Re #1643: Code restructure+add callback to support symbian gui app

git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/pjsua/pjsua_common.c b/pjsip-apps/src/pjsua/pjsua_common.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60c7dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/pjsua/pjsua_common.c
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include "pjsua_common.h"
+#define THIS_FILE	"pjsua_common.c"
+#   define SOME_BUF_SIZE	(1024 * 10)
+#   define SOME_BUF_SIZE	(1024 * 3)
+static char some_buf[SOME_BUF_SIZE];
+/** Variable definition **/
+int		    stdout_refresh = -1;
+pj_bool_t	    stdout_refresh_quit = PJ_FALSE;
+pjsua_call_id	    current_call = PJSUA_INVALID_ID;
+pjsua_app_config    app_config;
+pjsua_call_setting  call_opt;
+pjsua_msg_data	    msg_data;
+PJ_DEF(int) my_atoi(const char *cs)
+    pj_str_t s;
+    pj_cstr(&s, cs);
+    if (cs[0] == '-') {
+	s.ptr++, s.slen--;
+	return 0 - (int)pj_strtoul(&s);
+    } else if (cs[0] == '+') {
+	s.ptr++, s.slen--;
+	return pj_strtoul(&s);
+    } else {
+	return pj_strtoul(&s);
+    }
+ * Find next call when current call is disconnected or when user
+ * press ']'
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_bool_t) find_next_call()
+    int i, max;
+    max = pjsua_call_get_max_count();
+    for (i=current_call+1; i<max; ++i) {
+	if (pjsua_call_is_active(i)) {
+	    current_call = i;
+	    return PJ_TRUE;
+	}
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<current_call; ++i) {
+	if (pjsua_call_is_active(i)) {
+	    current_call = i;
+	    return PJ_TRUE;
+	}
+    }
+    current_call = PJSUA_INVALID_ID;
+    return PJ_FALSE;
+PJ_DEF(pj_bool_t) find_prev_call()
+    int i, max;
+    max = pjsua_call_get_max_count();
+    for (i=current_call-1; i>=0; --i) {
+	if (pjsua_call_is_active(i)) {
+	    current_call = i;
+	    return PJ_TRUE;
+	}
+    }
+    for (i=max-1; i>current_call; --i) {
+	if (pjsua_call_is_active(i)) {
+	    current_call = i;
+	    return PJ_TRUE;
+	}
+    }
+    current_call = PJSUA_INVALID_ID;
+    return PJ_FALSE;
+ * Send arbitrary request to remote host
+ */
+PJ_DEF(void) send_request(char *cstr_method, const pj_str_t *dst_uri)
+    pj_str_t str_method;
+    pjsip_method method;
+    pjsip_tx_data *tdata;
+    pjsip_endpoint *endpt;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    endpt = pjsua_get_pjsip_endpt();
+    str_method = pj_str(cstr_method);
+    pjsip_method_init_np(&method, &str_method);
+    status = pjsua_acc_create_request(current_acc, &method, dst_uri, &tdata);
+    status = pjsip_endpt_send_request(endpt, tdata, -1, NULL, NULL);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	pjsua_perror(THIS_FILE, "Unable to send request", status);
+	return;
+    }
+ * Print log of call states. Since call states may be too long for logger,
+ * printing it is a bit tricky, it should be printed part by part as long 
+ * as the logger can accept.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(void) log_call_dump(int call_id) 
+    unsigned call_dump_len;
+    unsigned part_len;
+    unsigned part_idx;
+    unsigned log_decor;
+    pjsua_call_dump(call_id, PJ_TRUE, some_buf, sizeof(some_buf), "  ");
+    call_dump_len = strlen(some_buf);
+    log_decor = pj_log_get_decor();
+    pj_log_set_decor(log_decor & ~(PJ_LOG_HAS_NEWLINE | PJ_LOG_HAS_CR));
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "\n"));
+    pj_log_set_decor(0);
+    part_idx = 0;
+    part_len = PJ_LOG_MAX_SIZE-80;
+    while (part_idx < call_dump_len) {
+	char p_orig, *p;
+	p = &some_buf[part_idx];
+	if (part_idx + part_len > call_dump_len)
+	    part_len = call_dump_len - part_idx;
+	p_orig = p[part_len];
+	p[part_len] = '\0';
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "%s", p));
+	p[part_len] = p_orig;
+	part_idx += part_len;
+    }
+    pj_log_set_decor(log_decor);
+PJ_DEF(void) app_config_init_video(pjsua_acc_config *acc_cfg)
+    acc_cfg->vid_in_auto_show = app_config.vid.in_auto_show;
+    acc_cfg->vid_out_auto_transmit = app_config.vid.out_auto_transmit;
+    /* Note that normally GUI application will prefer a borderless
+     * window.
+     */
+    acc_cfg->vid_wnd_flags = PJMEDIA_VID_DEV_WND_BORDER |
+                             PJMEDIA_VID_DEV_WND_RESIZABLE;
+    acc_cfg->vid_cap_dev = app_config.vid.vcapture_dev;
+    acc_cfg->vid_rend_dev = app_config.vid.vrender_dev;
+    if (app_config.avi_auto_play &&
+	app_config.avi_def_idx != PJSUA_INVALID_ID &&
+	app_config.avi[app_config.avi_def_idx].dev_id != PJMEDIA_VID_INVALID_DEV)
+    {
+	acc_cfg->vid_cap_dev = app_config.avi[app_config.avi_def_idx].dev_id;
+    }
+PJ_DEF(void) app_config_init_video(pjsua_acc_config *acc_cfg)
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(acc_cfg);
+  /*
+   * Enable multipart in msg_data and add a dummy body into the
+   * multipart bodies.
+   */
+  PJ_DEF(void) add_multipart(pjsua_msg_data *msg_data)
+  {
+      static pjsip_multipart_part *alt_part;
+      if (!alt_part) {
+	  pj_str_t type, subtype, content;
+	  alt_part = pjsip_multipart_create_part(app_config.pool);
+	  type = pj_str("text");
+	  subtype = pj_str("plain");
+	  content = pj_str("Sample text body of a multipart bodies");
+	  alt_part->body = pjsip_msg_body_create(app_config.pool, &type,
+						 &subtype, &content);
+      }
+      msg_data->multipart_ctype.type = pj_str("multipart");
+      msg_data->multipart_ctype.subtype = pj_str("mixed");
+      pj_list_push_back(&msg_data->multipart_parts, alt_part);
+  }
+/* arrange windows. arg:
+ *   -1:    arrange all windows
+ *   != -1: arrange only this window id
+ */
+PJ_DEF(void) arrange_window(pjsua_vid_win_id wid)
+    pjmedia_coord pos;
+    int i, last;
+    pos.x = 0;
+    pos.y = 10;
+    last = (wid == PJSUA_INVALID_ID) ? PJSUA_MAX_VID_WINS : wid;
+    for (i=0; i<last; ++i) {
+	pjsua_vid_win_info wi;
+	pj_status_t status;
+	status = pjsua_vid_win_get_info(i, &wi);
+	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    continue;
+	if (wid == PJSUA_INVALID_ID)
+	    pjsua_vid_win_set_pos(i, &pos);
+	if (
+	    pos.y += wi.size.h;
+    }
+    if (wid != PJSUA_INVALID_ID)
+	pjsua_vid_win_set_pos(wid, &pos);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(wid);
+PJ_DEF(void) vid_print_dev(int id, const pjmedia_vid_dev_info *vdi,
+                          const char *title)
+    char capnames[120];
+    char formats[120];
+    const char *dirname;
+    unsigned i;
+    if (vdi->dir == PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE_RENDER) {
+	dirname = "capture, render";
+    } else if (vdi->dir == PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE) {
+	dirname = "capture";
+    } else {
+	dirname = "render";
+    }
+    capnames[0] = '\0';
+    for (i=0; i<sizeof(int)*8 && (1 << i) < PJMEDIA_VID_DEV_CAP_MAX; ++i) {
+	if (vdi->caps & (1 << i)) {
+	    const char *capname = pjmedia_vid_dev_cap_name(1 << i, NULL);
+	    if (capname) {
+		if (*capnames)
+		    strcat(capnames, ", ");
+		strncat(capnames, capname,
+		        sizeof(capnames)-strlen(capnames)-1);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    formats[0] = '\0';
+    for (i=0; i<vdi->fmt_cnt; ++i) {
+	const pjmedia_video_format_info *vfi =
+		pjmedia_get_video_format_info(NULL, vdi->fmt[i].id);
+	if (vfi) {
+	    if (*formats)
+		strcat(formats, ", ");
+	    strncat(formats, vfi->name, sizeof(formats)-strlen(formats)-1);
+	}
+    }
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "%3d %s [%s][%s] %s", id, vdi->name, vdi->driver,
+	      dirname, title));
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "    Supported capabilities: %s", capnames));
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "    Supported formats: %s", formats));
+PJ_DEF(void) vid_list_devs()
+    unsigned i, count;
+    pjmedia_vid_dev_info vdi;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Video device list:"));
+    count = pjsua_vid_dev_count();
+    if (count == 0) {
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " - no device detected -"));
+	return;
+    } else {
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "%d device(s) detected:", count));
+    }
+    status = pjsua_vid_dev_get_info(PJMEDIA_VID_DEFAULT_RENDER_DEV, &vdi);
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS)
+	vid_print_dev(PJMEDIA_VID_DEFAULT_RENDER_DEV, &vdi,
+	              "(default renderer device)");
+    status = pjsua_vid_dev_get_info(PJMEDIA_VID_DEFAULT_CAPTURE_DEV, &vdi);
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS)
+	vid_print_dev(PJMEDIA_VID_DEFAULT_CAPTURE_DEV, &vdi,
+	              "(default capture device)");
+    for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+	status = pjsua_vid_dev_get_info(i, &vdi);
+	if (status == PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    vid_print_dev(i, &vdi, "");
+    }
+PJ_DEF(void) app_config_show_video(int acc_id, const pjsua_acc_config *acc_cfg)
+	      "Account %d:\n"
+	      "  RX auto show:     %d\n"
+	      "  TX auto transmit: %d\n"
+	      "  Capture dev:      %d\n"
+	      "  Render dev:       %d",
+	      acc_id,
+	      acc_cfg->vid_in_auto_show,
+	      acc_cfg->vid_out_auto_transmit,
+	      acc_cfg->vid_cap_dev,
+	      acc_cfg->vid_rend_dev));