l10n: automatic bump

Change-Id: I5ac477dbedfc802333a2b1921d8771c74496ecd4
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 73fa787..ae187f5 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "Contact added";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "Invitation received";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "Contacte afegit";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "S'ha rebut una invitació";
 "generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "Invitation accepted";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Trucada sortint";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Trucada entrant";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/sq-AL.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/sq-AL.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 1bbf5ac..4db4f9a 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/sq-AL.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/sq-AL.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -174,9 +174,9 @@
 "accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Hiqe llogarinë";
 "accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "Duke klikuar \"Hiqe\", do ta hiqni këtë llogari nga kjo pajisje! Ky veprim s’mund të zhbëhet. Po ashtu, emri juaj i regjistruar mund të humbë.";
 "accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Hiqe";
-"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Share Account Details";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributet communication platform: https://jami.net";
+"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Nda Hollësi Llogarie";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Lidhuni me mua në Jami!";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Lidhuni me mua duke përdorur \"%s\" në platformën e komunikimeve të shpërndara Jami: https://jami.net";
 "account.sipUsername" = "Emër Përdoruesi";
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
 "notifications.missedCall" = "Thirrje të Humbura";
 "notifications.acceptCall" = "PRANOJE";
 "notifications.refuseCall" = "HIDHE POSHTË";
-"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
+"notifications.newFile" = "Kartelë e re";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pezull…";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusRefuse" = "Hidhe tej";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Po shpërngulet";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh-Hans-CN.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh-Hans-CN.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 88557d9..9108e2f 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh-Hans-CN.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh-Hans-CN.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 "smartlist.noConversation" = "No conversations";
 "smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Enter name...";
 "smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "无网络连接";
-"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Be sure cellular access is granted in your settings";
+"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "请确保蜂窝移动网络权限已开启";
 "smartlist.accountsTitle" = "帐户";
 "smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ Add Account";
 "smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@
 "createAccount.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "密码";
 "createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "确认密码";
 "createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "最少6字符";
-"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "passwords do not match";
+"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "两次输入的密码不匹配";
 "createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "looking for availability…";
-"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "invalid username";
-"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "username already taken";
-"createAccount.loading" = "Loading";
+"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "无效的用户名";
+"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "用户名已被他人使用";
+"createAccount.loading" = "载入中";
 "createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "添加帐户";
 "createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Register a username";
 "createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Encrypt my account";
@@ -90,28 +90,28 @@
 "createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Username registration in progress... It could take a few moments.";
 //Link To Account form
-"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "Account linking";
-"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "Link device";
+"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "链接账号";
+"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "链接设备";
 "linkToAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "密码";
 "linkToAccount.pinPlaceholder" = "PIN";
-"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
+"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "输入密码";
 "linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "输入PIN";
-"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "To generate the PIN code, go to the account managment settings on device that contain account you want to use. In devices settings Select \"Link another device to this account\". You will get the necessary PIN to complete this form. The PIN is only valid for 10 minutes.";
+"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "要获取一个PIN,请进入你已登陆的设备中的用户管理界面,选择“链接另一台设备到这个用户”。输入你的用户密码后,你会得到在此处所需的PIN,它在10分钟内有效。";
 "alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "无法找到帐户";
 "alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Account couldn't be found on the Jami network. Make sure it was exported on Jami from an existing device, and that provided credentials are correct.";
-"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Account Added";
+"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "用户已添加";
 "alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "无法连接至网络";
 "alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "无法添加帐户,因为Jami无法连接到分布式网络。检查您设备的连接。";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Unknown error";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "The account couldn't be created.";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "未知错误";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "用户不能被创建";
 "alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "拍照";
-"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Upload photo";
+"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "上传照片";
 "alerts.profileCancelPhoto" = "取消";
-"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Linking account";
+"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "链接账户中";
 "alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "An error happned when launching Jami";
-"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Please close application and try to open it again";
+"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "请关闭应用,并试试重新启动它。";
 "alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact? The conversation history with this contact will also be deleted permanently.";
 "alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Block Contact";
 "alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation permanently?";
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 "account.proxyServer" = "代理";
 "account.createSipAccount" = "Create Sip Account";
 "account.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
-"account.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
+"account.passwordLabel" = "输入密码";
 "account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
 "account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
 "account.accountStatus" = "Account Status";
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
 "linkDevice.networkError" = "导出时发生网络错误";
 "linkDevice.defaultError" = "导出时发生错误";
 "linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "To complete the process, you need to open Jami on the new device and choose the option \"Link this device to an account.\" Your pin is valid for 10 minutes";
-"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Verifying";
+"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "认证中";
 //Contact Page
 "contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start Audio Call";