call view: improve UI / UX

- improve UI / UX: the view has been refactored
- add UIDevice extension allowing to know if the device has a notch or not
- doesn't show hours of the duration label when the call is under 1 hour
- management of the screen orientation for both audio and video calls
- the Name Label is showing bigger and the Duration label is showing smaller
- the UI has been adapted to the size of the iPhone 5
- fix the bug concerning the disappearance of the info and buttons containers
- show the Ring ID when the display name doesn't exist

Change-Id: I78203660603e451a2b088a3fcad1e64bbbe4f8e0
Reviewed-by: Kateryna Kostiuk<>
9 files changed
tree: 76ca354c8c148a42e27c3939fdcc872ae439af3f
  1. Ring/
  2. .gitattributes
  3. .gitignore
  4. .gitreview