Re #1219: silly mistake, missing the real fix of r3562.

git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
diff --git a/pjmedia/src/pjmedia-codec/ffmpeg_codecs.c b/pjmedia/src/pjmedia-codec/ffmpeg_codecs.c
index ea7e809..57f8740 100644
--- a/pjmedia/src/pjmedia-codec/ffmpeg_codecs.c
+++ b/pjmedia/src/pjmedia-codec/ffmpeg_codecs.c
@@ -1322,8 +1322,8 @@
     /* Validate output buffer size */
     // Do this validation later after getting decoding result, where the real
     // decoded size will be assured.
-    if (ff->dec_vafp.framebytes > output_buf_len)
-	return PJ_ETOOSMALL;
+    //if (ff->dec_vafp.framebytes > output_buf_len)
+	//return PJ_ETOOSMALL;
     /* Init frame to receive the decoded data, the ffmpeg codec context will
      * automatically provide the decoded buffer (single buffer used for the