UI / UX: refactor call view

- replace the registered name display by the display name if exist
- bigger hang up button
- change the switch camera button image
- hide the switch audio button for iPad

Audio calls:
- change the background color to white during connecting, ringing and current call state
- change buttons, texts, and status bar color to gray
- change the pulse animation color to ring color
- add a fade-in animation for the duration label and buttons container appearance
- hide the switch camera and mute video buttons
- remove the info and buttons containers backgrounds

Video calls:
- change the background to captured video with white blur effect during connecting,
ringing and pause call state
- change buttons, texts, and status bar color to white
- change the background of the info and buttons containers to transparent blur effect
- add an activity indicator view when loading the video of the interlocutor
- add a fade-in animation for the info and buttons container appearance
- change the time of disappearance of the info and buttons containers to 7 seconds
- add animation for the captured video vignette appearance
- add rounded corners to the captured video vignette

Change-Id: I37b634782e3ea5f5eb2afd1f8f1809924435e445
Reviewed-by: Kateryna Kostiuk<kateryna.kostiuk@savoirfairelinux.com>
26 files changed
tree: e5cdcbd42de0f2068e895ba189f25354036e07e4
  1. Ring/
  2. .gitattributes
  3. .gitignore
  4. .gitreview
  5. compile-ios.sh