Ticket #969:
 - implemented progressive discard algorithm, discard rate is calculated from ratio of effective size to effective burst level.
 - updated jbuf to clarify prefetch and burst level distinction, previously they are stored in same var, i.e: prefetch, while the semantic is actually different.
 - updated STABLE_HISTORY_LIMIT in jbuf, it is now 20 (was 100), to adjust burst level faster.
 - added test case of periodic-spike-burst-case in jbtest.dat for testing the new algorithm.
 - updated stream to limit the rate of jbuf empty/lost log messages, it will only log first empty/lost event, then log again once jbuf returning normal frame (also counter of previous empty/lost frames).
 - minor updates on jbuf.c: variable names, logs, added burst to jbuf state.
 - minor updates on jbuf_test.c: handle comment in test session header, seq jump is now 20 (was 5000).

git-svn-id: https://svn.pjsip.org/repos/pjproject/trunk@3065 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
5 files changed