i18n: automatic bump

Change-Id: I94651d7ed3c1ea80bad0c714ac6cb9c1b8095530
diff --git a/ui/sk_SK.lproj/MigrateRingAccountsWindow.strings b/ui/sk_SK.lproj/MigrateRingAccountsWindow.strings
index b4f9ebe..4ca2f30 100644
--- a/ui/sk_SK.lproj/MigrateRingAccountsWindow.strings
+++ b/ui/sk_SK.lproj/MigrateRingAccountsWindow.strings
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
 /* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Account migration completed"; ObjectID = "1ob-x1-u74"; */
-"1ob-x1-u74.title" = "Account migration completed";
+"1ob-x1-u74.title" = "Migrácia účtu je dokončená";
 /* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; placeholderString = "ID"; ObjectID = "859-10-HEb"; */
 "859-10-HEb.placeholderString" = "ID";
 /* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "The following account needs to be migrated to the new Ring account format:\\n Alias : \\nID:\\n To proceed the migration, you must choose a password for your account. This password will be used to encrypt your master key. It will be required for adding new devices to your Ring account. If your not ready to choose a password, you may close Ring and resume the migration later."; ObjectID = "859-10-HEb"; */
-"859-10-HEb.title" = "The following account needs to be migrated to the new Jami account format:\\n Alias : \\nID:\\n To proceed the migration, you must choose a password for your account. This password will be used to encrypt your master key. It will be required for adding new devices to your Jami account. If your not ready to choose a password, you may close Jami and resume the migration later.";
+"859-10-HEb.title" = "Nasledujúci účet je potrebné migrovať na nový Jami účet formát:\\nAlias:\\nID:\\nNa začatie migrácie si musíte zvoliť heslo, ktoré bude použité na zašifrovanie vášho hlavného kľúča a pridávanie zariadení k vášmu Jami účtu. Ak nie ste pripravení na vymyslenie hesla, môžete zatvoriť Jami a pokračovať v migrácii neskôr.";
 /* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Account migration error"; ObjectID = "8K3-9Z-MKH"; */
-"8K3-9Z-MKH.title" = "Account migration error";
+"8K3-9Z-MKH.title" = "Chyba migrácie účtu";
 /* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Congratulations, your account has been migrated with Success."; ObjectID = "C2l-rz-Gqt"; */
-"C2l-rz-Gqt.title" = "Congratulations, your account has been migrated with Success.";
+"C2l-rz-Gqt.title" = "Gratulujeme, migrácia účtu bola úspešná.";
 /* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Delete this account"; ObjectID = "ITE-yD-CTb"; */
-"ITE-yD-CTb.title" = "Delete this account";
+"ITE-yD-CTb.title" = "Odstrániť tento účet";
 /* Class = "NSSecureTextFieldCell"; placeholderString = "Confirm your new password..."; ObjectID = "KuO-oT-zhY"; */
-"KuO-oT-zhY.placeholderString" = "Confirm your new password...";
+"KuO-oT-zhY.placeholderString" = "Potvrďte vaše nové heslo...";
 /* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "OK"; ObjectID = "PT7-XI-WDR"; */
-"PT7-XI-WDR.title" = "Ok";
+"PT7-XI-WDR.title" = "OK";
 /* Class = "NSWindow"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "QvC-M9-y7g"; */
 "QvC-M9-y7g.title" = "Okno";
 /* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "OK"; ObjectID = "VN1-A3-RIh"; */
-"VN1-A3-RIh.title" = "Ok";
+"VN1-A3-RIh.title" = "OK";
 /* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Confirmation"; ObjectID = "aOa-1q-AZe"; */
-"aOa-1q-AZe.title" = "Confirmation";
+"aOa-1q-AZe.title" = "Potvrdenie";
 /* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; placeholderString = "error label"; ObjectID = "e7n-Ev-bK7"; */
-"e7n-Ev-bK7.placeholderString" = "error label";
+"e7n-Ev-bK7.placeholderString" = "chybová menovka";
 /* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Migrate"; ObjectID = "rW5-Il-5YD"; */
-"rW5-Il-5YD.title" = "Migrate";
+"rW5-Il-5YD.title" = "Migrovať";
 /* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Password"; ObjectID = "vwh-K9-3O9"; */
 "vwh-K9-3O9.title" = "Heslo";
 /* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Account migration required"; ObjectID = "wmv-sA-Mlh"; */
-"wmv-sA-Mlh.title" = "Account migration required";
+"wmv-sA-Mlh.title" = "Je vyžadovaná migrácia účtu";
 /* Class = "NSSecureTextFieldCell"; placeholderString = "Password..."; ObjectID = "xqz-Uz-hqU"; */
 "xqz-Uz-hqU.placeholderString" = "Heslo";