Ticket #556: New object oriented Python abstraction for pjsua API

git-svn-id: https://svn.pjsip.org/repos/pjproject/trunk@2119 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/build/pjsip_apps.dsw b/pjsip-apps/build/pjsip_apps.dsw
index 021ce14..09c8a57 100644
--- a/pjsip-apps/build/pjsip_apps.dsw
+++ b/pjsip-apps/build/pjsip_apps.dsw
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@



-Project: "py_pjsua"=".\py_pjsua.dsp" - Package Owner=<4>

+Project: "python_pjsua"=".\python_pjsua.dsp" - Package Owner=<4>




@@ -246,33 +246,6 @@


     Begin Project Dependency

-    Project_Dep_Name pjlib

-    End Project Dependency

-    Begin Project Dependency

-    Project_Dep_Name pjlib_util

-    End Project Dependency

-    Begin Project Dependency

-    Project_Dep_Name pjmedia

-    End Project Dependency

-    Begin Project Dependency

-    Project_Dep_Name pjmedia_codec

-    End Project Dependency

-    Begin Project Dependency

-    Project_Dep_Name pjsip_core

-    End Project Dependency

-    Begin Project Dependency

-    Project_Dep_Name pjsip_simple

-    End Project Dependency

-    Begin Project Dependency

-    Project_Dep_Name pjsip_ua

-    End Project Dependency

-    Begin Project Dependency

-    Project_Dep_Name pjsua_lib

-    End Project Dependency

-    Begin Project Dependency

-    Project_Dep_Name pjnath

-    End Project Dependency

-    Begin Project Dependency

     Project_Dep_Name libgsmcodec

     End Project Dependency

     Begin Project Dependency

@@ -290,6 +263,33 @@
     Begin Project Dependency

     Project_Dep_Name libsrtp

     End Project Dependency

+    Begin Project Dependency

+    Project_Dep_Name pjlib

+    End Project Dependency

+    Begin Project Dependency

+    Project_Dep_Name pjlib_util

+    End Project Dependency

+    Begin Project Dependency

+    Project_Dep_Name pjmedia

+    End Project Dependency

+    Begin Project Dependency

+    Project_Dep_Name pjmedia_codec

+    End Project Dependency

+    Begin Project Dependency

+    Project_Dep_Name pjnath

+    End Project Dependency

+    Begin Project Dependency

+    Project_Dep_Name pjsip_core

+    End Project Dependency

+    Begin Project Dependency

+    Project_Dep_Name pjsip_simple

+    End Project Dependency

+    Begin Project Dependency

+    Project_Dep_Name pjsip_ua

+    End Project Dependency

+    Begin Project Dependency

+    Project_Dep_Name pjsua_lib

+    End Project Dependency




diff --git a/pjsip-apps/build/python_pjsua.dsp b/pjsip-apps/build/python_pjsua.dsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b495e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/build/python_pjsua.dsp
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="python_pjsua" - Package Owner=<4>

+# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00

+# ** DO NOT EDIT **


+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102


+CFG=python_pjsua - Win32 Debug

+!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,

+!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run


+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "python_pjsua.mak".


+!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE

+!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:


+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "python_pjsua.mak" CFG="python_pjsua - Win32 Debug"


+!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:


+!MESSAGE "python_pjsua - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")

+!MESSAGE "python_pjsua - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")



+# Begin Project

+# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0

+# PROP Scc_ProjName ""

+# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""





+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "python_pjsua - Win32 Release"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

+# PROP Output_Dir ".\output\python_pjsua-i386-win32-vc6-release"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir ".\output\python_pjsua-i386-win32-vc6-release"

+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0

+# PROP Target_Dir ""

+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "PY_PJSUA_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\..\pjlib\include" /I "..\..\pjlib-util\include" /I "..\..\pjmedia\include" /I "..\..\pjsip\include" /I "../../pjnath/include" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "PY_PJSUA_EXPORTS" /FR /YX /FD /c

+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32

+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32

+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x421 /d "NDEBUG"

+# ADD RSC /l 0x421 /d "NDEBUG"


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386

+# ADD LINK32 python24.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib dsound.lib dxguid.lib netapi32.lib mswsock.lib ws2_32.lib iphlpapi.lib /nologo /dll /map /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libcmt.lib" /out:"..\lib\_pjsua.pyd" /libpath:"../../pjlib/lib" /libpath:"../../pjlib-util/lib" /libpath:"../../pjmedia/lib" /libpath:"../../pjsip/lib"

+# SUBTRACT LINK32 /nodefaultlib


+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "python_pjsua - Win32 Debug"



+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"

+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"

+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

+# PROP Use_MFC 0

+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

+# PROP Output_Dir ".\output\python_pjsua-i386-win32-vc6-debug"

+# PROP Intermediate_Dir ".\output\python_pjsua-i386-win32-vc6-debug"

+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0

+# PROP Target_Dir ""

+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "PY_PJSUA_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c

+# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W4 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "..\..\pjlib\include" /I "..\..\pjlib-util\include" /I "..\..\pjmedia\include" /I "..\..\pjsip\include" /I "../../pjnath/include" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "PY_PJSUA_EXPORTS" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c

+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32

+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32

+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x421 /d "_DEBUG"

+# ADD RSC /l 0x421 /d "_DEBUG"


+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

+# ADD BSC32 /nologo


+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept

+# ADD LINK32 python24_d.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib dsound.lib dxguid.lib netapi32.lib mswsock.lib ws2_32.lib iphlpapi.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /out:"..\lib\_pjsua_d.pyd" /pdbtype:sept /libpath:"../../pjlib/lib" /libpath:"../../pjlib-util/lib" /libpath:"../../pjmedia/lib" /libpath:"../../pjsip/lib" /libpath:"F:\incoming\projects\divusi\Python-2.4\Python-2.4\PCbuild" /libpath:"F:\incoming\projects\divusi\Python-2.4\Python-2.4\PC\VC6"




+# Begin Target


+# Name "python_pjsua - Win32 Release"

+# Name "python_pjsua - Win32 Debug"

+# Begin Group "Source Files"


+# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"

+# Begin Source File



+# End Source File

+# Begin Source File



+# End Source File

+# End Group

+# Begin Group "Header Files"


+# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl"

+# Begin Source File



+# End Source File

+# End Group

+# Begin Group "Resource Files"


+# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"

+# End Group

+# End Target

+# End Project

diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/py_pjsua/DEPRECATED.txt b/pjsip-apps/src/py_pjsua/DEPRECATED.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5e8587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/py_pjsua/DEPRECATED.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This Python module is now deprecated. Please use the new implementation under
+pjsip-apps/python directory.
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/python/Makefile b/pjsip-apps/src/python/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10ed2fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/python/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	python setup.py install
+	python setup.py clean
+	rm -rf ./build
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/python/_pjsua.c b/pjsip-apps/src/python/_pjsua.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab55077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/python/_pjsua.c
@@ -0,0 +1,6104 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include "_pjsua.h"
+#define THIS_FILE    "main.c"
+#define POOL_SIZE    4000
+#define SND_DEV_NUM  64
+#define SND_NAME_LEN  64
+/* LIB BASE */
+static PyObject* obj_log_cb;
+static long thread_id;
+#define ENTER_PYTHON()	    PyGILState_STATE state = PyGILState_Ensure()
+#define LEAVE_PYTHON()	    PyGILState_Release(state)
+ * cb_log_cb
+ * declares method for reconfiguring logging process for callback struct
+ */
+static void cb_log_cb(int level, const char *data, int len)
+    /* Ignore if this callback is called from alien thread context,
+     * or otherwise it will crash Python.
+     */
+    if (pj_thread_local_get(thread_id) == 0)
+	return;
+    if (PyCallable_Check(obj_log_cb))
+    {
+        PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(
+            obj_log_cb, Py_BuildValue("i",level),
+            PyString_FromString(data), Py_BuildValue("i",len), NULL
+        );
+    }
+ * The global callback object.
+ */
+static PyObj_pjsua_callback * g_obj_callback;
+ * cb_on_call_state
+ * declares method on_call_state for callback struct
+ */
+static void cb_on_call_state(pjsua_call_id call_id, pjsip_event *e)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_call_state))
+    {	
+        PyObj_pjsip_event * obj;
+	obj = (PyObj_pjsip_event *)PyType_GenericNew(&PyTyp_pjsip_event,
+						      NULL, NULL);
+	obj->event = e;
+        PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(
+            g_obj_callback->on_call_state,
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",call_id),
+	    obj,
+	    NULL
+        );
+    }
+ * cb_on_incoming_call
+ * declares method on_incoming_call for callback struct
+ */
+static void cb_on_incoming_call(pjsua_acc_id acc_id, pjsua_call_id call_id,
+                                pjsip_rx_data *rdata)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_incoming_call))
+    {
+	PyObj_pjsip_rx_data * obj;
+	obj = (PyObj_pjsip_rx_data *)PyType_GenericNew(&PyTyp_pjsip_rx_data, 
+							NULL, NULL);
+	obj->rdata = rdata;
+        PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(
+                g_obj_callback->on_incoming_call,
+		Py_BuildValue("i",acc_id),
+                Py_BuildValue("i",call_id),
+		obj,
+        );
+    }
+ * cb_on_call_media_state
+ * declares method on_call_media_state for callback struct
+ */
+static void cb_on_call_media_state(pjsua_call_id call_id)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_call_media_state))
+    {
+        PyObject_CallFunction(
+	    g_obj_callback->on_call_media_state,
+	    "i",
+	    call_id,
+	    NULL
+	);
+    }
+ * cb_on_dtmf_digit()
+ * Callback from PJSUA-LIB on receiving DTMF digit
+ */
+static void cb_on_dtmf_digit(pjsua_call_id call_id, int digit)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_dtmf_digit))
+    {
+	char digit_str[10];
+	pj_ansi_snprintf(digit_str, sizeof(digit_str), "%c", digit);
+        PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(
+	    g_obj_callback->on_dtmf_digit,
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",call_id),
+	    PyString_FromString(digit_str),
+	    NULL
+	);
+    }
+ * Notify application on call being transfered.
+ * !modified @061206
+ */
+static void cb_on_call_transfer_request(pjsua_call_id call_id,
+				        const pj_str_t *dst,
+				        pjsip_status_code *code)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_call_transfer_request))
+    {
+	PyObject * ret;
+	int cd;
+        ret = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(
+            g_obj_callback->on_call_transfer_request,
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",call_id),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(dst->ptr, dst->slen),
+            Py_BuildValue("i",*code),
+	    NULL
+        );
+	if (ret != NULL) {
+	    if (ret != Py_None) {
+		if (PyArg_Parse(ret,"i",&cd)) {
+		    *code = cd;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+ * Notify application of the status of previously sent call
+ * transfer request. Application can monitor the status of the
+ * call transfer request, for example to decide whether to 
+ * terminate existing call.
+ * !modified @061206
+ */
+static void cb_on_call_transfer_status( pjsua_call_id call_id,
+					int status_code,
+					const pj_str_t *status_text,
+					pj_bool_t final,
+					pj_bool_t *p_cont)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_call_transfer_status))
+    {
+	PyObject * ret;
+	int cnt;
+        ret = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(
+            g_obj_callback->on_call_transfer_status,
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",call_id),
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",status_code),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(status_text->ptr, status_text->slen),
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",final),
+            Py_BuildValue("i",*p_cont),
+	    NULL
+        );
+	if (ret != NULL) {
+	    if (ret != Py_None) {
+		if (PyArg_Parse(ret,"i",&cnt)) {
+		    *p_cont = cnt;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+ * Notify application about incoming INVITE with Replaces header.
+ * Application may reject the request by setting non-2xx code.
+ * !modified @061206
+ */
+static void cb_on_call_replace_request( pjsua_call_id call_id,
+					pjsip_rx_data *rdata,
+					int *st_code,
+					pj_str_t *st_text)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_call_replace_request))
+    {
+	PyObject * ret;
+	PyObject * txt;
+	int cd;
+        PyObj_pjsip_rx_data * obj;
+	obj = (PyObj_pjsip_rx_data *)PyType_GenericNew(&PyTyp_pjsip_rx_data,
+							NULL, NULL);
+        obj->rdata = rdata;
+        ret = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(
+            g_obj_callback->on_call_replace_request,
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",call_id),
+	    obj,
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",*st_code),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(st_text->ptr, st_text->slen),
+	    NULL
+        );
+	if (ret != NULL) {
+	    if (ret != Py_None) {
+		if (PyArg_ParseTuple(ret,"iO",&cd, &txt)) {
+		    *st_code = cd;
+		    st_text->ptr = PyString_AsString(txt);
+		    st_text->slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(txt));
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+ * Notify application that an existing call has been replaced with
+ * a new call. This happens when PJSUA-API receives incoming INVITE
+ * request with Replaces header.
+ */
+static void cb_on_call_replaced(pjsua_call_id old_call_id,
+				pjsua_call_id new_call_id)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_call_replaced))
+    {
+        PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(
+            g_obj_callback->on_call_replaced,
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",old_call_id),
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",new_call_id),
+	    NULL
+        );
+    }
+ * cb_on_reg_state
+ * declares method on_reg_state for callback struct
+ */
+static void cb_on_reg_state(pjsua_acc_id acc_id)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_reg_state))
+    {
+        PyObject_CallFunction(
+	    g_obj_callback->on_reg_state,
+	    "i",
+	    acc_id,
+	    NULL
+	);
+    }
+ * cb_on_buddy_state
+ * declares method on_buddy state for callback struct
+ */
+static void cb_on_buddy_state(pjsua_buddy_id buddy_id)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_buddy_state))
+    {
+        PyObject_CallFunction(
+	    g_obj_callback->on_buddy_state,
+	    "i",
+	    buddy_id,
+	    NULL
+	);
+    }
+ * cb_on_pager
+ * declares method on_pager for callback struct
+ */
+static void cb_on_pager(pjsua_call_id call_id, const pj_str_t *from,
+                        const pj_str_t *to, const pj_str_t *contact,
+                        const pj_str_t *mime_type, const pj_str_t *body,
+			pjsip_rx_data *rdata, pjsua_acc_id acc_id)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_pager))
+    {
+        PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(
+            g_obj_callback->on_pager,
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",call_id),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(from->ptr, from->slen),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(to->ptr, to->slen),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(contact->ptr, contact->slen),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(mime_type->ptr, mime_type->slen),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(body->ptr, body->slen), 
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",acc_id),
+            NULL
+        );
+    }
+ * cb_on_pager_status
+ * declares method on_pager_status for callback struct
+ */
+static void cb_on_pager_status(pjsua_call_id call_id, const pj_str_t *to,
+                                const pj_str_t *body, void *user_data,
+                                pjsip_status_code status,
+                                const pj_str_t *reason,
+				pjsip_tx_data *tdata,
+				pjsip_rx_data *rdata,
+				pjsua_acc_id acc_id)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_pager))
+    {
+	PyObject * obj_user_data;
+	PJ_UNUSED_ARG(tdata);
+	PJ_UNUSED_ARG(rdata);
+	obj_user_data = Py_BuildValue("i", user_data);
+        PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(
+            g_obj_callback->on_pager_status,
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",call_id),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(to->ptr, to->slen),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(body->ptr, body->slen), 
+	    obj_user_data,
+            Py_BuildValue("i",status),
+	    PyString_FromStringAndSize(reason->ptr,reason->slen),
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",acc_id),
+	    NULL
+        );
+    }
+ * cb_on_typing
+ * declares method on_typing for callback struct
+ */
+static void cb_on_typing(pjsua_call_id call_id, const pj_str_t *from,
+                            const pj_str_t *to, const pj_str_t *contact,
+                            pj_bool_t is_typing, pjsip_rx_data *rdata,
+			    pjsua_acc_id acc_id)
+    if (PyCallable_Check(g_obj_callback->on_typing))
+    {
+	PJ_UNUSED_ARG(rdata);
+        PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(
+            g_obj_callback->on_typing,Py_BuildValue("i",call_id),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(from->ptr, from->slen),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(to->ptr, to->slen),
+            PyString_FromStringAndSize(contact->ptr, contact->slen),
+            Py_BuildValue("i",is_typing),
+	    Py_BuildValue("i",acc_id),
+	    NULL
+        );
+    }
+ * translate_hdr
+ * internal function 
+ * translate from hdr_list to pjsip_generic_string_hdr
+ */
+void translate_hdr(pj_pool_t *pool, pjsip_hdr *hdr, PyObject *py_hdr_list)
+    pj_list_init(hdr);
+    if (PyList_Check(py_hdr_list)) {
+	int i;
+        for (i = 0; i < PyList_Size(py_hdr_list); i++) 
+	{ 
+            pj_str_t hname, hvalue;
+	    pjsip_generic_string_hdr * new_hdr;
+            PyObject * tuple = PyList_GetItem(py_hdr_list, i);
+            if (PyTuple_Check(tuple)) 
+	    {
+                hname.ptr = PyString_AsString(PyTuple_GetItem(tuple,0));
+                hname.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString
+					(PyTuple_GetItem(tuple,0)));
+                hvalue.ptr = PyString_AsString(PyTuple_GetItem(tuple,1));
+                hvalue.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString
+					(PyTuple_GetItem(tuple,1)));
+            } else {
+		hname.ptr = "";
+		hname.slen = 0;
+		hvalue.ptr = "";
+		hvalue.slen = 0;
+            }  
+            new_hdr = pjsip_generic_string_hdr_create(pool, &hname, &hvalue);
+            pj_list_push_back((pj_list_type *)hdr, (pj_list_type *)new_hdr);
+	}     
+    }
+ * translate_hdr_rev
+ * internal function
+ * translate from pjsip_generic_string_hdr to hdr_list
+ */
+void translate_hdr_rev(pjsip_generic_string_hdr *hdr, PyObject *py_hdr_list)
+    int i;
+    int len;
+    pjsip_generic_string_hdr * p_hdr;
+    len = pj_list_size(hdr);
+    if (len > 0) 
+    {
+        p_hdr = hdr;
+        Py_XDECREF(py_hdr_list);
+        py_hdr_list = PyList_New(len);
+        for (i = 0; i < len && p_hdr != NULL; i++) 
+	{
+            PyObject * tuple;
+            PyObject * str;
+            tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+            str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(p_hdr->name.ptr, p_hdr->name.slen);
+            PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, str);
+            str = PyString_FromStringAndSize
+		(hdr->hvalue.ptr, p_hdr->hvalue.slen);
+            PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, str);
+            PyList_SetItem(py_hdr_list, i, tuple);
+            p_hdr = p_hdr->next;
+	}
+    }
+ * py_pjsua_thread_register
+ * !added @ 061206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_thread_register(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;	
+    const char *name;
+    PyObject *py_desc;
+    pj_thread_t *thread;
+    void *thread_desc;
+#if 0
+    int size;
+    int i;
+    int *td;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "sO", &name, &py_desc))
+    {
+         return NULL;
+    }
+#if 0
+    size = PyList_Size(py_desc);
+    td = (int *)malloc(size * sizeof(int));
+    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) 
+    {
+	if (!PyArg_Parse(PyList_GetItem(py_desc,i),"i", td[i])) 
+	{
+	    return NULL;
+	}
+    }
+    thread_desc = td;
+    thread_desc = malloc(sizeof(pj_thread_desc));
+    status = pj_thread_register(name, thread_desc, &thread);
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS)
+	status = pj_thread_local_set(thread_id, (void*)1);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_logging_config_default
+ * !modified @ 051206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_logging_config_default(PyObject *pSelf,
+                                                    PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObj_pjsua_logging_config *obj;	
+    pjsua_logging_config cfg;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pjsua_logging_config_default(&cfg);
+    obj = (PyObj_pjsua_logging_config *) PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_new
+		(&PyTyp_pjsua_logging_config,NULL,NULL);
+    PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_import(obj, &cfg);
+    return (PyObject *)obj;
+ * py_pjsua_config_default
+ * !modified @ 051206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_config_default(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObj_pjsua_config *obj;
+    pjsua_config cfg;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pjsua_config_default(&cfg);
+    obj = (PyObj_pjsua_config *) PyObj_pjsua_config_new(&PyTyp_pjsua_config, NULL, NULL);
+    PyObj_pjsua_config_import(obj, &cfg);
+    return (PyObject *)obj;
+ * py_pjsua_media_config_default
+ * !modified @ 051206
+ */
+static PyObject * py_pjsua_media_config_default(PyObject *pSelf,
+                                                PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObj_pjsua_media_config *obj;
+    pjsua_media_config cfg;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pjsua_media_config_default(&cfg);
+    obj = (PyObj_pjsua_media_config *)
+	  PyType_GenericNew(&PyTyp_pjsua_media_config, NULL, NULL);
+    PyObj_pjsua_media_config_import(obj, &cfg);
+    return (PyObject *)obj;
+ * py_pjsua_msg_data_init
+ * !modified @ 051206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_msg_data_init(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *obj;
+    pjsua_msg_data msg;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pjsua_msg_data_init(&msg);
+    obj = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)PyObj_pjsua_msg_data_new(&PyTyp_pjsua_msg_data, NULL, NULL);
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->content_type);
+    obj->content_type = PyString_FromStringAndSize(
+        msg.content_type.ptr, msg.content_type.slen
+    );
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->msg_body);
+    obj->msg_body = PyString_FromStringAndSize(
+        msg.msg_body.ptr, msg.msg_body.slen
+    );
+    translate_hdr_rev((pjsip_generic_string_hdr *)&msg.hdr_list,obj->hdr_list);
+    return (PyObject *)obj;
+ * py_pjsua_reconfigure_logging
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_reconfigure_logging(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObject * logObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_logging_config *log;
+    pjsua_logging_config cfg;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "O", &logObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (logObj != Py_None) 
+    {
+        log = (PyObj_pjsua_logging_config *)logObj;
+        cfg.msg_logging = log->msg_logging;
+        cfg.level = log->level;
+        cfg.console_level = log->console_level;
+        cfg.decor = log->decor;
+        cfg.log_filename.ptr = PyString_AsString(log->log_filename);
+        cfg.log_filename.slen = strlen(cfg.log_filename.ptr);
+        Py_XDECREF(obj_log_cb);
+        obj_log_cb = log->cb;
+        Py_INCREF(obj_log_cb);
+        cfg.cb = &cb_log_cb;
+        status = pjsua_reconfigure_logging(&cfg);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_reconfigure_logging(NULL);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_pool_create
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_pool_create(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_size_t init_size;
+    pj_size_t increment;
+    const char * name;
+    pj_pool_t *p;
+    PyObj_pj_pool *pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "sII", &name, &init_size, &increment))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    p = pjsua_pool_create(name, init_size, increment);
+    pool = (PyObj_pj_pool *)PyType_GenericNew(&PyTyp_pj_pool_t, NULL, NULL);
+    pool->pool = p;
+    return (PyObject *)pool;
+ * py_pjsua_get_pjsip_endpt
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_get_pjsip_endpt(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObj_pjsip_endpoint *endpt;
+    pjsip_endpoint *e;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    e = pjsua_get_pjsip_endpt();
+    endpt = (PyObj_pjsip_endpoint *)PyType_GenericNew(
+        &PyTyp_pjsip_endpoint, NULL, NULL
+    );
+    endpt->endpt = e;
+    return (PyObject *)endpt;
+ * py_pjsua_get_pjmedia_endpt
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_get_pjmedia_endpt(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObj_pjmedia_endpt *endpt;
+    pjmedia_endpt *e;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    e = pjsua_get_pjmedia_endpt();
+    endpt = (PyObj_pjmedia_endpt *)PyType_GenericNew(
+        &PyTyp_pjmedia_endpt, NULL, NULL
+    );
+    endpt->endpt = e;
+    return (PyObject *)endpt;
+ * py_pjsua_get_pool_factory
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_get_pool_factory(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObj_pj_pool_factory *pool;
+    pj_pool_factory *p;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    p = pjsua_get_pool_factory();
+    pool = (PyObj_pj_pool_factory *)PyType_GenericNew(
+        &PyTyp_pj_pool_factory, NULL, NULL
+    );
+    pool->pool_fact = p;
+    return (PyObject *)pool;
+ * py_pjsua_perror
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_perror(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    const char *sender;
+    const char *title;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ssi", &sender, &title, &status))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pjsua_perror(sender, title, status);
+    Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+    return Py_None;
+ * py_pjsua_create
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_create(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_create();
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) 
+    {
+	status = pj_thread_local_alloc(&thread_id);
+	if (status == PJ_SUCCESS)
+	    status = pj_thread_local_set(thread_id, (void*)1);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_init
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_init(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PyObject *o_ua_cfg, *o_log_cfg, *o_media_cfg;
+    pjsua_config cfg_ua, *p_cfg_ua;
+    pjsua_logging_config cfg_log, *p_cfg_log;
+    pjsua_media_config cfg_media, *p_cfg_media;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "OOO", &o_ua_cfg, &o_log_cfg, &o_media_cfg))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pjsua_config_default(&cfg_ua);
+    pjsua_logging_config_default(&cfg_log);
+    pjsua_media_config_default(&cfg_media);
+    if (o_ua_cfg != Py_None) 
+    {
+	PyObj_pjsua_config *obj_ua_cfg = (PyObj_pjsua_config*)o_ua_cfg;
+	PyObj_pjsua_config_export(&cfg_ua, obj_ua_cfg);
+    	g_obj_callback = obj_ua_cfg->cb;
+    	Py_INCREF(g_obj_callback);
+    	cfg_ua.cb.on_call_state = &cb_on_call_state;
+    	cfg_ua.cb.on_incoming_call = &cb_on_incoming_call;
+    	cfg_ua.cb.on_call_media_state = &cb_on_call_media_state;
+	cfg_ua.cb.on_dtmf_digit = &cb_on_dtmf_digit;
+    	cfg_ua.cb.on_call_transfer_request = &cb_on_call_transfer_request;
+    	cfg_ua.cb.on_call_transfer_status = &cb_on_call_transfer_status;
+    	cfg_ua.cb.on_call_replace_request = &cb_on_call_replace_request;
+    	cfg_ua.cb.on_call_replaced = &cb_on_call_replaced;
+    	cfg_ua.cb.on_reg_state = &cb_on_reg_state;
+    	cfg_ua.cb.on_buddy_state = &cb_on_buddy_state;
+    	cfg_ua.cb.on_pager2 = &cb_on_pager;
+    	cfg_ua.cb.on_pager_status2 = &cb_on_pager_status;
+    	cfg_ua.cb.on_typing2 = &cb_on_typing;
+        p_cfg_ua = &cfg_ua;
+    } else {
+        p_cfg_ua = NULL;
+    }
+    if (o_log_cfg != Py_None) 
+    {
+	PyObj_pjsua_logging_config * obj_log;
+        obj_log = (PyObj_pjsua_logging_config *)o_log_cfg;
+        PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_export(&cfg_log, obj_log);
+        Py_XDECREF(obj_log_cb);
+        obj_log_cb = obj_log->cb;
+        Py_INCREF(obj_log_cb);
+        cfg_log.cb = &cb_log_cb;
+        p_cfg_log = &cfg_log;
+    } else {
+        p_cfg_log = NULL;
+    }
+    if (o_media_cfg != Py_None) 
+    {
+	PyObj_pjsua_media_config_export(&cfg_media, 
+				        (PyObj_pjsua_media_config*)o_media_cfg);
+	p_cfg_media = &cfg_media;
+    } else {
+        p_cfg_media = NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_init(p_cfg_ua, p_cfg_log, p_cfg_media);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_start
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_start(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_start();
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_destroy
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_destroy(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_destroy();
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_handle_events
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_handle_events(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int ret;
+    unsigned msec;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &msec))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /* Since handle_events() will block, we must wrap it with ALLOW_THREADS
+     * construct, or otherwise many Python blocking functions (such as
+     * time.sleep(), readline(), etc.) may hang/block indefinitely.
+     * See http://www.python.org/doc/current/api/threads.html for more info.
+     */
+    ret = pjsua_handle_events(msec);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",ret);
+ * py_pjsua_verify_sip_url
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_verify_sip_url(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    const char *url;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "s", &url))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_verify_sip_url(url);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * function doc
+ */
+static char pjsua_thread_register_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.thread_register(string name, int[] desc)";
+static char pjsua_perror_doc[] =
+    "void _pjsua.perror (string sender, string title, int status) "
+    "Display error message for the specified error code. Parameters: "
+    "sender: The log sender field;  "
+    "title: Message title for the error; "
+    "status: Status code.";
+static char pjsua_create_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.create (void) "
+    "Instantiate pjsua application. Application "
+    "must call this function before calling any other functions, to make sure "
+    "that the underlying libraries are properly initialized. Once this "
+    "function has returned success, application must call pjsua_destroy() "
+    "before quitting.";
+static char pjsua_init_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.init (_pjsua.Config obj_ua_cfg, "
+        "_pjsua.Logging_Config log_cfg, _pjsua.Media_Config media_cfg) "
+    "Initialize pjsua with the specified settings. All the settings are "
+    "optional, and the default values will be used when the config is not "
+    "specified. Parameters: "
+    "obj_ua_cfg : User agent configuration;  "
+    "log_cfg : Optional logging configuration; "
+    "media_cfg : Optional media configuration.";
+static char pjsua_start_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.start (void) "
+    "Application is recommended to call this function after all "
+    "initialization is done, so that the library can do additional checking "
+    "set up additional";
+static char pjsua_destroy_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.destroy (void) "
+    "Destroy pjsua This function must be called once PJSUA is created. To "
+    "make it easier for application, application may call this function "
+    "several times with no danger.";
+static char pjsua_handle_events_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.handle_events (int msec_timeout) "
+    "Poll pjsua for events, and if necessary block the caller thread for the "
+    "specified maximum interval (in miliseconds) Parameters: "
+    "msec_timeout: Maximum time to wait, in miliseconds. "
+    "Returns: The number of events that have been handled during the poll. "
+    "Negative value indicates error, and application can retrieve the error "
+    "as (err = -return_value).";
+static char pjsua_verify_sip_url_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.verify_sip_url (string c_url) "
+    "Verify that valid SIP url is given Parameters: "
+    "c_url: The URL, as NULL terminated string.";
+static char pjsua_pool_create_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Pj_Pool _pjsua.pool_create (string name, int init_size, "
+                                            "int increment) "
+    "Create memory pool Parameters: "
+    "name: Optional pool name; "
+    "init_size: Initial size of the pool;  "
+    "increment: Increment size.";
+static char pjsua_get_pjsip_endpt_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Pjsip_Endpoint _pjsua.get_pjsip_endpt (void) "
+    "Internal function to get SIP endpoint instance of pjsua, which is needed "
+    "for example to register module, create transports, etc. Probably is only "
+    "valid after pjsua_init() is called.";
+static char pjsua_get_pjmedia_endpt_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Pjmedia_Endpt _pjsua.get_pjmedia_endpt (void) "
+    "Internal function to get media endpoint instance. Only valid after "
+    "pjsua_init() is called.";
+static char pjsua_get_pool_factory_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Pj_Pool_Factory _pjsua.get_pool_factory (void) "
+    "Internal function to get PJSUA pool factory. Only valid after "
+    "pjsua_init() is called.";
+static char pjsua_reconfigure_logging_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.reconfigure_logging (_pjsua.Logging_Config c) "
+    "Application can call this function at any time (after pjsua_create(), of "
+    "course) to change logging settings. Parameters: "
+    "c: Logging configuration.";
+static char pjsua_logging_config_default_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Logging_Config _pjsua.logging_config_default  ()  "
+    "Use this function to initialize logging config.";
+static char pjsua_config_default_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Config _pjsua.config_default (). Use this function to "
+    "initialize pjsua config. ";
+static char pjsua_media_config_default_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Media_Config _pjsua.media_config_default (). "
+    "Use this function to initialize media config.";
+static char pjsua_msg_data_init_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Msg_Data void _pjsua.msg_data_init () "
+    "Initialize message data ";
+ * py_pjsua_transport_config_default
+ * !modified @ 051206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_transport_config_default(PyObject *pSelf, 
+						   PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObj_pjsua_transport_config *obj;
+    pjsua_transport_config cfg;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "")) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pjsua_transport_config_default(&cfg);
+    obj = (PyObj_pjsua_transport_config*)
+	  PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_new(&PyTyp_pjsua_transport_config,
+					   NULL, NULL);
+    PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_import(obj, &cfg);
+    return (PyObject *)obj;
+ * py_pjsua_transport_create
+ * !modified @ 051206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_transport_create(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    int type;
+    PyObject * tmpObj;
+    pjsua_transport_config cfg;
+    pjsua_transport_id id;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iO", &type, &tmpObj)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (tmpObj != Py_None) {
+	PyObj_pjsua_transport_config *obj;
+        obj = (PyObj_pjsua_transport_config*)tmpObj;
+	PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_export(&cfg, obj);
+        status = pjsua_transport_create(type, &cfg, &id);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_transport_create(type, NULL, &id);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("ii", status, id);
+ * py_pjsua_enum_transports
+ * !modified @ 261206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_enum_transports(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PyObject *list;
+    pjsua_transport_id id[PJSIP_MAX_TRANSPORTS];
+    unsigned c, i;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    c = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(id);
+    status = pjsua_enum_transports(id, &c);
+    list = PyList_New(c);
+    for (i = 0; i < c; i++) 
+    {     
+        int ret = PyList_SetItem(list, i, Py_BuildValue("i", id[i]));
+        if (ret == -1) 
+        {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("O",list);
+ * py_pjsua_transport_get_info
+ * !modified @ 051206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_transport_get_info(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    int id;
+    pjsua_transport_info info;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &id)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_transport_get_info(id, &info);	
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	PyObj_pjsua_transport_info *obj;
+        obj = (PyObj_pjsua_transport_info *) 
+	      PyObj_pjsua_transport_info_new(&PyTyp_pjsua_transport_info, 
+					     NULL, NULL);
+	PyObj_pjsua_transport_info_import(obj, &info);
+        return Py_BuildValue("O", obj);
+    } else {
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        return Py_None;
+    }
+ * py_pjsua_transport_set_enable
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_transport_set_enable
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    int id;
+    int enabled;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ii", &id, &enabled))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_transport_set_enable(id, enabled);	
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_transport_close
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_transport_close(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    int id;
+    int force;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ii", &id, &force))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_transport_close(id, force);	
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+static char pjsua_transport_config_default_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Transport_Config _pjsua.transport_config_default () "
+    "Call this function to initialize UDP config with default values.";
+static char pjsua_transport_create_doc[] =
+    "int, int _pjsua.transport_create (int type, "
+    "_pjsua.Transport_Config cfg) "
+    "Create SIP transport.";
+static char pjsua_enum_transports_doc[] =
+    "int[] _pjsua.enum_transports () "
+    "Enumerate all transports currently created in the system.";
+static char pjsua_transport_get_info_doc[] =
+    "void _pjsua.transport_get_info "
+    "(_pjsua.Transport_ID id, _pjsua.Transport_Info info) "
+    "Get information about transports.";
+static char pjsua_transport_set_enable_doc[] =
+    "void _pjsua.transport_set_enable "
+    "(_pjsua.Transport_ID id, int enabled) "
+    "Disable a transport or re-enable it. "
+    "By default transport is always enabled after it is created. "
+    "Disabling a transport does not necessarily close the socket, "
+    "it will only discard incoming messages and prevent the transport "
+    "from being used to send outgoing messages.";
+static char pjsua_transport_close_doc[] =
+    "void _pjsua.transport_close (_pjsua.Transport_ID id, int force) "
+    "Close the transport. If transport is forcefully closed, "
+    "it will be immediately closed, and any pending transactions "
+    "that are using the transport may not terminate properly. "
+    "Otherwise, the system will wait until all transactions are closed "
+    "while preventing new users from using the transport, and will close "
+    "the transport when it is safe to do so.";
+ * py_pjsua_acc_config_default
+ * !modified @ 051206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_config_default(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObj_pjsua_acc_config *obj;
+    pjsua_acc_config cfg;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "")) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pjsua_acc_config_default(&cfg);
+    obj = (PyObj_pjsua_acc_config *)
+	  PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_new(&PyTyp_pjsua_acc_config, 
+				     NULL, NULL);
+    PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_import(obj, &cfg);
+    return (PyObject *)obj;
+ * py_pjsua_acc_get_count
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_get_count(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int count;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "")) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    count = pjsua_acc_get_count();
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",count);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_is_valid
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_is_valid(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int id;
+    int is_valid;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &id)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    is_valid = pjsua_acc_is_valid(id);	
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", is_valid);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_set_default
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_set_default(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int id;
+    int status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &id)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_acc_set_default(id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_get_default
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_get_default(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int id;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "")) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    id = pjsua_acc_get_default();
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", id);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_add
+ * !modified @ 051206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_add(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int is_default;
+    PyObject * acObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_acc_config * ac;
+    int acc_id;
+    int status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "Oi", &acObj, &is_default)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (acObj != Py_None) {
+	pjsua_acc_config cfg;
+	pjsua_acc_config_default(&cfg);
+        ac = (PyObj_pjsua_acc_config *)acObj;
+        PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_export(&cfg, ac);
+        status = pjsua_acc_add(&cfg, is_default, &acc_id);
+    } else {
+        status = PJ_EINVAL;
+	acc_id = PJSUA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("ii", status, acc_id);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_add_local
+ * !modified @ 051206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_add_local(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int is_default;
+    int tid;
+    int p_acc_id;
+    int status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ii", &tid, &is_default)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_acc_add_local(tid, is_default, &p_acc_id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("ii", status, p_acc_id);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_del
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_del(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int acc_id;
+    int status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &acc_id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_acc_del(acc_id);	
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_modify
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_modify(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObject * acObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_acc_config * ac;
+    int acc_id;
+    int status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iO", &acc_id, &acObj)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (acObj != Py_None) {
+	pjsua_acc_config cfg;	
+	pjsua_acc_config_default(&cfg);
+        ac = (PyObj_pjsua_acc_config *)acObj;
+        PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_export(&cfg, ac);
+        status = pjsua_acc_modify(acc_id, &cfg);
+    } else {
+        status = PJ_EINVAL;
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_set_online_status
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_set_online_status(PyObject *pSelf, 
+						PyObject *pArgs)
+    int is_online;	
+    int acc_id;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ii", &acc_id, &is_online)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_acc_set_online_status(acc_id, is_online);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_set_online_status2
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_set_online_status2(PyObject *pSelf, 
+						 PyObject *pArgs)
+    int is_online;	
+    int acc_id;
+    int activity_id;
+    const char *activity_text;
+    const char *rpid_id;
+    pjrpid_element rpid;
+    pj_status_t status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iiiss", &acc_id, &is_online,
+			  &activity_id, &activity_text, &rpid_id)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pj_bzero(&rpid, sizeof(rpid));
+    rpid.activity = activity_id;
+    rpid.note = pj_str((char*)activity_text);
+    if (rpid_id)
+	rpid.id = pj_str((char*)rpid_id);
+    status = pjsua_acc_set_online_status2(acc_id, is_online, &rpid);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_set_registration
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_set_registration(PyObject *pSelf, 
+					       PyObject *pArgs)
+    int renew;	
+    int acc_id;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ii", &acc_id, &renew)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_acc_set_registration(acc_id, renew);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_get_info
+ * !modified @ 051206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_get_info(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int acc_id;
+    PyObj_pjsua_acc_info * obj;
+    pjsua_acc_info info;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &acc_id)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_acc_get_info(acc_id, &info);
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	obj = (PyObj_pjsua_acc_info *)
+	    PyObj_pjsua_acc_info_new(&PyTyp_pjsua_acc_info,NULL, NULL);
+	PyObj_pjsua_acc_info_import(obj, &info);
+        return Py_BuildValue("O", obj);
+    } else {
+	Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+	return Py_None;
+    }
+ * py_pjsua_enum_accs
+ * !modified @ 241206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_enum_accs(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PyObject *list;
+    pjsua_acc_id id[PJSUA_MAX_ACC];
+    unsigned c, i;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    c = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(id);
+    status = pjsua_enum_accs(id, &c);
+    list = PyList_New(c);
+    for (i = 0; i < c; i++) 
+    {
+        int ret = PyList_SetItem(list, i, Py_BuildValue("i", id[i]));
+        if (ret == -1) 
+	{
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("O",list);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_enum_info
+ * !modified @ 241206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_enum_info(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PyObject *list;
+    pjsua_acc_info info[PJSUA_MAX_ACC];
+    unsigned c, i;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "")) {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    c = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(info);
+    status = pjsua_acc_enum_info(info, &c);
+    list = PyList_New(c);
+    for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
+        PyObj_pjsua_acc_info *obj;
+        obj = (PyObj_pjsua_acc_info *)
+	      PyObj_pjsua_acc_info_new(&PyTyp_pjsua_acc_info, NULL, NULL);
+	PyObj_pjsua_acc_info_import(obj, &info[i]);
+        PyList_SetItem(list, i, (PyObject *)obj);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("O",list);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_find_for_outgoing
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_find_for_outgoing(PyObject *pSelf, 
+						PyObject *pArgs)
+    int acc_id;	
+    PyObject * url;
+    pj_str_t str;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "O", &url))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    str.ptr = PyString_AsString(url);
+    str.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(url));
+    acc_id = pjsua_acc_find_for_outgoing(&str);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", acc_id);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_find_for_incoming
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_find_for_incoming(PyObject *pSelf, 
+						PyObject *pArgs)
+    int acc_id;	
+    PyObject * tmpObj;
+    PyObj_pjsip_rx_data * obj;
+    pjsip_rx_data * rdata;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "O", &tmpObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (tmpObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        obj = (PyObj_pjsip_rx_data *)tmpObj;
+        rdata = obj->rdata;
+        acc_id = pjsua_acc_find_for_incoming(rdata);
+    } else {
+        acc_id = pjsua_acc_find_for_incoming(NULL);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", acc_id);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_create_uac_contact
+ * !modified @ 061206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_create_uac_contact(PyObject *pSelf, 
+						 PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int acc_id;
+    PyObject * pObj;
+    PyObj_pj_pool * p;
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PyObject * strc;
+    pj_str_t contact;
+    PyObject * stru;
+    pj_str_t uri;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "OiO", &pObj, &acc_id, &stru))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (pObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        p = (PyObj_pj_pool *)pObj;
+        pool = p->pool;    
+        uri.ptr = PyString_AsString(stru);
+        uri.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(stru));
+        status = pjsua_acc_create_uac_contact(pool, &contact, acc_id, &uri);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_acc_create_uac_contact(NULL, &contact, acc_id, &uri);
+    }
+    strc = PyString_FromStringAndSize(contact.ptr, contact.slen);
+    return Py_BuildValue("O", strc);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_create_uas_contact
+ * !modified @ 061206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_create_uas_contact(PyObject *pSelf, 
+						 PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int acc_id;	
+    PyObject * pObj;
+    PyObj_pj_pool * p;
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PyObject * strc;
+    pj_str_t contact;
+    PyObject * rObj;
+    PyObj_pjsip_rx_data * objr;
+    pjsip_rx_data * rdata;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "OiO", &pObj, &acc_id, &rObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (pObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        p = (PyObj_pj_pool *)pObj;
+        pool = p->pool;
+    } else {
+		pool = NULL;
+    }
+    if (rObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        objr = (PyObj_pjsip_rx_data *)rObj;
+        rdata = objr->rdata;
+    } else {
+        rdata = NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_acc_create_uas_contact(pool, &contact, acc_id, rdata);
+    strc = PyString_FromStringAndSize(contact.ptr, contact.slen);
+    return Py_BuildValue("O", strc);
+ * py_pjsua_acc_set_transport
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_acc_set_transport
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int acc_id, transport_id;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ii", &acc_id, &transport_id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_acc_set_transport(acc_id, transport_id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+static char pjsua_acc_config_default_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Acc_Config _pjsua.acc_config_default () "
+    "Call this function to initialize account config with default values.";
+static char pjsua_acc_get_count_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.acc_get_count () "
+    "Get number of current accounts.";
+static char pjsua_acc_is_valid_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.acc_is_valid (int acc_id)  "
+    "Check if the specified account ID is valid.";
+static char pjsua_acc_set_default_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.acc_set_default (int acc_id) "
+    "Set default account to be used when incoming "
+    "and outgoing requests doesn't match any accounts.";
+static char pjsua_acc_get_default_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.acc_get_default () "
+    "Get default account.";
+static char pjsua_acc_add_doc[] =
+    "int, int _pjsua.acc_add (_pjsua.Acc_Config cfg, "
+    "int is_default) "
+    "Add a new account to pjsua. PJSUA must have been initialized "
+    "(with pjsua_init()) before calling this function.";
+static char pjsua_acc_add_local_doc[] =
+    "int,int _pjsua.acc_add_local (int tid, "
+    "int is_default) "
+    "Add a local account. A local account is used to identify "
+    "local endpoint instead of a specific user, and for this reason, "
+    "a transport ID is needed to obtain the local address information.";
+static char pjsua_acc_del_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.acc_del (int acc_id) "
+    "Delete account.";
+static char pjsua_acc_modify_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.acc_modify (int acc_id, _pjsua.Acc_Config cfg) "
+    "Modify account information.";
+static char pjsua_acc_set_online_status_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.acc_set_online_status2(int acc_id, int is_online) "
+    "Modify account's presence status to be advertised "
+    "to remote/presence subscribers.";
+static char pjsua_acc_set_online_status2_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.acc_set_online_status (int acc_id, int is_online, "
+                                         "int activity_id, string activity_text) "
+    "Modify account's presence status to be advertised "
+    "to remote/presence subscribers.";
+static char pjsua_acc_set_registration_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.acc_set_registration (int acc_id, int renew) "
+    "Update registration or perform unregistration.";
+static char pjsua_acc_get_info_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Acc_Info _pjsua.acc_get_info (int acc_id) "
+    "Get account information.";
+static char pjsua_enum_accs_doc[] =
+    "int[] _pjsua.enum_accs () "
+    "Enum accounts all account ids.";
+static char pjsua_acc_enum_info_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Acc_Info[] _pjsua.acc_enum_info () "
+    "Enum accounts info.";
+static char pjsua_acc_find_for_outgoing_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.acc_find_for_outgoing (string url) "
+    "This is an internal function to find the most appropriate account "
+    "to used to reach to the specified URL.";
+static char pjsua_acc_find_for_incoming_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.acc_find_for_incoming (PyObj_pjsip_rx_data rdata) "
+    "This is an internal function to find the most appropriate account "
+    "to be used to handle incoming calls.";
+static char pjsua_acc_create_uac_contact_doc[] =
+    "string _pjsua.acc_create_uac_contact (PyObj_pj_pool pool, "
+    "int acc_id, string uri) "
+    "Create a suitable URI to be put as Contact based on the specified "
+    "target URI for the specified account.";
+static char pjsua_acc_create_uas_contact_doc[] =
+    "string _pjsua.acc_create_uas_contact (PyObj_pj_pool pool, "
+    "int acc_id, PyObj_pjsip_rx_data rdata) "
+    "Create a suitable URI to be put as Contact based on the information "
+    "in the incoming request.";
+/* LIB BUDDY */
+ * py_pjsua_buddy_config_default
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_buddy_config_default(PyObject *pSelf, 
+					       PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config *obj;	
+    pjsua_buddy_config cfg;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "")) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pjsua_buddy_config_default(&cfg);
+    obj = (PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config *) 
+	  PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_new(&PyTyp_pjsua_buddy_config, NULL, NULL);
+    PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_import(obj, &cfg);
+    return (PyObject *)obj;
+ * py_pjsua_get_buddy_count
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_get_buddy_count(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int ret;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "")) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ret = pjsua_get_buddy_count();
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", ret);
+ * py_pjsua_buddy_is_valid
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_buddy_is_valid(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int id;
+    int is_valid;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &id)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    is_valid = pjsua_buddy_is_valid(id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", is_valid);
+ * py_pjsua_enum_buddies
+ * !modified @ 241206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_enum_buddies(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PyObject *list;
+    pjsua_buddy_id id[PJSUA_MAX_BUDDIES];
+    unsigned c, i;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "")) {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    c = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(id);
+    status = pjsua_enum_buddies(id, &c);
+    list = PyList_New(c);
+    for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
+        PyList_SetItem(list, i, Py_BuildValue("i", id[i]));
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("O",list);
+ * py_pjsua_buddy_get_info
+ * !modified @ 071206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_buddy_get_info(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int buddy_id;
+    PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info * obj;
+    pjsua_buddy_info info;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &buddy_id)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_buddy_get_info(buddy_id, &info);
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	obj = (PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info *)
+	      PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_new(&PyTyp_pjsua_buddy_info,NULL,NULL);
+	PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info_import(obj, &info);	
+        return Py_BuildValue("O", obj);
+    } else {
+	Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+	return Py_None;
+    }
+ * py_pjsua_buddy_add
+ * !modified @ 061206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_buddy_add(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObject * bcObj;
+    int buddy_id;
+    int status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "O", &bcObj)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (bcObj != Py_None) {
+	pjsua_buddy_config cfg;
+	PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config * bc;
+        bc = (PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config *)bcObj;
+	pjsua_buddy_config_default(&cfg);
+        PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_export(&cfg, bc);  
+        status = pjsua_buddy_add(&cfg, &buddy_id);
+    } else {
+        status = PJ_EINVAL;
+	buddy_id = PJSUA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("ii", status, buddy_id);
+ * py_pjsua_buddy_del
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_buddy_del(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int buddy_id;
+    int status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &buddy_id)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_buddy_del(buddy_id);	
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_buddy_subscribe_pres
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_buddy_subscribe_pres(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int buddy_id;
+    int status;
+    int subscribe;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ii", &buddy_id, &subscribe)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_buddy_subscribe_pres(buddy_id, subscribe);	
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_pres_dump
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_pres_dump(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int verbose;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &verbose)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pjsua_pres_dump(verbose);	
+    Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+    return Py_None;
+ * py_pjsua_im_send
+ * !modified @ 071206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_im_send(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int acc_id;
+    pj_str_t * mime_type, tmp_mime_type;
+    pj_str_t to, content;
+    PyObject * st;
+    PyObject * smt;
+    PyObject * sc;
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;
+    int user_data;
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iOOOOi", &acc_id, 
+		&st, &smt, &sc, &omdObj, &user_data))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (smt != Py_None) {
+        mime_type = &tmp_mime_type;
+	tmp_mime_type = PyString_to_pj_str(smt);
+    } else {
+        mime_type = NULL;
+    }
+    to = PyString_to_pj_str(st);
+        content = PyString_to_pj_str(sc);
+    if (omdObj != Py_None) {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;
+	msg_data.content_type = PyString_to_pj_str(omd->content_type);
+	msg_data.msg_body = PyString_to_pj_str(omd->msg_body);
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_im_send(acc_id, &to, mime_type, 
+			&content, &msg_data, (void *)user_data);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_im_send(acc_id, &to, mime_type, 
+			&content, NULL, NULL);	
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_im_typing
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_im_typing(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int acc_id;
+    pj_str_t to;
+    PyObject * st;
+    int is_typing;
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iOiO", &acc_id, &st, &is_typing, &omdObj)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    to = PyString_to_pj_str(st);
+    if (omdObj != Py_None) {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;
+	msg_data.content_type = PyString_to_pj_str(omd->content_type);
+	msg_data.msg_body = PyString_to_pj_str(omd->msg_body);
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_im_typing(acc_id, &to, is_typing, &msg_data);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_im_typing(acc_id, &to, is_typing, NULL);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+static char pjsua_buddy_config_default_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Buddy_Config _pjsua.buddy_config_default () "
+    "Set default values to the buddy config.";
+static char pjsua_get_buddy_count_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.get_buddy_count () "
+    "Get total number of buddies.";
+static char pjsua_buddy_is_valid_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.buddy_is_valid (int buddy_id) "
+    "Check if buddy ID is valid.";
+static char pjsua_enum_buddies_doc[] =
+    "int[] _pjsua.enum_buddies () "
+    "Enum buddy IDs.";
+static char pjsua_buddy_get_info_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Buddy_Info _pjsua.buddy_get_info (int buddy_id) "
+    "Get detailed buddy info.";
+static char pjsua_buddy_add_doc[] =
+    "int,int _pjsua.buddy_add (_pjsua.Buddy_Config cfg) "
+    "Add new buddy.";
+static char pjsua_buddy_del_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.buddy_del (int buddy_id) "
+    "Delete buddy.";
+static char pjsua_buddy_subscribe_pres_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.buddy_subscribe_pres (int buddy_id, int subscribe) "
+    "Enable/disable buddy's presence monitoring.";
+static char pjsua_pres_dump_doc[] =
+    "void _pjsua.pres_dump (int verbose) "
+    "Dump presence subscriptions to log file.";
+static char pjsua_im_send_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.im_send (int acc_id, string to, string mime_type, "
+    "string content, _pjsua.Msg_Data msg_data, int user_data) "
+    "Send instant messaging outside dialog, using the specified account "
+    "for route set and authentication.";
+static char pjsua_im_typing_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.im_typing (int acc_id, string to, int is_typing, "
+    "_pjsua.Msg_Data msg_data) "
+    "Send typing indication outside dialog.";
+/* LIB MEDIA */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_codec_info
+ * Codec Info
+ * !modified @ 071206
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */ 
+    PyObject * codec_id;
+    pj_uint8_t priority;    
+    char buf_[32];
+} PyObj_pjsua_codec_info;
+ * codec_info_dealloc
+ * deletes a codec_info from memory
+ * !modified @ 071206
+ */
+static void codec_info_dealloc(PyObj_pjsua_codec_info* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->codec_id);    
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+ * codec_info_new
+ * constructor for codec_info object
+ * !modified @ 071206
+ */
+static PyObject * codec_info_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args,
+                                    PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_codec_info *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_codec_info *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL)
+    {
+        self->codec_id = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->codec_id == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }        
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * codec_info_members
+ * !modified @ 071206
+ */
+static PyMemberDef codec_info_members[] =
+    {
+        "codec_id", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_codec_info, codec_id), 0,
+        "Codec unique identification."        
+    },
+    {
+        "priority", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_codec_info, priority), 0,
+        "Codec priority (integer 0-255)."
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_codec_info
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_codec_info =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Codec_Info",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_codec_info),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)codec_info_dealloc,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "Codec Info objects",       /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    codec_info_members,         /* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    codec_info_new,             /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info
+ * Conf Port Info
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */ 
+    int  slot_id;
+    PyObject *  name;
+    unsigned  clock_rate;
+    unsigned  channel_count;
+    unsigned  samples_per_frame;
+    unsigned  bits_per_sample;
+    PyListObject * listeners;
+} PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info;
+ * conf_port_info_dealloc
+ * deletes a conf_port_info from memory
+ */
+static void conf_port_info_dealloc(PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->name);    
+    Py_XDECREF(self->listeners);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+ * conf_port_info_new
+ * constructor for conf_port_info object
+ */
+static PyObject * conf_port_info_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args,
+                                    PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL)
+    {
+        self->name = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->name == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }        
+	self->listeners = (PyListObject *)PyList_New(0);
+        if (self->listeners == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * conf_port_info_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef conf_port_info_members[] =
+    {
+        "slot_id", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info, slot_id), 0,
+        "Conference port number."
+    },
+    {
+        "name", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info, name), 0,
+        "Port name"        
+    },
+    {
+        "clock_rate", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info, clock_rate), 0,
+        "Clock rate"
+    },
+    {
+        "channel_count", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info, channel_count), 0,
+        "Number of channels."
+    },
+    {
+        "samples_per_frame", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info, samples_per_frame), 0,
+        "Samples per frame "
+    },
+    {
+        "bits_per_sample", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info, bits_per_sample), 0,
+        "Bits per sample"
+    },
+    {
+        "listeners", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info, listeners), 0,
+        "Array of listeners (in other words, ports where this port "
+	"is transmitting to"
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_conf_port_info
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_conf_port_info =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Conf_Port_Info",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)conf_port_info_dealloc,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "Conf Port Info objects",       /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    conf_port_info_members,         /* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    conf_port_info_new,             /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjmedia_port
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    pjmedia_port * port;
+} PyObj_pjmedia_port;
+ * PyTyp_pjmedia_port
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjmedia_port =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                         /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.PJMedia_Port",        /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjmedia_port),    /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                         /*tp_itemsize*/
+    0,                         /*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                         /*tp_print*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                         /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                         /*tp_hash */
+    0,                         /*tp_call*/
+    0,                         /*tp_str*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,        /*tp_flags*/
+    "pjmedia_port objects",       /* tp_doc */
+ * PyObj_pjmedia_snd_dev_info
+ * PJMedia Snd Dev Info
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */ 
+    unsigned  input_count;
+    unsigned  output_count;
+    unsigned  default_samples_per_sec;    
+    PyObject * name;
+} PyObj_pjmedia_snd_dev_info;
+ * pjmedia_snd_dev_info_dealloc
+ * deletes a pjmedia_snd_dev_info from memory
+ */
+static void pjmedia_snd_dev_info_dealloc(PyObj_pjmedia_snd_dev_info* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->name);        
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+ * pjmedia_snd_dev_info_new
+ * constructor for pjmedia_snd_dev_info object
+ */
+static PyObject * pjmedia_snd_dev_info_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args,
+                                    PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjmedia_snd_dev_info *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjmedia_snd_dev_info *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL)
+    {
+        self->name = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->name == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }        
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * pjmedia_snd_dev_info_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef pjmedia_snd_dev_info_members[] =
+    {
+        "name", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_snd_dev_info, name), 0,
+        "Device name"        
+    },
+    {
+        "input_count", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_snd_dev_info, input_count), 0,
+        "Max number of input channels"
+    },
+    {
+        "output_count", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_snd_dev_info, output_count), 0,
+        "Max number of output channels"
+    },
+    {
+        "default_samples_per_sec", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_snd_dev_info, default_samples_per_sec), 0,
+        "Default sampling rate."
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjmedia_snd_dev_info
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjmedia_snd_dev_info =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.PJMedia_Snd_Dev_Info",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjmedia_snd_dev_info),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)pjmedia_snd_dev_info_dealloc,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "PJMedia Snd Dev Info objects",       /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    pjmedia_snd_dev_info_members,         /* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    pjmedia_snd_dev_info_new,             /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_info
+ * PJMedia Codec Param Info
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */ 
+    unsigned  clock_rate;
+    unsigned  channel_cnt;
+    pj_uint32_t avg_bps;
+    pj_uint16_t frm_ptime;
+    pj_uint8_t  pcm_bits_per_sample;
+    pj_uint8_t  pt;	
+} PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_info;
+ * pjmedia_codec_param_info_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef pjmedia_codec_param_info_members[] =
+    {
+        "clock_rate", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_info, clock_rate), 0,
+        "Sampling rate in Hz"
+    },
+    {
+        "channel_cnt", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_info, channel_cnt), 0,
+        "Channel count"
+    },
+    {
+        "avg_bps", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_info, avg_bps), 0,
+        "Average bandwidth in bits/sec"
+    },
+    {
+        "frm_ptime", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_info, frm_ptime), 0,
+        "Base frame ptime in msec."
+    },
+    {
+        "pcm_bits_per_sample", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_info, pcm_bits_per_sample), 0,
+        "Bits/sample in the PCM side"
+    },
+    {
+        "pt", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_info, pt), 0,
+        "Payload type"
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_info
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_info =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.PJMedia_Codec_Param_Info",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_info),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    0,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "PJMedia Codec Param Info objects",       /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    pjmedia_codec_param_info_members,         /* tp_members */
+ * PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting
+ * PJMedia Codec Param Setting
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */ 
+    pj_uint8_t  frm_per_pkt; 
+    unsigned    vad;
+    unsigned    cng;
+    unsigned    penh;
+    unsigned    plc;
+    unsigned    reserved;
+    pj_uint8_t  enc_fmtp_mode;
+    pj_uint8_t  dec_fmtp_mode; 
+} PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting;
+ * pjmedia_codec_param_setting_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef pjmedia_codec_param_setting_members[] =
+    {
+        "frm_per_pkt", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting, frm_per_pkt), 0,
+        "Number of frames per packet"
+    },
+    {
+        "vad", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting, vad), 0,
+        "Voice Activity Detector"
+    },
+    {
+        "penh", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting, penh), 0,
+        "Perceptual Enhancement"
+    },
+    {
+        "plc", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting, plc), 0,
+        "Packet loss concealment"
+    },
+    {
+        "reserved", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting, reserved), 0,
+        "Reserved, must be zero"
+    },
+    {
+        "cng", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting, cng), 0,
+        "Comfort Noise Generator"
+    },
+    {
+        "enc_fmtp_mode", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting, enc_fmtp_mode), 0,
+        "Mode param in fmtp (def:0)"
+    },
+    {
+        "dec_fmtp_mode", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting, dec_fmtp_mode), 0,
+        "Mode param in fmtp (def:0)"
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_setting
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_setting =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.PJMedia_Codec_Param_Setting",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    0,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "PJMedia Codec Param Setting objects",       /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    pjmedia_codec_param_setting_members,         /* tp_members */
+ * PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param
+ * PJMedia Codec Param
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */ 
+    PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_info * info;
+    PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting * setting;
+} PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param;
+ * pjmedia_codec_param_dealloc
+ * deletes a pjmedia_codec_param from memory
+ */
+static void pjmedia_codec_param_dealloc(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->info);        
+    Py_XDECREF(self->setting);        
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+ * pjmedia_codec_param_new
+ * constructor for pjmedia_codec_param object
+ */
+static PyObject * pjmedia_codec_param_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args,
+                                    PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL)
+    {
+        self->info = (PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_info *)
+	    PyType_GenericNew(&PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_info, NULL, NULL);
+        if (self->info == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }        
+	self->setting = (PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param_setting *)
+	    PyType_GenericNew(&PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_setting, NULL, NULL);
+        if (self->setting == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }        
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * pjmedia_codec_param_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef pjmedia_codec_param_members[] =
+    {
+        "info", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param, info), 0,
+        "The 'info' part of codec param describes the capability of the codec,"
+        " and the value should NOT be changed by application."        
+    },
+    {
+        "setting", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param, setting), 0, 
+        "The 'setting' part of codec param describes various settings to be "
+        "applied to the codec. When the codec param is retrieved from the "
+        "codec or codec factory, the values of these will be filled by "
+        "the capability of the codec. Any features that are supported by "
+        "the codec (e.g. vad or plc) will be turned on, so that application "
+        "can query which capabilities are supported by the codec. "
+        "Application may change the settings here before instantiating "
+        "the codec/stream."        
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.PJMedia_Codec_Param",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)pjmedia_codec_param_dealloc,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "PJMedia Codec Param objects",       /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    pjmedia_codec_param_members,         /* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    pjmedia_codec_param_new,             /* tp_new */
+ * py_pjsua_conf_get_max_ports
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_conf_get_max_ports
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int ret;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ret = pjsua_conf_get_max_ports();
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", ret);
+ * py_pjsua_conf_get_active_ports
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_conf_get_active_ports
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int ret;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ret = pjsua_conf_get_active_ports();
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", ret);
+ * py_pjsua_enum_conf_ports
+ * !modified @ 241206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_enum_conf_ports(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PyObject *list;
+    pjsua_conf_port_id id[PJSUA_MAX_CONF_PORTS];
+    unsigned c, i;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    c = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(id);
+    status = pjsua_enum_conf_ports(id, &c);
+    list = PyList_New(c);
+    for (i = 0; i < c; i++) 
+    {
+        int ret = PyList_SetItem(list, i, Py_BuildValue("i", id[i]));
+        if (ret == -1) 
+	{
+            return NULL;
+	}
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("O",list);
+ * py_pjsua_conf_get_port_info
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_conf_get_port_info
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int id;
+    PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info * obj;
+    pjsua_conf_port_info info;
+    int status;	
+    unsigned i;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_conf_get_port_info(id, &info);
+    obj = (PyObj_pjsua_conf_port_info *)conf_port_info_new
+	    (&PyTyp_pjsua_conf_port_info,NULL,NULL);
+    obj->bits_per_sample = info.bits_per_sample;
+    obj->channel_count = info.bits_per_sample;
+    obj->clock_rate = info.clock_rate;
+    obj->name = PyString_FromStringAndSize(info.name.ptr, info.name.slen);
+    obj->samples_per_frame = info.samples_per_frame;
+    obj->slot_id = info.slot_id;
+    obj->listeners = (PyListObject *)PyList_New(info.listener_cnt);
+    for (i = 0; i < info.listener_cnt; i++) {
+	PyObject * item = Py_BuildValue("i",info.listeners[i]);
+	PyList_SetItem((PyObject *)obj->listeners, i, item);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("O", obj);
+ * py_pjsua_conf_add_port
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_conf_add_port
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int p_id;
+    PyObject * oportObj;
+    PyObj_pjmedia_port * oport;
+    pjmedia_port * port;
+    PyObject * opoolObj;
+    PyObj_pj_pool * opool;
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "OO", &opoolObj, &oportObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (opoolObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        opool = (PyObj_pj_pool *)opoolObj;
+		pool = opool->pool;
+    } else {
+       opool = NULL;
+       pool = NULL;
+    }
+    if (oportObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        oport = (PyObj_pjmedia_port *)oportObj;
+		port = oport->port;
+    } else {
+        oport = NULL;
+        port = NULL;
+    }
+    status = pjsua_conf_add_port(pool, port, &p_id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("ii", status, p_id);
+ * py_pjsua_conf_remove_port
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_conf_remove_port
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int id;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_conf_remove_port(id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_conf_connect
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_conf_connect
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int source, sink;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ii", &source, &sink))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_conf_connect(source, sink);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_conf_disconnect
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_conf_disconnect
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int source, sink;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ii", &source, &sink))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_conf_disconnect(source, sink);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_player_create
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_player_create
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int id;
+    int options;
+    PyObject * filename;
+    pj_str_t str;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "Oi", &filename, &options))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    str.ptr = PyString_AsString(filename);
+    str.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(filename));
+    status = pjsua_player_create(&str, options, &id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("ii", status, id);
+ * py_pjsua_player_get_conf_port
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_player_get_conf_port
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int id, port_id;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    port_id = pjsua_player_get_conf_port(id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", port_id);
+ * py_pjsua_player_set_pos
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_player_set_pos
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int id;
+    pj_uint32_t samples;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iI", &id, &samples))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_player_set_pos(id, samples);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_player_destroy
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_player_destroy
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int id;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_player_destroy(id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_recorder_create
+ * !modified @ 261206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_recorder_create
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int p_id;
+    int options;
+    int max_size;
+    PyObject * filename;
+    pj_str_t str;
+    PyObject * enc_param;
+    pj_str_t strparam;
+    int enc_type;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "OiOii", &filename, 
+		&enc_type, &enc_param, &max_size, &options))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    str.ptr = PyString_AsString(filename);
+    str.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(filename));
+    if (enc_param != Py_None)
+    {
+        strparam.ptr = PyString_AsString(enc_param);
+        strparam.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(enc_param));
+        status = pjsua_recorder_create
+		(&str, enc_type, NULL, max_size, options, &p_id);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_recorder_create
+		(&str, enc_type, NULL, max_size, options, &p_id);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("ii", status, p_id);
+ * py_pjsua_recorder_get_conf_port
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_recorder_get_conf_port
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int id, port_id;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    port_id = pjsua_recorder_get_conf_port(id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", port_id);
+ * py_pjsua_recorder_destroy
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_recorder_destroy
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int id;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_recorder_destroy(id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_enum_snd_devs
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_enum_snd_devs(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PyObject *list;
+    pjmedia_snd_dev_info info[SND_DEV_NUM];
+    unsigned c, i;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    c = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(info);
+    status = pjsua_enum_snd_devs(info, &c);
+    list = PyList_New(c);
+    for (i = 0; i < c; i++) 
+    {
+        int ret;
+        int j;
+        char * str;
+        PyObj_pjmedia_snd_dev_info * obj;
+        obj = (PyObj_pjmedia_snd_dev_info *)pjmedia_snd_dev_info_new
+	    (&PyTyp_pjmedia_snd_dev_info, NULL, NULL);
+        obj->default_samples_per_sec = info[i].default_samples_per_sec;
+        obj->input_count = info[i].input_count;
+        obj->output_count = info[i].output_count;
+        str = (char *)malloc(SND_NAME_LEN * sizeof(char));
+        memset(str, 0, SND_NAME_LEN);
+        for (j = 0; j < SND_NAME_LEN; j++)
+	{
+            str[j] = info[i].name[j];
+	}
+        obj->name = PyString_FromStringAndSize(str, SND_NAME_LEN);
+        free(str);
+        ret = PyList_SetItem(list, i, (PyObject *)obj);
+        if (ret == -1) 
+	{
+            return NULL;
+	}
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("O",list);
+ * py_pjsua_get_snd_dev
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_get_snd_dev
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int capture_dev, playback_dev;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_get_snd_dev(&capture_dev, &playback_dev);
+    return Py_BuildValue("ii", capture_dev, playback_dev);
+ * py_pjsua_set_snd_dev
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_set_snd_dev
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int capture_dev, playback_dev;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ii", &capture_dev, &playback_dev))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_set_snd_dev(capture_dev, playback_dev);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_set_null_snd_dev
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_set_null_snd_dev
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_set_null_snd_dev();
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_set_no_snd_dev
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_set_no_snd_dev
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    PyObj_pjmedia_port * obj;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    obj = (PyObj_pjmedia_port *)PyType_GenericNew
+	(&PyTyp_pjmedia_port, NULL, NULL);
+    obj->port = pjsua_set_no_snd_dev();
+    return Py_BuildValue("O", obj);
+ * py_pjsua_set_ec
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_set_ec
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int options;
+    int tail_ms;
+    int status;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ii", &tail_ms, &options))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_set_ec(tail_ms, options);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_get_ec_tail
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_get_ec_tail
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;	
+    unsigned p_tail_ms;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_get_ec_tail(&p_tail_ms);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", p_tail_ms);
+ * py_pjsua_enum_codecs
+ * !modified @ 261206
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_enum_codecs(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PyObject *list;
+    pjsua_codec_info info[PJMEDIA_CODEC_MGR_MAX_CODECS];
+    unsigned c, i;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    c = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(info);
+    status = pjsua_enum_codecs(info, &c);
+    list = PyList_New(c);
+    for (i = 0; i < c; i++) 
+    {
+        int ret;
+        int j;
+        PyObj_pjsua_codec_info * obj;
+        obj = (PyObj_pjsua_codec_info *)codec_info_new
+	    (&PyTyp_pjsua_codec_info, NULL, NULL);
+        obj->codec_id = PyString_FromStringAndSize
+	    (info[i].codec_id.ptr, info[i].codec_id.slen);
+        obj->priority = info[i].priority;
+        for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
+        {	    
+             obj->buf_[j] = info[i].buf_[j];
+        }	
+        ret = PyList_SetItem(list, i, (PyObject *)obj);
+        if (ret == -1) {
+            return NULL;
+        }	
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("O",list);
+ * py_pjsua_codec_set_priority
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_codec_set_priority
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;	
+    PyObject * id;
+    pj_str_t str;
+    pj_uint8_t priority;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "OB", &id, &priority))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    str.ptr = PyString_AsString(id);
+    str.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(id));
+    status = pjsua_codec_set_priority(&str, priority);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_codec_get_param
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_codec_get_param
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;	
+    PyObject * id;
+    pj_str_t str;
+    pjmedia_codec_param param;
+    PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param *obj;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "O", &id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    str.ptr = PyString_AsString(id);
+    str.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(id));
+    status = pjsua_codec_get_param(&str, &param);
+    obj = (PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param *)pjmedia_codec_param_new
+	(&PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param, NULL, NULL);
+    obj->info->avg_bps = param.info.avg_bps;
+    obj->info->channel_cnt = param.info.channel_cnt;
+    obj->info->clock_rate = param.info.clock_rate;
+    obj->info->frm_ptime = param.info.frm_ptime;
+    obj->info->pcm_bits_per_sample = param.info.pcm_bits_per_sample;
+    obj->info->pt = param.info.pt;
+    obj->setting->cng = param.setting.cng;
+    obj->setting->dec_fmtp_mode = param.setting.dec_fmtp_mode;
+    obj->setting->enc_fmtp_mode = param.setting.enc_fmtp_mode;
+    obj->setting->frm_per_pkt = param.setting.frm_per_pkt;
+    obj->setting->penh = param.setting.penh;
+    obj->setting->plc = param.setting.plc;
+    obj->setting->reserved = param.setting.reserved;
+    obj->setting->vad = param.setting.vad;
+    return Py_BuildValue("O", obj);
+ * py_pjsua_codec_set_param
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_codec_set_param
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;	
+    PyObject * id;
+    pj_str_t str;
+    pjmedia_codec_param param;
+    PyObject * tmpObj;
+    PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param *obj;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "OO", &id, &tmpObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    str.ptr = PyString_AsString(id);
+    str.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(id));
+    if (tmpObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        obj = (PyObj_pjmedia_codec_param *)tmpObj;
+        param.info.avg_bps = obj->info->avg_bps;
+        param.info.channel_cnt = obj->info->channel_cnt;
+        param.info.clock_rate = obj->info->clock_rate;
+        param.info.frm_ptime = obj->info->frm_ptime;
+        param.info.pcm_bits_per_sample = obj->info->pcm_bits_per_sample;
+        param.info.pt = obj->info->pt;
+        param.setting.cng = obj->setting->cng;
+        param.setting.dec_fmtp_mode = obj->setting->dec_fmtp_mode;
+        param.setting.enc_fmtp_mode = obj->setting->enc_fmtp_mode;
+        param.setting.frm_per_pkt = obj->setting->frm_per_pkt;
+        param.setting.penh = obj->setting->penh;
+        param.setting.plc = obj->setting->plc;
+        param.setting.reserved = obj->setting->reserved;
+        param.setting.vad = obj->setting->vad;
+        status = pjsua_codec_set_param(&str, &param);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_codec_set_param(&str, NULL);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+static char pjsua_conf_get_max_ports_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.conf_get_max_ports () "
+    "Get maxinum number of conference ports.";
+static char pjsua_conf_get_active_ports_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.conf_get_active_ports () "
+    "Get current number of active ports in the bridge.";
+static char pjsua_enum_conf_ports_doc[] =
+    "int[] _pjsua.enum_conf_ports () "
+    "Enumerate all conference ports.";
+static char pjsua_conf_get_port_info_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Conf_Port_Info _pjsua.conf_get_port_info (int id) "
+    "Get information about the specified conference port";
+static char pjsua_conf_add_port_doc[] =
+    "int, int _pjsua.conf_add_port "
+    "(_pjsua.Pj_Pool pool, _pjsua.PJMedia_Port port) "
+    "Add arbitrary media port to PJSUA's conference bridge. "
+    "Application can use this function to add the media port "
+    "that it creates. For media ports that are created by PJSUA-LIB "
+    "(such as calls, file player, or file recorder), PJSUA-LIB will "
+    "automatically add the port to the bridge.";
+static char pjsua_conf_remove_port_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.conf_remove_port (int id) "
+    "Remove arbitrary slot from the conference bridge. "
+    "Application should only call this function "
+    "if it registered the port manually.";
+static char pjsua_conf_connect_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.conf_connect (int source, int sink) "
+    "Establish unidirectional media flow from souce to sink. "
+    "One source may transmit to multiple destinations/sink. "
+    "And if multiple sources are transmitting to the same sink, "
+    "the media will be mixed together. Source and sink may refer "
+    "to the same ID, effectively looping the media. "
+    "If bidirectional media flow is desired, application "
+    "needs to call this function twice, with the second "
+    "one having the arguments reversed.";
+static char pjsua_conf_disconnect_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.conf_disconnect (int source, int sink) "
+    "Disconnect media flow from the source to destination port.";
+static char pjsua_player_create_doc[] =
+    "int, int _pjsua.player_create (string filename, int options) "
+    "Create a file player, and automatically connect "
+    "this player to the conference bridge.";
+static char pjsua_player_get_conf_port_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.player_get_conf_port (int) "
+    "Get conference port ID associated with player.";
+static char pjsua_player_set_pos_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.player_set_pos (int id, int samples) "
+    "Set playback position.";
+static char pjsua_player_destroy_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.player_destroy (int id) "
+    "Close the file, remove the player from the bridge, "
+    "and free resources associated with the file player.";
+static char pjsua_recorder_create_doc[] =
+    "int, int _pjsua.recorder_create (string filename, "
+    "int enc_type, int enc_param, int max_size, int options) "
+    "Create a file recorder, and automatically connect this recorder "
+    "to the conference bridge. The recorder currently supports recording "
+    "WAV file, and on Windows, MP3 file. The type of the recorder to use "
+    "is determined by the extension of the file (e.g. '.wav' or '.mp3').";
+static char pjsua_recorder_get_conf_port_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.recorder_get_conf_port (int id) "
+    "Get conference port associated with recorder.";
+static char pjsua_recorder_destroy_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.recorder_destroy (int id) "
+    "Destroy recorder (this will complete recording).";
+static char pjsua_enum_snd_devs_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.PJMedia_Snd_Dev_Info[] _pjsua.enum_snd_devs (int count) "
+    "Enum sound devices.";
+static char pjsua_get_snd_dev_doc[] =
+    "int, int _pjsua.get_snd_dev () "
+    "Get currently active sound devices. "
+    "If sound devices has not been created "
+    "(for example when pjsua_start() is not called), "
+    "it is possible that the function returns "
+    "PJ_SUCCESS with -1 as device IDs.";
+static char pjsua_set_snd_dev_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.set_snd_dev (int capture_dev, int playback_dev) "
+    "Select or change sound device. Application may call this function "
+    "at any time to replace current sound device.";
+static char pjsua_set_null_snd_dev_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.set_null_snd_dev () "
+    "Set pjsua to use null sound device. The null sound device only "
+    "provides the timing needed by the conference bridge, and will not "
+    "interract with any hardware.";
+static char pjsua_set_no_snd_dev_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.PJMedia_Port _pjsua.set_no_snd_dev () "
+    "Disconnect the main conference bridge from any sound devices, "
+    "and let application connect the bridge to it's "
+    "own sound device/master port.";
+static char pjsua_set_ec_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.set_ec (int tail_ms, int options) "
+    "Configure the echo canceller tail length of the sound port.";
+static char pjsua_get_ec_tail_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.get_ec_tail () "
+    "Get current echo canceller tail length.";
+static char pjsua_enum_codecs_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Codec_Info[] _pjsua.enum_codecs () "
+    "Enum all supported codecs in the system.";
+static char pjsua_codec_set_priority_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.codec_set_priority (string id, int priority) "
+    "Change codec priority.";
+static char pjsua_codec_get_param_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.PJMedia_Codec_Param _pjsua.codec_get_param (string id) "
+    "Get codec parameters";
+static char pjsua_codec_set_param_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.codec_set_param (string id, "
+    "_pjsua.PJMedia_Codec_Param param) "
+    "Set codec parameters.";
+/* LIB CALL */
+ * PyObj_pj_time_val
+ * PJ Time Val
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */ 
+    long sec;
+    long msec;
+} PyObj_pj_time_val;
+ * pj_time_val_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef pj_time_val_members[] =
+    {
+        "sec", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pj_time_val, sec), 0,
+        "The seconds part of the time"
+    },
+    {
+        "msec", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pj_time_val, sec), 0,
+        "The milliseconds fraction of the time"
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pj_time_val
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pj_time_val =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.PJ_Time_Val",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pj_time_val),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    0,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "PJ Time Val objects",       /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    pj_time_val_members,         /* tp_members */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_call_info
+ * Call Info
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */ 
+    int id;
+    int role;
+    int acc_id;
+    PyObject * local_info;
+    PyObject * local_contact;
+    PyObject * remote_info;
+    PyObject * remote_contact;
+    PyObject * call_id;
+    int state;
+    PyObject * state_text;
+    int last_status;
+    PyObject * last_status_text;
+    int media_status;
+    int media_dir;
+    int conf_slot;
+    PyObj_pj_time_val * connect_duration;
+    PyObj_pj_time_val * total_duration;
+    struct {
+	char local_info[128];
+	char local_contact[128];
+	char remote_info[128];
+	char remote_contact[128];
+	char call_id[128];
+	char last_status_text[128];
+    } buf_;
+} PyObj_pjsua_call_info;
+ * call_info_dealloc
+ * deletes a call_info from memory
+ */
+static void call_info_dealloc(PyObj_pjsua_call_info* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->local_info);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->local_contact);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->remote_info);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->remote_contact);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->call_id);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->state_text);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->last_status_text);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->connect_duration);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->total_duration);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+ * call_info_new
+ * constructor for call_info object
+ */
+static PyObject * call_info_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args,
+                                    PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_call_info *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_call_info *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL)
+    {
+        self->local_info = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->local_info == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }       
+	self->local_contact = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->local_contact == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->remote_info = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->remote_info == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->remote_contact = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->remote_contact == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->call_id = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->call_id == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->state_text = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->state_text == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->last_status_text = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->last_status_text == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->connect_duration = (PyObj_pj_time_val *)PyType_GenericNew
+	    (&PyTyp_pj_time_val,NULL,NULL);
+        if (self->connect_duration == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->total_duration = (PyObj_pj_time_val *)PyType_GenericNew
+	    (&PyTyp_pj_time_val,NULL,NULL);
+        if (self->total_duration == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * call_info_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef call_info_members[] =
+    {
+        "id", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, id), 0,
+        "Call identification"
+    },
+    {
+        "role", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, role), 0,
+        "Initial call role (UAC == caller)"
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_id", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, acc_id), 0,
+        "The account ID where this call belongs."
+    },
+    {
+        "local_info", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, local_info), 0,
+        "Local URI"        
+    },
+    {
+        "local_contact", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, local_contact), 0,
+        "Local Contact"        
+    },
+    {
+        "remote_info", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, remote_info), 0,
+        "Remote URI"        
+    },
+    {
+        "remote_contact", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, remote_contact), 0,
+        "Remote Contact"        
+    },
+    {
+        "call_id", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, call_id), 0,
+        "Dialog Call-ID string"        
+    },
+    {
+        "state", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, state), 0,
+        "Call state"
+    },
+    {
+        "state_text", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, state_text), 0,
+        "Text describing the state "        
+    },
+    {
+        "last_status", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, last_status), 0,
+        "Last status code heard, which can be used as cause code"
+    },
+    {
+        "last_status_text", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, last_status_text), 0,
+        "The reason phrase describing the status."        
+    },
+    {
+        "media_status", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, media_status), 0,
+        "Call media status."
+    },
+    {
+        "media_dir", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, media_dir), 0,
+        "Media direction"
+    },
+    {
+        "conf_slot", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, conf_slot), 0,
+        "The conference port number for the call"
+    },
+    {
+        "connect_duration", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, connect_duration), 0,
+        "Up-to-date call connected duration(zero when call is not established)"
+    },
+    {
+        "total_duration", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info, total_duration), 0,
+        "Total call duration, including set-up time"        
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_call_info
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_call_info =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Call_Info",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_call_info),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)call_info_dealloc,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "Call Info objects",       /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    call_info_members,         /* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    call_info_new,             /* tp_new */
+ * py_pjsua_call_get_max_count
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_get_max_count
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int count;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    count = pjsua_call_get_max_count();
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", count);
+ * py_pjsua_call_get_count
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_get_count
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int count;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    count = pjsua_call_get_count();
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", count);
+ * py_pjsua_enum_calls
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_enum_calls(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PyObject *list;
+    pjsua_transport_id id[PJSUA_MAX_CALLS];
+    unsigned c, i;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    c = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(id);
+    status = pjsua_enum_calls(id, &c);
+    list = PyList_New(c);
+    for (i = 0; i < c; i++) 
+    {     
+        int ret = PyList_SetItem(list, i, Py_BuildValue("i", id[i]));
+        if (ret == -1) 
+        {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("O",list);
+ * py_pjsua_call_make_call
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_make_call
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int acc_id;
+    pj_str_t dst_uri;
+    PyObject * sd;
+    unsigned options;
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;
+    int user_data;
+    int call_id;
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple
+		(pArgs, "iOIiO", &acc_id, &sd, &options, &user_data, &omdObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    dst_uri.ptr = PyString_AsString(sd);
+    dst_uri.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(sd));
+    if (omdObj != Py_None) 
+    {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;
+        msg_data.content_type.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->content_type);
+        msg_data.content_type.slen = strlen
+			(PyString_AsString(omd->content_type));
+        msg_data.msg_body.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body);
+        msg_data.msg_body.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body));
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_call_make_call(acc_id, &dst_uri, 
+			options, (void*)user_data, &msg_data, &call_id);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_call_make_call(acc_id, &dst_uri, 
+			options, (void*)user_data, NULL, &call_id);	
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("ii",status, call_id);
+ * py_pjsua_call_is_active
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_is_active
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int call_id;
+    int isActive;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &call_id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    isActive = pjsua_call_is_active(call_id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", isActive);
+ * py_pjsua_call_has_media
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_has_media
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int call_id;
+    int hasMedia;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &call_id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    hasMedia = pjsua_call_has_media(call_id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", hasMedia);
+ * py_pjsua_call_get_conf_port
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_get_conf_port
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int call_id;
+    int port_id;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &call_id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    port_id = pjsua_call_get_conf_port(call_id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", port_id);
+ * py_pjsua_call_get_info
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_get_info
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int call_id;
+    int status;
+    PyObj_pjsua_call_info * oi;
+    pjsua_call_info info;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &call_id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_call_get_info(call_id, &info);
+    if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) 
+    {
+        oi = (PyObj_pjsua_call_info *)call_info_new(&PyTyp_pjsua_call_info, NULL, NULL);
+        oi->acc_id = info.acc_id;
+        pj_ansi_snprintf(oi->buf_.call_id, sizeof(oi->buf_.call_id),
+	    "%.*s", (int)info.call_id.slen, info.call_id.ptr);
+        pj_ansi_snprintf(oi->buf_.last_status_text, 
+	    sizeof(oi->buf_.last_status_text),
+	    "%.*s", (int)info.last_status_text.slen, info.last_status_text.ptr);
+        pj_ansi_snprintf(oi->buf_.local_contact, sizeof(oi->buf_.local_contact),
+	    "%.*s", (int)info.local_contact.slen, info.local_contact.ptr);
+        pj_ansi_snprintf(oi->buf_.local_info, sizeof(oi->buf_.local_info),
+	    "%.*s", (int)info.local_info.slen, info.local_info.ptr);
+        pj_ansi_snprintf(oi->buf_.remote_contact,
+	    sizeof(oi->buf_.remote_contact),
+	    "%.*s", (int)info.remote_contact.slen, info.remote_contact.ptr);
+        pj_ansi_snprintf(oi->buf_.remote_info, sizeof(oi->buf_.remote_info),
+	    "%.*s", (int)info.remote_info.slen, info.remote_info.ptr);
+        oi->call_id = PyString_FromStringAndSize(info.call_id.ptr, 
+	    info.call_id.slen);
+        oi->conf_slot = info.conf_slot;
+        oi->connect_duration->sec = info.connect_duration.sec;
+        oi->connect_duration->msec = info.connect_duration.msec;
+        oi->total_duration->sec = info.total_duration.sec;
+        oi->total_duration->msec = info.total_duration.msec;
+        oi->id = info.id;
+        oi->last_status = info.last_status;
+        oi->last_status_text = PyString_FromStringAndSize(
+	    info.last_status_text.ptr, info.last_status_text.slen);
+        oi->local_contact = PyString_FromStringAndSize(
+	    info.local_contact.ptr, info.local_contact.slen);
+        oi->local_info = PyString_FromStringAndSize(
+   	    info.local_info.ptr, info.local_info.slen);
+        oi->remote_contact = PyString_FromStringAndSize(
+	    info.remote_contact.ptr, info.remote_contact.slen);
+        oi->remote_info = PyString_FromStringAndSize(
+	    info.remote_info.ptr, info.remote_info.slen);
+        oi->media_dir = info.media_dir;
+        oi->media_status = info.media_status;
+        oi->role = info.role;
+        oi->state = info.state;
+        oi->state_text = PyString_FromStringAndSize(
+   	    info.state_text.ptr, info.state_text.slen);
+	return Py_BuildValue("O", oi);
+    } else {
+	Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+	return Py_None;
+    }
+ * py_pjsua_call_set_user_data
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_set_user_data
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int call_id;
+    int user_data;	
+    int status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "ii", &call_id, &user_data))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    status = pjsua_call_set_user_data(call_id, (void*)user_data);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_call_get_user_data
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_get_user_data
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int call_id;
+    void * user_data;	
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &call_id))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    user_data = pjsua_call_get_user_data(call_id);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", (int)user_data);
+ * py_pjsua_call_answer
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_answer
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int call_id;
+    pj_str_t * reason, tmp_reason;
+    PyObject * sr;
+    unsigned code;
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;    
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iIOO", &call_id, &code, &sr, &omdObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (sr == Py_None) 
+    {
+        reason = NULL;
+    } else {
+	reason = &tmp_reason;
+        tmp_reason.ptr = PyString_AsString(sr);
+        tmp_reason.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(sr));
+    }
+    if (omdObj != Py_None) 
+    {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;
+        msg_data.content_type.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->content_type);
+        msg_data.content_type.slen = strlen
+			(PyString_AsString(omd->content_type));
+        msg_data.msg_body.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body);
+        msg_data.msg_body.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body));
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_call_answer(call_id, code, reason, &msg_data);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_call_answer(call_id, code, reason, NULL);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_call_hangup
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_hangup
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int call_id;
+    pj_str_t * reason, tmp_reason;
+    PyObject * sr;
+    unsigned code;
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;    
+    pj_pool_t * pool = NULL;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iIOO", &call_id, &code, &sr, &omdObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (sr == Py_None)
+    {
+        reason = NULL;
+    } else {
+        reason = &tmp_reason;
+        tmp_reason.ptr = PyString_AsString(sr);
+        tmp_reason.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(sr));
+    }
+    if (omdObj != Py_None) 
+    {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;
+        msg_data.content_type.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->content_type);
+        msg_data.content_type.slen = strlen
+			(PyString_AsString(omd->content_type));
+        msg_data.msg_body.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body);
+        msg_data.msg_body.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body));
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_call_hangup(call_id, code, reason, &msg_data);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_call_hangup(call_id, code, reason, NULL);	
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_call_set_hold
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_set_hold
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int call_id;    
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;    
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iO", &call_id, &omdObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (omdObj != Py_None) 
+    {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;
+        msg_data.content_type.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->content_type);
+        msg_data.content_type.slen = strlen
+			(PyString_AsString(omd->content_type));
+        msg_data.msg_body.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body);
+        msg_data.msg_body.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body));
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_call_set_hold(call_id, &msg_data);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_call_set_hold(call_id, NULL);	
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_call_reinvite
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_reinvite
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int call_id;    
+    int unhold;
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;    
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iiO", &call_id, &unhold, &omdObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (omdObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;
+        msg_data.content_type.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->content_type);
+        msg_data.content_type.slen = strlen
+			(PyString_AsString(omd->content_type));
+        msg_data.msg_body.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body);
+        msg_data.msg_body.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body));
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_call_reinvite(call_id, unhold, &msg_data);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_call_reinvite(call_id, unhold, NULL);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_call_update
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_update
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int call_id;    
+    int option;
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;    
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iiO", &call_id, &option, &omdObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (omdObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;
+        msg_data.content_type.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->content_type);
+        msg_data.content_type.slen = strlen
+			(PyString_AsString(omd->content_type));
+        msg_data.msg_body.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body);
+        msg_data.msg_body.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body));
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_call_update(call_id, option, &msg_data);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_call_update(call_id, option, NULL);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_call_send_request
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_send_request
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int call_id;    
+    PyObject *method_obj;
+    pj_str_t method;
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;    
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iOO", &call_id, &method_obj, &omdObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!PyString_Check(method_obj)) {
+	return NULL;
+    }
+    method.ptr = PyString_AsString(method_obj);
+    method.slen = PyString_Size(method_obj);
+    if (omdObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;
+        msg_data.content_type.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->content_type);
+        msg_data.content_type.slen = strlen
+			(PyString_AsString(omd->content_type));
+        msg_data.msg_body.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body);
+        msg_data.msg_body.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body));
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_call_send_request(call_id, &method, &msg_data);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_call_send_request(call_id, &method, NULL);
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_call_xfer
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_xfer
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int call_id;
+    pj_str_t dest;
+    PyObject * sd;
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;    
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iOO", &call_id, &sd, &omdObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    dest.ptr = PyString_AsString(sd);
+    dest.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(sd));
+    if (omdObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;
+        msg_data.content_type.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->content_type);
+        msg_data.content_type.slen = strlen
+			(PyString_AsString(omd->content_type));
+        msg_data.msg_body.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body);
+        msg_data.msg_body.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body));
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_call_xfer(call_id, &dest, &msg_data);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_call_xfer(call_id, &dest, NULL);	
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_call_xfer_replaces
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_xfer_replaces
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int call_id;
+    int dest_call_id;
+    unsigned options;    
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;    
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple
+		(pArgs, "iiIO", &call_id, &dest_call_id, &options, &omdObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (omdObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;    
+        msg_data.content_type.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->content_type);
+        msg_data.content_type.slen = strlen
+			(PyString_AsString(omd->content_type));
+        msg_data.msg_body.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body);
+        msg_data.msg_body.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body));
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_call_xfer_replaces
+			(call_id, dest_call_id, options, &msg_data);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_call_xfer_replaces(call_id, dest_call_id,options, NULL);	
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_call_dial_dtmf
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_dial_dtmf
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int call_id;
+    PyObject * sd;
+    pj_str_t digits;
+    int status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iO", &call_id, &sd))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    digits.ptr = PyString_AsString(sd);
+    digits.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(sd));
+    status = pjsua_call_dial_dtmf(call_id, &digits);
+    return Py_BuildValue("i", status);
+ * py_pjsua_call_send_im
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_send_im
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int call_id;
+    pj_str_t content;
+    pj_str_t * mime_type, tmp_mime_type;
+    PyObject * sm;
+    PyObject * sc;
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;    
+    int user_data;
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple
+		(pArgs, "iOOOi", &call_id, &sm, &sc, &omdObj, &user_data))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (sm == Py_None)
+    {
+        mime_type = NULL;
+    } else {
+        mime_type = &tmp_mime_type;
+        tmp_mime_type.ptr = PyString_AsString(sm);
+        tmp_mime_type.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(sm));
+    }
+    content.ptr = PyString_AsString(sc);
+    content.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(sc));
+    if (omdObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;
+        msg_data.content_type.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->content_type);
+        msg_data.content_type.slen = strlen
+			(PyString_AsString(omd->content_type));
+        msg_data.msg_body.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body);
+        msg_data.msg_body.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body));
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_call_send_im
+		(call_id, mime_type, &content, &msg_data, (void *)user_data);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_call_send_im
+			(call_id, mime_type, &content, NULL, (void *)user_data);	
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_call_send_typing_ind
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_send_typing_ind
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int status;
+    int call_id;    
+    int is_typing;
+    pjsua_msg_data msg_data;
+    PyObject * omdObj;
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data * omd;    
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iiO", &call_id, &is_typing, &omdObj))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (omdObj != Py_None)
+    {
+        omd = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)omdObj;
+        msg_data.content_type.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->content_type);
+        msg_data.content_type.slen = strlen
+			(PyString_AsString(omd->content_type));
+        msg_data.msg_body.ptr = PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body);
+        msg_data.msg_body.slen = strlen(PyString_AsString(omd->msg_body));
+        pool = pjsua_pool_create("pjsua", POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE);
+        translate_hdr(pool, &msg_data.hdr_list, omd->hdr_list);
+        status = pjsua_call_send_typing_ind(call_id, is_typing, &msg_data);	
+        pj_pool_release(pool);
+    } else {
+        status = pjsua_call_send_typing_ind(call_id, is_typing, NULL);	
+    }
+    return Py_BuildValue("i",status);
+ * py_pjsua_call_hangup_all
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_hangup_all
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, ""))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    pjsua_call_hangup_all();
+    Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+    return Py_None;
+ * py_pjsua_call_dump
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_call_dump
+(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int call_id;
+    int with_media;
+    PyObject * sb;
+    PyObject * si;
+    char * buffer;
+    char * indent;
+    unsigned maxlen;    
+    int status;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "iiIO", &call_id, &with_media, &maxlen, &si))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    buffer = (char *) malloc (maxlen * sizeof(char));
+    indent = PyString_AsString(si);
+    status = pjsua_call_dump(call_id, with_media, buffer, maxlen, indent);
+    sb = PyString_FromStringAndSize(buffer, maxlen);
+    free(buffer);
+    return Py_BuildValue("O", sb);
+ * py_pjsua_dump
+ * Dump application states.
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pjsua_dump(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    unsigned old_decor;
+    char buf[1024];
+    int detail;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &detail))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }	
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Start dumping application states:"));
+    old_decor = pj_log_get_decor();
+    pj_log_set_decor(old_decor & (PJ_LOG_HAS_NEWLINE | PJ_LOG_HAS_CR));
+    if (detail)
+	pj_dump_config();
+    pjsip_endpt_dump(pjsua_get_pjsip_endpt(), detail);
+    pjmedia_endpt_dump(pjsua_get_pjmedia_endpt());
+    pjsip_tsx_layer_dump(detail);
+    pjsip_ua_dump(detail);
+    /* Dump all invite sessions: */
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Dumping invite sessions:"));
+    if (pjsua_call_get_count() == 0) {
+	PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "  - no sessions -"));
+    } else {
+	unsigned i, max;
+	max = pjsua_call_get_max_count();
+	for (i=0; i<max; ++i) {
+	    if (pjsua_call_is_active(i)) {
+		pjsua_call_dump(i, detail, buf, sizeof(buf), "  ");
+		PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "%s", buf));
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    /* Dump presence status */
+    pjsua_pres_dump(detail);
+    pj_log_set_decor(old_decor);
+    PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Dump complete"));
+    Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+    return Py_None;
+ * py_pj_strerror
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pj_strerror(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    int err;
+    char err_msg[PJ_ERR_MSG_SIZE];
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "i", &err))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pj_strerror(err, err_msg, sizeof(err_msg));
+    return PyString_FromString(err_msg);
+ * py_pj_parse_simple_sip
+ */
+static PyObject *py_pj_parse_simple_sip(PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)
+    const char *uri_param;
+    pj_pool_t *pool;
+    char tmp[PJSIP_MAX_URL_SIZE];
+    pjsip_uri *uri;
+    pjsip_sip_uri *sip_uri;
+    PyObject *ret, *item;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pSelf);
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pArgs, "s", &uri_param))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    strncpy(tmp, uri_param, sizeof(tmp));
+    tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
+    pool = pjsua_pool_create("py_pj_parse_simple_sip", 512, 512);
+    uri = pjsip_parse_uri(pool, tmp, strlen(tmp), 0);
+    if (uri == NULL || (!PJSIP_URI_SCHEME_IS_SIP(uri) &&
+	pj_pool_release(pool);
+	Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+	return Py_None;
+    }
+    ret = PyTuple_New(5);
+    sip_uri = (pjsip_sip_uri*) pjsip_uri_get_uri(uri);
+    /* Scheme */
+    item = PyString_FromStringAndSize(pjsip_uri_get_scheme(uri)->ptr,
+				      pjsip_uri_get_scheme(uri)->slen);
+    PyTuple_SetItem(ret, 0, item);
+    /* Username */
+    item = PyString_FromStringAndSize(sip_uri->user.ptr, sip_uri->user.slen);
+    PyTuple_SetItem(ret, 1, item);
+    /* Host */
+    item = PyString_FromStringAndSize(sip_uri->host.ptr, sip_uri->host.slen);
+    PyTuple_SetItem(ret, 2, item);
+    /* Port */
+    if (sip_uri->port == 5060) {
+	sip_uri->port = 0;
+    }
+    item = Py_BuildValue("i", sip_uri->port);
+    PyTuple_SetItem(ret, 3, item);
+    /* Transport */
+    if (pj_stricmp2(&sip_uri->transport_param, "udp")) {
+	sip_uri->transport_param.ptr = "";
+	sip_uri->transport_param.slen = 0;
+    }
+    item = PyString_FromStringAndSize(sip_uri->transport_param.ptr, 
+				      sip_uri->transport_param.slen);
+    PyTuple_SetItem(ret, 4, item);
+    return ret;
+static char pjsua_call_get_max_count_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_get_max_count () "
+    "Get maximum number of calls configured in pjsua.";
+static char pjsua_call_get_count_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_get_count () "
+    "Get number of currently active calls.";
+static char pjsua_enum_calls_doc[] =
+    "int[] _pjsua.enum_calls () "
+    "Get maximum number of calls configured in pjsua.";
+static char pjsua_call_make_call_doc[] =
+    "int,int _pjsua.call_make_call (int acc_id, string dst_uri, int options,"
+    "int user_data, _pjsua.Msg_Data msg_data) "
+    "Make outgoing call to the specified URI using the specified account.";
+static char pjsua_call_is_active_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_is_active (int call_id) "
+    "Check if the specified call has active INVITE session and the INVITE "
+    "session has not been disconnected.";
+static char pjsua_call_has_media_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_has_media (int call_id) "
+    "Check if call has an active media session.";
+static char pjsua_call_get_conf_port_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_get_conf_port (int call_id) "
+    "Get the conference port identification associated with the call.";
+static char pjsua_call_get_info_doc[] =
+    "_pjsua.Call_Info _pjsua.call_get_info (int call_id) "
+    "Obtain detail information about the specified call.";
+static char pjsua_call_set_user_data_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_set_user_data (int call_id, int user_data) "
+    "Attach application specific data to the call.";
+static char pjsua_call_get_user_data_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_get_user_data (int call_id) "
+    "Get user data attached to the call.";
+static char pjsua_call_answer_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_answer (int call_id, int code, string reason, "
+    "_pjsua.Msg_Data msg_data) "
+    "Send response to incoming INVITE request.";
+static char pjsua_call_hangup_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_hangup (int call_id, int code, string reason, "
+    "_pjsua.Msg_Data msg_data) "
+    "Hangup call by using method that is appropriate according "
+    "to the call state.";
+static char pjsua_call_set_hold_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_set_hold (int call_id, _pjsua.Msg_Data msg_data) "
+    "Put the specified call on hold.";
+static char pjsua_call_reinvite_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_reinvite (int call_id, int unhold, "
+    "_pjsua.Msg_Data msg_data) "
+    "Send re-INVITE (to release hold).";
+static char pjsua_call_xfer_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_xfer (int call_id, string dest, "
+    "_pjsua.Msg_Data msg_data) "
+    "Initiate call transfer to the specified address. "
+    "This function will send REFER request to instruct remote call party "
+    "to initiate a new INVITE session to the specified destination/target.";
+static char pjsua_call_xfer_replaces_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_xfer_replaces (int call_id, int dest_call_id, "
+    "int options, _pjsua.Msg_Data msg_data) "
+    "Initiate attended call transfer. This function will send REFER request "
+    "to instruct remote call party to initiate new INVITE session to the URL "
+    "of dest_call_id. The party at dest_call_id then should 'replace' the call"
+    "with us with the new call from the REFER recipient.";
+static char pjsua_call_dial_dtmf_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_dial_dtmf (int call_id, string digits) "
+    "Send DTMF digits to remote using RFC 2833 payload formats.";
+static char pjsua_call_send_im_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_send_im (int call_id, string mime_type, string content,"
+    "_pjsua.Msg_Data msg_data, int user_data) "
+    "Send instant messaging inside INVITE session.";
+static char pjsua_call_send_typing_ind_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_send_typing_ind (int call_id, int is_typing, "
+    "_pjsua.Msg_Data msg_data) "
+    "Send IM typing indication inside INVITE session.";
+static char pjsua_call_hangup_all_doc[] =
+    "void _pjsua.call_hangup_all () "
+    "Terminate all calls.";
+static char pjsua_call_dump_doc[] =
+    "int _pjsua.call_dump (int call_id, int with_media, int maxlen, "
+    "string indent) "
+    "Dump call and media statistics to string.";
+ * Map of function names to functions
+ */
+static PyMethodDef py_pjsua_methods[] =
+    {
+        "thread_register", py_pjsua_thread_register, METH_VARARGS, 
+         pjsua_thread_register_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"perror", py_pjsua_perror, METH_VARARGS, pjsua_perror_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"create", py_pjsua_create, METH_VARARGS, pjsua_create_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"init", py_pjsua_init, METH_VARARGS, pjsua_init_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"start", py_pjsua_start, METH_VARARGS, pjsua_start_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"destroy", py_pjsua_destroy, METH_VARARGS, pjsua_destroy_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"handle_events", py_pjsua_handle_events, METH_VARARGS,
+    	pjsua_handle_events_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"verify_sip_url", py_pjsua_verify_sip_url, METH_VARARGS,
+    	pjsua_verify_sip_url_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"pool_create", py_pjsua_pool_create, METH_VARARGS,
+    	pjsua_pool_create_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"get_pjsip_endpt", py_pjsua_get_pjsip_endpt, METH_VARARGS,
+    	pjsua_get_pjsip_endpt_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"get_pjmedia_endpt", py_pjsua_get_pjmedia_endpt, METH_VARARGS,
+    	pjsua_get_pjmedia_endpt_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"get_pool_factory", py_pjsua_get_pool_factory, METH_VARARGS,
+    	pjsua_get_pool_factory_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"reconfigure_logging", py_pjsua_reconfigure_logging, METH_VARARGS,
+    	pjsua_reconfigure_logging_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"logging_config_default", py_pjsua_logging_config_default,
+    	METH_VARARGS, pjsua_logging_config_default_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"config_default", py_pjsua_config_default, METH_VARARGS,
+    	pjsua_config_default_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"media_config_default", py_pjsua_media_config_default, METH_VARARGS,
+    	pjsua_media_config_default_doc
+    },
+    {
+    	"msg_data_init", py_pjsua_msg_data_init, METH_VARARGS,
+    	pjsua_msg_data_init_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "transport_config_default", py_pjsua_transport_config_default, 
+        METH_VARARGS,pjsua_transport_config_default_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "transport_create", py_pjsua_transport_create, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_transport_create_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "transport_enum_transports", py_pjsua_enum_transports, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_enum_transports_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "transport_get_info", py_pjsua_transport_get_info, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_transport_get_info_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "transport_set_enable", py_pjsua_transport_set_enable, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_transport_set_enable_doc
+    },
+    {
+       "transport_close", py_pjsua_transport_close, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_transport_close_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_config_default", py_pjsua_acc_config_default, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_config_default_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_get_count", py_pjsua_acc_get_count, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_get_count_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_is_valid", py_pjsua_acc_is_valid, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_is_valid_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_set_default", py_pjsua_acc_set_default, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_set_default_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_get_default", py_pjsua_acc_get_default, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_get_default_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_add", py_pjsua_acc_add, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_add_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_add_local", py_pjsua_acc_add_local, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_add_local_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_del", py_pjsua_acc_del, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_del_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_modify", py_pjsua_acc_modify, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_modify_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_set_online_status", py_pjsua_acc_set_online_status, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_set_online_status_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_set_online_status2", py_pjsua_acc_set_online_status2, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_set_online_status2_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_set_registration", py_pjsua_acc_set_registration, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_set_registration_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_get_info", py_pjsua_acc_get_info, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_get_info_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "enum_accs", py_pjsua_enum_accs, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_enum_accs_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_enum_info", py_pjsua_acc_enum_info, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_enum_info_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_find_for_outgoing", py_pjsua_acc_find_for_outgoing, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_find_for_outgoing_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_find_for_incoming", py_pjsua_acc_find_for_incoming, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_find_for_incoming_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_create_uac_contact", py_pjsua_acc_create_uac_contact, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_create_uac_contact_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_create_uas_contact", py_pjsua_acc_create_uas_contact, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_acc_create_uas_contact_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_set_transport", py_pjsua_acc_set_transport, METH_VARARGS,
+        "Lock transport to use the specified transport"
+    },
+    {
+        "buddy_config_default", py_pjsua_buddy_config_default, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_buddy_config_default_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "get_buddy_count", py_pjsua_get_buddy_count, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_get_buddy_count_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "buddy_is_valid", py_pjsua_buddy_is_valid, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_buddy_is_valid_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "enum_buddies", py_pjsua_enum_buddies, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_enum_buddies_doc
+    },    
+    {
+        "buddy_get_info", py_pjsua_buddy_get_info, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_buddy_get_info_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "buddy_add", py_pjsua_buddy_add, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_buddy_add_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "buddy_del", py_pjsua_buddy_del, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_buddy_del_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "buddy_subscribe_pres", py_pjsua_buddy_subscribe_pres, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_buddy_subscribe_pres_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "pres_dump", py_pjsua_pres_dump, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_pres_dump_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "im_send", py_pjsua_im_send, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_im_send_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "im_typing", py_pjsua_im_typing, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_im_typing_doc
+    },
+        {
+        "conf_get_max_ports", py_pjsua_conf_get_max_ports, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_conf_get_max_ports_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "conf_get_active_ports", py_pjsua_conf_get_active_ports, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_conf_get_active_ports_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "enum_conf_ports", py_pjsua_enum_conf_ports, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_enum_conf_ports_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "conf_get_port_info", py_pjsua_conf_get_port_info, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_conf_get_port_info_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "conf_add_port", py_pjsua_conf_add_port, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_conf_add_port_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "conf_remove_port", py_pjsua_conf_remove_port, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_conf_remove_port_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "conf_connect", py_pjsua_conf_connect, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_conf_connect_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "conf_disconnect", py_pjsua_conf_disconnect, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_conf_disconnect_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "player_create", py_pjsua_player_create, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_player_create_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "player_get_conf_port", py_pjsua_player_get_conf_port, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_player_get_conf_port_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "player_set_pos", py_pjsua_player_set_pos, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_player_set_pos_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "player_destroy", py_pjsua_player_destroy, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_player_destroy_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "recorder_create", py_pjsua_recorder_create, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_recorder_create_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "recorder_get_conf_port", py_pjsua_recorder_get_conf_port, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_recorder_get_conf_port_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "recorder_destroy", py_pjsua_recorder_destroy, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_recorder_destroy_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "enum_snd_devs", py_pjsua_enum_snd_devs, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_enum_snd_devs_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "get_snd_dev", py_pjsua_get_snd_dev, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_get_snd_dev_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "set_snd_dev", py_pjsua_set_snd_dev, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_set_snd_dev_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "set_null_snd_dev", py_pjsua_set_null_snd_dev, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_set_null_snd_dev_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "set_no_snd_dev", py_pjsua_set_no_snd_dev, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_set_no_snd_dev_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "set_ec", py_pjsua_set_ec, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_set_ec_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "get_ec_tail", py_pjsua_get_ec_tail, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_get_ec_tail_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "enum_codecs", py_pjsua_enum_codecs, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_enum_codecs_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "codec_set_priority", py_pjsua_codec_set_priority, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_codec_set_priority_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "codec_get_param", py_pjsua_codec_get_param, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_codec_get_param_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "codec_set_param", py_pjsua_codec_set_param, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_codec_set_param_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_get_max_count", py_pjsua_call_get_max_count, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_get_max_count_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_get_count", py_pjsua_call_get_count, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_get_count_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "enum_calls", py_pjsua_enum_calls, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_enum_calls_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_make_call", py_pjsua_call_make_call, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_make_call_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_is_active", py_pjsua_call_is_active, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_is_active_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_has_media", py_pjsua_call_has_media, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_has_media_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_get_conf_port", py_pjsua_call_get_conf_port, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_get_conf_port_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_get_info", py_pjsua_call_get_info, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_get_info_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_set_user_data", py_pjsua_call_set_user_data, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_set_user_data_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_get_user_data", py_pjsua_call_get_user_data, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_get_user_data_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_answer", py_pjsua_call_answer, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_answer_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_hangup", py_pjsua_call_hangup, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_hangup_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_set_hold", py_pjsua_call_set_hold, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_set_hold_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_reinvite", py_pjsua_call_reinvite, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_reinvite_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_update", py_pjsua_call_update, METH_VARARGS,
+        "Send UPDATE"
+    },
+    {
+        "call_xfer", py_pjsua_call_xfer, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_xfer_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_xfer_replaces", py_pjsua_call_xfer_replaces, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_xfer_replaces_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_dial_dtmf", py_pjsua_call_dial_dtmf, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_dial_dtmf_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_send_im", py_pjsua_call_send_im, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_send_im_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_send_typing_ind", py_pjsua_call_send_typing_ind, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_send_typing_ind_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_hangup_all", py_pjsua_call_hangup_all, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_hangup_all_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_dump", py_pjsua_call_dump, METH_VARARGS,
+        pjsua_call_dump_doc
+    },
+    {
+        "call_send_request", py_pjsua_call_send_request, METH_VARARGS,
+        "Send arbitrary request"
+    },
+    {
+	"dump", py_pjsua_dump, METH_VARARGS, "Dump application state"
+    },
+    {
+	"strerror", py_pj_strerror, METH_VARARGS, "Get error message"
+    },
+    {
+	"parse_simple_uri", py_pj_parse_simple_sip, METH_VARARGS, "Parse URI"
+    },
+    {NULL, NULL} /* end of function list */
+ * Mapping C structs from and to Python objects & initializing object
+ */
+    PyObject* m = NULL;
+#define ADD_CONSTANT(mod,name)	PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod,#name,name)
+    PyEval_InitThreads();
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_callback) < 0)
+        return;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_config) < 0)
+        return;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_logging_config) < 0)
+        return;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_msg_data) < 0)
+        return;
+    PyTyp_pjsua_media_config.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_media_config) < 0)
+        return;
+    PyTyp_pjsip_event.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsip_event) < 0)
+        return;
+    PyTyp_pjsip_rx_data.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsip_rx_data) < 0)
+        return;
+    PyTyp_pj_pool_t.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pj_pool_t) < 0)
+        return;
+    PyTyp_pjsip_endpoint.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsip_endpoint) < 0)
+        return;
+    PyTyp_pjmedia_endpt.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjmedia_endpt) < 0)
+        return;
+    PyTyp_pj_pool_factory.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pj_pool_factory) < 0)
+        return;
+    PyTyp_pjsip_cred_info.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsip_cred_info) < 0)
+        return;
+    /* LIB TRANSPORT */
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_transport_config) < 0)
+        return;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_transport_info) < 0)
+        return;
+    /* LIB ACCOUNT */
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_acc_config) < 0)
+        return;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_acc_info) < 0)
+        return;
+    /* LIB BUDDY */
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_buddy_config) < 0)
+        return;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_buddy_info) < 0)
+        return;
+    /* END OF LIB BUDDY */
+    /* LIB MEDIA */
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_codec_info) < 0)
+        return;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_conf_port_info) < 0)
+        return;
+    PyTyp_pjmedia_port.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjmedia_port) < 0)
+        return;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjmedia_snd_dev_info) < 0)
+        return;
+    PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_info.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_info) < 0)
+        return;
+    PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_setting.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_setting) < 0)
+        return;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param) < 0)
+        return;
+    /* END OF LIB MEDIA */
+    /* LIB CALL */
+    PyTyp_pj_time_val.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pj_time_val) < 0)
+        return;
+    if (PyType_Ready(&PyTyp_pjsua_call_info) < 0)
+        return;
+    /* END OF LIB CALL */
+    m = Py_InitModule3(
+        "_pjsua", py_pjsua_methods,"PJSUA-lib module for python"
+    );
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_callback);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Callback", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_callback);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_config);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Config", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_config);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_media_config);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Media_Config", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_media_config);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_logging_config);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Logging_Config", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_logging_config);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_msg_data);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Msg_Data", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_msg_data);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsip_event);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Pjsip_Event", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsip_event);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsip_rx_data);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Pjsip_Rx_Data", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsip_rx_data);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pj_pool_t);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Pj_Pool", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pj_pool_t);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsip_endpoint);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Pjsip_Endpoint", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsip_endpoint);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjmedia_endpt);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Pjmedia_Endpt", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjmedia_endpt);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pj_pool_factory);
+    PyModule_AddObject(
+        m, "Pj_Pool_Factory", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pj_pool_factory
+    );
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsip_cred_info);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Pjsip_Cred_Info",
+        (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsip_cred_info
+    );
+    /* LIB TRANSPORT */
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_transport_config);
+    PyModule_AddObject
+        (m, "Transport_Config", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_transport_config);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_transport_info);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Transport_Info", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_transport_info);
+    /* LIB ACCOUNT */
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_acc_config);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Acc_Config", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_acc_config);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_acc_info);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Acc_Info", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_acc_info);
+    /* LIB BUDDY */
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_buddy_config);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Buddy_Config", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_buddy_config);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_buddy_info);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Buddy_Info", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_buddy_info);
+    /* END OF LIB BUDDY */
+    /* LIB MEDIA */
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_codec_info);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Codec_Info", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_codec_info);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_conf_port_info);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Conf_Port_Info", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_conf_port_info);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjmedia_port);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "PJMedia_Port", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjmedia_port);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjmedia_snd_dev_info);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "PJMedia_Snd_Dev_Info", 
+	(PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjmedia_snd_dev_info);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_info);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "PJMedia_Codec_Param_Info", 
+	(PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_info);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_setting);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "PJMedia_Codec_Param_Setting", 
+	(PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param_setting);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "PJMedia_Codec_Param", 
+	(PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjmedia_codec_param);
+    /* END OF LIB MEDIA */
+    /* LIB CALL */
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pj_time_val);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "PJ_Time_Val", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pj_time_val);
+    Py_INCREF(&PyTyp_pjsua_call_info);
+    PyModule_AddObject(m, "Call_Info", (PyObject *)&PyTyp_pjsua_call_info);
+    /* END OF LIB CALL */
+    /*
+     * Add various constants.
+     */
+    /* Call states */
+    /* Call media status (enum pjsua_call_media_status) */
+    /* Buddy status */
+    /* PJSIP transport types (enum pjsip_transport_type_e) */
+    /* Invalid IDs */
+    /* Various compile time constants */
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/python/_pjsua.def b/pjsip-apps/src/python/_pjsua.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b150a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/python/_pjsua.def
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+	init_pjsua
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/python/_pjsua.h b/pjsip-apps/src/python/_pjsua.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..269c30d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/python/_pjsua.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2945 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#ifndef __PY_PJSUA_H__
+#define __PY_PJSUA_H__
+#include <Python.h>
+#include <structmember.h>
+#include <pjsua-lib/pjsua.h>
+PJ_INLINE(pj_str_t) PyString_to_pj_str(const PyObject *obj)
+    pj_str_t str;
+    if (obj) {
+	str.ptr = PyString_AS_STRING(obj);
+	str.slen = PyString_GET_SIZE(obj);
+    } else {
+	str.ptr = NULL;
+	str.slen = 0;
+    }
+    return str;
+ * PyObj_pj_pool
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    pj_pool_t * pool;
+} PyObj_pj_pool;
+ * PyTyp_pj_pool_t
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pj_pool_t =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                         /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Pj_Pool",        /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pj_pool),    /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                         /*tp_itemsize*/
+    0,                         /*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                         /*tp_print*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                         /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                         /*tp_hash */
+    0,                         /*tp_call*/
+    0,                         /*tp_str*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,        /*tp_flags*/
+    "pj_pool_t objects",       /* tp_doc */
+ * PyObj_pjsip_endpoint
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    pjsip_endpoint * endpt;
+} PyObj_pjsip_endpoint;
+ * PyTyp_pjsip_endpoint
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsip_endpoint =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                         /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Pjsip_Endpoint", /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsip_endpoint),/*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                         /*tp_itemsize*/
+    0,                         /*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                         /*tp_print*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                         /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                         /*tp_hash */
+    0,                         /*tp_call*/
+    0,                         /*tp_str*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,        /*tp_flags*/
+    "pjsip_endpoint objects",  /* tp_doc */
+ * PyObj_pjmedia_endpt
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    pjmedia_endpt * endpt;
+} PyObj_pjmedia_endpt;
+ * PyTyp_pjmedia_endpt
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjmedia_endpt =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                         /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Pjmedia_Endpt",  /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjmedia_endpt), /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                         /*tp_itemsize*/
+    0,                         /*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                         /*tp_print*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                         /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                         /*tp_hash */
+    0,                         /*tp_call*/
+    0,                         /*tp_str*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,        /*tp_flags*/
+    "pjmedia_endpt objects",   /* tp_doc */
+ * PyObj_pj_pool_factory
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    pj_pool_factory * pool_fact;
+} PyObj_pj_pool_factory;
+ * PyTyp_pj_pool_factory
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pj_pool_factory =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                         /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Pj_Pool_Factory",/*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pj_pool_factory), /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                         /*tp_itemsize*/
+    0,                         /*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                         /*tp_print*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                         /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                         /*tp_hash */
+    0,                         /*tp_call*/
+    0,                         /*tp_str*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,        /*tp_flags*/
+    "pj_pool_factory objects", /* tp_doc */
+ * PyObj_pjsip_cred_info
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    PyObject *realm;
+    PyObject *scheme;
+    PyObject *username;
+    int	      data_type;
+    PyObject *data;
+} PyObj_pjsip_cred_info;
+ * cred_info_dealloc
+ * deletes a cred info from memory
+ */
+static void PyObj_pjsip_cred_info_delete(PyObj_pjsip_cred_info* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->realm);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->scheme);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->username);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->data);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static void PyObj_pjsip_cred_info_import(PyObj_pjsip_cred_info *obj,
+					 const pjsip_cred_info *cfg)
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->realm);
+    obj->realm = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->realm.ptr, cfg->realm.slen);
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->scheme);
+    obj->scheme = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->scheme.ptr, cfg->scheme.slen);
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->username);
+    obj->username = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->username.ptr, cfg->username.slen);
+    obj->data_type = cfg->data_type;
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->data);
+    obj->data = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->data.ptr, cfg->data.slen);
+static void PyObj_pjsip_cred_info_export(pjsip_cred_info *cfg,
+					 PyObj_pjsip_cred_info *obj)
+    cfg->realm	= PyString_to_pj_str(obj->realm);
+    cfg->scheme	= PyString_to_pj_str(obj->scheme);
+    cfg->username = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->username);
+    cfg->data_type = obj->data_type;
+    cfg->data	= PyString_to_pj_str(obj->data);
+ * cred_info_new
+ * constructor for cred_info object
+ */
+static PyObject * PyObj_pjsip_cred_info_new(PyTypeObject *type, 
+					    PyObject *args,
+					    PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsip_cred_info *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsip_cred_info *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL)
+    {
+        self->realm = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->realm == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        self->scheme = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->scheme == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        self->username = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->username == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->data_type = PJSIP_CRED_DATA_PLAIN_PASSWD;
+        self->data = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->data == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * PyObj_pjsip_cred_info_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef PyObj_pjsip_cred_info_members[] =
+    {
+        "realm", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsip_cred_info, realm), 0,
+        "Realm"
+    },
+    {
+        "scheme", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsip_cred_info, scheme), 0,
+        "Scheme"
+    },
+    {
+        "username", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsip_cred_info, username), 0,
+        "User name"
+    },
+    {
+        "data", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsip_cred_info, data), 0,
+        "The data, which can be a plaintext password or a hashed digest, "
+	"depending on the value of data_type"
+    },
+    {
+        "data_type", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsip_cred_info, data_type), 0,
+        "Type of data"
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsip_cred_info
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsip_cred_info =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Pjsip_Cred_Info",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsip_cred_info),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)PyObj_pjsip_cred_info_delete,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "PJSIP credential information", /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    PyObj_pjsip_cred_info_members,         /* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    PyObj_pjsip_cred_info_new,             /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjsip_event
+ * C/python typewrapper for event struct
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    pjsip_event * event;
+} PyObj_pjsip_event;
+ * PyTyp_pjsip_event
+ * event struct signatures
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsip_event =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                          /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Pjsip_Event",     /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsip_event),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                          /*tp_itemsize*/
+    0,                          /*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                          /*tp_print*/
+    0,                          /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                          /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                          /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                          /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                          /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                          /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                          /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                          /*tp_hash */
+    0,                          /*tp_call*/
+    0,                          /*tp_str*/
+    0,                          /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                          /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                          /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,         /*tp_flags*/
+    "pjsip_event object",       /*tp_doc */
+ * PyObj_pjsip_rx_data
+ * C/python typewrapper for pjsip_rx_data struct
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    pjsip_rx_data * rdata;
+} PyObj_pjsip_rx_data;
+ * PyTyp_pjsip_rx_data
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsip_rx_data =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Pjsip_Rx_Data",       /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsip_rx_data),    /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "pjsip_rx_data object",         /*tp_doc*/
+ * PyObj_pjsua_callback
+ * C/python typewrapper for callback struct
+ */
+typedef struct PyObj_pjsua_callback
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    PyObject * on_call_state;
+    PyObject * on_incoming_call;
+    PyObject * on_call_media_state;
+    PyObject * on_dtmf_digit;
+    PyObject * on_call_transfer_request;
+    PyObject * on_call_transfer_status;
+    PyObject * on_call_replace_request;
+    PyObject * on_call_replaced;
+    PyObject * on_reg_state;
+    PyObject * on_buddy_state;
+    PyObject * on_pager;
+    PyObject * on_pager_status;
+    PyObject * on_typing;
+} PyObj_pjsua_callback;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_callback_delete
+ * destructor function for callback struct
+ */
+static void PyObj_pjsua_callback_delete(PyObj_pjsua_callback* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_call_state);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_incoming_call);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_call_media_state);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_dtmf_digit);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_call_transfer_request);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_call_transfer_status);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_call_replace_request);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_call_replaced);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_reg_state);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_buddy_state);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_pager);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_pager_status);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->on_typing);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+ * PyObj_pjsua_callback_new
+ * * declares constructor for callback struct
+ */
+static PyObject * PyObj_pjsua_callback_new(PyTypeObject *type, 
+					   PyObject *args,
+					   PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_callback *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_callback *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL)
+    {
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_call_state = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_call_state == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_incoming_call = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_incoming_call == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_call_media_state = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_call_media_state == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_dtmf_digit = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_dtmf_digit == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_call_transfer_request = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_call_transfer_request == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_call_transfer_status = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_call_transfer_status == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_call_replace_request = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_call_replace_request == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_call_replaced = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_call_replaced == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_reg_state = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_reg_state == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_buddy_state = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_buddy_state == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_pager = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_pager == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_pager_status = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_pager_status == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->on_typing = Py_None;
+        if (self->on_typing == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_callback_members
+ * declares available functions for callback object
+ */
+static PyMemberDef PyObj_pjsua_callback_members[] =
+    {
+        "on_call_state", T_OBJECT_EX, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_call_state), 0, 
+	"Notify application when invite state has changed. Application may "
+        "then query the call info to get the detail call states."
+    },
+    {
+        "on_incoming_call", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_incoming_call), 0,
+        "Notify application on incoming call."
+    },
+    {
+        "on_call_media_state", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_call_media_state), 0,
+        "Notify application when media state in the call has changed. Normal "
+        "application would need to implement this callback, e.g. to connect "
+        "the call's media to sound device."
+    },
+    {
+	"on_dtmf_digit", T_OBJECT_EX,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_dtmf_digit), 0,
+	"Notify application upon receiving incoming DTMF digit."
+    },
+    {
+        "on_call_transfer_request", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_call_transfer_request), 0,
+        "Notify application on call being transfered. "
+	"Application can decide to accept/reject transfer request "
+	"by setting the code (default is 200). When this callback "
+	"is not defined, the default behavior is to accept the "
+	"transfer."
+    },
+    {
+        "on_call_transfer_status", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_call_transfer_status), 0,
+        "Notify application of the status of previously sent call "
+        "transfer request. Application can monitor the status of the "
+        "call transfer request, for example to decide whether to "
+        "terminate existing call."
+    },
+    {
+        "on_call_replace_request", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_call_replace_request), 0,
+        "Notify application about incoming INVITE with Replaces header. "
+        "Application may reject the request by setting non-2xx code."
+    },
+    {
+        "on_call_replaced", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_call_replaced), 0,
+	"Notify application that an existing call has been replaced with "
+	"a new call. This happens when PJSUA-API receives incoming INVITE "
+	"request with Replaces header."
+	" "
+	"After this callback is called, normally PJSUA-API will disconnect "
+	"old_call_id and establish new_call_id."
+    },
+    {
+        "on_reg_state", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_reg_state), 0,
+        "Notify application when registration status has changed. Application "
+        "may then query the account info to get the registration details."
+    },
+    {
+        "on_buddy_state", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_buddy_state), 0,
+        "Notify application when the buddy state has changed. Application may "
+        "then query the buddy into to get the details."
+    },
+    {
+        "on_pager", T_OBJECT_EX, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_pager), 0,
+        "Notify application on incoming pager (i.e. MESSAGE request). "
+        "Argument call_id will be -1 if MESSAGE request is not related to an "
+        "existing call."
+    },
+    {
+        "on_pager_status", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_pager_status), 0,
+        "Notify application about the delivery status of outgoing pager "
+        "request."
+    },
+    {
+        "on_typing", T_OBJECT_EX, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_callback, on_typing), 0,
+        "Notify application about typing indication."
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_callback
+ * callback class definition
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_callback =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,					/*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Callback",		/*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_callback),	/*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,					/*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)PyObj_pjsua_callback_delete,   /*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_print*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_compare*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_repr*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_hash */
+    0,                             	/*tp_call*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_str*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                             	/*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,            	/*tp_flags*/
+    "This structure describes application callback "
+    "to receive various event notifications from "
+    "PJSUA-API",			/* tp_doc */
+    0,                           	/* tp_traverse */
+    0,                           	/* tp_clear */
+    0,                           	/* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                           	/* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                           	/* tp_iter */
+    0,                           	/* tp_iternext */
+    0,                 			/* tp_methods */
+    PyObj_pjsua_callback_members,       /* tp_members */
+    0,                             	/* tp_getset */
+    0,                             	/* tp_base */
+    0,                             	/* tp_dict */
+    0,                             	/* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                             	/* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                             	/* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,          			/* tp_init */
+    0,                             	/* tp_alloc */
+    PyObj_pjsua_callback_new,           /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_media_config
+ * C/Python wrapper for pjsua_media_config object
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    unsigned clock_rate;
+    unsigned snd_clock_rate;
+    unsigned channel_count;
+    unsigned audio_frame_ptime;
+    int	     snd_auto_close_time;
+    unsigned max_media_ports;
+    int	     has_ioqueue;
+    unsigned thread_cnt;
+    unsigned quality;
+    unsigned ptime;
+    int	     no_vad;
+    unsigned ilbc_mode;
+    unsigned tx_drop_pct;
+    unsigned rx_drop_pct;
+    unsigned ec_options;
+    unsigned ec_tail_len;
+    int	     jb_min;
+    int	     jb_max;
+    int	     enable_ice;
+    int	     enable_turn;
+    PyObject *turn_server;
+    int	     turn_conn_type;
+    PyObject *turn_realm;
+    PyObject *turn_username;
+    int	     turn_passwd_type;
+    PyObject *turn_passwd;
+} PyObj_pjsua_media_config;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_media_config_members
+ * declares attributes accessible from both C and Python for media_config file
+ */
+static PyMemberDef PyObj_pjsua_media_config_members[] =
+    {
+        "clock_rate", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, clock_rate), 0,
+        "Clock rate to be applied to the conference bridge. If value is zero, "
+        "default clock rate will be used (16KHz)."
+    },
+    {
+        "snd_clock_rate", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, snd_clock_rate), 0,
+        "Specify different clock rate of sound device, otherwise 0."
+    },
+    {
+        "channel_count", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, channel_count), 0,
+        "Specify channel count (default 1)."
+    },
+    {
+        "audio_frame_ptime", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, audio_frame_ptime), 0,
+        "Audio frame length in milliseconds."
+    },
+    {
+        "snd_auto_close_time", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, snd_auto_close_time), 0,
+        "Sound idle time before it's closed."
+    },
+    {
+        "max_media_ports", T_INT,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, max_media_ports), 0,
+        "Specify maximum number of media ports to be created in the "
+        "conference bridge. Since all media terminate in the bridge (calls, "
+        "file player, file recorder, etc), the value must be large enough to "
+        "support all of them. However, the larger the value, the more "
+        "computations are performed."
+    },
+    {
+        "has_ioqueue", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, has_ioqueue), 0,
+        "Specify whether the media manager should manage its own ioqueue for "
+        "the RTP/RTCP sockets. If yes, ioqueue will be created and at least "
+        "one worker thread will be created too. If no, the RTP/RTCP sockets "
+        "will share the same ioqueue as SIP sockets, and no worker thread is "
+        "needed."
+    },
+    {
+        "thread_cnt", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, thread_cnt), 0,
+        "Specify the number of worker threads to handle incoming RTP packets. "
+        "A value of one is recommended for most applications."
+    },
+    {
+        "quality", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, quality), 0,
+        "The media quality also sets speex codec quality/complexity to the "
+        "number."
+    },
+    {
+        "ptime", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, ptime), 0,
+        "Specify default ptime."
+    },
+    {
+        "no_vad", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, no_vad), 0,
+        "Disable VAD?"
+    },
+    {
+        "ilbc_mode", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, ilbc_mode), 0,
+        "iLBC mode (20 or 30)."
+    },
+    {
+        "tx_drop_pct", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, tx_drop_pct), 0,
+        "Percentage of RTP packet to drop in TX direction (to simulate packet "
+        "lost)."
+    },
+    {
+        "rx_drop_pct", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, rx_drop_pct), 0,
+        "Percentage of RTP packet to drop in RX direction (to simulate packet "
+        "lost)."},
+    {
+        "ec_options", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, ec_options), 0,
+        "Echo canceller options (see pjmedia_echo_create())"
+    },
+    {
+        "ec_tail_len", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, ec_tail_len), 0,
+        "Echo canceller tail length, in miliseconds."
+    },
+    {
+        "jb_min", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, jb_min), 0,
+        "Jitter buffer minimum size in milliseconds."
+    },
+    {
+        "jb_max", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, jb_max), 0,
+        "Jitter buffer maximum size in milliseconds."
+    },
+    {
+	"enable_ice", T_INT,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, enable_ice), 0,
+        "Enable ICE."
+    },
+    {
+	"enable_turn", T_INT,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, enable_turn), 0,
+        "Enable TURN."
+    },
+    {
+    	"turn_server", T_OBJECT_EX,
+    	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, turn_server), 0,
+    	"Specify the TURN server."
+    },
+    {
+	"turn_conn_type", T_INT,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, turn_conn_type), 0,
+        "Specify TURN connection type."
+    },
+    {
+    	"turn_realm", T_OBJECT_EX,
+    	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, turn_realm), 0,
+    	"Specify the TURN realm."
+    },
+    {
+    	"turn_username", T_OBJECT_EX,
+    	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, turn_username), 0,
+    	"Specify the TURN username."
+    },
+    {
+	"turn_passwd_type", T_INT,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, turn_passwd_type), 0,
+        "Specify TURN password type."
+    },
+    {
+    	"turn_passw", T_OBJECT_EX,
+    	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config, turn_passwd), 0,
+    	"Specify the TURN password."
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+static PyObject *PyObj_pjsua_media_config_new(PyTypeObject *type, 
+					      PyObject *args, 
+					      PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_media_config *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_media_config*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL)
+    {
+	self->turn_server = PyString_FromString("");
+	self->turn_realm = PyString_FromString("");
+	self->turn_username = PyString_FromString("");
+	self->turn_passwd = PyString_FromString("");
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+static void PyObj_pjsua_media_config_delete(PyObj_pjsua_media_config * self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->turn_server);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->turn_realm);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->turn_username);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->turn_passwd);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static void PyObj_pjsua_media_config_import(PyObj_pjsua_media_config *obj,
+					    const pjsua_media_config *cfg)
+    obj->clock_rate	    = cfg->clock_rate;
+    obj->snd_clock_rate	    = cfg->snd_clock_rate;
+    obj->channel_count	    = cfg->channel_count;
+    obj->audio_frame_ptime  = cfg->audio_frame_ptime;
+    obj->snd_auto_close_time= cfg->snd_auto_close_time;
+    obj->max_media_ports    = cfg->max_media_ports;
+    obj->has_ioqueue	    = cfg->has_ioqueue;
+    obj->thread_cnt	    = cfg->thread_cnt;
+    obj->quality	    = cfg->quality;
+    obj->ptime		    = cfg->ptime;
+    obj->no_vad		    = cfg->no_vad;
+    obj->ilbc_mode	    = cfg->ilbc_mode;
+    obj->jb_min		    = cfg->jb_min_pre;
+    obj->jb_max		    = cfg->jb_max;
+    obj->tx_drop_pct	    = cfg->tx_drop_pct;
+    obj->rx_drop_pct	    = cfg->rx_drop_pct;
+    obj->ec_options	    = cfg->ec_options;
+    obj->ec_tail_len	    = cfg->ec_tail_len;
+    obj->enable_ice	    = cfg->enable_ice;
+    obj->enable_turn	    = cfg->enable_turn;
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->turn_server);
+    obj->turn_server	    = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->turn_server.ptr, 
+							 cfg->turn_server.slen);
+    obj->turn_conn_type	    = cfg->turn_conn_type;
+    if (cfg->turn_auth_cred.type == PJ_STUN_AUTH_CRED_STATIC) {
+	const pj_stun_auth_cred *cred = &cfg->turn_auth_cred;
+	Py_XDECREF(obj->turn_realm);
+	obj->turn_realm	= PyString_FromStringAndSize(cred->data.static_cred.realm.ptr, 
+						     cred->data.static_cred.realm.slen);
+	Py_XDECREF(obj->turn_username);
+	obj->turn_username = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cred->data.static_cred.username.ptr, 
+						        cred->data.static_cred.username.slen);
+	obj->turn_passwd_type = cred->data.static_cred.data_type;
+	Py_XDECREF(obj->turn_passwd);
+	obj->turn_passwd = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cred->data.static_cred.data.ptr, 
+						      cred->data.static_cred.data.slen);
+    } else {
+	Py_XDECREF(obj->turn_realm);
+	obj->turn_realm	= PyString_FromString("");
+	Py_XDECREF(obj->turn_username);
+	obj->turn_username = PyString_FromString("");
+	obj->turn_passwd_type = 0;
+	Py_XDECREF(obj->turn_passwd);
+	obj->turn_passwd = PyString_FromString("");
+    }
+static void PyObj_pjsua_media_config_export(pjsua_media_config *cfg,
+					    const PyObj_pjsua_media_config *obj)
+    cfg->clock_rate	    = obj->clock_rate;
+    cfg->snd_clock_rate	    = obj->snd_clock_rate;
+    cfg->channel_count	    = obj->channel_count;
+    cfg->audio_frame_ptime  = obj->audio_frame_ptime;
+    cfg->snd_auto_close_time=obj->snd_auto_close_time;
+    cfg->max_media_ports    = obj->max_media_ports;
+    cfg->has_ioqueue	    = obj->has_ioqueue;
+    cfg->thread_cnt	    = obj->thread_cnt;
+    cfg->quality	    = obj->quality;
+    cfg->ptime		    = obj->ptime;
+    cfg->no_vad		    = obj->no_vad;
+    cfg->jb_min_pre	    = obj->jb_min;
+    cfg->jb_max		    = obj->jb_max;
+    cfg->ilbc_mode	    = obj->ilbc_mode;
+    cfg->tx_drop_pct	    = obj->tx_drop_pct;
+    cfg->rx_drop_pct	    = obj->rx_drop_pct;
+    cfg->ec_options	    = obj->ec_options;
+    cfg->ec_tail_len	    = obj->ec_tail_len;
+    cfg->enable_ice	    = obj->enable_ice;
+    cfg->enable_turn	    = obj->enable_turn;
+    if (cfg->enable_turn) {
+	cfg->turn_server = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->turn_server);
+	cfg->turn_conn_type = obj->turn_conn_type;
+	cfg->turn_auth_cred.type = PJ_STUN_AUTH_CRED_STATIC;
+	cfg->turn_auth_cred.data.static_cred.realm = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->turn_realm);
+	cfg->turn_auth_cred.data.static_cred.username = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->turn_username);
+	cfg->turn_auth_cred.data.static_cred.data_type= obj->turn_passwd_type;
+	cfg->turn_auth_cred.data.static_cred.data = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->turn_passwd);
+    }
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_media_config
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_media_config =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Media_Config",        /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_media_config),/*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)PyObj_pjsua_media_config_delete,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "Media Config objects",         /*tp_doc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_traverse*/
+    0,                              /*tp_clear*/
+    0,                              /*tp_richcompare*/
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    PyObj_pjsua_media_config_members, /* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    PyObj_pjsua_media_config_new,   /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_config
+ * attribute list for config object
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    unsigned		  max_calls;
+    unsigned		  thread_cnt;
+    PyObject		 *outbound_proxy;
+    PyObject	         *stun_domain;
+    PyObject		 *stun_host;
+    PyListObject	 *nameserver;
+    PyObj_pjsua_callback *cb;
+    PyObject		 *user_agent;
+} PyObj_pjsua_config;
+static void PyObj_pjsua_config_delete(PyObj_pjsua_config* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->outbound_proxy);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->stun_domain);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->stun_host);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->nameserver);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->cb);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->user_agent);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static void PyObj_pjsua_config_import(PyObj_pjsua_config *obj,
+				      const pjsua_config *cfg)
+    unsigned i;
+    obj->max_calls	= cfg->max_calls;
+    obj->thread_cnt	= cfg->thread_cnt;
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->outbound_proxy);
+    obj->outbound_proxy = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->outbound_proxy[0].ptr,
+						     cfg->outbound_proxy[0].slen);
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->stun_domain);
+    obj->stun_domain	= PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->stun_domain.ptr,
+						     cfg->stun_domain.slen);
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->stun_host);
+    obj->stun_host	= PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->stun_host.ptr,
+						     cfg->stun_host.slen);
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->nameserver);
+    obj->nameserver = (PyListObject *)PyList_New(0);
+    for (i=0; i<cfg->nameserver_count; ++i) {
+	PyObject * str;
+	str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->nameserver[i].ptr, 
+					 cfg->nameserver[i].slen);
+	PyList_Append((PyObject *)obj->nameserver, str);
+    }
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->user_agent);
+    obj->user_agent	= PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->user_agent.ptr,
+						     cfg->user_agent.slen);
+static void PyObj_pjsua_config_export(pjsua_config *cfg,
+				      PyObj_pjsua_config *obj)
+    unsigned i;
+    cfg->max_calls	= obj->max_calls;
+    cfg->thread_cnt	= obj->thread_cnt;
+    if (PyString_Size(obj->outbound_proxy) > 0) {
+	cfg->outbound_proxy_cnt = 1;
+	cfg->outbound_proxy[0] = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->outbound_proxy);
+    } else {
+	cfg->outbound_proxy_cnt = 0;
+    }
+    cfg->nameserver_count = PyList_Size((PyObject*)obj->nameserver);
+    if (cfg->nameserver_count > PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(cfg->nameserver))
+	cfg->nameserver_count = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(cfg->nameserver);
+    for (i = 0; i < cfg->nameserver_count; i++) {
+        cfg->nameserver[i] = PyString_to_pj_str(PyList_GetItem((PyObject *)obj->nameserver,i));
+    }
+    cfg->stun_domain	= PyString_to_pj_str(obj->stun_domain);
+    cfg->stun_host	= PyString_to_pj_str(obj->stun_host);
+    cfg->user_agent	= PyString_to_pj_str(obj->user_agent);
+static PyObject *PyObj_pjsua_config_new(PyTypeObject *type, 
+					PyObject *args, 
+					PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_config *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_config *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL)
+    {
+        self->user_agent = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->user_agent == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        self->outbound_proxy = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->outbound_proxy == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        self->cb = (PyObj_pjsua_callback *)
+		   PyType_GenericNew(&PyTyp_pjsua_callback, NULL, NULL);
+        if (self->cb == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_config_members
+ * attribute list accessible from Python/C
+ */
+static PyMemberDef PyObj_pjsua_config_members[] =
+    {
+    	"max_calls", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_config, max_calls), 0,
+    	"Maximum calls to support (default: 4) "
+    },
+    {
+    	"thread_cnt", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_config, thread_cnt), 0,
+    	"Number of worker threads. Normally application will want to have at "
+    	"least one worker thread, unless when it wants to poll the library "
+    	"periodically, which in this case the worker thread can be set to "
+    	"zero."
+    },
+    {
+    	"outbound_proxy", T_OBJECT_EX,
+    	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_config, outbound_proxy), 0,
+    	"SIP URL of the outbound proxy (optional)"
+    },
+    {
+    	"stun_domain", T_OBJECT_EX,
+    	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_config, stun_domain), 0,
+    	"Domain of the STUN server (optional). STUN server will be resolved "
+	"using DNS SRV resolution only when nameserver is configured. "
+	"Alternatively, if DNS SRV resolution for STUN is not desired, "
+	"application can specify the STUN server hostname or IP address "
+	"in stun_host attribute."
+    },
+    {
+    	"stun_host", T_OBJECT_EX,
+    	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_config, stun_host), 0,
+    	"Hostname or IP address of the STUN server (optional)."
+    },
+    {
+    	"nameserver", T_OBJECT_EX,
+    	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_config, nameserver), 0,
+    	"IP address of the nameserver."
+    },
+    {
+    	"cb", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_config, cb), 0,
+    	"Application callback."
+    },
+    {
+    	"user_agent", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_config, user_agent), 0,
+    	"User agent string (default empty)"
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_config
+ * type wrapper for config class
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_config =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                         /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Config",         /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_config),/*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                         /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)PyObj_pjsua_config_delete,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                         /*tp_print*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                         /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                         /*tp_hash */
+    0,                         /*tp_call*/
+    0,                         /*tp_str*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,        /*tp_flags*/
+    "Config object",           /* tp_doc */
+    0,                         /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                         /* tp_clear */
+    0,                         /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                         /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                         /* tp_iter */
+    0,                         /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                         /* tp_methods */
+    PyObj_pjsua_config_members,/* tp_members */
+    0,                         /* tp_getset */
+    0,                         /* tp_base */
+    0,                         /* tp_dict */
+    0,                         /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                         /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                         /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                         /* tp_init */
+    0,                         /* tp_alloc */
+    PyObj_pjsua_config_new,    /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_logging_config
+ * configuration class for logging_config object
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    int		 msg_logging;
+    unsigned	 level;
+    unsigned	 console_level;
+    unsigned	 decor;
+    PyObject	*log_filename;
+    PyObject	*cb;
+} PyObj_pjsua_logging_config;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_delete
+ * deletes a logging config from memory
+ */
+static void PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_delete(PyObj_pjsua_logging_config* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->log_filename);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->cb);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static void PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_import(PyObj_pjsua_logging_config *obj,
+					      const pjsua_logging_config *cfg)
+    obj->msg_logging	= cfg->msg_logging;
+    obj->level		= cfg->level;
+    obj->console_level	= cfg->console_level;
+    obj->decor		= cfg->decor;
+static void PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_export(pjsua_logging_config *cfg,
+					      PyObj_pjsua_logging_config *obj)
+    cfg->msg_logging	= obj->msg_logging;
+    cfg->level		= obj->level;
+    cfg->console_level	= obj->console_level;
+    cfg->decor		= obj->decor;
+    cfg->log_filename	= PyString_to_pj_str(obj->log_filename);
+ * PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_new
+ * constructor for logging_config object
+ */
+static PyObject * PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_new(PyTypeObject *type, 
+						 PyObject *args,
+					         PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_logging_config *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_logging_config *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL)
+    {
+        self->log_filename = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->log_filename == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->cb = Py_None;
+        if (self->cb == NULL)
+    	{
+            Py_DECREF(Py_None);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_members[] =
+    {
+    	"msg_logging", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_logging_config, msg_logging), 0,
+    	"Log incoming and outgoing SIP message? Yes!"
+    },
+    {
+    	"level", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_logging_config, level), 0,
+    	"Input verbosity level. Value 5 is reasonable."
+    },
+    {
+    	"console_level", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_logging_config, console_level),
+    	0, "Verbosity level for console. Value 4 is reasonable."
+    },
+    {
+    	"decor", T_INT, 
+	 offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_logging_config, decor), 0,
+    	"Log decoration"
+    },
+    {
+    	"log_filename", T_OBJECT_EX,
+    	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_logging_config, log_filename), 0,
+    	"Optional log filename"
+    },
+    {
+    	"cb", T_OBJECT_EX, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_logging_config, cb), 0,
+    	"Optional callback function to be called to write log to application "
+    	"specific device. This function will be called forlog messages on "
+    	"input verbosity level."
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_logging_config
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_logging_config =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Logging_Config",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_logging_config),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_delete,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "Logging Config objects",       /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_members,/* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    PyObj_pjsua_logging_config_new, /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_msg_data
+ * typewrapper for MessageData class
+ * !modified @ 061206
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    PyObject * hdr_list;
+    PyObject * content_type;
+    PyObject * msg_body;
+} PyObj_pjsua_msg_data;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_msg_data_delete
+ * deletes a msg_data
+ * !modified @ 061206
+ */
+static void PyObj_pjsua_msg_data_delete(PyObj_pjsua_msg_data* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->hdr_list);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->content_type);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->msg_body);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+ * PyObj_pjsua_msg_data_new
+ * constructor for msg_data object
+ * !modified @ 061206
+ */
+static PyObject * PyObj_pjsua_msg_data_new(PyTypeObject *type, 
+					   PyObject *args,
+					   PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_msg_data *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL)
+    {
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        self->hdr_list = Py_None;
+        if (self->hdr_list == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        self->content_type = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->content_type == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        self->msg_body = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->msg_body == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_msg_data_members
+ * !modified @ 061206
+ */
+static PyMemberDef PyObj_pjsua_msg_data_members[] =
+    {
+        "hdr_list", T_OBJECT_EX, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_msg_data, hdr_list), 0, 
+	"Additional message headers as linked list of strings."
+    }, 
+    {
+	"content_type", T_OBJECT_EX, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_msg_data, content_type), 0, 
+	"MIME type of optional message body."
+    },
+    {
+    	"msg_body", T_OBJECT_EX, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_msg_data, msg_body), 0,
+    	"Optional message body."
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_msg_data
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_msg_data =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                         /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Msg_Data",       /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_msg_data),   /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                         /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)PyObj_pjsua_msg_data_delete,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                         /*tp_print*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                         /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                         /*tp_hash */
+    0,                         /*tp_call*/
+    0,                         /*tp_str*/
+    0,                         /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                         /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,        /*tp_flags*/
+    "msg_data objects",        /* tp_doc */
+    0,                         /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                         /* tp_clear */
+    0,                         /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                         /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                         /* tp_iter */
+    0,                         /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                         /* tp_methods */
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data_members,          /* tp_members */
+    0,                         /* tp_getset */
+    0,                         /* tp_base */
+    0,                         /* tp_dict */
+    0,                         /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                         /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                         /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                         /* tp_init */
+    0,                         /* tp_alloc */
+    PyObj_pjsua_msg_data_new,                 /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_transport_config
+ * Transport configuration for creating UDP transports for both SIP
+ * and media.
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    unsigned	port;
+    PyObject   *public_addr;
+    PyObject   *bound_addr;
+} PyObj_pjsua_transport_config;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_delete
+ * deletes a transport config from memory
+ */
+static void PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_delete(PyObj_pjsua_transport_config* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->public_addr);    
+    Py_XDECREF(self->bound_addr);    
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static void PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_export(pjsua_transport_config *cfg,
+						PyObj_pjsua_transport_config *obj)
+    cfg->public_addr	= PyString_to_pj_str(obj->public_addr);
+    cfg->bound_addr	= PyString_to_pj_str(obj->bound_addr);
+    cfg->port		= obj->port;
+static void PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_import(PyObj_pjsua_transport_config *obj,
+						const pjsua_transport_config *cfg)
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->public_addr);    
+    obj->public_addr = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->public_addr.ptr, 
+						  cfg->public_addr.slen);
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->bound_addr);    
+    obj->bound_addr = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->bound_addr.ptr, 
+					         cfg->bound_addr.slen);
+    obj->port = cfg->port;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_new
+ * constructor for transport_config object
+ */
+static PyObject * PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_new(PyTypeObject *type, 
+						   PyObject *args,
+						   PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_transport_config *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_transport_config *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL) {
+        self->public_addr = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->public_addr == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->bound_addr = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->bound_addr == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_members[] =
+    {
+        "port", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_config, port), 0,
+        "UDP port number to bind locally. This setting MUST be specified "
+        "even when default port is desired. If the value is zero, the "
+        "transport will be bound to any available port, and application "
+        "can query the port by querying the transport info."
+    },
+    {
+        "public_addr", T_OBJECT_EX, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_config, public_addr), 0,
+        "Optional address to advertise as the address of this transport. "
+        "Application can specify any address or hostname for this field, "
+        "for example it can point to one of the interface address in the "
+        "system, or it can point to the public address of a NAT router "
+        "where port mappings have been configured for the application."		
+    },    
+    {
+        "bound_addr", T_OBJECT_EX, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_config, bound_addr), 0,
+        "Optional address where the socket should be bound to. This option "
+        "SHOULD only be used to selectively bind the socket to particular "
+        "interface (instead of, and SHOULD NOT be used to set the "
+        "published address of a transport (the public_addr field should be "
+        "used for that purpose)."		
+    },    
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_transport_config
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_transport_config =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Transport_Config",    /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_config),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_delete,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "Transport setting",	    /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_members,/* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    PyObj_pjsua_transport_config_new,/* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_transport_info
+ * Transport info
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    int		 id;
+    int		 type;
+    PyObject	*type_name;
+    PyObject	*info;
+    unsigned	 flag;
+    PyObject	*addr;
+    unsigned	 port;
+    unsigned	 usage_count;
+} PyObj_pjsua_transport_info;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_transport_info_delete
+ * deletes a transport info from memory
+ */
+static void PyObj_pjsua_transport_info_delete(PyObj_pjsua_transport_info* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->type_name); 
+    Py_XDECREF(self->info);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->addr);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static void PyObj_pjsua_transport_info_import(PyObj_pjsua_transport_info *obj,
+					      const pjsua_transport_info *info)
+    obj->id	    = info->id;
+    obj->type	    = info->type;
+    obj->type_name  = PyString_FromStringAndSize(info->type_name.ptr,
+						 info->type_name.slen);
+    obj->info	    = PyString_FromStringAndSize(info->info.ptr,
+						 info->info.slen);
+    obj->flag	    = info->flag;
+    obj->addr	    = PyString_FromStringAndSize(info->local_name.host.ptr,
+						 info->local_name.host.slen);
+    obj->port	    = info->local_name.port;
+    obj->usage_count= info->usage_count;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_transport_info_new
+ * constructor for transport_info object
+ */
+static PyObject * PyObj_pjsua_transport_info_new(PyTypeObject *type, 
+						 PyObject *args,
+						 PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_transport_info *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_transport_info *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL)
+    {
+        self->type_name = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->type_name == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        self->info = PyString_FromString(""); 
+        if (self->info == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        self->addr = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->addr == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_transport_info_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef PyObj_pjsua_transport_info_members[] =
+    {
+        "id", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_info, id), 0,
+        "PJSUA transport identification."
+    },
+    {
+        "type", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_info, id), 0,
+        "Transport type."
+    },
+    {
+        "type_name", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_info, type_name), 0,
+        "Transport type name."
+    },
+    {
+        "info", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_info, info), 0,
+        "Transport string info/description."
+    },
+    {
+        "flag", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_info, flag), 0,
+        "Transport flag (see ##pjsip_transport_flags_e)."
+    },
+    {
+        "addr", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_info, addr), 0,
+        "Published address (or transport address name)."
+    },
+    {
+        "port", T_INT,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_info, port), 0,
+        "Published port number."
+    },
+    {
+        "usage_count", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_info, usage_count), 0,
+        "Current number of objects currently referencing this transport."
+    },    
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_transport_info
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_transport_info =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Transport_Info",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_transport_info),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)PyObj_pjsua_transport_info_delete,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "Transport Info objects",       /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    PyObj_pjsua_transport_info_members,         /* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    PyObj_pjsua_transport_info_new, /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_acc_config
+ * Acc Config
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    int		     priority;	
+    PyObject	    *id;
+    PyObject	    *reg_uri;
+    int		     publish_enabled;
+    PyObject	    *force_contact;
+    /*pj_str_t proxy[8];*/
+    PyListObject    *proxy;
+    unsigned	     reg_timeout;
+    /*pjsip_cred_info cred_info[8];*/
+    PyListObject    *cred_info;
+    int		     transport_id;
+    int		     auth_initial_send;
+    PyObject	    *auth_initial_algorithm;
+    PyObject	    *pidf_tuple_id;
+    int		     require_100rel;
+    int		     allow_contact_rewrite;
+    int		     ka_interval;
+    PyObject	    *ka_data;
+    unsigned	     use_srtp;
+    unsigned	     srtp_secure_signaling;
+} PyObj_pjsua_acc_config;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_delete
+ * deletes a acc_config from memory
+ */
+static void PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_delete(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->id); 
+    Py_XDECREF(self->reg_uri);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->force_contact);	
+    Py_XDECREF(self->proxy);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->cred_info);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->auth_initial_algorithm);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->pidf_tuple_id);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->ka_data);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static void PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_import(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config *obj,
+					  const pjsua_acc_config *cfg)
+    unsigned i;
+    obj->priority   = cfg->priority;
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->id);
+    obj->id	    = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->id.ptr, cfg->id.slen);
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->reg_uri);
+    obj->reg_uri    = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->reg_uri.ptr, 
+						 cfg->reg_uri.slen);
+    obj->publish_enabled = cfg->publish_enabled;
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->force_contact);
+    obj->force_contact = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->force_contact.ptr,
+						    cfg->force_contact.slen);
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->proxy);
+    obj->proxy = (PyListObject *)PyList_New(0);
+    for (i=0; i<cfg->proxy_cnt; ++i) {
+	PyObject * str;
+	str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->proxy[i].ptr, 
+					 cfg->proxy[i].slen);
+	PyList_Append((PyObject *)obj->proxy, str);
+    }
+    obj->reg_timeout = cfg->reg_timeout;
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->cred_info);
+    obj->cred_info = (PyListObject *)PyList_New(0);
+    for (i=0; i<cfg->cred_count; ++i) {
+	PyObj_pjsip_cred_info * ci;
+	ci = (PyObj_pjsip_cred_info *)
+	     PyObj_pjsip_cred_info_new(&PyTyp_pjsip_cred_info,NULL,NULL);
+	PyObj_pjsip_cred_info_import(ci, &cfg->cred_info[i]);
+	PyList_Append((PyObject *)obj->cred_info, (PyObject *)ci);
+    }
+    obj->transport_id = cfg->transport_id;
+    obj->auth_initial_send = cfg->auth_pref.initial_auth;
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->auth_initial_algorithm);
+    obj->auth_initial_algorithm = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->auth_pref.algorithm.ptr, 
+							     cfg->auth_pref.algorithm.slen);
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->pidf_tuple_id);
+    obj->pidf_tuple_id = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->pidf_tuple_id.ptr, 
+						    cfg->pidf_tuple_id.slen);
+    obj->require_100rel = cfg->require_100rel;
+    obj->allow_contact_rewrite = cfg->allow_contact_rewrite;
+    obj->ka_interval = cfg->ka_interval;
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->ka_data);
+    obj->ka_data = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->ka_data.ptr, cfg->ka_data.slen);
+    obj->use_srtp = cfg->use_srtp;
+    obj->srtp_secure_signaling = cfg->srtp_secure_signaling;
+static void PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_export(pjsua_acc_config *cfg,
+					  PyObj_pjsua_acc_config *obj)
+    unsigned i;
+    cfg->priority   = obj->priority;
+    cfg->id	    = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->id);
+    cfg->reg_uri    = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->reg_uri);
+    cfg->publish_enabled = obj->publish_enabled;
+    cfg->force_contact = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->force_contact);
+    cfg->proxy_cnt = PyList_Size((PyObject*)obj->proxy);
+    for (i = 0; i < cfg->proxy_cnt; i++) {
+        /*cfg.proxy[i] = ac->proxy[i];*/
+        cfg->proxy[i] = PyString_to_pj_str(PyList_GetItem((PyObject *)obj->proxy,i));
+    }
+    cfg->reg_timeout = obj->reg_timeout;
+    cfg->cred_count = PyList_Size((PyObject*)obj->cred_info);
+    for (i = 0; i < cfg->cred_count; i++) {
+        /*cfg.cred_info[i] = ac->cred_info[i];*/
+        PyObj_pjsip_cred_info *ci;
+	ci = (PyObj_pjsip_cred_info*) 
+	     PyList_GetItem((PyObject *)obj->cred_info,i);
+	PyObj_pjsip_cred_info_export(&cfg->cred_info[i], ci);
+    }
+    cfg->transport_id = obj->transport_id;
+    cfg->auth_pref.initial_auth = obj->auth_initial_send;
+    cfg->auth_pref.algorithm = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->auth_initial_algorithm);
+    cfg->pidf_tuple_id = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->pidf_tuple_id);
+    cfg->require_100rel = obj->require_100rel;
+    cfg->allow_contact_rewrite = obj->allow_contact_rewrite;
+    cfg->ka_interval = obj->ka_interval;
+    cfg->ka_data = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->ka_data);
+    cfg->use_srtp = obj->use_srtp;
+    cfg->srtp_secure_signaling = obj->srtp_secure_signaling;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_new
+ * constructor for acc_config object
+ */
+static PyObject * PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_new(PyTypeObject *type, 
+					     PyObject *args,
+					     PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_acc_config *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_acc_config *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL) {
+        self->id = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->id == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        self->reg_uri = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->reg_uri == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        self->force_contact = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->force_contact == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->proxy = (PyListObject *)PyList_New(0);
+	if (self->proxy == NULL) {
+	    Py_DECREF(self);
+	    return NULL;
+	}
+	self->cred_info = (PyListObject *)PyList_New(0);
+	if (self->cred_info == NULL) {
+	    Py_DECREF(self);
+	    return NULL;
+	}
+	self->auth_initial_algorithm = PyString_FromString("");
+	self->pidf_tuple_id = PyString_FromString("");
+	self->ka_data = PyString_FromString("");
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_members[] =
+    {
+        "priority", T_INT, offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, priority), 0,
+        "Account priority, which is used to control the order of matching "
+        "incoming/outgoing requests. The higher the number means the higher "
+        "the priority is, and the account will be matched first. "
+    },
+    {
+        "id", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, id), 0,
+        "The full SIP URL for the account. "
+        "The value can take name address or URL format, "
+        "and will look something like 'sip:account@serviceprovider'. "
+        "This field is mandatory."
+    },
+    {
+        "reg_uri", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, reg_uri), 0,
+        "This is the URL to be put in the request URI for the registration, "
+        "and will look something like 'sip:serviceprovider'. "
+        "This field should be specified if registration is desired. "
+        "If the value is empty, no account registration will be performed. "
+    },
+    {
+        "publish_enabled", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, publish_enabled), 0,
+        "Publish presence? "
+    },
+    {
+        "force_contact", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, force_contact), 0,
+        "Optional URI to be put as Contact for this account. "
+        "It is recommended that this field is left empty, "
+        "so that the value will be calculated automatically "
+        "based on the transport address. "
+    },
+    {
+        "proxy", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, proxy), 0,
+        "Optional URI of the proxies to be visited for all outgoing requests "
+	"that are using this account (REGISTER, INVITE, etc). Application need "
+	"to specify these proxies if the service provider requires "
+	"that requests destined towards its network should go through certain "
+	"proxies first (for example, border controllers)."
+    },
+    {
+        "reg_timeout", T_INT, offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, reg_timeout), 0,
+        "Optional interval for registration, in seconds. "
+        "If the value is zero, default interval will be used "
+        "(PJSUA_REG_INTERVAL, 55 seconds). "
+    },
+    {
+        "cred_info", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, cred_info), 0,
+        "Array of credentials. If registration is desired, normally there "
+	"should be at least one credential specified, to successfully "
+	"authenticate against the service provider. More credentials can "
+	"be specified, for example when the requests are expected to be "
+	"challenged by the proxies in the route set."
+    },
+    {
+	"transport_id", T_INT,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, transport_id), 0,
+	"Optionally bind this account to specific transport. This normally is"
+	" not a good idea, as account should be able to send requests using"
+	" any available transports according to the destination. But some"
+	" application may want to have explicit control over the transport to"
+	" use, so in that case it can set this field."
+    },
+    {
+	"auth_initial_send", T_INT,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, auth_initial_send), 0,
+	"Send empty initial authorization header."
+    },
+    {
+	"auth_initial_algorithm", T_OBJECT_EX,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, auth_initial_algorithm), 0,
+	"Specify algorithm in empty initial authorization header."
+    },
+    {
+	"pidf_tuple_id", T_OBJECT_EX,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, pidf_tuple_id), 0,
+	"PIDF tuple id."
+    },
+    {
+	"require_100rel", T_INT,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, require_100rel), 0,
+	"Require reliable provisional response."
+    },
+    {
+	"allow_contact_rewrite", T_INT,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, allow_contact_rewrite), 0,
+	"Re-REGISTER if behind symmetric NAT."
+    },
+    {
+	"ka_interval", T_INT,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, ka_interval), 0,
+	"Keep-alive interval."
+    },
+    {
+	"ka_data", T_OBJECT_EX,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, ka_data), 0,
+	"Keep-alive data."
+    },
+    {
+	"use_srtp", T_INT,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, use_srtp), 0,
+	"Specify SRTP usage."
+    },
+    {
+	"srtp_secure_signaling", T_INT,
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config, srtp_secure_signaling), 0,
+	"Specify if SRTP requires secure signaling to be used."
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_acc_config
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_acc_config =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Acc_Config",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_config),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_delete,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "Acc Config objects",       /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0/*acc_config_methods*/,                              /* tp_methods */
+    PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_members,         /* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    PyObj_pjsua_acc_config_new,             /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_acc_info
+ * Acc Info
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    int		 id;	
+    int		 is_default;
+    PyObject	*acc_uri;
+    int		 has_registration;
+    int		 expires;
+    int		 status;
+    PyObject	*status_text;
+    int		 online_status;	
+    PyObject	*online_status_text;
+} PyObj_pjsua_acc_info;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_acc_info_delete
+ * deletes a acc_info from memory
+ */
+static void PyObj_pjsua_acc_info_delete(PyObj_pjsua_acc_info* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->acc_uri);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->status_text);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->online_status_text);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static void PyObj_pjsua_acc_info_import(PyObj_pjsua_acc_info *obj,
+					const pjsua_acc_info *info)
+    obj->id	    = info->id;
+    obj->is_default = info->is_default;
+    obj->acc_uri    = PyString_FromStringAndSize(info->acc_uri.ptr, 
+						 info->acc_uri.slen);
+    obj->has_registration = info->has_registration;
+    obj->expires    = info->expires;
+    obj->status	    = info->status;
+    obj->status_text= PyString_FromStringAndSize(info->status_text.ptr,
+						 info->status_text.slen);
+    obj->online_status = info->online_status;
+    obj->online_status_text = PyString_FromStringAndSize(info->online_status_text.ptr,
+							 info->online_status_text.slen);
+ * PyObj_pjsua_acc_info_new
+ * constructor for acc_info object
+ */
+static PyObject * PyObj_pjsua_acc_info_new(PyTypeObject *type, 
+					   PyObject *args,
+					   PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_acc_info *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_acc_info *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL) {
+        self->acc_uri = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->acc_uri == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->status_text = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->status_text == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->online_status_text = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->online_status_text == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }        
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * acc_info_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef acc_info_members[] =
+    {
+        "id", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_info, id), 0,
+        "The account ID."
+    },
+    {
+        "is_default", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_info, is_default), 0,
+        "Flag to indicate whether this is the default account. "
+    },
+    {
+        "acc_uri", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_info, acc_uri), 0,
+        "Account URI"
+    },
+    {
+        "has_registration", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_info, has_registration), 0,
+        "Flag to tell whether this account has registration setting "
+        "(reg_uri is not empty)."
+    },
+    {
+        "expires", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_info, expires), 0,
+        "An up to date expiration interval for account registration session."
+    },
+    {
+        "status", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_info, status), 0,
+        "Last registration status code. If status code is zero, "
+        "the account is currently not registered. Any other value indicates "
+        "the SIP status code of the registration. "
+    },
+    {
+        "status_text", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_info, status_text), 0,
+        "String describing the registration status."
+    },
+    {
+        "online_status", T_INT, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_info, online_status), 0,
+        "Presence online status for this account. "
+    },
+    {
+        "online_status_text", T_OBJECT_EX, 
+	offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_info, online_status_text), 0,
+        "Presence online status text."
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_acc_info
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_acc_info =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Acc_Info",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_acc_info),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)PyObj_pjsua_acc_info_delete,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "Acc Info objects",             /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    NULL,                           /* tp_methods */
+    acc_info_members,		    /* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    PyObj_pjsua_acc_info_new,       /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config
+ * Buddy Config
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */
+    PyObject	*uri;
+    int		 subscribe;
+} PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_delete
+ * deletes a buddy_config from memory
+ */
+static void PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_delete(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->uri);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static void PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_import(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config *obj,
+					    const pjsua_buddy_config *cfg)
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->uri);
+    obj->uri = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cfg->uri.ptr, cfg->uri.slen);
+    obj->subscribe = cfg->subscribe;
+static void PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_export(pjsua_buddy_config *cfg,
+					    PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config *obj)
+    cfg->uri = PyString_to_pj_str(obj->uri);
+    cfg->subscribe = obj->subscribe;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_new
+ * constructor for buddy_config object
+ */
+static PyObject *PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_new(PyTypeObject *type, 
+					      PyObject *args,
+					      PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL) {
+        self->uri = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->uri == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }        
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_members
+ */
+static PyMemberDef PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_members[] =
+    {
+        "uri", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config, uri), 0,
+        "TBuddy URL or name address."        
+    },
+    {
+        "subscribe", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config, subscribe), 0,
+        "Specify whether presence subscription should start immediately. "
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_buddy_config
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_buddy_config =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Buddy_Config",        /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config),/*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_delete,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "Buddy Config objects",         /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_members,         /* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    PyObj_pjsua_buddy_config_new,   /* tp_new */
+ * PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info
+ * Buddy Info
+ */
+typedef struct
+    PyObject_HEAD
+    /* Type-specific fields go here. */ 
+    int		 id;
+    PyObject	*uri;
+    PyObject	*contact;
+    int		 status;
+    PyObject	*status_text;
+    int		 monitor_pres;
+    int		 activity;
+} PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info_delete
+ * deletes a buddy_info from memory
+ * !modified @ 071206
+ */
+static void PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info_delete(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info* self)
+    Py_XDECREF(self->uri);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->contact);
+    Py_XDECREF(self->status_text);
+    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static void PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info_import(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info *obj,
+					  const pjsua_buddy_info *info)
+    obj->id = info->id;
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->uri);
+    obj->uri = PyString_FromStringAndSize(info->uri.ptr, info->uri.slen);
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->contact);
+    obj->contact = PyString_FromStringAndSize(info->contact.ptr, info->contact.slen);
+    obj->status = info->status;
+    Py_XDECREF(obj->status_text);
+    obj->status_text = PyString_FromStringAndSize(info->status_text.ptr, 
+						  info->status_text.slen);
+    obj->monitor_pres = info->monitor_pres;
+    obj->activity = info->rpid.activity;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info_new
+ * constructor for buddy_info object
+ * !modified @ 071206
+ */
+static PyObject * PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info_new(PyTypeObject *type, 
+					     PyObject *args,
+					     PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info *self;
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(args);
+    PJ_UNUSED_ARG(kwds);
+    self = (PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+    if (self != NULL) {
+        self->uri = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->uri == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }        
+	self->contact = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->contact == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+	self->status_text = PyString_FromString("");
+        if (self->status_text == NULL) {
+            Py_DECREF(self);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return (PyObject *)self;
+ * PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info_members
+ * !modified @ 071206
+ */
+static PyMemberDef PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info_members[] =
+    {
+        "id", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info, id), 0,
+        "The buddy ID."
+    },
+    {
+        "uri", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info, uri), 0,
+        "The full URI of the buddy, as specified in the configuration. "        
+    },
+    {
+        "contact", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info, contact), 0,
+        "Buddy's Contact, only available when presence subscription "
+        "has been established to the buddy."        
+    },
+    {
+        "status", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info, status), 0,
+        "Buddy's online status. "
+    },
+    {
+        "status_text", T_OBJECT_EX,
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info, status_text), 0,
+        "Text to describe buddy's online status."        
+    },
+    {
+        "monitor_pres", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info, monitor_pres), 0,
+        "Flag to indicate that we should monitor the presence information "
+        "for this buddy (normally yes, unless explicitly disabled). "
+    },
+    {
+        "activity", T_INT, 
+        offsetof(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info, activity), 0,
+        "Activity type. "
+    },
+    {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
+ * PyTyp_pjsua_buddy_info
+ */
+static PyTypeObject PyTyp_pjsua_buddy_info =
+    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
+    0,                              /*ob_size*/
+    "_pjsua.Buddy_Info",      /*tp_name*/
+    sizeof(PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info),  /*tp_basicsize*/
+    0,                              /*tp_itemsize*/
+    (destructor)PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info_delete,/*tp_dealloc*/
+    0,                              /*tp_print*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_compare*/
+    0,                              /*tp_repr*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_number*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_sequence*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_mapping*/
+    0,                              /*tp_hash */
+    0,                              /*tp_call*/
+    0,                              /*tp_str*/
+    0,                              /*tp_getattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_setattro*/
+    0,                              /*tp_as_buffer*/
+    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /*tp_flags*/
+    "Buddy Info objects",       /* tp_doc */
+    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
+    0,                              /* tp_clear */
+    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
+    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_iter */
+    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
+    0,                              /* tp_methods */
+    PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info_members,         /* tp_members */
+    0,                              /* tp_getset */
+    0,                              /* tp_base */
+    0,                              /* tp_dict */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
+    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
+    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
+    0,                              /* tp_init */
+    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
+    PyObj_pjsua_buddy_info_new,             /* tp_new */
+#endif	/* __PY_PJSUA_H__ */
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/python/helper.mak b/pjsip-apps/src/python/helper.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4acce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/python/helper.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+include ../../../build.mak
+	@for token in `echo $(APP_LDFLAGS)`; do \
+		echo $$token | grep L | sed 's/-L//'; \
+	done
+	@for token in `echo $(APP_CFLAGS)`; do \
+		echo $$token | grep I | sed 's/-I//'; \
+	done
+	@for token in `echo $(APP_LDLIBS)`; do \
+		echo $$token | grep \\-l | sed 's/-l//'; \
+	done
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/python/pjsua.py b/pjsip-apps/src/python/pjsua.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c12d477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/python/pjsua.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2099 @@
+# $Id:$
+# Object oriented PJSUA wrapper.
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+"""Multimedia communication client library based on SIP protocol.
+This implements a fully featured multimedia communication client 
+library based on PJSIP stack (http://www.pjsip.org)
+  - Session Initiation Protocol (SIP:
+     - Basic registration and call
+     - Multiple accounts
+     - Call hold, attended and unattended call transfer
+     - Presence
+     - Instant messaging
+  - Media stack:
+     - Audio
+     - Conferencing
+     - Narrowband and wideband
+     - Codecs: PCMA, PCMU, GSM, iLBC, Speex, G.722, L16
+     - RTP/RTCP
+     - Secure RTP (SRTP
+  - NAT traversal features
+     - Symmetric RTP
+     - STUN
+     - TURN
+     - ICE
+import _pjsua
+import thread
+class Error:
+    "Error exception class"
+    op_name = ""
+    obj = None
+    err_code = -1
+    _err_msg = ""
+    def __init__(self, op_name, obj, err_code, err_msg=""):
+        self.op_name = op_name
+        self.obj = obj
+        self.err_code = err_code
+        self._err_msg = err_msg
+    def err_msg(self):
+        "Retrieve the description of the error."
+        if self._err_msg != "":
+            return self._err_msg
+        self._err_msg = Lib.strerror(self.err_code)
+        return self._err_msg
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Object: " + str(self.obj) + ", operation=" + self.op_name + \
+               ", error=" + self.err_msg()
+# Constants
+class TransportType:
+    "SIP transport type constants"
+    UDP = 1
+    TCP = 2
+    TLS = 3
+    IPV6 = 128
+    UDP_IPV6 = UDP + IPV6
+    TCP_IPV6 = TCP + IPV6
+class TransportFlag:
+    "Transport flags"
+    RELIABLE = 1
+    SECURE = 2
+    DATAGRAM = 4
+class CallRole:
+    "Call role constants"
+    CALLER = 0
+    CALLEE = 1
+class CallState:
+    "Call state constants"
+    NULL = 0
+    CALLING = 1
+    INCOMING = 2
+    EARLY = 3
+    CONFIRMED = 5
+class MediaState:
+    "Call media state constants"
+    NONE = 0
+    ACTIVE = 1
+    LOCAL_HOLD = 2
+    REMOTE_HOLD = 3
+    ERROR = 4
+class MediaDir:
+    "Media direction constants"
+    NONE = 0
+    ENCODING = 1
+    DECODING = 2
+class PresenceActivity:
+    "Presence activities constants"
+    UNKNOWN = 0
+    AWAY = 1
+    BUSY = 2
+class TURNConnType:
+    "TURN connection type constants"
+    UDP = 17
+    TCP = 6
+    TLS = 255
+class UAConfig:
+    "User agent configuration class"
+    max_calls = 4
+    nameserver = []
+    stun_domain = ""
+    stun_host = ""
+    user_agent = "pjsip python"
+    def _cvt_from_pjsua(self, cfg):
+        self.max_calls = cfg.max_calls
+        self.thread_cnt = cfg.thread_cnt
+        self.nameserver = cfg.nameserver
+        self.stun_domain = cfg.stun_domain
+        self.stun_host = cfg.stun_host
+        self.user_agent = cfg.user_agent
+    def _cvt_to_pjsua(self):
+        cfg = _pjsua.config_default()
+        cfg.max_calls = self.max_calls
+        cfg.thread_cnt = 0
+        cfg.nameserver = self.nameserver
+        cfg.stun_domain = self.stun_domain
+        cfg.stun_host = self.stun_host
+        cfg.user_agent = self.user_agent
+        return cfg
+class LogConfig:
+    "Logging configuration class."
+    msg_logging = True
+    level = 5
+    console_level = 5
+    decor = 0
+    filename = ""
+    callback = None
+    def __init__(self, level=-1, filename="", callback=None,
+                 console_level=-1):
+        self._cvt_from_pjsua(_pjsua.logging_config_default())
+        if level != -1:
+            self.level = level
+        if filename != "":
+            self.filename = filename
+        if callback != None:
+            self.callback = callback
+        if console_level != -1:
+            self.console_level = console_level
+    def _cvt_from_pjsua(self, cfg):
+        self.msg_logging = cfg.msg_logging
+        self.level = cfg.level
+        self.console_level = cfg.console_level
+        self.decor = cfg.decor
+        self.filename = cfg.log_filename
+        self.callback = cfg.cb
+    def _cvt_to_pjsua(self):
+        cfg = _pjsua.logging_config_default()
+        cfg.msg_logging = self.msg_logging
+        cfg.level = self.level
+        cfg.console_level = self.console_level
+        cfg.decor = self.decor
+        cfg.log_filename = self.filename
+        cfg.cb = self.callback
+        return cfg
+class MediaConfig:
+    "Media configuration class."
+    clock_rate = 16000
+    snd_clock_rate = 0
+    snd_auto_close_time = 5
+    channel_count = 1
+    audio_frame_ptime = 20
+    max_media_ports = 32
+    quality = 6
+    ptime = 0
+    no_vad = False
+    ilbc_mode = 30
+    tx_drop_pct = 0
+    rx_drop_pct = 0
+    ec_options = 0
+    ec_tail_len = 256
+    jb_min = -1
+    jb_max = -1
+    enable_ice = True
+    enable_turn = False
+    turn_server = ""
+    turn_conn_type = TURNConnType.UDP
+    turn_cred = None
+    def __init__(self):
+        default = _pjsua.media_config_default()
+        self._cvt_from_pjsua(default)
+    def _cvt_from_pjsua(self, cfg):
+        self.clock_rate = cfg.clock_rate
+        self.snd_clock_rate = cfg.snd_clock_rate
+        self.snd_auto_close_time = cfg.snd_auto_close_time
+        self.channel_count = cfg.channel_count
+        self.audio_frame_ptime = cfg.audio_frame_ptime
+        self.max_media_ports = cfg.max_media_ports
+        self.quality = cfg.quality
+        self.ptime = cfg.ptime
+        self.no_vad = cfg.no_vad
+        self.ilbc_mode = cfg.ilbc_mode
+        self.tx_drop_pct = cfg.tx_drop_pct
+        self.rx_drop_pct = cfg.rx_drop_pct
+        self.ec_options = cfg.ec_options
+        self.ec_tail_len = cfg.ec_tail_len
+        self.jb_min = cfg.jb_min
+        self.jb_max = cfg.jb_max
+        self.enable_ice = cfg.enable_ice
+        self.enable_turn = cfg.enable_turn
+        self.turn_server = cfg.turn_server
+        self.turn_conn_type = cfg.turn_conn_type
+        if cfg.turn_username:
+            self.turn_cred = AuthCred(cfg.turn_realm, cfg.turn_username,
+                                      cfg.turn_passwd, cfg.turn_passwd_type)
+        else:
+            self.turn_cred = None
+    def _cvt_to_pjsua(self):
+        cfg = _pjsua.media_config_default()
+        cfg.clock_rate = self.clock_rate
+        cfg.snd_clock_rate = self.snd_clock_rate
+        cfg.snd_auto_close_time = self.snd_auto_close_time
+        cfg.channel_count = self.channel_count
+        cfg.audio_frame_ptime = self.audio_frame_ptime
+        cfg.max_media_ports = self.max_media_ports
+        cfg.quality = self.quality
+        cfg.ptime = self.ptime
+        cfg.no_vad = self.no_vad
+        cfg.ilbc_mode = self.ilbc_mode
+        cfg.tx_drop_pct = self.tx_drop_pct
+        cfg.rx_drop_pct = self.rx_drop_pct
+        cfg.ec_options = self.ec_options
+        cfg.ec_tail_len = self.ec_tail_len
+        cfg.jb_min = self.jb_min
+        cfg.jb_max = self.jb_max
+        cfg.enable_ice = self.enable_ice
+        cfg.enable_turn = self.enable_turn
+        cfg.turn_server = self.turn_server
+        cfg.turn_conn_type = self.turn_conn_type
+        if self.turn_cred:
+            cfg.turn_realm = self.turn_cred.realm
+            cfg.turn_username = self.turn_cred.username
+            cfg.turn_passwd_type = self.turn_cred.passwd_type
+            cfg.turn_passwd = self.turn_cred.passwd
+        return cfg
+class TransportConfig:
+    "SIP transport configuration class."
+    port = 0
+    bound_addr = ""
+    public_addr = ""
+    def __init__(self, port=5060, 
+                 bound_addr="", public_addr=""):
+        self.port = port
+        self.bound_addr = bound_addr
+        self.public_addr = public_addr
+    def _cvt_to_pjsua(self):
+        cfg = _pjsua.transport_config_default()
+        cfg.port = self.port
+        cfg.bound_addr = self.bound_addr
+        cfg.public_addr = self.public_addr
+        return cfg
+class TransportInfo:
+    """SIP transport info.
+    """
+    type = ""
+    description = ""
+    is_reliable = False
+    is_secure = False
+    is_datagram = False
+    host = ""
+    port = 0
+    ref_cnt = 0
+    def __init__(self, ti):
+        self.type = ti.type_name
+        self.description = ti.info
+        self.is_reliable = (ti.flag & TransportFlag.RELIABLE)
+        self.is_secure = (ti.flag & TransportFlag.SECURE)
+        self.is_datagram = (ti.flag & TransportFlag.DATAGRAM)
+        self.host = ti.addr
+        self.port = ti.port
+        self.ref_cnt = ti.usage_count
+class Transport:
+    "SIP transport class."
+    _id = -1
+    _lib = None
+    _obj_name = ""
+    def __init__(self, lib, id):
+        self._lib = lib
+        self._id = id
+        self._obj_name = "Transport " + self.info().description
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self._obj_name
+    def info(self):
+        """Get TransportInfo.
+        """
+        ti = _pjsua.transport_get_info(self._id)
+        if not ti:
+            self._lib._err_check("info()", self, -1, "Invalid transport")
+        return TransportInfo(ti)
+    def enable(self):
+        err = _pjsua.transport_set_enable(self._id, True)
+        self._lib._err_check("enable()", self, err)
+    def disable(self):
+        err = _pjsua.transport_set_enable(self._id, 0)
+        self._lib._err_check("disable()", self, err)
+    def close(self, force=False):
+        err = _pjsua.transport_close(self._id, force)
+        self._lib._err_check("close()", self, err)
+class SIPUri:
+    scheme = ""
+    user = ""
+    host = ""
+    port = 0
+    transport = ""
+    def __init__(self, uri):
+        self.decode(uri)
+    def decode(self, uri):
+        self.scheme, self.user, self.host, self.port, self.transport = \
+            _pjsua.parse_simple_uri(uri)
+    def encode(self):
+        output = self.scheme + ":"
+        if self.user and len(self.user):
+            output = output + self.user + "@"
+        output = output + self.host
+        if self.port:
+            output = output + ":" + output(self.port)
+        if self.transport:
+            output = output + ";transport=" + self.transport
+        return output
+class AuthCred:
+    "Authentication credential."
+    scheme = "Digest"
+    realm = "*"
+    username = ""
+    passwd_type = 0
+    passwd = ""
+    def __init__(self, realm, username, passwd, scheme="Digest", passwd_type=0):
+        self.scheme = scheme
+        self.realm = realm
+        self.username = username
+        self.passwd_type = passwd_type
+        self.passwd = passwd
+class AccountConfig:
+    """ This describes account configuration.
+    """
+    priority = 0
+    id = ""
+    force_contact = ""
+    reg_uri = ""
+    reg_timeout = 0
+    require_100rel = False
+    publish_enabled = False
+    pidf_tuple_id = ""
+    proxy = []
+    auth_cred = []
+    auth_initial_send = False
+    auth_initial_algorithm = ""
+    transport_id = -1
+    allow_contact_rewrite = True
+    ka_interval = 15
+    ka_data = "\r\n"
+    use_srtp = 0
+    srtp_secure_signaling = 1
+    def __init__(self, domain="", username="", password="", 
+                 display="", registrar="", proxy=""):
+        """
+        Construct account config. If domain argument is specified, 
+        a typical configuration will be built.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        domain    -- domain name of the server.
+        username  -- user name.
+        password  -- plain-text password.
+        display   -- optional display name for the user name.
+        registrar -- the registrar URI. If domain name is specified
+                     and this argument is empty, the registrar URI
+                     will be constructed from the domain name.
+        proxy     -- the proxy URI. If domain name is specified
+                     and this argument is empty, the proxy URI
+                     will be constructed from the domain name.
+        """
+        default = _pjsua.acc_config_default()
+        self._cvt_from_pjsua(default)
+        if domain!="":
+            self.build_config(domain, username, password,
+                              display, registrar, proxy)
+    def build_config(self, domain, username, password, display="",
+                     registrar="", proxy=""):
+        """
+        Construct account config. If domain argument is specified, 
+        a typical configuration will be built.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        domain    -- domain name of the server.
+        username  -- user name.
+        password  -- plain-text password.
+        display   -- optional display name for the user name.
+        registrar -- the registrar URI. If domain name is specified
+                     and this argument is empty, the registrar URI
+                     will be constructed from the domain name.
+        proxy     -- the proxy URI. If domain name is specified
+                     and this argument is empty, the proxy URI
+                     will be constructed from the domain name.
+        """
+        if display != "":
+            display = display + " "
+        userpart = username
+        if userpart != "":
+            userpart = userpart + "@"
+        self.id = display + "<sip:" + userpart + domain + ">"
+        self.reg_uri = registrar
+        if self.reg_uri == "":
+            self.reg_uri = "sip:" + domain
+        if proxy == "":
+            proxy = "sip:" + domain + ";lr"
+        if proxy.find(";lr") == -1:
+            proxy = proxy + ";lr"
+        self.proxy.append(proxy)
+        if username != "":
+            self.auth_cred.append(AuthCred("*", username, password))
+    def _cvt_from_pjsua(self, cfg):
+        self.priority = cfg.priority
+        self.id = cfg.id
+        self.force_contact = cfg.force_contact
+        self.reg_uri = cfg.reg_uri
+        self.reg_timeout = cfg.reg_timeout
+        self.require_100rel = cfg.require_100rel
+        self.publish_enabled = cfg.publish_enabled
+        self.pidf_tuple_id = cfg.pidf_tuple_id
+        self.proxy = cfg.proxy
+        for cred in cfg.cred_info:
+            self.auth_cred.append(AuthCred(cred.realm, cred.username, 
+                                           cred.data, cred.scheme,
+                                           cred.data_type))
+        self.auth_initial_send = cfg.auth_initial_send
+        self.auth_initial_algorithm = cfg.auth_initial_algorithm
+        self.transport_id = cfg.transport_id
+        self.allow_contact_rewrite = cfg.allow_contact_rewrite
+        self.ka_interval = cfg.ka_interval
+        self.ka_data = cfg.ka_data
+        self.use_srtp = cfg.use_srtp
+        self.srtp_secure_signaling = cfg.srtp_secure_signaling
+    def _cvt_to_pjsua(self):
+        cfg = _pjsua.acc_config_default()
+        cfg.priority = self.priority
+        cfg.id = self.id
+        cfg.force_contact = self.force_contact
+        cfg.reg_uri = self.reg_uri
+        cfg.reg_timeout = self.reg_timeout
+        cfg.require_100rel = self.require_100rel
+        cfg.publish_enabled = self.publish_enabled
+        cfg.pidf_tuple_id = self.pidf_tuple_id
+        cfg.proxy = self.proxy
+        for cred in self.auth_cred:
+            c = _pjsua.Pjsip_Cred_Info()
+            c.realm = cred.realm
+            c.scheme = cred.scheme
+            c.username = cred.username
+            c.data_type = cred.passwd_type
+            c.data = cred.passwd
+            cfg.cred_info.append(c)
+        cfg.auth_initial_send = self.auth_initial_send
+        cfg.auth_initial_algorithm = self.auth_initial_algorithm
+        cfg.transport_id = self.transport_id
+        cfg.allow_contact_rewrite = self.allow_contact_rewrite
+        cfg.ka_interval = self.ka_interval
+        cfg.ka_data = self.ka_data
+        cfg.use_srtp = self.use_srtp
+        cfg.srtp_secure_signaling = self.srtp_secure_signaling
+        return cfg
+# Account information
+class AccountInfo:
+    """This describes Account info. Application retrives account info
+    with Account.info().
+    """
+    is_default = False
+    uri = ""
+    reg_active = False
+    reg_expires = -1
+    reg_status = 0
+    reg_reason = ""
+    online_status = False
+    online_text = ""
+    def __init__(self, ai):
+        self.is_default = ai.is_default
+        self.uri = ai.acc_uri
+        self.reg_active = ai.has_registration
+        self.reg_expires = ai.expires
+        self.reg_status = ai.status
+        self.reg_reason = ai.status_text
+        self.online_status = ai.online_status
+        self.online_text = ai.online_status_text
+# Account callback
+class AccountCallback:
+    """Class to receive notifications on account's events.
+    Derive a class from this class and register it to the Account object
+    using Account.set_callback() to start receiving events from the Account
+    object.
+    """
+    account = None
+    def __init__(self, account):
+        self.account = account
+    def on_reg_state(self):
+        """Notification that the registration status has changed.
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_incoming_call(self, call):
+        """Notification about incoming call.
+        Unless this callback is implemented, the default behavior is to
+        reject the call with default status code.
+    Keyword arguments:
+    call    -- the new incoming call
+        """
+        call.hangup()
+    def on_pager(self, from_uri, contact, mime_type, body):
+        """
+        Notification that incoming instant message is received on
+        this account.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        from_uri   -- sender's URI
+        contact    -- sender's Contact URI
+        mime_type  -- MIME type of the instant message body
+        body       -- the instant message body
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_pager_status(self, to_uri, body, im_id, code, reason):
+        """
+        Notification about the delivery status of previously sent
+        instant message.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        to_uri  -- the destination URI of the message
+        body    -- the message body
+        im_id   -- message ID
+        code    -- SIP status code
+        reason  -- SIP reason phrase
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_typing(self, from_uri, contact, is_typing):
+        """
+        Notification that remote is typing or stop typing.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        buddy     -- Buddy object for the sender, if found. Otherwise
+                     this will be None
+        from_uri  -- sender's URI of the indication
+        contact   -- sender's contact URI
+        is_typing -- boolean to indicate whether remote is currently
+                     typing an instant message.
+        """
+        pass
+class Account:
+    """This describes SIP account class.
+    PJSUA accounts provide identity (or identities) of the user who is 
+    currently using the application. In SIP terms, the identity is used 
+    as the From header in outgoing requests.
+    Account may or may not have client registration associated with it. 
+    An account is also associated with route set and some authentication 
+    credentials, which are used when sending SIP request messages using 
+    the account. An account also has presence's online status, which 
+    will be reported to remote peer when they subscribe to the account's 
+    presence, or which is published to a presence server if presence 
+    publication is enabled for the account.
+    Account is created with Lib.create_account(). At least one account 
+    MUST be created. If no user association is required, application can 
+    create a userless account by calling Lib.create_account_for_transport().
+    A userless account identifies local endpoint instead of a particular 
+    user, and it correspond with a particular transport instance.
+    Also one account must be set as the default account, which is used as 
+    the account to use when PJSUA fails to match a request with any other
+    accounts.
+    """
+    _id = -1        
+    _lib = None
+    _cb = AccountCallback(None)
+    _obj_name = ""
+    def __init__(self, lib, id):
+        """Construct this class. This is normally called by Lib class and
+        not by application.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        lib -- the Lib instance.
+        id  -- the pjsua account ID.
+        """
+        _cb = AccountCallback(self)
+        self._id = id
+        self._lib = lib
+        self._lib._associate_account(self._id, self)
+        self._obj_name = "Account " + self.info().uri
+    def __del__(self):
+        self._lib._disassociate_account(self._id, self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self._obj_name
+    def info(self):
+        """Retrieve AccountInfo for this account.
+        """
+        ai = _pjsua.acc_get_info(self._id)
+        if ai==None:
+            self._lib._err_check("info()", self, -1, "Invalid account")
+        return AccountInfo(ai)
+    def is_valid(self):
+        """
+        Check if this account is still valid.
+        """
+        return _pjsua.acc_is_valid(self._id)
+    def set_callback(self, cb):
+        """Register callback to receive notifications from this object.
+        Keyword argument:
+        cb  -- AccountCallback instance.
+        """
+        if cb:
+            self._cb = cb
+        else:
+            self._cb = AccountCallback(self)
+    def set_default(self):
+        """ Set this account as default account to send outgoing requests
+        and as the account to receive incoming requests when more exact
+        matching criteria fails.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.acc_set_default(self._id)
+        self._lib._err_check("set_default()", self, err)
+    def is_default(self):
+        """ Check if this account is the default account.
+        """
+        def_id = _pjsua.acc_get_default()
+        return self.is_valid() and def_id==self._id
+    def delete(self):
+        """ Delete this account.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.acc_del(self._id)
+        self._lib._err_check("delete()", self, err)
+    def set_basic_status(self, is_online):
+        """ Set basic presence status of this account.
+        Keyword argument:
+        is_online   -- boolean to indicate basic presence availability.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.acc_set_online_status(self._id, is_online)
+        self._lib._err_check("set_basic_status()", self, err)
+    def set_presence_status(self, is_online, 
+                            activity=PresenceActivity.UNKNOWN, 
+                            pres_text="", rpid_id=""):
+        """ Set presence status of this account. 
+        Keyword arguments:
+        is_online   -- boolean to indicate basic presence availability
+        activity    -- value from PresenceActivity
+        pres_text   -- optional string to convey additional information about
+                       the activity (such as "On the phone")
+        rpid_id     -- optional string to be placed as RPID ID. 
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.acc_set_online_status2(self._id, is_online, activity,
+                                            pres_text, rpid_id)
+        self._lib._err_check("set_presence_status()", self, err)
+    def set_registration(self, renew):
+        """Manually renew registration or unregister from the server.
+        Keyword argument:
+        renew   -- boolean to indicate whether registration is renewed.
+                   Setting this value for False will trigger unregistration.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.acc_set_registration(self._id, renew)
+        self._lib._err_check("set_registration()", self, err)
+    def has_registration(self):
+        """Returns True if registration is active for this account.
+        """
+        acc_info = _pjsua.acc_get_info(self._id)
+        if not acc_info:
+            self._lib._err_check("has_registration()", self, -1, 
+                                 "invalid account")
+        return acc_info.has_registration
+    def set_transport(self, transport):
+        """Set this account to only use the specified transport to send
+        outgoing requests.
+        Keyword argument:
+        transport   -- Transport object.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.acc_set_transport(self._id, transport._id)
+        self._lib._err_check("set_transport()", self, err)
+    def make_call(self, dst_uri, hdr_list=None):
+        """Make outgoing call to the specified URI.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        dst_uri  -- Destination SIP URI.
+        hdr_list -- Optional list of headers to be sent with outgoing
+                    INVITE
+        """
+        err, cid = _pjsua.call_make_call(self._id, dst_uri, 0, 
+                                           0, Lib._create_msg_data(hdr_list))
+        self._lib._err_check("make_call()", self, err)
+        return Call(self._lib, cid)
+    def add_buddy(self, uri):
+        """Add new buddy.
+        Keyword argument:
+        uri         -- SIP URI of the buddy
+        Return:
+            Buddy object
+        """
+        buddy_cfg = _pjsua.buddy_config_default()
+        buddy_cfg.uri = uri
+        buddy_cfg.subscribe = False
+        err, buddy_id = _pjsua.buddy_add(buddy_cfg)
+        self._lib._err_check("add_buddy()", self, err)
+        return Buddy(self._lib, buddy_id, self)
+class CallCallback:
+    """Class to receive event notification from Call objects. 
+    Use Call.set_callback() method to install instance of this callback 
+    class to receive event notifications from the call object.
+    """
+    call = None
+    def __init__(self, call):
+        self.call = call
+    def on_state(self):
+        """Notification that the call's state has changed.
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_media_state(self):
+        """Notification that the call's media state has changed.
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_dtmf_digit(self, digits):
+        """Notification on incoming DTMF digits.
+        Keyword argument:
+        digits  -- string containing the received digits.
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_transfer_request(self, dst, code):
+        """Notification that call is being transfered by remote party. 
+        Application can decide to accept/reject transfer request by returning
+        code greater than or equal to 500. The default behavior is to accept 
+        the transfer by returning 202.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        dst     -- string containing the destination URI
+        code    -- the suggested status code to return to accept the request.
+        Return:
+        the callback should return 202 to accept the request, or 300-699 to
+        reject the request.
+        """
+        return code
+    def on_transfer_status(self, code, reason, final, cont):
+        """
+        Notification about the status of previous call transfer request. 
+        Keyword arguments:
+        code    -- SIP status code to indicate completion status.
+        text    -- SIP status reason phrase.
+        final   -- if True then this is a final status and no further
+                   notifications will be sent for this call transfer
+                   status.
+        cont    -- suggested return value.
+        Return:
+        If the callback returns false then no further notification will
+        be sent for the transfer request for this call.
+        """
+        return cont
+    def on_replace_request(self, code, reason):
+        """Notification when incoming INVITE with Replaces header is received. 
+        Application may reject the request by returning value greather than
+        or equal to 500. The default behavior is to accept the request.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        code    -- default status code to return
+        reason  -- default reason phrase to return
+        Return:
+        The callback should return (code, reason) tuple.
+        """
+        return code, reason
+    def on_replaced(self, new_call):
+        """
+        Notification that this call will be replaced with new_call. 
+        After this callback is called, this call will be disconnected.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        new_call    -- the new call that will replace this call.
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_pager(self, mime_type, body):
+        """
+        Notification that incoming instant message is received on
+        this call.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        mime_type  -- MIME type of the instant message body.
+        body       -- the instant message body.
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_pager_status(self, body, im_id, code, reason):
+        """
+        Notification about the delivery status of previously sent
+        instant message.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        body    -- message body
+        im_id   -- message ID
+        code    -- SIP status code
+        reason  -- SIP reason phrase
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_typing(self, is_typing):
+        """
+        Notification that remote is typing or stop typing.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        is_typing -- boolean to indicate whether remote is currently
+                     typing an instant message.
+        """
+        pass
+class CallInfo:
+    """This structure contains various information about Call.
+    Application may retrieve this information with Call.info().
+    """
+    role = CallRole.CALLER
+    account = None
+    uri = ""
+    contact = ""
+    remote_uri = ""
+    remote_contact = ""
+    sip_call_id = ""
+    state = CallState.NULL
+    state_text = ""
+    last_code = 0
+    last_reason = ""
+    media_state = MediaState.NONE
+    media_dir = MediaDir.NONE
+    conf_slot = -1
+    call_time = 0
+    total_time = 0
+    def __init__(self, lib=None, ci=None):
+        if lib and ci:
+            self._cvt_from_pjsua(lib, ci)
+    def _cvt_from_pjsua(self, lib, ci):
+        self.role = ci.role
+        self.account = lib._lookup_account(ci.acc_id)
+        self.uri = ci.local_info
+        self.contact = ci.local_contact
+        self.remote_uri = ci.remote_info
+        self.remote_contact = ci.remote_contact
+        self.sip_call_id = ci.call_id
+        self.state = ci.state
+        self.state_text = ci.state_text
+        self.last_code = ci.last_status
+        self.last_reason = ci.last_status_text
+        self.media_state = ci.media_status
+        self.media_dir = ci.media_dir
+        self.conf_slot = ci.conf_slot
+        self.call_time = ci.connect_duration.sec
+        self.total_time = ci.total_duration.sec
+class Call:
+    """This class represents SIP call.
+    Application initiates outgoing call with Account.make_call(), and
+    incoming calls are reported in AccountCallback.on_incoming_call().
+    """
+    _id = -1
+    _cb = None
+    _lib = None
+    _obj_name = ""
+    def __init__(self, lib, call_id):
+        self._cb = CallCallback(self) 
+        self._id = call_id
+        self._lib = lib
+        self._lib._associate_call(call_id, self)
+        self._obj_name = "Call " + self.info().remote_uri
+    def __del__(self):
+        self._lib._disassociate_call(self._id, self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self._obj_name
+    def set_callback(self, cb):
+        """
+        Set callback object to retrieve event notifications from this call.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        cb  -- CallCallback instance.
+        """
+        if cb:
+            self._cb = cb
+        else:
+            self._cb = CallCallback(self)
+    def info(self):
+        """
+        Get the CallInfo.
+        """
+        ci = _pjsua.call_get_info(self._id)
+        if not ci:
+            self._lib._err_check("info", self, -1, "Invalid call")
+        return CallInfo(self._lib, ci)
+    def is_valid(self):
+        """
+        Check if this call is still valid.
+        """
+        return _pjsua.call_is_active(self._id)
+    def dump_status(self, with_media=True, indent="", max_len=1024):
+        """
+        Dump the call status.
+        """
+        return _pjsua.call_dump(self._id, with_media, max_len, indent)
+    def answer(self, code=200, reason="", hdr_list=None):
+        """
+        Send provisional or final response to incoming call.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        code     -- SIP status code.
+        reason   -- Reason phrase. Put empty to send default reason
+                    phrase for the status code.
+        hdr_list -- Optional list of headers to be sent with the
+                    INVITE response.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.call_answer(self._id, code, reason, 
+                                   Lib._create_msg_data(hdr_list))
+        self._lib._err_check("answer()", self, err)
+    def hangup(self, code=603, reason="", hdr_list=None):
+        """
+        Terminate the call.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        code     -- SIP status code.
+        reason   -- Reason phrase. Put empty to send default reason
+                    phrase for the status code.
+        hdr_list -- Optional list of headers to be sent with the
+                    message.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.call_hangup(self._id, code, reason, 
+                                   Lib._create_msg_data(hdr_list))
+        self._lib._err_check("hangup()", self, err)
+    def hold(self, hdr_list=None):
+        """
+        Put the call on hold.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        hdr_list -- Optional list of headers to be sent with the
+                    message.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.call_set_hold(self._id, Lib._create_msg_data(hdr_list))
+        self._lib._err_check("hold()", self, err)
+    def unhold(self, hdr_list=None):
+        """
+        Release the call from hold.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        hdr_list -- Optional list of headers to be sent with the
+                    message.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.call_reinvite(self._id, True, 
+                                     Lib._create_msg_data(hdr_list))
+        self._lib._err_check("unhold()", self, err)
+    def reinvite(self, hdr_list=None):
+        """
+        Send re-INVITE and optionally offer new codecs to use.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        hdr_list   -- Optional list of headers to be sent with the
+                      message.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.call_reinvite(self._id, True, 
+                                     Lib._create_msg_data(hdr_list))
+        self._lib._err_check("reinvite()", self, err)
+    def update(self, hdr_list=None, options=0):
+        """
+        Send UPDATE and optionally offer new codecs to use.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        hdr_list   -- Optional list of headers to be sent with the
+                      message.
+        options    -- Must be zero for now.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.call_update(self._id, options, 
+                                   Lib._create_msg_data(hdr_list))
+        self._lib._err_check("update()", self, err)
+    def transfer(self, dest_uri, hdr_list=None):
+        """
+        Transfer the call to new destination.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        dest_uri -- Specify the SIP URI to transfer the call to.
+        hdr_list -- Optional list of headers to be sent with the
+                    message.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.call_xfer(self._id, dest_uri, 
+                                 Lib._create_msg_data(hdr_list))
+        self._lib._err_check("transfer()", self, err)
+    def transfer_to_call(self, call, hdr_list=None, options=0):
+        """
+        Attended call transfer.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        call     -- The Call object to transfer call to.
+        hdr_list -- Optional list of headers to be sent with the
+                    message.
+        options  -- Must be zero for now.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.call_xfer_replaces(self._id, call._id, options,
+                                          Lib._create_msg_data(hdr_list))
+        self._lib._err_check("transfer_to_call()", self, err)
+    def dial_dtmf(self, digits):
+        """
+        Send DTMF digits with RTP event package.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        digits  -- DTMF digit string.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.call_dial_dtmf(self._id, digits)
+        self._lib._err_check("dial_dtmf()", self, err)
+    def send_request(self, method, hdr_list=None, content_type=None,
+                     body=None):
+        """
+        Send arbitrary request to remote call. 
+        This is useful for example to send INFO request. Note that this 
+        function should not be used to send request that will change the 
+        call state such as CANCEL or BYE.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        method       -- SIP method name.
+        hdr_list     -- Optional header list to be sent with the request.
+        content_type -- Content type to describe the body, if the body
+                        is present
+        body         -- Optional SIP message body.
+        """
+        if hdr_list and body:
+            msg_data = _pjsua.Msg_Data()
+            if hdr_list:
+                msg_data.hdr_list = hdr_list
+            if content_type:
+                msg_data.content_type = content_type
+            if body:
+                msg_data.msg_body = body
+        else:
+            msg_data = None
+        err = _pjsua.call_send_request(self._id, method, msg_data)
+        self._lib._err_check("send_request()", self, err)
+class BuddyInfo:
+    """This class contains information about Buddy. Application may 
+    retrieve this information by calling Buddy.info().
+    """
+    uri = ""
+    contact = ""
+    online_status = 0
+    online_text = ""
+    activity = PresenceActivity.UNKNOWN
+    subscribed = False
+    def __init__(self, pjsua_bi=None):
+        if pjsua_bi:
+            self._cvt_from_pjsua(pjsua_bi)
+    def _cvt_from_pjsua(self, inf):
+        self.uri = inf.uri
+        self.contact = inf.contact
+        self.online_status = inf.status
+        self.online_text = inf.status_text
+        self.activity = inf.activity
+        self.subscribed = inf.monitor_pres
+class BuddyCallback:
+    """This class can be used to receive notifications about Buddy's
+    presence status change. Application needs to derive a class from
+    this class, and register the instance with Buddy.set_callback().
+    """
+    buddy = None
+    def __init__(self, buddy):
+        self.buddy = buddy
+    def on_state(self):
+        """
+        Notification that buddy's presence state has changed. Application
+        may then retrieve the new status with Buddy.info() function.
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_pager(self, mime_type, body):
+        """Notification that incoming instant message is received from
+        this buddy.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        mime_type  -- MIME type of the instant message body
+        body       -- the instant message body
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_pager_status(self, body, im_id, code, reason):
+        """Notification about the delivery status of previously sent
+        instant message.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        body    -- the message body
+        im_id   -- message ID
+        code    -- SIP status code
+        reason  -- SIP reason phrase
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_typing(self, is_typing):
+        """Notification that remote is typing or stop typing.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        is_typing -- boolean to indicate whether remote is currently
+                     typing an instant message.
+        """
+        pass
+class Buddy:
+    """A Buddy represents person or remote agent.
+    This class provides functions to subscribe to buddy's presence and
+    to send or receive instant messages from the buddy.
+    """
+    _id = -1
+    _lib = None
+    _cb = None
+    _obj_name = ""
+    _acc = None
+    def __init__(self, lib, id, account):
+        self._cb = BuddyCallback(self)
+        self._lib = lib
+        self._id = id
+        self._acc = account
+        lib._associate_buddy(self._id, self)
+        self._obj_name = "Buddy " + self.info().uri
+    def __del__(self):
+        self._lib._disassociate_buddy(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self._obj_name
+    def info(self):
+        """
+        Get buddy info as BuddyInfo.
+        """
+        return BuddyInfo(_pjsua.buddy_get_info(self._id))
+    def set_callback(self, cb):
+        """Install callback to receive notifications from this object.
+        Keyword argument:
+        cb  -- BuddyCallback instance.
+        """
+        if cb:
+            self._cb = cb
+        else:
+            self._cb = BuddyCallback(self)
+    def subscribe(self):
+        """
+        Subscribe to buddy's presence status notification.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.buddy_subscribe_pres(self._id, True)
+        self._lib._err_check("subscribe()", self, err)
+    def unsubscribe(self):
+        """
+        Unsubscribe from buddy's presence status notification.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.buddy_subscribe_pres(self._id, False)
+        self._lib._err_check("unsubscribe()", self, err)
+    def delete(self):
+        """
+        Remove this buddy from the buddy list.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.buddy_del(self._id)
+        self._lib._err_check("delete()", self, err)
+    def send_pager(self, text, im_id=0, content_type="text/plain", \
+                   hdr_list=None):
+        """Send instant message to remote buddy.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        text         -- Instant message to be sent
+        im_id        -- Optional instant message ID to identify this
+                        instant message when delivery status callback
+                        is called.
+        content_type -- MIME type identifying the instant message
+        hdr_list     -- Optional list of headers to be sent with the
+                        request.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.im_send(self._acc._id, self.info().uri, \
+                             content_type, text, \
+                             Lib._create_msg_data(hdr_list), \
+                             im_id)
+        self._lib._err_check("send_pager()", self, err)
+    def send_typing_ind(self, is_typing=True, hdr_list=None):
+        """Send typing indication to remote buddy.
+        Keyword argument:
+        is_typing -- boolean to indicate wheter user is typing.
+        hdr_list  -- Optional list of headers to be sent with the
+                     request.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.im_typing(self._acc._id, self.info().uri, \
+                               is_typing, Lib._create_msg_data(hdr_list))
+        self._lib._err_check("send_typing_ind()", self, err)
+# Sound device info
+class SoundDeviceInfo:
+    name = ""
+    input_channels = 0
+    output_output_channels = 0
+    default_clock_rate = 0
+    def __init__(self, sdi):
+        self.name = sdi.name
+        self.input_channels = sdi.input_count
+        self.output_channels = sdi.output_count
+        self.default_clock_rate = sdi.default_samples_per_sec
+# Codec info
+class CodecInfo:
+    name = ""
+    priority = 0
+    clock_rate = 0
+    channel_count = 0
+    avg_bps = 0
+    frm_ptime = 0
+    ptime = 0
+    pt = 0
+    vad_enabled = False
+    plc_enabled = False
+    def __init__(self, codec_info, codec_param):
+        self.name = codec_info.id
+        self.priority = codec_info.priority
+        self.clock_rate = codec_param.info.clock_rate
+        self.channel_count = codec_param.info.channel_count
+        self.avg_bps = codec_param.info.avg_bps
+        self.frm_ptime = codec_param.info.frm_ptime
+        self.ptime = codec_param.info.frm_ptime * \
+                        codec_param.setting.frm_per_pkt
+        self.ptime = codec_param.info.pt
+        self.vad_enabled = codec_param.setting.vad
+        self.plc_enabled = codec_param.setting.plc
+    def _cvt_to_pjsua(self):
+        ci = _pjsua.Codec_Info()
+        ci.id = self.name
+        ci.priority = self.priority
+        return ci
+# Codec parameter
+class CodecParameter:
+    ptime = 0
+    vad_enabled = False
+    plc_enabled = False
+    _codec_param = None
+    def __init__(self, codec_param):
+        self.ptime = codec_param.info.frm_ptime * \
+                        codec_param.setting.frm_per_pkt
+        self.vad_enabled = codec_param.setting.vad
+        self.plc_enabled = codec_param.setting.plc
+        self._codec_param = codec_param
+    def _cvt_to_pjsua(self):
+        self._codec_param.setting.frm_per_pkt = self.ptime / \
+                                                self._codec_param.info.frm_ptime
+        self._codec_param.setting.vad = self.vad_enabled
+        self._codec_param.setting.plc = self.plc_enabled
+        return self._codec_param
+# PJSUA Library
+_lib = None
+class Lib:
+    """Library instance.
+    """
+    call = {}
+    account = {}
+    buddy = {}
+    buddy_by_uri = {}
+    buddy_by_contact = {}
+    _quit = False
+    _has_thread = False
+    def __init__(self):
+        global _lib
+        if _lib:
+            raise Error("__init()__", None, -1, 
+                        "Library instance already exist")
+        err = _pjsua.create()
+        self._err_check("_pjsua.create()", None, err)
+        _lib = self
+    def __del__(self):
+        _pjsua.destroy()
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Lib"
+    @staticmethod
+    def instance():
+        """Return singleton instance of Lib.
+        """
+        return _lib
+    def init(self, ua_cfg=None, log_cfg=None, media_cfg=None):
+        """
+        Initialize pjsua with the specified configurations.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        ua_cfg      -- optional UAConfig instance
+        log_cfg     -- optional LogConfig instance
+        media_cfg   -- optional MediaConfig instance
+        """
+        if not ua_cfg: ua_cfg = UAConfig()
+        if not log_cfg: log_cfg = LogConfig()
+        if not media_cfg: media_cfg = MediaConfig()
+        py_ua_cfg = ua_cfg._cvt_to_pjsua()
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_call_state = _cb_on_call_state
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_incoming_call = _cb_on_incoming_call
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_call_media_state = _cb_on_call_media_state
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_dtmf_digit = _cb_on_dtmf_digit
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_call_transfer_request = _cb_on_call_transfer_request
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_call_transfer_status = _cb_on_call_transfer_status
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_call_replace_request = _cb_on_call_replace_request
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_call_replaced = _cb_on_call_replaced
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_reg_state = _cb_on_reg_state
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_buddy_state = _cb_on_buddy_state
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_pager = _cb_on_pager
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_pager_status = _cb_on_pager_status
+        py_ua_cfg.cb.on_typing = _cb_on_typing
+        err = _pjsua.init(py_ua_cfg, log_cfg._cvt_to_pjsua(), 
+                            media_cfg._cvt_to_pjsua())
+        self._err_check("init()", self, err)
+    def destroy(self):
+        """Destroy the library, and pjsua."""
+        global _lib
+        if self._has_thread:
+            self._quit = 1
+            loop = 0
+            while self._quit != 2 and loop < 400:
+                _pjsua.handle_events(50)
+                loop = loop + 1
+        _pjsua.destroy()
+        _lib = None
+    def start(self, with_thread=True):
+        """Start the library. 
+        Keyword argument:
+        with_thread -- specify whether the module should create worker
+                       thread.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.start()
+        self._err_check("start()", self, err)
+        self._has_thread = with_thread
+        if self._has_thread:
+            thread.start_new(_worker_thread_main, (0,))
+    def handle_events(self, timeout=50):
+        """Poll the events from underlying pjsua library.
+        Application must poll the stack periodically if worker thread
+        is disable when starting the library.
+        Keyword argument:
+        timeout -- in milliseconds.
+        """
+        return _pjsua.handle_events(timeout)
+    def verify_sip_url(self, sip_url):
+        """Verify that the specified string is a valid URI. 
+        Keyword argument:
+        sip_url -- the URL string.
+        Return:
+            0 is the the URI is valid, otherwise the appropriate error 
+            code is returned.
+        """
+        return _pjsua.verify_sip_url(sip_url)
+    def create_transport(self, type, cfg=None):
+        """Create SIP transport instance of the specified type. 
+        Keyword arguments:
+        type    -- transport type from TransportType constant.
+        cfg     -- TransportConfig instance
+        Return:
+            Transport object
+        """
+        if not cfg: cfg=TransportConfig(type)
+        err, tp_id = _pjsua.transport_create(type, cfg._cvt_to_pjsua())
+        self._err_check("create_transport()", self, err)
+        return Transport(self, tp_id)
+    def create_account(self, acc_config, set_default=True):
+        """
+        Create a new local pjsua account using the specified configuration.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        acc_config  -- AccountConfig
+        set_default -- boolean to specify whether to use this as the
+                       default account.
+        Return:
+            Account instance
+        """
+        err, acc_id = _pjsua.acc_add(acc_config._cvt_to_pjsua(), set_default)
+        self._err_check("create_account()", self, err)
+        return Account(self, acc_id)
+    def create_account_for_transport(self, transport, set_default=True):
+        """Create a new local pjsua transport for the specified transport.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        transport   -- the Transport instance.
+        set_default -- boolean to specify whether to use this as the
+                       default account.
+        Return:
+            Account instance
+        """
+        err, acc_id = _pjsua.acc_add_local(transport._id, set_default)
+        self._err_check("create_account_for_transport()", self, err)
+        return Account(self, acc_id)
+    def hangup_all(self):
+        """Hangup all calls.
+        """
+        _pjsua.call_hangup_all()
+    # Sound device API
+    def enum_snd_dev(self):
+        """Enumerate sound devices in the system.
+        Return:
+            array of SoundDeviceInfo. The index of the element specifies
+            the device ID for the device.
+        """
+        sdi_array = _pjsua.enum_snd_devs()
+        info = []
+        for sdi in sdi_array:
+            info.append(SoundDeviceInfo(sdi))
+        return info
+    def get_snd_dev(self):
+        """Get the device IDs of current sound devices used by pjsua.
+        Return:
+            (capture_dev_id, playback_dev_id) tuple
+        """
+        return _pjsua.get_snd_dev()
+    def set_snd_dev(self, capture_dev, playback_dev):
+        """Change the current sound devices.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        capture_dev  -- the device ID of capture device to be used
+        playback_dev -- the device ID of playback device to be used.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.set_snd_dev(capture_dev, playback_dev)
+        self._err_check("set_current_sound_devices()", self, err)
+    def set_null_snd_dev(self):
+        """Disable the sound devices. This is useful if the system
+        does not have sound device installed.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.set_null_snd_dev()
+        self._err_check("set_null_snd_dev()", self, err)
+    # Conference bridge
+    def conf_get_max_ports(self):
+        """Get the conference bridge capacity.
+        Return:
+            conference bridge capacity.
+        """
+        return _pjsua.conf_get_max_ports()
+    def conf_connect(self, src_slot, dst_slot):
+        """Establish unidirectional media flow from souce to sink. 
+        One source may transmit to multiple destinations/sink. And if 
+        multiple sources are transmitting to the same sink, the media 
+        will be mixed together. Source and sink may refer to the same ID, 
+        effectively looping the media.
+        If bidirectional media flow is desired, application needs to call
+        this function twice, with the second one having the arguments 
+        reversed.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        src_slot    -- integer to identify the conference slot number of
+                       the source/transmitter.
+        dst_slot    -- integer to identify the conference slot number of    
+                       the destination/receiver.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.conf_connect(src_slot, dst_slot)
+        self._err_check("conf_connect()", self, err)
+    def conf_disconnect(self, src_slot, dst_slot):
+        """Disconnect media flow from the source to destination port.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        src_slot    -- integer to identify the conference slot number of
+                       the source/transmitter.
+        dst_slot    -- integer to identify the conference slot number of    
+                       the destination/receiver.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.conf_disconnect(src_slot, dst_slot)
+        self._err_check("conf_disconnect()", self, err)
+    # Codecs API
+    def enum_codecs(self):
+        """Return list of codecs supported by pjsua.
+        Return:
+            array of CodecInfo
+        """
+        ci_array = _pjsua.enum_codecs()
+        codec_info = []
+        for ci in ci_array:
+            cp = _pjsua.codec_get_param(ci.id)
+            if cp:
+                codec_info.append(CodecInfo(ci, cp))
+        return codec_info
+    def set_codec_priority(self, name, priority):
+        """Change the codec priority.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        name     -- Codec name
+        priority -- Codec priority, which range is 0-255.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.codec_set_priority(name, priority)
+        self._err_check("set_codec_priority()", self, err)
+    def get_codec_parameter(self, name):
+        """Get codec parameter for the specified codec.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        name    -- codec name.
+        """
+        cp = _pjsua.codec_get_param(name)
+        if not cp:
+            self._err_check("get_codec_parameter()", self, -1, 
+                            "Invalid codec name")
+        return CodecParameter(cp)
+    def set_codec_parameter(self, name, param):
+        """Modify codec parameter for the specified codec.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        name    -- codec name
+        param   -- codec parameter.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.codec_set_param(name, param._cvt_to_pjsua())
+        self._err_check("set_codec_parameter()", self, err)
+    # WAV playback and recording
+    def create_player(self, filename, loop=False):
+        """Create WAV file player.
+        Keyword arguments
+        filename    -- WAV file name
+        loop        -- boolean to specify wheter playback shoudl
+                       automatically restart
+        Return:
+            WAV player ID
+        """
+        opt = 0
+        if not loop:
+            opt = opt + 1
+        err, player_id = _pjsua.player_create(filename, opt)
+        self._err_check("create_player()", self, err)
+        return player_id
+    def player_get_slot(self, player_id):
+        """Get the conference port ID for the specified player.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        player_id  -- the WAV player ID
+        Return:
+            Conference slot number for the player
+        """
+        slot = _pjsua.player_get_conf_port(player_id)
+        self._err_check("player_get_slot()", self, -1, "Invalid player id")
+        return slot
+    def player_set_pos(self, player_id, pos):
+        """Set WAV playback position.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        player_id   -- WAV player ID
+        pos         -- playback position, in samples
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.player_set_pos(player_id, pos)
+        self._err_check("player_set_pos()", self, err)
+    def player_destroy(self, player_id):
+        """Destroy the WAV player.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        player_id   -- the WAV player ID.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.player_destroy(player_id)
+        self._err_check("player_destroy()", self, err)
+    def create_recorder(self, filename):
+        """Create WAV file recorder.
+        Keyword arguments
+        filename    -- WAV file name
+        Return:
+            WAV recorder ID
+        """
+        err, rec_id = _pjsua.recorder_create(filename, 0, None, -1, 0)
+        self._err_check("create_recorder()", self, err)
+        return rec_id
+    def recorder_get_slot(self, rec_id):
+        """Get the conference port ID for the specified recorder.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        rec_id  -- the WAV recorder ID
+        Return:
+            Conference slot number for the recorder
+        """
+        slot = _pjsua.recorder_get_conf_port(rec_id)
+        self._err_check("recorder_get_slot()", self, -1, "Invalid recorder id")
+        return slot
+    def recorder_destroy(self, rec_id):
+        """Destroy the WAV recorder.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        rec_id   -- the WAV recorder ID.
+        """
+        err = _pjsua.recorder_destroy(rec_id)
+        self._err_check("recorder_destroy()", self, err)
+    # Internal functions
+    @staticmethod
+    def strerror(err):
+        return _pjsua.strerror(err)
+    def _err_check(self, op_name, obj, err_code, err_msg=""):
+        if err_code != 0:
+            raise Error(op_name, obj, err_code, err_msg)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _create_msg_data(hdr_list):
+        if not hdr_list:
+            return None
+        msg_data = _pjsua.Msg_Data()
+        msg_data.hdr_list = hdr_list
+        return msg_data
+    # Internal dictionary manipulation for calls, accounts, and buddies
+    def _associate_call(self, call_id, call):
+        self.call[call_id] = call
+    def _lookup_call(self, call_id):
+        return self.call.has_key(call_id) and self.call[call_id] or None
+    def _disassociate_call(self, call):
+        if self._lookup_call(call._id)==call:
+            del self.call[call._id]
+    def _associate_account(self, acc_id, account):
+        self.account[acc_id] = account
+    def _lookup_account(self, acc_id):
+        return self.account.has_key(acc_id) and self.account[acc_id] or None
+    def _disassociate_account(self, account):
+        if self._lookup_account(account._id)==account:
+            del self.account[account._id]
+    def _associate_buddy(self, buddy_id, buddy):
+        self.buddy[buddy_id] = buddy
+        uri = SIPUri(buddy.info().uri)
+        self.buddy_by_uri[(uri.user, uri.host)] = buddy
+    def _lookup_buddy(self, buddy_id, uri=None):
+        print "lookup_buddy, id=", buddy_id
+        buddy = self.buddy.has_key(buddy_id) and self.buddy[buddy_id] or None
+        if uri and not buddy:
+            sip_uri = SIPUri(uri)
+            print "lookup_buddy, uri=", sip_uri.user, sip_uri.host
+            buddy = self.buddy_by_uri.has_key( (sip_uri.user, sip_uri.host) ) \
+                    and self.buddy_by_uri[(sip_uri.user, sip_uri.host)] or \
+                    None
+        return buddy 
+    def _disassociate_buddy(self, buddy):
+        if self._lookup_buddy(buddy._id)==buddy:
+            del self.buddy[buddy._id]
+        if self.buddy_by_uri.has_key(buddy.info().uri):
+            del self.buddy_by_uri[buddy.info().uri]
+    # Account allbacks
+    def _cb_on_reg_state(self, acc_id):
+        acc = self._lookup_account(acc_id)
+        if acc:
+            acc._cb.on_reg_state()
+    def _cb_on_incoming_call(self, acc_id, call_id, rdata):
+        acc = self._lookup_account(acc_id)
+        if acc:
+            acc._cb.on_incoming_call( Call(self, call_id) )
+        else:
+            _pjsua.call_hangup(call_id, 603, None, None)
+    # Call callbacks 
+    def _cb_on_call_state(self, call_id):
+        call = self._lookup_call(call_id)
+        if call:
+            call._cb.on_state()
+    def _cb_on_call_media_state(self, call_id):
+        call = self._lookup_call(call_id)
+        if call:
+            call._cb.on_media_state()
+    def _cb_on_dtmf_digit(self, call_id, digits):
+        call = self._lookup_call(call_id)
+        if call:
+            call._cb.on_dtmf_digit(digits)
+    def _cb_on_call_transfer_request(self, call_id, dst, code):
+        call = self._lookup_call(call_id)
+        if call:
+            return call._cb.on_transfer_request(dst, code)
+        else:
+            return 603
+    def _cb_on_call_transfer_status(self, call_id, code, text, final, cont):
+        call = self._lookup_call(call_id)
+        if call:
+            return call._cb.on_transfer_status(code, text, final, cont)
+        else:
+            return cont
+    def _cb_on_call_replace_request(self, call_id, rdata, code, reason):
+        call = self._lookup_call(call_id)
+        if call:
+            return call._cb.on_replace_request(code, reason)
+        else:
+            return code, reason
+    def _cb_on_call_replaced(self, old_call_id, new_call_id):
+        old_call = self._lookup_call(old_call_id)
+        new_call = self._lookup_call(new_call_id)
+        if old_call and new_call:
+            old_call._cb.on_replaced(new_call)
+    def _cb_on_pager(self, call_id, from_uri, to_uri, contact, mime_type, 
+                     body, acc_id):
+        call = None
+        if call_id == -1:
+            call = self._lookup_call(call_id)
+        if call:
+            call._cb.on_pager(mime_type, body)
+        else:
+            acc = self._lookup_account(acc_id)
+            buddy = self._lookup_buddy(-1, from_uri)
+            if buddy:
+                buddy._cb.on_pager(mime_type, body)
+            else:
+                acc._cb.on_pager(from_uri, contact, mime_type, body)
+    def _cb_on_pager_status(self, call_id, to_uri, body, user_data, 
+                            code, reason, acc_id):
+        call = None
+        if call_id == -1:
+            call = self._lookup_call(call_id)
+        if call:
+            call._cb.on_pager_status(body, user_data, code, reason)
+        else:
+            acc = self._lookup_account(acc_id)
+            buddy = self._lookup_buddy(-1, to_uri)
+            if buddy:
+                buddy._cb.on_pager_status(body, user_data, code, reason)
+            else:
+                acc._cb.on_pager_status(to_uri, body, user_data, code, reason)
+    def _cb_on_typing(self, call_id, from_uri, to_uri, contact, is_typing, 
+                      acc_id):
+        call = None
+        if call_id == -1:
+            call = self._lookup_call(call_id)
+        if call:
+            call._cb.on_typing(is_typing)
+        else:
+            acc = self._lookup_account(acc_id)
+            buddy = self._lookup_buddy(-1, from_uri)
+            if buddy:
+                buddy._cb.on_typing(is_typing)
+            else:
+                acc._cb.on_typing(from_uri, contact, is_typing)
+    def _cb_on_buddy_state(self, buddy_id):
+        buddy = self._lookup_buddy(buddy_id)
+        if buddy:
+            buddy._cb.on_state()
+# Internal
+def _cb_on_call_state(call_id, e):
+    _lib._cb_on_call_state(call_id)
+def _cb_on_incoming_call(acc_id, call_id, rdata):
+    _lib._cb_on_incoming_call(acc_id, call_id, rdata)
+def _cb_on_call_media_state(call_id):
+    _lib._cb_on_call_media_state(call_id)
+def _cb_on_dtmf_digit(call_id, digits):
+    _lib._cb_on_dtmf_digit(call_id, digits)
+def _cb_on_call_transfer_request(call_id, dst, code):
+    return _lib._cb_on_call_transfer_request(call_id, dst, code)
+def _cb_on_call_transfer_status(call_id, code, reason, final, cont):
+    return _lib._cb_on_call_transfer_status(call_id, code, reason, 
+                                             final, cont)
+def _cb_on_call_replace_request(call_id, rdata, code, reason):
+    return _lib._cb_on_call_replace_request(call_id, rdata, code, reason)
+def _cb_on_call_replaced(old_call_id, new_call_id):
+    _lib._cb_on_call_replaced(old_call_id, new_call_id)
+def _cb_on_reg_state(acc_id):
+    _lib._cb_on_reg_state(acc_id)
+def _cb_on_buddy_state(buddy_id):
+    _lib._cb_on_buddy_state(buddy_id)
+def _cb_on_pager(call_id, from_uri, to, contact, mime_type, body, acc_id):
+    _lib._cb_on_pager(call_id, from_uri, to, contact, mime_type, body, acc_id)
+def _cb_on_pager_status(call_id, to, body, user_data, status, reason, acc_id):
+    _lib._cb_on_pager_status(call_id, to, body, user_data, 
+                             status, reason, acc_id)
+def _cb_on_typing(call_id, from_uri, to, contact, is_typing, acc_id):
+    _lib._cb_on_typing(call_id, from_uri, to, contact, is_typing, acc_id)
+# Worker thread
+def _worker_thread_main(arg):
+    global _lib
+    thread_desc = 0;
+    err = _pjsua.thread_register("python worker", thread_desc)
+    _lib._err_check("thread_register()", _lib, err)
+    while _lib._quit == 0:
+        _pjsua.handle_events(50)
+    _lib._quit = 2
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/python/samples/call.py b/pjsip-apps/src/python/samples/call.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f44f62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/python/samples/call.py
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# $Id:$
+# SIP call sample.
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+import sys
+import pjsua as pj
+current_call = None
+# Logging callback
+def log_cb(level, str, len):
+    print str,
+# Callback to receive events from account
+class MyAccountCallback(pj.AccountCallback):
+    def __init__(self, account):
+        pj.AccountCallback.__init__(self, account)
+    # Notification on incoming call
+    def on_incoming_call(self, call):
+        global current_call 
+        if current_call:
+            call.answer(486, "Busy")
+            return
+        print "Incoming call from ", call.info().remote_uri
+        print "Press 'a' to answer"
+        current_call = call
+        call_cb = MyCallCallback(current_call)
+        current_call.set_callback(call_cb)
+        current_call.answer(180)
+# Callback to receive events from Call
+class MyCallCallback(pj.CallCallback):
+    def __init__(self, call):
+        pj.CallCallback.__init__(self, call)
+    # Notification when call state has changed
+    def on_state(self):
+        global current_call
+        print "Call with", self.call.info().remote_uri,
+        print "is", self.call.info().state_text,
+        print "last code =", self.call.info().last_code, 
+        print "(" + self.call.info().last_reason + ")"
+        if self.call.info().state == pj.CallState.DISCONNECTED:
+            current_call = None
+    # Notification when call's media state has changed.
+    def on_media_state(self):
+        if self.call.info().media_state == pj.MediaState.ACTIVE:
+            # Connect the call to sound device
+            call_slot = self.call.info().conf_slot
+            pj.Lib.instance().conf_connect(call_slot, 0)
+            pj.Lib.instance().conf_connect(0, call_slot)
+            print "Media is now active"
+        else:
+            print "Media is inactive"
+# Function to make call
+def make_call(uri):
+    try:
+        print "Making call to", uri
+        call = acc.make_call(uri)
+        call_cb = MyCallCallback(call)
+        call.set_callback(call_cb)
+        return call
+    except pj.Error, e:
+        print "Error: " + str(e)
+        return None
+# Create library instance
+lib = pj.Lib()
+    # Init library with default config and some customized
+    # logging config.
+    lib.init(log_cfg = pj.LogConfig(level=LOG_LEVEL, callback=log_cb))
+    # Create UDP transport which listens to any available port
+    transport = lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.UDP, 
+                                     pj.TransportConfig(0))
+    print "\nListening on", transport.info().host, 
+    print "port", transport.info().port, "\n"
+    # Start the library
+    lib.start()
+    # Create local account
+    acc = lib.create_account_for_transport(transport)
+    acc_cb = MyAccountCallback(acc)
+    acc.set_callback(acc_cb)
+    # If argument is specified then make call to the URI
+    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+        current_call = make_call(sys.argv[1])
+    my_sip_uri = "sip:" + transport.info().host + \
+                 ":" + str(transport.info().port)
+    # Menu loop
+    while True:
+        print "My SIP URI is", my_sip_uri
+        print "Menu:  m=make call, h=hangup call, a=answer call, q=quit"
+        input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
+        if input == "m":
+            if current_call:
+                print "Already have another call"
+                continue
+            print "Enter destination URI to call: ", 
+            input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
+            if input == "":
+                continue
+            current_call = make_call(input)
+        elif input == "h":
+            if not current_call:
+                print "There is no call"
+                continue
+            current_call.hangup()
+        elif input == "a":
+            if not current_call:
+                print "There is no call"
+                continue
+            current_call.answer(200)
+        elif input == "q":
+            break
+    # Shutdown the library
+    lib.destroy()
+    lib = None
+except pj.Error, e:
+    print "Exception: " + str(e)
+    lib.destroy()
+    lib = None
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/python/samples/presence.py b/pjsip-apps/src/python/samples/presence.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7a3843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/python/samples/presence.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# $Id:$
+# Presence and instant messaging
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+import sys
+import pjsua as pj
+import threading
+def log_cb(level, str, len):
+    print str,
+class MyBuddyCallback(pj.BuddyCallback):
+    def __init__(self, buddy):
+        pj.BuddyCallback.__init__(self, buddy)
+    def on_state(self):
+        print "Buddy", self.buddy.info().uri, "is",
+        print self.buddy.info().online_text
+    def on_pager(self, mime_type, body):
+        print "Instant message from", self.buddy.info().uri, 
+        print "(", mime_type, "):"
+        print body
+    def on_pager_status(self, body, im_id, code, reason):
+        if code >= 300:
+            print "Message delivery failed for message",
+            print body, "to", self.buddy.info().uri, ":", reason
+    def on_typing(self, is_typing):
+        if is_typing:
+            print self.buddy.info().uri, "is typing"
+        else:
+            print self.buddy.info().uri, "stops typing"
+lib = pj.Lib()
+    # Init library with default config and some customized
+    # logging config.
+    lib.init(log_cfg = pj.LogConfig(level=LOG_LEVEL, callback=log_cb))
+    # Create UDP transport which listens to any available port
+    transport = lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.UDP, 
+                                     pj.TransportConfig(0))
+    print "\nListening on", transport.info().host, 
+    print "port", transport.info().port, "\n"
+    # Start the library
+    lib.start()
+    # Create local account
+    acc = lib.create_account_for_transport(transport)
+    my_sip_uri = "sip:" + transport.info().host + \
+                 ":" + str(transport.info().port)
+    buddy = None
+    # Menu loop
+    while True:
+        print "My SIP URI is", my_sip_uri
+        print "Menu:  a=add buddy, t=toggle online status, i=send IM, q=quit"
+        input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
+        if input == "a":
+            # Add buddy
+            print "Enter buddy URI: ", 
+            input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
+            if input == "":
+                continue
+            buddy = acc.add_buddy(input)
+            cb = MyBuddyCallback(buddy)
+            buddy.set_callback(cb)
+            buddy.subscribe()
+        elif input == "t":
+            acc.set_basic_status(not acc.info().online_status)
+        elif input == "i":
+            if not buddy:
+                print "Add buddy first"
+                continue
+            buddy.send_typing_ind(True)
+            print "Type the message: ", 
+            input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
+            if input == "":
+                buddy.send_typing_ind(False)
+                continue
+            buddy.send_pager(input)
+        elif input == "q":
+            break
+    # Shutdown the library
+    lib.destroy()
+    lib = None
+except pj.Error, e:
+    print "Exception: " + str(e)
+    lib.destroy()
+    lib = None
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/python/samples/registration.py b/pjsip-apps/src/python/samples/registration.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16cae8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/python/samples/registration.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# $Id:$
+# SIP account and registration sample. In this sample, the program
+# will block to wait until registration is complete
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+import sys
+import pjsua as pj
+import threading
+def log_cb(level, str, len):
+    print str,
+class MyAccountCallback(pj.AccountCallback):
+    sem = None
+    def __init__(self, account):
+        pj.AccountCallback.__init__(self, account)
+    def wait(self):
+        self.sem = threading.Semaphore(0)
+        self.sem.acquire()
+    def on_reg_state(self):
+        if self.sem:
+            if self.account.info().reg_status >= 200:
+                self.sem.release()
+lib = pj.Lib()
+    lib.init(log_cfg = pj.LogConfig(level=4, callback=log_cb))
+    lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.UDP, pj.TransportConfig(5080))
+    lib.start()
+    acc = lib.create_account(pj.AccountConfig("pjsip.org", "bennylp", "***"))
+    acc_cb = MyAccountCallback(acc)
+    acc.set_callback(acc_cb)
+    acc_cb.wait()
+    print "\n"
+    print "Registration complete, status=", acc.info().reg_status, \
+          "(" + acc.info().reg_reason + ")"
+    print "\nPress ENTER to quit"
+    sys.stdin.readline()
+    lib.destroy()
+    lib = None
+except pj.Error, e:
+    print "Exception: " + str(e)
+    lib.destroy()
diff --git a/pjsip-apps/src/python/setup.py b/pjsip-apps/src/python/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8390872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pjsip-apps/src/python/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+from distutils.core import setup, Extension
+import os
+import sys
+# Fill in pj_inc_dirs
+pj_inc_dirs = []
+f = os.popen("make -f helper.mak inc_dir")
+for line in f:
+	pj_inc_dirs.append(line.rstrip("\r\n"))
+# Fill in pj_lib_dirs
+pj_lib_dirs = []
+f = os.popen("make -f helper.mak lib_dir")
+for line in f:
+	pj_lib_dirs.append(line.rstrip("\r\n"))
+# Fill in pj_libs
+pj_libs = []
+f = os.popen("make -f helper.mak libs")
+for line in f:
+	pj_libs.append(line.rstrip("\r\n"))
+# Mac OS X depedencies
+if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+	extra_link_args = ["-framework", "CoreFoundation", 
+			   "-framework", "AudioToolbox"]
+	extra_link_args = []
+setup(name="_pjsua", version="0.9",
+	ext_modules = [
+		Extension("_pjsua", 
+			  ["_pjsua.c"], 
+			  define_macros=[('PJ_AUTOCONF', '1'),],
+			  include_dirs=pj_inc_dirs, 
+			  library_dirs=pj_lib_dirs, 
+			  libraries=pj_libs,
+			  extra_link_args=extra_link_args),
+	])