i18n: automatic bump

Change-Id: I65f9c61a91b31ad60dab7d8abf6c69d120526ff7
Reviewed-by: Alexandre Lision <alexandre.lision@savoirfairelinux.com>
diff --git a/ui/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ui/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 281d245..86ad1e4 100644
--- a/ui/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ui/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -146,8 +146,10 @@
 "You have to migrate your account before exporting" = "Je moet je account migreren vooraleer je deze kan exporteren";
 /* Error shown to user */
-"An error happened, contact request has not been sent" = "An error happened, contact request has not been sent";
+"An error happened, contact request has not been sent" = "Er is een fout opgetreden, het contactverzoek is niet verzonden";
 /* Error shown to user */
-"Could not find contact to send request" = "Could not find contact to send request";
+"Could not find contact to send request" = "Kan opgegeven contact niet vinden";
+/* Default contact request msg*/
+"Hi %@. Please add me to your contact list." = "Hi %@. Please add me to your contact list.";