Moved plc, resample, and mp3 to third_party

git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
diff --git a/pjmedia/build/pjmedia.dsp b/pjmedia/build/pjmedia.dsp
index 3105cd5..6846ffe 100644
--- a/pjmedia/build/pjmedia.dsp
+++ b/pjmedia/build/pjmedia.dsp
@@ -194,11 +194,16 @@
 # End Source File

 # Begin Source File




 # End Source File

 # Begin Source File




+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File



+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1

 # End Source File

 # Begin Source File


diff --git a/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/BladeMP3EncDLL.h b/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/BladeMP3EncDLL.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e32b91..0000000
--- a/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/BladeMP3EncDLL.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
- * Blade Type of DLL Interface for Lame encoder
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 A.L. Faber
- * Based on bladedll.h version 1.0 written by Jukka Poikolainen
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
- */
-//#define _BLADEDLL 1
-#ifndef ___BLADEDLL_H_INCLUDED___
-#define ___BLADEDLL_H_INCLUDED___
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-//#define ATTRIBUTE_PACKED	__attribute__((packed))
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-#ifdef	__cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* encoding formats */
-#define		BE_CONFIG_MP3			0										
-#define		BE_CONFIG_LAME			256		
-/* type definitions */
-typedef		unsigned long			HBE_STREAM;
-typedef		unsigned long			BE_ERR;
-/* error codes */
-#define		BE_ERR_SUCCESSFUL					0x00000000
-#define		BE_ERR_INVALID_FORMAT				0x00000001
-#define		BE_ERR_NO_MORE_HANDLES				0x00000003
-#define		BE_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE				0x00000004
-#define		BE_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL				0x00000005
-/* other constants */
-#define		BE_MAX_HOMEPAGE			128
-/* format specific variables */
-#define		BE_MP3_MODE_STEREO		0
-#define		BE_MP3_MODE_JSTEREO		1
-#define		BE_MP3_MODE_MONO		3
-#define		MPEG1	1
-#define		MPEG2	0
-#ifdef _BLADEDLL
-#undef FLOAT
-	#include <Windows.h>
-#define CURRENT_STRUCT_SIZE sizeof(BE_CONFIG)	// is currently 331 bytes
-typedef enum
-	VBR_METHOD_OLD			=  1,
-	VBR_METHOD_NEW			=  2,
-typedef enum 
-	LQP_R3MIX				= 4,
-	LQP_EXTREME				= 8,
-	LQP_INSANE				= 10,
-	LQP_ABR					= 11,
-	LQP_CBR					= 12,
-	LQP_MEDIUM				= 13,
-	LQP_PHONE	=1000,
-	LQP_SW		=2000,
-	LQP_AM		=3000,
-	LQP_FM		=4000,
-	LQP_VOICE	=5000,
-	LQP_RADIO	=6000,
-	LQP_TAPE	=7000,
-	LQP_HIFI	=8000,
-	LQP_CD		=9000,
-	LQP_STUDIO	=10000
-typedef struct	{
-	unsigned long	dwConfig;			// BE_CONFIG_XXXXX
-								// Currently only BE_CONFIG_MP3 is supported
-	union	{
-		struct	{
-			unsigned long	dwSampleRate;		// 48000, 44100 and 32000 allowed
-			unsigned char	byMode;			// BE_MP3_MODE_STEREO, BE_MP3_MODE_DUALCHANNEL, BE_MP3_MODE_MONO
-			unsigned short	wBitrate;		// 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256 and 320 allowed
-			int	bPrivate;		
-			int	bCRC;
-			int	bCopyright;
-			int	bOriginal;
-			} mp3;					// BE_CONFIG_MP3
-			struct
-			{
-			unsigned long			dwStructVersion;	
-			unsigned long			dwStructSize;
-			unsigned long			dwSampleRate;		// SAMPLERATE OF INPUT FILE
-			unsigned long			dwReSampleRate;		// DOWNSAMPLERATE, 0=ENCODER DECIDES  
-			unsigned long			dwBitrate;			// CBR bitrate, VBR min bitrate
-			unsigned long			dwMaxBitrate;		// CBR ignored, VBR Max bitrate
-			long			nPreset;			// Quality preset, use one of the settings of the LAME_QUALITY_PRESET enum
-			unsigned long			dwMpegVersion;		// FUTURE USE, MPEG-1 OR MPEG-2
-			unsigned long			dwPsyModel;			// FUTURE USE, SET TO 0
-			unsigned long			dwEmphasis;			// FUTURE USE, SET TO 0
-			int			bPrivate;			// Set Private Bit (TRUE/FALSE)
-			int			bCRC;				// Insert CRC (TRUE/FALSE)
-			int			bCopyright;			// Set Copyright Bit (TRUE/FALSE)
-			int			bOriginal;			// Set Original Bit (TRUE/FALSE)
-			// VBR STUFF
-			int			bWriteVBRHeader;	// WRITE XING VBR HEADER (TRUE/FALSE)
-			int			bEnableVBR;			// USE VBR ENCODING (TRUE/FALSE)
-			int				nVBRQuality;		// VBR QUALITY 0..9
-			unsigned long			dwVbrAbr_bps;		// Use ABR in stead of nVBRQuality
-			VBRMETHOD		nVbrMethod;
-			int			bNoRes;				// Disable Bit resorvoir (TRUE/FALSE)
-			int			bStrictIso;			// Use strict ISO encoding rules (TRUE/FALSE)
-			unsigned short			nQuality;			// Quality Setting, HIGH unsigned char should be NOT LOW byte, otherwhise quality=5
-			// FUTURE USE, SET TO 0, align strucutre to 331 bytes
-			unsigned char			btReserved[255-4*sizeof(unsigned long) - sizeof( unsigned short )];
-			} LHV1;					// LAME header version 1
-		struct	{
-			unsigned long	dwSampleRate;
-			unsigned char	byMode;
-			unsigned short	wBitrate;
-			unsigned char	byEncodingMethod;
-		} aac;
-	} format;
-typedef struct	{
-	// BladeEnc DLL Version number
-	unsigned char	byDLLMajorVersion;
-	unsigned char	byDLLMinorVersion;
-	// BladeEnc Engine Version Number
-	unsigned char	byMajorVersion;
-	unsigned char	byMinorVersion;
-	// DLL Release date
-	unsigned char	byDay;
-	unsigned char	byMonth;
-	unsigned short	wYear;
-	// BladeEnc	Homepage URL
-	char	zHomepage[BE_MAX_HOMEPAGE + 1];	
-	unsigned char	byAlphaLevel;
-	unsigned char	byBetaLevel;
-	unsigned char	byMMXEnabled;
-	unsigned char	btReserved[125];
-#ifndef _BLADEDLL
-typedef unsigned long	(*BEINITSTREAM)			(PBE_CONFIG, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, PHBE_STREAM);
-typedef unsigned long	(*BEENCODECHUNK)		(HBE_STREAM, unsigned long, short *, unsigned char *, unsigned long *);
-// added for floating point audio  -- DSPguru, jd
-typedef unsigned long	(*BEENCODECHUNKFLOATS16NI)	(HBE_STREAM, unsigned long, float *, float *, unsigned char *, unsigned long *);
-typedef unsigned long	(*BEDEINITSTREAM)			(HBE_STREAM, unsigned char *, unsigned long *);
-typedef unsigned long	(*BECLOSESTREAM)			(HBE_STREAM);
-typedef void	(*BEVERSION)				(PBE_VERSION);
-typedef unsigned long	(*BEWRITEVBRHEADER)			(const char*);
-typedef unsigned long	(*BEWRITEINFOTAG)			(HBE_STREAM, const char * );
-#define	TEXT_BEINITSTREAM				"beInitStream"
-#define	TEXT_BEENCODECHUNK				"beEncodeChunk"
-#define	TEXT_BEENCODECHUNKFLOATS16NI	"beEncodeChunkFloatS16NI"
-#define	TEXT_BEDEINITSTREAM				"beDeinitStream"
-#define	TEXT_BECLOSESTREAM				"beCloseStream"
-#define	TEXT_BEVERSION					"beVersion"
-#define	TEXT_BEWRITEVBRHEADER			"beWriteVBRHeader"
-#define	TEXT_BEFLUSHNOGAP				"beFlushNoGap"
-#define	TEXT_BEWRITEINFOTAG				"beWriteInfoTag"
-__declspec(dllexport) unsigned long	beInitStream(PBE_CONFIG pbeConfig, Punsigned long dwSamples, Punsigned long dwBufferSize, PHBE_STREAM phbeStream);
-__declspec(dllexport) unsigned long	beEncodeChunk(HBE_STREAM hbeStream, unsigned long nSamples, PSHORT pSamples, Punsigned char pOutput, Punsigned long pdwOutput);
-// added for floating point audio  -- DSPguru, jd
-__declspec(dllexport) unsigned long	beEncodeChunkFloatS16NI(HBE_STREAM hbeStream, unsigned long nSamples, PFLOAT buffer_l, PFLOAT buffer_r, Punsigned char pOutput, Punsigned long pdwOutput);
-__declspec(dllexport) unsigned long	beDeinitStream(HBE_STREAM hbeStream, Punsigned char pOutput, Punsigned long pdwOutput);
-__declspec(dllexport) unsigned long	beCloseStream(HBE_STREAM hbeStream);
-__declspec(dllexport) VOID		beVersion(PBE_VERSION pbeVersion);
-__declspec(dllexport) unsigned long	beWriteVBRHeader(LPCSTR lpszFileName);
-__declspec(dllexport) unsigned long	beFlushNoGap(HBE_STREAM hbeStream, Punsigned char pOutput, Punsigned long pdwOutput);
-__declspec(dllexport) unsigned long	beWriteInfoTag( HBE_STREAM hbeStream, LPCSTR lpszFileName );
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-#pragma pack(pop)
-#ifdef	__cplusplus
diff --git a/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/largefilter.h b/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/largefilter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c3f7c0..0000000
--- a/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/largefilter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16391 +0,0 @@
-/* Included by resamplesubs.c */
-#define LARGE_FILTER_SCALE 14746 /* Unity-gain scale factor */
-#define LARGE_FILTER_NWING 8192 /* Filter table length */
-static const RES_HWORD LARGE_FILTER_IMP[] /* Impulse response */ = {
-static const RES_HWORD LARGE_FILTER_IMPD[] /* Impulse response differences */ = {
diff --git a/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/mp3_writer.c b/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/mp3_writer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 98a0da2..0000000
--- a/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/mp3_writer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$ */
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Benny Prijono <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
- */
- * Contributed by:
- *  Toni < buldozer at aufbix dot org >
- */
-#include <pjmedia/mp3_port.h>
-#include <pjmedia/errno.h>
-#include <pj/assert.h>
-#include <pj/file_access.h>
-#include <pj/file_io.h>
-#include <pj/log.h>
-#include <pj/pool.h>
-#include <pj/string.h>
-#include <pj/unicode.h>
-/* Include BladeDLL declarations */
-#include "BladeMP3EncDLL.h"
-#define THIS_FILE	    "mp3_writer.c"
-#define SIGNATURE	    PJMEDIA_PORT_SIGNATURE('F', 'W', 'M', '3')
-#define BYTES_PER_SAMPLE    2
-static struct BladeDLL
-    void		*hModule;
-    int			 refCount;
-    BEINITSTREAM	 beInitStream;
-    BEENCODECHUNK	 beEncodeChunk;
-    BEDEINITSTREAM	 beDeinitStream;
-    BECLOSESTREAM	 beCloseStream;
-    BEVERSION		 beVersion;
-    BEWRITEINFOTAG	 beWriteInfoTag;
-} BladeDLL;
-struct mp3_file_port
-    pjmedia_port    base;
-    pj_size_t	    total;
-    pj_oshandle_t   fd;
-    pj_size_t	    cb_size;
-    pj_status_t	   (*cb)(pjmedia_port*, void*);
-    unsigned	    silence_duration;
-    pj_str_t			mp3_filename;
-    pjmedia_mp3_encoder_option  mp3_option;
-    unsigned		        mp3_samples_per_frame;
-    pj_int16_t		       *mp3_sample_buf;
-    unsigned			mp3_sample_pos;
-    HBE_STREAM		        mp3_stream;
-    unsigned char	       *mp3_buf;
-static pj_status_t file_put_frame(pjmedia_port *this_port, 
-				  const pjmedia_frame *frame);
-static pj_status_t file_get_frame(pjmedia_port *this_port, 
-				  pjmedia_frame *frame);
-static pj_status_t file_on_destroy(pjmedia_port *this_port);
-#if defined(PJ_WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
-#include <windows.h>
-#define DLL_NAME    PJ_T("LAME_ENC.DLL")
- * Load BladeEncoder DLL.
- */
-static pj_status_t init_blade_dll(void)
-    if (BladeDLL.refCount == 0) {
-	#define GET_PROC(type, name)  \
- = (type)GetProcAddress(BladeDLL.hModule, PJ_T(#name)); \
-	    if ( == NULL) { \
-		PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Unable to find %s in %s", #name, DLL_NAME)); \
-		return PJ_RETURN_OS_ERROR(GetLastError()); \
-	    }
-	BE_VERSION beVersion;
-	BladeDLL.hModule = (void*)LoadLibrary(DLL_NAME);
-	if (BladeDLL.hModule == NULL) {
-	    pj_status_t status = PJ_RETURN_OS_ERROR(GetLastError());
-	    char errmsg[PJ_ERR_MSG_SIZE];
-	    pj_strerror(status, errmsg, sizeof(errmsg));
-	    PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Unable to load %s: %s", DLL_NAME, errmsg));
-	    return status;
-	}
-	#undef GET_PROC
-	BladeDLL.beVersion(&beVersion);
-	PJ_LOG(4,(THIS_FILE, "%s encoder v%d.%d loaded (%s)", DLL_NAME,
-		  beVersion.byMajorVersion, beVersion.byMinorVersion,
-		  beVersion.zHomepage));
-    }
-    ++BladeDLL.refCount;
-    return PJ_SUCCESS;
- * Decrement the reference counter of the DLL.
- */
-static void deinit_blade_dll()
-    --BladeDLL.refCount;
-    if (BladeDLL.refCount == 0 && BladeDLL.hModule) {
-	FreeLibrary(BladeDLL.hModule);
-	BladeDLL.hModule = NULL;
-	PJ_LOG(4,(THIS_FILE, "%s unloaded", DLL_NAME));
-    }
-static pj_status_t init_blade_dll(void)
-    PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: MP3 writer port only works on Windows for now"));
-    return PJ_ENOTSUP;
-static void deinit_blade_dll()
- * Initialize MP3 encoder.
- */
-static pj_status_t init_mp3_encoder(struct mp3_file_port *fport,
-				    pj_pool_t *pool)
-    BE_CONFIG LConfig;
-    unsigned  long InSamples;
-    unsigned  long OutBuffSize;
-    long MP3Err;
-    /*
-     * Initialize encoder configuration.
-     */
-    pj_bzero(&LConfig, sizeof(BE_CONFIG));
-    LConfig.dwConfig = BE_CONFIG_LAME;
-    LConfig.format.LHV1.dwStructVersion = 1;
-    LConfig.format.LHV1.dwStructSize = sizeof(BE_CONFIG);
-    LConfig.format.LHV1.dwSampleRate = fport->;
-    LConfig.format.LHV1.dwReSampleRate = 0;
-    if (fport->
-	LConfig.format.LHV1.nMode = BE_MP3_MODE_MONO;
-    else if (fport->
-	LConfig.format.LHV1.nMode = BE_MP3_MODE_STEREO;
-    else
-    LConfig.format.LHV1.dwBitrate = fport->mp3_option.bit_rate / 1000;
-    LConfig.format.LHV1.nPreset = LQP_NOPRESET;
-    LConfig.format.LHV1.bCopyright = 0;
-    LConfig.format.LHV1.bCRC = 1;
-    LConfig.format.LHV1.bOriginal = 1;
-    LConfig.format.LHV1.bPrivate = 0;
-    if (!fport->mp3_option.vbr) {
-	LConfig.format.LHV1.nVbrMethod = VBR_METHOD_NONE;
-	LConfig.format.LHV1.bWriteVBRHeader = 0;
-	LConfig.format.LHV1.bEnableVBR = 0;
-    } else {
-	LConfig.format.LHV1.nVbrMethod = VBR_METHOD_DEFAULT;
-	LConfig.format.LHV1.bWriteVBRHeader = 1;
-	LConfig.format.LHV1.dwVbrAbr_bps = fport->mp3_option.bit_rate;
-	LConfig.format.LHV1.nVBRQuality =  (pj_uint16_t)
-					   fport->mp3_option.quality;
-	LConfig.format.LHV1.bEnableVBR = 1;
-    }
-    LConfig.format.LHV1.nQuality = (pj_uint16_t) 
-				   (((0-fport->mp3_option.quality-1)<<8) | 
-				    fport->mp3_option.quality);
-    /*
-     * Init MP3 stream.
-     */
-    InSamples = 0;
-    MP3Err = BladeDLL.beInitStream(&LConfig, &InSamples, &OutBuffSize,
-				   &fport->mp3_stream);
-    if (MP3Err != BE_ERR_SUCCESSFUL) 
-    /*
-     * Allocate sample buffer.
-     */
-    fport->mp3_samples_per_frame = (unsigned)InSamples;
-    fport->mp3_sample_buf = pj_pool_alloc(pool, fport->mp3_samples_per_frame * 2);
-    if (!fport->mp3_sample_buf)
-	return PJ_ENOMEM;
-    /*
-     * Allocate encoded MP3 buffer.
-     */
-    fport->mp3_buf = pj_pool_alloc(pool, (pj_size_t)OutBuffSize);
-    if (fport->mp3_buf == NULL)
-	return PJ_ENOMEM;
-    return PJ_SUCCESS;
- * Create MP3 file writer port.
- */
-pjmedia_mp3_writer_port_create( pj_pool_t *pool,
-				const char *filename,
-				unsigned sampling_rate,
-				unsigned channel_count,
-				unsigned samples_per_frame,
-				unsigned bits_per_sample,
-				const pjmedia_mp3_encoder_option *param_option,
-				pjmedia_port **p_port )
-    struct mp3_file_port *fport;
-    pj_status_t status;
-    status = init_blade_dll();
-    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
-	return status;
-    /* Check arguments. */
-    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pool && filename && p_port, PJ_EINVAL);
-    /* Only supports 16bits per sample for now. */
-    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(bits_per_sample == 16, PJ_EINVAL);
-    /* Create file port instance. */
-    fport = pj_pool_zalloc(pool, sizeof(struct mp3_file_port));
-    /* Initialize port info. */
-    pj_strdup2_with_null(pool, &fport->mp3_filename, filename);
-    pjmedia_port_info_init(&fport->, &fport->mp3_filename, SIGNATURE,
-			   sampling_rate, channel_count, bits_per_sample,
-			   samples_per_frame);
-    fport->base.get_frame = &file_get_frame;
-    fport->base.put_frame = &file_put_frame;
-    fport->base.on_destroy = &file_on_destroy;
-    /* Open file in write and read mode.
-     * We need the read mode because we'll modify the WAVE header once
-     * the recording has completed.
-     */
-    status = pj_file_open(pool, filename, PJ_O_WRONLY, &fport->fd);
-    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
-	deinit_blade_dll();
-	return status;
-    }
-    /* Copy and initialize option with default settings */
-    if (param_option) {
-	pj_memcpy(&fport->mp3_option, param_option, 
-		   sizeof(pjmedia_mp3_encoder_option));
-    } else {
-	pj_bzero(&fport->mp3_option, sizeof(pjmedia_mp3_encoder_option));
-	fport->mp3_option.vbr = PJ_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* Calculate bitrate if it's not specified, only if it's not VBR. */
-    if (fport->mp3_option.bit_rate == 0 && !fport->mp3_option.vbr) 
-	fport->mp3_option.bit_rate = sampling_rate * channel_count;
-    /* Set default quality if it's not specified */
-    if (fport->mp3_option.quality == 0) 
-	fport->mp3_option.quality = 2;
-    /* Init mp3 encoder */
-    status = init_mp3_encoder(fport, pool);
-    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
-	pj_file_close(fport->fd);
-	deinit_blade_dll();
-	return status;
-    }
-    /* Done. */
-    *p_port = &fport->base;
-    PJ_LOG(4,(THIS_FILE, 
-	      "MP3 file writer '%.*s' created: samp.rate=%dKHz, "
-	      "bitrate=%dkbps%s, quality=%d",
-	      (int)fport->,
-	      fport->,
-	      fport->,
-	      fport->mp3_option.bit_rate/1000,
-	      (fport->mp3_option.vbr ? " (VBR)" : ""),
-	      fport->mp3_option.quality));
-    return PJ_SUCCESS;
- * Register callback.
- */
-pjmedia_mp3_writer_port_set_cb( pjmedia_port *port,
-				pj_size_t pos,
-				void *user_data,
-			        pj_status_t (*cb)(pjmedia_port *port,
-						  void *usr_data))
-    struct mp3_file_port *fport;
-    /* Sanity check */
-    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(port && cb, PJ_EINVAL);
-    /* Check that this is really a writer port */
-    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(port->info.signature == SIGNATURE, PJ_EINVALIDOP);
-    fport = (struct mp3_file_port*) port;
-    fport->cb_size = pos;
-    fport->base.port_data.pdata = user_data;
-    fport->cb = cb;
-    return PJ_SUCCESS;
- * Put a frame into the buffer. When the buffer is full, flush the buffer
- * to the file.
- */
-static pj_status_t file_put_frame(pjmedia_port *this_port, 
-				  const pjmedia_frame *frame)
-    struct mp3_file_port *fport = (struct mp3_file_port *)this_port;
-    unsigned long MP3Err;
-    pj_ssize_t	bytes;
-    pj_status_t status;
-    unsigned long WriteSize;
-    /* Record silence if input is no-frame */
-    if (frame->type == PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE || frame->size == 0) {
-	unsigned samples_left = fport->;
-	unsigned samples_copied = 0;
-	/* Only want to record at most 1 second of silence */
-	if (fport->silence_duration >= fport->
-	    return PJ_SUCCESS;
-	while (samples_left) {
-	    unsigned samples_needed = fport->mp3_samples_per_frame -
-				      fport->mp3_sample_pos;
-	    if (samples_needed > samples_left)
-		samples_needed = samples_left;
-	    pjmedia_zero_samples(fport->mp3_sample_buf + fport->mp3_sample_pos,
-				 samples_needed);
-	    fport->mp3_sample_pos += samples_needed;
-	    samples_left -= samples_needed;
-	    samples_copied += samples_needed;
-	    /* Encode if we have full frame */
-	    if (fport->mp3_sample_pos == fport->mp3_samples_per_frame) {
-		/* Clear position */
-		fport->mp3_sample_pos = 0;
-		/* Encode ! */
-		MP3Err = BladeDLL.beEncodeChunk(fport->mp3_stream,
-						fport->mp3_samples_per_frame,
-						fport->mp3_sample_buf, 
-						fport->mp3_buf, 
-						&WriteSize);
-		    return PJMEDIA_ERROR;
-		/* Write the chunk */
-		bytes = WriteSize;
-		status = pj_file_write(fport->fd, fport->mp3_buf, &bytes);
-		if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
-		    return status;
-		/* Increment total written. */
-		fport->total += bytes;
-	    }
-	}
-	fport->silence_duration += fport->;
-    }
-    /* If encoder is expecting different sample size, then we need to
-     * buffer the samples.
-     */
-    else if (fport->mp3_samples_per_frame != 
-	     fport-> 
-    {
-	unsigned samples_left = frame->size / 2;
-	unsigned samples_copied = 0;
-	const pj_int16_t *src_samples = frame->buf;
-	fport->silence_duration = 0;
-	while (samples_left) {
-	    unsigned samples_needed = fport->mp3_samples_per_frame -
-				      fport->mp3_sample_pos;
-	    if (samples_needed > samples_left)
-		samples_needed = samples_left;
-	    pjmedia_copy_samples(fport->mp3_sample_buf + fport->mp3_sample_pos,
-				 src_samples + samples_copied,
-				 samples_needed);
-	    fport->mp3_sample_pos += samples_needed;
-	    samples_left -= samples_needed;
-	    samples_copied += samples_needed;
-	    /* Encode if we have full frame */
-	    if (fport->mp3_sample_pos == fport->mp3_samples_per_frame) {
-		/* Clear position */
-		fport->mp3_sample_pos = 0;
-		/* Encode ! */
-		MP3Err = BladeDLL.beEncodeChunk(fport->mp3_stream,
-						fport->mp3_samples_per_frame,
-						fport->mp3_sample_buf, 
-						fport->mp3_buf, 
-						&WriteSize);
-		    return PJMEDIA_ERROR;
-		/* Write the chunk */
-		bytes = WriteSize;
-		status = pj_file_write(fport->fd, fport->mp3_buf, &bytes);
-		if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
-		    return status;
-		/* Increment total written. */
-		fport->total += bytes;
-	    }
-	}
-    } else {
-	fport->silence_duration = 0;
-	/* Encode ! */
-	MP3Err = BladeDLL.beEncodeChunk(fport->mp3_stream,
-					fport->mp3_samples_per_frame,
-					frame->buf, 
-					fport->mp3_buf, 
-					&WriteSize);
-	    return PJMEDIA_ERROR;
-	/* Write the chunk */
-	bytes = WriteSize;
-	status = pj_file_write(fport->fd, fport->mp3_buf, &bytes);
-	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
-	    return status;
-	/* Increment total written. */
-	fport->total += bytes;
-    }
-    /* Increment total written, and check if we need to call callback */
-    if (fport->cb && fport->total >= fport->cb_size) {
-	pj_status_t (*cb)(pjmedia_port*, void*);
-	pj_status_t status;
-	cb = fport->cb;
-	fport->cb = NULL;
-	status = (*cb)(this_port, this_port->port_data.pdata);
-	return status;
-    }
-    return PJ_SUCCESS;
- * Get frame, basicy is a no-op operation.
- */
-static pj_status_t file_get_frame(pjmedia_port *this_port, 
-				  pjmedia_frame *frame)
-    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(this_port);
-    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(frame);
-    return PJ_EINVALIDOP;
- * Close the port, modify file header with updated file length.
- */
-static pj_status_t file_on_destroy(pjmedia_port *this_port)
-    struct mp3_file_port *fport = (struct mp3_file_port*)this_port;
-    pj_status_t status;
-    unsigned long WriteSize;
-    unsigned long MP3Err;
-    /* Close encoder */
-    MP3Err = BladeDLL.beDeinitStream(fport->mp3_stream, fport->mp3_buf, 
-				     &WriteSize);
-    if (MP3Err == BE_ERR_SUCCESSFUL) {
-	pj_ssize_t bytes = WriteSize;
-	status = pj_file_write(fport->fd, fport->mp3_buf, &bytes);
-    }
-    /* Close file */
-    status = pj_file_close(fport->fd);
-    /* Write additional VBR header */
-    if (fport->mp3_option.vbr) {
-	MP3Err = BladeDLL.beWriteVBRHeader(fport->mp3_filename.ptr);
-    }
-    /* Decrement DLL reference counter */
-    deinit_blade_dll();
-    /* Done. */
-    return PJ_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/plc_steveu.h b/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/plc_steveu.h
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index 483e774..0000000
--- a/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/plc_steveu.h
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-/*! \file
- * \brief SpanDSP - a series of DSP components for telephony
- *
- * plc.h
- *
- * \author Steve Underwood <>
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004 Steve Underwood
- *
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * This version may be optionally licenced under the GNU LGPL licence.
- *
- * A license has been granted to Digium (via disclaimer) for the use of
- * this code.
- */
-#if !defined(_PLC_H_)
-#define _PLC_H_
-/*! \page plc_page Packet loss concealment
-\section plc_page_sec_1 What does it do?
-The packet loss concealment module provides a suitable synthetic fill-in signal,
-to minimise the audible effect of lost packets in VoIP applications. It is not
-tied to any particular codec, and could be used with almost any codec which does not
-specify its own procedure for packet loss concealment.
-Where a codec specific concealment procedure exists, the algorithm is usually built
-around knowledge of the characteristics of the particular codec. It will, therefore,
-generally give better results for that particular codec than this generic concealer will.
-\section plc_page_sec_2 How does it work?
-While good packets are being received, the plc_rx() routine keeps a record of the trailing
-section of the known speech signal. If a packet is missed, plc_fillin() is called to produce
-a synthetic replacement for the real speech signal. The average mean difference function
-(AMDF) is applied to the last known good signal, to determine its effective pitch.
-Based on this, the last pitch period of signal is saved. Essentially, this cycle of speech
-will be repeated over and over until the real speech resumes. However, several refinements
-are needed to obtain smooth pleasant sounding results.
-- The two ends of the stored cycle of speech will not always fit together smoothly. This can
-  cause roughness, or even clicks, at the joins between cycles. To soften this, the
-  1/4 pitch period of real speech preceeding the cycle to be repeated is blended with the last
-  1/4 pitch period of the cycle to be repeated, using an overlap-add (OLA) technique (i.e.
-  in total, the last 5/4 pitch periods of real speech are used).
-- The start of the synthetic speech will not always fit together smoothly with the tail of
-  real speech passed on before the erasure was identified. Ideally, we would like to modify
-  the last 1/4 pitch period of the real speech, to blend it into the synthetic speech. However,
-  it is too late for that. We could have delayed the real speech a little, but that would
-  require more buffer manipulation, and hurt the efficiency of the no-lost-packets case
-  (which we hope is the dominant case). Instead we use a degenerate form of OLA to modify
-  the start of the synthetic data. The last 1/4 pitch period of real speech is time reversed,
-  and OLA is used to blend it with the first 1/4 pitch period of synthetic speech. The result
-  seems quite acceptable.
-- As we progress into the erasure, the chances of the synthetic signal being anything like
-  correct steadily fall. Therefore, the volume of the synthesized signal is made to decay
-  linearly, such that after 50ms of missing audio it is reduced to silence.
-- When real speech resumes, an extra 1/4 pitch period of sythetic speech is blended with the
-  start of the real speech. If the erasure is small, this smoothes the transition. If the erasure
-  is long, and the synthetic signal has faded to zero, the blending softens the start up of the
-  real signal, avoiding a kind of "click" or "pop" effect that might occur with a sudden onset.
-\section plc_page_sec_3 How do I use it?
-Before audio is processed, call plc_init() to create an instance of the packet loss
-concealer. For each received audio packet that is acceptable (i.e. not including those being
-dropped for being too late) call plc_rx() to record the content of the packet. Note this may
-modify the packet a little after a period of packet loss, to blend real synthetic data smoothly.
-When a real packet is not available in time, call plc_fillin() to create a sythetic substitute.
-That's it!
-/*! Minimum allowed pitch (66 Hz) */
-#define PLC_PITCH_MIN           120
-/*! Maximum allowed pitch (200 Hz) */
-#define PLC_PITCH_MAX           40
-/*! Maximum pitch OLA window */
-/*! The length over which the AMDF function looks for similarity (20 ms) */
-#define CORRELATION_SPAN        160
-/*! History buffer length. The buffer much also be at leat 1.25 times
-    PLC_PITCH_MIN, but that is much smaller than the buffer needs to be for
-    the pitch assessment. */
-typedef struct
-    /*! Consecutive erased samples */
-    int missing_samples;
-    /*! Current offset into pitch period */
-    int pitch_offset;
-    /*! Pitch estimate */
-    int pitch;
-    /*! Buffer for a cycle of speech */
-    float pitchbuf[PLC_PITCH_MIN];
-    /*! History buffer */
-    pj_int16_t history[PLC_HISTORY_LEN];
-    /*! Current pointer into the history buffer */
-    int buf_ptr;
-} plc_state_t;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/*! Process a block of received audio samples.
-    \brief Process a block of received audio samples.
-    \param s The packet loss concealer context.
-    \param amp The audio sample buffer.
-    \param len The number of samples in the buffer.
-    \return The number of samples in the buffer. */
-int plc_rx(plc_state_t *s, pj_int16_t amp[], int len);
-/*! Fill-in a block of missing audio samples.
-    \brief Fill-in a block of missing audio samples.
-    \param s The packet loss concealer context.
-    \param amp The audio sample buffer.
-    \param len The number of samples to be synthesised.
-    \return The number of samples synthesized. */
-int plc_fillin(plc_state_t *s, pj_int16_t amp[], int len);
-/*! Process a block of received V.29 modem audio samples.
-    \brief Process a block of received V.29 modem audio samples.
-    \param s The packet loss concealer context.
-    \return A pointer to the he packet loss concealer context. */
-plc_state_t *plc_init(plc_state_t *s);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-/*- End of file ------------------------------------------------------------*/
diff --git a/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/smallfilter.h b/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/smallfilter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 396fcb1..0000000
--- a/pjmedia/src/pjmedia/smallfilter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4617 +0,0 @@
-/* Included by resamplesubs.c */
-#define SMALL_FILTER_SCALE 13128 /* Unity-gain scale factor */
-#define SMALL_FILTER_NWING 1536 /* Filter table length */
-static const RES_HWORD SMALL_FILTER_IMP[] /* Impulse response */ = {
-static const RES_HWORD SMALL_FILTER_IMPD[] = {