add initial project structure

Change-Id: I6a3fb080ff623b312e42d71754480a7ce00b81a0
diff --git a/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/pupnp.cpp b/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/pupnp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc63347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upnp/protocol/pupnp/pupnp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1599 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ *  Author: Stepan Salenikovich <>
+ *  Author: Eden Abitbol <>
+ *  Author: Adrien Béraud <>
+ *  Author: Mohamed Chibani <>
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "pupnp.h"
+#include <opendht/thread_pool.h>
+#include <opendht/http.h>
+namespace jami {
+namespace upnp {
+// Action identifiers.
+constexpr static const char* ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING {"AddPortMapping"};
+constexpr static const char* ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING {"DeletePortMapping"};
+constexpr static const char* ACTION_GET_GENERIC_PORT_MAPPING_ENTRY {"GetGenericPortMappingEntry"};
+constexpr static const char* ACTION_GET_STATUS_INFO {"GetStatusInfo"};
+constexpr static const char* ACTION_GET_EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS {"GetExternalIPAddress"};
+// Error codes returned by router when trying to remove ports.
+constexpr static int ARRAY_IDX_INVALID = 713;
+constexpr static int CONFLICT_IN_MAPPING = 718;
+// Max number of IGD search attempts before failure.
+constexpr static unsigned int PUPNP_MAX_RESTART_SEARCH_RETRIES {3};
+// IGD search timeout (in seconds).
+constexpr static unsigned int SEARCH_TIMEOUT {60};
+// Base unit for the timeout between two successive IGD search.
+constexpr static auto PUPNP_SEARCH_RETRY_UNIT {std::chrono::seconds(10)};
+// Helper functions for xml parsing.
+static std::string_view
+getElementText(IXML_Node* node)
+    if (node) {
+        if (IXML_Node* textNode = ixmlNode_getFirstChild(node))
+            if (const char* value = ixmlNode_getNodeValue(textNode))
+                return std::string_view(value);
+    }
+    return {};
+static std::string_view
+getFirstDocItem(IXML_Document* doc, const char* item)
+    std::unique_ptr<IXML_NodeList, decltype(ixmlNodeList_free)&>
+        nodeList(ixmlDocument_getElementsByTagName(doc, item), ixmlNodeList_free);
+    if (nodeList) {
+        // If there are several nodes which match the tag, we only want the first one.
+        return getElementText(ixmlNodeList_item(nodeList.get(), 0));
+    }
+    return {};
+static std::string_view
+getFirstElementItem(IXML_Element* element, const char* item)
+    std::unique_ptr<IXML_NodeList, decltype(ixmlNodeList_free)&>
+        nodeList(ixmlElement_getElementsByTagName(element, item), ixmlNodeList_free);
+    if (nodeList) {
+        // If there are several nodes which match the tag, we only want the first one.
+        return getElementText(ixmlNodeList_item(nodeList.get(), 0));
+    }
+    return {};
+static bool
+errorOnResponse(IXML_Document* doc)
+    if (not doc)
+        return true;
+    auto errorCode = getFirstDocItem(doc, "errorCode");
+    if (not errorCode.empty()) {
+        auto errorDescription = getFirstDocItem(doc, "errorDescription");
+        JAMI_WARNING("PUPnP: Response contains error: {:s}: {:s}",
+                  errorCode,
+                  errorDescription);
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+// UPNP class implementation
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Creating instance [%p] ...", this);
+    runOnPUPnPQueue([this] {
+        threadId_ = getCurrentThread();
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Instance [%p] created", this);
+    });
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Instance [%p] destroyed", this);
+    assert(not initialized_);
+    int upnp_err = UpnpInit2(nullptr, 0);
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: Can't initialize libupnp: %s", UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        UpnpFinish();
+        initialized_ = false;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Disable embedded WebServer if any.
+    if (UpnpIsWebserverEnabled() == 1) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Web-server is enabled. Disabling");
+        UpnpEnableWebserver(0);
+        if (UpnpIsWebserverEnabled() == 1) {
+            JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: Could not disable Web-server!");
+        } else {
+            JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Web-server successfully disabled");
+        }
+    }
+    char* ip_address = UpnpGetServerIpAddress();
+    char* ip_address6 = nullptr;
+    unsigned short port = UpnpGetServerPort();
+    unsigned short port6 = 0;
+    ip_address6 = UpnpGetServerIp6Address();
+    port6 = UpnpGetServerPort6();
+    if (ip_address6 and port6)
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Initialized on %s:%u | %s:%u", ip_address, port, ip_address6, port6);
+    else
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Initialized on %s:%u", ip_address, port);
+    // Relax the parser to allow malformed XML text.
+    ixmlRelaxParser(1);
+    initialized_ = true;
+PUPnP::isRunning() const
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(pupnpMutex_);
+    return not shutdownComplete_;
+    assert(not clientRegistered_);
+    // Register Upnp control point.
+    int upnp_err = UpnpRegisterClient(ctrlPtCallback, this, &ctrlptHandle_);
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: Can't register client: %s", UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+    } else {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Successfully registered client");
+        clientRegistered_ = true;
+    }
+PUPnP::setObserver(UpnpMappingObserver* obs)
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), obs] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->setObserver(obs);
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Setting observer to %p", obs);
+    observer_ = obs;
+const IpAddr
+PUPnP::getHostAddress() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+    return hostAddress_;
+PUPnP::terminate(std::condition_variable& cv)
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Terminate instance %p", this);
+    clientRegistered_ = false;
+    observer_ = nullptr;
+    UpnpUnRegisterClient(ctrlptHandle_);
+    if (initialized_) {
+        if (UpnpFinish() != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+            JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: Failed to properly close lib-upnp");
+        }
+        initialized_ = false;
+    }
+    // Clear all the lists.
+    discoveredIgdList_.clear();
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+        validIgdList_.clear();
+        shutdownComplete_ = true;
+        cv.notify_one();
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(pupnpMutex_);
+    std::condition_variable cv {};
+    runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), &cv = cv] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->terminate(cv);
+            }
+    });
+    if (cv.wait_for(lk, std::chrono::seconds(10), [this] { return shutdownComplete_; })) {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Shutdown completed");
+    } else {
+        JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: Shutdown timed-out");
+        // Force stop if the shutdown take too much time.
+        shutdownComplete_ = true;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Send IGD search request");
+    // Send out search for multiple types of devices, as some routers may possibly
+    // only reply to one.
+    auto err = UpnpSearchAsync(ctrlptHandle_, SEARCH_TIMEOUT, UPNP_ROOT_DEVICE, this);
+    if (err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Send search for UPNP_ROOT_DEVICE failed. Error %d: %s",
+                  err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(err));
+    }
+    err = UpnpSearchAsync(ctrlptHandle_, SEARCH_TIMEOUT, UPNP_IGD_DEVICE, this);
+    if (err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Send search for UPNP_IGD_DEVICE failed. Error %d: %s",
+                  err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(err));
+    }
+    err = UpnpSearchAsync(ctrlptHandle_, SEARCH_TIMEOUT, UPNP_WANIP_SERVICE, this);
+    if (err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Send search for UPNP_WANIP_SERVICE failed. Error %d: %s",
+                  err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(err));
+    }
+    err = UpnpSearchAsync(ctrlptHandle_, SEARCH_TIMEOUT, UPNP_WANPPP_SERVICE, this);
+    if (err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Send search for UPNP_WANPPP_SERVICE failed. Error %d: %s",
+                  err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(err));
+    }
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak()] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->clearIgds();
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: clearing IGDs and devices lists");
+    if (searchForIgdTimer_)
+        searchForIgdTimer_->cancel();
+    igdSearchCounter_ = 0;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+        for (auto const& igd : validIgdList_) {
+            igd->setValid(false);
+        }
+        validIgdList_.clear();
+        hostAddress_ = {};
+    }
+    discoveredIgdList_.clear();
+    if (not isValidThread()) {
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak()] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->searchForIgd();
+            }
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    // Update local address before searching.
+    updateHostAddress();
+    if (isReady()) {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Already have a valid IGD. Skip the search request");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (igdSearchCounter_++ >= PUPNP_MAX_RESTART_SEARCH_RETRIES) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Setup failed after %u trials. PUPnP will be disabled!",
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Start search for IGD: attempt %u", igdSearchCounter_);
+    // Do not init if the host is not valid. Otherwise, the init will fail
+    // anyway and may put libupnp in an unstable state (mainly deadlocks)
+    // even if the UpnpFinish() method is called.
+    if (not hasValidHostAddress()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Host address is invalid. Skipping the IGD search");
+    } else {
+        // Init and register if needed
+        if (not initialized_) {
+            initUpnpLib();
+        }
+        if (initialized_ and not clientRegistered_) {
+            registerClient();
+        }
+        // Start searching
+        if (clientRegistered_) {
+            assert(initialized_);
+            searchForDevices();
+        } else {
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: PUPNP not fully setup. Skipping the IGD search");
+        }
+    }
+    // Cancel the current timer (if any) and re-schedule.
+    // The connectivity change may be received while the the local
+    // interface is not fully setup. The rescheduling typically
+    // usefull to mitigate this race.
+    if (searchForIgdTimer_)
+        searchForIgdTimer_->cancel();
+    searchForIgdTimer_ = getUpnContextScheduler()->scheduleIn(
+        [w = weak()] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock())
+                upnpThis->searchForIgd();
+        },
+        PUPNP_SEARCH_RETRY_UNIT * igdSearchCounter_);
+PUPnP::getIgdList() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+    std::list<std::shared_ptr<IGD>> igdList;
+    for (auto& it : validIgdList_) {
+        // Return only active IGDs.
+        if (it->isValid()) {
+            igdList.emplace_back(it);
+        }
+    }
+    return igdList;
+PUPnP::isReady() const
+    // Must at least have a valid local address.
+    if (not getHostAddress() or getHostAddress().isLoopback())
+        return false;
+    return hasValidIgd();
+PUPnP::hasValidIgd() const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+    for (auto& it : validIgdList_) {
+        if (it->isValid()) {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+    hostAddress_ = ip_utils::getLocalAddr(AF_INET);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+    return hostAddress_ and not hostAddress_.isLoopback();
+PUPnP::incrementErrorsCounter(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd)
+    if (not igd or not igd->isValid())
+        return;
+    if (not igd->incrementErrorsCounter()) {
+        // Disable this IGD.
+        igd->setValid(false);
+        // Notify the listener.
+        if (observer_)
+            observer_->onIgdUpdated(igd, UpnpIgdEvent::INVALID_STATE);
+    }
+PUPnP::validateIgd(const std::string& location, IXML_Document* doc_container_ptr)
+    assert(doc_container_ptr != nullptr);
+    XMLDocument document(doc_container_ptr, ixmlDocument_free);
+    auto descDoc = document.get();
+    // Check device type.
+    auto deviceType = getFirstDocItem(descDoc, "deviceType");
+    if (deviceType != UPNP_IGD_DEVICE) {
+        // Device type not IGD.
+        return false;
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<UPnPIGD> igd_candidate = parseIgd(descDoc, location);
+    if (not igd_candidate) {
+        // No valid IGD candidate.
+        return false;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Validating the IGD candidate [UDN: %s]\n"
+             "    Name         : %s\n"
+             "    Service Type : %s\n"
+             "    Service ID   : %s\n"
+             "    Base URL     : %s\n"
+             "    Location URL : %s\n"
+             "    control URL  : %s\n"
+             "    Event URL    : %s",
+             igd_candidate->getUID().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getFriendlyName().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getServiceType().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getServiceId().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getBaseURL().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getLocationURL().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getControlURL().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getEventSubURL().c_str());
+    // Check if IGD is connected.
+    if (not actionIsIgdConnected(*igd_candidate)) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD candidate %s is not connected", igd_candidate->getUID().c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Validate external Ip.
+    igd_candidate->setPublicIp(actionGetExternalIP(*igd_candidate));
+    if (igd_candidate->getPublicIp().toString().empty()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD candidate %s has no valid external Ip",
+                  igd_candidate->getUID().c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Validate internal Ip.
+    if (igd_candidate->getBaseURL().empty()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD candidate %s has no valid internal Ip",
+                  igd_candidate->getUID().c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Typically the IGD local address should be extracted from the XML
+    // document (e.g. parsing the base URL). For simplicity, we assume
+    // that it matches the gateway as seen by the local interface.
+    if (const auto& localGw = ip_utils::getLocalGateway()) {
+        igd_candidate->setLocalIp(localGw);
+    } else {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Could not set internal address for IGD candidate %s",
+                  igd_candidate->getUID().c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Store info for subscription.
+    std::string eventSub = igd_candidate->getEventSubURL();
+    {
+        // Add the IGD if not already present in the list.
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+        for (auto& igd : validIgdList_) {
+            // Must not be a null pointer
+            assert(igd.get() != nullptr);
+            if (*igd == *igd_candidate) {
+                JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Device [%s] with int/ext addresses [%s:%s] is already in the list "
+                         "of valid IGDs",
+                         igd_candidate->getUID().c_str(),
+                         igd_candidate->toString().c_str(),
+                         igd_candidate->getPublicIp().toString().c_str());
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // We have a valid IGD
+    igd_candidate->setValid(true);
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Added a new IGD [%s] to the list of valid IGDs",
+             igd_candidate->getUID().c_str());
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: New IGD addresses [int: %s - ext: %s]",
+             igd_candidate->toString().c_str(),
+             igd_candidate->getPublicIp().toString().c_str());
+    // Subscribe to IGD events.
+    int upnp_err = UpnpSubscribeAsync(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                      eventSub.c_str(),
+                                      UPNP_INFINITE,
+                                      subEventCallback,
+                                      this);
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to send subscribe request to %s: error %i - %s",
+                  igd_candidate->getUID().c_str(),
+                  upnp_err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        // return false;
+    } else {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Successfully subscribed to IGD %s", igd_candidate->getUID().c_str());
+    }
+    {
+        // This is a new (and hopefully valid) IGD.
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+        validIgdList_.emplace_back(igd_candidate);
+    }
+    // Report to the listener.
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([w = weak(), igd_candidate] {
+        if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+            if (upnpThis->observer_)
+                upnpThis->observer_->onIgdUpdated(igd_candidate, UpnpIgdEvent::ADDED);
+        }
+    });
+    return true;
+PUPnP::requestMappingAdd(const Mapping& mapping)
+    runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), mapping] {
+        if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+            if (not upnpThis->isRunning())
+                return;
+            Mapping mapRes(mapping);
+            if (upnpThis->actionAddPortMapping(mapRes)) {
+                mapRes.setState(MappingState::OPEN);
+                mapRes.setInternalAddress(upnpThis->getHostAddress().toString());
+                upnpThis->processAddMapAction(mapRes);
+            } else {
+                upnpThis->incrementErrorsCounter(mapRes.getIgd());
+                mapRes.setState(MappingState::FAILED);
+                upnpThis->processRequestMappingFailure(mapRes);
+            }
+        }
+    });
+PUPnP::requestMappingRemove(const Mapping& mapping)
+    // Send remove request using the matching IGD
+    runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), mapping] {
+        if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+            // Abort if we are shutting down.
+            if (not upnpThis->isRunning())
+                return;
+            if (upnpThis->actionDeletePortMapping(mapping)) {
+                upnpThis->processRemoveMapAction(mapping);
+            } else {
+                assert(mapping.getIgd());
+                // Dont need to report in case of failure.
+                upnpThis->incrementErrorsCounter(mapping.getIgd());
+            }
+        }
+    });
+PUPnP::findMatchingIgd(const std::string& ctrlURL) const
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pupnpMutex_);
+    auto iter = std::find_if(validIgdList_.begin(),
+                             validIgdList_.end(),
+                             [&ctrlURL](const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd) {
+                                 if (auto upnpIgd = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UPnPIGD>(igd)) {
+                                     return upnpIgd->getControlURL() == ctrlURL;
+                                 }
+                                 return false;
+                             });
+    if (iter == validIgdList_.end()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Did not find the IGD matching ctrl URL [%s]", ctrlURL.c_str());
+        return {};
+    }
+    return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UPnPIGD>(*iter);
+PUPnP::processAddMapAction(const Mapping& map)
+    if (observer_ == nullptr)
+        return;
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([w = weak(), map] {
+        if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+            if (upnpThis->observer_)
+                upnpThis->observer_->onMappingAdded(map.getIgd(), std::move(map));
+        }
+    });
+PUPnP::processRequestMappingFailure(const Mapping& map)
+    if (observer_ == nullptr)
+        return;
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([w = weak(), map] {
+        if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+            JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Failed to request mapping %s", map.toString().c_str());
+            if (upnpThis->observer_)
+                upnpThis->observer_->onMappingRequestFailed(map);
+        }
+    });
+PUPnP::processRemoveMapAction(const Mapping& map)
+    if (observer_ == nullptr)
+        return;
+    runOnUpnpContextQueue([map, obs = observer_] {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Closed mapping %s", map.toString().c_str());
+        obs->onMappingRemoved(map.getIgd(), std::move(map));
+    });
+const char*
+PUPnP::eventTypeToString(Upnp_EventType eventType)
+    switch (eventType) {
+        return "UPNP_EVENT_RECEIVED";
+    default:
+        return "Unknown UPNP Event";
+    }
+PUPnP::ctrlPtCallback(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event, void* user_data)
+    auto pupnp = static_cast<PUPnP*>(user_data);
+    if (pupnp == nullptr) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Control point callback without PUPnP");
+        return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    auto upnpThis = pupnp->weak().lock();
+    if (not upnpThis)
+        return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+    // Ignore if already unregistered.
+    if (not upnpThis->clientRegistered_)
+        return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+    // Process the callback.
+    return upnpThis->handleCtrlPtUPnPEvents(event_type, event);
+PUPnP::getAction(const char* xmlNode)
+    if (strstr(xmlNode, ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING)) {
+        return CtrlAction::ADD_PORT_MAPPING;
+    } else if (strstr(xmlNode, ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING)) {
+        return CtrlAction::DELETE_PORT_MAPPING;
+    } else if (strstr(xmlNode, ACTION_GET_GENERIC_PORT_MAPPING_ENTRY)) {
+        return CtrlAction::GET_GENERIC_PORT_MAPPING_ENTRY;
+    } else if (strstr(xmlNode, ACTION_GET_STATUS_INFO)) {
+        return CtrlAction::GET_STATUS_INFO;
+    } else if (strstr(xmlNode, ACTION_GET_EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS)) {
+        return CtrlAction::GET_EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS;
+    } else {
+        return CtrlAction::UNKNOWN;
+    }
+PUPnP::processDiscoverySearchResult(const std::string& cpDeviceId,
+                                    const std::string& igdLocationUrl,
+                                    const IpAddr& dstAddr)
+    // Update host address if needed.
+    if (not hasValidHostAddress())
+        updateHostAddress();
+    // The host address must be valid to proceed.
+    if (not hasValidHostAddress()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Local address is invalid. Ignore search result for now!");
+        return;
+    }
+    // Use the device ID and the URL as ID. This is necessary as some
+    // IGDs may have the same device ID but different URLs.
+    auto igdId = cpDeviceId + " url: " + igdLocationUrl;
+    if (not discoveredIgdList_.emplace(igdId).second) {
+        // JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD [%s] already in the list", igdId.c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Discovered a new IGD [%s]", igdId.c_str());
+    // NOTE: here, we check if the location given is related to the source address.
+    // If it's not the case, it's certainly a router plugged in the network, but not
+    // related to this network. So the given location will be unreachable and this
+    // will cause some timeout.
+    // Only check the IP address (ignore the port number).
+    dht::http::Url url(igdLocationUrl);
+    if (IpAddr( != dstAddr.toString(false)) {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Returned location %s does not match the source address %s",
+                 IpAddr(, true).c_str(),
+                 dstAddr.toString(true, true).c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    // Run a separate thread to prevent blocking this thread
+    // if the IGD HTTP server is not responsive.
+    dht::ThreadPool::io().run([w = weak(), igdLocationUrl] {
+        if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+            upnpThis->downLoadIgdDescription(igdLocationUrl);
+        }
+    });
+PUPnP::downLoadIgdDescription(const std::string& locationUrl)
+    IXML_Document* doc_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    int upnp_err = UpnpDownloadXmlDoc(locationUrl.c_str(), &doc_container_ptr);
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS or not doc_container_ptr) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Error downloading device XML document from %s -> %s",
+                  locationUrl.c_str(),
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+    } else {
+        JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Succeeded to download device XML document from %s", locationUrl.c_str());
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), url = locationUrl, doc_container_ptr] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->validateIgd(url, doc_container_ptr);
+            }
+        });
+    }
+PUPnP::processDiscoveryAdvertisementByebye(const std::string& cpDeviceId)
+    discoveredIgdList_.erase(cpDeviceId);
+    std::shared_ptr<IGD> igd;
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pupnpMutex_);
+        for (auto it = validIgdList_.begin(); it != validIgdList_.end();) {
+            if ((*it)->getUID() == cpDeviceId) {
+                igd = *it;
+                JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Received [%s] for IGD [%s] %s. Will be removed.",
+                         PUPnP::eventTypeToString(UPNP_DISCOVERY_ADVERTISEMENT_BYEBYE),
+                         igd->getUID().c_str(),
+                         igd->toString().c_str());
+                igd->setValid(false);
+                // Remove the IGD.
+                it = validIgdList_.erase(it);
+                break;
+            } else {
+                it++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Notify the listener.
+    if (observer_ and igd) {
+        observer_->onIgdUpdated(igd, UpnpIgdEvent::REMOVED);
+    }
+PUPnP::processDiscoverySubscriptionExpired(Upnp_EventType event_type, const std::string& eventSubUrl)
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pupnpMutex_);
+    for (auto& it : validIgdList_) {
+        if (auto igd = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UPnPIGD>(it)) {
+            if (igd->getEventSubURL() == eventSubUrl) {
+                JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Received [%s] event for IGD [%s] %s. Request a new subscribe.",
+                         PUPnP::eventTypeToString(event_type),
+                         igd->getUID().c_str(),
+                         igd->toString().c_str());
+                UpnpSubscribeAsync(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                   eventSubUrl.c_str(),
+                                   UPNP_INFINITE,
+                                   subEventCallback,
+                                   this);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+PUPnP::handleCtrlPtUPnPEvents(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event)
+    switch (event_type) {
+    // "ALIVE" events are processed as "SEARCH RESULT". It might be usefull
+    // if "SEARCH RESULT" was missed.
+        const UpnpDiscovery* d_event = (const UpnpDiscovery*) event;
+        // First check the error code.
+        auto upnp_status = UpnpDiscovery_get_ErrCode(d_event);
+        if (upnp_status != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+            JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: UPNP discovery is in erroneous state: %s",
+                     UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_status));
+            break;
+        }
+        // Parse the event's data.
+        std::string deviceId {UpnpDiscovery_get_DeviceID_cstr(d_event)};
+        std::string location {UpnpDiscovery_get_Location_cstr(d_event)};
+        IpAddr dstAddr(*(const pj_sockaddr*) (UpnpDiscovery_get_DestAddr(d_event)));
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(),
+                         deviceId = std::move(deviceId),
+                         location = std::move(location),
+                         dstAddr = std::move(dstAddr)] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->processDiscoverySearchResult(deviceId, location, dstAddr);
+            }
+        });
+        break;
+    }
+        const UpnpDiscovery* d_event = (const UpnpDiscovery*) event;
+        std::string deviceId(UpnpDiscovery_get_DeviceID_cstr(d_event));
+        // Process the response on the main thread.
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), deviceId = std::move(deviceId)] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->processDiscoveryAdvertisementByebye(deviceId);
+            }
+        });
+        break;
+    }
+        // Even if the discovery search is successful, it's normal to receive
+        // time-out events. This because we send search requests using various
+        // device types, which some of them may not return a response.
+        break;
+    }
+        // Nothing to do.
+        break;
+    }
+    // Treat failed autorenewal like an expired subscription.
+    case UPNP_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED: // This event will occur only if autorenewal is disabled.
+    {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Received Subscription Event %s", eventTypeToString(event_type));
+        const UpnpEventSubscribe* es_event = (const UpnpEventSubscribe*) event;
+        if (es_event == nullptr) {
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Received Subscription Event with null pointer");
+            break;
+        }
+        std::string publisherUrl(UpnpEventSubscribe_get_PublisherUrl_cstr(es_event));
+        // Process the response on the main thread.
+        runOnPUPnPQueue([w = weak(), event_type, publisherUrl = std::move(publisherUrl)] {
+            if (auto upnpThis = w.lock()) {
+                upnpThis->processDiscoverySubscriptionExpired(event_type, publisherUrl);
+            }
+        });
+        break;
+    }
+        UpnpEventSubscribe* es_event = (UpnpEventSubscribe*) event;
+        if (es_event == nullptr) {
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Received Subscription Event with null pointer");
+        } else {
+            UpnpEventSubscribe_delete(es_event);
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+        const UpnpActionComplete* a_event = (const UpnpActionComplete*) event;
+        if (a_event == nullptr) {
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Received Action Complete Event with null pointer");
+            break;
+        }
+        auto res = UpnpActionComplete_get_ErrCode(a_event);
+        if (res != UPNP_E_SUCCESS and res != UPNP_E_TIMEDOUT) {
+            auto err = UpnpActionComplete_get_ErrCode(a_event);
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Received Action Complete error %i %s", err, UpnpGetErrorMessage(err));
+        } else {
+            auto actionRequest = UpnpActionComplete_get_ActionRequest(a_event);
+            // Abort if there is no action to process.
+            if (actionRequest == nullptr) {
+                JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Can't get the Action Request data from the event");
+                break;
+            }
+            auto actionResult = UpnpActionComplete_get_ActionResult(a_event);
+            if (actionResult != nullptr) {
+                ixmlDocument_free(actionResult);
+            } else {
+                JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Action Result document not found");
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    default: {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Unhandled Control Point event");
+        break;
+    }
+    }
+    return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+PUPnP::subEventCallback(Upnp_EventType event_type, const void* event, void* user_data)
+    if (auto pupnp = static_cast<PUPnP*>(user_data))
+        return pupnp->handleSubscriptionUPnPEvent(event_type, event);
+    JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Subscription callback without service Id string");
+    return 0;
+PUPnP::handleSubscriptionUPnPEvent(Upnp_EventType, const void* event)
+    UpnpEventSubscribe* es_event = static_cast<UpnpEventSubscribe*>(const_cast<void*>(event));
+    if (es_event == nullptr) {
+        JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: Unexpected null pointer!");
+        return UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
+    }
+    std::string publisherUrl(UpnpEventSubscribe_get_PublisherUrl_cstr(es_event));
+    int upnp_err = UpnpEventSubscribe_get_ErrCode(es_event);
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Subscription error %s from %s",
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err),
+                  publisherUrl.c_str());
+        return upnp_err;
+    }
+    return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
+PUPnP::parseIgd(IXML_Document* doc, std::string locationUrl)
+    if (not(doc and locationUrl.c_str()))
+        return nullptr;
+    // Check the UDN to see if its already in our device list.
+    std::string UDN(getFirstDocItem(doc, "UDN"));
+    if (UDN.empty()) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: could not find UDN in description document of device");
+        return nullptr;
+    } else {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(pupnpMutex_);
+        for (auto& it : validIgdList_) {
+            if (it->getUID() == UDN) {
+                // We already have this device in our list.
+                return nullptr;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Found new device [%s]", UDN.c_str());
+    std::unique_ptr<UPnPIGD> new_igd;
+    int upnp_err;
+    // Get friendly name.
+    std::string friendlyName(getFirstDocItem(doc, "friendlyName"));
+    // Get base URL.
+    std::string baseURL(getFirstDocItem(doc, "URLBase"));
+    if (baseURL.empty())
+        baseURL = locationUrl;
+    // Get list of services defined by serviceType.
+    std::unique_ptr<IXML_NodeList, decltype(ixmlNodeList_free)&> serviceList(nullptr,
+                                                                             ixmlNodeList_free);
+    serviceList.reset(ixmlDocument_getElementsByTagName(doc, "serviceType"));
+    unsigned long list_length = ixmlNodeList_length(serviceList.get());
+    // Go through the "serviceType" nodes until we find the the correct service type.
+    for (unsigned long node_idx = 0; node_idx < list_length; node_idx++) {
+        IXML_Node* serviceType_node = ixmlNodeList_item(serviceList.get(), node_idx);
+        std::string serviceType(getElementText(serviceType_node));
+        // Only check serviceType of WANIPConnection or WANPPPConnection.
+        if (serviceType != UPNP_WANIP_SERVICE
+            && serviceType != UPNP_WANPPP_SERVICE) {
+            // IGD is not WANIP or WANPPP service. Going to next node.
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Get parent node.
+        IXML_Node* service_node = ixmlNode_getParentNode(serviceType_node);
+        if (not service_node) {
+            // IGD serviceType has no parent node. Going to next node.
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Perform sanity check. The parent node should be called "service".
+        if (strcmp(ixmlNode_getNodeName(service_node), "service") != 0) {
+            // IGD "serviceType" parent node is not called "service". Going to next node.
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Get serviceId.
+        IXML_Element* service_element = (IXML_Element*) service_node;
+        std::string serviceId(getFirstElementItem(service_element, "serviceId"));
+        if (serviceId.empty()) {
+            // IGD "serviceId" is empty. Going to next node.
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Get the relative controlURL and turn it into absolute address using the URLBase.
+        std::string controlURL(getFirstElementItem(service_element, "controlURL"));
+        if (controlURL.empty()) {
+            // IGD control URL is empty. Going to next node.
+            continue;
+        }
+        char* absolute_control_url = nullptr;
+        upnp_err = UpnpResolveURL2(baseURL.c_str(), controlURL.c_str(), &absolute_control_url);
+        if (upnp_err == UPNP_E_SUCCESS)
+            controlURL = absolute_control_url;
+        else
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Error resolving absolute controlURL -> %s",
+                      UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        std::free(absolute_control_url);
+        // Get the relative eventSubURL and turn it into absolute address using the URLBase.
+        std::string eventSubURL(getFirstElementItem(service_element, "eventSubURL"));
+        if (eventSubURL.empty()) {
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD event sub URL is empty. Going to next node");
+            continue;
+        }
+        char* absolute_event_sub_url = nullptr;
+        upnp_err = UpnpResolveURL2(baseURL.c_str(), eventSubURL.c_str(), &absolute_event_sub_url);
+        if (upnp_err == UPNP_E_SUCCESS)
+            eventSubURL = absolute_event_sub_url;
+        else
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Error resolving absolute eventSubURL -> %s",
+                      UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        std::free(absolute_event_sub_url);
+        new_igd.reset(new UPnPIGD(std::move(UDN),
+                                  std::move(baseURL),
+                                  std::move(friendlyName),
+                                  std::move(serviceType),
+                                  std::move(serviceId),
+                                  std::move(locationUrl),
+                                  std::move(controlURL),
+                                  std::move(eventSubURL)));
+        return new_igd;
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+PUPnP::actionIsIgdConnected(const UPnPIGD& igd)
+    if (not clientRegistered_)
+        return false;
+    // Set action name.
+    IXML_Document* action_container_ptr = UpnpMakeAction("GetStatusInfo",
+                                          igd.getServiceType().c_str(),
+                                          0,
+                                          nullptr);
+    if (not action_container_ptr) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to make GetStatusInfo action");
+        return false;
+    }
+    XMLDocument action(action_container_ptr, ixmlDocument_free); // Action pointer.
+    IXML_Document* response_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    int upnp_err = UpnpSendAction(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                  igd.getControlURL().c_str(),
+                                  igd.getServiceType().c_str(),
+                                  nullptr,
+                                  action.get(),
+                                  &response_container_ptr);
+    if (not response_container_ptr or upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to send GetStatusInfo action -> %s", UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        return false;
+    }
+    XMLDocument response(response_container_ptr, ixmlDocument_free);
+    if (errorOnResponse(response.get())) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to get GetStatusInfo from %s -> %d: %s",
+                  igd.getServiceType().c_str(),
+                  upnp_err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Parse response.
+    auto status = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewConnectionStatus");
+    return status == "Connected";
+PUPnP::actionGetExternalIP(const UPnPIGD& igd)
+    if (not clientRegistered_)
+        return {};
+    // Action and response pointers.
+    std::unique_ptr<IXML_Document, decltype(ixmlDocument_free)&>
+        action(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free); // Action pointer.
+    std::unique_ptr<IXML_Document, decltype(ixmlDocument_free)&>
+        response(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free); // Response pointer.
+    // Set action name.
+    static constexpr const char* action_name {"GetExternalIPAddress"};
+    IXML_Document* action_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    action_container_ptr = UpnpMakeAction(action_name, igd.getServiceType().c_str(), 0, nullptr);
+    action.reset(action_container_ptr);
+    if (not action) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to make GetExternalIPAddress action");
+        return {};
+    }
+    IXML_Document* response_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    int upnp_err = UpnpSendAction(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                  igd.getControlURL().c_str(),
+                                  igd.getServiceType().c_str(),
+                                  nullptr,
+                                  action.get(),
+                                  &response_container_ptr);
+    response.reset(response_container_ptr);
+    if (not response or upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to send GetExternalIPAddress action -> %s",
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        return {};
+    }
+    if (errorOnResponse(response.get())) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to get GetExternalIPAddress from %s -> %d: %s",
+                  igd.getServiceType().c_str(),
+                  upnp_err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        return {};
+    }
+    return {getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewExternalIPAddress")};
+std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping>
+PUPnP::getMappingsListByDescr(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const std::string& description) const
+    auto upnpIgd = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UPnPIGD>(igd);
+    assert(upnpIgd);
+    std::map<Mapping::key_t, Mapping> mapList;
+    if (not clientRegistered_ or not upnpIgd->isValid() or not upnpIgd->getLocalIp())
+        return mapList;
+    // Set action name.
+    static constexpr const char* action_name {"GetGenericPortMappingEntry"};
+    for (int entry_idx = 0;; entry_idx++) {
+        std::unique_ptr<IXML_Document, decltype(ixmlDocument_free)&>
+            action(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free); // Action pointer.
+        IXML_Document* action_container_ptr = nullptr;
+        std::unique_ptr<IXML_Document, decltype(ixmlDocument_free)&>
+            response(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free); // Response pointer.
+        IXML_Document* response_container_ptr = nullptr;
+        UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                        action_name,
+                        upnpIgd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                        "NewPortMappingIndex",
+                        std::to_string(entry_idx).c_str());
+        action.reset(action_container_ptr);
+        if (not action) {
+            JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to add NewPortMappingIndex action");
+            break;
+        }
+        int upnp_err = UpnpSendAction(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                      upnpIgd->getControlURL().c_str(),
+                                      upnpIgd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                                      nullptr,
+                                      action.get(),
+                                      &response_container_ptr);
+        response.reset(response_container_ptr);
+        if (not response) {
+            // No existing mapping. Abort silently.
+            break;
+        }
+        if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+            JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: GetGenericPortMappingEntry returned with error: %i", upnp_err);
+            break;
+        }
+        // Check error code.
+        auto errorCode = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "errorCode");
+        if (not errorCode.empty()) {
+            auto error = to_int<int>(errorCode);
+            if (error == ARRAY_IDX_INVALID or error == CONFLICT_IN_MAPPING) {
+                // No more port mapping entries in the response.
+                JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: No more mappings (found a total of %i mappings", entry_idx);
+                break;
+            } else {
+                auto errorDescription = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "errorDescription");
+                JAMI_ERROR("PUPnP: GetGenericPortMappingEntry returned with error: {:s}: {:s}",
+                         errorCode,
+                         errorDescription);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // Parse the response.
+        auto desc_actual = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewPortMappingDescription");
+        auto client_ip = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewInternalClient");
+        if (client_ip != getHostAddress().toString()) {
+            // Silently ignore un-matching addresses.
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (desc_actual.find(description) == std::string::npos)
+            continue;
+        auto port_internal = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewInternalPort");
+        auto port_external = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewExternalPort");
+        std::string transport(getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "NewProtocol"));
+        if (port_internal.empty() || port_external.empty() || transport.empty()) {
+            JAMI_ERR("PUPnP: GetGenericPortMappingEntry returned an invalid entry at index %i",
+                     entry_idx);
+            continue;
+        }
+        std::transform(transport.begin(), transport.end(), transport.begin(), ::toupper);
+        PortType type = transport.find("TCP") != std::string::npos ? PortType::TCP : PortType::UDP;
+        auto ePort = to_int<uint16_t>(port_external);
+        auto iPort = to_int<uint16_t>(port_internal);
+        Mapping map(type, ePort, iPort);
+        map.setIgd(igd);
+        mapList.emplace(map.getMapKey(), std::move(map));
+    }
+    JAMI_DEBUG("PUPnP: Found {:d} allocated mappings on IGD {:s}",
+             mapList.size(),
+             upnpIgd->toString());
+    return mapList;
+PUPnP::deleteMappingsByDescription(const std::shared_ptr<IGD>& igd, const std::string& description)
+    if (not(clientRegistered_ and igd->getLocalIp()))
+        return;
+    JAMI_DBG("PUPnP: Remove all mappings (if any) on IGD %s matching descr prefix %s",
+             igd->toString().c_str(),
+    auto mapList = getMappingsListByDescr(igd, description);
+    for (auto const& [_, map] : mapList) {
+        requestMappingRemove(map);
+    }
+PUPnP::actionAddPortMapping(const Mapping& mapping)
+    if (not clientRegistered_)
+        return false;
+    auto igdIn = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UPnPIGD>(mapping.getIgd());
+    if (not igdIn)
+        return false;
+    // The requested IGD must be present in the list of local valid IGDs.
+    auto igd = findMatchingIgd(igdIn->getControlURL());
+    if (not igd or not igd->isValid())
+        return false;
+    // Action and response pointers.
+    XMLDocument action(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free);
+    IXML_Document* action_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    XMLDocument response(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free);
+    IXML_Document* response_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    // Set action sequence.
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewRemoteHost",
+                    "");
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewExternalPort",
+                    mapping.getExternalPortStr().c_str());
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewProtocol",
+                    mapping.getTypeStr());
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewInternalPort",
+                    mapping.getInternalPortStr().c_str());
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewInternalClient",
+                    getHostAddress().toString().c_str());
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewEnabled",
+                    "1");
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewPortMappingDescription",
+                    mapping.toString().c_str());
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewLeaseDuration",
+                    "0");
+    action.reset(action_container_ptr);
+    int upnp_err = UpnpSendAction(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                  igd->getControlURL().c_str(),
+                                  igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                                  nullptr,
+                                  action.get(),
+                                  &response_container_ptr);
+    response.reset(response_container_ptr);
+    bool success = true;
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to send action %s for mapping %s. %d: %s",
+                  ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                  mapping.toString().c_str(),
+                  upnp_err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD ctrlUrl %s", igd->getControlURL().c_str());
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD service type %s", igd->getServiceType().c_str());
+        success = false;
+    }
+    // Check if an error has occurred.
+    auto errorCode = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "errorCode");
+    if (not errorCode.empty()) {
+        success = false;
+        // Try to get the error description.
+        std::string errorDescription;
+        if (response) {
+            errorDescription = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "errorDescription");
+        }
+        JAMI_WARNING("PUPnP: {:s} returned with error: {:s} {:s}",
+                  ACTION_ADD_PORT_MAPPING,
+                  errorCode,
+                  errorDescription);
+    }
+    return success;
+PUPnP::actionDeletePortMapping(const Mapping& mapping)
+    if (not clientRegistered_)
+        return false;
+    auto igdIn = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UPnPIGD>(mapping.getIgd());
+    if (not igdIn)
+        return false;
+    // The requested IGD must be present in the list of local valid IGDs.
+    auto igd = findMatchingIgd(igdIn->getControlURL());
+    if (not igd or not igd->isValid())
+        return false;
+    // Action and response pointers.
+    XMLDocument action(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free);
+    IXML_Document* action_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    XMLDocument response(nullptr, ixmlDocument_free);
+    IXML_Document* response_container_ptr = nullptr;
+    // Set action sequence.
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewRemoteHost",
+                    "");
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewExternalPort",
+                    mapping.getExternalPortStr().c_str());
+    UpnpAddToAction(&action_container_ptr,
+                    ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING,
+                    igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                    "NewProtocol",
+                    mapping.getTypeStr());
+    action.reset(action_container_ptr);
+    int upnp_err = UpnpSendAction(ctrlptHandle_,
+                                  igd->getControlURL().c_str(),
+                                  igd->getServiceType().c_str(),
+                                  nullptr,
+                                  action.get(),
+                                  &response_container_ptr);
+    response.reset(response_container_ptr);
+    bool success = true;
+    if (upnp_err != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to send action %s for mapping from %s. %d: %s",
+                  ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING,
+                  mapping.toString().c_str(),
+                  upnp_err,
+                  UpnpGetErrorMessage(upnp_err));
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD ctrlUrl %s", igd->getControlURL().c_str());
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: IGD service type %s", igd->getServiceType().c_str());
+        success = false;
+    }
+    if (not response) {
+        JAMI_WARN("PUPnP: Failed to get response for %s", ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING);
+        success = false;
+    }
+    // Check if there is an error code.
+    auto errorCode = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "errorCode");
+    if (not errorCode.empty()) {
+        auto errorDescription = getFirstDocItem(response.get(), "errorDescription");
+        JAMI_WARNING("PUPnP: {:s} returned with error: {:s}: {:s}",
+                  ACTION_DELETE_PORT_MAPPING,
+                  errorCode,
+                  errorDescription);
+        success = false;
+    }
+    return success;
+} // namespace upnp
+} // namespace jami