credits: update contributors and version name

Change-Id: Ie5304451d6af92d2d4ac6bed9899fab60cb5d131
Reviewed-by: Guillaume Roguez <>
diff --git a/Credits.rtf b/Credits.rtf
index d3a757c..a63065c 100644
--- a/Credits.rtf
+++ b/Credits.rtf
@@ -1,34 +1,52 @@
 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
 \f0\i\fs24 \cf0 \
 {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf0}}\
 \i0\b \cf0 Authors
 \i\b0 \
 Adrien B\'e9raud\
+Alexandr Sergheev\
+Aline Bonnet\
 Alexandre Lision\
+Andreas Traczyk\
+Alexandre Viau\
+Anthony L\'e9onard\
+Cyrille B\'e9raud\
 \'c9dric Ladent-Milaret\
-Eloi Bail\
+\'c9loi Bail\
 Emmanuel Lepage-Vall\'e9e\
+Fr\'e9d\'e9ric Guimont\
 Guillaume Roguez\
-Marianne Forget\
-Stepan Salenikovich\
 Julien Grossholtz\
-Simon D\'e9saulniers\
+Lo\'efc Siret\
+Marianne Forget\
 Nicolas J\'e4ger\
+Nicolas Reynaud\
+Olivier Gr\'e9goire\
+Olivier Soldano\
+Patrick Keroulas\
+Philippe Gorley\
+Romain Bertozzi\
+Seva Ivanov\
+Simon D\'e9saulniers\
+Stepan Salenikovich\
+Simon Zeni\
+Thibault Wittemberg\
 Based on SFLphone's project\
 \i0\b Translated by
 \i\b0 \
 {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf0}}\
\ No newline at end of file