Added presence pjsua unit tests

git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/test-pjsua/ b/pjsip-apps/src/test-pjsua/
index e84de34..ecc872f 100644
--- a/pjsip-apps/src/test-pjsua/
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/test-pjsua/
@@ -1,156 +1,165 @@
-# $Id:$

-import sys

-import imp

-import re

-import subprocess

-import time


-import inc_param as param

-import inc_const as const


-# Defaults






-# TestError exception

-class TestError:

-	desc = ""

-	def __init__(self, desc):

-		self.desc = desc



-# Poor man's 'expect'-like class

-class Expect:

-	proc = None

-	echo = False

-	trace_enabled = False

-	name = ""

-	rh = re.compile(const.DESTROYED)

-	ra = re.compile(const.ASSERT, re.I)

-	rr = re.compile(const.STDOUT_REFRESH)

-	def __init__(self, name, exe, args="", echo=G_ECHO, trace_enabled=G_TRACE):

- = name

-		self.echo = echo

-		self.trace_enabled = trace_enabled

-		fullcmd = exe + " " + args + " --stdout-refresh=5 --stdout-refresh-text=" + const.STDOUT_REFRESH

-		self.trace("Popen " + fullcmd)

-		self.proc = subprocess.Popen(fullcmd, bufsize=0, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)

-	def send(self, cmd):

-		self.trace("send " + cmd)

-		self.proc.stdin.writelines(cmd + "\n")

-	def expect(self, pattern, raise_on_error=True):

-		self.trace("expect " + pattern)

-		r = re.compile(pattern, re.I)

-		refresh_cnt = 0

-		while True:

-			line = self.proc.stdout.readline()

-		  	if line == "":

-				raise TestError( + ": Premature EOF")

-			# Print the line if echo is ON

-			if self.echo:

-				print + ": " + line,

-			# Trap assertion error

-			if != None:

-				if raise_on_error:

-					raise TestError( + ": " + line)

-				else:

-					return None

-			# Count stdout refresh text. 

-			if != None:

-				refresh_cnt = refresh_cnt+1

-				if refresh_cnt >= 6:

-					self.trace("Timed-out!")

-					if raise_on_error:

-						raise TestError( + ": Timeout expecting pattern: " + pattern)

-					else:

-						return None		# timeout

-			# Search for expected text

-			if != None:

-				return line

-	def wait(self):

-		self.trace("wait")

-		self.proc.wait()

-	def trace(self, s):

-		if self.trace_enabled:

-			print + ": " + "====== " + s + " ======"



-# Error handling

-def handle_error(errmsg, t):

-	print "====== Caught error: " + errmsg + " ======"

-	time.sleep(1)

-	for p in t.process:

-		p.send("q")

-		p.expect(const.DESTROYED, False)

-		p.wait()

-	print "Test completed with error: " + errmsg

-	sys.exit(1)




-# MAIN	


-if len(sys.argv)!=3:

-	print "Usage: MODULE CONFIG"

-	print "Sample:"

-	print " scripts-run/"

-	sys.exit(1)



-# Import the test script

-script = imp.load_source("script", sys.argv[1])  


-# Validate

-if script.test == None:

-	print "Error: no test defined"

-	sys.exit(1)


-if len( == 0:

-	print "Error: test doesn't contain pjsua run descriptions"

-	sys.exit(1)


-# Instantiate pjsuas

-print "====== Running " + script.test.title + " ======"

-for run in

-	try:

-		p = Expect(, G_EXE, args=run.args, echo=run.echo, trace_enabled=run.trace)

-	 	# Wait until initialized

-		p.expect(const.PROMPT)

-		p.send("echo 1")

-		p.send("echo 1")

-		p.expect("echo 1")

-		# add running instance

-		script.test.process.append(p)

-		# run initial script

-		for cmd in run.cmds:

-			if len(cmd) >= 3 and cmd[2]!="":

-				print "====== " + cmd[2] + " ======"

-			if len(cmd) >= 1 and cmd[0]!="":

-				p.send(cmd[0])

-			if len(cmd) >= 2 and cmd[1]!="":

-				p.expect(cmd[1])


-	except TestError, e:

-		handle_error(e.desc, script.test)


-# Run the test function

-if script.test.test_func != None:

-	try:

-		script.test.test_func(script.test)

-	except TestError, e:

-		handle_error(e.desc, script.test)


-# Shutdown all instances


-for p in script.test.process:

-	p.send("q")

-	time.sleep(0.5)

-	p.expect(const.DESTROYED, False)

-	p.wait()


-# Done

-print "Test " + script.test.title + " completed successfully"



+# $Id:$
+import sys
+import imp
+import re
+import subprocess
+import time
+import inc_const as const
+# Defaults
+# TestError exception
+class TestError:
+	desc = ""
+	def __init__(self, desc):
+		self.desc = desc
+# Poor man's 'expect'-like class
+class Expect:
+	proc = None
+	echo = False
+	trace_enabled = False
+	name = ""
+	inst_param = None
+	rh = re.compile(const.DESTROYED)
+	ra = re.compile(const.ASSERT, re.I)
+	rr = re.compile(const.STDOUT_REFRESH)
+	def __init__(self, inst_param):
+		self.inst_param = inst_param
+ =
+		self.echo = inst_param.echo_enabled
+		self.trace_enabled = inst_param.trace_enabled
+		fullcmd = G_EXE + " " + inst_param.arg + " --stdout-refresh=5 --stdout-refresh-text=" + const.STDOUT_REFRESH
+		self.trace("Popen " + fullcmd)
+		self.proc = subprocess.Popen(fullcmd, bufsize=0, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
+	def send(self, cmd):
+		self.trace("send " + cmd)
+		self.proc.stdin.writelines(cmd + "\n")
+	def expect(self, pattern, raise_on_error=True):
+		self.trace("expect " + pattern)
+		r = re.compile(pattern, re.I)
+		refresh_cnt = 0
+		while True:
+			line = self.proc.stdout.readline()
+		  	if line == "":
+				raise TestError( + ": Premature EOF")
+			# Print the line if echo is ON
+			if self.echo:
+				print + ": " + line,
+			# Trap assertion error
+			if != None:
+				if raise_on_error:
+					raise TestError( + ": " + line)
+				else:
+					return None
+			# Count stdout refresh text. 
+			if != None:
+				refresh_cnt = refresh_cnt+1
+				if refresh_cnt >= 6:
+					self.trace("Timed-out!")
+					if raise_on_error:
+						raise TestError( + ": Timeout expecting pattern: " + pattern)
+					else:
+						return None		# timeout
+			# Search for expected text
+			if != None:
+				return line
+	def sync_stdout(self):
+		self.trace("sync_stdout")
+		self.send("echo 1")
+		self.expect("echo 1")
+	def wait(self):
+		self.trace("wait")
+		self.proc.wait()
+	def trace(self, s):
+		if self.trace_enabled:
+			print + ": " + "====== " + s + " ======"
+# Error handling
+def handle_error(errmsg, t):
+	print "====== Caught error: " + errmsg + " ======"
+	time.sleep(1)
+	for p in t.process:
+		p.send("q")
+		p.send("q")
+		p.expect(const.DESTROYED, False)
+		p.wait()
+	print "Test completed with error: " + errmsg
+	sys.exit(1)
+# MAIN	
+if len(sys.argv)!=3:
+	print "Usage: MODULE CONFIG"
+	print "Sample:"
+	print " scripts-run/"
+	sys.exit(1)
+# Import the test script
+script = imp.load_source("script", sys.argv[1])  
+# Validate
+if script.test == None:
+	print "Error: no test defined"
+	sys.exit(1)
+if len(script.test.inst_params) == 0:
+	print "Error: test doesn't contain pjsua run descriptions"
+	sys.exit(1)
+# Instantiate pjsuas
+print "====== Running " + script.test.title + " ======"
+for inst_param in script.test.inst_params:
+	try:
+		# Create pjsua's Expect instance from the param
+		p = Expect(inst_param)
+		# Wait until registration completes
+		if inst_param.have_reg:
+			p.expect(inst_param.uri+".*registration success")
+	 	# Synchronize stdout
+		p.send("")
+		p.expect(const.PROMPT)
+		p.send("echo 1")
+		p.send("echo 1")
+		p.expect("echo 1")
+		# add running instance
+		script.test.process.append(p)
+	except TestError, e:
+		handle_error(e.desc, script.test)
+# Run the test function
+if script.test.test_func != None:
+	try:
+		script.test.test_func(script.test)
+	except TestError, e:
+		handle_error(e.desc, script.test)
+# Shutdown all instances
+for p in script.test.process:
+	# Unregister if we have_reg to make sure that next tests
+	# won't wail
+	if p.inst_param.have_reg:
+		p.send("ru")
+		p.expect(p.inst_param.uri+".*unregistration success")
+	p.send("q")
+	p.send("q")
+	time.sleep(0.5)
+	p.expect(const.DESTROYED, False)
+	p.wait()
+# Done
+print "Test " + script.test.title + " completed successfully"