Re #1215 (framework):
 - vstream:
     - allow NULL pool parameter which means vstream will create one
     - Updated remote FPS detection to only be performed if decoder returns frame (however the FPS detection is currently disabled as some endpoints changes fps continuously, causing renderer restart continuously too).
 - codec:
     - Updated video codec info to have RTP packetization support flag, also update endpoint in generating SDP to only include codecs whose RTP packetization support.
     - Added dynamic payload types for video codecs.
     - (minor) separate video PT into separate enum in pjmedia-codec/types.h
 - H264 initial experiment.
generated frames (for libx264 sake).
 - Replaced PJ_EUNKNOWN in some places with the appropriate error code.

git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
8 files changed