Fixed minor bug (#1026): custom ICE priority table must not assign greater priority for SRFLX than PRFLX candidate type (thanks Saúl Ibarra Corretgé for the report)

git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
diff --git a/pjnath/src/pjnath/ice_strans.c b/pjnath/src/pjnath/ice_strans.c
index b5608cb..d53e5bf 100644
--- a/pjnath/src/pjnath/ice_strans.c
+++ b/pjnath/src/pjnath/ice_strans.c
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
     100,    /**< PJ_ICE_HOST_PREF	    */
-    126,    /**< PJ_ICE_SRFLX_PREF	    */
-    110,    /**< PJ_ICE_PRFLX_PREF	    */
+    110,    /**< PJ_ICE_SRFLX_PREF	    */
+    126,    /**< PJ_ICE_PRFLX_PREF	    */
     0	    /**< PJ_ICE_RELAYED_PREF    */
     /* Keep it to 2 bits */