project: add SwiftGen code generation

This commit adds the SwiftGen build phase. This phase launches the script that uses SwiftGen tool to produce Swift Code
that make Strings, Assets and Storyboards usage a lot safer

Change-Id: I78471f5603864608e25bbad36f0459103d6bdded
diff --git a/Ring/swiftgen/ b/Ring/swiftgen/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0c4da0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Ring/swiftgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+EXPECTED_VERSION="SwiftGen v4.2.1 (Stencil v0.9.0, StencilSwiftKit v1.0.2, SwiftGenKit v1.1.0)"
+# Here execute the various SwiftGen commands you need
+run_swiftgen() {
+	if [ ! "$PROJECT_DIR" -o ! $"PROJECT_NAME" ]; then echo "Some variables are not set. Please run from an Xcode build phase"; exit 1; fi
+	OUTDIR="$SRCDIR/Constants/Generated"
+	TPLDIR=$(dirname $0)
+	echo "SwiftGen: Generating files..."
+	swiftgen storyboards "$SRCDIR" -p "$TPLDIR/storyboards.stencil" --output "$OUTDIR/Storyboards.swift"
+	swiftgen images "$SRCDIR/Resources/Images.xcassets" -p "$TPLDIR/images.stencil" --output "$OUTDIR/Images.swift"
+	swiftgen strings "$SRCDIR/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings" -p "$TPLDIR/strings.stencil" --output "$OUTDIR/Strings.swift"
+# Main script to check if SwiftGen is installed, check the version, and run it only if version matches
+if which swiftgen >/dev/null; then
+	CURRENT_VERSION=`swiftgen --version`
+		echo "error: SwiftGen version mismatch (expected ${EXPECTED_VERSION%% \(*\)}, got ${CURRENT_VERSION%% \(*\)})"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	run_swiftgen
+	echo "warning: SwiftGen not installed, download it from"