Ticket #61: imported libsrtp into third_party directory (backported from srtp branch)

git-svn-id: https://svn.pjsip.org/repos/pjproject/trunk@1730 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
diff --git a/third_party/srtp/crypto/Makefile.in b/third_party/srtp/crypto/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c14dba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/srtp/crypto/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# Makefile for libcryptomodule.a
+# David A. McGrew
+# Cisco Systems, Inc.
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+CC	= @CC@
+INCDIR	= -Iinclude -I$(srcdir)/include
+CRYPTOLIB = -lcryptomodule
+# EXE defines the suffix on executables - it's .exe for cygwin, and
+# null on linux, bsd, and OS X and other OSes.  we define this so that
+# `make clean` will work on the cygwin platform
+EXE = @EXE@
+# Random source.
+ifdef ARCH
+  DEFS += -D$(ARCH)=1
+ifdef sysname
+  DEFS += -D$(sysname)=1
+.PHONY: dummy all runtest clean superclean
+dummy : all runtest 
+# test applications 
+testapp = test/cipher_driver$(EXE) test/datatypes_driver$(EXE) \
+	  test/stat_driver$(EXE) test/sha1_driver$(EXE) \
+	  test/kernel_driver$(EXE) test/aes_calc$(EXE) test/rand_gen$(EXE) \
+	  test/env$(EXE)
+# data values used to test the aes_calc application
+runtest: libcryptomodule.a $(testapp)
+	test/env$(EXE) # print out information on the build environment
+	@echo "running libcryptomodule test applications..."
+	test `test/aes_calc $k $p` = $c
+	test/cipher_driver$(EXE) -v >/dev/null
+	test/datatypes_driver$(EXE) -v >/dev/null
+	test/stat_driver$(EXE) >/dev/null
+	test/sha1_driver$(EXE) -v >/dev/null
+	test/kernel_driver$(EXE) -v >/dev/null
+	test/rand_gen$(EXE) -n 256 >/dev/null
+	@echo "libcryptomodule test applications passed."
+# libcryptomodule.a (the crypto engine) 
+ciphers = cipher/cipher.o cipher/null_cipher.o      \
+          cipher/aes.o cipher/aes_icm.o             \
+          cipher/aes_cbc.o
+hashes  = hash/null_auth.o hash/sha1.o \
+          hash/hmac.o hash/auth.o
+math    = math/datatypes.o math/stat.o
+rng     = rng/$(RNG_OBJS) rng/rand_source.o rng/prng.o rng/ctr_prng.o
+err     = kernel/err.o
+kernel  = kernel/crypto_kernel.o  kernel/alloc.o   \
+          kernel/key.o $(rng) $(err)
+xfm     = ae_xfm/xfm.o
+cryptobj =  $(ciphers) $(hashes) $(math) $(stat) $(kernel) $(xfm)
+# the rule for making object files and test apps
+%.o: %.c
+	$(COMPILE) -c $< -o $@
+%$(EXE): %.c libcryptomodule.a 
+ifndef AR
+  AR=ar
+# and the crypto module library itself
+libcryptomodule.a: $(cryptobj) 
+	$(AR) cr libcryptomodule.a $(cryptobj) 
+	$(RANLIB) libcryptomodule.a
+all: libcryptomodule.a $(testapp)
+# housekeeping functions
+	rm -f libcryptomodule.a
+	rm -f $(testapp) *.o */*.o 
+	for a in * .* */*; do if [ -f "$$a~" ] ; then rm $$a~; fi; done;
+	rm -f `find . -name "*.[ch]~*~"`
+	rm -rf latex
+superclean: clean
+	rm -f *core TAGS ktrace.out
+# the target 'package' builds a compressed tar archive of the source code
+distname = crypto-$(shell cat VERSION)
+package: superclean
+	cd ..; tar cvzf $(distname).tgz crypto/
+# EOF