Added suppor /and fix things for SunOS port

git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
diff --git a/pjlib/include/pj/except.h b/pjlib/include/pj/except.h
index b325b47..4a2505b 100644
--- a/pjlib/include/pj/except.h
+++ b/pjlib/include/pj/except.h
@@ -1,267 +1,267 @@
-/* $Header: /pjproject-0.3/pjlib/include/pj/except.h 9     10/14/05 12:26a Bennylp $ */


-#ifndef __PJ_EXCEPTION_H__

-#define __PJ_EXCEPTION_H__



- * @file except.h

- * @brief Exception Handling in C.

- */


-#include <pj/types.h>

-#include <pj/compat/setjmp.h>







- * @defgroup PJ_EXCEPT Exception Handling

- * @ingroup PJ_MISC

- * @{

- *

- * \section pj_except_sample_sec Quick Example

- *

- * For the impatient, take a look at some examples:

- *  - @ref page_pjlib_samples_except_c

- *  - @ref page_pjlib_exception_test

- *

- * \section pj_except_except Exception Handling

- *

- * This module provides exception handling syntactically similar to C++ in

- * C language. The underlying mechanism use setjmp() and longjmp(), and since

- * these constructs are ANSI standard, the mechanism here should be available

- * on most platforms/compilers which are ANSI compliant.

- *

- * If ANSI libc is not available, then setjmp()/longjmp() implementation will

- * be provided. See <pj/compat/setjmp.h> for compatibility.

- *

- * The exception handling mechanism is completely thread safe, so the exception

- * thrown by one thread will not interfere with other thread.

- *


- *  - unlike C++ exception, the scheme here won't call destructors of local

- *    objects if exception is thrown. Care must be taken when a function

- *    hold some resorce such as pool or mutex etc.

- *  - You CAN NOT make nested exception in one single function without using

- *    a nested PJ_USE_EXCEPTION.

- *  - Exceptions will always be caught by the first handle (unlike C++ where

- *    exception is only caught if the type matches.

- *

- * The exception handling constructs are similar to C++. The blocks will be

- * constructed similar to the following sample:

- *

- * \verbatim

-   #define NO_MEMORY     1

-   #define SYNTAX_ERROR  2


-   int main()

-   {

-      PJ_USE_EXCEPTION;  // declare local exception stack.


-      PJ_TRY {

-        ...// do something..

-      }


-        ... // handle exception 1

-      }


-        ... // handle exception 2

-      }

-      PJ_DEFAULT {

-        ... // handle other exceptions.

-      }

-      PJ_END;

-   }

-   \endverbatim

- *

- * The above sample uses hard coded exception ID. It is @b strongly

- * recommended that applications request a unique exception ID instead

- * of hard coded value like above.

- *

- * \section pj_except_reg Exception ID Allocation

- *

- * To ensure that exception ID (number) are used consistently and to

- * prevent ID collisions in an application, it is strongly suggested that 

- * applications allocate an exception ID for each possible exception

- * type. As a bonus of this process, the application can identify

- * the name of the exception when the particular exception is thrown.

- *

- * Exception ID management are performed with the following APIs:

- *  - #pj_exception_id_alloc().

- *  - #pj_exception_id_free().

- *  - #pj_exception_id_name().

- *

- *

- * PJLIB itself automatically allocates one exception id, i.e.

- * #PJ_NO_MEMORY_EXCEPTION which is declared in <pj/pool.h>. This exception

- * ID is raised by default pool policy when it fails to allocate memory.

- *

- * \section PJ_EX_KEYWORDS Keywords

- *

- * \subsection PJ_THROW PJ_THROW(expression)

- * Throw an exception. The expression thrown is an integer as the result of

- * the \a expression. This keyword can be specified anywhere within the 

- * program.

- *


- * Specify this in the variable definition section of the function block 

- * (or any blocks) to specify that the block has \a PJ_TRY/PJ_CATCH exception 

- * block. 

- * Actually, this is just a macro to declare local variable which is used to

- * push the exception state to the exception stack.

- *

- * \subsection PJ_TRY PJ_TRY

- * The \a PJ_TRY keyword is typically followed by a block. If an exception is

- * thrown in this block, then the execution will resume to the \a PJ_CATCH 

- * handler.

- *

- * \subsection PJ_CATCH PJ_CATCH(expression)

- * The \a PJ_CATCH is normally followed by a block. This block will be executed

- * if the exception being thrown is equal to the expression specified in the

- * \a PJ_CATCH.

- *

- * \subsection PJ_DEFAULT PJ_DEFAULT

- * The \a PJ_DEFAULT keyword is normally followed by a block. This block will

- * be executed if the exception being thrown doesn't match any of the \a

- * PJ_CATCH specification. The \a PJ_DEFAULT block \b MUST be placed as the

- * last block of the handlers.

- *

- * \subsection PJ_END PJ_END

- * Specify this keyword to mark the end of \a PJ_TRY / \a PJ_CATCH blocks.

- *


- * Get the last exception thrown. This macro is normally called inside the

- * \a PJ_CATCH or \a PJ_DEFAULT block, altough it can be used anywhere where

- * the \a PJ_USE_EXCEPTION definition is in scope.

- *

- * 

- * \section pj_except_examples_sec Examples

- *

- * For some examples on how to use the exception construct, please see:

- *  - @ref page_pjlib_samples_except_c

- *  - @ref page_pjlib_exception_test

- */



- * Allocate a unique exception id.

- * Applications don't have to allocate a unique exception ID before using

- * the exception construct. However, by doing so it ensures that there is

- * no collisions of exception ID.

- *

- * As a bonus, when exception number is acquired through this function,

- * the library can assign name to the exception (only if 

- * PJ_HAS_EXCEPTION_NAMES is enabled (default is yes)) and find out the

- * exception name when it catches an exception.

- *

- * @param name      Name to be associated with the exception ID.

- * @param id        Pointer to receive the ID.

- *

- * @return          PJ_SUCCESS on success or PJ_ETOOMANY if the library 

- *                  is running out out ids.

- */

-PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_exception_id_alloc(const char *name,

-                                           pj_exception_id_t *id);



- * Free an exception id.

- *

- * @param id        The exception ID.

- *

- * @return          PJ_SUCCESS or the appropriate error code.

- */

-PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_exception_id_free(pj_exception_id_t id);



- * Retrieve name associated with the exception id.

- *

- * @param id        The exception ID.

- *

- * @return          The name associated with the specified ID.

- */

-PJ_DECL(const char*) pj_exception_id_name(pj_exception_id_t id);


-/** @} */



- * This structure (which should be invisible to user) manages the TRY handler

- * stack.

- */

-struct pj_exception_state_t


-    struct pj_exception_state_t *prev;  /**< Previous state in the list. */

-    pj_jmp_buf state;                   /**< jmp_buf.                    */




- * Throw exception.

- * @param id    Exception Id.

- */


-pj_throw_exception_(pj_exception_id_t id) PJ_ATTR_NORETURN;



- * Push exception handler.

- */

-PJ_DECL(void) pj_push_exception_handler_(struct pj_exception_state_t *rec);



- * Pop exception handler.

- */

-PJ_DECL(void) pj_pop_exception_handler_(void);



- * Declare that the function will use exception.

- * @hideinitializer

- */

-#define PJ_USE_EXCEPTION    struct pj_exception_state_t pj_x_except__; int pj_x_code__



- * Start exception specification block.

- * @hideinitializer

- */

-#define PJ_TRY		    if (1) { \

-				pj_push_exception_handler_(&pj_x_except__); \

-				pj_x_code__ = pj_setjmp(pj_x_except__.state); \

-				if (pj_x_code__ == 0)


- * Catch the specified exception Id.

- * @param id    The exception number to catch.

- * @hideinitializer

- */

-#define PJ_CATCH(id)	    else if (pj_x_code__ == (id))



- * Catch any exception number.

- * @hideinitializer

- */

-#define PJ_DEFAULT	    else



- * End of exception specification block.

- * @hideinitializer

- */

-#define PJ_END			pj_pop_exception_handler_(); \

-			    } else {}



- * Throw exception.

- * @param exception_id  The exception number.

- * @hideinitializer

- */

-#define PJ_THROW(exception_id)	pj_throw_exception_(exception_id)



- * Get current exception.

- * @return      Current exception code.

- * @hideinitializer

- */

-#define PJ_GET_EXCEPTION()	(pj_x_code__)






-#endif	/* __PJ_EXCEPTION_H__ */



+/* $Header: /pjproject-0.3/pjlib/include/pj/except.h 9     10/14/05 12:26a Bennylp $ */
+#ifndef __PJ_EXCEPTION_H__
+#define __PJ_EXCEPTION_H__
+ * @file except.h
+ * @brief Exception Handling in C.
+ */
+#include <pj/types.h>
+#include <pj/compat/setjmp.h>
+ * @defgroup PJ_EXCEPT Exception Handling
+ * @ingroup PJ_MISC
+ * @{
+ *
+ * \section pj_except_sample_sec Quick Example
+ *
+ * For the impatient, take a look at some examples:
+ *  - @ref page_pjlib_samples_except_c
+ *  - @ref page_pjlib_exception_test
+ *
+ * \section pj_except_except Exception Handling
+ *
+ * This module provides exception handling syntactically similar to C++ in
+ * C language. The underlying mechanism use setjmp() and longjmp(), and since
+ * these constructs are ANSI standard, the mechanism here should be available
+ * on most platforms/compilers which are ANSI compliant.
+ *
+ * If ANSI libc is not available, then setjmp()/longjmp() implementation will
+ * be provided. See <pj/compat/setjmp.h> for compatibility.
+ *
+ * The exception handling mechanism is completely thread safe, so the exception
+ * thrown by one thread will not interfere with other thread.
+ *
+ *  - unlike C++ exception, the scheme here won't call destructors of local
+ *    objects if exception is thrown. Care must be taken when a function
+ *    hold some resorce such as pool or mutex etc.
+ *  - You CAN NOT make nested exception in one single function without using
+ *    a nested PJ_USE_EXCEPTION.
+ *  - Exceptions will always be caught by the first handle (unlike C++ where
+ *    exception is only caught if the type matches.
+ *
+ * The exception handling constructs are similar to C++. The blocks will be
+ * constructed similar to the following sample:
+ *
+ * \verbatim
+   #define NO_MEMORY     1
+   #define SYNTAX_ERROR  2
+   int main()
+   {
+      PJ_USE_EXCEPTION;  // declare local exception stack.
+      PJ_TRY {
+        ...// do something..
+      }
+        ... // handle exception 1
+      }
+        ... // handle exception 2
+      }
+      PJ_DEFAULT {
+        ... // handle other exceptions.
+      }
+      PJ_END;
+   }
+   \endverbatim
+ *
+ * The above sample uses hard coded exception ID. It is @b strongly
+ * recommended that applications request a unique exception ID instead
+ * of hard coded value like above.
+ *
+ * \section pj_except_reg Exception ID Allocation
+ *
+ * To ensure that exception ID (number) are used consistently and to
+ * prevent ID collisions in an application, it is strongly suggested that 
+ * applications allocate an exception ID for each possible exception
+ * type. As a bonus of this process, the application can identify
+ * the name of the exception when the particular exception is thrown.
+ *
+ * Exception ID management are performed with the following APIs:
+ *  - #pj_exception_id_alloc().
+ *  - #pj_exception_id_free().
+ *  - #pj_exception_id_name().
+ *
+ *
+ * PJLIB itself automatically allocates one exception id, i.e.
+ * #PJ_NO_MEMORY_EXCEPTION which is declared in <pj/pool.h>. This exception
+ * ID is raised by default pool policy when it fails to allocate memory.
+ *
+ * \section PJ_EX_KEYWORDS Keywords
+ *
+ * \subsection PJ_THROW PJ_THROW(expression)
+ * Throw an exception. The expression thrown is an integer as the result of
+ * the \a expression. This keyword can be specified anywhere within the 
+ * program.
+ *
+ * Specify this in the variable definition section of the function block 
+ * (or any blocks) to specify that the block has \a PJ_TRY/PJ_CATCH exception 
+ * block. 
+ * Actually, this is just a macro to declare local variable which is used to
+ * push the exception state to the exception stack.
+ *
+ * \subsection PJ_TRY PJ_TRY
+ * The \a PJ_TRY keyword is typically followed by a block. If an exception is
+ * thrown in this block, then the execution will resume to the \a PJ_CATCH 
+ * handler.
+ *
+ * \subsection PJ_CATCH PJ_CATCH(expression)
+ * The \a PJ_CATCH is normally followed by a block. This block will be executed
+ * if the exception being thrown is equal to the expression specified in the
+ * \a PJ_CATCH.
+ *
+ * \subsection PJ_DEFAULT PJ_DEFAULT
+ * The \a PJ_DEFAULT keyword is normally followed by a block. This block will
+ * be executed if the exception being thrown doesn't match any of the \a
+ * PJ_CATCH specification. The \a PJ_DEFAULT block \b MUST be placed as the
+ * last block of the handlers.
+ *
+ * \subsection PJ_END PJ_END
+ * Specify this keyword to mark the end of \a PJ_TRY / \a PJ_CATCH blocks.
+ *
+ * Get the last exception thrown. This macro is normally called inside the
+ * \a PJ_CATCH or \a PJ_DEFAULT block, altough it can be used anywhere where
+ * the \a PJ_USE_EXCEPTION definition is in scope.
+ *
+ * 
+ * \section pj_except_examples_sec Examples
+ *
+ * For some examples on how to use the exception construct, please see:
+ *  - @ref page_pjlib_samples_except_c
+ *  - @ref page_pjlib_exception_test
+ */
+ * Allocate a unique exception id.
+ * Applications don't have to allocate a unique exception ID before using
+ * the exception construct. However, by doing so it ensures that there is
+ * no collisions of exception ID.
+ *
+ * As a bonus, when exception number is acquired through this function,
+ * the library can assign name to the exception (only if 
+ * PJ_HAS_EXCEPTION_NAMES is enabled (default is yes)) and find out the
+ * exception name when it catches an exception.
+ *
+ * @param name      Name to be associated with the exception ID.
+ * @param id        Pointer to receive the ID.
+ *
+ * @return          PJ_SUCCESS on success or PJ_ETOOMANY if the library 
+ *                  is running out out ids.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_exception_id_alloc(const char *name,
+                                           pj_exception_id_t *id);
+ * Free an exception id.
+ *
+ * @param id        The exception ID.
+ *
+ * @return          PJ_SUCCESS or the appropriate error code.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_exception_id_free(pj_exception_id_t id);
+ * Retrieve name associated with the exception id.
+ *
+ * @param id        The exception ID.
+ *
+ * @return          The name associated with the specified ID.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(const char*) pj_exception_id_name(pj_exception_id_t id);
+/** @} */
+ * This structure (which should be invisible to user) manages the TRY handler
+ * stack.
+ */
+struct pj_exception_state_t
+    struct pj_exception_state_t *prev;  /**< Previous state in the list. */
+    pj_jmp_buf state;                   /**< jmp_buf.                    */
+ * Throw exception.
+ * @param id    Exception Id.
+ */
+pj_throw_exception_(pj_exception_id_t id) PJ_ATTR_NORETURN;
+ * Push exception handler.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(void) pj_push_exception_handler_(struct pj_exception_state_t *rec);
+ * Pop exception handler.
+ */
+PJ_DECL(void) pj_pop_exception_handler_(void);
+ * Declare that the function will use exception.
+ * @hideinitializer
+ */
+#define PJ_USE_EXCEPTION    struct pj_exception_state_t pj_x_except__; int pj_x_code__
+ * Start exception specification block.
+ * @hideinitializer
+ */
+#define PJ_TRY		    if (1) { \
+				pj_push_exception_handler_(&pj_x_except__); \
+				pj_x_code__ = pj_setjmp(pj_x_except__.state); \
+				if (pj_x_code__ == 0)
+ * Catch the specified exception Id.
+ * @param id    The exception number to catch.
+ * @hideinitializer
+ */
+#define PJ_CATCH(id)	    else if (pj_x_code__ == (id))
+ * Catch any exception number.
+ * @hideinitializer
+ */
+#define PJ_DEFAULT	    else
+ * End of exception specification block.
+ * @hideinitializer
+ */
+#define PJ_END			pj_pop_exception_handler_(); \
+			    } else {}
+ * Throw exception.
+ * @param exception_id  The exception number.
+ * @hideinitializer
+ */
+#define PJ_THROW(exception_id)	pj_throw_exception_(exception_id)
+ * Get current exception.
+ * @return      Current exception code.
+ * @hideinitializer
+ */
+#define PJ_GET_EXCEPTION()	(pj_x_code__)
+#endif	/* __PJ_EXCEPTION_H__ */