return pimpl_->getIceOptions(std::move(cb));
+ConnectionManager::getIceOptions() const noexcept
+    return pimpl_->getIceOptions();
+ConnectionManager::getPublishedIpAddress(uint16_t family) const
+    return pimpl_->getPublishedIpAddress(family);
+ConnectionManager::setPublishedAddress(const IpAddr& ip_addr)
+    return pimpl_->setPublishedAddress(ip_addr);
+ConnectionManager::storeActiveIpAddress(std::function<void()>&& cb)
+    return pimpl_->storeActiveIpAddress(std::move(cb));
+    return pimpl_->config_;
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/fileutils.cpp b/src/fileutils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be911a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fileutils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Rafaël Carré <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+//#include "logger.h"
+#include "fileutils.h"
+//#include "archiver.h"
+//#include "compiler_intrinsics.h"
+#include <opendht/crypto.h>
+#ifdef RING_UWP
+#include <io.h> // for access and close
+#include "ring_signal.h"
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#include <TargetConditionals.h>
+#if defined(__ANDROID__) || (defined(TARGET_OS_IOS) && TARGET_OS_IOS)
+#include "client/ring_signal.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "string_utils.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#include <libgen.h>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#include "windirent.h"
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#ifndef _WIN32
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include <shlobj.h>
+#define NAME_MAX 255
+#if !defined __ANDROID__ && !defined _WIN32
+#include <wordexp.h>
+#include <nettle/sha3.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <limits>
+#include <array>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <ciso646>
+#include <pj/ctype.h>
+#include <pjlib-util/md5.h>
+#include <filesystem>
+#define PIDFILE     ""
+#define ERASE_BLOCK 4096
+namespace jami {
+namespace fileutils {
+// returns true if directory exists
+check_dir(const char* path, [[maybe_unused]] mode_t dirmode, mode_t parentmode)
+    DIR* dir = opendir(path);
+    if (!dir) { // doesn't exist
+        if (not recursive_mkdir(path, parentmode)) {
+            perror(path);
+            return false;
+        }
+#ifndef _WIN32
+        if (chmod(path, dirmode) < 0) {
+            //JAMI_ERR("fileutils::check_dir(): chmod() failed on '%s', %s", path, strerror(errno));
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else
+        closedir(dir);
+    return true;
+expand_path(const std::string& path)
+#if defined __ANDROID__ || defined _MSC_VER || defined WIN32 || defined __APPLE__
+    //JAMI_ERR("Path expansion not implemented, returning original");
+    return path;
+    std::string result;
+    wordexp_t p;
+    int ret = wordexp(path.c_str(), &p, 0);
+    switch (ret) {
+    case WRDE_BADCHAR:
+        JAMI_ERR("Illegal occurrence of newline or one of |, &, ;, <, >, "
+                 "(, ), {, }.");
+        return result;
+    case WRDE_BADVAL:
+        JAMI_ERR("An undefined shell variable was referenced");
+        return result;
+    case WRDE_CMDSUB:
+        JAMI_ERR("Command substitution occurred");
+        return result;
+    case WRDE_SYNTAX:
+        JAMI_ERR("Shell syntax error");
+        return result;
+    case WRDE_NOSPACE:
+        JAMI_ERR("Out of memory.");
+        // This is the only error where we must call wordfree
+        break;
+    default:
+        if (p.we_wordc > 0)
+            result = std::string(p.we_wordv[0]);
+        break;
+    }
+    wordfree(&p);
+    return result;
+getFileLock(const std::string& path)
+    static std::mutex fileLockLock {};
+    static std::map<std::string, std::mutex> fileLocks {};
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(fileLockLock);
+    return fileLocks[path];
+isFile(const std::string& path, bool resolveSymlink)
+    if (path.empty())
+        return false;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    if (resolveSymlink) {
+        struct _stat64i32 s;
+        if (_wstat(jami::to_wstring(path).c_str(), &s) == 0)
+            return S_ISREG(s.st_mode);
+    } else {
+        DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes(jami::to_wstring(path).c_str());
+            && !(attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT))
+            return true;
+    }
+    if (resolveSymlink) {
+        struct stat s;
+        if (stat(path.c_str(), &s) == 0)
+            return S_ISREG(s.st_mode);
+    } else {
+        struct stat s;
+        if (lstat(path.c_str(), &s) == 0)
+            return S_ISREG(s.st_mode);
+    }
+    return false;
+isDirectory(const std::string& path)
+    struct stat s;
+    if (stat(path.c_str(), &s) == 0)
+        return s.st_mode & S_IFDIR;
+    return false;
+isDirectoryWritable(const std::string& directory)
+    return accessFile(directory, W_OK) == 0;
+hasHardLink(const std::string& path)
+#ifndef _WIN32
+    struct stat s;
+    if (lstat(path.c_str(), &s) == 0)
+        return s.st_nlink > 1;
+    return false;
+isSymLink(const std::string& path)
+#ifndef _WIN32
+    struct stat s;
+    if (lstat(path.c_str(), &s) == 0)
+        return S_ISLNK(s.st_mode);
+#elif !defined(_MSC_VER)
+    DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes(jami::to_wstring(path).c_str());
+        return true;
+    return false;
+writeTime(const std::string& path)
+#ifndef _WIN32
+    struct stat s;
+    auto ret = stat(path.c_str(), &s);
+    if (ret)
+        throw std::runtime_error("Can't check write time for: " + path);
+    return std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(s.st_mtime);
+    ext_params.dwSize = sizeof(CREATEFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS);
+    ext_params.dwFileAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
+    ext_params.dwFileFlags = FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING;
+    ext_params.dwSecurityQosFlags = SECURITY_ANONYMOUS;
+    ext_params.lpSecurityAttributes = nullptr;
+    ext_params.hTemplateFile = nullptr;
+    HANDLE h = CreateFile2(jami::to_wstring(path).c_str(),
+                           GENERIC_READ,
+                           FILE_SHARE_READ,
+                           OPEN_EXISTING,
+                           &ext_params);
+#elif _WIN32
+    HANDLE h = CreateFileW(jami::to_wstring(path).c_str(),
+                           GENERIC_READ,
+                           FILE_SHARE_READ,
+                           nullptr,
+                           OPEN_EXISTING,
+                           FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,
+                           nullptr);
+        throw std::runtime_error("Can't open: " + path);
+    FILETIME lastWriteTime;
+    if (!GetFileTime(h, nullptr, nullptr, &lastWriteTime))
+        throw std::runtime_error("Can't check write time for: " + path);
+    CloseHandle(h);
+    SYSTEMTIME sTime;
+    if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&lastWriteTime, &sTime))
+        throw std::runtime_error("Can't check write time for: " + path);
+    struct tm tm
+    {};
+    tm.tm_year = sTime.wYear - 1900;
+    tm.tm_mon = sTime.wMonth - 1;
+    tm.tm_mday = sTime.wDay;
+    tm.tm_hour = sTime.wHour;
+    tm.tm_min = sTime.wMinute;
+    tm.tm_sec = sTime.wSecond;
+    tm.tm_isdst = -1;
+    return std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(mktime(&tm));
+createSymlink(const std::string& linkFile, const std::string& target)
+    try {
+        std::filesystem::create_symlink(target, linkFile);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        //JAMI_ERR("Couldn't create soft link: %s", e.what());
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+createHardlink(const std::string& linkFile, const std::string& target)
+    try {
+        std::filesystem::create_hard_link(target, linkFile);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        //JAMI_ERR("Couldn't create hard link: %s", e.what());
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+createFileLink(const std::string& linkFile, const std::string& target, bool hard)
+    if (not hard or not createHardlink(linkFile, target))
+        createSymlink(linkFile, target);
+getFileExtension(std::string_view filename)
+    std::string_view result;
+    auto sep = filename.find_last_of('.');
+    if (sep != std::string_view::npos && sep != filename.size() - 1)
+        result = filename.substr(sep + 1);
+    if (result.size() >= 8)
+        return {};
+    return result;
+isPathRelative(const std::string& path)
+#ifndef _WIN32
+    return not path.empty() and not(path[0] == '/');
+    return not path.empty() and path.find(":") == std::string::npos;
+getCleanPath(const std::string& base, const std::string& path)
+    if (base.empty() or path.size() < base.size())
+        return path;
+    auto base_sep = base + DIR_SEPARATOR_STR;
+    if (, base_sep.size(), base_sep) == 0)
+        return path.substr(base_sep.size());
+    else
+        return path;
+getFullPath(const std::string& base, const std::string& path)
+    bool isRelative {not base.empty() and isPathRelative(path)};
+    return isRelative ? base + DIR_SEPARATOR_STR + path : path;
+loadFile(const std::string& path, const std::string& default_dir)
+    std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
+    std::ifstream file = ifstream(getFullPath(default_dir, path), std::ios::binary);
+    if (!file)
+        throw std::runtime_error("Can't read file: " + path);
+    file.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
+    auto size = file.tellg();
+    if (size > std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max())
+        throw std::runtime_error("File is too big: " + path);
+    buffer.resize(size);
+    file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
+    if (!*), size))
+        throw std::runtime_error("Can't load file: " + path);
+    return buffer;
+loadTextFile(const std::string& path, const std::string& default_dir)
+    std::string buffer;
+    std::ifstream file = ifstream(getFullPath(default_dir, path));
+    if (!file)
+        throw std::runtime_error("Can't read file: " + path);
+    file.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
+    auto size = file.tellg();
+    if (size > std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max())
+        throw std::runtime_error("File is too big: " + path);
+    buffer.resize(size);
+    file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
+    if (!*), size))
+        throw std::runtime_error("Can't load file: " + path);
+    return buffer;
+saveFile(const std::string& path, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size, [[maybe_unused]] mode_t mode)
+    std::ofstream file = fileutils::ofstream(path, std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary);
+    if (!file.is_open()) {
+        //JAMI_ERR("Could not write data to %s", path.c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    file.write((char*) data, data_size);
+#ifndef _WIN32
+    if (chmod(path.c_str(), mode) < 0)
+        /*JAMI_WARN("fileutils::saveFile(): chmod() failed on '%s', %s",
+                  path.c_str(),
+                  strerror(errno))*/;
+loadCacheFile(const std::string& path, std::chrono::system_clock::duration maxAge)
+    // writeTime throws exception if file doesn't exist
+    auto duration = std::chrono::system_clock::now() - writeTime(path);
+    if (duration > maxAge)
+        throw std::runtime_error("file too old");
+    //JAMI_DBG("Loading cache file '%.*s'", (int) path.size(), path.c_str());
+    return loadFile(path);
+loadCacheTextFile(const std::string& path, std::chrono::system_clock::duration maxAge)
+    // writeTime throws exception if file doesn't exist
+    auto duration = std::chrono::system_clock::now() - writeTime(path);
+    if (duration > maxAge)
+        throw std::runtime_error("file too old");
+    //JAMI_DBG("Loading cache file '%.*s'", (int) path.size(), path.c_str());
+    return loadTextFile(path);
+static size_t
+dirent_buf_size([[maybe_unused]] DIR* dirp)
+    long name_max;
+#if defined(HAVE_FPATHCONF) && defined(HAVE_DIRFD) && defined(_PC_NAME_MAX)
+    name_max = fpathconf(dirfd(dirp), _PC_NAME_MAX);
+    if (name_max == -1)
+#if defined(NAME_MAX)
+        name_max = (NAME_MAX > 255) ? NAME_MAX : 255;
+        return (size_t) (-1);
+#if defined(NAME_MAX)
+    name_max = (NAME_MAX > 255) ? NAME_MAX : 255;
+#error "buffer size for readdir_r cannot be determined"
+    size_t name_end = (size_t) offsetof(struct dirent, d_name) + name_max + 1;
+    return name_end > sizeof(struct dirent) ? name_end : sizeof(struct dirent);
+readDirectory(const std::string& dir)
+    DIR* dp = opendir(dir.c_str());
+    if (!dp)
+        return {};
+    size_t size = dirent_buf_size(dp);
+    if (size == (size_t) (-1))
+        return {};
+    std::vector<uint8_t> buf(size);
+    dirent* entry;
+    std::vector<std::string> files;
+#ifndef _WIN32
+    while (!readdir_r(dp, reinterpret_cast<dirent*>(, &entry) && entry) {
+    while ((entry = readdir(dp)) != nullptr) {
+        std::string fname {entry->d_name};
+        if (fname == "." || fname == "..")
+            continue;
+        files.emplace_back(std::move(fname));
+    }
+    closedir(dp);
+    return files;
+} // namespace fileutils
+readArchive(const std::string& path, const std::string& pwd)
+    JAMI_DBG("Reading archive from %s", path.c_str());
+    auto isUnencryptedGzip = [](const std::vector<uint8_t>& data) {
+        // NOTE: some webserver modify gzip files and this can end with a gunzip in a gunzip
+        // file. So, to make the readArchive more robust, we can support this case by detecting
+        // gzip header via 1f8b 08
+        // We don't need to support more than 2 level, else somebody may be able to send
+        // gunzip in loops and abuse.
+        return data.size() > 3 && data[0] == 0x1f && data[1] == 0x8b && data[2] == 0x08;
+    };
+    auto decompress = [](std::vector<uint8_t>& data) {
+        try {
+            data = archiver::decompress(data);
+        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+            JAMI_ERR("Error decrypting archive: %s", e.what());
+            throw e;
+        }
+    };
+    std::vector<uint8_t> data;
+    // Read file
+    try {
+        data = loadFile(path);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        JAMI_ERR("Error loading archive: %s", e.what());
+        throw e;
+    }
+    if (isUnencryptedGzip(data)) {
+        if (!pwd.empty())
+            JAMI_WARN() << "A gunzip in a gunzip is detected. A webserver may have a bad config";
+        decompress(data);
+    }
+    if (!pwd.empty()) {
+        // Decrypt
+        try {
+            data = dht::crypto::aesDecrypt(data, pwd);
+        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+            JAMI_ERR("Error decrypting archive: %s", e.what());
+            throw e;
+        }
+        decompress(data);
+    } else if (isUnencryptedGzip(data)) {
+        JAMI_WARN() << "A gunzip in a gunzip is detected. A webserver may have a bad config";
+        decompress(data);
+    }
+    return data;
+writeArchive(const std::string& archive_str, const std::string& path, const std::string& password)
+    JAMI_DBG("Writing archive to %s", path.c_str());
+    if (not password.empty()) {
+        // Encrypt using provided password
+        std::vector<uint8_t> data = dht::crypto::aesEncrypt(archiver::compress(archive_str),
+                                                            password);
+        // Write
+        try {
+            saveFile(path, data);
+        } catch (const std::runtime_error& ex) {
+            JAMI_ERR("Export failed: %s", ex.what());
+            return;
+        }
+    } else {
+        JAMI_WARN("Unsecured archiving (no password)");
+        archiver::compressGzip(archive_str, path);
+    }
+recursive_mkdir(const std::string& path, mode_t mode)
+#ifndef _WIN32
+    if (mkdir(, mode) != 0) {
+    if (_wmkdir(jami::to_wstring( != 0) {
+        if (errno == ENOENT) {
+            recursive_mkdir(path.substr(0, path.find_last_of(DIR_SEPARATOR_CH)), mode);
+#ifndef _WIN32
+            if (mkdir(, mode) != 0) {
+            if (_wmkdir(jami::to_wstring( != 0) {
+                //JAMI_ERR("Could not create directory.");
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    } // namespace jami
+    return true;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+eraseFile_win32(const std::string& path, bool dosync)
+    HANDLE h
+        = CreateFileA(path.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
+    if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+        JAMI_WARN("Can not open file %s for erasing.", path.c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    LARGE_INTEGER size;
+    if (!GetFileSizeEx(h, &size)) {
+        JAMI_WARN("Can not erase file %s: GetFileSizeEx() failed.", path.c_str());
+        CloseHandle(h);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (size.QuadPart == 0) {
+        CloseHandle(h);
+        return false;
+    }
+    uint64_t size_blocks = size.QuadPart / ERASE_BLOCK;
+    if (size.QuadPart % ERASE_BLOCK)
+        size_blocks++;
+    char* buffer;
+    try {
+        buffer = new char[ERASE_BLOCK];
+    } catch (std::bad_alloc& ba) {
+        JAMI_WARN("Can not allocate buffer for erasing %s.", path.c_str());
+        CloseHandle(h);
+        return false;
+    }
+    memset(buffer, 0x00, ERASE_BLOCK);
+    OVERLAPPED ovlp;
+    if (size.QuadPart < (1024 - 42)) { // a small file can be stored in the MFT record
+        ovlp.Offset = 0;
+        ovlp.OffsetHigh = 0;
+        WriteFile(h, buffer, (DWORD) size.QuadPart, 0, &ovlp);
+        FlushFileBuffers(h);
+    }
+    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < size_blocks; i++) {
+        uint64_t offset = i * ERASE_BLOCK;
+        ovlp.Offset = offset & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;
+        ovlp.OffsetHigh = offset >> 32;
+        WriteFile(h, buffer, ERASE_BLOCK, 0, &ovlp);
+    }
+    delete[] buffer;
+    if (dosync)
+        FlushFileBuffers(h);
+    CloseHandle(h);
+    return true;
+eraseFile_posix(const std::string& path, bool dosync)
+    struct stat st;
+    if (stat(path.c_str(), &st) == -1) {
+        //JAMI_WARN("Can not erase file %s: fstat() failed.", path.c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Remove read-only flag if possible
+    chmod(path.c_str(), st.st_mode | (S_IWGRP+S_IWUSR) );
+    int fd = open(path.c_str(), O_WRONLY);
+    if (fd == -1) {
+        //JAMI_WARN("Can not open file %s for erasing.", path.c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (st.st_size == 0) {
+        close(fd);
+        return false;
+    }
+    lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
+    std::array<char, ERASE_BLOCK> buffer;
+    buffer.fill(0);
+    decltype(st.st_size) written(0);
+    while (written < st.st_size) {
+        auto ret = write(fd,, buffer.size());
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            //JAMI_WARNING("Error while overriding file with zeros.");
+            break;
+        } else
+            written += ret;
+    }
+    if (dosync)
+        fsync(fd);
+    close(fd);
+    return written >= st.st_size;
+eraseFile(const std::string& path, bool dosync)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    return eraseFile_win32(path, dosync);
+    return eraseFile_posix(path, dosync);
+remove(const std::string& path, bool erase)
+    if (erase and isFile(path, false) and !hasHardLink(path))
+        eraseFile(path, true);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    // use Win32 api since std::remove will not unlink directory in use
+    if (isDirectory(path))
+        return !RemoveDirectory(jami::to_wstring(path).c_str());
+    return std::remove(path.c_str());
+removeAll(const std::string& path, bool erase)
+    if (path.empty())
+        return -1;
+    if (isDirectory(path) and !isSymLink(path)) {
+        auto dir = path;
+        if (dir.back() != DIR_SEPARATOR_CH)
+            dir += DIR_SEPARATOR_CH;
+        for (auto& entry : fileutils::readDirectory(dir))
+            removeAll(dir + entry, erase);
+    }
+    return remove(path, erase);
+openStream(std::ifstream& file, const std::string& path, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+, mode);
+, mode);
+openStream(std::ofstream& file, const std::string& path, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+, mode);
+, mode);
+ifstream(const std::string& path, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    return std::ifstream(jami::to_wstring(path), mode);
+    return std::ifstream(path, mode);
+ofstream(const std::string& path, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    return std::ofstream(jami::to_wstring(path), mode);
+    return std::ofstream(path, mode);
+size(const std::string& path)
+    int64_t size = 0;
+    try {
+        std::ifstream file;
+        openStream(file, path, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
+        file.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
+        size = file.tellg();
+        file.close();
+    } catch (...) {
+    }
+    return size;
+sha3File(const std::string& path)
+    sha3_512_ctx ctx;
+    sha3_512_init(&ctx);
+    std::ifstream file;
+    try {
+        if (!fileutils::isFile(path))
+            return {};
+        openStream(file, path, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
+        if (!file)
+            return {};
+        std::vector<char> buffer(8192, 0);
+        while (!file.eof()) {
+  , buffer.size());
+            std::streamsize readSize = file.gcount();
+            sha3_512_update(&ctx, readSize, (const uint8_t*);
+        }
+        file.close();
+    } catch (...) {
+        return {};
+    }
+    unsigned char digest[SHA3_512_DIGEST_SIZE];
+    sha3_512_digest(&ctx, SHA3_512_DIGEST_SIZE, digest);
+    char hash[SHA3_512_DIGEST_SIZE * 2];
+    for (int i = 0; i < SHA3_512_DIGEST_SIZE; ++i)
+        pj_val_to_hex_digit(digest[i], &hash[2 * i]);
+    return {hash, SHA3_512_DIGEST_SIZE * 2};
+sha3sum(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer)
+    sha3_512_ctx ctx;
+    sha3_512_init(&ctx);
+    sha3_512_update(&ctx, buffer.size(), (const uint8_t*);
+    unsigned char digest[SHA3_512_DIGEST_SIZE];
+    sha3_512_digest(&ctx, SHA3_512_DIGEST_SIZE, digest);
+    char hash[SHA3_512_DIGEST_SIZE * 2];
+    for (int i = 0; i < SHA3_512_DIGEST_SIZE; ++i)
+        pj_val_to_hex_digit(digest[i], &hash[2 * i]);
+    return {hash, SHA3_512_DIGEST_SIZE * 2};
+accessFile(const std::string& file, int mode)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    return _waccess(jami::to_wstring(file).c_str(), mode);
+    return access(file.c_str(), mode);
+lastWriteTime(const std::string& p)
+    return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
+               std::filesystem::last_write_time(std::filesystem::path(p)).time_since_epoch())
+        .count();
+    struct stat result;
+    if (stat(p.c_str(), &result) == 0)
+        return result.st_mtime;
+    return 0;
+} // namespace fileutils
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/ice_socket.h b/src/ice_socket.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..795185d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ice_socket.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Guillaume Roguez <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "generic_io.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include <functional>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <BaseTsd.h>
+using ssize_t = SSIZE_T;
+namespace jami {
+class IceTransport;
+using IceRecvCb = std::function<ssize_t(unsigned char* buf, size_t len)>;
+class IceSocket
+    std::shared_ptr<IceTransport> ice_transport_ {};
+    int compId_ = -1;
+    IceSocket(std::shared_ptr<IceTransport> iceTransport, int compId)
+        : ice_transport_(std::move(iceTransport))
+        , compId_(compId)
+    {}
+    void close();
+    ssize_t send(const unsigned char* buf, size_t len);
+    ssize_t waitForData(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout);
+    void setOnRecv(IceRecvCb cb);
+    uint16_t getTransportOverhead();
+    void setDefaultRemoteAddress(const IpAddr& addr);
+    int getCompId() const { return compId_; };
+}; // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/ice_transport.cpp b/src/ice_transport.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12c0122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ice_transport.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1902 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Guillaume Roguez <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "ice_transport.h"
+#include "ice_socket.h"
+#include "sip_utils.h"
+#include "string_utils.h"
+#include "upnp/upnp_control.h"
+#include "transport/peer_channel.h"
+#include "tracepoint/tracepoint.h"
+#include <opendht/logger.h>
+#include <opendht/utils.h>
+#include <pjlib.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <queue>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <thread>
+#include <utility>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <thread>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include "pj/limits.h"
+#define TRY(ret) \
+    do { \
+        if ((ret) != PJ_SUCCESS) \
+            throw std::runtime_error(#ret " failed"); \
+    } while (0)
+// Validate that the component ID is within the expected range
+#define ASSERT_COMP_ID(compId, compCount) \
+    do { \
+        if ((compId) == 0 or (compId) > (compCount)) \
+            throw std::runtime_error("Invalid component ID " + (std::to_string(compId))); \
+    } while (0)
+namespace jami {
+static constexpr unsigned STUN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE {8192};
+static constexpr uint16_t IPV6_HEADER_SIZE = 40; ///< Size in bytes of IPV6 packet header
+static constexpr uint16_t IPV4_HEADER_SIZE = 20; ///< Size in bytes of IPV4 packet header
+static constexpr int MAX_CANDIDATES {32};
+static constexpr int MAX_DESTRUCTION_TIMEOUT {3000};
+static constexpr int HANDLE_EVENT_DURATION {500};
+using MutexGuard = std::lock_guard<std::mutex>;
+using MutexLock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>;
+using namespace upnp;
+class IceLock
+    pj_grp_lock_t* lk_;
+    IceLock(pj_ice_strans* strans)
+        : lk_(pj_ice_strans_get_grp_lock(strans))
+    {
+        lock();
+    }
+    ~IceLock() { unlock(); }
+    void lock() { if (lk_) pj_grp_lock_acquire(lk_); }
+    void unlock() { if (lk_) pj_grp_lock_release(lk_); }
+class IceTransport::Impl
+    Impl(std::string_view name);
+    ~Impl();
+    void initIceInstance(const IceTransportOptions& options);
+    void onComplete(pj_ice_strans* ice_st, pj_ice_strans_op op, pj_status_t status);
+    void onReceiveData(unsigned comp_id, void* pkt, pj_size_t size);
+    /**
+     * Set/change transport role as initiator.
+     * Should be called before start method.
+     */
+    bool setInitiatorSession();
+    /**
+     * Set/change transport role as slave.
+     * Should be called before start method.
+     */
+    bool setSlaveSession();
+    bool createIceSession(pj_ice_sess_role role);
+    void getUFragPwd();
+    std::string link() const;
+    bool _isInitialized() const;
+    bool _isStarted() const;
+    bool _isRunning() const;
+    bool _isFailed() const;
+    bool _waitForInitialization(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout);
+    const pj_ice_sess_cand* getSelectedCandidate(unsigned comp_id, bool remote) const;
+    IpAddr getLocalAddress(unsigned comp_id) const;
+    IpAddr getRemoteAddress(unsigned comp_id) const;
+    static const char* getCandidateType(const pj_ice_sess_cand* cand);
+    bool isTcpEnabled() const { return config_.protocol == PJ_ICE_TP_TCP; }
+    bool addStunConfig(int af);
+    void requestUpnpMappings();
+    bool hasUpnp() const;
+    // Take a list of address pairs (local/public) and add them as
+    // reflexive candidates using STUN config.
+    void addServerReflexiveCandidates(const std::vector<std::pair<IpAddr, IpAddr>>& addrList);
+    // Generate server reflexive candidates using the published (DHT/Account) address
+    std::vector<std::pair<IpAddr, IpAddr>> setupGenericReflexiveCandidates();
+    // Generate server reflexive candidates using UPNP mappings.
+    std::vector<std::pair<IpAddr, IpAddr>> setupUpnpReflexiveCandidates();
+    void setDefaultRemoteAddress(unsigned comp_id, const IpAddr& addr);
+    IpAddr getDefaultRemoteAddress(unsigned comp_id) const;
+    bool handleEvents(unsigned max_msec);
+    int flushTimerHeapAndIoQueue();
+    int checkEventQueue(int maxEventToPoll);
+    std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger> logger_ {};
+    std::condition_variable_any iceCV_ {};
+    std::string sessionName_ {};
+    std::unique_ptr<pj_pool_t, decltype(&pj_pool_release)> pool_ {nullptr, pj_pool_release};
+    bool isTcp_ {false};
+    bool upnpEnabled_ {false};
+    IceTransportCompleteCb on_initdone_cb_ {};
+    IceTransportCompleteCb on_negodone_cb_ {};
+    pj_ice_strans* icest_ {nullptr};
+    unsigned streamsCount_ {0};
+    unsigned compCountPerStream_ {0};
+    unsigned compCount_ {0};
+    std::string local_ufrag_ {};
+    std::string local_pwd_ {};
+    pj_sockaddr remoteAddr_ {};
+    pj_ice_strans_cfg config_ {};
+    //std::string last_errmsg_ {};
+    std::atomic_bool is_stopped_ {false};
+    struct Packet
+    {
+        Packet(void* pkt, pj_size_t size)
+            : data {reinterpret_cast<char*>(pkt), reinterpret_cast<char*>(pkt) + size}
+        {}
+        std::vector<char> data {};
+    };
+    struct ComponentIO
+    {
+        std::mutex mutex;
+        std::condition_variable cv;
+        std::deque<Packet> queue;
+        IceRecvCb recvCb;
+    };
+    // NOTE: Component IDs start from 1, while these three vectors
+    // are indexed from 0. Conversion from ID to vector index must
+    // be done properly.
+    std::vector<ComponentIO> compIO_ {};
+    std::vector<PeerChannel> peerChannels_ {};
+    std::vector<IpAddr> iceDefaultRemoteAddr_;
+    // ICE controlling role. True for controller agents and false for
+    // controlled agents
+    std::atomic_bool initiatorSession_ {true};
+    // Local/Public addresses used by the account owning the ICE instance.
+    IpAddr accountLocalAddr_ {};
+    IpAddr accountPublicAddr_ {};
+    // STUN and TURN servers
+    std::vector<StunServerInfo> stunServers_;
+    std::vector<TurnServerInfo> turnServers_;
+    /**
+     * Returns the IP of each candidate for a given component in the ICE session
+     */
+    struct LocalCandidate
+    {
+        IpAddr addr;
+        pj_ice_cand_transport transport;
+    };
+    std::shared_ptr<upnp::Controller> upnp_ {};
+    std::mutex upnpMutex_ {};
+    std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping> upnpMappings_;
+    std::mutex upnpMappingsMutex_ {};
+    bool onlyIPv4Private_ {true};
+    // IO/Timer events are handled by following thread
+    std::thread thread_ {};
+    std::atomic_bool threadTerminateFlags_ {false};
+    // Wait data on components
+    mutable std::mutex sendDataMutex_ {};
+    std::condition_variable waitDataCv_ = {};
+    pj_size_t lastSentLen_ {0};
+    bool destroying_ {false};
+    onShutdownCb scb {};
+    void cancelOperations()
+    {
+        for (auto& c : peerChannels_)
+            c.stop();
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(sendDataMutex_);
+        destroying_ = true;
+        waitDataCv_.notify_all();
+    }
+ * Add stun/turn configuration or default host as candidates
+ */
+static void
+add_stun_server(pj_pool_t& pool, pj_ice_strans_cfg& cfg, const StunServerInfo& info)
+    if (cfg.stun_tp_cnt >= PJ_ICE_MAX_STUN)
+        throw std::runtime_error("Too many STUN configurations");
+    IpAddr ip {info.uri};
+    // Given URI cannot be DNS resolved or not IPv4 or IPv6?
+    // This prevents a crash into PJSIP when ip.toString() is called.
+    if (ip.getFamily() == AF_UNSPEC) {
+        /*JAMI_DBG("[ice (%s)] STUN server '%s' not used, unresolvable address",
+                 (cfg.protocol == PJ_ICE_TP_TCP ? "TCP" : "UDP"),
+                 info.uri.c_str());*/
+        return;
+    }
+    auto& stun = cfg.stun_tp[cfg.stun_tp_cnt++];
+    pj_ice_strans_stun_cfg_default(&stun);
+    pj_strdup2_with_null(&pool, &stun.server, ip.toString().c_str());
+ = ip.getFamily();
+    if (!(stun.port = ip.getPort()))
+        stun.port = PJ_STUN_PORT;
+    stun.cfg.max_pkt_size = STUN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
+    stun.conn_type = cfg.stun.conn_type;
+    /*JAMI_DBG("[ice (%s)] added stun server '%s', port %u",
+             (cfg.protocol == PJ_ICE_TP_TCP ? "TCP" : "UDP"),
+             pj_strbuf(&stun.server),
+             stun.port);*/
+static void
+add_turn_server(pj_pool_t& pool, pj_ice_strans_cfg& cfg, const TurnServerInfo& info)
+    if (cfg.turn_tp_cnt >= PJ_ICE_MAX_TURN)
+        throw std::runtime_error("Too many TURN servers");
+    IpAddr ip {info.uri};
+    // Same comment as add_stun_server()
+    if (ip.getFamily() == AF_UNSPEC) {
+        /*JAMI_DBG("[ice (%s)] TURN server '%s' not used, unresolvable address",
+                 (cfg.protocol == PJ_ICE_TP_TCP ? "TCP" : "UDP"),
+                 info.uri.c_str());*/
+        return;
+    }
+    auto& turn = cfg.turn_tp[cfg.turn_tp_cnt++];
+    pj_ice_strans_turn_cfg_default(&turn);
+    pj_strdup2_with_null(&pool, &turn.server, ip.toString().c_str());
+ = ip.getFamily();
+    if (!(turn.port = ip.getPort()))
+        turn.port = PJ_STUN_PORT;
+    turn.cfg.max_pkt_size = STUN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
+    turn.conn_type = cfg.turn.conn_type;
+    // Authorization (only static plain password supported yet)
+    if (not info.password.empty()) {
+        turn.auth_cred.type = PJ_STUN_AUTH_CRED_STATIC;
+        pj_strset(&,
+                  (char*) info.realm.c_str(),
+                  info.realm.size());
+        pj_strset(&,
+                  (char*) info.username.c_str(),
+                  info.username.size());
+        pj_strset(&,
+                  (char*) info.password.c_str(),
+                  info.password.size());
+    }
+    /*JAMI_DBG("[ice (%s)] added turn server '%s', port %u",
+             (cfg.protocol == PJ_ICE_TP_TCP ? "TCP" : "UDP"),
+             pj_strbuf(&turn.server),
+             turn.port);*/
+IceTransport::Impl::Impl(std::string_view name)
+    : sessionName_(name)
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("[ice:{}] Creating IceTransport session for \"{:s}\"", fmt::ptr(this), name);
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("[ice:{}] destroying {}", fmt::ptr(this), fmt::ptr(icest_));
+    threadTerminateFlags_ = true;
+    if (thread_.joinable()) {
+        thread_.join();
+    }
+    if (icest_) {
+        pj_ice_strans* strans = nullptr;
+        std::swap(strans, icest_);
+        // must be done before ioqueue/timer destruction
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->debug("[ice:{}] Destroying ice_strans {}", pj_ice_strans_get_user_data(strans), fmt::ptr(strans));
+        pj_ice_strans_stop_ice(strans);
+        pj_ice_strans_destroy(strans);
+        // NOTE: This last timer heap and IO queue polling is necessary to close
+        // TURN socket.
+        // Because when destroying the TURN session pjproject creates a pj_timer
+        // to postpone the TURN destruction. This timer is only called if we poll
+        // the event queue.
+        int ret = flushTimerHeapAndIoQueue();
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->error("[ice:{}] IO queue polling failed", fmt::ptr(this));
+        } else if (ret > 0) {
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->error("[ice:{}] Unexpected left timer in timer heap. "
+                     "Please report the bug",
+                     fmt::ptr(this));
+        }
+        if (checkEventQueue(1) > 0) {
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->warn("[ice:{}] Unexpected left events in IO queue", fmt::ptr(this));
+        }
+        if (config_.stun_cfg.ioqueue)
+            pj_ioqueue_destroy(config_.stun_cfg.ioqueue);
+        if (config_.stun_cfg.timer_heap)
+            pj_timer_heap_destroy(config_.stun_cfg.timer_heap);
+    }
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("[ice:%p] done destroying", fmt::ptr(this));
+    if (scb)
+        scb();
+IceTransport::Impl::initIceInstance(const IceTransportOptions& options)
+    isTcp_ = options.tcpEnable;
+    upnpEnabled_ = options.upnpEnable;
+    on_initdone_cb_ = options.onInitDone;
+    on_negodone_cb_ = options.onNegoDone;
+    streamsCount_ = options.streamsCount;
+    compCountPerStream_ = options.compCountPerStream;
+    compCount_ = streamsCount_ * compCountPerStream_;
+    compIO_ = std::vector<ComponentIO>(compCount_);
+    peerChannels_ = std::vector<PeerChannel>(compCount_);
+    iceDefaultRemoteAddr_.resize(compCount_);
+    initiatorSession_ = options.master;
+    accountLocalAddr_ = std::move(options.accountLocalAddr);
+    accountPublicAddr_ = std::move(options.accountPublicAddr);
+    stunServers_ = std::move(options.stunServers);
+    turnServers_ = std::move(options.turnServers);
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("[ice:{}] Initializing the session - comp count {} - as a {}",
+             fmt::ptr(this),
+             compCount_,
+             initiatorSession_ ? "master" : "slave");
+    if (upnpEnabled_)
+        upnp_.reset(new upnp::Controller());
+    config_ = options.factory->getIceCfg(); // config copy
+    if (isTcp_) {
+        config_.protocol = PJ_ICE_TP_TCP;
+        config_.stun.conn_type = PJ_STUN_TP_TCP;
+        config_.turn.conn_type = PJ_TURN_TP_TCP;
+    } else {
+        config_.protocol = PJ_ICE_TP_UDP;
+        config_.stun.conn_type = PJ_STUN_TP_UDP;
+        config_.turn.conn_type = PJ_TURN_TP_UDP;
+    }
+    pool_.reset(
+        pj_pool_create(options.factory->getPoolFactory(), "IceTransport.pool", 512, 512, NULL));
+    if (not pool_)
+        throw std::runtime_error("pj_pool_create() failed");
+    // Note: For server reflexive candidates, UPNP mappings will
+    // be used if available. Then, the public address learnt during
+    // the account registration process will be added only if it
+    // differs from the UPNP public address.
+    // Also note that UPNP candidates should be added first in order
+    // to have a higher priority when performing the connectivity
+    // checks.
+    // STUN configs layout:
+    // - index 0 : host IPv4
+    // - index 1 : host IPv6
+    // - index 2 : upnp/generic srflx IPv4.
+    // - index 3 : generic srflx (if upnp exists and different)
+    config_.stun_tp_cnt = 0;
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("[ice:{}] Add host candidates", fmt::ptr(this));
+    addStunConfig(pj_AF_INET());
+    addStunConfig(pj_AF_INET6());
+    std::vector<std::pair<IpAddr, IpAddr>> upnpSrflxCand;
+    if (upnp_) {
+        requestUpnpMappings();
+        upnpSrflxCand = setupUpnpReflexiveCandidates();
+        if (not upnpSrflxCand.empty()) {
+            addServerReflexiveCandidates(upnpSrflxCand);
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->debug("[ice:{}] Added UPNP srflx candidates:", fmt::ptr(this));
+        }
+    }
+    auto genericSrflxCand = setupGenericReflexiveCandidates();
+    if (not genericSrflxCand.empty()) {
+        // Generic srflx candidates will be added only if different
+        // from upnp candidates.
+        if (upnpSrflxCand.empty()
+            or (upnpSrflxCand[0].second.toString() != genericSrflxCand[0].second.toString())) {
+            addServerReflexiveCandidates(genericSrflxCand);
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->debug("[ice:{}] Added generic srflx candidates:", fmt::ptr(this));
+        }
+    }
+    if (upnpSrflxCand.empty() and genericSrflxCand.empty()) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->warn("[ice:{}] No server reflexive candidates added", fmt::ptr(this));
+    }
+    pj_ice_strans_cb icecb;
+    pj_bzero(&icecb, sizeof(icecb));
+    icecb.on_rx_data = [](pj_ice_strans* ice_st,
+                          unsigned comp_id,
+                          void* pkt,
+                          pj_size_t size,
+                          const pj_sockaddr_t* /*src_addr*/,
+                          unsigned /*src_addr_len*/) {
+        if (auto* tr = static_cast<Impl*>(pj_ice_strans_get_user_data(ice_st)))
+            tr->onReceiveData(comp_id, pkt, size);
+    };
+    icecb.on_ice_complete = [](pj_ice_strans* ice_st, pj_ice_strans_op op, pj_status_t status) {
+        if (auto* tr = static_cast<Impl*>(pj_ice_strans_get_user_data(ice_st)))
+            tr->onComplete(ice_st, op, status);
+    };
+    if (isTcp_) {
+        icecb.on_data_sent = [](pj_ice_strans* ice_st, pj_ssize_t size) {
+            if (auto* tr = static_cast<Impl*>(pj_ice_strans_get_user_data(ice_st))) {
+                std::lock_guard lk(tr->sendDataMutex_);
+                tr->lastSentLen_ += size;
+                tr->waitDataCv_.notify_all();
+            }
+        };
+    }
+    icecb.on_destroy = [](pj_ice_strans* ice_st) {
+        if (auto* tr = static_cast<Impl*>(pj_ice_strans_get_user_data(ice_st)))
+            tr->cancelOperations(); // Avoid upper layer to manage this ; Stop read operations
+    };
+    // Add STUN servers
+    for (auto& server : stunServers_)
+        add_stun_server(*pool_, config_, server);
+    // Add TURN servers
+    for (auto& server : turnServers_)
+        add_turn_server(*pool_, config_, server);
+    static constexpr auto IOQUEUE_MAX_HANDLES = std::min(PJ_IOQUEUE_MAX_HANDLES, 64);
+    TRY(pj_timer_heap_create(pool_.get(), 100, &config_.stun_cfg.timer_heap));
+    TRY(pj_ioqueue_create(pool_.get(), IOQUEUE_MAX_HANDLES, &config_.stun_cfg.ioqueue));
+    std::ostringstream sessionName {};
+    // We use the instance pointer as the PJNATH session name in order
+    // to easily identify the logs reported by PJNATH.
+    sessionName << this;
+    pj_status_t status = pj_ice_strans_create(sessionName.str().c_str(),
+                                              &config_,
+                                              compCount_,
+                                              this,
+                                              &icecb,
+                                              &icest_);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS || icest_ == nullptr) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("pj_ice_strans_create() failed");
+    }
+    // Must be created after any potential failure
+    thread_ = std::thread([this] {
+        while (not threadTerminateFlags_) {
+            // NOTE: handleEvents can return false in this case
+            // but here we don't care if there is event or not.
+            handleEvents(HANDLE_EVENT_DURATION);
+        }
+    });
+IceTransport::Impl::_isInitialized() const
+    if (auto *icest = icest_) {
+        auto state = pj_ice_strans_get_state(icest);
+        return state >= PJ_ICE_STRANS_STATE_SESS_READY and state != PJ_ICE_STRANS_STATE_FAILED;
+    }
+    return false;
+IceTransport::Impl::_isStarted() const
+    if (auto *icest = icest_) {
+        auto state = pj_ice_strans_get_state(icest);
+        return state >= PJ_ICE_STRANS_STATE_NEGO and state != PJ_ICE_STRANS_STATE_FAILED;
+    }
+    return false;
+IceTransport::Impl::_isRunning() const
+    if (auto *icest = icest_) {
+        auto state = pj_ice_strans_get_state(icest);
+        return state >= PJ_ICE_STRANS_STATE_RUNNING and state != PJ_ICE_STRANS_STATE_FAILED;
+    }
+    return false;
+IceTransport::Impl::_isFailed() const
+    if (auto *icest = icest_)
+        return pj_ice_strans_get_state(icest) == PJ_ICE_STRANS_STATE_FAILED;
+    return false;
+IceTransport::Impl::handleEvents(unsigned max_msec)
+    // By tests, never seen more than two events per 500ms
+    static constexpr auto MAX_NET_EVENTS = 2;
+    pj_time_val max_timeout = {0, static_cast<long>(max_msec)};
+    pj_time_val timeout = {0, 0};
+    unsigned net_event_count = 0;
+    pj_timer_heap_poll(config_.stun_cfg.timer_heap, &timeout);
+    auto hasActiveTimer = timeout.sec != PJ_MAXINT32 || timeout.msec != PJ_MAXINT32;
+    // timeout limitation
+    if (hasActiveTimer)
+        pj_time_val_normalize(&timeout);
+    if (PJ_TIME_VAL_GT(timeout, max_timeout)) {
+        timeout = max_timeout;
+    }
+    do {
+        auto n_events = pj_ioqueue_poll(config_.stun_cfg.ioqueue, &timeout);
+        // timeout
+        if (not n_events)
+            return hasActiveTimer;
+        // error
+        if (n_events < 0) {
+            const auto err = pj_get_os_error();
+            // Kept as debug as some errors are "normal" in regular context
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->debug("[ice:{}] ioqueue error {:d}: {:s}", fmt::ptr(this), err, sip_utils::sip_strerror(err));
+            std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(PJ_TIME_VAL_MSEC(timeout)));
+            return hasActiveTimer;
+        }
+        net_event_count += n_events;
+        timeout.sec = timeout.msec = 0;
+    } while (net_event_count < MAX_NET_EVENTS);
+    return hasActiveTimer;
+    pj_time_val timerTimeout = {0, 0};
+    pj_time_val defaultWaitTime = {0, HANDLE_EVENT_DURATION};
+    bool hasActiveTimer = false;
+    std::chrono::milliseconds totalWaitTime {0};
+    auto const start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+    // We try to process pending events as fast as possible to
+    // speed-up the release.
+    int maxEventToProcess = 10;
+    do {
+        if (checkEventQueue(maxEventToProcess) < 0)
+            return -1;
+        pj_timer_heap_poll(config_.stun_cfg.timer_heap, &timerTimeout);
+        hasActiveTimer = !(timerTimeout.sec == PJ_MAXINT32 && timerTimeout.msec == PJ_MAXINT32);
+        if (hasActiveTimer) {
+            pj_time_val_normalize(&timerTimeout);
+            auto waitTime = std::chrono::milliseconds(
+                std::min(PJ_TIME_VAL_MSEC(timerTimeout), PJ_TIME_VAL_MSEC(defaultWaitTime)));
+            std::this_thread::sleep_for(waitTime);
+            totalWaitTime += waitTime;
+        }
+    } while (hasActiveTimer && totalWaitTime < std::chrono::milliseconds(MAX_DESTRUCTION_TIMEOUT));
+    auto duration = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start;
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("[ice:{}] Timer heap flushed after {}", fmt::ptr(this), dht::print_duration(duration));
+    return static_cast<int>(pj_timer_heap_count(config_.stun_cfg.timer_heap));
+IceTransport::Impl::checkEventQueue(int maxEventToPoll)
+    pj_time_val timeout = {0, 0};
+    int eventCount = 0;
+    int events = 0;
+    do {
+        events = pj_ioqueue_poll(config_.stun_cfg.ioqueue, &timeout);
+        if (events < 0) {
+            const auto err = pj_get_os_error();
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->error("[ice:{}] ioqueue error {:d}: {:s}", fmt::ptr(this), err, sip_utils::sip_strerror(err));
+            return events;
+        }
+        eventCount += events;
+    } while (events > 0 && eventCount < maxEventToPoll);
+    return eventCount;
+IceTransport::Impl::onComplete(pj_ice_strans*, pj_ice_strans_op op, pj_status_t status)
+    const char* opname = op == PJ_ICE_STRANS_OP_INIT          ? "initialization"
+                         : op == PJ_ICE_STRANS_OP_NEGOTIATION ? "negotiation"
+                                                              : "unknown_op";
+    const bool done = status == PJ_SUCCESS;
+    if (done) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->debug("[ice:{}] {:s} {:s} success",
+                    fmt::ptr(this),
+                    (config_.protocol == PJ_ICE_TP_TCP ? "TCP" : "UDP"),
+                    opname);
+    } else {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->error("[ice:{}] {:s} {:s} failed: {:s}",
+                 fmt::ptr(this),
+                 (config_.protocol == PJ_ICE_TP_TCP ? "TCP" : "UDP"),
+                 opname,
+                 sip_utils::sip_strerror(status));
+    }
+    if (done and op == PJ_ICE_STRANS_OP_INIT) {
+        if (initiatorSession_)
+            setInitiatorSession();
+        else
+            setSlaveSession();
+    }
+    if (op == PJ_ICE_STRANS_OP_INIT and on_initdone_cb_)
+        on_initdone_cb_(done);
+    else if (op == PJ_ICE_STRANS_OP_NEGOTIATION) {
+        if (done) {
+            // Dump of connection pairs
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->debug("[ice:{}] {:s} connection pairs ([comp id] local [type] <-> remote [type]):\n{:s}",
+                     fmt::ptr(this),
+                     (config_.protocol == PJ_ICE_TP_TCP ? "TCP" : "UDP"),
+                     link());
+        }
+        if (on_negodone_cb_)
+            on_negodone_cb_(done);
+    }
+    iceCV_.notify_all();
+IceTransport::Impl::link() const
+    std::ostringstream out;
+    for (unsigned strm = 1; strm <= streamsCount_ * compCountPerStream_; strm++) {
+        auto absIdx = strm;
+        auto comp = (strm + 1) / compCountPerStream_;
+        auto laddr = getLocalAddress(absIdx);
+        auto raddr = getRemoteAddress(absIdx);
+        if (laddr and laddr.getPort() != 0 and raddr and raddr.getPort() != 0) {
+            out << " [" << comp << "] " << laddr.toString(true, true) << " ["
+                << getCandidateType(getSelectedCandidate(absIdx, false)) << "] "
+                << " <-> " << raddr.toString(true, true) << " ["
+                << getCandidateType(getSelectedCandidate(absIdx, true)) << "] " << '\n';
+        } else {
+            out << " [" << comp << "] disabled\n";
+        }
+    }
+    return out.str();
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("[ice:{}] as master", fmt::ptr(this));
+    initiatorSession_ = true;
+    if (_isInitialized()) {
+        auto status = pj_ice_strans_change_role(icest_, PJ_ICE_SESS_ROLE_CONTROLLING);
+        if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->error("[ice:{}] role change failed: {:s}", fmt::ptr(this), sip_utils::sip_strerror(status));
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    return createIceSession(PJ_ICE_SESS_ROLE_CONTROLLING);
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("[ice:{}] as slave", fmt::ptr(this));
+    initiatorSession_ = false;
+    if (_isInitialized()) {
+        auto status = pj_ice_strans_change_role(icest_, PJ_ICE_SESS_ROLE_CONTROLLED);
+        if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->error("[ice:{}] role change failed: {:s}", fmt::ptr(this), sip_utils::sip_strerror(status));
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    return createIceSession(PJ_ICE_SESS_ROLE_CONTROLLED);
+const pj_ice_sess_cand*
+IceTransport::Impl::getSelectedCandidate(unsigned comp_id, bool remote) const
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(comp_id, compCount_);
+    // Return the selected candidate pair. Might not be the nominated pair if
+    // ICE has not concluded yet, but should be the nominated pair afterwards.
+    if (not _isRunning()) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->error("[ice:{}] ICE transport is not running", fmt::ptr(this));
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    const auto* sess = pj_ice_strans_get_valid_pair(icest_, comp_id);
+    if (sess == nullptr) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->warn("[ice:{}] Component {} has no valid pair (disabled)", fmt::ptr(this), comp_id);
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    if (remote)
+        return sess->rcand;
+    else
+        return sess->lcand;
+IceTransport::Impl::getLocalAddress(unsigned comp_id) const
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(comp_id, compCount_);
+    if (auto cand = getSelectedCandidate(comp_id, false))
+        return cand->addr;
+    return {};
+IceTransport::Impl::getRemoteAddress(unsigned comp_id) const
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(comp_id, compCount_);
+    if (auto cand = getSelectedCandidate(comp_id, true))
+        return cand->addr;
+    return {};
+const char*
+IceTransport::Impl::getCandidateType(const pj_ice_sess_cand* cand)
+    auto name = cand ? pj_ice_get_cand_type_name(cand->type) : nullptr;
+    return name ? name : "?";
+    if (icest_) {
+        pj_str_t local_ufrag, local_pwd;
+        pj_ice_strans_get_ufrag_pwd(icest_, &local_ufrag, &local_pwd, nullptr, nullptr);
+        local_ufrag_.assign(local_ufrag.ptr, local_ufrag.slen);
+        local_pwd_.assign(local_pwd.ptr, local_pwd.slen);
+    }
+IceTransport::Impl::createIceSession(pj_ice_sess_role role)
+    if (not icest_) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (pj_ice_strans_init_ice(icest_, role, nullptr, nullptr) != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->error("[ice:{}] pj_ice_strans_init_ice() failed", fmt::ptr(this));
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Fetch some information on local configuration
+    getUFragPwd();
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("[ice:{}] (local) ufrag=%s, pwd=%s", fmt::ptr(this), local_ufrag_.c_str(), local_pwd_.c_str());
+    return true;
+IceTransport::Impl::addStunConfig(int af)
+    if (config_.stun_tp_cnt >= PJ_ICE_MAX_STUN) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->error("Max number of STUN configurations reached (%i)", PJ_ICE_MAX_STUN);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (af != pj_AF_INET() and af != pj_AF_INET6()) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->error("Invalid address familly (%i)", af);
+        return false;
+    }
+    auto& stun = config_.stun_tp[config_.stun_tp_cnt++];
+    pj_ice_strans_stun_cfg_default(&stun);
+    stun.cfg.max_pkt_size = STUN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
+ = af;
+    stun.conn_type = config_.stun.conn_type;
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("[ice:{}] added host stun config for {:s} transport",
+             fmt::ptr(this),
+             config_.protocol == PJ_ICE_TP_TCP ? "TCP" : "UDP");
+    return true;
+    // Must be called once !
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(upnpMutex_);
+    if (not upnp_)
+        return;
+    auto transport = isTcpEnabled() ? PJ_CAND_TCP_PASSIVE : PJ_CAND_UDP;
+    auto portType = transport == PJ_CAND_UDP ? PortType::UDP : PortType::TCP;
+    // Request upnp mapping for each component.
+    for (unsigned id = 1; id <= compCount_; id++) {
+        // Set port number to 0 to get any available port.
+        Mapping requestedMap(portType);
+        // Request the mapping
+        Mapping::sharedPtr_t mapPtr = upnp_->reserveMapping(requestedMap);
+        // To use a mapping, it must be valid, open and has valid host address.
+        if (mapPtr and mapPtr->getMapKey() and (mapPtr->getState() == MappingState::OPEN)
+            and mapPtr->hasValidHostAddress()) {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(upnpMappingsMutex_);
+            auto ret = upnpMappings_.emplace(mapPtr->getMapKey(), *mapPtr);
+            if (ret.second) {
+                if (logger_)
+                    logger_->debug("[ice:{}] UPNP mapping {:s} successfully allocated",
+                         fmt::ptr(this),
+                         mapPtr->toString(true));
+            } else {
+                if (logger_)
+                    logger_->warn("[ice:{}] UPNP mapping {:s} already in the list!",
+                          fmt::ptr(this),
+                          mapPtr->toString());
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->warn("[ice:{}] UPNP mapping request failed!", fmt::ptr(this));
+            upnp_->releaseMapping(requestedMap);
+        }
+    }
+IceTransport::Impl::hasUpnp() const
+    return upnp_ and upnpMappings_.size() == compCount_;
+    const std::vector<std::pair<IpAddr, IpAddr>>& addrList)
+    if (addrList.size() != compCount_) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->warn("[ice:{}] Provided addr list size {} does not match component count {}",
+                  fmt::ptr(this),
+                  addrList.size(),
+                  compCount_);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (compCount_ > PJ_ICE_MAX_COMP) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->error("[ice:{}] Too many components", fmt::ptr(this));
+        return;
+    }
+    // Add config for server reflexive candidates (UPNP or from DHT).
+    if (not addStunConfig(pj_AF_INET()))
+        return;
+    assert(config_.stun_tp_cnt > 0 && config_.stun_tp_cnt < PJ_ICE_MAX_STUN);
+    auto& stun = config_.stun_tp[config_.stun_tp_cnt - 1];
+    for (unsigned id = 1; id <= compCount_; id++) {
+        auto idx = id - 1;
+        auto& localAddr = addrList[idx].first;
+        auto& publicAddr = addrList[idx].second;
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->debug("[ice:{}] Add srflx reflexive candidates [{:s} : {:s}] for comp {:d}",
+                 fmt::ptr(this),
+                 localAddr.toString(true),
+                 publicAddr.toString(true),
+                 id);
+        pj_sockaddr_cp(&stun.cfg.user_mapping[idx].local_addr, localAddr.pjPtr());
+        pj_sockaddr_cp(&stun.cfg.user_mapping[idx].mapped_addr, publicAddr.pjPtr());
+        if (isTcpEnabled()) {
+            if (publicAddr.getPort() == 9) {
+                stun.cfg.user_mapping[idx].tp_type = PJ_CAND_TCP_ACTIVE;
+            } else {
+                stun.cfg.user_mapping[idx].tp_type = PJ_CAND_TCP_PASSIVE;
+            }
+        } else {
+            stun.cfg.user_mapping[idx].tp_type = PJ_CAND_UDP;
+        }
+    }
+    stun.cfg.user_mapping_cnt = compCount_;
+std::vector<std::pair<IpAddr, IpAddr>>
+    if (not accountLocalAddr_) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->warn("[ice:{}] Missing local address, generic srflx candidates wont be generated!",
+                  fmt::ptr(this));
+        return {};
+    }
+    if (not accountPublicAddr_) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->warn("[ice:{}] Missing public address, generic srflx candidates wont be generated!",
+                  fmt::ptr(this));
+        return {};
+    }
+    std::vector<std::pair<IpAddr, IpAddr>> addrList;
+    auto isTcp = isTcpEnabled();
+    addrList.reserve(compCount_);
+    for (unsigned id = 1; id <= compCount_; id++) {
+        // For TCP, the type is set to active, because most likely the incoming
+        // connection will be blocked by the NAT.
+        // For UDP use random port number.
+        uint16_t port = isTcp ? 9
+                              : upnp::Controller::generateRandomPort(isTcp ? PortType::TCP
+                                                                           : PortType::UDP);
+        accountLocalAddr_.setPort(port);
+        accountPublicAddr_.setPort(port);
+        addrList.emplace_back(accountLocalAddr_, accountPublicAddr_);
+    }
+    return addrList;
+std::vector<std::pair<IpAddr, IpAddr>>
+    // Add UPNP server reflexive candidates if available.
+    if (not hasUpnp())
+        return {};
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(upnpMappingsMutex_);
+    if (upnpMappings_.size() < (size_t)compCount_) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->warn("[ice:{}] Not enough mappings {:d}. Expected {:d}",
+                  fmt::ptr(this),
+                  upnpMappings_.size(),
+                  compCount_);
+        return {};
+    }
+    std::vector<std::pair<IpAddr, IpAddr>> addrList;
+    addrList.reserve(upnpMappings_.size());
+    for (auto const& [_, map] : upnpMappings_) {
+        assert(map.getMapKey());
+        IpAddr localAddr {map.getInternalAddress()};
+        localAddr.setPort(map.getInternalPort());
+        IpAddr publicAddr {map.getExternalAddress()};
+        publicAddr.setPort(map.getExternalPort());
+        addrList.emplace_back(localAddr, publicAddr);
+    }
+    return addrList;
+IceTransport::Impl::setDefaultRemoteAddress(unsigned compId, const IpAddr& addr)
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(compId, compCount_);
+    iceDefaultRemoteAddr_[compId - 1] = addr;
+    // The port does not matter. Set it 0 to avoid confusion.
+    iceDefaultRemoteAddr_[compId - 1].setPort(0);
+IceTransport::Impl::getDefaultRemoteAddress(unsigned compId) const
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(compId, compCount_);
+    return iceDefaultRemoteAddr_[compId - 1];
+IceTransport::Impl::onReceiveData(unsigned comp_id, void* pkt, pj_size_t size)
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(comp_id, compCount_);
+    jami_tracepoint_if_enabled(ice_transport_recv,
+                               reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(this),
+                               comp_id,
+                               size,
+                               getRemoteAddress(comp_id).toString().c_str());
+    if (size == 0)
+        return;
+    {
+        auto& io = compIO_[comp_id - 1];
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(io.mutex);
+        if (io.recvCb) {
+            io.recvCb((uint8_t*) pkt, size);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    std::error_code ec;
+    auto err = - 1).write((const char*) pkt, size, ec);
+    if (err < 0) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->error("[ice:{}] rx: channel is closed", fmt::ptr(this));
+    }
+IceTransport::Impl::_waitForInitialization(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
+    IceLock lk(icest_);
+    if (not iceCV_.wait_for(lk, timeout, [this] {
+            return threadTerminateFlags_ or _isInitialized() or _isFailed();
+        })) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->warn("[ice:{}] waitForInitialization: timeout", fmt::ptr(this));
+        return false;
+    }
+    return _isInitialized();
+IceTransport::IceTransport(std::string_view name)
+    : pimpl_ {std::make_unique<Impl>(name)}
+    cancelOperations();
+const std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger>&
+IceTransport::logger() const
+    return pimpl_->logger_;
+IceTransport::initIceInstance(const IceTransportOptions& options)
+    pimpl_->initIceInstance(options);
+    jami_tracepoint(ice_transport_context, reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(this));
+IceTransport::isInitialized() const
+    IceLock lk(pimpl_->icest_);
+    return pimpl_->_isInitialized();
+IceTransport::isStarted() const
+    IceLock lk(pimpl_->icest_);
+    return pimpl_->_isStarted();
+IceTransport::isRunning() const
+    if (!pimpl_->icest_)
+        return false;
+    IceLock lk(pimpl_->icest_);
+    return pimpl_->_isRunning();
+IceTransport::isFailed() const
+    return pimpl_->_isFailed();
+IceTransport::getComponentCount() const
+    return pimpl_->compCount_;
+    return pimpl_->setSlaveSession();
+    return pimpl_->setInitiatorSession();
+IceTransport::isInitiator() const
+    if (isInitialized()) {
+        return pj_ice_strans_get_role(pimpl_->icest_) == PJ_ICE_SESS_ROLE_CONTROLLING;
+    }
+    return pimpl_->initiatorSession_;
+IceTransport::startIce(const Attribute& rem_attrs, std::vector<IceCandidate>&& rem_candidates)
+    if (not isInitialized()) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->error("[ice:{}] not initialized transport", fmt::ptr(pimpl_.get()));
+        pimpl_->is_stopped_ = true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    // pj_ice_strans_start_ice crashes if remote candidates array is empty
+    if (rem_candidates.empty()) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->error("[ice:{}] start failed: no remote candidates", fmt::ptr(pimpl_.get()));
+        pimpl_->is_stopped_ = true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    auto comp_cnt = std::max(1u, getComponentCount());
+    if (rem_candidates.size() / comp_cnt > PJ_ICE_ST_MAX_CAND - 1) {
+        std::vector<IceCandidate> rcands;
+        rcands.reserve(PJ_ICE_ST_MAX_CAND - 1);
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->warn("[ice:{}] too much candidates detected, trim list.", fmt::ptr(pimpl_.get()));
+        // Just trim some candidates. To avoid to only take host candidates, iterate
+        // through the whole list and select some host, some turn and peer reflexives
+        // It should give at least enough infos to negotiate.
+        auto maxHosts = 8;
+        auto maxRelays = PJ_ICE_MAX_TURN;
+        for (auto& c : rem_candidates) {
+            if (c.type == PJ_ICE_CAND_TYPE_HOST) {
+                if (maxHosts == 0)
+                    continue;
+                maxHosts -= 1;
+            } else if (c.type == PJ_ICE_CAND_TYPE_RELAYED) {
+                if (maxRelays == 0)
+                    continue;
+                maxRelays -= 1;
+            }
+            if (rcands.size() == PJ_ICE_ST_MAX_CAND - 1)
+                break;
+            rcands.emplace_back(std::move(c));
+        }
+        rem_candidates = std::move(rcands);
+    }
+    pj_str_t ufrag, pwd;
+    if (pimpl_->logger_)
+        pimpl_->logger_->debug("[ice:{}] negotiation starting ({:d} remote candidates)",
+             fmt::ptr(pimpl_),
+             rem_candidates.size());
+    auto status = pj_ice_strans_start_ice(pimpl_->icest_,
+                                          pj_strset(&ufrag,
+                                                    (char*) rem_attrs.ufrag.c_str(),
+                                                    rem_attrs.ufrag.size()),
+                                          pj_strset(&pwd,
+                                                    (char*) rem_attrs.pwd.c_str(),
+                                                    rem_attrs.pwd.size()),
+                                          rem_candidates.size(),
+                                ;
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->error("[ice:{}] start failed: {:s}", fmt::ptr(pimpl_.get()), sip_utils::sip_strerror(status));
+        pimpl_->is_stopped_ = true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+IceTransport::startIce(const SDP& sdp)
+    if (pimpl_->streamsCount_ != 1) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->error(FMT_STRING("Expected exactly one stream per SDP (found {:u} streams)"), pimpl_->streamsCount_);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (not isInitialized()) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->error(FMT_STRING("[ice:{}] not initialized transport"), fmt::ptr(pimpl_));
+        pimpl_->is_stopped_ = true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    for (unsigned id = 1; id <= getComponentCount(); id++) {
+        auto candVec = getLocalCandidates(id);
+        for (auto const& cand : candVec) {
+            if (pimpl_->logger_)
+                pimpl_->logger_->debug("[ice:{}] Using local candidate {:s} for comp {:d}",
+                     fmt::ptr(pimpl_), cand, id);
+        }
+    }
+    if (pimpl_->logger_)
+        pimpl_->logger_->debug("[ice:{}] negotiation starting ({:u} remote candidates)",
+             fmt::ptr(pimpl_), sdp.candidates.size());
+    pj_str_t ufrag, pwd;
+    std::vector<IceCandidate> rem_candidates;
+    rem_candidates.reserve(sdp.candidates.size());
+    IceCandidate cand;
+    for (const auto& line : sdp.candidates) {
+        if (parseIceAttributeLine(0, line, cand))
+            rem_candidates.emplace_back(cand);
+    }
+    auto status = pj_ice_strans_start_ice(pimpl_->icest_,
+                                          pj_strset(&ufrag,
+                                                    (char*) sdp.ufrag.c_str(),
+                                                    sdp.ufrag.size()),
+                                          pj_strset(&pwd, (char*) sdp.pwd.c_str(), sdp.pwd.size()),
+                                          rem_candidates.size(),
+                                ;
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->error("[ice:{}] start failed: {:s}", fmt::ptr(pimpl_), sip_utils::sip_strerror(status));
+        pimpl_->is_stopped_ = true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+    pimpl_->cancelOperations();
+IceTransport::getLocalAddress(unsigned comp_id) const
+    return pimpl_->getLocalAddress(comp_id);
+IceTransport::getRemoteAddress(unsigned comp_id) const
+    // Return the default remote address if set.
+    // Note that the default remote addresses are the addresses
+    // set in the 'c=' and 'a=rtcp' lines of the received SDP.
+    // See pj_ice_strans_sendto2() for more details.
+    if (auto defaultAddr = pimpl_->getDefaultRemoteAddress(comp_id)) {
+        return defaultAddr;
+    }
+    return pimpl_->getRemoteAddress(comp_id);
+const IceTransport::Attribute
+IceTransport::getLocalAttributes() const
+    return {pimpl_->local_ufrag_, pimpl_->local_pwd_};
+IceTransport::getLocalCandidates(unsigned comp_id) const
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(comp_id, getComponentCount());
+    std::vector<std::string> res;
+    pj_ice_sess_cand cand[MAX_CANDIDATES];
+    unsigned cand_cnt = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(cand);
+    if (!isInitialized()) {
+        return res;
+    }
+    if (pj_ice_strans_enum_cands(pimpl_->icest_, comp_id, &cand_cnt, cand) != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->error("[ice:{}] pj_ice_strans_enum_cands() failed", fmt::ptr(pimpl_));
+        return res;
+    }
+    res.reserve(cand_cnt);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < cand_cnt; ++i) {
+        /**   Section 4.5, RFC 6544 (
+         *    candidate-attribute   = "candidate" ":" foundation SP component-id
+         * SP "TCP" SP priority SP connection-address SP port SP cand-type [SP
+         * rel-addr] [SP rel-port] SP tcp-type-ext
+         *                             *(SP extension-att-name SP
+         *                                  extension-att-value)
+         *
+         *     tcp-type-ext          = "tcptype" SP tcp-type
+         *     tcp-type              = "active" / "passive" / "so"
+         */
+        char ipaddr[PJ_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+        std::string tcp_type;
+        if (cand[i].transport != PJ_CAND_UDP) {
+            tcp_type += " tcptype";
+            switch (cand[i].transport) {
+            case PJ_CAND_TCP_ACTIVE:
+                tcp_type += " active";
+                break;
+            case PJ_CAND_TCP_PASSIVE:
+                tcp_type += " passive";
+                break;
+            case PJ_CAND_TCP_SO:
+            default:
+                tcp_type += " so";
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        res.emplace_back(
+            fmt::format("{} {} {} {} {} {} typ {}{}",
+                        sip_utils::as_view(cand[i].foundation),
+                        cand[i].comp_id,
+                        (cand[i].transport == PJ_CAND_UDP ? "UDP" : "TCP"),
+                        cand[i].prio,
+                        pj_sockaddr_print(&cand[i].addr, ipaddr, sizeof(ipaddr), 0),
+                        pj_sockaddr_get_port(&cand[i].addr),
+                        pj_ice_get_cand_type_name(cand[i].type),
+                        tcp_type));
+    }
+    return res;
+IceTransport::getLocalCandidates(unsigned streamIdx, unsigned compId) const
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(compId, getComponentCount());
+    std::vector<std::string> res;
+    pj_ice_sess_cand cand[MAX_CANDIDATES];
+    unsigned cand_cnt = MAX_CANDIDATES;
+    if (not isInitialized()) {
+        return res;
+    }
+    // In the implementation, the component IDs are enumerated globally
+    // (per SDP: 1, 2, 3, 4, ...). This is simpler because we create
+    // only one pj_ice_strans instance. However, the component IDs are
+    // enumerated per stream in the generated SDP (1, 2, 1, 2, ...) in
+    // order to be compliant with the spec.
+    auto globalCompId = streamIdx * 2 + compId;
+    if (pj_ice_strans_enum_cands(pimpl_->icest_, globalCompId, &cand_cnt, cand) != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->error("[ice:{}] pj_ice_strans_enum_cands() failed", fmt::ptr(pimpl_));
+        return res;
+    }
+    res.reserve(cand_cnt);
+    // Build ICE attributes according to RFC 6544, section 4.5.
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < cand_cnt; ++i) {
+        char ipaddr[PJ_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+        std::string tcp_type;
+        if (cand[i].transport != PJ_CAND_UDP) {
+            tcp_type += " tcptype";
+            switch (cand[i].transport) {
+            case PJ_CAND_TCP_ACTIVE:
+                tcp_type += " active";
+                break;
+            case PJ_CAND_TCP_PASSIVE:
+                tcp_type += " passive";
+                break;
+            case PJ_CAND_TCP_SO:
+            default:
+                tcp_type += " so";
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        res.emplace_back(
+            fmt::format("{} {} {} {} {} {} typ {}{}",
+                        sip_utils::as_view(cand[i].foundation),
+                        compId,
+                        (cand[i].transport == PJ_CAND_UDP ? "UDP" : "TCP"),
+                        cand[i].prio,
+                        pj_sockaddr_print(&cand[i].addr, ipaddr, sizeof(ipaddr), 0),
+                        pj_sockaddr_get_port(&cand[i].addr),
+                        pj_ice_get_cand_type_name(cand[i].type),
+                        tcp_type));
+    }
+    return res;
+IceTransport::parseIceAttributeLine(unsigned streamIdx,
+                                    const std::string& line,
+                                    IceCandidate& cand) const
+    // Silently ignore empty lines
+    if (line.empty())
+        return false;
+    if (streamIdx >= pimpl_->streamsCount_) {
+        throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Stream index {:d} is invalid!", streamIdx));
+    }
+    int af, cnt;
+    char foundation[32], transport[12], ipaddr[80], type[32], tcp_type[32];
+    pj_str_t tmpaddr;
+    unsigned comp_id, prio, port;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    pj_bool_t is_tcp = PJ_FALSE;
+    // Parse ICE attribute line according to RFC-6544 section 4.5.
+    // TODO/WARNING: There is no fail-safe in case of malformed attributes.
+    cnt = sscanf(line.c_str(),
+                 "%31s %u %11s %u %79s %u typ %31s tcptype %31s\n",
+                 foundation,
+                 &comp_id,
+                 transport,
+                 &prio,
+                 ipaddr,
+                 &port,
+                 type,
+                 tcp_type);
+    if (cnt != 7 && cnt != 8) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->error("[ice:{}] Invalid ICE candidate line: {:s}", fmt::ptr(pimpl_), line);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (strcmp(transport, "TCP") == 0) {
+        is_tcp = PJ_TRUE;
+    }
+    pj_bzero(&cand, sizeof(IceCandidate));
+    if (strcmp(type, "host") == 0)
+        cand.type = PJ_ICE_CAND_TYPE_HOST;
+    else if (strcmp(type, "srflx") == 0)
+        cand.type = PJ_ICE_CAND_TYPE_SRFLX;
+    else if (strcmp(type, "prflx") == 0)
+        cand.type = PJ_ICE_CAND_TYPE_PRFLX;
+    else if (strcmp(type, "relay") == 0)
+        cand.type = PJ_ICE_CAND_TYPE_RELAYED;
+    else {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->warn("[ice:{}] invalid remote candidate type '{:s}'", fmt::ptr(pimpl_), type);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (is_tcp) {
+        if (strcmp(tcp_type, "active") == 0)
+            cand.transport = PJ_CAND_TCP_ACTIVE;
+        else if (strcmp(tcp_type, "passive") == 0)
+            cand.transport = PJ_CAND_TCP_PASSIVE;
+        else if (strcmp(tcp_type, "so") == 0)
+            cand.transport = PJ_CAND_TCP_SO;
+        else {
+            if (pimpl_->logger_)
+                pimpl_->logger_->warn("[ice:{}] invalid transport type type '{:s}'", fmt::ptr(pimpl_), tcp_type);
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else {
+        cand.transport = PJ_CAND_UDP;
+    }
+    // If the component Id is enumerated relative to media, convert
+    // it to absolute enumeration.
+    if (comp_id <= pimpl_->compCountPerStream_) {
+        comp_id += pimpl_->compCountPerStream_ * streamIdx;
+    }
+    cand.comp_id = (pj_uint8_t) comp_id;
+    cand.prio = prio;
+    if (strchr(ipaddr, ':'))
+        af = pj_AF_INET6();
+    else {
+        af = pj_AF_INET();
+        pimpl_->onlyIPv4Private_ &= IpAddr(ipaddr).isPrivate();
+    }
+    tmpaddr = pj_str(ipaddr);
+    pj_sockaddr_init(af, &cand.addr, NULL, 0);
+    status = pj_sockaddr_set_str_addr(af, &cand.addr, &tmpaddr);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->warn("[ice:{}] invalid IP address '{:s}'", fmt::ptr(pimpl_), ipaddr);
+        return false;
+    }
+    pj_sockaddr_set_port(&cand.addr, (pj_uint16_t) port);
+    pj_strdup2(pimpl_->pool_.get(), &, foundation);
+    return true;
+IceTransport::recv(unsigned compId, unsigned char* buf, size_t len, std::error_code& ec)
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(compId, getComponentCount());
+    auto& io = pimpl_->compIO_[compId - 1];
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(io.mutex);
+    if (io.queue.empty()) {
+        ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::resource_unavailable_try_again);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    auto& packet = io.queue.front();
+    const auto count = std::min(len,;
+    std::copy_n(, count, buf);
+    if (count == {
+        io.queue.pop_front();
+    } else {
+, + count);
+    }
+    ec.clear();
+    return count;
+IceTransport::recvfrom(unsigned compId, char* buf, size_t len, std::error_code& ec)
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(compId, getComponentCount());
+    return pimpl_-> - 1).read(buf, len, ec);
+IceTransport::setOnRecv(unsigned compId, IceRecvCb cb)
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(compId, getComponentCount());
+    auto& io = pimpl_->compIO_[compId - 1];
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(io.mutex);
+    io.recvCb = std::move(cb);
+    if (io.recvCb) {
+        // Flush existing queue using the callback
+        for (const auto& packet : io.queue)
+            io.recvCb((uint8_t*),;
+        io.queue.clear();
+    }
+IceTransport::setOnShutdown(onShutdownCb&& cb)
+    pimpl_->scb = cb;
+IceTransport::send(unsigned compId, const unsigned char* buf, size_t len)
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(compId, getComponentCount());
+    auto remote = getRemoteAddress(compId);
+    if (!remote) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->error("[ice:{}] can't find remote address for component {:d}", fmt::ptr(pimpl_), compId);
+        errno = EINVAL;
+        return -1;
+    }
+    std::unique_lock dlk(pimpl_->sendDataMutex_, std::defer_lock);
+    if (isTCPEnabled())
+        dlk.lock();
+    jami_tracepoint(ice_transport_send,
+                    reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(this),
+                    compId,
+                    len,
+                    remote.toString().c_str());
+    auto status = pj_ice_strans_sendto2(pimpl_->icest_,
+                                        compId,
+                                        buf,
+                                        len,
+                                        remote.pjPtr(),
+                                        remote.getLength());
+    jami_tracepoint(ice_transport_send_status, status);
+    if (status == PJ_EPENDING && isTCPEnabled()) {
+        // NOTE; because we are in TCP, the sent size will count the header (2
+        // bytes length).
+        pimpl_->waitDataCv_.wait(dlk, [&] {
+            return pimpl_->lastSentLen_ >= static_cast<pj_size_t>(len) or pimpl_->destroying_;
+        });
+        pimpl_->lastSentLen_ = 0;
+    } else if (status != PJ_SUCCESS && status != PJ_EPENDING) {
+        if (status == PJ_EBUSY) {
+            errno = EAGAIN;
+        } else {
+            if (pimpl_->logger_)
+                pimpl_->logger_->error("[ice:{}] ice send failed: {:s}", fmt::ptr(pimpl_), sip_utils::sip_strerror(status));
+            errno = EIO;
+        }
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return len;
+IceTransport::waitForInitialization(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
+    return pimpl_->_waitForInitialization(timeout);
+IceTransport::waitForData(unsigned compId, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, std::error_code& ec)
+    ASSERT_COMP_ID(compId, getComponentCount());
+    return pimpl_-> - 1).wait(timeout, ec);
+    return pimpl_->isTcpEnabled();
+IceTransport::parseIceCandidates(std::string_view sdp_msg)
+    if (pimpl_->streamsCount_ != 1) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->error("Expected exactly one stream per SDP (found %u streams)", pimpl_->streamsCount_);
+        return {};
+    }
+    ICESDP res;
+    int nr = 0;
+    for (std::string_view line; jami::getline(sdp_msg, line); nr++) {
+        if (nr == 0) {
+            res.rem_ufrag = line;
+        } else if (nr == 1) {
+            res.rem_pwd = line;
+        } else {
+            IceCandidate cand;
+            if (parseIceAttributeLine(0, std::string(line), cand)) {
+                if (pimpl_->logger_)
+                    pimpl_->logger_->debug("[ice:{}] Add remote candidate: {}",
+                         fmt::ptr(pimpl_),
+                         line);
+                res.rem_candidates.emplace_back(cand);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return res;
+IceTransport::setDefaultRemoteAddress(unsigned comp_id, const IpAddr& addr)
+    pimpl_->setDefaultRemoteAddress(comp_id, addr);
+IceTransport::link() const
+    return pimpl_->link();
+    : cp_(new pj_caching_pool(),
+          [](pj_caching_pool* p) {
+              pj_caching_pool_destroy(p);
+              delete p;
+          })
+    , ice_cfg_()
+    pj_caching_pool_init(cp_.get(), NULL, 0);
+    pj_ice_strans_cfg_default(&ice_cfg_);
+ = &cp_->factory;
+    // v2.4.5 of PJNATH has a default of 100ms but RFC 5389 since version 14 requires
+    // a minimum of 500ms on fixed-line links. Our usual case is wireless links.
+    // This solves too long ICE exchange by DHT.
+    // Using 500ms with default PJ_STUN_MAX_TRANSMIT_COUNT (7) gives around 33s before timeout.
+    ice_cfg_.stun_cfg.rto_msec = 500;
+    // See
+    // If enabled, it may help speed-up the connectivity, but may cause
+    // the nomination of sub-optimal pairs.
+    ice_cfg_.opt.aggressive = PJ_FALSE;
+IceTransportFactory::~IceTransportFactory() {}
+IceTransportFactory::createTransport(std::string_view name)
+    try {
+        return std::make_shared<IceTransport>(name);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        //JAMI_ERR("%s", e.what());
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+IceTransportFactory::createUTransport(std::string_view name)
+    try {
+        return std::make_unique<IceTransport>(name);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        //JAMI_ERR("%s", e.what());
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    if (ice_transport_)
+        ice_transport_->setOnRecv(compId_, {});
+    ice_transport_.reset();
+IceSocket::send(const unsigned char* buf, size_t len)
+    if (not ice_transport_)
+        return -1;
+    return ice_transport_->send(compId_, buf, len);
+IceSocket::waitForData(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
+    if (not ice_transport_)
+        return -1;
+    std::error_code ec;
+    return ice_transport_->waitForData(compId_, timeout, ec);
+IceSocket::setOnRecv(IceRecvCb cb)
+    if (ice_transport_)
+        ice_transport_->setOnRecv(compId_, cb);
+    if (not ice_transport_)
+        return 0;
+    return (ice_transport_->getRemoteAddress(compId_).getFamily() == AF_INET) ? IPV4_HEADER_SIZE
+                                                                              : IPV6_HEADER_SIZE;
+IceSocket::setDefaultRemoteAddress(const IpAddr& addr)
+    if (ice_transport_)
+        ice_transport_->setDefaultRemoteAddress(compId_, addr);
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/ice_transport.h b/src/ice_transport.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bf6432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ice_transport.h
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Guillaume Roguez <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "ice_options.h"
+#include "ice_socket.h"
+#include "ip_utils.h"
+#include <pjnath.h>
+#include <pjlib.h>
+#include <pjlib-util.h>
+#include <functional>
+#include <memory>
+#include <msgpack.hpp>
+#include <vector>
+namespace dht {
+namespace log {
+class Logger;
+namespace jami {
+using Logger = dht::log::Logger;
+namespace upnp {
+class Controller;
+class IceTransport;
+using IceRecvCb = std::function<ssize_t(unsigned char* buf, size_t len)>;
+using IceCandidate = pj_ice_sess_cand;
+using onShutdownCb = std::function<void(void)>;
+struct ICESDP
+    std::vector<IceCandidate> rem_candidates;
+    std::string rem_ufrag;
+    std::string rem_pwd;
+struct SDP
+    std::string ufrag;
+    std::string pwd;
+    std::vector<std::string> candidates;
+    MSGPACK_DEFINE(ufrag, pwd, candidates)
+class IceTransport
+    using Attribute = struct
+    {
+        std::string ufrag;
+        std::string pwd;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Constructor
+     */
+    IceTransport(std::string_view name);
+    ~IceTransport();
+    const std::shared_ptr<Logger>& logger() const;
+    void initIceInstance(const IceTransportOptions& options);
+    /**
+     * Get current state
+     */
+    bool isInitiator() const;
+    /**
+     * Start transport negotiation between local candidates and given remote
+     * to find the right candidate pair.
+     * This function doesn't block, the callback on_negodone_cb will be called
+     * with the negotiation result when operation is really done.
+     * Return false if negotiation cannot be started else true.
+     */
+    bool startIce(const Attribute& rem_attrs, std::vector<IceCandidate>&& rem_candidates);
+    bool startIce(const SDP& sdp);
+    /**
+     * Cancel operations
+     */
+    void cancelOperations();
+    /**
+     * Returns true if ICE transport has been initialized
+     * [mutex protected]
+     */
+    bool isInitialized() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if ICE negotiation has been started
+     * [mutex protected]
+     */
+    bool isStarted() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if ICE negotiation has completed with success
+     * [mutex protected]
+     */
+    bool isRunning() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if ICE transport is in failure state
+     * [mutex protected]
+     */
+    bool isFailed() const;
+    IpAddr getLocalAddress(unsigned comp_id) const;
+    IpAddr getRemoteAddress(unsigned comp_id) const;
+    IpAddr getDefaultLocalAddress() const { return getLocalAddress(1); }
+    /**
+     * Return ICE session attributes
+     */
+    const Attribute getLocalAttributes() const;
+    /**
+     * Return ICE session attributes
+     */
+    std::vector<std::string> getLocalCandidates(unsigned comp_id) const;
+    /**
+     * Return ICE session attributes
+     */
+    std::vector<std::string> getLocalCandidates(unsigned streamIdx, unsigned compId) const;
+    bool parseIceAttributeLine(unsigned streamIdx,
+                               const std::string& line,
+                               IceCandidate& cand) const;
+    bool getCandidateFromSDP(const std::string& line, IceCandidate& cand) const;
+    // I/O methods
+    void setOnRecv(unsigned comp_id, IceRecvCb cb);
+    void setOnShutdown(onShutdownCb&& cb);
+    ssize_t recv(unsigned comp_id, unsigned char* buf, size_t len, std::error_code& ec);
+    ssize_t recvfrom(unsigned comp_id, char* buf, size_t len, std::error_code& ec);
+    ssize_t send(unsigned comp_id, const unsigned char* buf, size_t len);
+    bool waitForInitialization(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout);
+    int waitForNegotiation(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout);
+    ssize_t waitForData(unsigned comp_id, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, std::error_code& ec);
+    unsigned getComponentCount() const;
+    // Set session state
+    bool setSlaveSession();
+    bool setInitiatorSession();
+    bool isTCPEnabled();
+    ICESDP parseIceCandidates(std::string_view sdp_msg);
+    void setDefaultRemoteAddress(unsigned comp_id, const IpAddr& addr);
+    std::string link() const;
+    class Impl;
+    std::unique_ptr<Impl> pimpl_;
+class IceTransportFactory
+    IceTransportFactory();
+    ~IceTransportFactory();
+    std::shared_ptr<IceTransport> createTransport(std::string_view name);
+    std::unique_ptr<IceTransport> createUTransport(std::string_view name);
+    /**
+     * PJSIP specifics
+     */
+    pj_ice_strans_cfg getIceCfg() const { return ice_cfg_; }
+    pj_pool_factory* getPoolFactory() { return &cp_->factory; }
+    std::shared_ptr<pj_caching_pool> getPoolCaching() { return cp_; }
+    std::shared_ptr<pj_caching_pool> cp_;
+    pj_ice_strans_cfg ice_cfg_;
+}; // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/ip_utils.cpp b/src/ip_utils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..494dc9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ip_utils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Adrien Béraud <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "ip_utils.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "connectivity/sip_utils.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#define InetPtonA inet_pton
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <arpa/nameser.h>
+#include <resolv.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <netinet/ip.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <ifaddrs.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#ifndef HOST_NAME_MAX
+// Max 255 chars as per RFC 1035
+#define HOST_NAME_MAX 255
+namespace jami {
+sip_strerror(pj_status_t code)
+    thread_local char err_msg[PJ_ERR_MSG_SIZE];
+    return as_view(pj_strerror(code, err_msg, sizeof err_msg));
+    char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX];
+    if (gethostname(hostname, HOST_NAME_MAX))
+        return {};
+    return hostname;
+ip_utils::getHostName(char* out, size_t out_len)
+    char tempstr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
+    const char* p = NULL;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    struct hostent* h = NULL;
+    struct sockaddr_in localAddr;
+    memset(&localAddr, 0, sizeof(localAddr));
+    gethostname(out, out_len);
+    h = gethostbyname(out);
+    if (h != NULL) {
+        memcpy(&localAddr.sin_addr, h->h_addr_list[0], 4);
+        p = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &localAddr.sin_addr, tempstr, sizeof(tempstr));
+        if (p)
+            strncpy(out, p, out_len);
+        else
+            return -1;
+    } else {
+        return -1;
+    }
+#elif (defined(BSD) && BSD >= 199306) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__)
+    int retVal = 0;
+    struct ifaddrs* ifap;
+    struct ifaddrs* ifa;
+    if (getifaddrs(&ifap) != 0)
+        return -1;
+    // Cycle through available interfaces.
+    for (ifa = ifap; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
+        // Skip loopback, point-to-point and down interfaces.
+        // except don't skip down interfaces if we're trying to get
+        // a list of configurable interfaces.
+        if ((ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) || (!(ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP)))
+            continue;
+        if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) {
+            if (((struct sockaddr_in*) (ifa->ifa_addr))->sin_addr.s_addr == htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)) {
+                // We don't want the loopback interface. Go to next one.
+                continue;
+            }
+            p = inet_ntop(AF_INET,
+                          &((struct sockaddr_in*) (ifa->ifa_addr))->sin_addr,
+                          tempstr,
+                          sizeof(tempstr));
+            if (p)
+                strncpy(out, p, out_len);
+            else
+                retVal = -1;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    freeifaddrs(ifap);
+    retVal = ifa ? 0 : -1;
+    return retVal;
+    struct ifconf ifConf;
+    struct ifreq ifReq;
+    struct sockaddr_in localAddr;
+    char szBuffer[MAX_INTERFACE * sizeof(struct ifreq)];
+    int nResult;
+    int localSock;
+    memset(&ifConf, 0, sizeof(ifConf));
+    memset(&ifReq, 0, sizeof(ifReq));
+    memset(szBuffer, 0, sizeof(szBuffer));
+    memset(&localAddr, 0, sizeof(localAddr));
+    // Create an unbound datagram socket to do the SIOCGIFADDR ioctl on.
+    localSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
+    if (localSock == INVALID_SOCKET)
+        return -1;
+    /* Get the interface configuration information... */
+    ifConf.ifc_len = (int) sizeof szBuffer;
+    ifConf.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf = (caddr_t) szBuffer;
+    nResult = ioctl(localSock, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifConf);
+    if (nResult < 0) {
+        close(localSock);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    unsigned int i;
+    unsigned int j = 0;
+    // Cycle through the list of interfaces looking for IP addresses.
+    for (i = 0u; i < (unsigned int) ifConf.ifc_len && j < MIN_INTERFACE;) {
+        struct ifreq* pifReq = (struct ifreq*) ((caddr_t) ifConf.ifc_req + i);
+        i += sizeof *pifReq;
+        // See if this is the sort of interface we want to deal with.
+        memset(ifReq.ifr_name, 0, sizeof(ifReq.ifr_name));
+        strncpy(ifReq.ifr_name, pifReq->ifr_name, sizeof(ifReq.ifr_name));
+        ioctl(localSock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifReq);
+        // Skip loopback, point-to-point and down interfaces.
+        // except don't skip down interfaces if we're trying to get
+        // a list of configurable interfaces.
+        if ((ifReq.ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) || (!(ifReq.ifr_flags & IFF_UP)))
+            continue;
+        if (pifReq->ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET) {
+            memcpy(&localAddr, &pifReq->ifr_addr, sizeof pifReq->ifr_addr);
+            if (localAddr.sin_addr.s_addr == htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)) {
+                // We don't want the loopback interface. Go to the next one.
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+        j++; // Increment j if we found an address which is not loopback and is up.
+    }
+    close(localSock);
+    p = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &localAddr.sin_addr, tempstr, sizeof(tempstr));
+    if (p)
+        strncpy(out, p, out_len);
+    else
+        return -1;
+    return 0;
+ip_utils::getGateway(char* localHost, ip_utils::subnet_mask prefix)
+    std::string_view localHostStr(localHost);
+    if (prefix == ip_utils::subnet_mask::prefix_32bit)
+        return std::string(localHostStr);
+    std::string defaultGw {};
+    // Make a vector of each individual number in the ip address.
+    std::vector<std::string_view> tokens = split_string(localHostStr, '.');
+    // Build a gateway address from the individual ip components.
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i <= (unsigned) prefix; i++)
+        defaultGw += tokens[i] + ".";
+    for (unsigned i = (unsigned) ip_utils::subnet_mask::prefix_32bit;
+         i > (unsigned) prefix + 1;
+         i--)
+        defaultGw += "0.";
+    defaultGw += "1";
+    return defaultGw;
+    char localHostBuf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
+    if (ip_utils::getHostName(localHostBuf, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) < 0) {
+        JAMI_WARN("Couldn't find local host");
+        return {};
+    } else {
+        return IpAddr(ip_utils::getGateway(localHostBuf, ip_utils::subnet_mask::prefix_24bit));
+    }
+ip_utils::getAddrList(std::string_view name, pj_uint16_t family)
+    std::vector<IpAddr> ipList;
+    if (name.empty())
+        return ipList;
+    if (IpAddr::isValid(name, family)) {
+        ipList.emplace_back(name);
+        return ipList;
+    }
+    static constexpr unsigned MAX_ADDR_NUM = 128;
+    pj_addrinfo res[MAX_ADDR_NUM];
+    unsigned addr_num = MAX_ADDR_NUM;
+    const pj_str_t pjname(sip_utils::CONST_PJ_STR(name));
+    auto status = pj_getaddrinfo(family, &pjname, &addr_num, res);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_ERR("Error resolving %.*s : %s",
+                 (int) name.size(),
+       ,
+                 sip_utils::sip_strerror(status).c_str());
+        return ipList;
+    }
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < addr_num; i++) {
+        bool found = false;
+        for (const auto& ip : ipList)
+            if (!pj_sockaddr_cmp(&ip, &res[i].ai_addr)) {
+                found = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        if (!found)
+            ipList.emplace_back(res[i].ai_addr);
+    }
+    return ipList;
+ip_utils::haveCommonAddr(const std::vector<IpAddr>& a, const std::vector<IpAddr>& b)
+    for (const auto& i : a) {
+        for (const auto& j : b) {
+            if (i == j)
+                return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+ip_utils::getLocalAddr(pj_uint16_t family)
+    IpAddr ip_addr {};
+    pj_status_t status = pj_gethostip(family, ip_addr.pjPtr());
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        return ip_addr;
+    }
+    JAMI_WARN("Could not get preferred address familly (%s)",
+              (family == pj_AF_INET6()) ? "IPv6" : "IPv4");
+    family = (family == pj_AF_INET()) ? pj_AF_INET6() : pj_AF_INET();
+    status = pj_gethostip(family, ip_addr.pjPtr());
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        return ip_addr;
+    }
+    JAMI_ERR("Could not get local IP");
+    return ip_addr;
+ip_utils::getInterfaceAddr(const std::string& interface, pj_uint16_t family)
+    if (interface == DEFAULT_INTERFACE)
+        return getLocalAddr(family);
+    IpAddr addr {};
+#ifndef _WIN32
+    const auto unix_family = family == pj_AF_INET() ? AF_INET : AF_INET6;
+    int fd = socket(unix_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+    if (fd < 0) {
+        JAMI_ERR("Could not open socket: %m");
+        return addr;
+    }
+    if (unix_family == AF_INET6) {
+        int val = family != pj_AF_UNSPEC();
+        if (setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (void*) &val, sizeof(val)) < 0) {
+            JAMI_ERR("Could not setsockopt: %m");
+            close(fd);
+            return addr;
+        }
+    }
+    ifreq ifr;
+    strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, interface.c_str(), sizeof ifr.ifr_name);
+    // guarantee that ifr_name is NULL-terminated
+    ifr.ifr_name[sizeof(ifr.ifr_name) - 1] = '\0';
+    memset(&ifr.ifr_addr, 0, sizeof(ifr.ifr_addr));
+    ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = unix_family;
+    ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr);
+    close(fd);
+    addr = ifr.ifr_addr;
+    if (addr.isUnspecified())
+        return getLocalAddr(addr.getFamily());
+#else  // _WIN32
+    struct addrinfo hints;
+    struct addrinfo* result = NULL;
+    struct sockaddr_in* sockaddr_ipv4;
+    struct sockaddr_in6* sockaddr_ipv6;
+    ZeroMemory(&hints, sizeof(hints));
+    DWORD dwRetval = getaddrinfo(interface.c_str(), "0", &hints, &result);
+    if (dwRetval != 0) {
+        JAMI_ERR("getaddrinfo failed with error: %lu", dwRetval);
+        return addr;
+    }
+    switch (result->ai_family) {
+        sockaddr_ipv4 = (struct sockaddr_in*) result->ai_addr;
+        addr = sockaddr_ipv4->sin_addr;
+        break;
+    case AF_INET6:
+        sockaddr_ipv6 = (struct sockaddr_in6*) result->ai_addr;
+        addr = sockaddr_ipv6->sin6_addr;
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    if (addr.isUnspecified())
+        return getLocalAddr(addr.getFamily());
+#endif // !_WIN32
+    return addr;
+    std::vector<std::string> ifaceList;
+    ifaceList.push_back("default");
+#ifndef _WIN32
+    static ifreq ifreqs[20];
+    ifconf ifconf;
+    ifconf.ifc_buf = (char*) (ifreqs);
+    ifconf.ifc_len = sizeof(ifreqs);
+    int sock = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+    if (sock >= 0) {
+        if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifconf) >= 0)
+            for (unsigned i = 0; i < ifconf.ifc_len / sizeof(ifreq); ++i)
+                ifaceList.push_back(std::string(ifreqs[i].ifr_name));
+        close(sock);
+    }
+    JAMI_ERR("Not implemented yet. (iphlpapi.h problem)");
+    return ifaceList;
+    pj_sockaddr addrList[16];
+    unsigned addrCnt = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(addrList);
+    std::vector<std::string> ifaceList;
+    if (pj_enum_ip_interface(pj_AF_UNSPEC(), &addrCnt, addrList) == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < addrCnt; i++) {
+            char addr[PJ_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+            pj_sockaddr_print(&addrList[i], addr, sizeof(addr), 0);
+            ifaceList.push_back(std::string(addr));
+        }
+    }
+    return ifaceList;
+    std::vector<IpAddr> res;
+#if defined __ANDROID__ || defined _WIN32 || TARGET_OS_IPHONE
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma message(__FILE__ "(" STR2(__LINE__) ") : -NOTE- " \
+                                            "Not implemented")
+#warning "Not implemented"
+    if (not(_res.options & RES_INIT))
+        res_init();
+    res.insert(res.end(), _res.nsaddr_list, _res.nsaddr_list + _res.nscount);
+    return res;
+IpAddr::isValid(std::string_view address, pj_uint16_t family)
+    const pj_str_t pjstring(sip_utils::CONST_PJ_STR(address));
+    pj_str_t ret_str;
+    pj_uint16_t ret_port;
+    int ret_family;
+    auto status = pj_sockaddr_parse2(pj_AF_UNSPEC(), 0, &pjstring, &ret_str, &ret_port, &ret_family);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS || (family != pj_AF_UNSPEC() && ret_family != family))
+        return false;
+    char buf[PJ_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+    pj_str_t addr_with_null = {buf, 0};
+    pj_strncpy_with_null(&addr_with_null, &ret_str, sizeof(buf));
+    struct sockaddr sa;
+    return inet_pton(ret_family == pj_AF_INET6() ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET, buf, &(sa.sa_data)) == 1;
+IpAddr::isUnspecified() const
+    switch (addr.addr.sa_family) {
+    case AF_INET:
+        return IN_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&addr.ipv4.sin_addr);
+    case AF_INET6:
+        return IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(reinterpret_cast<const in6_addr*>(&addr.ipv6.sin6_addr));
+    default:
+        return true;
+    }
+IpAddr::isLoopback() const
+    switch (addr.addr.sa_family) {
+    case AF_INET: {
+        auto addr_host = ntohl(addr.ipv4.sin_addr.s_addr);
+        uint8_t b1 = (uint8_t)(addr_host >> 24);
+        return b1 == 127;
+    }
+    case AF_INET6:
+        return IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(reinterpret_cast<const in6_addr*>(&addr.ipv6.sin6_addr));
+    default:
+        return false;
+    }
+IpAddr::isPrivate() const
+    if (isLoopback()) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    switch (addr.addr.sa_family) {
+    case AF_INET: {
+        auto addr_host = ntohl(addr.ipv4.sin_addr.s_addr);
+        uint8_t b1, b2;
+        b1 = (uint8_t)(addr_host >> 24);
+        b2 = (uint8_t)((addr_host >> 16) & 0x0ff);
+        // 10.x.y.z
+        if (b1 == 10)
+            return true;
+        // -
+        if ((b1 == 172) && (b2 >= 16) && (b2 <= 31))
+            return true;
+        // -
+        if ((b1 == 192) && (b2 == 168))
+            return true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    case AF_INET6: {
+        const pj_uint8_t* addr6 = reinterpret_cast<const pj_uint8_t*>(&addr.ipv6.sin6_addr);
+        if (addr6[0] == 0xfc)
+            return true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    default:
+        return false;
+    }
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/multiplexed_socket.cpp b/src/multiplexed_socket.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5abf742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/multiplexed_socket.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1208 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *  Author: Sébastien Blin <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "multiplexed_socket.h"
+#include "peer_connection.h"
+#include "ice_transport.h"
+#include "certstore.h"
+#include <opendht/logger.h>
+#include <opendht/thread_pool.h>
+#include <asio/io_context.hpp>
+#include <asio/steady_timer.hpp>
+#include <deque>
+static constexpr std::size_t IO_BUFFER_SIZE {8192}; ///< Size of char buffer used by IO operations
+static constexpr int MULTIPLEXED_SOCKET_VERSION {1};
+struct ChanneledMessage
+    uint16_t channel;
+    std::vector<uint8_t> data;
+    MSGPACK_DEFINE(channel, data)
+struct BeaconMsg
+    bool p;
+struct VersionMsg
+    int v;
+namespace jami {
+using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
+using time_point = clock::time_point;
+class MultiplexedSocket::Impl
+    Impl(MultiplexedSocket& parent,
+         std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context> ctx,
+         const DeviceId& deviceId,
+         std::unique_ptr<TlsSocketEndpoint> endpoint)
+        : parent_(parent)
+        , deviceId(deviceId)
+        , ctx_(std::move(ctx))
+        , beaconTimer_(*ctx_)
+        , endpoint(std::move(endpoint))
+        , eventLoopThread_ {[this] {
+            try {
+                eventLoop();
+            } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+                if (logger_)
+                    logger_->error("[CNX] peer connection event loop failure: {}", e.what());
+                shutdown();
+            }
+        }}
+    {}
+    ~Impl() {}
+    void join()
+    {
+        if (!isShutdown_) {
+            if (endpoint)
+                endpoint->setOnStateChange({});
+            shutdown();
+        } else {
+            clearSockets();
+        }
+        if (eventLoopThread_.joinable())
+            eventLoopThread_.join();
+    }
+    void clearSockets()
+    {
+        decltype(sockets) socks;
+        {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lkSockets(socketsMutex);
+            socks = std::move(sockets);
+        }
+        for (auto& socket : socks) {
+            // Just trigger onShutdown() to make client know
+            // No need to write the EOF for the channel, the write will fail because endpoint is
+            // already shutdown
+            if (socket.second)
+                socket.second->stop();
+        }
+    }
+    void shutdown()
+    {
+        if (isShutdown_)
+            return;
+        isShutdown_ = true;
+        beaconTimer_.cancel();
+        if (onShutdown_)
+            onShutdown_();
+        if (endpoint) {
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(writeMtx);
+            endpoint->shutdown();
+        }
+        clearSockets();
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<ChannelSocket> makeSocket(const std::string& name,
+                                              uint16_t channel,
+                                              bool isInitiator = false)
+    {
+        auto& channelSocket = sockets[channel];
+        if (not channelSocket)
+            channelSocket = std::make_shared<ChannelSocket>(
+                parent_.weak(), name, channel, isInitiator, [w = parent_.weak(), channel]() {
+                    // Remove socket in another thread to avoid any lock
+                    dht::ThreadPool::io().run([w, channel]() {
+                        if (auto shared = w.lock()) {
+                            shared->eraseChannel(channel);
+                        }
+                    });
+                });
+        else {
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->warn("A channel is already present on that socket, accepting "
+                      "the request will close the previous one {}", name);
+        }
+        return channelSocket;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Handle packets on the TLS endpoint and parse RTP
+     */
+    void eventLoop();
+    /**
+     * Triggered when a new control packet is received
+     */
+    void handleControlPacket(std::vector<uint8_t>&& pkt);
+    void handleProtocolPacket(std::vector<uint8_t>&& pkt);
+    bool handleProtocolMsg(const msgpack::object& o);
+    /**
+     * Triggered when a new packet on a channel is received
+     */
+    void handleChannelPacket(uint16_t channel, std::vector<uint8_t>&& pkt);
+    void onRequest(const std::string& name, uint16_t channel);
+    void onAccept(const std::string& name, uint16_t channel);
+    void setOnReady(OnConnectionReadyCb&& cb) { onChannelReady_ = std::move(cb); }
+    void setOnRequest(OnConnectionRequestCb&& cb) { onRequest_ = std::move(cb); }
+    // Beacon
+    void sendBeacon(const std::chrono::milliseconds& timeout);
+    void handleBeaconRequest();
+    void handleBeaconResponse();
+    std::atomic_int beaconCounter_ {0};
+    bool writeProtocolMessage(const msgpack::sbuffer& buffer);
+    msgpack::unpacker pac_ {};
+    MultiplexedSocket& parent_;
+    std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger_;
+    std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context> ctx_;
+    OnConnectionReadyCb onChannelReady_ {};
+    OnConnectionRequestCb onRequest_ {};
+    OnShutdownCb onShutdown_ {};
+    DeviceId deviceId {};
+    // Main socket
+    std::unique_ptr<TlsSocketEndpoint> endpoint {};
+    std::mutex socketsMutex {};
+    std::map<uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<ChannelSocket>> sockets {};
+    // Main loop to parse incoming packets
+    std::atomic_bool stop {false};
+    std::thread eventLoopThread_ {};
+    std::atomic_bool isShutdown_ {false};
+    std::mutex writeMtx {};
+    time_point start_ {clock::now()};
+    //std::shared_ptr<Task> beaconTask_ {};
+    asio::steady_timer beaconTimer_;
+    // version related stuff
+    void sendVersion();
+    void onVersion(int version);
+    std::atomic_bool canSendBeacon_ {false};
+    std::atomic_bool answerBeacon_ {true};
+    std::function<void(bool)> onBeaconCb_ {};
+    std::function<void(int)> onVersionCb_ {};
+    endpoint->setOnStateChange([this](tls::TlsSessionState state) {
+        if (state == tls::TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN && !isShutdown_) {
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->debug("Tls endpoint is down, shutdown multiplexed socket");
+            shutdown();
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    });
+    sendVersion();
+    std::error_code ec;
+    while (!stop) {
+        if (!endpoint) {
+            shutdown();
+            return;
+        }
+        pac_.reserve_buffer(IO_BUFFER_SIZE);
+        int size = endpoint->read(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&pac_.buffer()[0]), IO_BUFFER_SIZE, ec);
+        if (size < 0) {
+            if (ec && logger_)
+                logger_->error("Read error detected: {}", ec.message());
+            break;
+        }
+        if (size == 0) {
+            // We can close the socket
+            shutdown();
+            break;
+        }
+        pac_.buffer_consumed(size);
+        msgpack::object_handle oh;
+        while ( && !stop) {
+            try {
+                auto msg = oh.get().as<ChanneledMessage>();
+                if ( == CONTROL_CHANNEL)
+                    handleControlPacket(std::move(;
+                else if ( == PROTOCOL_CHANNEL)
+                    handleProtocolPacket(std::move(;
+                else
+                    handleChannelPacket(, std::move(;
+            } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+                if (logger_)
+                    logger_->warn("Failed to unpacked message of {:d} bytes: {:s}", size, e.what());
+            } catch (...) {
+                if (logger_)
+                    logger_->error("Unknown exception catched while unpacking message of {:d} bytes", size);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+MultiplexedSocket::Impl::onAccept(const std::string& name, uint16_t channel)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lkSockets(socketsMutex);
+    auto& socket = sockets[channel];
+    if (!socket) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->error("Receiving an answer for a non existing channel. This is a bug.");
+        return;
+    }
+    onChannelReady_(deviceId, socket);
+    socket->ready();
+    // Due to the callbacks that can take some time, onAccept can arrive after
+    // receiving all the data. In this case, the socket should be removed here
+    // as handle by onChannelReady_
+    if (socket->isRemovable())
+        sockets.erase(channel);
+    else
+        socket->answered();
+MultiplexedSocket::Impl::sendBeacon(const std::chrono::milliseconds& timeout)
+    if (!canSendBeacon_)
+        return;
+    beaconCounter_++;
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("Send beacon to peer {}", deviceId);
+    msgpack::sbuffer buffer(8);
+    msgpack::packer<msgpack::sbuffer> pk(&buffer);
+    pk.pack(BeaconMsg {true});
+    if (!writeProtocolMessage(buffer))
+        return;
+    beaconTimer_.expires_after(timeout);
+    beaconTimer_.async_wait([w = parent_.weak()](const asio::error_code& ec) {
+        if (ec == asio::error::operation_aborted)
+            return;
+        if (auto shared = w.lock()) {
+            if (shared->pimpl_->beaconCounter_ != 0) {
+                if (shared->pimpl_->logger_)
+                    shared->pimpl_->logger_->error("Beacon doesn't get any response. Stopping socket");
+                shared->shutdown();
+            }
+        }
+    });
+    if (!answerBeacon_)
+        return;
+    // Run this on dedicated thread because some callbacks can take time
+    dht::ThreadPool::io().run([w = parent_.weak()]() {
+        if (auto shared = w.lock()) {
+            msgpack::sbuffer buffer(8);
+            msgpack::packer<msgpack::sbuffer> pk(&buffer);
+            pk.pack(BeaconMsg {false});
+            if (shared->pimpl_->logger_)
+                shared->pimpl_->logger_->debug("Send beacon response to peer {}", shared->deviceId());
+            shared->pimpl_->writeProtocolMessage(buffer);
+        }
+    });
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("Get beacon response from peer {}", deviceId);
+    beaconCounter_--;
+MultiplexedSocket::Impl::writeProtocolMessage(const msgpack::sbuffer& buffer)
+    std::error_code ec;
+    int wr = parent_.write(PROTOCOL_CHANNEL,
+                           (const unsigned char*),
+                           buffer.size(),
+                           ec);
+    return wr > 0;
+    dht::ThreadPool::io().run([w = parent_.weak()]() {
+        if (auto shared = w.lock()) {
+            auto version = shared->pimpl_->version_;
+            msgpack::sbuffer buffer(8);
+            msgpack::packer<msgpack::sbuffer> pk(&buffer);
+            pk.pack(VersionMsg {version});
+            shared->pimpl_->writeProtocolMessage(buffer);
+        }
+    });
+MultiplexedSocket::Impl::onVersion(int version)
+    // Check if version > 1
+    if (version >= 1) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->debug("Peer {} supports beacon", deviceId);
+        canSendBeacon_ = true;
+    } else {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->warn("Peer {} uses version {:d} which doesn't support beacon",
+                          deviceId,
+                          version);
+        canSendBeacon_ = false;
+    }
+MultiplexedSocket::Impl::onRequest(const std::string& name, uint16_t channel)
+    auto accept = onRequest_(endpoint->peerCertificate(), channel, name);
+    std::shared_ptr<ChannelSocket> channelSocket;
+    if (accept) {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lkSockets(socketsMutex);
+        channelSocket = makeSocket(name, channel);
+    }
+    // Answer to ChannelRequest if accepted
+    ChannelRequest val;
+ = channel;
+ = name;
+    val.state = accept ? ChannelRequestState::ACCEPT : ChannelRequestState::DECLINE;
+    msgpack::sbuffer buffer(512);
+    msgpack::pack(buffer, val);
+    std::error_code ec;
+    int wr = parent_.write(CONTROL_CHANNEL,
+                           reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
+                           buffer.size(),
+                           ec);
+    if (wr < 0) {
+        if (ec && logger_)
+            logger_->error("The write operation failed with error: {:s}", ec.message());
+        return;
+    }
+    if (accept) {
+        onChannelReady_(deviceId, channelSocket);
+        channelSocket->ready();
+    }
+MultiplexedSocket::Impl::handleControlPacket(std::vector<uint8_t>&& pkt)
+    // Run this on dedicated thread because some callbacks can take time
+    dht::ThreadPool::io().run([w = parent_.weak(), pkt = std::move(pkt)]() {
+        auto shared = w.lock();
+        if (!shared)
+            return;
+        auto& pimpl = *shared->pimpl_;
+        try {
+            size_t off = 0;
+            while (off != pkt.size()) {
+                msgpack::unpacked result;
+                msgpack::unpack(result, (const char*), pkt.size(), off);
+                auto object = result.get();
+                if (pimpl.handleProtocolMsg(object))
+                    continue;
+                auto req =<ChannelRequest>();
+                if (req.state == ChannelRequestState::ACCEPT) {
+                    pimpl.onAccept(,;
+                } else if (req.state == ChannelRequestState::DECLINE) {
+                    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lkSockets(pimpl.socketsMutex);
+                    auto channel = pimpl.sockets.find(;
+                    if (channel != pimpl.sockets.end()) {
+                        channel->second->stop();
+                        pimpl.sockets.erase(channel);
+                    }
+                } else if (pimpl.onRequest_) {
+                    pimpl.onRequest(,;
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+            if (pimpl.logger_)
+                pimpl.logger_->error("Error on the control channel: {}", e.what());
+        }
+    });
+MultiplexedSocket::Impl::handleChannelPacket(uint16_t channel, std::vector<uint8_t>&& pkt)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lkSockets(socketsMutex);
+    auto sockIt = sockets.find(channel);
+    if (channel > 0 && sockIt != sockets.end() && sockIt->second) {
+        if (pkt.size() == 0) {
+            sockIt->second->stop();
+            if (sockIt->second->isAnswered())
+                sockets.erase(sockIt);
+            else
+                sockIt->second->removable(); // This means that onAccept didn't happen yet, will be
+                                             // removed later.
+        } else {
+            sockIt->second->onRecv(std::move(pkt));
+        }
+    } else if (pkt.size() != 0) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->warn("Non existing channel: {}", channel);
+    }
+MultiplexedSocket::Impl::handleProtocolMsg(const msgpack::object& o)
+    try {
+        if (o.type == msgpack::type::MAP && > 0) {
+            auto key =[0]<std::string_view>();
+            if (key == "p") {
+                auto msg =<BeaconMsg>();
+                if (msg.p)
+                    handleBeaconRequest();
+                else
+                    handleBeaconResponse();
+                if (onBeaconCb_)
+                    onBeaconCb_(msg.p);
+                return true;
+            } else if (key == "v") {
+                auto msg =<VersionMsg>();
+                onVersion(msg.v);
+                if (onVersionCb_)
+                    onVersionCb_(msg.v);
+                return true;
+            } else {
+                if (logger_)
+                    logger_->warn("Unknown message type");
+            }
+        }
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->error("Error on the protocol channel: {}", e.what());
+    }
+    return false;
+MultiplexedSocket::Impl::handleProtocolPacket(std::vector<uint8_t>&& pkt)
+    // Run this on dedicated thread because some callbacks can take time
+    dht::ThreadPool::io().run([w = parent_.weak(), pkt = std::move(pkt)]() {
+        auto shared = w.lock();
+        if (!shared)
+            return;
+        try {
+            size_t off = 0;
+            while (off != pkt.size()) {
+                msgpack::unpacked result;
+                msgpack::unpack(result, (const char*), pkt.size(), off);
+                auto object = result.get();
+                if (shared->pimpl_->handleProtocolMsg(object))
+                    return;
+            }
+        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+            if (shared->pimpl_->logger_)
+                shared->pimpl_->logger_->error("Error on the protocol channel: {}", e.what());
+        }
+    });
+MultiplexedSocket::MultiplexedSocket(std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context> ctx, const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                                     std::unique_ptr<TlsSocketEndpoint> endpoint)
+    : pimpl_(std::make_unique<Impl>(*this, ctx, deviceId, std::move(endpoint)))
+MultiplexedSocket::~MultiplexedSocket() {}
+MultiplexedSocket::addChannel(const std::string& name)
+    // Note: because both sides can request the same channel number at the same time
+    // it's better to use a random channel number instead of just incrementing the request.
+    thread_local dht::crypto::random_device rd;
+    std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t> dist;
+    auto offset = dist(rd);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pimpl_->socketsMutex);
+    for (int i = 1; i < UINT16_MAX; ++i) {
+        auto c = (offset + i) % UINT16_MAX;
+        if (c == CONTROL_CHANNEL || c == PROTOCOL_CHANNEL
+            || pimpl_->sockets.find(c) != pimpl_->sockets.end())
+            continue;
+        auto channel = pimpl_->makeSocket(name, c, true);
+        return channel;
+    }
+    return {};
+MultiplexedSocket::deviceId() const
+    return pimpl_->deviceId;
+MultiplexedSocket::setOnReady(OnConnectionReadyCb&& cb)
+    pimpl_->onChannelReady_ = std::move(cb);
+MultiplexedSocket::setOnRequest(OnConnectionRequestCb&& cb)
+    pimpl_->onRequest_ = std::move(cb);
+MultiplexedSocket::isReliable() const
+    return true;
+MultiplexedSocket::isInitiator() const
+    if (!pimpl_->endpoint) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->warn("No endpoint found for socket");
+        return false;
+    }
+    return pimpl_->endpoint->isInitiator();
+MultiplexedSocket::maxPayload() const
+    if (!pimpl_->endpoint) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->warn("No endpoint found for socket");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return pimpl_->endpoint->maxPayload();
+MultiplexedSocket::write(const uint16_t& channel,
+                         const uint8_t* buf,
+                         std::size_t len,
+                         std::error_code& ec)
+    assert(nullptr != buf);
+    if (pimpl_->isShutdown_) {
+        ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::broken_pipe);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (len > UINT16_MAX) {
+        ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::message_size);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    bool oneShot = len < 8192;
+    msgpack::sbuffer buffer(oneShot ? 16 + len : 16);
+    msgpack::packer<msgpack::sbuffer> pk(&buffer);
+    pk.pack_array(2);
+    pk.pack(channel);
+    pk.pack_bin(len);
+    if (oneShot)
+        pk.pack_bin_body((const char*) buf, len);
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(pimpl_->writeMtx);
+    if (!pimpl_->endpoint) {
+        if (pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->warn("No endpoint found for socket");
+        ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::broken_pipe);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    int res = pimpl_->endpoint->write((const unsigned char*), buffer.size(), ec);
+    if (not oneShot and res >= 0)
+        res = pimpl_->endpoint->write(buf, len, ec);
+    lk.unlock();
+    if (res < 0) {
+        if (ec && pimpl_->logger_)
+            pimpl_->logger_->error("Error when writing on socket: {:s}", ec.message());
+        shutdown();
+    }
+    return res;
+    pimpl_->shutdown();
+    pimpl_->join();
+MultiplexedSocket::onShutdown(OnShutdownCb&& cb)
+    pimpl_->onShutdown_ = std::move(cb);
+    if (pimpl_->isShutdown_)
+        pimpl_->onShutdown_();
+const std::shared_ptr<Logger>&
+    return pimpl_->logger_;
+MultiplexedSocket::monitor() const
+    auto cert = peerCertificate();
+    if (!cert || !cert->issuer)
+        return;
+    auto now = clock::now();
+    if (!pimpl_->logger_)
+        return;
+    pimpl_->logger_->debug("- Socket with device: {:s} - account: {:s}", deviceId(), cert->issuer->getId());
+    pimpl_->logger_->debug("- Duration: {}", dht::print_duration(now - pimpl_->start_));
+    pimpl_->endpoint->monitor();
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pimpl_->socketsMutex);
+    for (const auto& [_, channel] : pimpl_->sockets) {
+        if (channel)
+            pimpl_->logger_->debug("\t\t- Channel {} (count: {}) with name {:s} Initiator: {}",
+                       fmt::ptr(channel.get()),
+                       channel.use_count(),
+                       channel->name(),
+                       channel->isInitiator());
+    }
+MultiplexedSocket::sendBeacon(const std::chrono::milliseconds& timeout)
+    pimpl_->sendBeacon(timeout);
+MultiplexedSocket::peerCertificate() const
+    return pimpl_->endpoint->peerCertificate();
+MultiplexedSocket::canSendBeacon() const
+    return pimpl_->canSendBeacon_;
+MultiplexedSocket::answerToBeacon(bool value)
+    pimpl_->answerBeacon_ = value;
+MultiplexedSocket::setVersion(int version)
+    pimpl_->version_ = version;
+MultiplexedSocket::setOnBeaconCb(const std::function<void(bool)>& cb)
+    pimpl_->onBeaconCb_ = cb;
+MultiplexedSocket::setOnVersionCb(const std::function<void(int)>& cb)
+    pimpl_->onVersionCb_ = cb;
+    pimpl_->sendVersion();
+MultiplexedSocket::getLocalAddress() const
+    return pimpl_->endpoint->getLocalAddress();
+MultiplexedSocket::getRemoteAddress() const
+    return pimpl_->endpoint->getRemoteAddress();
+MultiplexedSocket::eraseChannel(uint16_t channel)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lkSockets(pimpl_->socketsMutex);
+    auto itSocket = pimpl_->sockets.find(channel);
+    if (pimpl_->sockets.find(channel) != pimpl_->sockets.end())
+        pimpl_->sockets.erase(itSocket);
+class ChannelSocket::Impl
+    Impl(std::weak_ptr<MultiplexedSocket> endpoint,
+         const std::string& name,
+         const uint16_t& channel,
+         bool isInitiator,
+         std::function<void()> rmFromMxSockCb)
+        : name(name)
+        , channel(channel)
+        , endpoint(std::move(endpoint))
+        , isInitiator_(isInitiator)
+        , rmFromMxSockCb_(std::move(rmFromMxSockCb))
+    {}
+    ~Impl() {}
+    ChannelReadyCb readyCb_ {};
+    OnShutdownCb shutdownCb_ {};
+    std::atomic_bool isShutdown_ {false};
+    std::string name {};
+    uint16_t channel {};
+    std::weak_ptr<MultiplexedSocket> endpoint {};
+    bool isInitiator_ {false};
+    std::function<void()> rmFromMxSockCb_;
+    bool isAnswered_ {false};
+    bool isRemovable_ {false};
+    std::vector<uint8_t> buf {};
+    std::mutex mutex {};
+    std::condition_variable cv {};
+    GenericSocket<uint8_t>::RecvCb cb {};
+ChannelSocketTest::ChannelSocketTest(std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context> ctx,
+                                     const DeviceId& deviceId,
+                                     const std::string& name,
+                                     const uint16_t& channel)
+    : pimpl_deviceId(deviceId)
+    , pimpl_name(name)
+    , pimpl_channel(channel)
+    , ioCtx_(*ctx)
+ChannelSocketTest::~ChannelSocketTest() {}
+ChannelSocketTest::link(const std::shared_ptr<ChannelSocketTest>& socket1,
+                        const std::shared_ptr<ChannelSocketTest>& socket2)
+    socket1->remote = socket2;
+    socket2->remote = socket1;
+ChannelSocketTest::deviceId() const
+    return pimpl_deviceId;
+ChannelSocketTest::name() const
+    return pimpl_name;
+ChannelSocketTest::channel() const
+    return pimpl_channel;
+    {
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {mutex};
+        if (! {
+            lk.unlock();
+            shutdownCb_();
+        }
+        cv.notify_all();
+    }
+    if (auto peer = remote.lock()) {
+        if (!peer-> {
+            peer->shutdownCb_();
+        }
+        peer->cv.notify_all();
+    }
+ChannelSocketTest::read(ValueType* buf, std::size_t len, std::error_code& ec)
+    std::size_t size = std::min(len, this->rx_buf.size());
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+        buf[i] = this->rx_buf[i];
+    if (size == this->rx_buf.size()) {
+        this->rx_buf.clear();
+    } else
+        this->rx_buf.erase(this->rx_buf.begin(), this->rx_buf.begin() + size);
+    return size;
+ChannelSocketTest::write(const ValueType* buf, std::size_t len, std::error_code& ec)
+    if (isShutdown_) {
+        ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::broken_pipe);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    ec = {};
+    dht::ThreadPool::computation().run(
+        [r = remote, data = std::vector<uint8_t>(buf, buf + len)]() mutable {
+            if (auto peer = r.lock())
+                peer->onRecv(std::move(data));
+        });
+    return len;
+ChannelSocketTest::waitForData(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, std::error_code& ec) const
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {mutex};
+    cv.wait_for(lk, timeout, [&] { return !rx_buf.empty() or isShutdown_; });
+    return rx_buf.size();
+ChannelSocketTest::setOnRecv(RecvCb&& cb)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lkSockets(mutex);
+    this->cb = std::move(cb);
+    if (!rx_buf.empty() && this->cb) {
+        this->cb(, rx_buf.size());
+        rx_buf.clear();
+    }
+ChannelSocketTest::onRecv(std::vector<uint8_t>&& pkt)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lkSockets(mutex);
+    if (cb) {
+        cb(, pkt.size());
+        return;
+    }
+    rx_buf.insert(rx_buf.end(),
+                  std::make_move_iterator(pkt.begin()),
+                  std::make_move_iterator(pkt.end()));
+    cv.notify_all();
+ChannelSocketTest::onReady(ChannelReadyCb&& cb)
+ChannelSocketTest::onShutdown(OnShutdownCb&& cb)
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {mutex};
+    shutdownCb_ = std::move(cb);
+    if (isShutdown_) {
+        lk.unlock();
+        shutdownCb_();
+    }
+ChannelSocket::ChannelSocket(std::weak_ptr<MultiplexedSocket> endpoint,
+                             const std::string& name,
+                             const uint16_t& channel,
+                             bool isInitiator,
+                             std::function<void()> rmFromMxSockCb)
+    : pimpl_ {
+        std::make_unique<Impl>(endpoint, name, channel, isInitiator, std::move(rmFromMxSockCb))}
+ChannelSocket::~ChannelSocket() {}
+ChannelSocket::deviceId() const
+    if (auto ep = pimpl_->endpoint.lock()) {
+        return ep->deviceId();
+    }
+    return {};
+ChannelSocket::name() const
+    return pimpl_->name;
+ChannelSocket::channel() const
+    return pimpl_->channel;
+ChannelSocket::isReliable() const
+    if (auto ep = pimpl_->endpoint.lock()) {
+        return ep->isReliable();
+    }
+    return false;
+ChannelSocket::isInitiator() const
+    // Note. Is initiator here as not the same meaning of MultiplexedSocket.
+    // because a multiplexed socket can have sockets from accepted requests
+    // or made via connectDevice(). Here, isInitiator_ return if the socket
+    // is from connectDevice.
+    return pimpl_->isInitiator_;
+ChannelSocket::maxPayload() const
+    if (auto ep = pimpl_->endpoint.lock()) {
+        return ep->maxPayload();
+    }
+    return -1;
+ChannelSocket::setOnRecv(RecvCb&& cb)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lkSockets(pimpl_->mutex);
+    pimpl_->cb = std::move(cb);
+    if (!pimpl_->buf.empty() && pimpl_->cb) {
+        pimpl_->cb(pimpl_->, pimpl_->buf.size());
+        pimpl_->buf.clear();
+    }
+ChannelSocket::onRecv(std::vector<uint8_t>&& pkt)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lkSockets(pimpl_->mutex);
+    if (pimpl_->cb) {
+        pimpl_->cb(&pkt[0], pkt.size());
+        return;
+    }
+    pimpl_->buf.insert(pimpl_->buf.end(),
+                       std::make_move_iterator(pkt.begin()),
+                       std::make_move_iterator(pkt.end()));
+    pimpl_->cv.notify_all();
+ChannelSocket::underlyingSocket() const
+    if (auto mtx = pimpl_->endpoint.lock())
+        return mtx;
+    return {};
+    pimpl_->isAnswered_ = true;
+    pimpl_->isRemovable_ = true;
+ChannelSocket::isRemovable() const
+    return pimpl_->isRemovable_;
+ChannelSocket::isAnswered() const
+    return pimpl_->isAnswered_;
+    if (pimpl_->readyCb_)
+        pimpl_->readyCb_();
+    if (pimpl_->isShutdown_)
+        return;
+    pimpl_->isShutdown_ = true;
+    if (pimpl_->shutdownCb_)
+        pimpl_->shutdownCb_();
+    pimpl_->cv.notify_all();
+    // stop() can be called by ChannelSocket::shutdown()
+    // In this case, the eventLoop is not used, but MxSock
+    // must remove the channel from its list (so that the
+    // channel can be destroyed and its shared_ptr invalidated).
+    if (pimpl_->rmFromMxSockCb_)
+        pimpl_->rmFromMxSockCb_();
+    if (pimpl_->isShutdown_)
+        return;
+    stop();
+    if (auto ep = pimpl_->endpoint.lock()) {
+        std::error_code ec;
+        const uint8_t dummy = '\0';
+        ep->write(pimpl_->channel, &dummy, 0, ec);
+    }
+ChannelSocket::read(ValueType* outBuf, std::size_t len, std::error_code& ec)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lkSockets(pimpl_->mutex);
+    std::size_t size = std::min(len, pimpl_->buf.size());
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+        outBuf[i] = pimpl_->buf[i];
+    pimpl_->buf.erase(pimpl_->buf.begin(), pimpl_->buf.begin() + size);
+    return size;
+ChannelSocket::write(const ValueType* buf, std::size_t len, std::error_code& ec)
+    if (pimpl_->isShutdown_) {
+        ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::broken_pipe);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (auto ep = pimpl_->endpoint.lock()) {
+        std::size_t sent = 0;
+        do {
+            std::size_t toSend = std::min(static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT16_MAX), len - sent);
+            auto res = ep->write(pimpl_->channel, buf + sent, toSend, ec);
+            if (ec) {
+                if (ep->logger())
+                    ep->logger()->error("Error when writing on channel: {}", ec.message());
+                return res;
+            }
+            sent += toSend;
+        } while (sent < len);
+        return sent;
+    }
+    ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::broken_pipe);
+    return -1;
+ChannelSocket::waitForData(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, std::error_code& ec) const
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {pimpl_->mutex};
+    pimpl_->cv.wait_for(lk, timeout, [&] { return !pimpl_->buf.empty() or pimpl_->isShutdown_; });
+    return pimpl_->buf.size();
+ChannelSocket::onShutdown(OnShutdownCb&& cb)
+    pimpl_->shutdownCb_ = std::move(cb);
+    if (pimpl_->isShutdown_) {
+        pimpl_->shutdownCb_();
+    }
+ChannelSocket::onReady(ChannelReadyCb&& cb)
+    pimpl_->readyCb_ = std::move(cb);
+ChannelSocket::sendBeacon(const std::chrono::milliseconds& timeout)
+    if (auto ep = pimpl_->endpoint.lock()) {
+        ep->sendBeacon(timeout);
+    } else {
+        shutdown();
+    }
+ChannelSocket::peerCertificate() const
+    if (auto ep = pimpl_->endpoint.lock())
+        return ep->peerCertificate();
+    return {};
+ChannelSocket::getLocalAddress() const
+    if (auto ep = pimpl_->endpoint.lock())
+        return ep->getLocalAddress();
+    return {};
+ChannelSocket::getRemoteAddress() const
+    if (auto ep = pimpl_->endpoint.lock())
+        return ep->getRemoteAddress();
+    return {};
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/peer_connection.cpp b/src/peer_connection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b4ede5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/peer_connection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Guillaume Roguez <>
+ *  Author: Sébastien Blin <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "peer_connection.h"
+#include "tls_session.h"
+#include <opendht/thread_pool.h>
+#include <opendht/logger.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <future>
+#include <vector>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <istream>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <cstdio>
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#include <ws2tcpip.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#include <sys/time.h>
+static constexpr int ICE_COMP_ID_SIP_TRANSPORT {1};
+namespace jami {
+init_crt(gnutls_session_t session, dht::crypto::Certificate& crt)
+    // Support only x509 format
+    if (gnutls_certificate_type_get(session) != GNUTLS_CRT_X509) {
+    }
+    // Store verification status
+    unsigned int status = 0;
+    auto ret = gnutls_certificate_verify_peers2(session, &status);
+    if (ret < 0 or (status & GNUTLS_CERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURE) != 0) {
+    }
+    unsigned int cert_list_size = 0;
+    auto cert_list = gnutls_certificate_get_peers(session, &cert_list_size);
+    if (cert_list == nullptr) {
+    }
+    // Check if received peer certificate is awaited
+    std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t*, uint8_t*>> crt_data;
+    crt_data.reserve(cert_list_size);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < cert_list_size; i++)
+        crt_data.emplace_back(cert_list[i].data, cert_list[i].data + cert_list[i].size);
+    crt = dht::crypto::Certificate {crt_data};
+    return GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS;
+using lock = std::lock_guard<std::mutex>;
+IceSocketEndpoint::IceSocketEndpoint(std::shared_ptr<IceTransport> ice, bool isSender)
+    : ice_(std::move(ice))
+    , iceIsSender(isSender)
+    shutdown();
+    if (ice_)
+        dht::ThreadPool::io().run([ice = std::move(ice_)] {});
+    // Sometimes the other peer never send any packet
+    // So, we cancel pending read to avoid to have
+    // any blocking operation.
+    if (ice_)
+        ice_->cancelOperations();
+IceSocketEndpoint::waitForData(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, std::error_code& ec) const
+    if (ice_) {
+        if (!ice_->isRunning())
+            return -1;
+        return ice_->waitForData(compId_, timeout, ec);
+    }
+    return -1;
+IceSocketEndpoint::read(ValueType* buf, std::size_t len, std::error_code& ec)
+    if (ice_) {
+        if (!ice_->isRunning())
+            return 0;
+        try {
+            auto res = ice_->recvfrom(compId_, reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), len, ec);
+            if (res < 0)
+                shutdown();
+            return res;
+        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+            if (auto logger = ice_->logger())
+                logger->error("IceSocketEndpoint::read exception: %s", e.what());
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return -1;
+IceSocketEndpoint::write(const ValueType* buf, std::size_t len, std::error_code& ec)
+    if (ice_) {
+        if (!ice_->isRunning())
+            return 0;
+        auto res = 0;
+        res = ice_->send(compId_, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(buf), len);
+        if (res < 0) {
+            ec.assign(errno, std::generic_category());
+            shutdown();
+        } else {
+            ec.clear();
+        }
+        return res;
+    }
+    return -1;
+class TlsSocketEndpoint::Impl
+    static constexpr auto TLS_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(40);
+    Impl(std::unique_ptr<IceSocketEndpoint>&& ep,
+         tls::CertificateStore& certStore,
+         const dht::crypto::Certificate& peer_cert,
+         const Identity& local_identity,
+         const std::shared_future<tls::DhParams>& dh_params)
+        : peerCertificate {peer_cert}
+        , ep_ {ep.get()}
+    {
+        tls::TlsSession::TlsSessionCallbacks tls_cbs
+            = {/*.onStateChange = */ [this](tls::TlsSessionState state) { onTlsStateChange(state); },
+               /*.onRxData = */ [this](std::vector<uint8_t>&& buf) { onTlsRxData(std::move(buf)); },
+               /*.onCertificatesUpdate = */
+               [this](const gnutls_datum_t* l, const gnutls_datum_t* r, unsigned int n) {
+                   onTlsCertificatesUpdate(l, r, n);
+               },
+               /*.verifyCertificate = */
+               [this](gnutls_session_t session) {
+                   return verifyCertificate(session);
+               }};
+        tls::TlsParams tls_param = {
+            /*.ca_list = */ "",
+            /*.peer_ca = */ nullptr,
+            /*.cert = */ local_identity.second,
+            /*.cert_key = */ local_identity.first,
+            /*.dh_params = */ dh_params,
+            /*.certStore = */ certStore,
+            /*.timeout = */ TLS_TIMEOUT,
+            /*.cert_check = */ nullptr,
+        };
+        tls = std::make_unique<tls::TlsSession>(std::move(ep), tls_param, tls_cbs);
+    }
+    Impl(std::unique_ptr<IceSocketEndpoint>&& ep,
+         tls::CertificateStore& certStore,
+         std::function<bool(const dht::crypto::Certificate&)>&& cert_check,
+         const Identity& local_identity,
+         const std::shared_future<tls::DhParams>& dh_params)
+        : peerCertificateCheckFunc {std::move(cert_check)}
+        , peerCertificate {null_cert}
+        , ep_ {ep.get()}
+    {
+        tls::TlsSession::TlsSessionCallbacks tls_cbs
+            = {/*.onStateChange = */ [this](tls::TlsSessionState state) { onTlsStateChange(state); },
+               /*.onRxData = */ [this](std::vector<uint8_t>&& buf) { onTlsRxData(std::move(buf)); },
+               /*.onCertificatesUpdate = */
+               [this](const gnutls_datum_t* l, const gnutls_datum_t* r, unsigned int n) {
+                   onTlsCertificatesUpdate(l, r, n);
+               },
+               /*.verifyCertificate = */
+               [this](gnutls_session_t session) {
+                   return verifyCertificate(session);
+               }};
+        tls::TlsParams tls_param = {
+            /*.ca_list = */ "",
+            /*.peer_ca = */ nullptr,
+            /*.cert = */ local_identity.second,
+            /*.cert_key = */ local_identity.first,
+            /*.dh_params = */ dh_params,
+            /*.certStore = */ certStore,
+            /*.timeout = */ std::chrono::duration_cast<decltype(tls::TlsParams::timeout)>(TLS_TIMEOUT),
+            /*.cert_check = */ nullptr,
+        };
+        tls = std::make_unique<tls::TlsSession>(std::move(ep), tls_param, tls_cbs);
+    }
+    ~Impl()
+    {
+        {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(cbMtx_);
+            onStateChangeCb_ = {};
+            onReadyCb_ = {};
+        }
+        tls.reset();
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<IceTransport> underlyingICE() const
+    {
+        if (ep_)
+            if (const auto* iceSocket = reinterpret_cast<const IceSocketEndpoint*>(ep_))
+                return iceSocket->underlyingICE();
+        return {};
+    }
+    // TLS callbacks
+    int verifyCertificate(gnutls_session_t);
+    void onTlsStateChange(tls::TlsSessionState);
+    void onTlsRxData(std::vector<uint8_t>&&);
+    void onTlsCertificatesUpdate(const gnutls_datum_t*, const gnutls_datum_t*, unsigned int);
+    std::mutex cbMtx_ {};
+    OnStateChangeCb onStateChangeCb_;
+    dht::crypto::Certificate null_cert;
+    std::function<bool(const dht::crypto::Certificate&)> peerCertificateCheckFunc;
+    const dht::crypto::Certificate& peerCertificate;
+    std::atomic_bool isReady_ {false};
+    OnReadyCb onReadyCb_;
+    std::unique_ptr<tls::TlsSession> tls;
+    const IceSocketEndpoint* ep_;
+TlsSocketEndpoint::Impl::verifyCertificate(gnutls_session_t session)
+    dht::crypto::Certificate crt;
+    auto verified = init_crt(session, crt);
+    if (verified != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS)
+        return verified;
+    if (peerCertificateCheckFunc) {
+        if (!peerCertificateCheckFunc(crt)) {
+            if (const auto& logger = tls->logger())
+                logger->error("[TLS-SOCKET] Refusing peer certificate");
+            return GNUTLS_E_CERTIFICATE_ERROR;
+        }
+        null_cert = std::move(crt);
+    } else {
+        if (crt.getPacked() != peerCertificate.getPacked()) {
+            if (const auto& logger = tls->logger())
+                logger->error("[TLS-SOCKET] Unexpected peer certificate");
+            return GNUTLS_E_CERTIFICATE_ERROR;
+        }
+    }
+    return GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS;
+TlsSocketEndpoint::Impl::onTlsStateChange(tls::TlsSessionState state)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(cbMtx_);
+    if ((state == tls::TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN || state == tls::TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED)
+        && !isReady_) {
+        isReady_ = true;
+        if (onReadyCb_)
+            onReadyCb_(state == tls::TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED);
+    }
+    if (onStateChangeCb_ && !onStateChangeCb_(state))
+        onStateChangeCb_ = {};
+TlsSocketEndpoint::Impl::onTlsRxData([[maybe_unused]] std::vector<uint8_t>&& buf)
+TlsSocketEndpoint::Impl::onTlsCertificatesUpdate([[maybe_unused]] const gnutls_datum_t* local_raw,
+                                                 [[maybe_unused]] const gnutls_datum_t* remote_raw,
+                                                 [[maybe_unused]] unsigned int remote_count)
+TlsSocketEndpoint::TlsSocketEndpoint(std::unique_ptr<IceSocketEndpoint>&& tr,
+                                     tls::CertificateStore& certStore,
+                                     const Identity& local_identity,
+                                     const std::shared_future<tls::DhParams>& dh_params,
+                                     const dht::crypto::Certificate& peer_cert)
+    : pimpl_ {std::make_unique<Impl>(std::move(tr), certStore, peer_cert, local_identity, dh_params)}
+    std::unique_ptr<IceSocketEndpoint>&& tr,
+    tls::CertificateStore& certStore,
+    const Identity& local_identity,
+    const std::shared_future<tls::DhParams>& dh_params,
+    std::function<bool(const dht::crypto::Certificate&)>&& cert_check)
+    : pimpl_ {
+        std::make_unique<Impl>(std::move(tr), certStore, std::move(cert_check), local_identity, dh_params)}
+TlsSocketEndpoint::~TlsSocketEndpoint() {}
+TlsSocketEndpoint::isInitiator() const
+    if (!pimpl_->tls) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    return pimpl_->tls->isInitiator();
+TlsSocketEndpoint::maxPayload() const
+    if (!pimpl_->tls) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return pimpl_->tls->maxPayload();
+TlsSocketEndpoint::read(ValueType* buf, std::size_t len, std::error_code& ec)
+    if (!pimpl_->tls) {
+        ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::broken_pipe);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return pimpl_->tls->read(buf, len, ec);
+TlsSocketEndpoint::write(const ValueType* buf, std::size_t len, std::error_code& ec)
+    if (!pimpl_->tls) {
+        ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::broken_pipe);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return pimpl_->tls->write(buf, len, ec);
+TlsSocketEndpoint::peerCertificate() const
+    if (!pimpl_->tls)
+        return {};
+    return pimpl_->tls->peerCertificate();
+TlsSocketEndpoint::waitForReady(const std::chrono::milliseconds& timeout)
+    if (!pimpl_->tls) {
+        return;
+    }
+    pimpl_->tls->waitForReady(timeout);
+TlsSocketEndpoint::waitForData(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, std::error_code& ec) const
+    if (!pimpl_->tls) {
+        ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::broken_pipe);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return pimpl_->tls->waitForData(timeout, ec);
+TlsSocketEndpoint::setOnStateChange(std::function<bool(tls::TlsSessionState state)>&& cb)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pimpl_->cbMtx_);
+    pimpl_->onStateChangeCb_ = std::move(cb);
+TlsSocketEndpoint::setOnReady(std::function<void(bool ok)>&& cb)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pimpl_->cbMtx_);
+    pimpl_->onReadyCb_ = std::move(cb);
+    pimpl_->tls->shutdown();
+    if (pimpl_->ep_) {
+        const auto* iceSocket = reinterpret_cast<const IceSocketEndpoint*>(pimpl_->ep_);
+        if (iceSocket && iceSocket->underlyingICE())
+            iceSocket->underlyingICE()->cancelOperations();
+    }
+TlsSocketEndpoint::monitor() const
+    if (auto ice = pimpl_->underlyingICE())
+        if (auto logger = ice->logger())
+            logger->debug("\t- Ice connection: {}", ice->link());
+TlsSocketEndpoint::getLocalAddress() const
+    if (auto ice = pimpl_->underlyingICE())
+        return ice->getLocalAddress(ICE_COMP_ID_SIP_TRANSPORT);
+    return {};
+TlsSocketEndpoint::getRemoteAddress() const
+    if (auto ice = pimpl_->underlyingICE())
+        return ice->getRemoteAddress(ICE_COMP_ID_SIP_TRANSPORT);
+    return {};
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/peer_connection.h b/src/peer_connection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3798f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/peer_connection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Guillaume Roguez <>
+ *  Author: Sébastien Blin <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "ip_utils.h"
+#include "certstore.h"
+#include "opendht/crypto.h"
+#include "ice_transport.h"
+#include "tls_session.h"
+#include <functional>
+#include <future>
+#include <limits>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+namespace dht {
+namespace crypto {
+struct PrivateKey;
+struct Certificate;
+} // namespace crypto
+} // namespace dht
+namespace jami {
+namespace tls {
+class DhParams;
+using OnStateChangeCb = std::function<bool(tls::TlsSessionState state)>;
+using OnReadyCb = std::function<void(bool ok)>;
+using onShutdownCb = std::function<void(void)>;
+class IceSocketEndpoint : public GenericSocket<uint8_t>
+    using SocketType = GenericSocket<uint8_t>;
+    explicit IceSocketEndpoint(std::shared_ptr<IceTransport> ice, bool isSender);
+    ~IceSocketEndpoint();
+    void shutdown() override;
+    bool isReliable() const override { return ice_ ? ice_->isRunning() : false; }
+    bool isInitiator() const override { return ice_ ? ice_->isInitiator() : true; }
+    int maxPayload() const override
+    {
+        return 65536 /* The max for a RTP packet used to wrap data here */;
+    }
+    int waitForData(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, std::error_code& ec) const override;
+    std::size_t read(ValueType* buf, std::size_t len, std::error_code& ec) override;
+    std::size_t write(const ValueType* buf, std::size_t len, std::error_code& ec) override;
+    std::shared_ptr<IceTransport> underlyingICE() const { return ice_; }
+    void setOnRecv(RecvCb&& cb) override
+    {
+        if (ice_)
+            ice_->setOnRecv(compId_, cb);
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<IceTransport> ice_ {nullptr};
+    std::atomic_bool iceStopped {false};
+    std::atomic_bool iceIsSender {false};
+    uint8_t compId_ {1};
+/// Implement a TLS session IO over a system socket
+class TlsSocketEndpoint : public GenericSocket<uint8_t>
+    using SocketType = GenericSocket<uint8_t>;
+    using Identity = std::pair<std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::PrivateKey>,
+                               std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate>>;
+    TlsSocketEndpoint(std::unique_ptr<IceSocketEndpoint>&& tr,
+                      tls::CertificateStore& certStore,
+                      const Identity& local_identity,
+                      const std::shared_future<tls::DhParams>& dh_params,
+                      const dht::crypto::Certificate& peer_cert);
+    TlsSocketEndpoint(std::unique_ptr<IceSocketEndpoint>&& tr,
+                      tls::CertificateStore& certStore,
+                      const Identity& local_identity,
+                      const std::shared_future<tls::DhParams>& dh_params,
+                      std::function<bool(const dht::crypto::Certificate&)>&& cert_check);
+    ~TlsSocketEndpoint();
+    bool isReliable() const override { return true; }
+    bool isInitiator() const override;
+    int maxPayload() const override;
+    void shutdown() override;
+    std::size_t read(ValueType* buf, std::size_t len, std::error_code& ec) override;
+    std::size_t write(const ValueType* buf, std::size_t len, std::error_code& ec) override;
+    std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate> peerCertificate() const;
+    void setOnRecv(RecvCb&&) override
+    {
+        throw std::logic_error("TlsSocketEndpoint::setOnRecv not implemented");
+    }
+    int waitForData(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, std::error_code&) const override;
+    void waitForReady(const std::chrono::milliseconds& timeout = {});
+    void setOnStateChange(OnStateChangeCb&& cb);
+    void setOnReady(OnReadyCb&& cb);
+    IpAddr getLocalAddress() const;
+    IpAddr getRemoteAddress() const;
+    void monitor() const;
+    class Impl;
+    std::unique_ptr<Impl> pimpl_;
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/security/certstore.cpp b/src/security/certstore.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acaa07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/security/certstore.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Adrien Béraud <>
+ *  Author: Vsevolod Ivanov <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "certstore.h"
+#include "security_const.h"
+#include "fileutils.h"
+#include <opendht/thread_pool.h>
+#include <opendht/logger.h>
+#include <gnutls/ocsp.h>
+#include <thread>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+namespace jami {
+namespace tls {
+CertificateStore::CertificateStore(const std::string& path, std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger)
+    : logger_(std::move(logger))
+    , certPath_(fmt::format("{}/certificates", path))
+    , crlPath_(fmt::format("{}/crls", path))
+    , ocspPath_(fmt::format("{}/oscp", path))
+    fileutils::check_dir(certPath_.c_str());
+    fileutils::check_dir(crlPath_.c_str());
+    fileutils::check_dir(ocspPath_.c_str());
+    loadLocalCertificates();
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(lock_);
+    auto dir_content = fileutils::readDirectory(certPath_);
+    unsigned n = 0;
+    for (const auto& f : dir_content) {
+        try {
+            auto crt = std::make_shared<crypto::Certificate>(
+                fileutils::loadFile(certPath_ + DIR_SEPARATOR_CH + f));
+            auto id = crt->getId().toString();
+            auto longId = crt->getLongId().toString();
+            if (id != f && longId != f)
+                throw std::logic_error("Certificate id mismatch");
+            while (crt) {
+                id = crt->getId().toString();
+                longId = crt->getLongId().toString();
+                certs_.emplace(std::move(id), crt);
+                certs_.emplace(std::move(longId), crt);
+                loadRevocations(*crt);
+                crt = crt->issuer;
+                ++n;
+            }
+        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->warn("Remove cert. {}", e.what());
+            remove(fmt::format("{}/{}", certPath_, f).c_str());
+        }
+    }
+    if (logger_)
+        logger_->debug("CertificateStore: loaded {} local certificates.", n);
+    return n;
+CertificateStore::loadRevocations(crypto::Certificate& crt) const
+    auto dir = fmt::format("{:s}/{:s}", crlPath_, crt.getId().toString());
+    for (const auto& crl : fileutils::readDirectory(dir)) {
+        try {
+            crt.addRevocationList(std::make_shared<crypto::RevocationList>(
+                fileutils::loadFile(fmt::format("{}/{}", dir, crl))));
+        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->warn("Can't load revocation list: %s", e.what());
+        }
+    }
+    auto ocsp_dir = ocspPath_ + DIR_SEPARATOR_CH + crt.getId().toString();
+    for (const auto& ocsp : fileutils::readDirectory(ocsp_dir)) {
+        try {
+            auto ocsp_filepath = fmt::format("{}/{}", ocsp_dir, ocsp);
+            if (logger_) logger_->debug("Found {:s}", ocsp_filepath);
+            auto serial = crt.getSerialNumber();
+            if (dht::toHex(, serial.size()) != ocsp)
+                continue;
+            // Save the response
+            auto ocspBlob = fileutils::loadFile(ocsp_filepath);
+            crt.ocspResponse = std::make_shared<dht::crypto::OcspResponse>(,
+                                                                           ocspBlob.size());
+            unsigned int status = crt.ocspResponse->getCertificateStatus();
+            if (status == GNUTLS_OCSP_CERT_GOOD) {
+                if (logger_) logger_->debug("Certificate {:s} has good OCSP status", crt.getId());
+            } else if (status == GNUTLS_OCSP_CERT_REVOKED) {
+                if (logger_) logger_->error("Certificate {:s} has revoked OCSP status", crt.getId());
+            } else if (status == GNUTLS_OCSP_CERT_UNKNOWN) {
+                if (logger_) logger_->error("Certificate {:s} has unknown OCSP status", crt.getId());
+            } else {
+                if (logger_) logger_->error("Certificate {:s} has invalid OCSP status", crt.getId());
+            }
+        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->warn("Can't load OCSP revocation status: {:s}", e.what());
+        }
+    }
+CertificateStore::getPinnedCertificates() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(lock_);
+    std::vector<std::string> certIds;
+    certIds.reserve(certs_.size());
+    for (const auto& crt : certs_)
+        certIds.emplace_back(crt.first);
+    return certIds;
+CertificateStore::getCertificate(const std::string& k)
+    auto getCertificate_ = [this](const std::string& k) -> std::shared_ptr<crypto::Certificate> {
+        auto cit = certs_.find(k);
+        if (cit == certs_.cend())
+            return {};
+        return cit->second;
+    };
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(lock_);
+    auto crt = getCertificate_(k);
+    // Check if certificate is complete
+    // If the certificate has been splitted, reconstruct it
+    auto top_issuer = crt;
+    while (top_issuer && top_issuer->getUID() != top_issuer->getIssuerUID()) {
+        if (top_issuer->issuer) {
+            top_issuer = top_issuer->issuer;
+        } else if (auto cert = getCertificate_(top_issuer->getIssuerUID())) {
+            top_issuer->issuer = cert;
+            top_issuer = cert;
+        } else {
+            // In this case, a certificate was not found
+            if (logger_)
+                logger_->warn("Incomplete certificate detected {:s}", k);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return crt;
+CertificateStore::getCertificateLegacy(const std::string& dataDir, const std::string& k)
+    auto oldPath = fmt::format("{}/certificates/{}", dataDir, k);
+    if (fileutils::isFile(oldPath)) {
+        auto crt = std::make_shared<crypto::Certificate>(oldPath);
+        pinCertificate(crt, true);
+        return crt;
+    }
+    return {};
+CertificateStore::findCertificateByName(const std::string& name, crypto::NameType type) const
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(lock_);
+    for (auto& i : certs_) {
+        if (i.second->getName() == name)
+            return i.second;
+        if (type != crypto::NameType::UNKNOWN) {
+            for (const auto& alt : i.second->getAltNames())
+                if (alt.first == type and alt.second == name)
+                    return i.second;
+        }
+    }
+    return {};
+CertificateStore::findCertificateByUID(const std::string& uid) const
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(lock_);
+    for (auto& i : certs_) {
+        if (i.second->getUID() == uid)
+            return i.second;
+    }
+    return {};
+CertificateStore::findIssuer(const std::shared_ptr<crypto::Certificate>& crt) const
+    std::shared_ptr<crypto::Certificate> ret {};
+    auto n = crt->getIssuerUID();
+    if (not n.empty()) {
+        if (crt->issuer and crt->issuer->getUID() == n)
+            ret = crt->issuer;
+        else
+            ret = findCertificateByUID(n);
+    }
+    if (not ret) {
+        n = crt->getIssuerName();
+        if (not n.empty())
+            ret = findCertificateByName(n);
+    }
+    if (not ret)
+        return ret;
+    unsigned verify_out = 0;
+    int err = gnutls_x509_crt_verify(crt->cert, &ret->cert, 1, 0, &verify_out);
+    if (err != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->warn("gnutls_x509_crt_verify failed: {:s}", gnutls_strerror(err));
+        return {};
+    }
+    if (verify_out & GNUTLS_CERT_INVALID)
+        return {};
+    return ret;
+static std::vector<crypto::Certificate>
+readCertificates(const std::string& path, const std::string& crl_path)
+    std::vector<crypto::Certificate> ret;
+    if (fileutils::isDirectory(path)) {
+        auto files = fileutils::readDirectory(path);
+        for (const auto& file : files) {
+            auto certs = readCertificates(fmt::format("{}/{}", path, file), crl_path);
+            ret.insert(std::end(ret),
+                       std::make_move_iterator(std::begin(certs)),
+                       std::make_move_iterator(std::end(certs)));
+        }
+    } else {
+        try {
+            auto data = fileutils::loadFile(path);
+            const gnutls_datum_t dt {, (unsigned) data.size()};
+            gnutls_x509_crt_t* certs {nullptr};
+            unsigned cert_num {0};
+            gnutls_x509_crt_list_import2(&certs, &cert_num, &dt, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM, 0);
+            for (unsigned i = 0; i < cert_num; i++)
+                ret.emplace_back(certs[i]);
+            gnutls_free(certs);
+        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        };
+    }
+    return ret;
+CertificateStore::pinCertificatePath(const std::string& path,
+                                     std::function<void(const std::vector<std::string>&)> cb)
+    dht::ThreadPool::computation().run([&, path, cb]() {
+        auto certs = readCertificates(path, crlPath_);
+        std::vector<std::string> ids;
+        std::vector<std::weak_ptr<crypto::Certificate>> scerts;
+        ids.reserve(certs.size());
+        scerts.reserve(certs.size());
+        {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(lock_);
+            for (auto& cert : certs) {
+                auto shared = std::make_shared<crypto::Certificate>(std::move(cert));
+                scerts.emplace_back(shared);
+                auto e = certs_.emplace(shared->getId().toString(), shared);
+                ids.emplace_back(e.first->first);
+                e = certs_.emplace(shared->getLongId().toString(), shared);
+                ids.emplace_back(e.first->first);
+            }
+            paths_.emplace(path, std::move(scerts));
+        }
+        if (logger_) logger_->d("CertificateStore: loaded %zu certificates from %s.", certs.size(), path.c_str());
+        if (cb)
+            cb(ids);
+        //emitSignal<libjami::ConfigurationSignal::CertificatePathPinned>(path, ids);
+    });
+CertificateStore::unpinCertificatePath(const std::string& path)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(lock_);
+    auto certs = paths_.find(path);
+    if (certs == std::end(paths_))
+        return 0;
+    unsigned n = 0;
+    for (const auto& wcert : certs->second) {
+        if (auto cert = wcert.lock()) {
+            certs_.erase(cert->getId().toString());
+            ++n;
+        }
+    }
+    paths_.erase(certs);
+    return n;
+CertificateStore::pinCertificate(const std::vector<uint8_t>& cert, bool local) noexcept
+    try {
+        return pinCertificate(crypto::Certificate(cert), local);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+    }
+    return {};
+CertificateStore::pinCertificate(crypto::Certificate&& cert, bool local)
+    return pinCertificate(std::make_shared<crypto::Certificate>(std::move(cert)), local);
+CertificateStore::pinCertificate(const std::shared_ptr<crypto::Certificate>& cert, bool local)
+    bool sig {false};
+    std::vector<std::string> ids {};
+    {
+        auto c = cert;
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(lock_);
+        while (c) {
+            bool inserted;
+            auto id = c->getId().toString();
+            auto longId = c->getLongId().toString();
+            decltype(certs_)::iterator it;
+            std::tie(it, inserted) = certs_.emplace(id, c);
+            if (not inserted)
+                it->second = c;
+            std::tie(it, inserted) = certs_.emplace(longId, c);
+            if (not inserted)
+                it->second = c;
+            if (local) {
+                for (const auto& crl : c->getRevocationLists())
+                    pinRevocationList(id, *crl);
+            }
+            ids.emplace_back(longId);
+            ids.emplace_back(id);
+            c = c->issuer;
+            sig |= inserted;
+        }
+        if (local) {
+            if (sig)
+                fileutils::saveFile(certPath_ + DIR_SEPARATOR_CH + ids.front(), cert->getPacked());
+        }
+    }
+    //for (const auto& id : ids)
+    //    emitSignal<libjami::ConfigurationSignal::CertificatePinned>(id);
+    return ids;
+CertificateStore::unpinCertificate(const std::string& id)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(lock_);
+    certs_.erase(id);
+    return remove((certPath_ + DIR_SEPARATOR_CH + id).c_str()) == 0;
+CertificateStore::setTrustedCertificate(const std::string& id, TrustStatus status)
+    if (status == TrustStatus::TRUSTED) {
+        if (auto crt = getCertificate(id)) {
+            trustedCerts_.emplace_back(crt);
+            return true;
+        }
+    } else {
+        auto tc = std::find_if(trustedCerts_.begin(),
+                               trustedCerts_.end(),
+                               [&](const std::shared_ptr<crypto::Certificate>& crt) {
+                                   return crt->getId().toString() == id;
+                               });
+        if (tc != trustedCerts_.end()) {
+            trustedCerts_.erase(tc);
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+CertificateStore::getTrustedCertificates() const
+    std::vector<gnutls_x509_crt_t> crts;
+    crts.reserve(trustedCerts_.size());
+    for (auto& crt : trustedCerts_)
+        crts.emplace_back(crt->getCopy());
+    return crts;
+CertificateStore::pinRevocationList(const std::string& id,
+                                    const std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::RevocationList>& crl)
+    try {
+        if (auto c = getCertificate(id))
+            c->addRevocationList(crl);
+        pinRevocationList(id, *crl);
+    } catch (...) {
+        if (logger_)
+            logger_->warn("Can't add revocation list");
+    }
+CertificateStore::pinRevocationList(const std::string& id, const dht::crypto::RevocationList& crl)
+    fileutils::check_dir((crlPath_ + DIR_SEPARATOR_CH + id).c_str());
+    fileutils::saveFile(crlPath_ + DIR_SEPARATOR_CH + id + DIR_SEPARATOR_CH
+                            + dht::toHex(crl.getNumber()),
+                        crl.getPacked());
+CertificateStore::pinOcspResponse(const dht::crypto::Certificate& cert)
+    if (not cert.ocspResponse)
+        return;
+    try {
+        cert.ocspResponse->getCertificateStatus();
+    } catch (dht::crypto::CryptoException& e) {
+        if (logger_) logger_->error("Failed to read certificate status of OCSP response: {:s}", e.what());
+        return;
+    }
+    auto id = cert.getId().toString();
+    auto serial = cert.getSerialNumber();
+    auto serialhex = dht::toHex(serial);
+    auto dir = ocspPath_ + DIR_SEPARATOR_CH + id;
+    if (auto localCert = getCertificate(id)) {
+        // Update certificate in the local store if relevant
+        if (localCert.get() != &cert && serial == localCert->getSerialNumber()) {
+            if (logger_) logger_->d("Updating OCSP for certificate %s in the local store", id.c_str());
+            localCert->ocspResponse = cert.ocspResponse;
+        }
+    }
+    dht::ThreadPool::io().run([l=logger_,
+                               path = dir + DIR_SEPARATOR_CH + serialhex,
+                               dir = std::move(dir),
+                               id = std::move(id),
+                               serialhex = std::move(serialhex),
+                               ocspResponse = cert.ocspResponse] {
+        if (l) l->d("Saving OCSP Response of device %s with serial %s", id.c_str(), serialhex.c_str());
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(fileutils::getFileLock(path));
+        fileutils::check_dir(dir.c_str());
+        fileutils::saveFile(path, ocspResponse->pack());
+    });
+TrustStore::statusFromStr(const char* str)
+    if (!std::strcmp(str, libjami::Certificate::Status::ALLOWED))
+        return PermissionStatus::ALLOWED;
+    if (!std::strcmp(str, libjami::Certificate::Status::BANNED))
+        return PermissionStatus::BANNED;
+    return PermissionStatus::UNDEFINED;
+const char*
+TrustStore::statusToStr(TrustStore::PermissionStatus s)
+    switch (s) {
+    case PermissionStatus::ALLOWED:
+        return libjami::Certificate::Status::ALLOWED;
+    case PermissionStatus::BANNED:
+        return libjami::Certificate::Status::BANNED;
+    case PermissionStatus::UNDEFINED:
+    default:
+        return libjami::Certificate::Status::UNDEFINED;
+    }
+trustStatusFromStr(const char* str)
+    if (!std::strcmp(str, libjami::Certificate::TrustStatus::TRUSTED))
+        return TrustStatus::TRUSTED;
+    return TrustStatus::UNTRUSTED;
+const char*
+statusToStr(TrustStatus s)
+    switch (s) {
+    case TrustStatus::TRUSTED:
+        return libjami::Certificate::TrustStatus::TRUSTED;
+    case TrustStatus::UNTRUSTED:
+    default:
+        return libjami::Certificate::TrustStatus::UNTRUSTED;
+    }
+TrustStore::addRevocationList(dht::crypto::RevocationList&& crl)
+    allowed_.add(crl);
+    return true;
+TrustStore::setCertificateStatus(const std::string& cert_id,
+                                 const TrustStore::PermissionStatus status)
+    return setCertificateStatus(nullptr, cert_id, status, false);
+TrustStore::setCertificateStatus(const std::shared_ptr<crypto::Certificate>& cert,
+                                 const TrustStore::PermissionStatus status,
+                                 bool local)
+    return setCertificateStatus(cert, cert->getId().toString(), status, local);
+TrustStore::setCertificateStatus(std::shared_ptr<crypto::Certificate> cert,
+                                 const std::string& cert_id,
+                                 const TrustStore::PermissionStatus status,
+                                 bool local)
+    if (cert)
+        certStore_.pinCertificate(cert, local);
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lk(mutex_);
+    updateKnownCerts();
+    bool dirty {false};
+    if (status == PermissionStatus::UNDEFINED) {
+        unknownCertStatus_.erase(cert_id);
+        dirty = certStatus_.erase(cert_id);
+    } else {
+        bool allowed = (status == PermissionStatus::ALLOWED);
+        auto s = certStatus_.find(cert_id);
+        if (s == std::end(certStatus_)) {
+            // Certificate state is currently undefined
+            if (not cert)
+                cert = certStore_.getCertificate(cert_id);
+            if (cert) {
+                unknownCertStatus_.erase(cert_id);
+                auto& crt_status = certStatus_[cert_id];
+                if (not crt_status.first)
+                    crt_status.first = cert;
+                crt_status.second.allowed = allowed;
+                setStoreCertStatus(*cert, allowed);
+            } else {
+                // Can't find certificate
+                unknownCertStatus_[cert_id].allowed = allowed;
+            }
+        } else {
+            // Certificate is already allowed or banned
+            if (s->second.second.allowed != allowed) {
+                s->second.second.allowed = allowed;
+                if (allowed) // Certificate is re-added after ban, rebuld needed
+                    dirty = true;
+                else
+                    allowed_.remove(*s->second.first, false);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (dirty)
+        rebuildTrust();
+    return true;
+TrustStore::getCertificateStatus(const std::string& cert_id) const
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lk(mutex_);
+    auto s = certStatus_.find(cert_id);
+    if (s == std::end(certStatus_)) {
+        auto us = unknownCertStatus_.find(cert_id);
+        if (us == std::end(unknownCertStatus_))
+            return PermissionStatus::UNDEFINED;
+        return us->second.allowed ? PermissionStatus::ALLOWED : PermissionStatus::BANNED;
+    }
+    return s->second.second.allowed ? PermissionStatus::ALLOWED : PermissionStatus::BANNED;
+TrustStore::getCertificatesByStatus(TrustStore::PermissionStatus status) const
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lk(mutex_);
+    std::vector<std::string> ret;
+    for (const auto& i : certStatus_)
+        if (i.second.second.allowed == (status == TrustStore::PermissionStatus::ALLOWED))
+            ret.emplace_back(i.first);
+    for (const auto& i : unknownCertStatus_)
+        if (i.second.allowed == (status == TrustStore::PermissionStatus::ALLOWED))
+            ret.emplace_back(i.first);
+    return ret;
+TrustStore::isAllowed(const crypto::Certificate& crt, bool allowPublic)
+    // Match by certificate pinning
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lk(mutex_);
+    bool allowed {allowPublic};
+    for (auto c = &crt; c; c = c->issuer.get()) {
+        auto status = getCertificateStatus(c->getId().toString()); // lock mutex_
+        if (status == PermissionStatus::ALLOWED)
+            allowed = true;
+        else if (status == PermissionStatus::BANNED)
+            return false;
+    }
+    // Match by certificate chain
+    updateKnownCerts();
+    auto ret = allowed_.verify(crt);
+    // Unknown issuer (only that) are accepted if allowPublic is true
+    if (not ret
+        and !(allowPublic and ret.result == (GNUTLS_CERT_INVALID | GNUTLS_CERT_SIGNER_NOT_FOUND))) {
+        if (certStore_.logger())
+            certStore_.logger()->warn("%s", ret.toString().c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    return allowed;
+    auto i = std::begin(unknownCertStatus_);
+    while (i != std::end(unknownCertStatus_)) {
+        if (auto crt = certStore_.getCertificate(i->first)) {
+            certStatus_.emplace(i->first, std::make_pair(crt, i->second));
+            setStoreCertStatus(*crt, i->second.allowed);
+            i = unknownCertStatus_.erase(i);
+        } else
+            ++i;
+    }
+TrustStore::setStoreCertStatus(const crypto::Certificate& crt, bool status)
+    if (status)
+        allowed_.add(crt);
+    else
+        allowed_.remove(crt, false);
+    allowed_ = {};
+    for (const auto& c : certStatus_)
+        setStoreCertStatus(*c.second.first, c.second.second.allowed);
+} // namespace tls
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/security/diffie-hellman.cpp b/src/security/diffie-hellman.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc0a854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/security/diffie-hellman.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Guillaume Roguez <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "diffie-hellman.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "fileutils.h"
+#include <chrono>
+#include <ciso646>
+namespace jami {
+namespace tls {
+DhParams::DhParams(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
+    gnutls_dh_params_t new_params_;
+    int ret = gnutls_dh_params_init(&new_params_);
+    if (ret)
+        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error initializing DH params: ")
+                                 + gnutls_strerror(ret));
+    params_.reset(new_params_);
+    const gnutls_datum_t dat {(uint8_t*), (unsigned) data.size()};
+    if (int ret_pem = gnutls_dh_params_import_pkcs3(params_.get(), &dat, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM))
+        if (int ret_der = gnutls_dh_params_import_pkcs3(params_.get(), &dat, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_DER))
+            throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error importing DH params: ")
+                                     + gnutls_strerror(ret_pem) + " " + gnutls_strerror(ret_der));
+DhParams::operator=(const DhParams& other)
+    if (not params_) {
+        // We need a valid DH params pointer for the copy
+        gnutls_dh_params_t new_params_;
+        auto err = gnutls_dh_params_init(&new_params_);
+        if (err != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS)
+            throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error initializing DH params: ")
+                                     + gnutls_strerror(err));
+        params_.reset(new_params_);
+    }
+    auto err = gnutls_dh_params_cpy(params_.get(), other.get());
+    if (err != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS)
+        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error copying DH params: ") + gnutls_strerror(err));
+    return *this;
+DhParams::serialize() const
+    if (!params_) {
+        JAMI_WARN("serialize() called on an empty DhParams");
+        return {};
+    }
+    gnutls_datum_t out;
+    if (gnutls_dh_params_export2_pkcs3(params_.get(), GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM, &out))
+        return {};
+    std::vector<uint8_t> ret {, + out.size};
+    gnutls_free(;
+    return ret;
+    using clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
+    auto bits = gnutls_sec_param_to_pk_bits(GNUTLS_PK_DH,
+                                            /* GNUTLS_SEC_PARAM_HIGH */ GNUTLS_SEC_PARAM_HIGH);
+    JAMI_DBG("Generating DH params with %u bits", bits);
+    auto start = clock::now();
+    gnutls_dh_params_t new_params_;
+    int ret = gnutls_dh_params_init(&new_params_);
+    if (ret != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_ERR("Error initializing DH params: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+        return {};
+    }
+    DhParams params {new_params_};
+    ret = gnutls_dh_params_generate2(params.get(), bits);
+    if (ret != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_ERR("Error generating DH params: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+        return {};
+    }
+    std::chrono::duration<double> time_span = clock::now() - start;
+    JAMI_DBG("Generated DH params with %u bits in %lfs", bits, time_span.count());
+    return params;
+DhParams::loadDhParams(const std::string& path)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(fileutils::getFileLock(path));
+    try {
+        // writeTime throw exception if file doesn't exist
+        auto duration = std::chrono::system_clock::now() - fileutils::writeTime(path);
+        if (duration >= std::chrono::hours(24 * 3)) // file is valid only 3 days
+            throw std::runtime_error("file too old");
+        JAMI_DBG("Loading DhParams from file '%s'", path.c_str());
+        return {fileutils::loadFile(path)};
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Failed to load DhParams file '%s': %s", path.c_str(), e.what());
+        if (auto params = tls::DhParams::generate()) {
+            try {
+                fileutils::saveFile(path, params.serialize(), 0600);
+                JAMI_DBG("Saved DhParams to file '%s'", path.c_str());
+            } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+                JAMI_WARN("Failed to save DhParams in file '%s': %s", path.c_str(), ex.what());
+            }
+            return params;
+        }
+        JAMI_ERR("Can't generate DH params.");
+        return {};
+    }
+} // namespace tls
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/security/security_const.h b/src/security/security_const.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb9541b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/security/security_const.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Philippe Proulx <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+namespace libjami {
+namespace Certificate {
+namespace Status {
+constexpr static char UNDEFINED[] = "UNDEFINED";
+constexpr static char ALLOWED[] = "ALLOWED";
+constexpr static char BANNED[] = "BANNED";
+} // namespace Status
+namespace TrustStatus {
+constexpr static char UNTRUSTED[] = "UNTRUSTED";
+constexpr static char TRUSTED[] = "TRUSTED";
+} // namespace TrustStatus
+ * Those constantes are used by the ConfigurationManager.validateCertificate method
+ */
+namespace ChecksNames {
+constexpr static char HAS_PRIVATE_KEY[] = "HAS_PRIVATE_KEY";
+constexpr static char EXPIRED[] = "EXPIRED";
+constexpr static char STRONG_SIGNING[] = "STRONG_SIGNING";
+constexpr static char NOT_SELF_SIGNED[] = "NOT_SELF_SIGNED";
+constexpr static char KEY_MATCH[] = "KEY_MATCH";
+constexpr static char EXIST[] = "EXIST";
+constexpr static char VALID[] = "VALID";
+constexpr static char VALID_AUTHORITY[] = "VALID_AUTHORITY";
+constexpr static char KNOWN_AUTHORITY[] = "KNOWN_AUTHORITY";
+constexpr static char NOT_REVOKED[] = "NOT_REVOKED";
+constexpr static char UNEXPECTED_OWNER[] = "UNEXPECTED_OWNER";
+constexpr static char NOT_ACTIVATED[] = "NOT_ACTIVATED";
+} // namespace ChecksNames
+ * Those constants are used by the ConfigurationManager.getCertificateDetails method
+ */
+namespace DetailsNames {
+constexpr static char EXPIRATION_DATE[] = "EXPIRATION_DATE";
+constexpr static char ACTIVATION_DATE[] = "ACTIVATION_DATE";
+constexpr static char PUBLIC_SIGNATURE[] = "PUBLIC_SIGNATURE";
+constexpr static char VERSION_NUMBER[] = "VERSION_NUMBER";
+constexpr static char SERIAL_NUMBER[] = "SERIAL_NUMBER";
+constexpr static char ISSUER[] = "ISSUER";
+constexpr static char CN[] = "CN";
+constexpr static char N[] = "N";
+constexpr static char O[] = "O";
+constexpr static char MD5_FINGERPRINT[] = "MD5_FINGERPRINT";
+constexpr static char SHA1_FINGERPRINT[] = "SHA1_FINGERPRINT";
+constexpr static char PUBLIC_KEY_ID[] = "PUBLIC_KEY_ID";
+constexpr static char ISSUER_DN[] = "ISSUER_DN";
+constexpr static char OUTGOING_SERVER[] = "OUTGOING_SERVER";
+constexpr static char IS_CA[] = "IS_CA";
+} // namespace DetailsNames
+ * Those constants are used by the ConfigurationManager.getCertificateDetails and
+ * ConfigurationManager.validateCertificate methods
+ */
+namespace ChecksValuesTypesNames {
+constexpr static char BOOLEAN[] = "BOOLEAN";
+constexpr static char ISO_DATE[] = "ISO_DATE";
+constexpr static char CUSTOM[] = "CUSTOM";
+constexpr static char NUMBER[] = "NUMBER";
+} // namespace ChecksValuesTypesNames
+ * Those constantes are used by the ConfigurationManager.validateCertificate method
+ */
+namespace CheckValuesNames {
+constexpr static char PASSED[] = "PASSED";
+constexpr static char FAILED[] = "FAILED";
+constexpr static char UNSUPPORTED[] = "UNSUPPORTED";
+constexpr static char ISO_DATE[] = "ISO_DATE";
+constexpr static char CUSTOM[] = "CUSTOM";
+constexpr static char DATE[] = "DATE";
+} // namespace CheckValuesNames
+} // namespace Certificate
+namespace TlsTransport {
+constexpr static char TLS_PEER_CERT[] = "TLS_PEER_CERT";
+constexpr static char TLS_PEER_CA_NUM[] = "TLS_PEER_CA_NUM";
+constexpr static char TLS_PEER_CA_[] = "TLS_PEER_CA_";
+constexpr static char TLS_CIPHER[] = "TLS_CIPHER";
+} // namespace TlsTransport
+} // namespace libjami
diff --git a/src/security/threadloop.cpp b/src/security/threadloop.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88db725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/security/threadloop.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Guillaume Roguez <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "threadloop.h"
+#include <ciso646> // fix windows compiler bug
+namespace jami {
+ThreadLoop::mainloop(std::thread::id& tid,
+                     const std::function<bool()> setup,
+                     const std::function<void()> process,
+                     const std::function<void()> cleanup)
+    tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
+    try {
+        if (setup()) {
+            while (state_ == ThreadState::RUNNING)
+                process();
+            cleanup();
+        } else {
+            throw std::runtime_error("setup failed");
+        }
+    } catch (const ThreadLoopException& e) {
+        if (logger_) logger_->e("[threadloop:{}] ThreadLoopException: {}", fmt::ptr(this), e.what());
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        if (logger_) logger_->e("[threadloop:{}] Unwaited exception: {}", fmt::ptr(this), e.what());
+    }
+    stop();
+ThreadLoop::ThreadLoop(std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger> logger,
+                       const std::function<bool()>& setup,
+                       const std::function<void()>& process,
+                       const std::function<void()>& cleanup)
+    : setup_(setup)
+    , process_(process)
+    , cleanup_(cleanup)
+    , thread_()
+    , logger_(std::move(logger))
+    if (isRunning()) {
+        if (logger_) logger_->error("join() should be explicitly called in owner's destructor");
+        join();
+    }
+    const auto s = state_.load();
+    if (s == ThreadState::RUNNING) {
+        if (logger_) logger_->error("already started");
+        return;
+    }
+    // stop pending but not processed by thread yet?
+    if (s == ThreadState::STOPPING and thread_.joinable()) {
+        if (logger_) logger_->debug("stop pending");
+        thread_.join();
+    }
+    state_ = ThreadState::RUNNING;
+    thread_ = std::thread(&ThreadLoop::mainloop, this, std::ref(threadId_), setup_, process_, cleanup_);
+    threadId_ = thread_.get_id();
+    if (state_ == ThreadState::RUNNING)
+        state_ = ThreadState::STOPPING;
+    stop();
+    if (thread_.joinable())
+        thread_.join();
+    if (thread_.joinable())
+        thread_.join();
+    stop();
+    throw ThreadLoopException();
+ThreadLoop::isRunning() const noexcept
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    return state_ == ThreadState::RUNNING;
+    return thread_.joinable() and state_ == ThreadState::RUNNING;
+    ThreadLoop::stop();
+    cv_.notify_one();
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/security/threadloop.h b/src/security/threadloop.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a7a0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/security/threadloop.h
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Guillaume Roguez <>
+ *  Author: Eloi Bail <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <atomic>
+#include <thread>
+#include <functional>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <opendht/logger.h>
+namespace jami {
+struct ThreadLoopException : public std::runtime_error
+    ThreadLoopException()
+        : std::runtime_error("ThreadLoopException")
+    {}
+class ThreadLoop
+    enum class ThreadState { READY, RUNNING, STOPPING };
+    ThreadLoop(std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger> logger,
+               const std::function<bool()>& setup,
+               const std::function<void()>& process,
+               const std::function<void()>& cleanup);
+    virtual ~ThreadLoop();
+    void start();
+    void exit();
+    virtual void stop();
+    void join();
+    void waitForCompletion(); // thread will stop itself
+    bool isRunning() const noexcept;
+    bool isStopping() const noexcept { return state_ == ThreadState::STOPPING; }
+    std::thread::id get_id() const noexcept { return threadId_; }
+    ThreadLoop(const ThreadLoop&) = delete;
+    ThreadLoop(ThreadLoop&&) noexcept = delete;
+    ThreadLoop& operator=(const ThreadLoop&) = delete;
+    ThreadLoop& operator=(ThreadLoop&&) noexcept = delete;
+    // These must be provided by users of ThreadLoop
+    std::function<bool()> setup_;
+    std::function<void()> process_;
+    std::function<void()> cleanup_;
+    void mainloop(std::thread::id& tid,
+                  const std::function<bool()> setup,
+                  const std::function<void()> process,
+                  const std::function<void()> cleanup);
+    std::atomic<ThreadState> state_ {ThreadState::READY};
+    std::thread::id threadId_;
+    std::thread thread_;
+    std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger> logger_;
+class InterruptedThreadLoop : public ThreadLoop
+    InterruptedThreadLoop(std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger> logger,
+                          const std::function<bool()>& setup,
+                          const std::function<void()>& process,
+                          const std::function<void()>& cleanup)
+        : ThreadLoop::ThreadLoop(logger, setup, process, cleanup)
+    {}
+    void stop() override;
+    void interrupt() noexcept { cv_.notify_one(); }
+    template<typename Rep, typename Period>
+    void wait_for(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time)
+    {
+        if (std::this_thread::get_id() != get_id())
+            throw std::runtime_error("can not call wait_for outside thread context");
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mutex_);
+        cv_.wait_for(lk, rel_time, [this]() { return isStopping(); });
+    }
+    template<typename Rep, typename Period, typename Pred>
+    bool wait_for(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time, Pred&& pred)
+    {
+        if (std::this_thread::get_id() != get_id())
+            throw std::runtime_error("can not call wait_for outside thread context");
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mutex_);
+        return cv_.wait_for(lk, rel_time, [this, pred] { return isStopping() || pred(); });
+    }
+    template<typename Pred>
+    void wait(Pred&& pred)
+    {
+        if (std::this_thread::get_id() != get_id())
+            throw std::runtime_error("Can not call wait outside thread context");
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mutex_);
+        cv_.wait(lk, [this, p = std::forward<Pred>(pred)] { return isStopping() || p(); });
+    }
+    std::mutex mutex_;
+    std::condition_variable cv_;
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/security/tls_session.cpp b/src/security/tls_session.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43f623d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/security/tls_session.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1789 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Adrien Béraud <>
+ *  Author: Guillaume Roguez <>
+ *  Author: Sébastien Blin <>
+ *  Author: Vsevolod Ivanov <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "tls_session.h"
+#include "threadloop.h"
+#include "certstore.h"
+#include <gnutls/gnutls.h>
+#include <gnutls/dtls.h>
+#include <gnutls/abstract.h>
+#include <gnutls/crypto.h>
+#include <gnutls/ocsp.h>
+#include <opendht/http.h>
+#include <opendht/logger.h>
+#include <list>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <utility>
+#include <map>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring> // std::memset
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <unistd.h>
+namespace jami {
+namespace tls {
+static constexpr const char* DTLS_CERT_PRIORITY_STRING {
+static constexpr const char* DTLS_FULL_PRIORITY_STRING {
+// Note: -GROUP-FFDHE4096:-GROUP-FFDHE6144:-GROUP-FFDHE8192:+GROUP-X25519:
+// is added after gnutls 3.6.7, because some safety checks were introduced for FFDHE resulting in a
+// performance drop for our usage (2/3s of delay) This performance drop is visible on mobiles devices.
+// Benchmark result (on a computer)
+// $gnutls-cli --benchmark-tls-kx
+// (TLS1.3)-(DHE-FFDHE3072)-(RSA-PSS-RSAE-SHA256)-(AES-128-GCM)  20.48 transactions/sec
+//            (avg. handshake time: 48.45 ms, sample variance: 0.68)
+// (TLS1.3)-(ECDHE-SECP256R1)-(RSA-PSS-RSAE-SHA256)-(AES-128-GCM)  208.14 transactions/sec
+//            (avg. handshake time: 4.01 ms, sample variance: 0.01)
+// (TLS1.3)-(ECDHE-X25519)-(RSA-PSS-RSAE-SHA256)-(AES-128-GCM)  240.93 transactions/sec
+//            (avg. handshake time: 4.00 ms, sample variance: 0.00)
+static constexpr const char* TLS_CERT_PRIORITY_STRING {
+static constexpr const char* TLS_FULL_PRIORITY_STRING {
+static constexpr uint32_t RX_MAX_SIZE {64 * 1024}; // 64k = max size of a UDP packet
+static constexpr std::size_t INPUT_MAX_SIZE {
+    1000}; // Maximum number of packets to store before dropping (pkt size = DTLS_MTU)
+static constexpr ssize_t FLOOD_THRESHOLD {4 * 1024};
+static constexpr auto FLOOD_PAUSE = std::chrono::milliseconds(
+    100); // Time to wait after an invalid cookie packet (anti flood attack)
+static constexpr size_t HANDSHAKE_MAX_RETRY {64};
+static constexpr auto DTLS_RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::milliseconds(
+    1000); // Delay between two handshake request on DTLS
+static constexpr auto COOKIE_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(
+    10); // Time to wait for a cookie packet from client
+static constexpr int MIN_MTU {
+    512 - 20 - 8}; // minimal payload size of a DTLS packet carried by an IPv4 packet
+static constexpr uint8_t HEARTBEAT_TRIES = 1; // Number of tries at each heartbeat ping send
+static constexpr auto HEARTBEAT_RETRANS_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::milliseconds(
+    700); // gnutls heartbeat retransmission timeout for each ping (in milliseconds)
+static constexpr auto HEARTBEAT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT
+      * HEARTBEAT_TRIES; // gnutls heartbeat time limit for heartbeat procedure (in milliseconds)
+static constexpr int MISS_ORDERING_LIMIT
+    = 32; // maximal accepted distance of out-of-order packet (note: must be a signed type)
+static constexpr auto RX_OOO_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::milliseconds(1500);
+    = 20; // when client, if your local IP is IPV4 and server is IPV6; you must reduce your MTU to
+          // avoid packet too big error on server side. the offset is the difference in size of IP headers
+static constexpr auto OCSP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(
+    2); // Time to wait for an ocsp-request
+// Helper to cast any duration into an integer number of milliseconds
+template<class Rep, class Period>
+static std::chrono::milliseconds::rep
+duration2ms(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> d)
+    return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(d).count();
+static inline uint64_t
+array2uint(const std::array<uint8_t, 8>& a)
+    uint64_t res = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+        res = (res << 8) + a[i];
+    return res;
+namespace {
+class TlsCertificateCredendials
+    using T = gnutls_certificate_credentials_t;
+    TlsCertificateCredendials()
+    {
+        int ret = gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials(&creds_);
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            //if (params_.logger)
+            //    params_.logger->e("gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials() failed with ret=%d", ret);
+            throw std::bad_alloc();
+        }
+    }
+    ~TlsCertificateCredendials() { gnutls_certificate_free_credentials(creds_); }
+    operator T() { return creds_; }
+    TlsCertificateCredendials(const TlsCertificateCredendials&) = delete;
+    TlsCertificateCredendials& operator=(const TlsCertificateCredendials&) = delete;
+    T creds_;
+class TlsAnonymousClientCredendials
+    using T = gnutls_anon_client_credentials_t;
+    TlsAnonymousClientCredendials()
+    {
+        int ret = gnutls_anon_allocate_client_credentials(&creds_);
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            //if (params_.logger)
+            //    params_.logger->e("gnutls_anon_allocate_client_credentials() failed with ret=%d", ret);
+            throw std::bad_alloc();
+        }
+    }
+    ~TlsAnonymousClientCredendials() { gnutls_anon_free_client_credentials(creds_); }
+    operator T() { return creds_; }
+    TlsAnonymousClientCredendials(const TlsAnonymousClientCredendials&) = delete;
+    TlsAnonymousClientCredendials& operator=(const TlsAnonymousClientCredendials&) = delete;
+    T creds_;
+class TlsAnonymousServerCredendials
+    using T = gnutls_anon_server_credentials_t;
+    TlsAnonymousServerCredendials()
+    {
+        int ret = gnutls_anon_allocate_server_credentials(&creds_);
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            //if (params_.logger)
+            //    params_.logger->e("gnutls_anon_allocate_server_credentials() failed with ret=%d", ret);
+            throw std::bad_alloc();
+        }
+    }
+    ~TlsAnonymousServerCredendials() { gnutls_anon_free_server_credentials(creds_); }
+    operator T() { return creds_; }
+    TlsAnonymousServerCredendials(const TlsAnonymousServerCredendials&) = delete;
+    TlsAnonymousServerCredendials& operator=(const TlsAnonymousServerCredendials&) = delete;
+    T creds_;
+} // namespace
+class TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl
+    using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
+    using StateHandler = std::function<TlsSessionState(TlsSessionState state)>;
+    using OcspVerification = std::function<void(const int status)>;
+    using HttpResponse = std::function<void(const dht::http::Response& response)>;
+    // Constants (ctor init.)
+    const bool isServer_;
+    const TlsParams params_;
+    const TlsSessionCallbacks callbacks_;
+    const bool anonymous_;
+    TlsSessionImpl(std::unique_ptr<SocketType>&& transport,
+                   const TlsParams& params,
+                   const TlsSessionCallbacks& cbs,
+                   bool anonymous);
+    ~TlsSessionImpl();
+    const char* typeName() const;
+    std::unique_ptr<SocketType> transport_;
+    // State protectors
+    std::mutex stateMutex_;
+    std::condition_variable stateCondition_;
+    // State machine
+    TlsSessionState handleStateSetup(TlsSessionState state);
+    TlsSessionState handleStateCookie(TlsSessionState state);
+    TlsSessionState handleStateHandshake(TlsSessionState state);
+    TlsSessionState handleStateMtuDiscovery(TlsSessionState state);
+    TlsSessionState handleStateEstablished(TlsSessionState state);
+    TlsSessionState handleStateShutdown(TlsSessionState state);
+    std::map<TlsSessionState, StateHandler> fsmHandlers_ {};
+    std::atomic<TlsSessionState> state_ {TlsSessionState::SETUP};
+    std::atomic<TlsSessionState> newState_ {TlsSessionState::NONE};
+    std::atomic<int> maxPayload_ {-1};
+    // IO GnuTLS <-> ICE
+    std::mutex rxMutex_ {};
+    std::condition_variable rxCv_ {};
+    std::list<std::vector<ValueType>> rxQueue_ {};
+    bool flushProcessing_ {false};     ///< protect against recursive call to flushRxQueue
+    std::vector<ValueType> rawPktBuf_; ///< gnutls incoming packet buffer
+    uint64_t baseSeq_ {0};   ///< sequence number of first application data packet received
+    uint64_t lastRxSeq_ {0}; ///< last received and valid packet sequence number
+    uint64_t gapOffset_ {0}; ///< offset of first byte not received yet
+    clock::time_point lastReadTime_;
+    std::map<uint64_t, std::vector<ValueType>> reorderBuffer_ {};
+    std::list<clock::time_point> nextFlush_ {};
+    std::size_t send(const ValueType*, std::size_t, std::error_code&);
+    ssize_t sendRaw(const void*, size_t);
+    ssize_t sendRawVec(const giovec_t*, int);
+    ssize_t recvRaw(void*, size_t);
+    int waitForRawData(std::chrono::milliseconds);
+    bool initFromRecordState(int offset = 0);
+    void handleDataPacket(std::vector<ValueType>&&, uint64_t);
+    void flushRxQueue(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>&);
+    // Statistics
+    std::atomic<std::size_t> stRxRawPacketCnt_ {0};
+    std::atomic<std::size_t> stRxRawBytesCnt_ {0};
+    std::atomic<std::size_t> stRxRawPacketDropCnt_ {0};
+    std::atomic<std::size_t> stTxRawPacketCnt_ {0};
+    std::atomic<std::size_t> stTxRawBytesCnt_ {0};
+    void dump_io_stats() const;
+    std::unique_ptr<TlsAnonymousClientCredendials> cacred_; // ctor init.
+    std::unique_ptr<TlsAnonymousServerCredendials> sacred_; // ctor init.
+    std::unique_ptr<TlsCertificateCredendials> xcred_;      // ctor init.
+    std::mutex sessionReadMutex_;
+    std::mutex sessionWriteMutex_;
+    gnutls_session_t session_ {nullptr};
+    gnutls_datum_t cookie_key_ {nullptr, 0};
+    gnutls_dtls_prestate_st prestate_ {};
+    ssize_t cookie_count_ {0};
+    TlsSessionState setupClient();
+    TlsSessionState setupServer();
+    void initAnonymous();
+    void initCredentials();
+    bool commonSessionInit();
+    std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate> peerCertificate(gnutls_session_t session) const;
+    /*
+     * Implicit certificate validations.
+     */
+    int verifyCertificateWrapper(gnutls_session_t session);
+    /*
+     * Verify OCSP (Online Certificate Service Protocol):
+     */
+    void verifyOcsp(const std::string& url,
+                    dht::crypto::Certificate& cert,
+                    gnutls_x509_crt_t issuer,
+                    OcspVerification cb);
+    /*
+     * Send OCSP Request to the specified URI.
+     */
+    void sendOcspRequest(const std::string& uri,
+                         std::string body,
+                         std::chrono::seconds timeout,
+                         HttpResponse cb = {});
+    // FSM thread (TLS states)
+    ThreadLoop thread_; // ctor init.
+    bool setup();
+    void process();
+    void cleanup();
+    // Path mtu discovery
+    std::array<int, 3> MTUS_;
+    int mtuProbe_;
+    int hbPingRecved_ {0};
+    bool pmtudOver_ {false};
+    void pathMtuHeartbeat();
+    std::mutex requestsMtx_;
+    std::set<std::shared_ptr<dht::http::Request>> requests_;
+    std::shared_ptr<dht::crypto::Certificate> pCert_ {};
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::TlsSessionImpl(std::unique_ptr<SocketType>&& transport,
+                                           const TlsParams& params,
+                                           const TlsSessionCallbacks& cbs,
+                                           bool anonymous)
+    : isServer_(not transport->isInitiator())
+    , params_(params)
+    , callbacks_(cbs)
+    , anonymous_(anonymous)
+    , transport_ {std::move(transport)}
+    , cacred_(nullptr)
+    , sacred_(nullptr)
+    , xcred_(nullptr)
+    , thread_(params.logger, [this] { return setup(); }, [this] { process(); }, [this] { cleanup(); })
+    if (not transport_->isReliable()) {
+        transport_->setOnRecv([this](const ValueType* buf, size_t len) {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk {rxMutex_};
+            if (rxQueue_.size() == INPUT_MAX_SIZE) {
+                rxQueue_.pop_front(); // drop oldest packet if input buffer is full
+                ++stRxRawPacketDropCnt_;
+            }
+            rxQueue_.emplace_back(buf, buf + len);
+            ++stRxRawPacketCnt_;
+            stRxRawBytesCnt_ += len;
+            rxCv_.notify_one();
+            return len;
+        });
+    }
+    // Run FSM into dedicated thread
+    thread_.start();
+    state_ = TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    stateCondition_.notify_all();
+    rxCv_.notify_all();
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(requestsMtx_);
+        // requests_ store a shared_ptr, so we need to cancel requests
+        // to not be stuck in verifyCertificateWrapper
+        for (auto& request : requests_)
+            request->cancel();
+        requests_.clear();
+    }
+    thread_.join();
+    if (not transport_->isReliable())
+        transport_->setOnRecv(nullptr);
+const char*
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::typeName() const
+    return isServer_ ? "server" : "client";
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::dump_io_stats() const
+    if (params_.logger)
+        params_.logger->debug("[TLS] RxRawPkt={:d} ({:d} bytes) - TxRawPkt={:d} ({:d} bytes)",
+             stRxRawPacketCnt_.load(),
+             stRxRawBytesCnt_.load(),
+             stTxRawPacketCnt_.load(),
+             stTxRawBytesCnt_.load());
+    int ret;
+    if (not transport_->isReliable()) {
+        ret = gnutls_init(&session_, GNUTLS_CLIENT | GNUTLS_DATAGRAM);
+        // uncoment to reactivate PMTUD
+        // if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->d("[TLS] set heartbeat reception for retrocompatibility check on server");
+        // gnutls_heartbeat_enable(session_,GNUTLS_HB_PEER_ALLOWED_TO_SEND);
+    } else {
+        ret = gnutls_init(&session_, GNUTLS_CLIENT);
+    }
+    if (ret != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->e("[TLS] session init failed: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+        return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    }
+    if (not commonSessionInit()) {
+        return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    }
+    return TlsSessionState::HANDSHAKE;
+    int ret;
+    if (not transport_->isReliable()) {
+        ret = gnutls_init(&session_, GNUTLS_SERVER | GNUTLS_DATAGRAM);
+        // uncoment to reactivate PMTUD
+        // if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->d("[TLS] set heartbeat reception");
+        // gnutls_heartbeat_enable(session_, GNUTLS_HB_PEER_ALLOWED_TO_SEND);
+        gnutls_dtls_prestate_set(session_, &prestate_);
+    } else {
+        ret = gnutls_init(&session_, GNUTLS_SERVER);
+    }
+    if (ret != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->e("[TLS] session init failed: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+        return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    }
+    gnutls_certificate_server_set_request(session_, GNUTLS_CERT_REQUIRE);
+    if (not commonSessionInit())
+        return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    return TlsSessionState::HANDSHAKE;
+    // credentials for handshaking and transmission
+    if (isServer_)
+        sacred_.reset(new TlsAnonymousServerCredendials());
+    else
+        cacred_.reset(new TlsAnonymousClientCredendials());
+    // Setup DH-params for anonymous authentification
+    if (isServer_) {
+        if (const auto& dh_params = params_.dh_params.get().get())
+            gnutls_anon_set_server_dh_params(*sacred_, dh_params);
+        else
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->w("[TLS] DH params unavailable");
+    }
+    int ret;
+    // credentials for handshaking and transmission
+    xcred_.reset(new TlsCertificateCredendials());
+    gnutls_certificate_set_verify_function(*xcred_, [](gnutls_session_t session) -> int {
+        auto this_ = reinterpret_cast<TlsSessionImpl*>(gnutls_session_get_ptr(session));
+        return this_->verifyCertificateWrapper(session);
+    });
+    // Load user-given CA list
+    if (not params_.ca_list.empty()) {
+        // Try PEM format first
+        ret = gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file(*xcred_,
+                                                     params_.ca_list.c_str(),
+                                                     GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM);
+        // Then DER format
+        if (ret < 0)
+            ret = gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file(*xcred_,
+                                                         params_.ca_list.c_str(),
+                                                         GNUTLS_X509_FMT_DER);
+        if (ret < 0)
+            throw std::runtime_error("can't load CA " + params_.ca_list + ": "
+                                     + std::string(gnutls_strerror(ret)));
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->d("[TLS] CA list %s loadev", params_.ca_list.c_str());
+    }
+    if (params_.peer_ca) {
+        auto chain = params_.peer_ca->getChainWithRevocations();
+        auto ret = gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust(*xcred_,
+                                           ,
+                                                     chain.first.size());
+        if (not chain.second.empty())
+            gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl(*xcred_,, chain.second.size());
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->debug("[TLS] Peer CA list {:d} ({:d} CRLs): {:d}",
+                 chain.first.size(),
+                 chain.second.size(),
+                 ret);
+    }
+    // Load user-given identity (key and passwd)
+    if (params_.cert) {
+        std::vector<gnutls_x509_crt_t> certs;
+        certs.reserve(3);
+        auto crt = params_.cert;
+        while (crt) {
+            certs.emplace_back(crt->cert);
+            crt = crt->issuer;
+        }
+        ret = gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key(*xcred_,
+                                    ,
+                                              certs.size(),
+                                              params_.cert_key->x509_key);
+        if (ret < 0)
+            throw std::runtime_error("can't load certificate: " + std::string(gnutls_strerror(ret)));
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->d("[TLS] User identity loaded");
+    }
+    // Setup DH-params (server only, may block on dh_params.get())
+    if (isServer_) {
+        if (const auto& dh_params = params_.dh_params.get().get())
+            gnutls_certificate_set_dh_params(*xcred_, dh_params);
+        else
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->w("[TLS] DH params unavailable"); // YOMGUI: need to stop?
+    }
+    int ret;
+    if (anonymous_) {
+        // Force anonymous connection, see handleStateHandshake how we handle failures
+        ret = gnutls_priority_set_direct(session_,
+                                         transport_->isReliable() ? TLS_FULL_PRIORITY_STRING
+                                                                  : DTLS_FULL_PRIORITY_STRING,
+                                         nullptr);
+        if (ret != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->e("[TLS] TLS priority set failed: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+            return false;
+        }
+        // Add anonymous credentials
+        if (isServer_)
+            ret = gnutls_credentials_set(session_, GNUTLS_CRD_ANON, *sacred_);
+        else
+            ret = gnutls_credentials_set(session_, GNUTLS_CRD_ANON, *cacred_);
+        if (ret != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->e("[TLS] anonymous credential set failed: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else {
+        // Use a classic non-encrypted CERTIFICATE exchange method (less anonymous)
+        ret = gnutls_priority_set_direct(session_,
+                                         transport_->isReliable() ? TLS_CERT_PRIORITY_STRING
+                                                                  : DTLS_CERT_PRIORITY_STRING,
+                                         nullptr);
+        if (ret != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->e("[TLS] TLS priority set failed: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    // Add certificate credentials
+    ret = gnutls_credentials_set(session_, GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE, *xcred_);
+    if (ret != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->e("[TLS] certificate credential set failed: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+        return false;
+    }
+    gnutls_certificate_send_x509_rdn_sequence(session_, 0);
+    if (not transport_->isReliable()) {
+        // DTLS hanshake timeouts
+        auto re_tx_timeout = duration2ms(DTLS_RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT);
+        gnutls_dtls_set_timeouts(session_,
+                                 re_tx_timeout,
+                                 std::max(duration2ms(params_.timeout), re_tx_timeout));
+        // gnutls DTLS mtu = maximum payload size given by transport
+        gnutls_dtls_set_mtu(session_, transport_->maxPayload());
+    }
+    // Stuff for transport callbacks
+    gnutls_session_set_ptr(session_, this);
+    gnutls_transport_set_ptr(session_, this);
+    gnutls_transport_set_vec_push_function(session_,
+                                           [](gnutls_transport_ptr_t t,
+                                              const giovec_t* iov,
+                                              int iovcnt) -> ssize_t {
+                                               auto this_ = reinterpret_cast<TlsSessionImpl*>(t);
+                                               return this_->sendRawVec(iov, iovcnt);
+                                           });
+    gnutls_transport_set_pull_function(session_,
+                                       [](gnutls_transport_ptr_t t, void* d, size_t s) -> ssize_t {
+                                           auto this_ = reinterpret_cast<TlsSessionImpl*>(t);
+                                           return this_->recvRaw(d, s);
+                                       });
+    gnutls_transport_set_pull_timeout_function(session_,
+                                               [](gnutls_transport_ptr_t t, unsigned ms) -> int {
+                                                   auto this_ = reinterpret_cast<TlsSessionImpl*>(t);
+                                                   return this_->waitForRawData(
+                                                       std::chrono::milliseconds(ms));
+                                               });
+    // TODO -1 = default else set value
+    if (transport_->isReliable())
+        gnutls_handshake_set_timeout(session_, duration2ms(params_.timeout));
+    return true;
+getOcspUrl(gnutls_x509_crt_t cert)
+    int ret;
+    gnutls_datum_t aia;
+    unsigned int seq = 0;
+    do {
+        // Extracts the Authority Information Access (AIA) extension, see RFC 5280 section
+        ret = gnutls_x509_crt_get_authority_info_access(cert, seq++, GNUTLS_IA_OCSP_URI, &aia, NULL);
+    } while (ret < 0 && ret != GNUTLS_E_REQUESTED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE);
+    // could also try the issuer if we include ocsp uri into there
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        return {};
+    }
+    std::string url((const char*), (size_t) aia.size);
+    gnutls_free(;
+    return url;
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::verifyCertificateWrapper(gnutls_session_t session)
+    // Perform user-set verification first to avoid flooding with ocsp-requests if peer is denied
+    int verified;
+    if (callbacks_.verifyCertificate) {
+        auto this_ = reinterpret_cast<TlsSessionImpl*>(gnutls_session_get_ptr(session));
+        verified = this_->callbacks_.verifyCertificate(session);
+        if (verified != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS)
+            return verified;
+    } else {
+        verified = GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Support only x509 format
+     */
+    if (gnutls_certificate_type_get(session) != GNUTLS_CRT_X509)
+    pCert_ = peerCertificate(session);
+    if (!pCert_)
+    std::string ocspUrl = getOcspUrl(pCert_->cert);
+    if (ocspUrl.empty()) {
+        // Skipping OCSP verification: AIA not found
+        return verified;
+    }
+    // OCSP (Online Certificate Service Protocol) {
+    std::promise<int> v;
+    std::future<int> f = v.get_future();
+    gnutls_x509_crt_t issuer_crt = pCert_->issuer ? pCert_->issuer->cert : nullptr;
+    verifyOcsp(ocspUrl, *pCert_, issuer_crt, [&](const int status) {
+            // OCSP URI is absent, don't fail the verification by overwritting the user-set one.
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->w("Skipping OCSP verification %s: request failed", pCert_->getUID().c_str());
+            v.set_value(verified);
+        } else {
+            if (status != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+                if (params_.logger)
+                    params_.logger->e("OCSP verification failed for %s: %s (%i)",
+                         pCert_->getUID().c_str(),
+                         gnutls_strerror(status),
+                         status);
+            }
+            v.set_value(status);
+        }
+    });
+    f.wait();
+    return f.get();
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::verifyOcsp(const std::string& aia_uri,
+                                       dht::crypto::Certificate& cert,
+                                       gnutls_x509_crt_t issuer,
+                                       OcspVerification cb)
+    if (params_.logger)
+        params_.logger->d("Certificate's AIA URI: %s", aia_uri.c_str());
+    // Generate OCSP request
+    std::pair<std::string, dht::Blob> ocsp_req;
+    try {
+        ocsp_req = cert.generateOcspRequest(issuer);
+    } catch (dht::crypto::CryptoException& e) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->e("Failed to generate OCSP request: %s", e.what());
+        if (cb)
+            cb(GNUTLS_E_INVALID_REQUEST);
+        return;
+    }
+    sendOcspRequest(aia_uri,
+                    std::move(ocsp_req.first),
+                    OCSP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT,
+                    [cb = std::move(cb), &cert, nonce = std::move(ocsp_req.second), this](
+                        const dht::http::Response& r) {
+                        // Prepare response data
+                        // Verify response validity
+                        if (r.status_code != 200) {
+                            if (params_.logger)
+                                params_.logger->w("HTTP OCSP Request Failed with code %i", r.status_code);
+                            if (cb)
+                                cb(GNUTLS_E_REQUESTED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE);
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        if (params_.logger)
+                            params_.logger->d("HTTP OCSP Request done!");
+                        gnutls_ocsp_cert_status_t verify = GNUTLS_OCSP_CERT_UNKNOWN;
+                        try {
+                            cert.ocspResponse = std::make_shared<dht::crypto::OcspResponse>(
+                                (const uint8_t*), r.body.size());
+                            if (params_.logger)
+                                params_.logger->d("%s", cert.ocspResponse->toString().c_str());
+                            verify = cert.ocspResponse->verifyDirect(cert, nonce);
+                        } catch (dht::crypto::CryptoException& e) {
+                            if (params_.logger)
+                                params_.logger->e("Failed to verify OCSP response: %s", e.what());
+                        }
+                        if (verify == GNUTLS_OCSP_CERT_UNKNOWN) {
+                            // Soft-fail
+                            if (cb)
+                                cb(GNUTLS_E_REQUESTED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE);
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        int status = GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS;
+                        if (verify == GNUTLS_OCSP_CERT_GOOD) {
+                            if (params_.logger)
+                                params_.logger->d("OCSP verification success!");
+                        } else {
+                            status = GNUTLS_E_CERTIFICATE_ERROR;
+                            if (params_.logger)
+                                params_.logger->e("OCSP verification: certificate is revoked!");
+                        }
+                        // Save response into the certificate store
+                        try {
+                            params_.certStore.pinOcspResponse(cert);
+                        } catch (std::exception& e) {
+                            if (params_.logger)
+                                params_.logger->error("{}", e.what());
+                        }
+                        if (cb)
+                            cb(status);
+                    });
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::sendOcspRequest(const std::string& uri,
+                                            std::string body,
+                                            std::chrono::seconds timeout,
+                                            HttpResponse cb)
+    using namespace dht;
+    auto request = std::make_shared<http::Request>(*params_.io_context,
+                                                   uri); //, logger);
+    request->set_method(restinio::http_method_post());
+    request->set_header_field(restinio::http_field_t::user_agent, "Jami");
+    request->set_header_field(restinio::http_field_t::accept, "*/*");
+    request->set_header_field(restinio::http_field_t::content_type, "application/ocsp-request");
+    request->set_body(std::move(body));
+    request->set_connection_type(restinio::http_connection_header_t::close);
+    request->timeout(timeout, [request,l=params_.logger](const asio::error_code& ec) {
+        if (ec and ec != asio::error::operation_aborted)
+            if (l) l->error("HTTP OCSP Request timeout with error: {:s}", ec.message());
+        request->cancel();
+    });
+    request->add_on_state_change_callback([this, cb = std::move(cb)](const http::Request::State state,
+                                                    const http::Response response) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->d("HTTP OCSP Request state=%i status_code=%i",
+                 (unsigned int) state,
+                 response.status_code);
+        if (state != http::Request::State::DONE)
+            return;
+        if (cb)
+            cb(response);
+        if (auto request = response.request.lock()) {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(requestsMtx_);
+            requests_.erase(request);
+        }
+    });
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(requestsMtx_);
+        requests_.emplace(request);
+    }
+    request->send();
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::peerCertificate(gnutls_session_t session) const
+    if (!session)
+        return {};
+    /*
+     * Get the peer's raw certificate (chain) as sent by the peer.
+     * The first certificate in the list is the peer's certificate, following the issuer's cert. etc.
+     */
+    unsigned int cert_list_size = 0;
+    auto cert_list = gnutls_certificate_get_peers(session, &cert_list_size);
+    if (cert_list == nullptr)
+        return {};
+    std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t*, uint8_t*>> crt_data;
+    crt_data.reserve(cert_list_size);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < cert_list_size; i++)
+        crt_data.emplace_back(cert_list[i].data, cert_list[i].data + cert_list[i].size);
+    return std::make_shared<dht::crypto::Certificate>(crt_data);
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::send(const ValueType* tx_data, std::size_t tx_size, std::error_code& ec)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(sessionWriteMutex_);
+    if (state_ != TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED) {
+        ec = std::error_code(GNUTLS_E_INVALID_SESSION, std::system_category());
+        return 0;
+    }
+    std::size_t total_written = 0;
+    std::size_t max_tx_sz;
+    if (transport_->isReliable())
+        max_tx_sz = tx_size;
+    else
+        max_tx_sz = gnutls_dtls_get_data_mtu(session_);
+    // Split incoming data into chunck suitable for the underlying transport
+    while (total_written < tx_size) {
+        auto chunck_sz = std::min(max_tx_sz, tx_size - total_written);
+        auto data_seq = tx_data + total_written;
+        ssize_t nwritten;
+        do {
+            nwritten = gnutls_record_send(session_, data_seq, chunck_sz);
+        } while ((nwritten == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED and state_ != TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN)
+                 or nwritten == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN);
+        if (nwritten < 0) {
+            /* Normally we would have to retry record_send but our internal
+             * state has not changed, so we have to ask for more data first.
+             * We will just try again later, although this should never happen.
+             */
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->error("[TLS] send failed (only {} bytes sent): {}", total_written, gnutls_strerror(nwritten));
+            ec = std::error_code(nwritten, std::system_category());
+            return 0;
+        }
+        total_written += nwritten;
+    }
+    ec.clear();
+    return total_written;
+// Called by GNUTLS to send encrypted packet to low-level transport.
+// Should return a positive number indicating the bytes sent, and -1 on error.
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::sendRaw(const void* buf, size_t size)
+    std::error_code ec;
+    unsigned retry_count = 0;
+    do {
+        auto n = transport_->write(reinterpret_cast<const ValueType*>(buf), size, ec);
+        if (!ec) {
+            // log only on success
+            ++stTxRawPacketCnt_;
+            stTxRawBytesCnt_ += n;
+            return n;
+        }
+        if (ec.value() == EAGAIN) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->w("[TLS] EAGAIN from transport, retry#", ++retry_count);
+            std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));
+            if (retry_count == 100) {
+                if (params_.logger)
+                    params_.logger->e("[TLS] excessive retry detected, aborting");
+                ec.assign(EIO, std::system_category());
+            }
+        }
+    } while (ec.value() == EAGAIN);
+    // Must be called to pass errno value to GnuTLS on Windows (cf. GnuTLS doc)
+    gnutls_transport_set_errno(session_, ec.value());
+    if (params_.logger)
+        params_.logger->e("[TLS] transport failure on tx: errno = {}", ec.value());
+    return -1;
+// Called by GNUTLS to send encrypted packet to low-level transport.
+// Should return a positive number indicating the bytes sent, and -1 on error.
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::sendRawVec(const giovec_t* iov, int iovcnt)
+    ssize_t sent = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < iovcnt; ++i) {
+        const giovec_t& dat = iov[i];
+        ssize_t ret = sendRaw(dat.iov_base, dat.iov_len);
+        if (ret < 0)
+            return -1;
+        sent += ret;
+    }
+    return sent;
+// Called by GNUTLS to receive encrypted packet from low-level transport.
+// Should return 0 on connection termination,
+// a positive number indicating the number of bytes received,
+// and -1 on error.
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::recvRaw(void* buf, size_t size)
+    if (transport_->isReliable()) {
+        std::error_code ec;
+        auto count = transport_->read(reinterpret_cast<ValueType*>(buf), size, ec);
+        if (!ec)
+            return count;
+        gnutls_transport_set_errno(session_, ec.value());
+        return -1;
+    }
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk {rxMutex_};
+    if (rxQueue_.empty()) {
+        gnutls_transport_set_errno(session_, EAGAIN);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    const auto& pkt = rxQueue_.front();
+    const std::size_t count = std::min(pkt.size(), size);
+    std::copy_n(pkt.begin(), count, reinterpret_cast<ValueType*>(buf));
+    rxQueue_.pop_front();
+    return count;
+// Called by GNUTLS to wait for encrypted packet from low-level transport.
+// 'timeout' is in milliseconds.
+// Should return 0 on timeout, a positive number if data are available for read, or -1 on error.
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::waitForRawData(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
+    if (transport_->isReliable()) {
+        std::error_code ec;
+        auto err = transport_->waitForData(timeout, ec);
+        if (err <= 0) {
+            // shutdown?
+            if (state_ == TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN) {
+                gnutls_transport_set_errno(session_, EINTR);
+                return -1;
+            }
+            if (ec) {
+                gnutls_transport_set_errno(session_, ec.value());
+                return -1;
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // non-reliable uses callback installed with setOnRecv()
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {rxMutex_};
+    rxCv_.wait_for(lk, timeout, [this] {
+        return !rxQueue_.empty() or state_ == TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    });
+    if (state_ == TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN) {
+        gnutls_transport_set_errno(session_, EINTR);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (rxQueue_.empty()) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->error("[TLS] waitForRawData: timeout after {}", timeout);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::initFromRecordState(int offset)
+    std::array<uint8_t, 8> seq;
+    if (gnutls_record_get_state(session_, 1, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &seq[0])
+        != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->e("[TLS] Fatal-error Unable to read initial state");
+        return false;
+    }
+    baseSeq_ = array2uint(seq) + offset;
+    gapOffset_ = baseSeq_;
+    lastRxSeq_ = baseSeq_ - 1;
+    if (params_.logger)
+        params_.logger->debug("[TLS] Initial sequence number: {:d}", baseSeq_);
+    return true;
+    // Setup FSM
+    fsmHandlers_[TlsSessionState::SETUP] = [this](TlsSessionState s) {
+        return handleStateSetup(s);
+    };
+    fsmHandlers_[TlsSessionState::COOKIE] = [this](TlsSessionState s) {
+        return handleStateCookie(s);
+    };
+    fsmHandlers_[TlsSessionState::HANDSHAKE] = [this](TlsSessionState s) {
+        return handleStateHandshake(s);
+    };
+    fsmHandlers_[TlsSessionState::MTU_DISCOVERY] = [this](TlsSessionState s) {
+        return handleStateMtuDiscovery(s);
+    };
+    fsmHandlers_[TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED] = [this](TlsSessionState s) {
+        return handleStateEstablished(s);
+    };
+    fsmHandlers_[TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN] = [this](TlsSessionState s) {
+        return handleStateShutdown(s);
+    };
+    return true;
+    state_ = TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN; // be sure to block any user operations
+    stateCondition_.notify_all();
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk1(sessionReadMutex_);
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk2(sessionWriteMutex_);
+        if (session_) {
+            if (transport_->isReliable())
+                gnutls_bye(session_, GNUTLS_SHUT_RDWR);
+            else
+                gnutls_bye(session_, GNUTLS_SHUT_WR); // not wait for a peer answer
+            gnutls_deinit(session_);
+            session_ = nullptr;
+        }
+    }
+    if (
+        gnutls_free(;
+    transport_->shutdown();
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::handleStateSetup([[maybe_unused]] TlsSessionState state)
+    if (params_.logger)
+        params_.logger->d("[TLS] Start %s session", typeName());
+    try {
+        if (anonymous_)
+            initAnonymous();
+        initCredentials();
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->e("[TLS] authentifications init failed: %s", e.what());
+        return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    }
+    if (not isServer_)
+        return setupClient();
+    // Extra step for DTLS-like transports
+    if (transport_ and not transport_->isReliable()) {
+        gnutls_key_generate(&cookie_key_, GNUTLS_COOKIE_KEY_SIZE);
+        return TlsSessionState::COOKIE;
+    }
+    return setupServer();
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::handleStateCookie(TlsSessionState state)
+    if (params_.logger)
+        params_.logger->d("[TLS] SYN cookie");
+    std::size_t count;
+    {
+        // block until rx packet or shutdown
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {rxMutex_};
+        if (!rxCv_.wait_for(lk, COOKIE_TIMEOUT, [this] {
+                return !rxQueue_.empty() or state_ == TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+            })) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->e("[TLS] SYN cookie failed: timeout");
+            return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+        }
+        // Shutdown state?
+        if (rxQueue_.empty())
+            return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+        count = rxQueue_.front().size();
+    }
+    // Total bytes rx during cookie checking (see flood protection below)
+    cookie_count_ += count;
+    int ret;
+    // Peek and verify front packet
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk {rxMutex_};
+        auto& pkt = rxQueue_.front();
+        std::memset(&prestate_, 0, sizeof(prestate_));
+        ret = gnutls_dtls_cookie_verify(&cookie_key_, nullptr, 0,, pkt.size(), &prestate_);
+    }
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        gnutls_dtls_cookie_send(&cookie_key_,
+                                nullptr,
+                                0,
+                                &prestate_,
+                                this,
+                                [](gnutls_transport_ptr_t t, const void* d, size_t s) -> ssize_t {
+                                    auto this_ = reinterpret_cast<TlsSessionImpl*>(t);
+                                    return this_->sendRaw(d, s);
+                                });
+        // Drop front packet
+        {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk {rxMutex_};
+            rxQueue_.pop_front();
+        }
+        // Cookie may be sent on multiple network packets
+        // So we retry until we get a valid cookie.
+        // To protect against a flood attack we delay each retry after FLOOD_THRESHOLD rx bytes.
+        if (cookie_count_ >= FLOOD_THRESHOLD) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->warn("[TLS] flood threshold reach (retry in {})", FLOOD_PAUSE);
+            dump_io_stats();
+            std::this_thread::sleep_for(FLOOD_PAUSE); // flood attack protection
+        }
+        return state;
+    }
+    if (params_.logger)
+        params_.logger->d("[TLS] cookie ok");
+    return setupServer();
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::handleStateHandshake(TlsSessionState state)
+    int ret;
+    size_t retry_count = 0;
+    if (params_.logger)
+        params_.logger->debug("[TLS] handshake");
+    do {
+        ret = gnutls_handshake(session_);
+    } while ((ret == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED or ret == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN)
+             and ++retry_count < HANDSHAKE_MAX_RETRY
+             and state_.load() != TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN);
+    if (retry_count > 0) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->error("[TLS] handshake retried count: {}", retry_count);
+    }
+    // Stop on fatal error
+    if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(ret) || state_.load() == TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->error("[TLS] handshake failed: {:s}", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+        return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    }
+    // Continue handshaking on non-fatal error
+    if (ret != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+        // TODO: handle GNUTLS_E_LARGE_PACKET (MTU must be lowered)
+        if (ret != GNUTLS_E_AGAIN)
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->debug("[TLS] non-fatal handshake error: {:s}", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+        return state;
+    }
+    // Safe-Renegotiation status shall always be true to prevent MiM attack
+    // Following
+    // "Unlike TLS 1.2, the server is not allowed to change identities"
+    // So, we don't have to check the status if we are the client
+    bool isTLS1_3 = gnutls_protocol_get_version(session_) == GNUTLS_TLS1_3;
+    if (!isTLS1_3 || (isTLS1_3 && isServer_)) {
+        if (!gnutls_safe_renegotiation_status(session_)) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->error("[TLS] server identity changed! MiM attack?");
+            return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+        }
+    }
+    auto desc = gnutls_session_get_desc(session_);
+    if (params_.logger)
+        params_.logger->debug("[TLS] session established: {:s}", desc);
+    gnutls_free(desc);
+    // Anonymous connection? rehandshake immediately with certificate authentification forced
+    auto cred = gnutls_auth_get_type(session_);
+    if (cred == GNUTLS_CRD_ANON) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->debug("[TLS] renogotiate with certificate authentification");
+        // Re-setup TLS algorithms priority list with only certificate based cipher suites
+        ret = gnutls_priority_set_direct(session_,
+                                         transport_ and transport_->isReliable()
+                                             ? TLS_CERT_PRIORITY_STRING
+                                             : DTLS_CERT_PRIORITY_STRING,
+                                         nullptr);
+        if (ret != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->error("[TLS] session TLS cert-only priority set failed: {:s}", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+            return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+        }
+        // remove anon credentials and re-enable certificate ones
+        gnutls_credentials_clear(session_);
+        ret = gnutls_credentials_set(session_, GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE, *xcred_);
+        if (ret != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->error("[TLS] session credential set failed: {:s}", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+            return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+        }
+        return state; // handshake
+    } else if (cred != GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->error("[TLS] spurious session credential ({})", cred);
+        return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    }
+    // Aware about certificates updates
+    if (callbacks_.onCertificatesUpdate) {
+        unsigned int remote_count;
+        auto local = gnutls_certificate_get_ours(session_);
+        auto remote = gnutls_certificate_get_peers(session_, &remote_count);
+        callbacks_.onCertificatesUpdate(local, remote, remote_count);
+    }
+    return transport_ and transport_->isReliable() ? TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED
+                                                   : TlsSessionState::MTU_DISCOVERY;
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::handleStateMtuDiscovery([[maybe_unused]] TlsSessionState state)
+    if (!transport_) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->w("No transport available when discovering the MTU");
+        return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    }
+    mtuProbe_ = transport_->maxPayload();
+    assert(mtuProbe_ >= MIN_MTU);
+    MTUS_ = {MIN_MTU, std::max((mtuProbe_ + MIN_MTU) / 2, MIN_MTU), mtuProbe_};
+    // retrocompatibility check
+    if (gnutls_heartbeat_allowed(session_, GNUTLS_HB_LOCAL_ALLOWED_TO_SEND) == 1) {
+        if (!isServer_) {
+            pathMtuHeartbeat();
+            if (state_ == TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN) {
+                if (params_.logger)
+                    params_.logger->e("[TLS] session destroyed while performing PMTUD, shuting down");
+                return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+            }
+            pmtudOver_ = true;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->e("[TLS] PEER HEARTBEAT DISABLED: using transport MTU value ", mtuProbe_);
+        pmtudOver_ = true;
+    }
+    gnutls_dtls_set_mtu(session_, mtuProbe_);
+    maxPayload_ = gnutls_dtls_get_data_mtu(session_);
+    if (pmtudOver_) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->d("[TLS] maxPayload: ", maxPayload_.load());
+        if (!initFromRecordState())
+            return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    }
+    return TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED;
+ * Path MTU discovery heuristic
+ * heuristic description:
+ * The two members of the current tls connection will exchange dtls heartbeat messages
+ * of increasing size until the heartbeat times out which will be considered as a packet
+ * drop from the network due to the size of the packet. (one retry to test for a buffer issue)
+ * when timeout happens or all the values have been tested, the mtu will be returned.
+ * In case of unexpected error the first (and minimal) value of the mtu array
+ */
+    if (params_.logger)
+        params_.logger->debug("[TLS] PMTUD: starting probing with {} of retransmission timeout", HEARTBEAT_RETRANS_TIMEOUT);
+    gnutls_heartbeat_set_timeouts(session_,
+                                  HEARTBEAT_RETRANS_TIMEOUT.count(),
+                                  HEARTBEAT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT.count());
+    int errno_send = GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS;
+    int mtuOffset = 0;
+    // when the remote (server) has a IPV6 interface selected by ICE, and local (client) has a IPV4
+    // selected, the path MTU discovery triggers errors for packets too big on server side because
+    // of different IP headers overhead. Hence we have to signal to the TLS session to reduce the
+    // MTU on client size accordingly.
+    if (transport_ and transport_->localAddr().isIpv4() and transport_->remoteAddr().isIpv6()) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->w("[TLS] local/remote IP protocol version not alike, use an MTU offset of {} bytes to compensate", ASYMETRIC_TRANSPORT_MTU_OFFSET);
+    }
+    mtuProbe_ = MTUS_[0];
+    for (auto mtu : MTUS_) {
+        gnutls_dtls_set_mtu(session_, mtu);
+        auto data_mtu = gnutls_dtls_get_data_mtu(session_);
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->debug("[TLS] PMTUD: mtu {}, payload {}", mtu,  data_mtu);
+        auto bytesToSend = data_mtu - mtuOffset - 3; // want to know why -3? ask gnutls!
+        do {
+            errno_send = gnutls_heartbeat_ping(session_,
+                                               bytesToSend,
+                                               HEARTBEAT_TRIES,
+                                               GNUTLS_HEARTBEAT_WAIT);
+        } while (errno_send == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN
+                 || (errno_send == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED && state_ != TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN));
+        if (errno_send != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->debug("[TLS] PMTUD: mtu {} [FAILED]", mtu);
+            break;
+        }
+        mtuProbe_ = mtu;
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->debug("[TLS] PMTUD: mtu {} [OK]", mtu);
+    }
+    if (errno_send == GNUTLS_E_TIMEDOUT) { // timeout is considered as a packet loss, then the good
+                                           // mtu is the precedent
+        if (mtuProbe_ == MTUS_[0]) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->warn("[TLS] PMTUD: no response on first ping, using minimal MTU value {}", mtuProbe_);
+        } else {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->warn("[TLS] PMTUD: timed out, using last working mtu {}", mtuProbe_);
+        }
+    } else if (errno_send != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->error("[TLS] PMTUD: failed with gnutls error '{}'", gnutls_strerror(errno_send));
+    } else {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->debug("[TLS] PMTUD: reached maximal value");
+    }
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::handleDataPacket(std::vector<ValueType>&& buf, uint64_t pkt_seq)
+    // Check for a valid seq. num. delta
+    int64_t seq_delta = pkt_seq - lastRxSeq_;
+    if (seq_delta > 0) {
+        lastRxSeq_ = pkt_seq;
+    } else {
+        // too old?
+        if (seq_delta <= -MISS_ORDERING_LIMIT) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->warn("[TLS] drop old pkt: 0x{:x}", pkt_seq);
+            return;
+        }
+        // No duplicate check as DTLS prevents that for us (replay protection)
+        // accept Out-Of-Order pkt - will be reordered by queue flush operation
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->warn("[TLS] OOO pkt: 0x{:x}", pkt_seq);
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {rxMutex_};
+    auto now = clock::now();
+    if (reorderBuffer_.empty())
+        lastReadTime_ = now;
+    reorderBuffer_.emplace(pkt_seq, std::move(buf));
+    nextFlush_.emplace_back(now + RX_OOO_TIMEOUT);
+    rxCv_.notify_one();
+    // Try to flush right now as a new packet is available
+    flushRxQueue(lk);
+/// Reorder and push received packet to upper layer
+/// \note This method must be called continuously, faster than RX_OOO_TIMEOUT
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::flushRxQueue(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lk)
+    // RAII bool swap
+    class GuardedBoolSwap
+    {
+    public:
+        explicit GuardedBoolSwap(bool& var)
+            : var_ {var}
+        {
+            var_ = !var_;
+        }
+        ~GuardedBoolSwap() { var_ = !var_; }
+    private:
+        bool& var_;
+    };
+    if (reorderBuffer_.empty())
+        return;
+    // Prevent re-entrant access as the callbacks_.onRxData() is called in unprotected region
+    if (flushProcessing_)
+        return;
+    GuardedBoolSwap swap_flush_processing {flushProcessing_};
+    auto now = clock::now();
+    auto item = std::begin(reorderBuffer_);
+    auto next_offset = item->first;
+    // Wait for next continuous packet until timeout
+    if ((now - lastReadTime_) >= RX_OOO_TIMEOUT) {
+        // OOO packet timeout - consider waited packets as lost
+        if (auto lost = next_offset - gapOffset_) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->warn("[TLS] {:d} lost since 0x{:x}", lost, gapOffset_);
+        } else if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->warn("[TLS] slow flush");
+    } else if (next_offset != gapOffset_)
+        return;
+    // Loop on offset-ordered received packet until a discontinuity in sequence number
+    while (item != std::end(reorderBuffer_) and item->first <= next_offset) {
+        auto pkt_offset = item->first;
+        auto pkt = std::move(item->second);
+        // Remove item before unlocking to not trash the item' relationship
+        next_offset = pkt_offset + 1;
+        item = reorderBuffer_.erase(item);
+        if (callbacks_.onRxData) {
+            lk.unlock();
+            callbacks_.onRxData(std::move(pkt));
+            lk.lock();
+        }
+    }
+    gapOffset_ = std::max(gapOffset_, next_offset);
+    lastReadTime_ = now;
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::handleStateEstablished(TlsSessionState state)
+    // Nothing to do in reliable mode, so just wait for state change
+    if (transport_ and transport_->isReliable()) {
+        auto disconnected = [this]() -> bool {
+            return state_.load() != TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED
+                   or newState_.load() != TlsSessionState::NONE;
+        };
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(stateMutex_);
+        stateCondition_.wait(lk, disconnected);
+        auto oldState = state_.load();
+        if (oldState == TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED) {
+            auto newState = newState_.load();
+            if (newState != TlsSessionState::NONE) {
+                newState_ = TlsSessionState::NONE;
+                return newState;
+            }
+        }
+        return oldState;
+    }
+    // block until rx packet or state change
+    {
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {rxMutex_};
+        if (nextFlush_.empty())
+            rxCv_.wait(lk, [this] {
+                return state_ != TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED or not rxQueue_.empty()
+                       or not nextFlush_.empty();
+            });
+        else
+            rxCv_.wait_until(lk, nextFlush_.front(), [this] {
+                return state_ != TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED or !rxQueue_.empty();
+            });
+        state = state_.load();
+        if (state != TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED)
+            return state;
+        if (not nextFlush_.empty()) {
+            auto now = clock::now();
+            if (nextFlush_.front() <= now) {
+                while (nextFlush_.front() <= now)
+                    nextFlush_.pop_front();
+                flushRxQueue(lk);
+                return state;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    std::array<uint8_t, 8> seq;
+    rawPktBuf_.resize(RX_MAX_SIZE);
+    auto ret = gnutls_record_recv_seq(session_,, rawPktBuf_.size(), &seq[0]);
+    if (ret > 0) {
+        // Are we in PMTUD phase?
+        if (!pmtudOver_) {
+            mtuProbe_ = MTUS_[std::max(0, hbPingRecved_ - 1)];
+            gnutls_dtls_set_mtu(session_, mtuProbe_);
+            maxPayload_ = gnutls_dtls_get_data_mtu(session_);
+            pmtudOver_ = true;
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->debug("[TLS] maxPayload: {}", maxPayload_.load());
+            if (!initFromRecordState(-1))
+                return TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+        }
+        rawPktBuf_.resize(ret);
+        handleDataPacket(std::move(rawPktBuf_), array2uint(seq));
+        // no state change
+    } else if (ret == GNUTLS_E_HEARTBEAT_PING_RECEIVED) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->d("[TLS] PMTUD: ping received sending pong");
+        auto errno_send = gnutls_heartbeat_pong(session_, 0);
+        if (errno_send != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
+            if (params_.logger)
+                params_.logger->e("[TLS] PMTUD: failed on pong with error %d: %s",
+                     errno_send,
+                     gnutls_strerror(errno_send));
+        } else {
+            ++hbPingRecved_;
+        }
+        // no state change
+    } else if (ret == 0) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->d("[TLS] eof");
+        state = TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    } else if (ret == GNUTLS_E_REHANDSHAKE) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->d("[TLS] re-handshake");
+        state = TlsSessionState::HANDSHAKE;
+    } else if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(ret)) {
+        if (params_.logger)
+            params_.logger->e("[TLS] fatal error in recv: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+        state = TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    } // else non-fatal error... let's continue
+    return state;
+TlsSession::TlsSessionImpl::handleStateShutdown(TlsSessionState state)
+    if (params_.logger)
+        params_.logger->d("[TLS] shutdown");
+    // Stop ourself
+    thread_.stop();
+    return state;
+    auto old_state = state_.load();
+    auto new_state = fsmHandlers_[old_state](old_state);
+    // update state_ with taking care for external state change
+    if (not std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&state_, &old_state, new_state))
+        new_state = old_state;
+    if (old_state != new_state)
+        stateCondition_.notify_all();
+    if (old_state != new_state and callbacks_.onStateChange)
+        callbacks_.onStateChange(new_state);
+TlsSession::TlsSession(std::unique_ptr<SocketType>&& transport,
+                       const TlsParams& params,
+                       const TlsSessionCallbacks& cbs,
+                       bool anonymous)
+    : pimpl_ {std::make_unique<TlsSessionImpl>(std::move(transport), params, cbs, anonymous)}
+TlsSession::~TlsSession() {}
+TlsSession::isInitiator() const
+    return !pimpl_->isServer_;
+TlsSession::isReliable() const
+    if (!pimpl_->transport_)
+        return false;
+    return pimpl_->transport_->isReliable();
+TlsSession::maxPayload() const
+    if (pimpl_->state_ == TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN)
+        throw std::runtime_error("Getting maxPayload from non-valid TLS session");
+    if (!pimpl_->transport_)
+        return 0;
+    return pimpl_->transport_->maxPayload();
+// Called by anyone to stop the connection and the FSM thread
+    pimpl_->newState_ = TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    pimpl_->stateCondition_.notify_all();
+    pimpl_->rxCv_.notify_one(); // unblock waiting FSM
+TlsSession::write(const ValueType* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec)
+    return pimpl_->send(data, size, ec);
+TlsSession::read(ValueType* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec)
+    std::errc error;
+    if (pimpl_->state_ != TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED) {
+        ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::broken_pipe);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    while (true) {
+        ssize_t ret;
+        {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pimpl_->sessionReadMutex_);
+            if (!pimpl_->session_)
+                return 0;
+            ret = gnutls_record_recv(pimpl_->session_, data, size);
+        }
+        if (ret > 0) {
+            ec.clear();
+            return ret;
+        }
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pimpl_->stateMutex_);
+        if (ret == 0) {
+            if (pimpl_) {
+                if (pimpl_->params_.logger)
+                    pimpl_->params_.logger->d("[TLS] eof");
+                pimpl_->newState_ = TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+                pimpl_->stateCondition_.notify_all();
+                pimpl_->rxCv_.notify_one(); // unblock waiting FSM
+            }
+            error = std::errc::broken_pipe;
+            break;
+        } else if (ret == GNUTLS_E_REHANDSHAKE) {
+            if (pimpl_->params_.logger)
+                pimpl_->params_.logger->d("[TLS] re-handshake");
+            pimpl_->newState_ = TlsSessionState::HANDSHAKE;
+            pimpl_->rxCv_.notify_one(); // unblock waiting FSM
+            pimpl_->stateCondition_.notify_all();
+        } else if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(ret)) {
+            if (pimpl_ && pimpl_->state_ != TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN) {
+                if (pimpl_->params_.logger)
+                    pimpl_->params_.logger->e("[TLS] fatal error in recv: %s", gnutls_strerror(ret));
+                pimpl_->newState_ = TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+                pimpl_->stateCondition_.notify_all();
+                pimpl_->rxCv_.notify_one(); // unblock waiting FSM
+            }
+            error = std::errc::io_error;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    ec = std::make_error_code(error);
+    return 0;
+TlsSession::waitForReady(const duration& timeout)
+    auto ready = [this]() -> bool {
+        auto state = pimpl_->state_.load();
+        return state == TlsSessionState::ESTABLISHED or state == TlsSessionState::SHUTDOWN;
+    };
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(pimpl_->stateMutex_);
+    if (timeout == duration::zero())
+        pimpl_->stateCondition_.wait(lk, ready);
+    else
+        pimpl_->stateCondition_.wait_for(lk, timeout, ready);
+    if (!ready())
+        throw std::logic_error("Invalid state in TlsSession::waitForReady: "
+                               + std::to_string((int) pimpl_->state_.load()));
+TlsSession::waitForData(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, std::error_code& ec) const
+    if (!pimpl_->transport_) {
+        ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::broken_pipe);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (!pimpl_->transport_->waitForData(timeout, ec))
+        return 0;
+    return 1;
+TlsSession::peerCertificate() const
+    return pimpl_->pCert_;
+const std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger>&
+TlsSession::logger() const
+    return pimpl_->params_.logger;
+} // namespace tls
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/sip_utils.h b/src/sip_utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6460b70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sip_utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Tristan Matthews <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "ip_utils.h"
+#include <utility>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstring> // strcmp
+#include <pjsip/sip_msg.h>
+#include <pjlib.h>
+#include <pj/pool.h>
+#include <pjsip/sip_endpoint.h>
+#include <pjsip/sip_dialog.h>
+namespace jami {
+namespace sip_utils {
+using namespace std::literals;
+// SIP methods. Only list methods that need to be explicitly
+// handled
+namespace SIP_METHODS {
+constexpr std::string_view MESSAGE = "MESSAGE"sv;
+constexpr std::string_view INFO = "INFO"sv;
+constexpr std::string_view OPTIONS = "OPTIONS"sv;
+constexpr std::string_view PUBLISH = "PUBLISH"sv;
+constexpr std::string_view REFER = "REFER"sv;
+constexpr std::string_view NOTIFY = "NOTIFY"sv;
+} // namespace SIP_METHODS
+static constexpr int DEFAULT_SIP_PORT {5060};
+static constexpr int DEFAULT_SIP_TLS_PORT {5061};
+static constexpr int DEFAULT_AUTO_SELECT_PORT {0};
+/// PjsipErrorCategory - a PJSIP error category for std::error_code
+class PjsipErrorCategory final : public std::error_category
+    const char* name() const noexcept override { return "pjsip"; }
+    std::string message(int condition) const override;
+/// PJSIP related exception
+/// Based on std::system_error with code() returning std::error_code with PjsipErrorCategory category
+class PjsipFailure : public std::system_error
+    static constexpr const char* what_ = "PJSIP call failed";
+    PjsipFailure()
+        : std::system_error(std::error_code(PJ_EUNKNOWN, PjsipErrorCategory()), what_)
+    {}
+    explicit PjsipFailure(pj_status_t status)
+        : std::system_error(std::error_code(status, PjsipErrorCategory()), what_)
+    {}
+ * Helper function to parser header from incoming sip messages
+ * @return Header from SIP message
+ */
+/*std::string fetchHeaderValue(pjsip_msg* msg, const std::string& field);
+pjsip_route_hdr* createRouteSet(const std::string& route, pj_pool_t* hdr_pool);
+std::string_view stripSipUriPrefix(std::string_view sipUri);
+std::string parseDisplayName(const pjsip_name_addr* sip_name_addr);
+std::string parseDisplayName(const pjsip_from_hdr* header);
+std::string parseDisplayName(const pjsip_contact_hdr* header);
+std::string_view getHostFromUri(std::string_view sipUri);
+void addContactHeader(const std::string& contact, pjsip_tx_data* tdata);
+void addUserAgentHeader(const std::string& userAgent, pjsip_tx_data* tdata);
+std::string_view getPeerUserAgent(const pjsip_rx_data* rdata);
+std::vector<std::string> getPeerAllowMethods(const pjsip_rx_data* rdata);
+void logMessageHeaders(const pjsip_hdr* hdr_list);*/
+std::string_view sip_strerror(pj_status_t code);
+// Helper function that return a constant pj_str_t from an array of any types
+// that may be statically casted into char pointer.
+// Per convention, the input array is supposed to be null terminated.
+template<typename T, std::size_t N>
+constexpr const pj_str_t
+CONST_PJ_STR(T (&a)[N]) noexcept
+    return {const_cast<char*>(a), N - 1};
+inline const pj_str_t
+CONST_PJ_STR(const std::string& str) noexcept
+    return {const_cast<char*>(str.c_str()), (pj_ssize_t) str.size()};
+inline constexpr pj_str_t
+CONST_PJ_STR(const std::string_view& str) noexcept
+    return {const_cast<char*>(, (pj_ssize_t) str.size()};
+inline constexpr std::string_view
+as_view(const pj_str_t& str) noexcept
+    return {str.ptr, (size_t) str.slen};
+// PJSIP dialog locking in RAII way
+// Usage: declare local variable like this: sip_utils::PJDialogLock lock {dialog};
+// The lock is kept until the local variable is deleted
+class PJDialogLock
+    explicit PJDialogLock(pjsip_dialog* dialog)
+        : dialog_(dialog)
+    {
+        pjsip_dlg_inc_lock(dialog_);
+    }
+    ~PJDialogLock() { pjsip_dlg_dec_lock(dialog_); }
+    PJDialogLock(const PJDialogLock&) = delete;
+    PJDialogLock& operator=(const PJDialogLock&) = delete;
+    pjsip_dialog* dialog_ {nullptr};
+// Helper on PJSIP memory pool allocation from endpoint
+// This encapsulate the allocated memory pool inside a unique_ptr
+static inline std::unique_ptr<pj_pool_t, decltype(pj_pool_release)&>
+smart_alloc_pool(pjsip_endpoint* endpt, const char* const name, pj_size_t initial, pj_size_t inc)
+    auto pool = pjsip_endpt_create_pool(endpt, name, initial, inc);
+    if (not pool)
+        throw std::bad_alloc();
+    return std::unique_ptr<pj_pool_t, decltype(pj_pool_release)&>(pool, pj_pool_release);
+void sockaddr_to_host_port(pj_pool_t* pool, pjsip_host_port* host_port, const pj_sockaddr* addr);
+static constexpr int POOL_TP_INIT {512};
+static constexpr int POOL_TP_INC {512};
+static constexpr int TRANSPORT_INFO_LENGTH {64};
+} // namespace sip_utils
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/string_utils.cpp b/src/string_utils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..934ff23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/string_utils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Tristan Matthews <>
+ *  Author: Adrien Béraud <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "string_utils.h"
+#include <fmt/core.h>
+#include <fmt/ranges.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <ios>
+#include <charconv>
+#include <string_view>
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <oleauto.h>
+#include <ciso646> // fix windows compiler bug
+namespace jami {
+#ifdef _WIN32
+to_wstring(const std::string& str, int codePage)
+    int srcLength = (int) str.length();
+    int requiredSize = MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, str.c_str(), srcLength, nullptr, 0);
+    if (!requiredSize) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Can't convert string to wstring");
+    }
+    std::wstring result((size_t) requiredSize, 0);
+    if (!MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, str.c_str(), srcLength, &(*result.begin()), requiredSize)) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Can't convert string to wstring");
+    }
+    return result;
+to_string(const std::wstring& wstr, int codePage)
+    int srcLength = (int) wstr.length();
+    int requiredSize = WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, 0, wstr.c_str(), srcLength, nullptr, 0, 0, 0);
+    if (!requiredSize) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Can't convert wstring to string");
+    }
+    std::string result((size_t) requiredSize, 0);
+    if (!WideCharToMultiByte(
+            codePage, 0, wstr.c_str(), srcLength, &(*result.begin()), requiredSize, 0, 0)) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Can't convert wstring to string");
+    }
+    return result;
+to_string(double value)
+    char buf[64];
+    int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%-.*G", 16, value);
+    if (len <= 0)
+        throw std::invalid_argument {"can't parse double"};
+    return {buf, (size_t) len};
+to_hex_string(uint64_t id)
+    return fmt::format("{:016x}", id);
+from_hex_string(const std::string& str)
+    uint64_t id;
+    if (auto [p, ec] = std::from_chars(,, id, 16); ec != std::errc()) {
+        throw std::invalid_argument("Can't parse id: " + str);
+    }
+    return id;
+trim(std::string_view s)
+    auto wsfront = std::find_if_not(s.cbegin(), s.cend(), [](int c) { return std::isspace(c); });
+    return std::string_view(&*wsfront, std::find_if_not(s.rbegin(),
+                                        std::string_view::const_reverse_iterator(wsfront),
+                                        [](int c) { return std::isspace(c); })
+                           .base() - wsfront);
+split_string_to_unsigned(std::string_view str, char delim)
+    std::vector<unsigned> output;
+    for (auto first =, second =, last = first + str.size(); second != last && first != last; first = second + 1) {
+        second = std::find(first, last, delim);
+        if (first != second) {
+            unsigned result;
+            auto [p, ec] = std::from_chars(first, second, result);
+            if (ec ==  std::errc())
+                output.emplace_back(result);
+        }
+    }
+    return output;
+string_replace(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to)
+    size_t start_pos = 0;
+    while ((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) {
+        str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
+        start_pos += to.length(); // Handles case where 'to' is a substring of 'from'
+    }
+string_remove_suffix(std::string_view str, char separator)
+    auto it = str.find(separator);
+    if (it != std::string_view::npos)
+        str = str.substr(0, it);
+    return str;
+string_join(const std::set<std::string>& set, std::string_view separator)
+    return fmt::format("{}", fmt::join(set, separator));
+string_split_set(std::string& str, std::string_view separator)
+    std::set<std::string> output;
+    for (auto first =, second =, last = first + str.size(); second != last && first != last; first = second + 1) {
+        second = std::find_first_of(first, last, std::cbegin(separator), std::cend(separator));
+        if (first != second)
+            output.emplace(first, second - first);
+    }
+    return output;
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/tracepoint/trace-tools.h b/src/tracepoint/trace-tools.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccd65cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tracepoint/trace-tools.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Olivier Dion <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+ * GCC Only.  We use these instead of classic __FILE__ and __LINE__ because
+ * these are evaluated where invoked and not at expansion time.  See GCC manual.
+ */
+#  define CURRENT_FILENAME() __builtin_FILE()
+#  define CURRENT_LINE()     __builtin_LINE()
+#  define CURRENT_FILENAME() ""
+#  define CURRENT_LINE()     0
+#include <cxxabi.h>
+#include <string>
+template<typename T>
+std::string demangle()
+    int err;
+    char *raw;
+    std::string ret;
+    raw = abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(T).name(), 0, 0, &err);
+    if (0 == err) {
+        ret = raw;
+    } else {
+        ret = typeid(T).name();
+    }
+    std::free(raw);
+    return ret;
+template<typename T>
+std::string demangle()
+    return typeid(T).name();
diff --git a/src/tracepoint/tracepoint-def.h b/src/tracepoint/tracepoint-def.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed584c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tracepoint/tracepoint-def.h
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#define LTTNG_UST_TRACEPOINT_INCLUDE "src/jami/tracepoint-def.h"
+#include <lttng/tracepoint.h>
+ * here.
+ */
+    jami,
+    scheduled_executor_task_begin,
+        const char *, executor_name,
+        const char *, filename,
+        uint32_t,     linum,
+        uint64_t,     cookie
+    ),
+        lttng_ust_field_string(executor, executor_name)
+        lttng_ust_field_string(source_filename, filename)
+        lttng_ust_field_integer(uint32_t, source_line, linum)
+        lttng_ust_field_integer(uint64_t, cookie, cookie)
+    )
+    jami,
+    scheduled_executor_task_end,
+    LTTNG_UST_TP_ARGS(uint64_t, cookie),
+    LTTNG_UST_TP_FIELDS(lttng_ust_field_integer(uint64_t, cookie, cookie))
+    jami,
+    ice_transport_context,
+            uint64_t, context
+    ),
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(uint64_t, ice_context, context)
+    )
+    jami,
+    ice_transport_send,
+            uint64_t, context,
+            unsigned, component,
+            size_t, len,
+            const char*, remote_addr
+    ),
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(uint64_t, ice_context, context)
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(unsigned, component, component)
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(size_t, packet_length, len)
+            lttng_ust_field_string(remote_addr, remote_addr)
+    )
+    jami,
+    ice_transport_send_status,
+            int, status
+    ),
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(int, pj_status, status)
+    )
+    jami,
+    ice_transport_recv,
+            uint64_t, context,
+            unsigned, component,
+            size_t, len,
+            const char*, remote_addr
+    ),
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(uint64_t, ice_context, context)
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(unsigned, component, component)
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(size_t, packet_length, len)
+            lttng_ust_field_string(remote_addr, remote_addr)
+    )
+    jami,
+    emit_signal,
+            const char*, signal_type
+    ),
+            lttng_ust_field_string(signal_type, signal_type)
+    )
+    jami,
+    emit_signal_end,
+    ),
+    )
+    jami,
+    emit_signal_begin_callback,
+            const char*, filename,
+            uint32_t, linum
+    ),
+            lttng_ust_field_string(source_filename, filename)
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(uint32_t, source_line, linum)
+    )
+    jami,
+    emit_signal_end_callback,
+    ),
+    )
+    jami,
+    audio_input_read_from_device_end,
+        const char*, id
+    ),
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(uint64_t, id, strtoull(id, NULL, 16))
+    )
+    jami,
+    audio_layer_put_recorded_end,
+    ),
+    )
+    jami,
+    audio_layer_get_to_play_end,
+    ),
+    )
+    jami,
+    call_start,
+            const char*, id
+    ),
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(uint64_t, id, strtoull(id, NULL, 16))
+    )
+    jami,
+    call_end,
+            const char*, id
+    ),
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(uint64_t, id, strtoull(id, NULL, 16))
+    )
+    jami,
+    conference_begin,
+            const char*, id
+    ),
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(uint64_t, id, strtoull(id, NULL, 16))
+    )
+    jami,
+    conference_end,
+            const char*, id
+    ),
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(uint64_t, id, strtoull(id, NULL, 16))
+    )
+    jami,
+    conference_add_participant,
+            const char*, conference_id,
+            const char*, participant_id
+    ),
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(uint64_t, id, strtoull(conference_id, NULL, 16))
+            lttng_ust_field_integer(uint64_t, participant_id, strtoull(participant_id, NULL, 16))
+    )
+#endif /* TRACEPOINT_DEF_H */
+#include <lttng/tracepoint-event.h>
diff --git a/src/tracepoint/tracepoint.c b/src/tracepoint/tracepoint.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..392fb0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tracepoint/tracepoint.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include "./tracepoint.h"
diff --git a/src/tracepoint/tracepoint.h b/src/tracepoint/tracepoint.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e7f9a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tracepoint/tracepoint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Olivier Dion <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"
+#include "tracepoint-def.h"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+#  ifndef lttng_ust_tracepoint
+#    define lttng_ust_tracepoint(...) tracepoint(__VA_ARGS__)
+#  endif
+#  ifndef lttng_ust_do_tracepoint
+#    define lttng_ust_do_tracepoint(...) do_tracepoint(__VA_ARGS__)
+#  endif
+#  ifndef lttng_ust_tracepoint_enabled
+#    define lttng_ust_tracepoint_enabled(...) tracepoint_enabled(__VA_ARGS__)
+#  endif
+#  define jami_tracepoint(tp_name, ...)                                 \
+        lttng_ust_tracepoint(jami, tp_name __VA_OPT__(,) __VA_ARGS__)
+#  define jami_tracepoint_if_enabled(tp_name, ...)                      \
+        do {                                                            \
+                if (lttng_ust_tracepoint_enabled(jami, tp_name)) {      \
+                        lttng_ust_do_tracepoint(jami,                   \
+                                                tp_name                 \
+                                                __VA_OPT__(,)           \
+                                                __VA_ARGS__);           \
+                }                                                       \
+        }                                                               \
+        while (0)
+#  define jami_tracepoint(...)            static_assert(true)
+#  define jami_tracepoint_if_enabled(...) static_assert(true)
diff --git a/src/transport/peer_channel.h b/src/transport/peer_channel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f25123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/transport/peer_channel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *  Authors: Adrien Béraud <>
+ *           Guillaume Roguez <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <mutex>
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <deque>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace jami {
+class PeerChannel
+    PeerChannel() {}
+    ~PeerChannel() { stop(); }
+    PeerChannel(PeerChannel&& o)
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(o.mutex_);
+        stream_ = std::move(o.stream_);
+        stop_ = o.stop_;
+        o.cv_.notify_all();
+    }
+    template<typename Duration>
+    ssize_t wait(Duration timeout, std::error_code& ec)
+    {
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {mutex_};
+        cv_.wait_for(lk, timeout, [this] { return stop_ or not stream_.empty(); });
+        if (stop_) {
+            ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::broken_pipe);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        ec.clear();
+        return stream_.size();
+    }
+    ssize_t read(char* output, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec)
+    {
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk {mutex_};
+        cv_.wait(lk, [this] { return stop_ or not stream_.empty(); });
+        if (stream_.size()) {
+            auto toRead = std::min(size, stream_.size());
+            if (toRead) {
+                auto endIt = stream_.begin() + toRead;
+                std::copy(stream_.begin(), endIt, output);
+                stream_.erase(stream_.begin(), endIt);
+            }
+            ec.clear();
+            return toRead;
+        }
+        if (stop_) {
+            ec.clear();
+            return 0;
+        }
+        ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::resource_unavailable_try_again);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    ssize_t write(const char* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec)
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk {mutex_};
+        if (stop_) {
+            ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::broken_pipe);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        stream_.insert(stream_.end(), data, data + size);
+        cv_.notify_all();
+        ec.clear();
+        return size;
+    }
+    void stop() noexcept
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk {mutex_};
+        if (stop_)
+            return;
+        stop_ = true;
+        cv_.notify_all();
+    }
+    PeerChannel(const PeerChannel& o) = delete;
+    PeerChannel& operator=(const PeerChannel& o) = delete;
+    PeerChannel& operator=(PeerChannel&& o) = delete;
+    std::mutex mutex_ {};
+    std::condition_variable cv_ {};
+    std::deque<char> stream_;
+    bool stop_ {false};
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/igd.cpp b/src/upnp/protocol/igd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e2ac90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/igd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "igd.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+IGD::IGD(NatProtocolType proto)
+    : protocol_(proto)
+IGD::operator==(IGD& other) const
+    return localIp_ == other.localIp_ and publicIp_ == other.publicIp_ and uid_ == other.uid_;
+IGD::setValid(bool valid)
+    valid_ = valid;
+    if (valid) {
+        // Reset errors counter.
+        errorsCounter_ = 0;
+    } else {
+        JAMI_WARN("IGD %s [%s] was disabled", toString().c_str(), getProtocolName());
+    }
+    if (not valid_)
+        return false;
+    if (++errorsCounter_ >= MAX_ERRORS_COUNT) {
+        JAMI_WARN("IGD %s [%s] has too many errors, it will be disabled",
+                  toString().c_str(),
+                  getProtocolName());
+        setValid(false);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+IGD::getErrorsCount() const
+    return errorsCounter_.load();
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/igd.h b/src/upnp/protocol/igd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33810f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/igd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <mutex>
+#include "ip_utils.h"
+#include "mapping.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+typedef uint16_t in_port_t;
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+enum class NatProtocolType { UNKNOWN, PUPNP, NAT_PMP };
+class IGD
+    // Max error before moving the IGD to invalid state.
+    constexpr static int MAX_ERRORS_COUNT = 10;
+    IGD(NatProtocolType prot);
+    virtual ~IGD() = default;
+    bool operator==(IGD& other) const;
+    NatProtocolType getProtocol() const { return protocol_; }
+    char const* getProtocolName() const
+    {
+        return protocol_ == NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP ? "NAT-PMP" : "UPNP";
+    };
+    IpAddr getLocalIp() const
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        return localIp_;
+    }
+    IpAddr getPublicIp() const
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        return publicIp_;
+    }
+    void setLocalIp(const IpAddr& addr)
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        localIp_ = addr;
+    }
+    void setPublicIp(const IpAddr& addr)
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        publicIp_ = addr;
+    }
+    void setUID(const std::string& uid)
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        uid_ = uid;
+    }
+    std::string getUID() const
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        return uid_;
+    }
+    void setValid(bool valid);
+    bool isValid() const { return valid_; }
+    bool incrementErrorsCounter();
+    int getErrorsCount() const;
+    virtual const std::string toString() const = 0;
+    const NatProtocolType protocol_ {NatProtocolType::UNKNOWN};
+    std::atomic_bool valid_ {false};
+    std::atomic<int> errorsCounter_ {0};
+    mutable std::mutex mutex_;
+    IpAddr localIp_ {};  // Local IP of the IGD (typically the same as the gateway).
+    IpAddr publicIp_ {}; // External/public IP of IGD.
+    std::string uid_ {};
+    IGD(IGD&& other) = delete;
+    IGD(IGD& other) = delete;
+    IGD& operator=(IGD&& other) = delete;
+    IGD& operator=(IGD& other) = delete;
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/mapping.cpp b/src/upnp/protocol/mapping.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b38831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/mapping.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "mapping.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+Mapping::Mapping(PortType type, uint16_t portExternal, uint16_t portInternal, bool available)
+    : type_(type)
+    , externalPort_(portExternal)
+    , internalPort_(portInternal)
+    , internalAddr_()
+    , igd_()
+    , available_(available)
+    , state_(MappingState::PENDING)
+    , notifyCb_(nullptr)
+    , autoUpdate_(false)
+    , renewalTime_(sys_clock::now())
+Mapping::Mapping(const Mapping& other)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(other.mutex_);
+    internalAddr_ = other.internalAddr_;
+    internalPort_ = other.internalPort_;
+    externalPort_ = other.externalPort_;
+    type_ = other.type_;
+    igd_ = other.igd_;
+    available_ = other.available_;
+    state_ = other.state_;
+    notifyCb_ = other.notifyCb_;
+    autoUpdate_ = other.autoUpdate_;
+    renewalTime_ = other.renewalTime_;
+Mapping::updateFrom(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& other)
+    updateFrom(*other);
+Mapping::updateFrom(const Mapping& other)
+    if (type_ != other.type_) {
+        JAMI_ERR("The source and destination types must match");
+        return;
+    }
+    internalAddr_ = std::move(other.internalAddr_);
+    internalPort_ = other.internalPort_;
+    externalPort_ = other.externalPort_;
+    igd_ = other.igd_;
+    state_ = other.state_;
+Mapping::setAvailable(bool val)
+    JAMI_DBG("Changing mapping %s state from %s to %s",
+             toString().c_str(),
+             available_ ? "AVAILABLE" : "UNAVAILABLE",
+             val ? "AVAILABLE" : "UNAVAILABLE");
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    available_ = val;
+Mapping::setState(const MappingState& state)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    state_ = state;
+const char*
+Mapping::getStateStr() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return getStateStr(state_);
+Mapping::toString(bool extraInfo) const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    std::ostringstream descr;
+    descr << UPNP_MAPPING_DESCRIPTION_PREFIX << "-" << getTypeStr(type_);
+    descr << ":" << std::to_string(internalPort_);
+    if (extraInfo) {
+        descr << " (state=" << getStateStr(state_)
+              << ", auto-update=" << (autoUpdate_ ? "YES" : "NO") << ")";
+    }
+    return descr.str();
+Mapping::isValid() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    if (state_ == MappingState::FAILED)
+        return false;
+    if (internalPort_ == 0)
+        return false;
+    if (externalPort_ == 0)
+        return false;
+    if (not igd_ or not igd_->isValid())
+        return false;
+    IpAddr intAddr(internalAddr_);
+    return intAddr and not intAddr.isLoopback();
+Mapping::hasValidHostAddress() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    IpAddr intAddr(internalAddr_);
+    return intAddr and not intAddr.isLoopback();
+Mapping::hasPublicAddress() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return igd_ and igd_->getPublicIp() and not igd_->getPublicIp().isPrivate();
+Mapping::getMapKey() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    key_t mapKey = internalPort_;
+    if (type_ == PortType::UDP)
+        mapKey |= 1 << (sizeof(uint16_t) * 8);
+    return mapKey;
+Mapping::getTypeFromMapKey(key_t key)
+    return (key >> (sizeof(uint16_t) * 8)) ? PortType::UDP : PortType::TCP;
+Mapping::getExternalAddress() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    if (igd_)
+        return igd_->getPublicIp().toString();
+    return {};
+Mapping::setExternalPort(uint16_t port)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    externalPort_ = port;
+Mapping::getExternalPort() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return externalPort_;
+Mapping::getExternalPortStr() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return std::to_string(externalPort_);
+Mapping::setInternalAddress(const std::string& addr)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    internalAddr_ = addr;
+Mapping::getInternalAddress() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return internalAddr_;
+Mapping::setInternalPort(uint16_t port)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    internalPort_ = port;
+Mapping::getInternalPort() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return internalPort_;
+Mapping::getInternalPortStr() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return std::to_string(internalPort_);
+Mapping::getType() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return type_;
+const char*
+Mapping::getTypeStr() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return getTypeStr(type_);
+Mapping::isAvailable() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return available_;
+Mapping::getIgd() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return igd_;
+Mapping::getProtocol() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    if (igd_)
+        return igd_->getProtocol();
+    return NatProtocolType::UNKNOWN;
+const char*
+Mapping::getProtocolName() const
+    if (igd_) {
+        if (igd_->getProtocol() == NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP)
+            return "NAT-PMP";
+        if (igd_->getProtocol() == NatProtocolType::PUPNP)
+            return "PUPNP";
+    }
+    return "UNKNOWN";
+Mapping::setIgd(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    igd_ = igd;
+Mapping::getState() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return state_;
+Mapping::getNotifyCallback() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return notifyCb_;
+Mapping::setNotifyCallback(NotifyCallback cb)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    notifyCb_ = std::move(cb);
+Mapping::enableAutoUpdate(bool enable)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    autoUpdate_ = enable;
+Mapping::getAutoUpdate() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return autoUpdate_;
+Mapping::getRenewalTime() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    return renewalTime_;
+Mapping::setRenewalTime(sys_clock::time_point time)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    renewalTime_ = time;
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/mapping.h b/src/upnp/protocol/mapping.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89e46b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/mapping.h
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "ip_utils.h"
+#include "igd.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <functional>
+#include <mutex>
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+using sys_clock = std::chrono::system_clock;
+enum class PortType { TCP, UDP };
+enum class MappingState { PENDING, IN_PROGRESS, FAILED, OPEN };
+enum class NatProtocolType;
+class IGD;
+class Mapping
+    friend class UPnPContext;
+    friend class NatPmp;
+    friend class PUPnP;
+    using key_t = uint64_t;
+    using sharedPtr_t = std::shared_ptr<Mapping>;
+    using NotifyCallback = std::function<void(sharedPtr_t)>;
+    static constexpr char const* MAPPING_STATE_STR[4] {"PENDING", "IN_PROGRESS", "FAILED", "OPEN"};
+    static constexpr char const* UPNP_MAPPING_DESCRIPTION_PREFIX {"JAMI"};
+    Mapping(PortType type,
+            uint16_t portExternal = 0,
+            uint16_t portInternal = 0,
+            bool available = true);
+    Mapping(const Mapping& other);
+    Mapping(Mapping&& other) = delete;
+    ~Mapping() = default;
+    // Delete operators with confusing semantic.
+    Mapping& operator=(Mapping&& other) = delete;
+    bool operator==(const Mapping& other) = delete;
+    bool operator!=(const Mapping& other) = delete;
+    bool operator<(const Mapping& other) = delete;
+    bool operator>(const Mapping& other) = delete;
+    bool operator<=(const Mapping& other) = delete;
+    bool operator>=(const Mapping& other) = delete;
+    inline explicit operator bool() const { return isValid(); }
+    void updateFrom(const Mapping& other);
+    void updateFrom(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& other);
+    std::string getExternalAddress() const;
+    uint16_t getExternalPort() const;
+    std::string getExternalPortStr() const;
+    std::string getInternalAddress() const;
+    uint16_t getInternalPort() const;
+    std::string getInternalPortStr() const;
+    PortType getType() const;
+    const char* getTypeStr() const;
+    static const char* getTypeStr(PortType type) { return type == PortType::UDP ? "UDP" : "TCP"; }
+    std::shared_ptr<IGD> getIgd() const;
+    NatProtocolType getProtocol() const;
+    const char* getProtocolName() const;
+    bool isAvailable() const;
+    MappingState getState() const;
+    const char* getStateStr() const;
+    static const char* getStateStr(MappingState state)
+    {
+        return MAPPING_STATE_STR[static_cast<int>(state)];
+    }
+    std::string toString(bool extraInfo = false) const;
+    bool isValid() const;
+    bool hasValidHostAddress() const;
+    bool hasPublicAddress() const;
+    void setNotifyCallback(NotifyCallback cb);
+    void enableAutoUpdate(bool enable);
+    bool getAutoUpdate() const;
+    key_t getMapKey() const;
+    static PortType getTypeFromMapKey(key_t key);
+    sys_clock::time_point getRenewalTime() const;
+    NotifyCallback getNotifyCallback() const;
+    void setInternalAddress(const std::string& addr);
+    void setExternalPort(uint16_t port);
+    void setInternalPort(uint16_t port);
+    void setIgd(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd);
+    void setAvailable(bool val);
+    void setState(const MappingState& state);
+    void updateDescription();
+    void setRenewalTime(sys_clock::time_point time);
+    mutable std::mutex mutex_;
+    PortType type_ {PortType::UDP};
+    uint16_t externalPort_ {0};
+    uint16_t internalPort_ {0};
+    std::string internalAddr_;
+    // Protocol and
+    std::shared_ptr<IGD> igd_;
+    // Track if the mapping is available to use.
+    bool available_;
+    // Track the state of the mapping
+    MappingState state_;
+    NotifyCallback notifyCb_;
+    // If true, a new mapping will be requested on behave of the mapping
+    // owner when the mapping state changes from "OPEN" to "FAILED".
+    bool autoUpdate_;
+    sys_clock::time_point renewalTime_;
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/natpmp/nat_pmp.cpp b/src/upnp/protocol/natpmp/nat_pmp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21f11ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/natpmp/nat_pmp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "nat_pmp.h"
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+    JAMI_DBG("NAT-PMP: Instance [%p] created", this);
+    runOnNatPmpQueue([this] {
+        threadId_ = getCurrentThread();
+        igd_ = std::make_shared<PMPIGD>();
+    });
+    JAMI_DBG("NAT-PMP: Instance [%p] destroyed", this);
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnNatPmpQueue([w = weak()] {
+            if (auto pmpThis = w.lock()) {
+                pmpThis->initNatPmp();
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    initialized_ = false;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(natpmpMutex_);
+        hostAddress_ = ip_utils::getLocalAddr(AF_INET);
+    }
+    // Local address must be valid.
+    if (not getHostAddress() or getHostAddress().isLoopback()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Does not have a valid local address!");
+        return;
+    }
+    assert(igd_);
+    if (igd_->isValid()) {
+        igd_->setValid(false);
+        processIgdUpdate(UpnpIgdEvent::REMOVED);
+    }
+    igd_->setLocalIp(IpAddr());
+    igd_->setPublicIp(IpAddr());
+    igd_->setUID("");
+    JAMI_DBG("NAT-PMP: Trying to initialize IGD");
+    int err = initnatpmp(&natpmpHdl_, 0, 0);
+    if (err < 0) {
+        JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Initializing IGD using default gateway failed!");
+        const auto& localGw = ip_utils::getLocalGateway();
+        if (not localGw) {
+            JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Couldn't find valid gateway on local host");
+        } else {
+            JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Trying to initialize using detected gateway %s",
+                      localGw.toString().c_str());
+            struct in_addr inaddr;
+            inet_pton(AF_INET, localGw.toString().c_str(), &inaddr);
+            err = initnatpmp(&natpmpHdl_, 1, inaddr.s_addr);
+        }
+    }
+    if (err < 0) {
+        JAMI_ERR("NAT-PMP: Can't initialize libnatpmp -> %s", getNatPmpErrorStr(err));
+        return;
+    }
+    char addrbuf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
+    inet_ntop(AF_INET, &natpmpHdl_.gateway, addrbuf, sizeof(addrbuf));
+    IpAddr igdAddr(addrbuf);
+    JAMI_DBG("NAT-PMP: Initialized on gateway %s", igdAddr.toString().c_str());
+    // Set the local (gateway) address.
+    igd_->setLocalIp(igdAddr);
+    // NAT-PMP protocol does not have UID, but we will set generic
+    // one debugging purposes.
+    igd_->setUID("NAT-PMP Gateway");
+    // Search and set the public address.
+    getIgdPublicAddress();
+    // Update and notify.
+    if (igd_->isValid()) {
+        initialized_ = true;
+        processIgdUpdate(UpnpIgdEvent::ADDED);
+    };
+NatPmp::setObserver(UpnpMappingObserver* obs)
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnNatPmpQueue([w = weak(), obs] {
+            if (auto pmpThis = w.lock()) {
+                pmpThis->setObserver(obs);
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("NAT-PMP: Setting observer to %p", obs);
+    observer_ = obs;
+NatPmp::terminate(std::condition_variable& cv)
+    initialized_ = false;
+    observer_ = nullptr;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(natpmpMutex_);
+        shutdownComplete_ = true;
+        cv.notify_one();
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(natpmpMutex_);
+    std::condition_variable cv {};
+    runOnNatPmpQueue([w = weak(), &cv = cv] {
+        if (auto pmpThis = w.lock()) {
+            pmpThis->terminate(cv);
+        }
+    });
+    if (cv.wait_for(lk, std::chrono::seconds(10), [this] { return shutdownComplete_; })) {
+        JAMI_DBG("NAT-PMP: Shutdown completed");
+    } else {
+        JAMI_ERR("NAT-PMP: Shutdown timed-out");
+    }
+const IpAddr
+NatPmp::getHostAddress() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(natpmpMutex_);
+    return hostAddress_;
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnNatPmpQueue([w = weak()] {
+            if (auto pmpThis = w.lock()) {
+                pmpThis->clearIgds();
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    bool do_close = false;
+    if (igd_) {
+        if (igd_->isValid()) {
+            do_close = true;
+        }
+        igd_->setValid(false);
+    }
+    initialized_ = false;
+    if (searchForIgdTimer_)
+        searchForIgdTimer_->cancel();
+    igdSearchCounter_ = 0;
+    if (do_close) {
+        closenatpmp(&natpmpHdl_);
+        memset(&natpmpHdl_, 0, sizeof(natpmpHdl_));
+    }
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnNatPmpQueue([w = weak()] {
+            if (auto pmpThis = w.lock()) {
+                pmpThis->searchForIgd();
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    if (not initialized_) {
+        initNatPmp();
+    }
+    // Schedule a retry in case init failed.
+    if (not initialized_) {
+        if (igdSearchCounter_++ < MAX_RESTART_SEARCH_RETRIES) {
+            JAMI_DBG("NAT-PMP: Start search for IGDs. Attempt %i", igdSearchCounter_);
+            // Cancel the current timer (if any) and re-schedule.
+            if (searchForIgdTimer_)
+                searchForIgdTimer_->cancel();
+            searchForIgdTimer_ = getNatpmpScheduler()->scheduleIn([this] { searchForIgd(); },
+                                                                  NATPMP_SEARCH_RETRY_UNIT
+                                                                      * igdSearchCounter_);
+        } else {
+            JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Setup failed after %u trials. NAT-PMP will be disabled!",
+                      MAX_RESTART_SEARCH_RETRIES);
+        }
+    }
+NatPmp::getIgdList() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(natpmpMutex_);
+    std::list<std::shared_ptr<IGD>> igdList;
+    if (igd_->isValid())
+        igdList.emplace_back(igd_);
+    return igdList;
+NatPmp::isReady() const
+    if (observer_ == nullptr) {
+        JAMI_ERR("NAT-PMP: the observer is not set!");
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Must at least have a valid local address.
+    if (not getHostAddress() or getHostAddress().isLoopback())
+        return false;
+    return igd_ and igd_->isValid();
+NatPmp::incrementErrorsCounter(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igdIn)
+    if (not validIgdInstance(igdIn)) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (not igd_->isValid()) {
+        // Already invalid. Nothing to do.
+        return;
+    }
+    if (not igd_->incrementErrorsCounter()) {
+        // Disable this IGD.
+        igd_->setValid(false);
+        // Notify the listener.
+        JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: No more valid IGD!");
+        processIgdUpdate(UpnpIgdEvent::INVALID_STATE);
+    }
+NatPmp::requestMappingAdd(const Mapping& mapping)
+    // Process on nat-pmp thread.
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnNatPmpQueue([w = weak(), mapping] {
+            if (auto pmpThis = w.lock()) {
+                pmpThis->requestMappingAdd(mapping);
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    Mapping map(mapping);
+    assert(map.getIgd());
+    auto err = addPortMapping(map);
+    if (err < 0) {
+        JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Request for mapping %s on %s failed with error %i: %s",
+                  map.toString().c_str(),
+                  igd_->toString().c_str(),
+                  err,
+                  getNatPmpErrorStr(err));
+        if (isErrorFatal(err)) {
+            // Fatal error, increment the counter.
+            incrementErrorsCounter(igd_);
+        }
+        // Notify the listener.
+        processMappingRequestFailed(std::move(map));
+    } else {
+        JAMI_DBG("NAT-PMP: Request for mapping %s on %s succeeded",
+                 map.toString().c_str(),
+                 igd_->toString().c_str());
+        // Notify the listener.
+        processMappingAdded(std::move(map));
+    }
+NatPmp::requestMappingRenew(const Mapping& mapping)
+    // Process on nat-pmp thread.
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnNatPmpQueue([w = weak(), mapping] {
+            if (auto pmpThis = w.lock()) {
+                pmpThis->requestMappingRenew(mapping);
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    Mapping map(mapping);
+    auto err = addPortMapping(map);
+    if (err < 0) {
+        JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Renewal request for mapping %s on %s failed with error %i: %s",
+                  map.toString().c_str(),
+                  igd_->toString().c_str(),
+                  err,
+                  getNatPmpErrorStr(err));
+        // Notify the listener.
+        processMappingRequestFailed(std::move(map));
+        if (isErrorFatal(err)) {
+            // Fatal error, increment the counter.
+            incrementErrorsCounter(igd_);
+        }
+    } else {
+        JAMI_DBG("NAT-PMP: Renewal request for mapping %s on %s succeeded",
+                 map.toString().c_str(),
+                 igd_->toString().c_str());
+        // Notify the listener.
+        processMappingRenewed(map);
+    }
+NatPmp::readResponse(natpmp_t& handle, natpmpresp_t& response)
+    int err = 0;
+    unsigned readRetriesCounter = 0;
+    while (true) {
+        if (readRetriesCounter++ > MAX_READ_RETRIES) {
+            err = NATPMP_ERR_SOCKETERROR;
+            break;
+        }
+        fd_set fds;
+        struct timeval timeout;
+        FD_ZERO(&fds);
+        FD_SET(handle.s, &fds);
+        getnatpmprequesttimeout(&handle, &timeout);
+        // Wait for data.
+        if (select(FD_SETSIZE, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout) == -1) {
+            err = NATPMP_ERR_SOCKETERROR;
+            break;
+        }
+        // Read the data.
+        err = readnatpmpresponseorretry(&handle, &response);
+        if (err == NATPMP_TRYAGAIN) {
+            std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(TIMEOUT_BEFORE_READ_RETRY));
+        } else {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return err;
+NatPmp::sendMappingRequest(const Mapping& mapping, uint32_t& lifetime)
+    int err = sendnewportmappingrequest(&natpmpHdl_,
+                                        mapping.getType() == PortType::UDP ? NATPMP_PROTOCOL_UDP
+                                                                           : NATPMP_PROTOCOL_TCP,
+                                        mapping.getInternalPort(),
+                                        mapping.getExternalPort(),
+                                        lifetime);
+    if (err < 0) {
+        JAMI_ERR("NAT-PMP: Send mapping request failed with error %s %i",
+                 getNatPmpErrorStr(err),
+                 errno);
+        return err;
+    }
+    unsigned readRetriesCounter = 0;
+    while (readRetriesCounter++ < MAX_READ_RETRIES) {
+        // Read the response
+        natpmpresp_t response;
+        err = readResponse(natpmpHdl_, response);
+        if (err < 0) {
+            JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Read response on IGD %s failed with error %s",
+                      igd_->toString().c_str(),
+                      getNatPmpErrorStr(err));
+        } else if (response.type != NATPMP_RESPTYPE_TCPPORTMAPPING
+                   and response.type != NATPMP_RESPTYPE_UDPPORTMAPPING) {
+            JAMI_ERR("NAT-PMP: Unexpected response type (%i) for mapping %s from IGD %s.",
+                     response.type,
+                     mapping.toString().c_str(),
+                     igd_->toString().c_str());
+            // Try to read again.
+            continue;
+        }
+        lifetime = response.pnu.newportmapping.lifetime;
+        // Done.
+        break;
+    }
+    return err;
+NatPmp::addPortMapping(Mapping& mapping)
+    auto const& igdIn = mapping.getIgd();
+    assert(igdIn);
+    assert(igdIn->getProtocol() == NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP);
+    if (not igdIn->isValid() or not validIgdInstance(igdIn)) {
+        mapping.setState(MappingState::FAILED);
+    }
+    mapping.setInternalAddress(getHostAddress().toString());
+    uint32_t lifetime = MAPPING_ALLOCATION_LIFETIME;
+    int err = sendMappingRequest(mapping, lifetime);
+    if (err < 0) {
+        mapping.setState(MappingState::FAILED);
+        return err;
+    }
+    // Set the renewal time and update.
+    mapping.setRenewalTime(sys_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(lifetime * 4 / 5));
+    mapping.setState(MappingState::OPEN);
+    return 0;
+NatPmp::requestMappingRemove(const Mapping& mapping)
+    // Process on nat-pmp thread.
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnNatPmpQueue([w = weak(), mapping] {
+            if (auto pmpThis = w.lock()) {
+                Mapping map {mapping};
+                pmpThis->removePortMapping(map);
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+NatPmp::removePortMapping(Mapping& mapping)
+    auto igdIn = mapping.getIgd();
+    assert(igdIn);
+    if (not igdIn->isValid()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (not validIgdInstance(igdIn)) {
+        return;
+    }
+    Mapping mapToRemove(mapping);
+    uint32_t lifetime = 0;
+    int err = sendMappingRequest(mapping, lifetime);
+    if (err < 0) {
+        // Nothing to do if the request fails, just log the error.
+        JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Send remove request failed with error %s. Ignoring",
+                  getNatPmpErrorStr(err));
+    }
+    // Update and notify the listener.
+    mapToRemove.setState(MappingState::FAILED);
+    processMappingRemoved(std::move(mapToRemove));
+    // Set the public address for this IGD if it does not
+    // have one already.
+    if (igd_->getPublicIp()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: IGD %s already have a public address (%s)",
+                  igd_->toString().c_str(),
+                  igd_->getPublicIp().toString().c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    assert(igd_->getProtocol() == NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP);
+    int err = sendpublicaddressrequest(&natpmpHdl_);
+    if (err < 0) {
+        JAMI_ERR("NAT-PMP: send public address request on IGD %s failed with error: %s",
+                 igd_->toString().c_str(),
+                 getNatPmpErrorStr(err));
+        if (isErrorFatal(err)) {
+            // Fatal error, increment the counter.
+            incrementErrorsCounter(igd_);
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    natpmpresp_t response;
+    err = readResponse(natpmpHdl_, response);
+    if (err < 0) {
+        JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Read response on IGD %s failed - %s",
+                  igd_->toString().c_str(),
+                  getNatPmpErrorStr(err));
+        return;
+    }
+    if (response.type != NATPMP_RESPTYPE_PUBLICADDRESS) {
+        JAMI_ERR("NAT-PMP: Unexpected response type (%i) for public address request from IGD %s.",
+                 response.type,
+                 igd_->toString().c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    IpAddr publicAddr(response.pnu.publicaddress.addr);
+    if (not publicAddr) {
+        JAMI_ERR("NAT-PMP: IGD %s returned an invalid public address %s",
+                 igd_->toString().c_str(),
+                 publicAddr.toString().c_str());
+    }
+    // Update.
+    igd_->setPublicIp(publicAddr);
+    igd_->setValid(true);
+    JAMI_DBG("NAT-PMP: Setting IGD %s public address to %s",
+             igd_->toString().c_str(),
+             igd_->getPublicIp().toString().c_str());
+    JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Send request to close all existing mappings to IGD %s",
+              igd_->toString().c_str());
+    int err = sendnewportmappingrequest(&natpmpHdl_, NATPMP_PROTOCOL_TCP, 0, 0, 0);
+    if (err < 0) {
+        JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Send close all TCP mappings request failed with error %s",
+                  getNatPmpErrorStr(err));
+    }
+    err = sendnewportmappingrequest(&natpmpHdl_, NATPMP_PROTOCOL_UDP, 0, 0, 0);
+    if (err < 0) {
+        JAMI_WARN("NAT-PMP: Send close all UDP mappings request failed with error %s",
+                  getNatPmpErrorStr(err));
+    }
+const char*
+NatPmp::getNatPmpErrorStr(int errorCode) const
+    return strnatpmperr(errorCode);
+    switch (errorCode) {
+        return "INVALIDARGS";
+        break;
+        return "SOCKETERROR";
+        break;
+        return "CANNOTGETGATEWAY";
+        break;
+        return "CLOSEERR";
+        break;
+        return "RECVFROM";
+        break;
+        return "NOPENDINGREQ";
+        break;
+        return "NOGATEWAYSUPPORT";
+        break;
+        return "CONNECTERR";
+        break;
+        return "WRONGPACKETSOURCE";
+        break;
+        return "SENDERR";
+        break;
+        return "FCNTLERROR";
+        break;
+        return "GETTIMEOFDAYERR";
+        break;
+        return "UNSUPPORTEDVERSION";
+        break;
+        return "UNSUPPORTEDOPCODE";
+        break;
+        return "UNDEFINEDERROR";
+        break;
+        return "NOTAUTHORIZED";
+        break;
+        return "NETWORKFAILURE";
+        break;
+        return "OUTOFRESOURCES";
+        break;
+        return "TRYAGAIN";
+        break;
+    default:
+        return "UNKNOWNERR";
+        break;
+    }
+NatPmp::isErrorFatal(int error)
+    switch (error) {
+        return true;
+    default:
+        return false;
+    }
+NatPmp::validIgdInstance(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igdIn)
+    if (igd_.get() != igdIn.get()) {
+        JAMI_ERR("NAT-PMP: IGD (%s) does not match local instance (%s)",
+                 igdIn->toString().c_str(),
+                 igd_->toString().c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+NatPmp::processIgdUpdate(UpnpIgdEvent event)
+    if (igd_->isValid()) {
+        // Remove all current mappings if any.
+        removeAllMappings();
+    }
+    if (observer_ == nullptr)
+        return;
+    // Process the response on the context thread.
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([obs = observer_, igd = igd_, event] { obs->onIgdUpdated(igd, event); });
+NatPmp::processMappingAdded(const Mapping& map)
+    if (observer_ == nullptr)
+        return;
+    // Process the response on the context thread.
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([obs = observer_, igd = igd_, map] { obs->onMappingAdded(igd, map); });
+NatPmp::processMappingRequestFailed(const Mapping& map)
+    if (observer_ == nullptr)
+        return;
+    // Process the response on the context thread.
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([obs = observer_, igd = igd_, map] { obs->onMappingRequestFailed(map); });
+NatPmp::processMappingRenewed(const Mapping& map)
+    if (observer_ == nullptr)
+        return;
+    // Process the response on the context thread.
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([obs = observer_, igd = igd_, map] { obs->onMappingRenewed(igd, map); });
+NatPmp::processMappingRemoved(const Mapping& map)
+    if (observer_ == nullptr)
+        return;
+    // Process the response on the context thread.
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([obs = observer_, igd = igd_, map] { obs->onMappingRemoved(igd, map); });
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
+#endif //-- #if HAVE_LIBNATPMP
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/natpmp/nat_pmp.h b/src/upnp/protocol/natpmp/nat_pmp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68fd28b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/natpmp/nat_pmp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "connectivity/upnp/protocol/upnp_protocol.h"
+#include "connectivity/upnp/protocol/igd.h"
+#include "pmp_igd.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "connectivity/ip_utils.h"
+#include "noncopyable.h"
+#include "compiler_intrinsics.h"
+// uncomment to enable native natpmp error messages
+#include <natpmp.h>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <thread>
+namespace jami {
+class IpAddr;
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+// Requested lifetime in seconds. The actual lifetime might be different.
+constexpr static unsigned int MAPPING_ALLOCATION_LIFETIME {60 * 60};
+// Max number of IGD search attempts before failure.
+constexpr static unsigned int MAX_RESTART_SEARCH_RETRIES {3};
+// Time-out between two successive read response.
+constexpr static auto TIMEOUT_BEFORE_READ_RETRY {std::chrono::milliseconds(300)};
+// Max number of read attempts before failure.
+constexpr static unsigned int MAX_READ_RETRIES {3};
+// Base unit for the timeout between two successive IGD search.
+constexpr static auto NATPMP_SEARCH_RETRY_UNIT {std::chrono::seconds(10)};
+class NatPmp : public UPnPProtocol
+    NatPmp();
+    ~NatPmp();
+    // Set the observer.
+    void setObserver(UpnpMappingObserver* obs) override;
+    // Returns the protocol type.
+    NatProtocolType getProtocol() const override { return NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP; }
+    // Get protocol type as string.
+    char const* getProtocolName() const override { return "NAT-PMP"; }
+    // Notifies a change in network.
+    void clearIgds() override;
+    // Renew pmp_igd.
+    void searchForIgd() override;
+    // Get the IGD list.
+    std::list<std::shared_ptr<IGD>> getIgdList() const override;
+    // Return true if it has at least one valid IGD.
+    bool isReady() const override;
+    // Request a new mapping.
+    void requestMappingAdd(const Mapping& mapping) override;
+    // Renew an allocated mapping.
+    void requestMappingRenew(const Mapping& mapping) override;
+    // Removes a mapping.
+    void requestMappingRemove(const Mapping& mapping) override;
+    // Get the host (local) address.
+    const IpAddr getHostAddress() const override;
+    // Terminate. Nothing to do here, the clean-up is done when
+    // the IGD is cleared.
+    void terminate() override;
+    NON_COPYABLE(NatPmp);
+    std::weak_ptr<NatPmp> weak() { return std::static_pointer_cast<NatPmp>(shared_from_this()); }
+    // Helpers to run tasks on NAT-PMP internal execution queue.
+    ScheduledExecutor* getNatpmpScheduler() { return &natpmpScheduler_; }
+    template<typename Callback>
+    void runOnNatPmpQueue(Callback&& cb)
+    {
+[cb = std::forward<Callback>(cb)]() mutable { cb(); });
+    }
+    // Helpers to run tasks on UPNP context execution queue.
+    ScheduledExecutor* getUpnContextScheduler() { return UpnpThreadUtil::getScheduler(); }
+    void terminate(std::condition_variable& cv);
+    void initNatPmp();
+    void getIgdPublicAddress();
+    void removeAllMappings();
+    int readResponse(natpmp_t& handle, natpmpresp_t& response);
+    int sendMappingRequest(const Mapping& mapping, uint32_t& lifetime);
+    // Adds a port mapping.
+    int addPortMapping(Mapping& mapping);
+    // Removes a port mapping.
+    void removePortMapping(Mapping& mapping);
+    // True if the error is fatal.
+    bool isErrorFatal(int error);
+    // Gets NAT-PMP error code string.
+    const char* getNatPmpErrorStr(int errorCode) const;
+    // Get local getaway.
+    std::unique_ptr<IpAddr> getLocalGateway() const;
+    // Helpers to process user's callbacks
+    void processIgdUpdate(UpnpIgdEvent event);
+    void processMappingAdded(const Mapping& map);
+    void processMappingRequestFailed(const Mapping& map);
+    void processMappingRenewed(const Mapping& map);
+    void processMappingRemoved(const Mapping& map);
+    // Check if the IGD has a local match
+    bool validIgdInstance(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igdIn);
+    // Increment errors counter.
+    void incrementErrorsCounter(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd);
+    std::atomic_bool initialized_ {false};
+    // Data members
+    std::shared_ptr<PMPIGD> igd_;
+    natpmp_t natpmpHdl_;
+    ScheduledExecutor natpmpScheduler_ {"natpmp"};
+    std::shared_ptr<Task> searchForIgdTimer_ {};
+    unsigned int igdSearchCounter_ {0};
+    UpnpMappingObserver* observer_ {nullptr};
+    IpAddr hostAddress_ {};
+    // Calls from other threads that does not need synchronous access are
+    // rescheduled on the NatPmp private queue. This will avoid the need to
+    // protect most of the data members of this class.
+    // For some internal members (such as the igd instance and the host
+    // address) that need to be synchronously accessed, are protected by
+    // this mutex.
+    mutable std::mutex natpmpMutex_;
+    // Shutdown synchronization
+    bool shutdownComplete_ {false};
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/natpmp/pmp_igd.cpp b/src/upnp/protocol/natpmp/pmp_igd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac8b698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/natpmp/pmp_igd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "pmp_igd.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+    : IGD(NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP)
+PMPIGD::PMPIGD(const PMPIGD& other)
+    : PMPIGD()
+    assert(protocol_ == NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP);
+    // protocol_ = other.protocol_;
+    localIp_ = other.localIp_;
+    publicIp_ = other.publicIp_;
+    uid_ = other.uid_;
+PMPIGD::operator==(IGD& other) const
+    return getPublicIp() == other.getPublicIp() and getLocalIp() == other.getLocalIp();
+PMPIGD::operator==(PMPIGD& other) const
+    return getPublicIp() == other.getPublicIp() and getLocalIp() == other.getLocalIp();
+const std::string
+PMPIGD::toString() const
+    return getLocalIp().toString();
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/natpmp/pmp_igd.h b/src/upnp/protocol/natpmp/pmp_igd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a70e7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/natpmp/pmp_igd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "../igd.h"
+#include "noncopyable.h"
+#include "connectivity/ip_utils.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <string>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <functional>
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+class PMPIGD : public IGD
+    PMPIGD();
+    PMPIGD(const PMPIGD&);
+    ~PMPIGD() = default;
+    PMPIGD& operator=(PMPIGD&& other) = delete;
+    PMPIGD& operator=(PMPIGD& other) = delete;
+    bool operator==(IGD& other) const;
+    bool operator==(PMPIGD& other) const;
+    const std::string toString() const override;
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/pupnp.cpp b/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/pupnp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc63347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/pupnp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1599 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Adrien Béraud <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "pupnp.h"
+#include <opendht/thread_pool.h>
+#include <opendht/http.h>
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+// Action identifiers.
+constexpr static const char* ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING {"AddPortMapping"};
+constexpr static const char* ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING {"DeletePortMapping"};
+constexpr static const char* ACTION_GET_GENERIC_PORT_MAPPING_ENTRY {"GetGenericPortMappingEntry"};
+constexpr static const char* ACTION_GET_STATUS_INFO {"GetStatusInfo"};
+constexpr static const char* ACTION_GET_EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS {"GetExternalIPAddress"};
+// Error codes returned by router when trying to remove ports.
+constexpr static int ARRAY_IDX_INVALID = 713;
+constexpr static int CONFLICT_IN_MAPPING = 718;
+// Max number of IGD search attempts before failure.
+constexpr static unsigned int PUPNP_MAX_RESTART_SEARCH_RETRIES {3};
+// IGD search timeout (in seconds).
+constexpr static unsigned int SEARCH_TIMEOUT {60};
+// Base unit for the timeout between two successive IGD search.
+constexpr static auto PUPNP_SEARCH_RETRY_UNIT {std::chrono::seconds(10)};
+// Helper functions for xml parsing.
+static std::string_view
+getElementText(IXML_Node* node)
+    if (node) {
+        if (IXML_Node* textNode = ixmlNode_getFirstChild(node))
+            if (const char* value = ixmlNode_getNodeValue(textNode))
+                return std::string_view(value);
+    }
+    return {};
+static std::string_view
+getFirstDocItem(IXML_Document* doc, const char* item)
+    std::unique_ptr<IXML_NodeList, decltype(ixmlNodeList_free)&>
+        nodeList(ixmlDocument_getElementsByTagName(doc, item), ixmlNodeList_free);
+    if (nodeList) {
+        // If there are several nodes which match the tag, we only want the first one.
+        return getElementText(ixmlNodeList_item(nodeList.get(), 0));
+    }
+    return {};
+static std::string_view
+getFirstElementItem(IXML_Element* element, const char* item)
+    std::unique_ptr<IXML_NodeList, decltype(ixmlNodeList_free)&>
+        nodeList(ixmlElement_getElementsByTagName(element, item), ixmlNodeList_free);
+    if (nodeList) {
+        // If there are several nodes which match the tag, we only want the first one.
+        return getElementText(ixmlNodeList_item(nodeList.get(), 0));
+    }
+    return {};
+static bool
+errorOnResponse(IXML_Document* doc)
+    if (not doc)
+        return true;
+    auto errorCode = getFirstDocItem(doc, "errorCode");
+    if (not errorCode.empty()) {
+        auto errorDescription = getFirstDocItem(doc, "errorDescription");
+        JAMI_WARNING("PUPnP: Response contains error: {:s}: {:s}",
+                  errorCode,
+                  errorDescription);
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+// UPNP class implementation
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Creating instance [%p] ...", this);
+    runOnPUPnPQueue([this] {
+        threadId_ = getCurrentThread();
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Instance [%p] created", this);
+    });
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Instance [%p] destroyed", this);
+    assert(not initialized_);
+    int upnp_err = UpnpInit2(nullptr, 0);
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: Can't initialize libupnp: %s", UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        UpnpFinish();
+        initialized_ = false;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Disable embedded WebServer if any.
+    if (UpnpIsWebserverEnabled() == 1) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Web-server is enabled. Disabling");
+        UpnpEnableWebserver(0);
+        if (UpnpIsWebserverEnabled() == 1) {
+            JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: Could not disable Web-server!");
+        } else {
+            JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Web-server successfully disabled");
+        }
+    }
+    char* ip_address = UpnpGetServerIpAddress();
+    char* ip_address6 = nullptr;
+    unsigned short port = UpnpGetServerPort();
+    unsigned short port6 = 0;
+    ip_address6 = UpnpGetServerIp6Address();
+    port6 = UpnpGetServerPort6();
+    if (ip_address6 and port6)
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Initialized on %s:%u | %s:%u", ip_address, port, ip_address6, port6);
+    else
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Initialized on %s:%u", ip_address, port);
+    // Relax the parser to allow malformed XML text.
+    ixmlRelaxParser(1);
+    initialized_ = true;
+PUPnP::isRunning() const
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(pupnpMutex_);
+    return not shutdownComplete_;
+    assert(not clientRegistered_);
+    // Register Upnp control point.
+    int upnp_err = UpnpRegisterClient(ctrlPtCallback, this, &ctrlptHandle_);
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: Can't register client: %s", UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+    } else {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Successfully registered client");
+        clientRegistered_ = true;
+    }
+PUPnP::setObserver(UpnpMappingObserver* obs)
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), obs] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->setObserver(obs);
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Setting observer to %p", obs);
+    observer_ = obs;
+const IpAddr
+PUPnP::getHostAddress() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+    return hostAddress_;
+PUPnP::terminate(std::condition_variable& cv)
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Terminate instance %p", this);
+    clientRegistered_ = false;
+    observer_ = nullptr;
+    UpnpUnRegisterClient(ctrlptHandle_);
+    if (initialized_) {
+        if (UpnpFinish() != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+            JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: Failed to properly close lib-upnp");
+        }
+        initialized_ = false;
+    }
+    // Clear all the lists.
+    discoveredIgdList_.clear();
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+        validIgdList_.clear();
+        shutdownComplete_ = true;
+        cv.notify_one();
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(pupnpMutex_);
+    std::condition_variable cv {};
+    runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), &cv = cv] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->terminate(cv);
+            }
+    });
+    if (cv.wait_for(lk, std::chrono::seconds(10), [this] { return shutdownComplete_; })) {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Shutdown completed");
+    } else {
+        JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: Shutdown timed-out");
+        // Force stop if the shutdown take too much time.
+        shutdownComplete_ = true;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Send IGD search request");
+    // Send out search for multiple types of devices, as some routers may possibly
+    // only reply to one.
+    auto err = UpnpSearchAsync(ctrlptHandle_, SEARCH_TIMEOUT, UPNP_ROOT_DEVICE, this);
+    if (err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Send search for UPNP_ROOT_DEVICE failed. Error %d: %s",
+                  err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(err));
+    }
+    err = UpnpSearchAsync(ctrlptHandle_, SEARCH_TIMEOUT, UPNP_IGD_DEVICE, this);
+    if (err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Send search for UPNP_IGD_DEVICE failed. Error %d: %s",
+                  err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(err));
+    }
+    err = UpnpSearchAsync(ctrlptHandle_, SEARCH_TIMEOUT, UPNP_WANIP_SERVICE, this);
+    if (err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Send search for UPNP_WANIP_SERVICE failed. Error %d: %s",
+                  err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(err));
+    }
+    err = UpnpSearchAsync(ctrlptHandle_, SEARCH_TIMEOUT, UPNP_WANPPP_SERVICE, this);
+    if (err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Send search for UPNP_WANPPP_SERVICE failed. Error %d: %s",
+                  err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(err));
+    }
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak()] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->clearIgds();
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: clearing IGDs and devices lists");
+    if (searchForIgdTimer_)
+        searchForIgdTimer_->cancel();
+    igdSearchCounter_ = 0;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+        for (auto const& igd : validIgdList_) {
+            igd->setValid(false);
+        }
+        validIgdList_.clear();
+        hostAddress_ = {};
+    }
+    discoveredIgdList_.clear();
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak()] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->searchForIgd();
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    // Update local address before searching.
+    updateHostAddress();
+    if (isReady()) {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Already have a valid IGD. Skip the search request");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (igdSearchCounter_++ >= PUPNP_MAX_RESTART_SEARCH_RETRIES) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Setup failed after %u trials. PUPnP will be disabled!",
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Start search for IGD: attempt %u", igdSearchCounter_);
+    // Do not init if the host is not valid. Otherwise, the init will fail
+    // anyway and may put libupnp in an unstable state (mainly deadlocks)
+    // even if the UpnpFinish() method is called.
+    if (not hasValidHostAddress()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Host address is invalid. Skipping the IGD search");
+    } else {
+        // Init and register if needed
+        if (not initialized_) {
+            initUpnpLib();
+        }
+        if (initialized_ and not clientRegistered_) {
+            registerClient();
+        }
+        // Start searching
+        if (clientRegistered_) {
+            assert(initialized_);
+            searchForDevices();
+        } else {
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: PUPNP not fully setup. Skipping the IGD search");
+        }
+    }
+    // Cancel the current timer (if any) and re-schedule.
+    // The connectivity change may be received while the the local
+    // interface is not fully setup. The rescheduling typically
+    // usefull to mitigate this race.
+    if (searchForIgdTimer_)
+        searchForIgdTimer_->cancel();
+    searchForIgdTimer_ = getUpnContextScheduler()->scheduleIn(
+        [w = weak()] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock())
+                upnpThis->searchForIgd();
+        },
+        PUPNP_SEARCH_RETRY_UNIT * igdSearchCounter_);
+PUPnP::getIgdList() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+    std::list<std::shared_ptr<IGD>> igdList;
+    for (auto& it : validIgdList_) {
+        // Return only active IGDs.
+        if (it->isValid()) {
+            igdList.emplace_back(it);
+        }
+    }
+    return igdList;
+PUPnP::isReady() const
+    // Must at least have a valid local address.
+    if (not getHostAddress() or getHostAddress().isLoopback())
+        return false;
+    return hasValidIgd();
+PUPnP::hasValidIgd() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+    for (auto& it : validIgdList_) {
+        if (it->isValid()) {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+    hostAddress_ = ip_utils::getLocalAddr(AF_INET);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+    return hostAddress_ and not hostAddress_.isLoopback();
+PUPnP::incrementErrorsCounter(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd)
+    if (not igd or not igd->isValid())
+        return;
+    if (not igd->incrementErrorsCounter()) {
+        // Disable this IGD.
+        igd->setValid(false);
+        // Notify the listener.
+        if (observer_)
+            observer_->onIgdUpdated(igd, UpnpIgdEvent::INVALID_STATE);
+    }
+PUPnP::validateIgd(const std::string& location, IXML_Document* doc_container_ptr)
+    assert(doc_container_ptr != nullptr);
+    XMLDocument document(doc_container_ptr, ixmlDocument_free);
+    auto descDoc = document.get();
+    // Check device type.
+    auto deviceType = getFirstDocItem(descDoc, "deviceType");
+    if (deviceType != UPNP_IGD_DEVICE) {
+        // Device type not IGD.
+        return false;
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<UPnPIGD> igd_candidate = parseIgd(descDoc, location);
+    if (not igd_candidate) {
+        // No valid IGD candidate.
+        return false;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Validating the IGD candidate [UDN: %s]\n"
+             "    Name         : %s\n"
+             "    Service Type : %s\n"
+             "    Service ID   : %s\n"
+             "    Base URL     : %s\n"
+             "    Location URL : %s\n"
+             "    control URL  : %s\n"
+             "    Event URL    : %s",
+             igd_candidate->getUID().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getFriendlyName().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getServiceType().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getServiceId().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getBaseURL().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getLocationURL().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getControlURL().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getEventSubURL().c_str());
+    // Check if IGD is connected.
+    if (not actionIsIgdConnected(*igd_candidate)) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD candidate %s is not connected", igd_candidate->getUID().c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Validate external Ip.
+    igd_candidate->setPublicIp(actionGetExternalIP(*igd_candidate));
+    if (igd_candidate->getPublicIp().toString().empty()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD candidate %s has no valid external Ip",
+                  igd_candidate->getUID().c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Validate internal Ip.
+    if (igd_candidate->getBaseURL().empty()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD candidate %s has no valid internal Ip",
+                  igd_candidate->getUID().c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Typically the IGD local address should be extracted from the XML
+    // document (e.g. parsing the base URL). For simplicity, we assume
+    // that it matches the gateway as seen by the local interface.
+    if (const auto& localGw = ip_utils::getLocalGateway()) {
+        igd_candidate->setLocalIp(localGw);
+    } else {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Could not set internal address for IGD candidate %s",
+                  igd_candidate->getUID().c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Store info for subscription.
+    std::string eventSub = igd_candidate->getEventSubURL();
+    {
+        // Add the IGD if not already present in the list.
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+        for (auto& igd : validIgdList_) {
+            // Must not be a null pointer
+            assert(igd.get() != nullptr);
+            if (*igd == *igd_candidate) {
+                JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Device [%s] with int/ext addresses [%s:%s] is already in the list "
+                         "of valid IGDs",
+                         igd_candidate->getUID().c_str(),
+                         igd_candidate->toString().c_str(),
+                         igd_candidate->getPublicIp().toString().c_str());
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // We have a valid IGD
+    igd_candidate->setValid(true);
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Added a new IGD [%s] to the list of valid IGDs",
+             igd_candidate->getUID().c_str());
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: New IGD addresses [int: %s - ext: %s]",
+             igd_candidate->toString().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getPublicIp().toString().c_str());
+    // Subscribe to IGD events.
+    int upnp_err = UpnpSubscribeAsync(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                      eventSub.c_str(),
+                                      UPNP_INFINITE,
+                                      subEventCallback,
+                                      this);
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to send subscribe request to %s: error %i - %s",
+                  igd_candidate->getUID().c_str(),
+                  upnp_err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        // return false;
+    } else {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Successfully subscribed to IGD %s", igd_candidate->getUID().c_str());
+    }
+    {
+        // This is a new (and hopefully valid) IGD.
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+        validIgdList_.emplace_back(igd_candidate);
+    }
+    // Report to the listener.
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([w = weak(), igd_candidate] {
+        if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+            if (upnpThis->observer_)
+                upnpThis->observer_->onIgdUpdated(igd_candidate, UpnpIgdEvent::ADDED);
+        }
+    });
+    return true;
+PUPnP::requestMappingAdd(const Mapping& mapping)
+    runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), mapping] {
+        if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+            if (not upnpThis->isRunning())
+                return;
+            Mapping mapRes(mapping);
+            if (upnpThis->actionAddPortMapping(mapRes)) {
+                mapRes.setState(MappingState::OPEN);
+                mapRes.setInternalAddress(upnpThis->getHostAddress().toString());
+                upnpThis->processAddMapAction(mapRes);
+            } else {
+                upnpThis->incrementErrorsCounter(mapRes.getIgd());
+                mapRes.setState(MappingState::FAILED);
+                upnpThis->processRequestMappingFailure(mapRes);
+            }
+        }
+    });
+PUPnP::requestMappingRemove(const Mapping& mapping)
+    // Send remove request using the matching IGD
+    runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), mapping] {
+        if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+            // Abort if we are shutting down.
+            if (not upnpThis->isRunning())
+                return;
+            if (upnpThis->actionDeletePortMapping(mapping)) {
+                upnpThis->processRemoveMapAction(mapping);
+            } else {
+                assert(mapping.getIgd());
+                // Dont need to report in case of failure.
+                upnpThis->incrementErrorsCounter(mapping.getIgd());
+            }
+        }
+    });
+PUPnP::findMatchingIgd(const std::string& ctrlURL) const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+    auto iter = std::find_if(validIgdList_.begin(),
+                             validIgdList_.end(),
+                             [&ctrlURL](const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd) {
+                                 if (auto upnpIgd = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UPnPIGD>(igd)) {
+                                     return upnpIgd->getControlURL() == ctrlURL;
+                                 }
+                                 return false;
+                             });
+    if (iter == validIgdList_.end()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Did not find the IGD matching ctrl URL [%s]", ctrlURL.c_str());
+        return {};
+    }
+    return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UPnPIGD>(*iter);
+PUPnP::processAddMapAction(const Mapping& map)
+    if (observer_ == nullptr)
+        return;
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([w = weak(), map] {
+        if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+            if (upnpThis->observer_)
+                upnpThis->observer_->onMappingAdded(map.getIgd(), std::move(map));
+        }
+    });
+PUPnP::processRequestMappingFailure(const Mapping& map)
+    if (observer_ == nullptr)
+        return;
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([w = weak(), map] {
+        if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+            JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Failed to request mapping %s", map.toString().c_str());
+            if (upnpThis->observer_)
+                upnpThis->observer_->onMappingRequestFailed(map);
+        }
+    });
+PUPnP::processRemoveMapAction(const Mapping& map)
+    if (observer_ == nullptr)
+        return;
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([map, obs = observer_] {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Closed mapping %s", map.toString().c_str());
+        obs->onMappingRemoved(map.getIgd(), std::move(map));
+    });
+const char*
+PUPnP::eventTypeToString(Upnp_EventType eventType)
+    switch (eventType) {
+        return "UPNP_EVENT_RECEIVED";
+    default:
+        return "Unknown UPNP Event";
+    }
+PUPnP::ctrlPtCallback(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event, void* user_data)
+    auto pupnp = static_cast<PUPnP*>(user_data);
+    if (pupnp == nullptr) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Control point callback without PUPnP");
+        return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    auto upnpThis = pupnp->weak().lock();
+    if (not upnpThis)
+        return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+    // Ignore if already unregistered.
+    if (not upnpThis->clientRegistered_)
+        return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+    // Process the callback.
+    return upnpThis->handleCtrlPtUPnPEvents(event_type, event);
+PUPnP::getAction(const char* xmlNode)
+    if (strstr(xmlNode, ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING)) {
+        return CtrlAction::ADD_PORT_MAPPING;
+    } else if (strstr(xmlNode, ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING)) {
+        return CtrlAction::DELETE_PORT_MAPPING;
+    } else if (strstr(xmlNode, ACTION_GET_GENERIC_PORT_MAPPING_ENTRY)) {
+        return CtrlAction::GET_GENERIC_PORT_MAPPING_ENTRY;
+    } else if (strstr(xmlNode, ACTION_GET_STATUS_INFO)) {
+        return CtrlAction::GET_STATUS_INFO;
+    } else if (strstr(xmlNode, ACTION_GET_EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS)) {
+        return CtrlAction::GET_EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS;
+    } else {
+        return CtrlAction::UNKNOWN;
+    }
+PUPnP::processDiscoverySearchResult(const std::string& cpDeviceId,
+                                    const std::string& igdLocationUrl,
+                                    const IpAddr& dstAddr)
+    // Update host address if needed.
+    if (not hasValidHostAddress())
+        updateHostAddress();
+    // The host address must be valid to proceed.
+    if (not hasValidHostAddress()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Local address is invalid. Ignore search result for now!");
+        return;
+    }
+    // Use the device ID and the URL as ID. This is necessary as some
+    // IGDs may have the same device ID but different URLs.
+    auto igdId = cpDeviceId + " url: " + igdLocationUrl;
+    if (not discoveredIgdList_.emplace(igdId).second) {
+        // JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD [%s] already in the list", igdId.c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Discovered a new IGD [%s]", igdId.c_str());
+    // NOTE: here, we check if the location given is related to the source address.
+    // If it's not the case, it's certainly a router plugged in the network, but not
+    // related to this network. So the given location will be unreachable and this
+    // will cause some timeout.
+    // Only check the IP address (ignore the port number).
+    dht::http::Url url(igdLocationUrl);
+    if (IpAddr( != dstAddr.toString(false)) {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Returned location %s does not match the source address %s",
+                 IpAddr(, true).c_str(),
+                 dstAddr.toString(true, true).c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    // Run a separate thread to prevent blocking this thread
+    // if the IGD HTTP server is not responsive.
+    dht::ThreadPool::io().run([w = weak(), igdLocationUrl] {
+        if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+            upnpThis->downLoadIgdDescription(igdLocationUrl);
+        }
+    });
+PUPnP::downLoadIgdDescription(const std::string& locationUrl)
+    IXML_Document* doc_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    int upnp_err = UpnpDownloadXmlDoc(locationUrl.c_str(), &doc_container_ptr);
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS or not doc_container_ptr) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Error downloading device XML document from %s -> %s",
+                  locationUrl.c_str(),
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+    } else {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Succeeded to download device XML document from %s", locationUrl.c_str());
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), url = locationUrl, doc_container_ptr] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->validateIgd(url, doc_container_ptr);
+            }
+        });
+    }
+PUPnP::processDiscoveryAdvertisementByebye(const std::string& cpDeviceId)
+    discoveredIgdList_.erase(cpDeviceId);
+    std::shared_ptr<IGD> igd;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pupnpMutex_);
+        for (auto it = validIgdList_.begin(); it != validIgdList_.end();) {
+            if ((*it)->getUID() == cpDeviceId) {
+                igd = *it;
+                JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Received [%s] for IGD [%s] %s. Will be removed.",
+                         PUPnP::eventTypeToString(UPNP_DISCOVERY_ADVERTISEMENT_BYEBYE),
+                         igd->getUID().c_str(),
+                         igd->toString().c_str());
+                igd->setValid(false);
+                // Remove the IGD.
+                it = validIgdList_.erase(it);
+                break;
+            } else {
+                it++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Notify the listener.
+    if (observer_ and igd) {
+        observer_->onIgdUpdated(igd, UpnpIgdEvent::REMOVED);
+    }
+PUPnP::processDiscoverySubscriptionExpired(Upnp_EventType event_type, const std::string& eventSubUrl)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pupnpMutex_);
+    for (auto& it : validIgdList_) {
+        if (auto igd = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UPnPIGD>(it)) {
+            if (igd->getEventSubURL() == eventSubUrl) {
+                JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Received [%s] event for IGD [%s] %s. Request a new subscribe.",
+                         PUPnP::eventTypeToString(event_type),
+                         igd->getUID().c_str(),
+                         igd->toString().c_str());
+                UpnpSubscribeAsync(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                   eventSubUrl.c_str(),
+                                   UPNP_INFINITE,
+                                   subEventCallback,
+                                   this);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+PUPnP::handleCtrlPtUPnPEvents(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event)
+    switch (event_type) {
+    // "ALIVE" events are processed as "SEARCH RESULT". It might be usefull
+    // if "SEARCH RESULT" was missed.
+        const UpnpDiscovery* d_event = (const UpnpDiscovery*) event;
+        // First check the error code.
+        auto upnp_status = UpnpDiscovery_get_ErrCode(d_event);
+        if (upnp_status != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+            JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: UPNP discovery is in erroneous state: %s",
+                     UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_status));
+            break;
+        }
+        // Parse the event's data.
+        std::string deviceId {UpnpDiscovery_get_DeviceID_cstr(d_event)};
+        std::string location {UpnpDiscovery_get_Location_cstr(d_event)};
+        IpAddr dstAddr(*(const pj_sockaddr*) (UpnpDiscovery_get_DestAddr(d_event)));
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(),
+                         deviceId = std::move(deviceId),
+                         location = std::move(location),
+                         dstAddr = std::move(dstAddr)] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->processDiscoverySearchResult(deviceId, location, dstAddr);
+            }
+        });
+        break;
+    }
+        const UpnpDiscovery* d_event = (const UpnpDiscovery*) event;
+        std::string deviceId(UpnpDiscovery_get_DeviceID_cstr(d_event));
+        // Process the response on the main thread.
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), deviceId = std::move(deviceId)] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->processDiscoveryAdvertisementByebye(deviceId);
+            }
+        });
+        break;
+    }
+        // Even if the discovery search is successful, it's normal to receive
+        // time-out events. This because we send search requests using various
+        // device types, which some of them may not return a response.
+        break;
+    }
+        // Nothing to do.
+        break;
+    }
+    // Treat failed autorenewal like an expired subscription.
+    case UPNP_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED: // This event will occur only if autorenewal is disabled.
+    {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Received Subscription Event %s", eventTypeToString(event_type));
+        const UpnpEventSubscribe* es_event = (const UpnpEventSubscribe*) event;
+        if (es_event == nullptr) {
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Received Subscription Event with null pointer");
+            break;
+        }
+        std::string publisherUrl(UpnpEventSubscribe_get_PublisherUrl_cstr(es_event));
+        // Process the response on the main thread.
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), event_type, publisherUrl = std::move(publisherUrl)] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->processDiscoverySubscriptionExpired(event_type, publisherUrl);
+            }
+        });
+        break;
+    }
+        UpnpEventSubscribe* es_event = (UpnpEventSubscribe*) event;
+        if (es_event == nullptr) {
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Received Subscription Event with null pointer");
+        } else {
+            UpnpEventSubscribe_delete(es_event);
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+        const UpnpActionComplete* a_event = (const UpnpActionComplete*) event;
+        if (a_event == nullptr) {
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Received Action Complete Event with null pointer");
+            break;
+        }
+        auto res = UpnpActionComplete_get_ErrCode(a_event);
+        if (res != UPNP_E_SUCCESS and res != UPNP_E_TIMEDOUT) {
+            auto err = UpnpActionComplete_get_ErrCode(a_event);
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Received Action Complete error %i %s", err, UpnpGetErrorMessage(err));
+        } else {
+            auto actionRequest = UpnpActionComplete_get_ActionRequest(a_event);
+            // Abort if there is no action to process.
+            if (actionRequest == nullptr) {
+                JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Can't get the Action Request data from the event");
+                break;
+            }
+            auto actionResult = UpnpActionComplete_get_ActionResult(a_event);
+            if (actionResult != nullptr) {
+                ixmlDocument_free(actionResult);
+            } else {
+                JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Action Result document not found");
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    default: {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Unhandled Control Point event");
+        break;
+    }
+    }
+    return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+PUPnP::subEventCallback(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event, void* user_data)
+    if (auto pupnp = static_cast<PUPnP*>(user_data))
+        return pupnp->handleSubscriptionUPnPEvent(event_type, event);
+    JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Subscription callback without service Id string");
+    return 0;
+PUPnP::handleSubscriptionUPnPEvent(Upnp_EventType, const void* event)
+    UpnpEventSubscribe* es_event = static_cast<UpnpEventSubscribe*>(const_cast<void*>(event));
+    if (es_event == nullptr) {
+        JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: Unexpected null pointer!");
+        return UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
+    }
+    std::string publisherUrl(UpnpEventSubscribe_get_PublisherUrl_cstr(es_event));
+    int upnp_err = UpnpEventSubscribe_get_ErrCode(es_event);
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Subscription error %s from %s",
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err),
+                  publisherUrl.c_str());
+        return upnp_err;
+    }
+    return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+PUPnP::parseIgd(IXML_Document* doc, std::string locationUrl)
+    if (not(doc and locationUrl.c_str()))
+        return nullptr;
+    // Check the UDN to see if its already in our device list.
+    std::string UDN(getFirstDocItem(doc, "UDN"));
+    if (UDN.empty()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: could not find UDN in description document of device");
+        return nullptr;
+    } else {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pupnpMutex_);
+        for (auto& it : validIgdList_) {
+            if (it->getUID() == UDN) {
+                // We already have this device in our list.
+                return nullptr;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Found new device [%s]", UDN.c_str());
+    std::unique_ptr<UPnPIGD> new_igd;
+    int upnp_err;
+    // Get friendly name.
+    std::string friendlyName(getFirstDocItem(doc, "friendlyName"));
+    // Get base URL.
+    std::string baseURL(getFirstDocItem(doc, "URLBase"));
+    if (baseURL.empty())
+        baseURL = locationUrl;
+    // Get list of services defined by serviceType.
+    std::unique_ptr<IXML_NodeList, decltype(ixmlNodeList_free)&> serviceList(nullptr,
+                                                                             ixmlNodeList_free);
+    serviceList.reset(ixmlDocument_getElementsByTagName(doc, "serviceType"));
+    unsigned long list_length = ixmlNodeList_length(serviceList.get());
+    // Go through the "serviceType" nodes until we find the the correct service type.
+    for (unsigned long node_idx = 0; node_idx < list_length; node_idx++) {
+        IXML_Node* serviceType_node = ixmlNodeList_item(serviceList.get(), node_idx);
+        std::string serviceType(getElementText(serviceType_node));
+        // Only check serviceType of WANIPConnection or WANPPPConnection.
+        if (serviceType != UPNP_WANIP_SERVICE
+            && serviceType != UPNP_WANPPP_SERVICE) {
+            // IGD is not WANIP or WANPPP service. Going to next node.
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Get parent node.
+        IXML_Node* service_node = ixmlNode_getParentNode(serviceType_node);
+        if (not service_node) {
+            // IGD serviceType has no parent node. Going to next node.
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Perform sanity check. The parent node should be called "service".
+        if (strcmp(ixmlNode_getNodeName(service_node), "service") != 0) {
+            // IGD "serviceType" parent node is not called "service". Going to next node.
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Get serviceId.
+        IXML_Element* service_element = (IXML_Element*) service_node;
+        std::string serviceId(getFirstElementItem(service_element, "serviceId"));
+        if (serviceId.empty()) {
+            // IGD "serviceId" is empty. Going to next node.
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Get the relative controlURL and turn it into absolute address using the URLBase.
+        std::string controlURL(getFirstElementItem(service_element, "controlURL"));
+        if (controlURL.empty()) {
+            // IGD control URL is empty. Going to next node.
+            continue;
+        }
+        char* absolute_control_url = nullptr;
+        upnp_err = UpnpResolveURL2(baseURL.c_str(), controlURL.c_str(), &absolute_control_url);
+        if (upnp_err == UPNP_E_SUCCESS)
+            controlURL = absolute_control_url;
+        else
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Error resolving absolute controlURL -> %s",
+                      UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        std::free(absolute_control_url);
+        // Get the relative eventSubURL and turn it into absolute address using the URLBase.
+        std::string eventSubURL(getFirstElementItem(service_element, "eventSubURL"));
+        if (eventSubURL.empty()) {
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD event sub URL is empty. Going to next node");
+            continue;
+        }
+        char* absolute_event_sub_url = nullptr;
+        upnp_err = UpnpResolveURL2(baseURL.c_str(), eventSubURL.c_str(), &absolute_event_sub_url);
+        if (upnp_err == UPNP_E_SUCCESS)
+            eventSubURL = absolute_event_sub_url;
+        else
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Error resolving absolute eventSubURL -> %s",
+                      UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        std::free(absolute_event_sub_url);
+        new_igd.reset(new UPnPIGD(std::move(UDN),
+                                  std::move(baseURL),
+                                  std::move(friendlyName),
+                                  std::move(serviceType),
+                                  std::move(serviceId),
+                                  std::move(locationUrl),
+                                  std::move(controlURL),
+                                  std::move(eventSubURL)));
+        return new_igd;
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+PUPnP::actionIsIgdConnected(const UPnPIGD& igd)
+    if (not clientRegistered_)
+        return false;
+    // Set action name.
+    IXML_Document* action_container_ptr = UpnpMakeAction("GetStatusInfo",
+                                          igd.getServiceType().c_str(),
+                                          0,
+                                          nullptr);
+    if (not action_container_ptr) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to make GetStatusInfo action");
+        return false;
+    }
+    XMLDocument action(action_container_ptr, ixmlDocument_free); // Action pointer.
+    IXML_Document* response_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    int upnp_err = UpnpSendAction(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                  igd.getControlURL().c_str(),
+                                  igd.getServiceType().c_str(),
+                                  nullptr,
+                                  action.get(),
+                                  &response_container_ptr);
+    if (not response_container_ptr or upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to send GetStatusInfo action -> %s", UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        return false;
+    }
+    XMLDocument response(response_container_ptr, ixmlDocument_free);
+    if (errorOnResponse(response.get())) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to get GetStatusInfo from %s -> %d: %s",
+                  igd.getServiceType().c_str(),
+                  upnp_err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Parse response.
+    auto status = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewConnectionStatus");
+    return status == "Connected";
+PUPnP::actionGetExternalIP(const UPnPIGD& igd)
+    if (not clientRegistered_)
+        return {};
+    // Action and response pointers.
+    std::unique_ptr<IXML_Document, decltype(ixmlDocument_free)&>
+        action(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free); // Action pointer.
+    std::unique_ptr<IXML_Document, decltype(ixmlDocument_free)&>
+        response(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free); // Response pointer.
+    // Set action name.
+    static constexpr const char* action_name {"GetExternalIPAddress"};
+    IXML_Document* action_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    action_container_ptr = UpnpMakeAction(action_name, igd.getServiceType().c_str(), 0, nullptr);
+    action.reset(action_container_ptr);
+    if (not action) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to make GetExternalIPAddress action");
+        return {};
+    }
+    IXML_Document* response_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    int upnp_err = UpnpSendAction(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                  igd.getControlURL().c_str(),
+                                  igd.getServiceType().c_str(),
+                                  nullptr,
+                                  action.get(),
+                                  &response_container_ptr);
+    response.reset(response_container_ptr);
+    if (not response or upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to send GetExternalIPAddress action -> %s",
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        return {};
+    }
+    if (errorOnResponse(response.get())) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to get GetExternalIPAddress from %s -> %d: %s",
+                  igd.getServiceType().c_str(),
+                  upnp_err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        return {};
+    }
+    return {getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewExternalIPAddress")};
+std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping>
+PUPnP::getMappingsListByDescr(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const std::string& description) const
+    auto upnpIgd = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UPnPIGD>(igd);
+    assert(upnpIgd);
+    std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping> mapList;
+    if (not clientRegistered_ or not upnpIgd->isValid() or not upnpIgd->getLocalIp())
+        return mapList;
+    // Set action name.
+    static constexpr const char* action_name {"GetGenericPortMappingEntry"};
+    for (int entry_idx = 0;; entry_idx++) {
+        std::unique_ptr<IXML_Document, decltype(ixmlDocument_free)&>
+            action(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free); // Action pointer.
+        IXML_Document* action_container_ptr = nullptr;
+        std::unique_ptr<IXML_Document, decltype(ixmlDocument_free)&>
+            response(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free); // Response pointer.
+        IXML_Document* response_container_ptr = nullptr;
+        UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                        action_name,
+                        upnpIgd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                        "NewPortMappingIndex",
+                        std::to_string(entry_idx).c_str());
+        action.reset(action_container_ptr);
+        if (not action) {
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to add NewPortMappingIndex action");
+            break;
+        }
+        int upnp_err = UpnpSendAction(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                      upnpIgd->getControlURL().c_str(),
+                                      upnpIgd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                                      nullptr,
+                                      action.get(),
+                                      &response_container_ptr);
+        response.reset(response_container_ptr);
+        if (not response) {
+            // No existing mapping. Abort silently.
+            break;
+        }
+        if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+            JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: GetGenericPortMappingEntry returned with error: %i", upnp_err);
+            break;
+        }
+        // Check error code.
+        auto errorCode = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "errorCode");
+        if (not errorCode.empty()) {
+            auto error = to_int<int>(errorCode);
+            if (error == ARRAY_IDX_INVALID or error == CONFLICT_IN_MAPPING) {
+                // No more port mapping entries in the response.
+                JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: No more mappings (found a total of %i mappings", entry_idx);
+                break;
+            } else {
+                auto errorDescription = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "errorDescription");
+                JAMI_ERROR("PUPnP: GetGenericPortMappingEntry returned with error: {:s}: {:s}",
+                         errorCode,
+                         errorDescription);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // Parse the response.
+        auto desc_actual = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewPortMappingDescription");
+        auto client_ip = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewInternalClient");
+        if (client_ip != getHostAddress().toString()) {
+            // Silently ignore un-matching addresses.
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (desc_actual.find(description) == std::string::npos)
+            continue;
+        auto port_internal = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewInternalPort");
+        auto port_external = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewExternalPort");
+        std::string transport(getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewProtocol"));
+        if (port_internal.empty() || port_external.empty() || transport.empty()) {
+            JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: GetGenericPortMappingEntry returned an invalid entry at index %i",
+                     entry_idx);
+            continue;
+        }
+        std::transform(transport.begin(), transport.end(), transport.begin(), ::toupper);
+        PortType type = transport.find("TCP") != std::string::npos ? PortType::TCP : PortType::UDP;
+        auto ePort = to_int<uint16_t>(port_external);
+        auto iPort = to_int<uint16_t>(port_internal);
+        Mapping map(type, ePort, iPort);
+        map.setIgd(igd);
+        mapList.emplace(map.getMapKey(), std::move(map));
+    }
+    JAMI_DEBUG("PUPnP: Found {:d} allocated mappings on IGD {:s}",
+             mapList.size(),
+             upnpIgd->toString());
+    return mapList;
+PUPnP::deleteMappingsByDescription(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const std::string& description)
+    if (not(clientRegistered_ and igd->getLocalIp()))
+        return;
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Remove all mappings (if any) on IGD %s matching descr prefix %s",
+             igd->toString().c_str(),
+    auto mapList = getMappingsListByDescr(igd, description);
+    for (auto const& [_, map] : mapList) {
+        requestMappingRemove(map);
+    }
+PUPnP::actionAddPortMapping(const Mapping& mapping)
+    if (not clientRegistered_)
+        return false;
+    auto igdIn = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UPnPIGD>(mapping.getIgd());
+    if (not igdIn)
+        return false;
+    // The requested IGD must be present in the list of local valid IGDs.
+    auto igd = findMatchingIgd(igdIn->getControlURL());
+    if (not igd or not igd->isValid())
+        return false;
+    // Action and response pointers.
+    XMLDocument action(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free);
+    IXML_Document* action_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    XMLDocument response(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free);
+    IXML_Document* response_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    // Set action sequence.
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewRemoteHost",
+                    "");
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewExternalPort",
+                    mapping.getExternalPortStr().c_str());
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewProtocol",
+                    mapping.getTypeStr());
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewInternalPort",
+                    mapping.getInternalPortStr().c_str());
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewInternalClient",
+                    getHostAddress().toString().c_str());
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewEnabled",
+                    "1");
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewPortMappingDescription",
+                    mapping.toString().c_str());
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewLeaseDuration",
+                    "0");
+    action.reset(action_container_ptr);
+    int upnp_err = UpnpSendAction(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                  igd->getControlURL().c_str(),
+                                  igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                                  nullptr,
+                                  action.get(),
+                                  &response_container_ptr);
+    response.reset(response_container_ptr);
+    bool success = true;
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to send action %s for mapping %s. %d: %s",
+                  ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                  mapping.toString().c_str(),
+                  upnp_err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD ctrlUrl %s", igd->getControlURL().c_str());
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD service type %s", igd->getServiceType().c_str());
+        success = false;
+    }
+    // Check if an error has occurred.
+    auto errorCode = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "errorCode");
+    if (not errorCode.empty()) {
+        success = false;
+        // Try to get the error description.
+        std::string errorDescription;
+        if (response) {
+            errorDescription = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "errorDescription");
+        }
+        JAMI_WARNING("PUPnP: {:s} returned with error: {:s} {:s}",
+                  ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                  errorCode,
+                  errorDescription);
+    }
+    return success;
+PUPnP::actionDeletePortMapping(const Mapping& mapping)
+    if (not clientRegistered_)
+        return false;
+    auto igdIn = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UPnPIGD>(mapping.getIgd());
+    if (not igdIn)
+        return false;
+    // The requested IGD must be present in the list of local valid IGDs.
+    auto igd = findMatchingIgd(igdIn->getControlURL());
+    if (not igd or not igd->isValid())
+        return false;
+    // Action and response pointers.
+    XMLDocument action(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free);
+    IXML_Document* action_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    XMLDocument response(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free);
+    IXML_Document* response_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    // Set action sequence.
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewRemoteHost",
+                    "");
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewExternalPort",
+                    mapping.getExternalPortStr().c_str());
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewProtocol",
+                    mapping.getTypeStr());
+    action.reset(action_container_ptr);
+    int upnp_err = UpnpSendAction(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                  igd->getControlURL().c_str(),
+                                  igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                                  nullptr,
+                                  action.get(),
+                                  &response_container_ptr);
+    response.reset(response_container_ptr);
+    bool success = true;
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to send action %s for mapping from %s. %d: %s",
+                  ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING,
+                  mapping.toString().c_str(),
+                  upnp_err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD ctrlUrl %s", igd->getControlURL().c_str());
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD service type %s", igd->getServiceType().c_str());
+        success = false;
+    }
+    if (not response) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to get response for %s", ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING);
+        success = false;
+    }
+    // Check if there is an error code.
+    auto errorCode = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "errorCode");
+    if (not errorCode.empty()) {
+        auto errorDescription = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "errorDescription");
+        JAMI_WARNING("PUPnP: {:s} returned with error: {:s}: {:s}",
+                  ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING,
+                  errorCode,
+                  errorDescription);
+        success = false;
+    }
+    return success;
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/pupnp.h b/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/pupnp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a77f30f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/pupnp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "../upnp_protocol.h"
+#include "../igd.h"
+#include "upnp_igd.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "connectivity/ip_utils.h"
+#include "noncopyable.h"
+#include "compiler_intrinsics.h"
+#include <upnp/upnp.h>
+#include <upnp/upnptools.h>
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <wincrypt.h>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <thread>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <memory>
+#include <future>
+namespace jami {
+class IpAddr;
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+class PUPnP : public UPnPProtocol
+    using XMLDocument = std::unique_ptr<IXML_Document, decltype(ixmlDocument_free)&>;
+    enum class CtrlAction {
+        UNKNOWN,
+    };
+    PUPnP();
+    ~PUPnP();
+    // Set the observer
+    void setObserver(UpnpMappingObserver* obs) override;
+    // Returns the protocol type.
+    NatProtocolType getProtocol() const override { return NatProtocolType::PUPNP; }
+    // Get protocol type as string.
+    char const* getProtocolName() const override { return "PUPNP"; }
+    // Notifies a change in network.
+    void clearIgds() override;
+    // Sends out async search for IGD.
+    void searchForIgd() override;
+    // Get the IGD list.
+    std::list<std::shared_ptr<IGD>> getIgdList() const override;
+    // Return true if the it's fully setup.
+    bool isReady() const override;
+    // Get from the IGD the list of already allocated mappings if any.
+    std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping> getMappingsListByDescr(
+        const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const std::string& descr) const override;
+    // Request a new mapping.
+    void requestMappingAdd(const Mapping& mapping) override;
+    // Renew an allocated mapping.
+    // Not implemented. Currently, UPNP allocations do not have expiration time.
+    void requestMappingRenew([[maybe_unused]] const Mapping& mapping) override { assert(false); };
+    // Removes a mapping.
+    void requestMappingRemove(const Mapping& igdMapping) override;
+    // Get the host (local) address.
+    const IpAddr getHostAddress() const override;
+    // Terminate the instance.
+    void terminate() override;
+    // Helpers to run tasks on PUPNP private execution queue.
+    ScheduledExecutor* getPUPnPScheduler() { return &pupnpScheduler_; }
+    template<typename Callback>
+    void runOnPUPnPQueue(Callback&& cb)
+    {
+[cb = std::forward<Callback>(cb)]() mutable { cb(); });
+    }
+    // Helper to run tasks on UPNP context execution queue.
+    ScheduledExecutor* getUpnContextScheduler() { return UpnpThreadUtil::getScheduler(); }
+    void terminate(std::condition_variable& cv);
+    // Init lib-upnp
+    void initUpnpLib();
+    // Return true if running.
+    bool isRunning() const;
+    // Register the client
+    void registerClient();
+    // Start search for UPNP devices
+    void searchForDevices();
+    // Return true if it has at least one valid IGD.
+    bool hasValidIgd() const;
+    // Update the host (local) address.
+    void updateHostAddress();
+    // Check the host (local) address.
+    // Returns true if the address is valid.
+    bool hasValidHostAddress();
+    // Delete mappings matching the description
+    void deleteMappingsByDescription(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd,
+                                     const std::string& description);
+    // Search for the IGD in the local list of known IGDs.
+    std::shared_ptr<UPnPIGD> findMatchingIgd(const std::string& ctrlURL) const;
+    // Process the reception of an add mapping action answer.
+    void processAddMapAction(const Mapping& map);
+    // Process the a mapping request failure.
+    void processRequestMappingFailure(const Mapping& map);
+    // Process the reception of a remove mapping action answer.
+    void processRemoveMapAction(const Mapping& map);
+    // Increment IGD errors counter.
+    void incrementErrorsCounter(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd);
+    // Download XML document.
+    void downLoadIgdDescription(const std::string& url);
+    // Validate IGD from the xml document received from the router.
+    bool validateIgd(const std::string& location, IXML_Document* doc_container_ptr);
+    // Returns control point action callback based on xml node.
+    static CtrlAction getAction(const char* xmlNode);
+    // Control point callback.
+    static int ctrlPtCallback(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event, void* user_data);
+#if UPNP_VERSION < 10800
+    static inline int ctrlPtCallback(Upnp_EventType event_type, void* event, void* user_data)
+    {
+        return ctrlPtCallback(event_type, (const void*) event, user_data);
+    };
+    // Process IGD responses.
+    void processDiscoverySearchResult(const std::string& deviceId,
+                                      const std::string& igdUrl,
+                                      const IpAddr& dstAddr);
+    void processDiscoveryAdvertisementByebye(const std::string& deviceId);
+    void processDiscoverySubscriptionExpired(Upnp_EventType event_type,
+                                             const std::string& eventSubUrl);
+    // Callback event handler function for the UPnP client (control point).
+    int handleCtrlPtUPnPEvents(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event);
+    // Subscription event callback.
+    static int subEventCallback(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event, void* user_data);
+#if UPNP_VERSION < 10800
+    static inline int subEventCallback(Upnp_EventType event_type, void* event, void* user_data)
+    {
+        return subEventCallback(event_type, (const void*) event, user_data);
+    };
+    // Callback subscription event function for handling subscription request.
+    int handleSubscriptionUPnPEvent(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event);
+    // Parses the IGD candidate.
+    std::unique_ptr<UPnPIGD> parseIgd(IXML_Document* doc, std::string locationUrl);
+    // These functions directly create UPnP actions and make synchronous UPnP
+    // control point calls. Must be run on the PUPNP internal execution queue.
+    bool actionIsIgdConnected(const UPnPIGD& igd);
+    IpAddr actionGetExternalIP(const UPnPIGD& igd);
+    bool actionAddPortMapping(const Mapping& mapping);
+    bool actionDeletePortMapping(const Mapping& mapping);
+    // Event type to string
+    static const char* eventTypeToString(Upnp_EventType eventType);
+    std::weak_ptr<PUPnP> weak() { return std::static_pointer_cast<PUPnP>(shared_from_this()); }
+    // Execution queue to run lib upnp actions
+    ScheduledExecutor pupnpScheduler_ {"pupnp"};
+    // Initialization status.
+    std::atomic_bool initialized_ {false};
+    // Client registration status.
+    std::atomic_bool clientRegistered_ {false};
+    std::shared_ptr<Task> searchForIgdTimer_ {};
+    unsigned int igdSearchCounter_ {0};
+    // List of discovered IGDs.
+    std::set<std::string> discoveredIgdList_;
+    // Control point handle.
+    UpnpClient_Handle ctrlptHandle_ {-1};
+    // Observer to report the results.
+    UpnpMappingObserver* observer_ {nullptr};
+    // List of valid IGDs.
+    std::list<std::shared_ptr<IGD>> validIgdList_;
+    // Current host address.
+    IpAddr hostAddress_ {};
+    // Calls from other threads that does not need synchronous access are
+    // rescheduled on the UPNP private queue. This will avoid the need to
+    // protect most of the data members of this class.
+    // For some internal members (namely the validIgdList and the hostAddress)
+    // that need to be synchronously accessed, are protected by this mutex.
+    mutable std::mutex pupnpMutex_;
+    // Shutdown synchronization
+    bool shutdownComplete_ {false};
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/upnp_igd.cpp b/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/upnp_igd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f8a332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/upnp_igd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "upnp_igd.h"
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+UPnPIGD::UPnPIGD(std::string&& UDN,
+                 std::string&& baseURL,
+                 std::string&& friendlyName,
+                 std::string&& serviceType,
+                 std::string&& serviceId,
+                 std::string&& locationURL,
+                 std::string&& controlURL,
+                 std::string&& eventSubURL,
+                 IpAddr&& localIp,
+                 IpAddr&& publicIp)
+    : IGD(NatProtocolType::PUPNP)
+    uid_ = std::move(UDN);
+    baseURL_ = std::move(baseURL);
+    friendlyName_ = std::move(friendlyName);
+    serviceType_ = std::move(serviceType);
+    serviceId_ = std::move(serviceId);
+    locationURL_ = std::move(locationURL);
+    controlURL_ = std::move(controlURL);
+    eventSubURL_ = std::move(eventSubURL);
+    localIp_ = std::move(localIp);
+    publicIp_ = std::move(publicIp);
+UPnPIGD::operator==(IGD& other) const
+    return localIp_ == other.getLocalIp() and publicIp_ == other.getPublicIp();
+UPnPIGD::operator==(UPnPIGD& other) const
+    if (localIp_ and publicIp_) {
+        if (localIp_ != other.localIp_ or publicIp_ != other.publicIp_) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return uid_ == other.uid_ and baseURL_ == other.baseURL_
+           and friendlyName_ == other.friendlyName_ and serviceType_ == other.serviceType_
+           and serviceId_ == other.serviceId_ and locationURL_ == other.locationURL_
+           and controlURL_ == other.controlURL_ and eventSubURL_ == other.eventSubURL_;
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/upnp_igd.h b/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/upnp_igd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ad213b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/upnp_igd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "connectivity/upnp/protocol/igd.h"
+#include "noncopyable.h"
+#include "connectivity/ip_utils.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <functional>
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+class UPnPIGD : public IGD
+    UPnPIGD(std::string&& UDN,
+            std::string&& baseURL,
+            std::string&& friendlyName,
+            std::string&& serviceType,
+            std::string&& serviceId,
+            std::string&& locationURL,
+            std::string&& controlURL,
+            std::string&& eventSubURL,
+            IpAddr&& localIp = {},
+            IpAddr&& publicIp = {});
+    ~UPnPIGD() {}
+    bool operator==(IGD& other) const;
+    bool operator==(UPnPIGD& other) const;
+    const std::string& getBaseURL() const
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        return baseURL_;
+    }
+    const std::string& getFriendlyName() const
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        return friendlyName_;
+    }
+    const std::string& getServiceType() const
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        return serviceType_;
+    }
+    const std::string& getServiceId() const
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        return serviceId_;
+    }
+    const std::string& getLocationURL() const
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        return locationURL_;
+    }
+    const std::string& getControlURL() const
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        return controlURL_;
+    }
+    const std::string& getEventSubURL() const
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        return eventSubURL_;
+    }
+    const std::string toString() const override { return controlURL_; }
+    std::string baseURL_ {};
+    std::string friendlyName_ {};
+    std::string serviceType_ {};
+    std::string serviceId_ {};
+    std::string locationURL_ {};
+    std::string controlURL_ {};
+    std::string eventSubURL_ {};
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/upnp_protocol.h b/src/upnp/protocol/upnp_protocol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b38a4dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/upnp_protocol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "igd.h"
+#include "mapping.h"
+#include "ip_utils.h"
+//#include "upnp/upnp_thread_util.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <functional>
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <list>
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+// UPnP device descriptions.
+constexpr static const char* UPNP_ROOT_DEVICE = "upnp:rootdevice";
+constexpr static const char* UPNP_IGD_DEVICE
+    = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1";
+constexpr static const char* UPNP_WAN_DEVICE = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1";
+constexpr static const char* UPNP_WANCON_DEVICE
+    = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1";
+constexpr static const char* UPNP_WANIP_SERVICE = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1";
+constexpr static const char* UPNP_WANPPP_SERVICE
+    = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1";
+enum class UpnpIgdEvent { ADDED, REMOVED, INVALID_STATE };
+// Interface used to report mapping event from the protocol implementations.
+// This interface is meant to be implemented only by UPnPConext class. Sincce
+// this class is a singleton, it's assumed that it out-lives the protocol
+// implementations. In other words, the observer is always assumed to point to a
+// valid instance.
+class UpnpMappingObserver
+    UpnpMappingObserver() {};
+    virtual ~UpnpMappingObserver() {};
+    virtual void onIgdUpdated(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, UpnpIgdEvent event) = 0;
+    virtual void onMappingAdded(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map) = 0;
+    virtual void onMappingRequestFailed(const Mapping& map) = 0;
+    virtual void onMappingRenewed(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map) = 0;
+    virtual void onMappingRemoved(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map) = 0;
+// Pure virtual interface class that UPnPContext uses to call protocol functions.
+class UPnPProtocol : public std::enable_shared_from_this<UPnPProtocol>//, protected UpnpThreadUtil
+    enum class UpnpError : int { INVALID_ERR = -1, ERROR_OK, CONFLICT_IN_MAPPING };
+    UPnPProtocol() {};
+    virtual ~UPnPProtocol() {};
+    // Get protocol type.
+    virtual NatProtocolType getProtocol() const = 0;
+    // Get protocol type as string.
+    virtual char const* getProtocolName() const = 0;
+    // Clear all known IGDs.
+    virtual void clearIgds() = 0;
+    // Search for IGD.
+    virtual void searchForIgd() = 0;
+    // Get the IGD instance.
+    virtual std::list<std::shared_ptr<IGD>> getIgdList() const = 0;
+    // Return true if it has at least one valid IGD.
+    virtual bool isReady() const = 0;
+    // Get the list of already allocated mappings if any.
+    virtual std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping> getMappingsListByDescr(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>&,
+                                                                     const std::string&) const
+    {
+        return {};
+    }
+    // Sends a request to add a mapping.
+    virtual void requestMappingAdd(const Mapping& map) = 0;
+    // Renew an allocated mapping.
+    virtual void requestMappingRenew(const Mapping& mapping) = 0;
+    // Sends a request to remove a mapping.
+    virtual void requestMappingRemove(const Mapping& igdMapping) = 0;
+    // Set the user callbacks.
+    virtual void setObserver(UpnpMappingObserver* obs) = 0;
+    // Get the current host (local) address
+    virtual const IpAddr getHostAddress() const = 0;
+    // Terminate
+    virtual void terminate() = 0;
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/upnp_context.cpp b/src/upnp/upnp_context.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef556f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/upnp_context.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1339 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "upnp_context.h"
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+constexpr static auto MAP_UPDATE_INTERVAL = std::chrono::seconds(30);
+constexpr static int MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES = 20;
+constexpr static int MAX_REQUEST_REMOVE_COUNT = 5;
+constexpr static uint16_t UPNP_TCP_PORT_MIN {10000};
+constexpr static uint16_t UPNP_TCP_PORT_MAX {UPNP_TCP_PORT_MIN + 5000};
+constexpr static uint16_t UPNP_UDP_PORT_MIN {20000};
+constexpr static uint16_t UPNP_UDP_PORT_MAX {UPNP_UDP_PORT_MIN + 5000};
+    JAMI_DBG("Creating UPnPContext instance [%p]", this);
+    // Set port ranges
+    portRange_.emplace(PortType::TCP, std::make_pair(UPNP_TCP_PORT_MIN, UPNP_TCP_PORT_MAX));
+    portRange_.emplace(PortType::UDP, std::make_pair(UPNP_UDP_PORT_MIN, UPNP_UDP_PORT_MAX));
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this] { init(); });
+        return;
+    }
+    // This is the unique shared instance (singleton) of UPnPContext class.
+    static auto context = std::make_shared<UPnPContext>();
+    return context;
+UPnPContext::shutdown(std::condition_variable& cv)
+    JAMI_DBG("Shutdown UPnPContext instance [%p]", this);
+    stopUpnp(true);
+    for (auto const& [_, proto] : protocolList_) {
+        proto->terminate();
+    }
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        mappingList_->clear();
+        if (mappingListUpdateTimer_)
+            mappingListUpdateTimer_->cancel();
+        controllerList_.clear();
+        protocolList_.clear();
+        shutdownComplete_ = true;
+        cv.notify_one();
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mappingMutex_);
+    std::condition_variable cv;
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([&, this] { shutdown(cv); });
+    JAMI_DBG("Waiting for shutdown ...");
+    if (cv.wait_for(lk, std::chrono::seconds(30), [this] { return shutdownComplete_; })) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Shutdown completed");
+    } else {
+        JAMI_ERR("Shutdown timed-out");
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("UPnPContext instance [%p] destroyed", this);
+    threadId_ = getCurrentThread();
+    auto natPmp = std::make_shared<NatPmp>();
+    natPmp->setObserver(this);
+    protocolList_.emplace(NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP, std::move(natPmp));
+    auto pupnp = std::make_shared<PUPnP>();
+    pupnp->setObserver(this);
+    protocolList_.emplace(NatProtocolType::PUPNP, std::move(pupnp));
+    assert(not controllerList_.empty());
+    JAMI_DBG("Starting UPNP context");
+    // Request a new IGD search.
+    for (auto const& [_, protocol] : protocolList_) {
+        protocol->searchForIgd();
+    }
+    started_ = true;
+UPnPContext::stopUpnp(bool forceRelease)
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, forceRelease] { stopUpnp(forceRelease); });
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("Stopping UPNP context");
+    // Clear all current mappings if any.
+    // Use a temporary list to avoid processing the mapping
+    // list while holding the lock.
+    std::list<Mapping::sharedPtr_t> toRemoveList;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        PortType types[2] {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP};
+        for (auto& type : types) {
+            auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+            for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+                toRemoveList.emplace_back(map);
+            }
+        }
+        // Invalidate the current IGDs.
+        preferredIgd_.reset();
+        validIgdList_.clear();
+    }
+    for (auto const& map : toRemoveList) {
+        requestRemoveMapping(map);
+        // Notify is not needed in updateMappingState when
+        // shutting down (hence set it to false). NotifyCallback
+        // would trigger a new SIP registration and create a
+        // false registered state upon program close.
+        // It's handled by upper layers.
+        updateMappingState(map, MappingState::FAILED, false);
+        // We dont remove mappings with auto-update enabled,
+        // unless forceRelease is true.
+        if (not map->getAutoUpdate() or forceRelease) {
+            map->enableAutoUpdate(false);
+            unregisterMapping(map);
+        }
+    }
+    // Clear all current IGDs.
+    for (auto const& [_, protocol] : protocolList_) {
+        protocol->clearIgds();
+    }
+    started_ = false;
+UPnPContext::generateRandomPort(PortType type, bool mustBeEven)
+    auto minPort = type == PortType::TCP ? UPNP_TCP_PORT_MIN : UPNP_UDP_PORT_MIN;
+    auto maxPort = type == PortType::TCP ? UPNP_TCP_PORT_MAX : UPNP_UDP_PORT_MAX;
+    if (minPort >= maxPort) {
+        JAMI_ERR("Max port number (%i) must be greater than min port number (%i)", maxPort, minPort);
+        // Must be called with valid range.
+        assert(false);
+    }
+    int fact = mustBeEven ? 2 : 1;
+    if (mustBeEven) {
+        minPort /= fact;
+        maxPort /= fact;
+    }
+    // Seed the generator.
+    static std::mt19937 gen(dht::crypto::getSeededRandomEngine());
+    // Define the range.
+    std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t> dist(minPort, maxPort);
+    return dist(gen) * fact;
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this] { connectivityChanged(); });
+        return;
+    }
+    auto hostAddr = ip_utils::getLocalAddr(AF_INET);
+    JAMI_DBG("Connectivity change check: host address %s", hostAddr.toString().c_str());
+    auto restartUpnp = false;
+    // On reception of "connectivity change" notification, the UPNP search
+    // will be restarted if either there is no valid IGD, or the IGD address
+    // changed.
+    if (not isReady()) {
+        restartUpnp = true;
+    } else {
+        // Check if the host address changed.
+        for (auto const& [_, protocol] : protocolList_) {
+            if (protocol->isReady() and hostAddr != protocol->getHostAddress()) {
+                JAMI_WARN("Host address changed from %s to %s",
+                          protocol->getHostAddress().toString().c_str(),
+                          hostAddr.toString().c_str());
+                protocol->clearIgds();
+                restartUpnp = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // We have at least one valid IGD and the host address did
+    // not change, so no need to restart.
+    if (not restartUpnp) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // No registered controller. A new search will be performed when
+    // a controller is registered.
+    if (controllerList_.empty())
+        return;
+    JAMI_DBG("Connectivity changed. Clear the IGDs and restart");
+    stopUpnp();
+    startUpnp();
+    // Mapping with auto update enabled must be processed first.
+    processMappingWithAutoUpdate();
+UPnPContext::setPublicAddress(const IpAddr& addr)
+    if (not addr)
+        return;
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    if (knownPublicAddress_ != addr) {
+        knownPublicAddress_ = std::move(addr);
+        JAMI_DBG("Setting the known public address to %s", addr.toString().c_str());
+    }
+UPnPContext::isReady() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    return not validIgdList_.empty();
+UPnPContext::getExternalIP() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    // Return the first IGD Ip available.
+    if (not validIgdList_.empty()) {
+        return (*validIgdList_.begin())->getPublicIp();
+    }
+    return {};
+UPnPContext::reserveMapping(Mapping& requestedMap)
+    auto desiredPort = requestedMap.getExternalPort();
+    if (desiredPort == 0) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Desired port is not set, will provide the first available port for [%s]",
+                 requestedMap.getTypeStr());
+    } else {
+        JAMI_DBG("Try to find mapping for port %i [%s]", desiredPort, requestedMap.getTypeStr());
+    }
+    Mapping::sharedPtr_t mapRes;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        auto& mappingList = getMappingList(requestedMap.getType());
+        // We try to provide a mapping in "OPEN" state. If not found,
+        // we provide any available mapping. In this case, it's up to
+        // the caller to use it or not.
+        for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+            // If the desired port is null, we pick the first available port.
+            if (map->isValid() and (desiredPort == 0 or map->getExternalPort() == desiredPort)
+                and map->isAvailable()) {
+                // Considere the first available mapping regardless of its
+                // state. A mapping with OPEN state will be used if found.
+                if (not mapRes)
+                    mapRes = map;
+                if (map->getState() == MappingState::OPEN) {
+                    // Found an "OPEN" mapping. We are done.
+                    mapRes = map;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Create a mapping if none was available.
+    if (not mapRes) {
+        JAMI_WARN("Did not find any available mapping. Will request one now");
+        mapRes = registerMapping(requestedMap);
+    }
+    if (mapRes) {
+        // Make the mapping unavailable
+        mapRes->setAvailable(false);
+        // Copy attributes.
+        mapRes->setNotifyCallback(requestedMap.getNotifyCallback());
+        mapRes->enableAutoUpdate(requestedMap.getAutoUpdate());
+        // Notify the listener.
+        if (auto cb = mapRes->getNotifyCallback())
+            cb(mapRes);
+    }
+    updateMappingList(true);
+    return mapRes;
+UPnPContext::releaseMapping(const Mapping& map)
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, map] { releaseMapping(map); });
+        return;
+    }
+    auto mapPtr = getMappingWithKey(map.getMapKey());
+    if (not mapPtr) {
+        // Might happen if the mapping failed or was never granted.
+        JAMI_DBG("Mapping %s does not exist or was already removed", map.toString().c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    if (mapPtr->isAvailable()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("Trying to release an unused mapping %s", mapPtr->toString().c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    // Remove it.
+    requestRemoveMapping(mapPtr);
+    unregisterMapping(mapPtr);
+UPnPContext::registerController(void* controller)
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        if (shutdownComplete_) {
+            JAMI_WARN("UPnPContext already shut down");
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, controller] { registerController(controller); });
+        return;
+    }
+    auto ret = controllerList_.emplace(controller);
+    if (not ret.second) {
+        JAMI_WARN("Controller %p is already registered", controller);
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("Successfully registered controller %p", controller);
+    if (not started_)
+        startUpnp();
+UPnPContext::unregisterController(void* controller)
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, controller] { unregisterController(controller); });
+        return;
+    }
+    if (controllerList_.erase(controller) == 1) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Successfully unregistered controller %p", controller);
+    } else {
+        JAMI_DBG("Controller %p was already removed", controller);
+    }
+    if (controllerList_.empty()) {
+        stopUpnp();
+    }
+UPnPContext::getAvailablePortNumber(PortType type)
+    // Only return an availalable random port. No actual
+    // reservation is made here.
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+    int tryCount = 0;
+    while (tryCount++ < MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES) {
+        uint16_t port = generateRandomPort(type);
+        Mapping map(type, port, port);
+        if (mappingList.find(map.getMapKey()) == mappingList.end())
+            return port;
+    }
+    // Very unlikely to get here.
+    JAMI_ERR("Could not find an available port after %i trials", MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES);
+    return 0;
+UPnPContext::requestMapping(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map)
+    assert(map);
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, map] { requestMapping(map); });
+        return;
+    }
+    auto const& igd = getPreferredIgd();
+    // We must have at least a valid IGD pointer if we get here.
+    // Not this method is called only if there were a valid IGD, however,
+    // because the processing is asynchronous, it's possible that the IGD
+    // was invalidated when the this code executed.
+    if (not igd) {
+        JAMI_DBG("No valid IGDs available");
+        return;
+    }
+    map->setIgd(igd);
+    JAMI_DBG("Request mapping %s using protocol [%s] IGD [%s]",
+             map->toString().c_str(),
+             igd->getProtocolName(),
+             igd->toString().c_str());
+    if (map->getState() != MappingState::IN_PROGRESS)
+        updateMappingState(map, MappingState::IN_PROGRESS);
+    auto const& protocol =>getProtocol());
+    protocol->requestMappingAdd(*map);
+UPnPContext::provisionNewMappings(PortType type, int portCount)
+    JAMI_DBG("Provision %i new mappings of type [%s]", portCount, Mapping::getTypeStr(type));
+    assert(portCount > 0);
+    while (portCount > 0) {
+        auto port = getAvailablePortNumber(type);
+        if (port > 0) {
+            // Found an available port number
+            portCount--;
+            Mapping map(type, port, port, true);
+            registerMapping(map);
+        } else {
+            // Very unlikely to get here!
+            JAMI_ERR("Can not find any available port to provision!");
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+UPnPContext::deleteUnneededMappings(PortType type, int portCount)
+    JAMI_DBG("Remove %i unneeded mapping of type [%s]", portCount, Mapping::getTypeStr(type));
+    assert(portCount > 0);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+    for (auto it = mappingList.begin(); it != mappingList.end();) {
+        auto map = it->second;
+        assert(map);
+        if (not map->isAvailable()) {
+            it++;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (map->getState() == MappingState::OPEN and portCount > 0) {
+            // Close portCount mappings in "OPEN" state.
+            requestRemoveMapping(map);
+            it = unregisterMapping(it);
+            portCount--;
+        } else if (map->getState() != MappingState::OPEN) {
+            // If this methods is called, it means there are more open
+            // mappings than required. So, all mappings in a state other
+            // than "OPEN" state (typically in in-progress state) will
+            // be deleted as well.
+            it = unregisterMapping(it);
+        } else {
+            it++;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+    if (preferredIgd_ and preferredIgd_->isValid())
+        return;
+    // Reset and search for the best IGD.
+    preferredIgd_.reset();
+    for (auto const& [_, protocol] : protocolList_) {
+        if (protocol->isReady()) {
+            auto igdList = protocol->getIgdList();
+            assert(not igdList.empty());
+            auto const& igd = igdList.front();
+            if (not igd->isValid())
+                continue;
+            // Prefer NAT-PMP over PUPNP.
+            if (preferredIgd_ and igd->getProtocol() != NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP)
+                continue;
+            // Update.
+            preferredIgd_ = igd;
+        }
+    }
+    if (preferredIgd_ and preferredIgd_->isValid()) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Preferred IGD updated to [%s] IGD [%s %s] ",
+                 preferredIgd_->getProtocolName(),
+                 preferredIgd_->getUID().c_str(),
+                 preferredIgd_->toString().c_str());
+    }
+UPnPContext::getPreferredIgd() const
+    return preferredIgd_;
+UPnPContext::updateMappingList(bool async)
+    // Run async if requested.
+    if (async) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this] { updateMappingList(false); });
+        return;
+    }
+    // Update the preferred IGD.
+    updatePreferredIgd();
+    if (mappingListUpdateTimer_) {
+        mappingListUpdateTimer_->cancel();
+        mappingListUpdateTimer_ = {};
+    }
+    // Skip if no controller registered.
+    if (controllerList_.empty())
+        return;
+    // Cancel the current timer (if any) and re-schedule.
+    std::shared_ptr<IGD> prefIgd = getPreferredIgd();
+    if (not prefIgd) {
+        JAMI_DBG("UPNP/NAT-PMP enabled, but no valid IGDs available");
+        // No valid IGD. Nothing to do.
+        return;
+    }
+    mappingListUpdateTimer_ = getScheduler()->scheduleIn([this] { updateMappingList(false); },
+                                                         MAP_UPDATE_INTERVAL);
+    // Process pending requests if any.
+    processPendingRequests(prefIgd);
+    // Make new requests for mappings that failed and have
+    // the auto-update option enabled.
+    processMappingWithAutoUpdate();
+    PortType typeArray[2] = {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP};
+    for (auto idx : {0, 1}) {
+        auto type = typeArray[idx];
+        MappingStatus status;
+        getMappingStatus(type, status);
+        JAMI_DBG("Mapping status [%s] - overall %i: %i open (%i ready + %i in use), %i pending, %i "
+                 "in-progress, %i failed",
+                 Mapping::getTypeStr(type),
+                 status.sum(),
+                 status.openCount_,
+                 status.readyCount_,
+                 status.openCount_ - status.readyCount_,
+                 status.pendingCount_,
+                 status.inProgressCount_,
+                 status.failedCount_);
+        if (status.failedCount_ > 0) {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+            auto const& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+            for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+                if (map->getState() == MappingState::FAILED) {
+                    JAMI_DBG("Mapping status [%s] - Available [%s]",
+                             map->toString(true).c_str(),
+                             map->isAvailable() ? "YES" : "NO");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        int toRequestCount = (int) minOpenPortLimit_[idx]
+                             - (int) (status.readyCount_ + status.inProgressCount_
+                                      + status.pendingCount_);
+        // Provision/release mappings accordingly.
+        if (toRequestCount > 0) {
+            // Take into account the request in-progress when making
+            // requests for new mappings.
+            provisionNewMappings(type, toRequestCount);
+        } else if (status.readyCount_ > maxOpenPortLimit_[idx]) {
+            deleteUnneededMappings(type, status.readyCount_ - maxOpenPortLimit_[idx]);
+        }
+    }
+    // Prune the mapping list if needed
+    if (>isReady()) {
+        // Dont perform if NAT-PMP is valid.
+        if (not>isReady())
+        {
+            pruneMappingList();
+        }
+    }
+    // Renew nat-pmp allocations
+    if (>isReady())
+        renewAllocations();
+    MappingStatus status;
+    getMappingStatus(status);
+    // Do not prune the list if there are pending/in-progress requests.
+    if (status.inProgressCount_ != 0 or status.pendingCount_ != 0) {
+        return;
+    }
+    auto const& igd = getPreferredIgd();
+    if (not igd or igd->getProtocol() != NatProtocolType::PUPNP) {
+        return;
+    }
+    auto protocol =;
+    auto remoteMapList = protocol->getMappingsListByDescr(igd,
+                                                          Mapping::UPNP_MAPPING_DESCRIPTION_PREFIX);
+    if (remoteMapList.empty()) {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        if (not getMappingList(PortType::TCP).empty() or getMappingList(PortType::TCP).empty()) {
+            JAMI_WARN("We have provisionned mappings but the PUPNP IGD returned an empty list!");
+        }
+    }
+    pruneUnMatchedMappings(igd, remoteMapList);
+    pruneUnTrackedMappings(igd, remoteMapList);
+UPnPContext::pruneUnMatchedMappings(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd,
+                                    const std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping>& remoteMapList)
+    // Check/synchronize local mapping list with the list
+    // returned by the IGD.
+    PortType types[2] {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP};
+    for (auto& type : types) {
+        // Use a temporary list to avoid processing mappings while holding the lock.
+        std::list<Mapping::sharedPtr_t> toRemoveList;
+        {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+            auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+            for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+                // Only check mappings allocated by UPNP protocol.
+                if (map->getProtocol() != NatProtocolType::PUPNP) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // Set mapping as failed if not found in the list
+                // returned by the IGD.
+                if (map->getState() == MappingState::OPEN
+                    and remoteMapList.find(map->getMapKey()) == remoteMapList.end()) {
+                    toRemoveList.emplace_back(map);
+                    JAMI_WARN("Mapping %s (IGD %s) marked as \"OPEN\" but not found in the "
+                              "remote list. Mark as failed!",
+                              map->toString().c_str(),
+                              igd->toString().c_str());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for (auto const& map : toRemoveList) {
+            updateMappingState(map, MappingState::FAILED);
+            unregisterMapping(map);
+        }
+    }
+UPnPContext::pruneUnTrackedMappings(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd,
+                                    const std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping>& remoteMapList)
+    // Use a temporary list to avoid processing mappings while holding the lock.
+    std::list<Mapping> toRemoveList;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        for (auto const& [_, map] : remoteMapList) {
+            // Must has valid IGD pointer and use UPNP protocol.
+            assert(map.getIgd());
+            assert(map.getIgd()->getProtocol() == NatProtocolType::PUPNP);
+            auto& mappingList = getMappingList(map.getType());
+            auto it = mappingList.find(map.getMapKey());
+            if (it == mappingList.end()) {
+                // Not present, request mapping remove.
+                toRemoveList.emplace_back(std::move(map));
+                // Make only few remove requests at once.
+                if (toRemoveList.size() >= MAX_REQUEST_REMOVE_COUNT)
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Remove un-tracked mappings.
+    auto protocol =;
+    for (auto const& map : toRemoveList) {
+        protocol->requestMappingRemove(map);
+    }
+UPnPContext::pruneMappingsWithInvalidIgds(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd)
+    // Use temporary list to avoid holding the lock while
+    // processing the mapping list.
+    std::list<Mapping::sharedPtr_t> toRemoveList;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        PortType types[2] {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP};
+        for (auto& type : types) {
+            auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+            for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+                if (map->getIgd() == igd)
+                    toRemoveList.emplace_back(map);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (auto const& map : toRemoveList) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Remove mapping %s (has an invalid IGD %s [%s])",
+                 map->toString().c_str(),
+                 igd->toString().c_str(),
+                 igd->getProtocolName());
+        updateMappingState(map, MappingState::FAILED);
+        unregisterMapping(map);
+    }
+UPnPContext::processPendingRequests(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd)
+    // This list holds the mappings to be requested. This is
+    // needed to avoid performing the requests while holding
+    // the lock.
+    std::list<Mapping::sharedPtr_t> requestsList;
+    // Populate the list of requests to perform.
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        PortType typeArray[2] {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP};
+        for (auto type : typeArray) {
+            auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+            for (auto& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+                if (map->getState() == MappingState::PENDING) {
+                    JAMI_DBG("Send pending request for mapping %s to IGD %s",
+                             map->toString().c_str(),
+                             igd->toString().c_str());
+                    requestsList.emplace_back(map);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Process the pending requests.
+    for (auto const& map : requestsList) {
+        requestMapping(map);
+    }
+    // This list holds the mappings to be requested. This is
+    // needed to avoid performing the requests while holding
+    // the lock.
+    std::list<Mapping::sharedPtr_t> requestsList;
+    // Populate the list of requests for mappings with auto-update enabled.
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        PortType typeArray[2] {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP};
+        for (auto type : typeArray) {
+            auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+            for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+                if (map->getState() == MappingState::FAILED and map->getAutoUpdate()) {
+                    requestsList.emplace_back(map);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (auto const& oldMap : requestsList) {
+        // Request a new mapping if auto-update is enabled.
+        JAMI_DBG("Mapping %s has auto-update enabled, a new mapping will be requested",
+                 oldMap->toString().c_str());
+        // Reserve a new mapping.
+        Mapping newMapping(oldMap->getType());
+        newMapping.enableAutoUpdate(true);
+        newMapping.setNotifyCallback(oldMap->getNotifyCallback());
+        auto const& mapPtr = reserveMapping(newMapping);
+        assert(mapPtr);
+        // Release the old one.
+        oldMap->setAvailable(true);
+        oldMap->enableAutoUpdate(false);
+        oldMap->setNotifyCallback(nullptr);
+        unregisterMapping(oldMap);
+    }
+UPnPContext::onIgdUpdated(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, UpnpIgdEvent event)
+    assert(igd);
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, igd, event] { onIgdUpdated(igd, event); });
+        return;
+    }
+    // Reset to start search for a new best IGD.
+    preferredIgd_.reset();
+    char const* IgdState = event == UpnpIgdEvent::ADDED     ? "ADDED"
+                           : event == UpnpIgdEvent::REMOVED ? "REMOVED"
+                                                            : "INVALID";
+    auto const& igdLocalAddr = igd->getLocalIp();
+    auto protocolName = igd->getProtocolName();
+    JAMI_DBG("New event for IGD [%s %s] [%s]: [%s]",
+             igd->getUID().c_str(),
+             igd->toString().c_str(),
+             protocolName,
+             IgdState);
+    // Check if the IGD has valid addresses.
+    if (not igdLocalAddr) {
+        JAMI_WARN("[%s] IGD has an invalid local address", protocolName);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (not igd->getPublicIp()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("[%s] IGD has an invalid public address", protocolName);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (knownPublicAddress_ and igd->getPublicIp() != knownPublicAddress_) {
+        JAMI_WARN("[%s] IGD external address [%s] does not match known public address [%s]."
+                  " The mapped addresses might not be reachable",
+                  protocolName,
+                  igd->getPublicIp().toString().c_str(),
+                  knownPublicAddress_.toString().c_str());
+    }
+    // The IGD was removed or is invalid.
+    if (event == UpnpIgdEvent::REMOVED or event == UpnpIgdEvent::INVALID_STATE) {
+        JAMI_WARN("State of IGD [%s %s] [%s] changed to [%s]. Pruning the mapping list",
+                  igd->getUID().c_str(),
+                  igd->toString().c_str(),
+                  protocolName,
+                  IgdState);
+        pruneMappingsWithInvalidIgds(igd);
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        validIgdList_.erase(igd);
+        return;
+    }
+    // Update the IGD list.
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        auto ret = validIgdList_.emplace(igd);
+        if (ret.second) {
+            JAMI_DBG("IGD [%s] on address %s was added. Will process any pending requests",
+                     protocolName,
+                     igdLocalAddr.toString(true, true).c_str());
+        } else {
+            // Already in the list.
+            JAMI_ERR("IGD [%s] on address %s already in the list",
+                     protocolName,
+                     igdLocalAddr.toString(true, true).c_str());
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    // Update the provisionned mappings.
+    updateMappingList(false);
+UPnPContext::onMappingAdded(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& mapRes)
+    // Check if we have a pending request for this response.
+    auto map = getMappingWithKey(mapRes.getMapKey());
+    if (not map) {
+        // We may receive a response for a canceled request. Just ignore it.
+        JAMI_DBG("Response for mapping %s [IGD %s] [%s] does not have a local match",
+                 mapRes.toString().c_str(),
+                 igd->toString().c_str(),
+                 mapRes.getProtocolName());
+        return;
+    }
+    // The mapping request is new and successful. Update.
+    map->setIgd(igd);
+    map->setInternalAddress(mapRes.getInternalAddress());
+    map->setExternalPort(mapRes.getExternalPort());
+    // Update the state and report to the owner.
+    updateMappingState(map, MappingState::OPEN);
+    JAMI_DBG("Mapping %s (on IGD %s [%s]) successfully performed",
+             map->toString().c_str(),
+             igd->toString().c_str(),
+             map->getProtocolName());
+    // Call setValid() to reset the errors counter. We need
+    // to reset the counter on each successful response.
+    igd->setValid(true);
+UPnPContext::onMappingRenewed(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map)
+    auto mapPtr = getMappingWithKey(map.getMapKey());
+    if (not mapPtr) {
+        // We may receive a notification for a canceled request. Ignore it.
+        JAMI_WARN("Renewed mapping %s from IGD  %s [%s] does not have a match in local list",
+                  map.toString().c_str(),
+                  igd->toString().c_str(),
+                  map.getProtocolName());
+        return;
+    }
+    if (mapPtr->getProtocol() != NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP or not mapPtr->isValid()
+        or mapPtr->getState() != MappingState::OPEN) {
+        JAMI_WARN("Renewed mapping %s from IGD %s [%s] is in unexpected state",
+                  mapPtr->toString().c_str(),
+                  igd->toString().c_str(),
+                  mapPtr->getProtocolName());
+        return;
+    }
+    mapPtr->setRenewalTime(map.getRenewalTime());
+UPnPContext::requestRemoveMapping(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map)
+    if (not map) {
+        JAMI_ERR("Mapping shared pointer is null!");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (not map->isValid()) {
+        // Silently ignore if the mapping is invalid
+        return;
+    }
+    auto protocol =>getIgd()->getProtocol());
+    protocol->requestMappingRemove(*map);
+UPnPContext::deleteAllMappings(PortType type)
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, type] { deleteAllMappings(type); });
+        return;
+    }
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+    for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+        requestRemoveMapping(map);
+    }
+UPnPContext::onMappingRemoved(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& mapRes)
+    if (not mapRes.isValid())
+        return;
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnUpnpContextQueue([this, igd, mapRes] { onMappingRemoved(igd, mapRes); });
+        return;
+    }
+    auto map = getMappingWithKey(mapRes.getMapKey());
+    // Notify the listener.
+    if (map and map->getNotifyCallback())
+        map->getNotifyCallback()(map);
+UPnPContext::registerMapping(Mapping& map)
+    if (map.getExternalPort() == 0) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Port number not set. Will set a random port number");
+        auto port = getAvailablePortNumber(map.getType());
+        map.setExternalPort(port);
+        map.setInternalPort(port);
+    }
+    // Newly added mapping must be in pending state by default.
+    map.setState(MappingState::PENDING);
+    Mapping::sharedPtr_t mapPtr;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        auto& mappingList = getMappingList(map.getType());
+        auto ret = mappingList.emplace(map.getMapKey(), std::make_shared<Mapping>(map));
+        if (not ret.second) {
+            JAMI_WARN("Mapping request for %s already added!", map.toString().c_str());
+            return {};
+        }
+        mapPtr = ret.first->second;
+        assert(mapPtr);
+    }
+    // No available IGD. The pending mapping requests will be processed
+    // when a IGD becomes available (in onIgdAdded() method).
+    if (not isReady()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("No IGD available. Mapping will be requested when an IGD becomes available");
+    } else {
+        requestMapping(mapPtr);
+    }
+    return mapPtr;
+std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping::sharedPtr_t>::iterator
+UPnPContext::unregisterMapping(std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping::sharedPtr_t>::iterator it)
+    assert(it->second);
+    auto descr = it->second->toString();
+    auto& mappingList = getMappingList(it->second->getType());
+    auto ret = mappingList.erase(it);
+    return ret;
+UPnPContext::unregisterMapping(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map)
+    if (not map) {
+        JAMI_ERR("Mapping pointer is null");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (map->getAutoUpdate()) {
+        // Dont unregister mappings with auto-update enabled.
+        return;
+    }
+    auto& mappingList = getMappingList(map->getType());
+    if (mappingList.erase(map->getMapKey()) == 1) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Unregistered mapping %s", map->toString().c_str());
+    } else {
+        // The mapping may already be un-registered. Just ignore it.
+        JAMI_DBG("Mapping %s [%s] does not have a local match",
+                 map->toString().c_str(),
+                 map->getProtocolName());
+    }
+std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping::sharedPtr_t>&
+UPnPContext::getMappingList(PortType type)
+    unsigned typeIdx = type == PortType::TCP ? 0 : 1;
+    return mappingList_[typeIdx];
+UPnPContext::getMappingWithKey(Mapping::key_t key)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    auto const& mappingList = getMappingList(Mapping::getTypeFromMapKey(key));
+    auto it = mappingList.find(key);
+    if (it == mappingList.end())
+        return nullptr;
+    return it->second;
+UPnPContext::getMappingStatus(PortType type, MappingStatus& status)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+    auto& mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+    for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+        switch (map->getState()) {
+        case MappingState::PENDING: {
+            status.pendingCount_++;
+            break;
+        }
+        case MappingState::IN_PROGRESS: {
+            status.inProgressCount_++;
+            break;
+        }
+        case MappingState::FAILED: {
+            status.failedCount_++;
+            break;
+        }
+        case MappingState::OPEN: {
+            status.openCount_++;
+            if (map->isAvailable())
+                status.readyCount_++;
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+            // Must not get here.
+            assert(false);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+UPnPContext::getMappingStatus(MappingStatus& status)
+    getMappingStatus(PortType::TCP, status);
+    getMappingStatus(PortType::UDP, status);
+UPnPContext::onMappingRequestFailed(const Mapping& mapRes)
+    auto const& map = getMappingWithKey(mapRes.getMapKey());
+    if (not map) {
+        // We may receive a response for a removed request. Just ignore it.
+        JAMI_DBG("Mapping %s [IGD %s] does not have a local match",
+                 mapRes.toString().c_str(),
+                 mapRes.getProtocolName());
+        return;
+    }
+    auto igd = map->getIgd();
+    if (not igd) {
+        JAMI_ERR("IGD pointer is null");
+        return;
+    }
+    updateMappingState(map, MappingState::FAILED);
+    unregisterMapping(map);
+    JAMI_WARN("Mapping request for %s failed on IGD %s [%s]",
+              map->toString().c_str(),
+              igd->toString().c_str(),
+              igd->getProtocolName());
+UPnPContext::updateMappingState(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map, MappingState newState, bool notify)
+    assert(map);
+    // Ignore if the state did not change.
+    if (newState == map->getState()) {
+        JAMI_DBG("Mapping %s already in state %s", map->toString().c_str(), map->getStateStr());
+        return;
+    }
+    // Update the state.
+    map->setState(newState);
+    // Notify the listener if set.
+    if (notify and map->getNotifyCallback())
+        map->getNotifyCallback()(map);
+    // Check if the we have valid PMP IGD.
+    auto pmpProto =;
+    auto now = sys_clock::now();
+    std::vector<Mapping::sharedPtr_t> toRenew;
+    for (auto type : {PortType::TCP, PortType::UDP}) {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappingMutex_);
+        auto mappingList = getMappingList(type);
+        for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList) {
+            if (not map->isValid())
+                continue;
+            if (map->getProtocol() != NatProtocolType::NAT_PMP)
+                continue;
+            if (map->getState() != MappingState::OPEN)
+                continue;
+            if (now < map->getRenewalTime())
+                continue;
+            toRenew.emplace_back(map);
+        }
+    }
+    // Quit if there are no mapping to renew
+    if (toRenew.empty())
+        return;
+    for (auto const& map : toRenew) {
+        pmpProto->requestMappingRenew(*map);
+    }
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/upnp_context.h b/src/upnp/upnp_context.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30d50c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/upnp_context.h
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "protocol/upnp_protocol.h"
+#include "protocol/natpmp/nat_pmp.h"
+#include "protocol/pupnp/pupnp.h"
+#include "protocol/igd.h"
+#include "ip_utils.h"
+#include <opendht/rng.h>
+#include <asio/steady_timer.hpp>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <random>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <cstdlib>
+//#include "upnp_thread_util.h"
+using random_device = dht::crypto::random_device;
+using IgdFoundCallback = std::function<void()>;
+namespace jami {
+class IpAddr;
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+class UPnPContext : public UpnpMappingObserver//, protected UpnpThreadUtil
+    struct MappingStatus
+    {
+        int openCount_ {0};
+        int readyCount_ {0};
+        int pendingCount_ {0};
+        int inProgressCount_ {0};
+        int failedCount_ {0};
+        void reset()
+        {
+            openCount_ = 0;
+            readyCount_ = 0;
+            pendingCount_ = 0;
+            inProgressCount_ = 0;
+            failedCount_ = 0;
+        };
+        int sum() { return openCount_ + pendingCount_ + inProgressCount_ + failedCount_; }
+    };
+    UPnPContext();
+    ~UPnPContext();
+    // Retrieve the UPnPContext singleton.
+    static std::shared_ptr<UPnPContext> getUPnPContext();
+    // Terminate the instance.
+    void shutdown();
+    // Set the known public address
+    void setPublicAddress(const IpAddr& addr);
+    // Check if there is a valid IGD in the IGD list.
+    bool isReady() const;
+    // Get external Ip of a chosen IGD.
+    IpAddr getExternalIP() const;
+    // Inform the UPnP context that the network status has changed. This clears the list of known
+    void connectivityChanged();
+    // Returns a shared pointer of the mapping.
+    Mapping::sharedPtr_t reserveMapping(Mapping& requestedMap);
+    // Release an used mapping (make it available for future use).
+    void releaseMapping(const Mapping& map);
+    // Register a controller
+    void registerController(void* controller);
+    // Unregister a controller
+    void unregisterController(void* controller);
+    // Generate random port numbers
+    static uint16_t generateRandomPort(PortType type, bool mustBeEven = false);
+    // Initialization
+    void init();
+    /**
+     * @brief start the search for IGDs activate the mapping
+     * list update.
+     *
+     */
+    void startUpnp();
+    /**
+     * @brief Clear all IGDs and release/delete current mappings
+     *
+     * @param forceRelease If true, also delete mappings with enabled
+     * auto-update feature.
+     *
+     */
+    void stopUpnp(bool forceRelease = false);
+    void shutdown(std::condition_variable& cv);
+    // Create and register a new mapping.
+    Mapping::sharedPtr_t registerMapping(Mapping& map);
+    // Removes the mapping from the list.
+    std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping::sharedPtr_t>::iterator unregisterMapping(
+        std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping::sharedPtr_t>::iterator it);
+    void unregisterMapping(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map);
+    // Perform the request on the provided IGD.
+    void requestMapping(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map);
+    // Request a mapping remove from the IGD.
+    void requestRemoveMapping(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map);
+    // Remove all mappings of the given type.
+    void deleteAllMappings(PortType type);
+    // Update the state and notify the listener
+    void updateMappingState(const Mapping::sharedPtr_t& map,
+                            MappingState newState,
+                            bool notify = true);
+    // Provision ports.
+    uint16_t getAvailablePortNumber(PortType type);
+    // Update preferred IGD
+    void updatePreferredIgd();
+    // Get preferred IGD
+    std::shared_ptr<IGD> getPreferredIgd() const;
+    // Check and prune the mapping list. Called periodically.
+    void updateMappingList(bool async);
+    // Provision (pre-allocate) the requested number of mappings.
+    bool provisionNewMappings(PortType type, int portCount);
+    // Close unused mappings.
+    bool deleteUnneededMappings(PortType type, int portCount);
+    /**
+     * Prune the mapping list.To avoid competing with allocation
+     * requests, the pruning is performed only if there are no
+     * requests in progress.
+     */
+    void pruneMappingList();
+    /**
+     * Check if there are allocated mappings from previous instances,
+     * and try to close them.
+     * Only done for UPNP protocol. NAT-PMP allocations will expire
+     * anyway if not renewed.
+     */
+    void pruneUnMatchedMappings(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd,
+                                const std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping>& remoteMapList);
+    /**
+     * Check the local mapping list against the list returned by the
+     * IGD and remove all mappings which do not have a match.
+     * Only done for UPNP protocol.
+     */
+    void pruneUnTrackedMappings(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd,
+                                const std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping>& remoteMapList);
+    void pruneMappingsWithInvalidIgds(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd);
+    /**
+     * @brief Get the mapping list
+     *
+     * @param type transport type (TCP/UDP)
+     * @return a reference on the map
+     * @warning concurrency protection done by the caller
+     */
+    std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping::sharedPtr_t>& getMappingList(PortType type);
+    // Get the mapping from the key.
+    Mapping::sharedPtr_t getMappingWithKey(Mapping::key_t key);
+    // Get the number of mappings per state.
+    void getMappingStatus(PortType type, MappingStatus& status);
+    void getMappingStatus(MappingStatus& status);
+    void renewAllocations();
+    // Process requests with pending status.
+    void processPendingRequests(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd);
+    // Process mapping with auto-update flag enabled.
+    void processMappingWithAutoUpdate();
+    // Implementation of UpnpMappingObserver interface.
+    // Callback used to report changes in IGD status.
+    void onIgdUpdated(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, UpnpIgdEvent event) override;
+    // Callback used to report add request status.
+    void onMappingAdded(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map) override;
+    // Callback invoked when a request fails. Reported on failures for both
+    // new requests and renewal requests (if supported by the the protocol).
+    void onMappingRequestFailed(const Mapping& map) override;
+    // Callback used to report renew request status.
+    void onMappingRenewed(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map) override;
+    // Callback used to report remove request status.
+    void onMappingRemoved(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const Mapping& map) override;
+    UPnPContext(const UPnPContext&) = delete;
+    UPnPContext(UPnPContext&&) = delete;
+    UPnPContext& operator=(UPnPContext&&) = delete;
+    UPnPContext& operator=(const UPnPContext&) = delete;
+    bool started_ {false};
+    // The known public address. The external addresses returned by
+    // the IGDs will be checked against this address.
+    IpAddr knownPublicAddress_ {};
+    // Set of registered controllers
+    std::set<void*> controllerList_;
+    // Map of available protocols.
+    std::map<NatProtocolType, std::shared_ptr<UPnPProtocol>> protocolList_;
+    // Port ranges for TCP and UDP (in that order).
+    std::map<PortType, std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t>> portRange_ {};
+    // Min open ports limit
+    int minOpenPortLimit_[2] {4, 8};
+    // Max open ports limit
+    int maxOpenPortLimit_[2] {8, 12};
+    //std::shared_ptr<Task> mappingListUpdateTimer_ {};
+    asio::steady_timer mappingListUpdateTimer_;// {};
+    // Current preferred IGD. Can be null if there is no valid IGD.
+    std::shared_ptr<IGD> preferredIgd_;
+    // This mutex must lock only these two members. All other
+    // members must be accessed only from the UPNP context thread.
+    std::mutex mutable mappingMutex_;
+    // List of mappings.
+    std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping::sharedPtr_t> mappingList_[2] {};
+    std::set<std::shared_ptr<IGD>> validIgdList_ {};
+    // Shutdown synchronization
+    bool shutdownComplete_ {false};
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/upnp_control.cpp b/src/upnp/upnp_control.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b255617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/upnp_control.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "upnp_control.h"
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+    try {
+        upnpContext_ = UPnPContext::getUPnPContext();
+    } catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
+        JAMI_ERR("UPnP context error: %s", e.what());
+    }
+    assert(upnpContext_);
+    upnpContext_->registerController(this);
+    JAMI_DBG("Controller@%p: Created UPnP Controller session", this);
+    JAMI_DBG("Controller@%p: Destroying UPnP Controller session", this);
+    releaseAllMappings();
+    upnpContext_->unregisterController(this);
+Controller::setPublicAddress(const IpAddr& addr)
+    assert(upnpContext_);
+    if (addr and addr.getFamily() == AF_INET) {
+        upnpContext_->setPublicAddress(addr);
+    }
+Controller::isReady() const
+    assert(upnpContext_);
+    return upnpContext_->isReady();
+Controller::getExternalIP() const
+    assert(upnpContext_);
+    if (upnpContext_->isReady()) {
+        return upnpContext_->getExternalIP();
+    }
+    return {};
+Controller::reserveMapping(uint16_t port, PortType type)
+    Mapping map(type, port, port);
+    return reserveMapping(map);
+Controller::reserveMapping(Mapping& requestedMap)
+    assert(upnpContext_);
+    // Try to get a provisioned port
+    auto mapRes = upnpContext_->reserveMapping(requestedMap);
+    if (mapRes)
+        addLocalMap(*mapRes);
+    return mapRes;
+Controller::releaseMapping(const Mapping& map)
+    assert(upnpContext_);
+    removeLocalMap(map);
+    return upnpContext_->releaseMapping(map);
+    assert(upnpContext_);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mapListMutex_);
+    for (auto const& [_, map] : mappingList_) {
+        upnpContext_->releaseMapping(map);
+    }
+    mappingList_.clear();
+Controller::addLocalMap(const Mapping& map)
+    if (map.getMapKey()) {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mapListMutex_);
+        auto ret = mappingList_.emplace(map.getMapKey(), map);
+        if (not ret.second) {
+            JAMI_WARN("Mapping request for %s already in the list!", map.toString().c_str());
+        }
+    }
+Controller::removeLocalMap(const Mapping& map)
+    assert(upnpContext_);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mapListMutex_);
+    if (mappingList_.erase(map.getMapKey()) != 1) {
+        JAMI_ERR("Failed to remove mapping %s from local list", map.getTypeStr());
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+Controller::generateRandomPort(PortType type)
+    return UPnPContext::generateRandomPort(type);
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/upnp_control.h b/src/upnp/upnp_control.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..183b4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/upnp_control.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "upnp_context.h"
+#include "ip_utils.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include <chrono>
+namespace jami {
+class IpAddr;
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+class UPnPContext;
+class Controller
+    Controller();
+    ~Controller();
+    // Set known public address
+    void setPublicAddress(const IpAddr& addr);
+    // Checks if a valid IGD is available.
+    bool isReady() const;
+    // Gets the external ip of the first valid IGD in the list.
+    IpAddr getExternalIP() const;
+    // Request port mapping.
+    // Returns a shared pointer on the allocated mapping. The shared
+    // pointer may point to nothing on failure.
+    Mapping::sharedPtr_t reserveMapping(Mapping& map);
+    Mapping::sharedPtr_t reserveMapping(uint16_t port, PortType type);
+    // Remove port mapping.
+    void releaseMapping(const Mapping& map);
+    static uint16_t generateRandomPort(PortType);
+    // Adds a mapping locally to the list.
+    void addLocalMap(const Mapping& map);
+    // Removes a mapping from the local list.
+    bool removeLocalMap(const Mapping& map);
+    // Removes all mappings of the given type.
+    void releaseAllMappings();
+    std::shared_ptr<UPnPContext> upnpContext_;
+    mutable std::mutex mapListMutex_;
+    std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping> mappingList_;
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami
diff --git a/src/upnp/upnp_thread_util.h b/src/upnp/upnp_thread_util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10d454a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/upnp_thread_util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <thread>
+// This macro is used to validate that a code is executed from the expected
+// thread. It's useful to detect unexpected race on data members.
+    if (not isValidThread()) \
+        JAMI_ERR() << "The calling thread " << getCurrentThread() \
+                   << " is not the expected thread: " << threadId_;
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+class UpnpThreadUtil
+    std::thread::id getCurrentThread() const { return std::this_thread::get_id(); }
+    bool isValidThread() const { return threadId_ == getCurrentThread(); }
+    // Upnp context execution queue (same as manager's scheduler)
+    // Helpers to run tasks on upnp context queue.
+    static ScheduledExecutor* getScheduler() { return &Manager::instance().scheduler(); }
+    template<typename Callback>
+    static void runOnUpnpContextQueue(Callback&& cb)
+    {
+        getScheduler()->run([cb = std::forward<Callback>(cb)]() mutable { cb(); });
+    }
+    std::thread::id threadId_;
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami