Implemented ticket #1018: Simple HTTP client implementation

 * pjlib-util:
   * implement http_client
 * pjlib-util-test:
   * unit test for http_client
 * pjsip-apps/samples:
   * sample http client implementation
 * build:
   * added http_client support on VS6, VS2005, MMP, and Makefile 

git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/build/Samples-vc.mak b/pjsip-apps/build/Samples-vc.mak
index 89b9204..3b03cf7 100644
--- a/pjsip-apps/build/Samples-vc.mak
+++ b/pjsip-apps/build/Samples-vc.mak
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
 	  $(BINDIR)\confsample.exe \
 	  $(BINDIR)\confbench.exe \
 	  $(BINDIR)\encdec.exe \
+	  $(BINDIR)\httpdemo.exe \
 	  $(BINDIR)\icedemo.exe \
 	  $(BINDIR)\jbsim.exe \
 	  $(BINDIR)\latency.exe \
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/build/Samples.mak b/pjsip-apps/build/Samples.mak
index 18b13bc..0247b88 100644
--- a/pjsip-apps/build/Samples.mak
+++ b/pjsip-apps/build/Samples.mak
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 SAMPLES := auddemo \
 	   confsample \
 	   encdec \
+	   httpdemo \
 	   icedemo \
 	   jbsim \
 	   latency \
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/build/samples.dsp b/pjsip-apps/build/samples.dsp
index 758e6b6..dd95037 100644
--- a/pjsip-apps/build/samples.dsp
+++ b/pjsip-apps/build/samples.dsp
@@ -110,6 +110,10 @@
 # End Source File

 # Begin Source File



+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File



 # End Source File

 # Begin Source File

diff --git a/pjsip-apps/build/samples.vcproj b/pjsip-apps/build/samples.vcproj
index ba73d15..0976779 100644
--- a/pjsip-apps/build/samples.vcproj
+++ b/pjsip-apps/build/samples.vcproj
@@ -12,18 +12,18 @@



-			Name="Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

-		/>

-		<Platform

-			Name="Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

-		/>

-		<Platform

 			Name="Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4)"



 			Name="Smartphone 2003 (ARMV4)"



+			Name="Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

+		/>

+		<Platform

+			Name="Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

+		/>

+		<Platform

 			Name="Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)"



@@ -58,84 +58,6 @@



-			Name="Release|Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

-			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6std-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

-			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

-			ConfigurationType="0"

-			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

-			UseOfMFC="0"

-			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

-			BuildLogFile=""

-			>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCNMakeTool"

-				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release VC_VER=8"

-				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release VC_VER=8 /a"

-				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release VC_VER=8 clean"

-				Output="All samples"

-				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

-				IncludeSearchPath=""

-				ForcedIncludes=""

-				AssemblySearchPath=""

-				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

-				CompileAsManaged=""

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

-				ExecutionBucket="7"

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

-			/>

-			<DeploymentTool

-				ForceDirty="-1"

-				RemoteDirectory=""

-				RegisterOutput="0"

-				AdditionalFiles=""

-			/>

-			<DebuggerTool

-			/>

-		</Configuration>

-		<Configuration

-			Name="Release|Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

-			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6pro-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

-			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

-			ConfigurationType="0"

-			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

-			UseOfMFC="0"

-			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

-			BuildLogFile=""

-			>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCNMakeTool"

-				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release VC_VER=8"

-				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release VC_VER=8 /a"

-				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release VC_VER=8 clean"

-				Output="All samples"

-				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

-				IncludeSearchPath=""

-				ForcedIncludes=""

-				AssemblySearchPath=""

-				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

-				CompileAsManaged=""

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

-				ExecutionBucket="7"

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

-			/>

-			<DeploymentTool

-				ForceDirty="-1"

-				RemoteDirectory=""

-				RegisterOutput="0"

-				AdditionalFiles=""

-			/>

-			<DebuggerTool

-			/>

-		</Configuration>

-		<Configuration

 			Name="Release|Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4)"



@@ -238,84 +160,6 @@



-			Name="Debug|Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

-			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6std-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

-			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

-			ConfigurationType="0"

-			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

-			UseOfMFC="0"

-			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

-			BuildLogFile=""

-			>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCNMakeTool"

-				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug VC_VER=8"

-				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug VC_VER=8 /a"

-				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug VC_VER=8 clean"

-				Output="All samples"

-				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

-				IncludeSearchPath=""

-				ForcedIncludes=""

-				AssemblySearchPath=""

-				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

-				CompileAsManaged=""

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

-				ExecutionBucket="7"

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

-			/>

-			<DeploymentTool

-				ForceDirty="-1"

-				RemoteDirectory=""

-				RegisterOutput="0"

-				AdditionalFiles=""

-			/>

-			<DebuggerTool

-			/>

-		</Configuration>

-		<Configuration

-			Name="Debug|Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

-			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6pro-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

-			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

-			ConfigurationType="0"

-			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

-			UseOfMFC="0"

-			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

-			BuildLogFile=""

-			>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCNMakeTool"

-				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug VC_VER=8"

-				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug VC_VER=8 /a"

-				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug VC_VER=8 clean"

-				Output="All samples"

-				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

-				IncludeSearchPath=""

-				ForcedIncludes=""

-				AssemblySearchPath=""

-				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

-				CompileAsManaged=""

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

-				ExecutionBucket="7"

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

-			/>

-			<DeploymentTool

-				ForceDirty="-1"

-				RemoteDirectory=""

-				RegisterOutput="0"

-				AdditionalFiles=""

-			/>

-			<DebuggerTool

-			/>

-		</Configuration>

-		<Configuration

 			Name="Debug|Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4)"



@@ -418,84 +262,6 @@



-			Name="Debug-Static|Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

-			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6std-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

-			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

-			ConfigurationType="0"

-			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

-			UseOfMFC="0"

-			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

-			BuildLogFile=""

-			>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCNMakeTool"

-				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-static VC_VER=8"

-				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-static VC_VER=8 /a"

-				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-static VC_VER=8 clean"

-				Output="All samples"

-				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

-				IncludeSearchPath=""

-				ForcedIncludes=""

-				AssemblySearchPath=""

-				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

-				CompileAsManaged=""

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

-				ExecutionBucket="7"

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

-			/>

-			<DeploymentTool

-				ForceDirty="-1"

-				RemoteDirectory=""

-				RegisterOutput="0"

-				AdditionalFiles=""

-			/>

-			<DebuggerTool

-			/>

-		</Configuration>

-		<Configuration

-			Name="Debug-Static|Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

-			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6pro-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

-			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

-			ConfigurationType="0"

-			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

-			UseOfMFC="0"

-			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

-			BuildLogFile=""

-			>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCNMakeTool"

-				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-static VC_VER=8"

-				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-static VC_VER=8 /a"

-				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-static VC_VER=8 clean"

-				Output="All samples"

-				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

-				IncludeSearchPath=""

-				ForcedIncludes=""

-				AssemblySearchPath=""

-				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

-				CompileAsManaged=""

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

-				ExecutionBucket="7"

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

-			/>

-			<DeploymentTool

-				ForceDirty="-1"

-				RemoteDirectory=""

-				RegisterOutput="0"

-				AdditionalFiles=""

-			/>

-			<DebuggerTool

-			/>

-		</Configuration>

-		<Configuration

 			Name="Debug-Static|Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4)"



@@ -598,84 +364,6 @@



-			Name="Release-Dynamic|Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

-			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6std-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

-			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

-			ConfigurationType="0"

-			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

-			UseOfMFC="0"

-			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

-			BuildLogFile=""

-			>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCNMakeTool"

-				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-dynamic VC_VER=8"

-				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-dynamic VC_VER=8 /a"

-				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-dynamic VC_VER=8 clean"

-				Output="All samples"

-				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

-				IncludeSearchPath=""

-				ForcedIncludes=""

-				AssemblySearchPath=""

-				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

-				CompileAsManaged=""

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

-				ExecutionBucket="7"

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

-			/>

-			<DeploymentTool

-				ForceDirty="-1"

-				RemoteDirectory=""

-				RegisterOutput="0"

-				AdditionalFiles=""

-			/>

-			<DebuggerTool

-			/>

-		</Configuration>

-		<Configuration

-			Name="Release-Dynamic|Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

-			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6pro-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

-			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

-			ConfigurationType="0"

-			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

-			UseOfMFC="0"

-			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

-			BuildLogFile=""

-			>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCNMakeTool"

-				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-dynamic VC_VER=8"

-				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-dynamic VC_VER=8 /a"

-				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-dynamic VC_VER=8 clean"

-				Output="All samples"

-				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

-				IncludeSearchPath=""

-				ForcedIncludes=""

-				AssemblySearchPath=""

-				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

-				CompileAsManaged=""

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

-				ExecutionBucket="7"

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

-			/>

-			<DeploymentTool

-				ForceDirty="-1"

-				RemoteDirectory=""

-				RegisterOutput="0"

-				AdditionalFiles=""

-			/>

-			<DebuggerTool

-			/>

-		</Configuration>

-		<Configuration

 			Name="Release-Dynamic|Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4)"



@@ -778,84 +466,6 @@



-			Name="Debug-Dynamic|Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

-			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6std-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

-			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

-			ConfigurationType="0"

-			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

-			UseOfMFC="0"

-			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

-			BuildLogFile=""

-			>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCNMakeTool"

-				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-dynamic VC_VER=8"

-				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-dynamic VC_VER=8 /a"

-				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-dynamic VC_VER=8 clean"

-				Output="All samples"

-				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

-				IncludeSearchPath=""

-				ForcedIncludes=""

-				AssemblySearchPath=""

-				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

-				CompileAsManaged=""

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

-				ExecutionBucket="7"

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

-			/>

-			<DeploymentTool

-				ForceDirty="-1"

-				RemoteDirectory=""

-				RegisterOutput="0"

-				AdditionalFiles=""

-			/>

-			<DebuggerTool

-			/>

-		</Configuration>

-		<Configuration

-			Name="Debug-Dynamic|Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

-			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6pro-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

-			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

-			ConfigurationType="0"

-			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

-			UseOfMFC="0"

-			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

-			BuildLogFile=""

-			>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCNMakeTool"

-				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-dynamic VC_VER=8"

-				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-dynamic VC_VER=8 /a"

-				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-dynamic VC_VER=8 clean"

-				Output="All samples"

-				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

-				IncludeSearchPath=""

-				ForcedIncludes=""

-				AssemblySearchPath=""

-				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

-				CompileAsManaged=""

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

-				ExecutionBucket="7"

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

-			/>

-			<DeploymentTool

-				ForceDirty="-1"

-				RemoteDirectory=""

-				RegisterOutput="0"

-				AdditionalFiles=""

-			/>

-			<DebuggerTool

-			/>

-		</Configuration>

-		<Configuration

 			Name="Debug-Dynamic|Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4)"



@@ -958,84 +568,6 @@



-			Name="Release-Static|Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

-			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6std-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

-			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

-			ConfigurationType="0"

-			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

-			UseOfMFC="0"

-			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

-			BuildLogFile=""

-			>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCNMakeTool"

-				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-static VC_VER=8"

-				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-static VC_VER=8 /a"

-				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-static VC_VER=8 clean"

-				Output="All samples"

-				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

-				IncludeSearchPath=""

-				ForcedIncludes=""

-				AssemblySearchPath=""

-				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

-				CompileAsManaged=""

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

-				ExecutionBucket="7"

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

-			/>

-			<DeploymentTool

-				ForceDirty="-1"

-				RemoteDirectory=""

-				RegisterOutput="0"

-				AdditionalFiles=""

-			/>

-			<DebuggerTool

-			/>

-		</Configuration>

-		<Configuration

-			Name="Release-Static|Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

-			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6pro-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

-			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

-			ConfigurationType="0"

-			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

-			UseOfMFC="0"

-			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

-			BuildLogFile=""

-			>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCNMakeTool"

-				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-static VC_VER=8"

-				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-static VC_VER=8 /a"

-				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-static VC_VER=8 clean"

-				Output="All samples"

-				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

-				IncludeSearchPath=""

-				ForcedIncludes=""

-				AssemblySearchPath=""

-				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

-				CompileAsManaged=""

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

-				ExecutionBucket="7"

-			/>

-			<Tool

-				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

-			/>

-			<DeploymentTool

-				ForceDirty="-1"

-				RemoteDirectory=""

-				RegisterOutput="0"

-				AdditionalFiles=""

-			/>

-			<DebuggerTool

-			/>

-		</Configuration>

-		<Configuration

 			Name="Release-Static|Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4)"



@@ -1114,6 +646,474 @@



+			Name="Release|Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

+			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6std-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

+			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

+			ConfigurationType="0"

+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

+			UseOfMFC="0"

+			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

+			BuildLogFile=""

+			>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCNMakeTool"

+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release VC_VER=8"

+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release VC_VER=8 /a"

+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release VC_VER=8 clean"

+				Output="All samples"

+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

+				IncludeSearchPath=""

+				ForcedIncludes=""

+				AssemblySearchPath=""

+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

+				CompileAsManaged=""

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

+				ExecutionBucket="7"

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

+			/>

+			<DeploymentTool

+				ForceDirty="-1"

+				RemoteDirectory=""

+				RegisterOutput="0"

+				AdditionalFiles=""

+			/>

+			<DebuggerTool

+			/>

+		</Configuration>

+		<Configuration

+			Name="Release|Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

+			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6pro-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

+			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

+			ConfigurationType="0"

+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

+			UseOfMFC="0"

+			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

+			BuildLogFile=""

+			>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCNMakeTool"

+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release VC_VER=8"

+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release VC_VER=8 /a"

+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release VC_VER=8 clean"

+				Output="All samples"

+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

+				IncludeSearchPath=""

+				ForcedIncludes=""

+				AssemblySearchPath=""

+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

+				CompileAsManaged=""

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

+				ExecutionBucket="7"

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

+			/>

+			<DeploymentTool

+				ForceDirty="-1"

+				RemoteDirectory=""

+				RegisterOutput="0"

+				AdditionalFiles=""

+			/>

+			<DebuggerTool

+			/>

+		</Configuration>

+		<Configuration

+			Name="Debug|Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

+			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6std-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

+			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

+			ConfigurationType="0"

+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

+			UseOfMFC="0"

+			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

+			BuildLogFile=""

+			>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCNMakeTool"

+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug VC_VER=8"

+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug VC_VER=8 /a"

+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug VC_VER=8 clean"

+				Output="All samples"

+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

+				IncludeSearchPath=""

+				ForcedIncludes=""

+				AssemblySearchPath=""

+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

+				CompileAsManaged=""

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

+				ExecutionBucket="7"

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

+			/>

+			<DeploymentTool

+				ForceDirty="-1"

+				RemoteDirectory=""

+				RegisterOutput="0"

+				AdditionalFiles=""

+			/>

+			<DebuggerTool

+			/>

+		</Configuration>

+		<Configuration

+			Name="Debug|Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

+			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6pro-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

+			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

+			ConfigurationType="0"

+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

+			UseOfMFC="0"

+			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

+			BuildLogFile=""

+			>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCNMakeTool"

+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug VC_VER=8"

+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug VC_VER=8 /a"

+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug VC_VER=8 clean"

+				Output="All samples"

+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

+				IncludeSearchPath=""

+				ForcedIncludes=""

+				AssemblySearchPath=""

+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

+				CompileAsManaged=""

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

+				ExecutionBucket="7"

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

+			/>

+			<DeploymentTool

+				ForceDirty="-1"

+				RemoteDirectory=""

+				RegisterOutput="0"

+				AdditionalFiles=""

+			/>

+			<DebuggerTool

+			/>

+		</Configuration>

+		<Configuration

+			Name="Debug-Static|Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

+			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6std-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

+			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

+			ConfigurationType="0"

+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

+			UseOfMFC="0"

+			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

+			BuildLogFile=""

+			>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCNMakeTool"

+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-static VC_VER=8"

+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-static VC_VER=8 /a"

+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-static VC_VER=8 clean"

+				Output="All samples"

+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

+				IncludeSearchPath=""

+				ForcedIncludes=""

+				AssemblySearchPath=""

+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

+				CompileAsManaged=""

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

+				ExecutionBucket="7"

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

+			/>

+			<DeploymentTool

+				ForceDirty="-1"

+				RemoteDirectory=""

+				RegisterOutput="0"

+				AdditionalFiles=""

+			/>

+			<DebuggerTool

+			/>

+		</Configuration>

+		<Configuration

+			Name="Debug-Static|Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

+			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6pro-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

+			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

+			ConfigurationType="0"

+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

+			UseOfMFC="0"

+			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

+			BuildLogFile=""

+			>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCNMakeTool"

+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-static VC_VER=8"

+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-static VC_VER=8 /a"

+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-static VC_VER=8 clean"

+				Output="All samples"

+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

+				IncludeSearchPath=""

+				ForcedIncludes=""

+				AssemblySearchPath=""

+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

+				CompileAsManaged=""

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

+				ExecutionBucket="7"

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

+			/>

+			<DeploymentTool

+				ForceDirty="-1"

+				RemoteDirectory=""

+				RegisterOutput="0"

+				AdditionalFiles=""

+			/>

+			<DebuggerTool

+			/>

+		</Configuration>

+		<Configuration

+			Name="Release-Dynamic|Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

+			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6std-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

+			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

+			ConfigurationType="0"

+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

+			UseOfMFC="0"

+			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

+			BuildLogFile=""

+			>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCNMakeTool"

+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-dynamic VC_VER=8"

+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-dynamic VC_VER=8 /a"

+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-dynamic VC_VER=8 clean"

+				Output="All samples"

+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

+				IncludeSearchPath=""

+				ForcedIncludes=""

+				AssemblySearchPath=""

+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

+				CompileAsManaged=""

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

+				ExecutionBucket="7"

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

+			/>

+			<DeploymentTool

+				ForceDirty="-1"

+				RemoteDirectory=""

+				RegisterOutput="0"

+				AdditionalFiles=""

+			/>

+			<DebuggerTool

+			/>

+		</Configuration>

+		<Configuration

+			Name="Release-Dynamic|Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

+			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6pro-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

+			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

+			ConfigurationType="0"

+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

+			UseOfMFC="0"

+			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

+			BuildLogFile=""

+			>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCNMakeTool"

+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-dynamic VC_VER=8"

+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-dynamic VC_VER=8 /a"

+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-dynamic VC_VER=8 clean"

+				Output="All samples"

+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

+				IncludeSearchPath=""

+				ForcedIncludes=""

+				AssemblySearchPath=""

+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

+				CompileAsManaged=""

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

+				ExecutionBucket="7"

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

+			/>

+			<DeploymentTool

+				ForceDirty="-1"

+				RemoteDirectory=""

+				RegisterOutput="0"

+				AdditionalFiles=""

+			/>

+			<DebuggerTool

+			/>

+		</Configuration>

+		<Configuration

+			Name="Debug-Dynamic|Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

+			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6std-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

+			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

+			ConfigurationType="0"

+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

+			UseOfMFC="0"

+			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

+			BuildLogFile=""

+			>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCNMakeTool"

+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-dynamic VC_VER=8"

+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-dynamic VC_VER=8 /a"

+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-dynamic VC_VER=8 clean"

+				Output="All samples"

+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

+				IncludeSearchPath=""

+				ForcedIncludes=""

+				AssemblySearchPath=""

+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

+				CompileAsManaged=""

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

+				ExecutionBucket="7"

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

+			/>

+			<DeploymentTool

+				ForceDirty="-1"

+				RemoteDirectory=""

+				RegisterOutput="0"

+				AdditionalFiles=""

+			/>

+			<DebuggerTool

+			/>

+		</Configuration>

+		<Configuration

+			Name="Debug-Dynamic|Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

+			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6pro-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

+			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

+			ConfigurationType="0"

+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

+			UseOfMFC="0"

+			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

+			BuildLogFile=""

+			>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCNMakeTool"

+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-dynamic VC_VER=8"

+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-dynamic VC_VER=8 /a"

+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=debug-dynamic VC_VER=8 clean"

+				Output="All samples"

+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

+				IncludeSearchPath=""

+				ForcedIncludes=""

+				AssemblySearchPath=""

+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

+				CompileAsManaged=""

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

+				ExecutionBucket="7"

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

+			/>

+			<DeploymentTool

+				ForceDirty="-1"

+				RemoteDirectory=""

+				RegisterOutput="0"

+				AdditionalFiles=""

+			/>

+			<DebuggerTool

+			/>

+		</Configuration>

+		<Configuration

+			Name="Release-Static|Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)"

+			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6std-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

+			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

+			ConfigurationType="0"

+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

+			UseOfMFC="0"

+			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

+			BuildLogFile=""

+			>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCNMakeTool"

+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-static VC_VER=8"

+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-static VC_VER=8 /a"

+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-static VC_VER=8 clean"

+				Output="All samples"

+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

+				IncludeSearchPath=""

+				ForcedIncludes=""

+				AssemblySearchPath=""

+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

+				CompileAsManaged=""

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

+				ExecutionBucket="7"

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

+			/>

+			<DeploymentTool

+				ForceDirty="-1"

+				RemoteDirectory=""

+				RegisterOutput="0"

+				AdditionalFiles=""

+			/>

+			<DebuggerTool

+			/>

+		</Configuration>

+		<Configuration

+			Name="Release-Static|Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"

+			OutputDirectory=".\output\$(ProjectName)-wm6pro-$(PlatformName)-vs8-$(ConfigurationName)"

+			IntermediateDirectory="$(OutDir)"

+			ConfigurationType="0"

+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC60.vsprops"

+			UseOfMFC="0"

+			ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"

+			BuildLogFile=""

+			>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCNMakeTool"

+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-static VC_VER=8"

+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-static VC_VER=8 /a"

+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /NOLOGO /S /f Samples-vc.mak BUILD_MODE=release-static VC_VER=8 clean"

+				Output="All samples"

+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""

+				IncludeSearchPath=""

+				ForcedIncludes=""

+				AssemblySearchPath=""

+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""

+				CompileAsManaged=""

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"

+				ExecutionBucket="7"

+			/>

+			<Tool

+				Name="VCCodeSignTool"

+			/>

+			<DeploymentTool

+				ForceDirty="-1"

+				RemoteDirectory=""

+				RegisterOutput="0"

+				AdditionalFiles=""

+			/>

+			<DebuggerTool

+			/>

+		</Configuration>

+		<Configuration

 			Name="Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)"



@@ -1614,6 +1614,10 @@



+				RelativePath="..\src\samples\httpdemo.c"

+				>

+			</File>

+			<File




diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/samples/httpdemo.c b/pjsip-apps/src/samples/httpdemo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dc3c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/samples/httpdemo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Teluu Inc. (
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+ * \page page_httpdemo_c Samples: HTTP Client demo
+ *
+ * This file is pjsip-apps/src/samples/httpdemo.c
+ *
+ * \includelineno httpdemo.c
+ */
+#include <pjlib.h>
+#include <pjlib-util.h>
+#include <pjlib-util/http_client.h>
+#include <pjsip.h>
+#include <pjmedia.h>
+#include <pjnath.h>
+#include <pjsip_simple.h>
+static pj_timer_heap_t *timer_heap;
+static pj_ioqueue_t *ioqueue;
+static pj_pool_t *pool;
+static pj_http_req *http_req;
+static pj_pool_factory *mem;
+static FILE *f = NULL;
+//#define VERBOSE
+#define THIS_FILE	    "http_demo"
+static void on_data_read(pj_http_req *hreq, void *data, pj_size_t size)
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(hreq);
+    if (size > 0) {
+        fwrite(data, 1, size, f);
+        fflush(f);
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+        PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, "\nData received: %d bytes\n", size));
+        printf("%.*s\n", (int)size, (char *)data);
+    }
+static void on_complete(pj_http_req *hreq, pj_status_t status,
+                        const pj_http_resp *resp)
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(hreq);
+    if (status == PJ_ECANCELLED) {
+        PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, "Request cancelled\n"));
+        return;
+    } else if (status == PJ_ETIMEDOUT) {
+        PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, "Request timed out!\n"));
+        return;
+    } else if (status != PJ_SUCCESS && status != PJ_EPENDING) {
+        PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, "Error %d\n", status));
+        return;
+    }
+    PJ_LOG(3, (THIS_FILE, "\nData completed: %d bytes\n", resp->size));
+    if (resp->size > 0 && resp->data) {
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+        printf("%.*s\n", (int)resp->size, (char *)resp->data);
+    }
+pj_status_t getURL(const char *curl)
+    pj_str_t url;
+    pj_http_req_callback hcb;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    pj_bzero(&hcb, sizeof(hcb));
+    hcb.on_complete = &on_complete;
+    hcb.on_data_read = &on_data_read;
+    /* Create pool, timer, and ioqueue */
+    pool = pj_pool_create(mem, NULL, 8192, 4096, NULL);
+    if (pj_timer_heap_create(pool, 16, &timer_heap))
+        return -31;
+    if (pj_ioqueue_create(pool, 16, &ioqueue))
+        return -32;
+    pj_strdup2(pool, &url, curl);
+    if ((status = pj_http_req_create(pool, &url, timer_heap, ioqueue, 
+                           NULL, &hcb, &http_req)) != PJ_SUCCESS)
+        return status;
+    if ((status = pj_http_req_start(http_req)) != PJ_SUCCESS)
+        return status;
+    while (pj_http_req_is_running(http_req)) {
+        pj_time_val delay = {0, 50};
+	pj_ioqueue_poll(ioqueue, &delay);
+	pj_timer_heap_poll(timer_heap, NULL);
+    }
+    pj_http_req_destroy(http_req);
+    pj_ioqueue_destroy(ioqueue);
+    pj_timer_heap_destroy(timer_heap);
+    pj_pool_release(pool);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+ * main()
+ */
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    pj_caching_pool cp;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    if (argc != 3) {
+	puts("Usage: httpdemo URL filename");
+	return 1;
+    }
+    pj_log_set_level(3);
+    pj_init();
+    pj_caching_pool_init(&cp, NULL, 0);
+    mem = &cp.factory;
+    pjlib_util_init();
+    f = fopen(argv[2], "wb");
+    status = getURL(argv[1]);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+        PJ_PERROR(1, (THIS_FILE, status, "Error"));
+    }
+    fclose(f);
+    pj_shutdown();
+    return 0;