Ticket #774:
 - Initial source of G.722.1/Annex C integration.
 - Disabled some "odd" modes of L16 codec (11kHz & 22kHz mono & stereo) while releasing some payload types.

git-svn-id: https://svn.pjsip.org/repos/pjproject/trunk@2563 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
diff --git a/third_party/g7221/encode/encoder.c b/third_party/g7221/encode/encoder.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ec8cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/g7221/encode/encoder.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1125 @@
+**   ITU-T G.722.1 (2005-05) - Fixed point implementation for main body and Annex C
+**   > Software Release 2.1 (2008-06)
+**     (Simple repackaging; no change from 2005-05 Release 2.0 code)
+**   © 2004 Polycom, Inc.
+**   All rights reserved.
+  Filename:    encoder.c    
+  Purpose:     Contains files used to implement the G.722.1 Annex C encoder
+  Design Notes:
+ Include files                                                           
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "huff_def.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "count.h"
+ Function:    encoder                                                     
+ Syntax:      void encoder(Word16 number_of_available_bits,                     
+                           Word16 number_of_regions,
+                           Word16 mlt_coefs,                                        
+                           Word16 mag_shift,                                        
+                           Word16 out_words)                                        
+              inputs:   number_of_available_bits
+                        number_of_regions
+                        mag_shift
+                        mlt_coefs[DCT_LENGTH]
+              outputs:  out_words[MAX_BITS_PER_FRAME/16]
+ Description: Encodes the mlt coefs into out_words using G.722.1 Annex C
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |     32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.93      |     1.04
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    1.20      |     1.28
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |     32kbit     |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    1.39      |     1.71       |     2.01
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    2.00      |     2.30       |     2.52
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+void encoder(Word16  number_of_available_bits,
+             Word16  number_of_regions,
+             Word16  *mlt_coefs,
+             Word16  mag_shift,
+             Word16  *out_words)
+    Word16  num_categorization_control_bits;
+    Word16  num_categorization_control_possibilities;
+    Word16  number_of_bits_per_frame;
+    Word16  number_of_envelope_bits;
+    Word16  categorization_control;
+    Word16  region;
+    Word16  absolute_region_power_index[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];
+    Word16  power_categories[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];
+    Word16  drp_num_bits[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS+1];
+    UWord16 drp_code_bits[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS+1];
+    Word16  region_mlt_bit_counts[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];
+    UWord32 region_mlt_bits[4*MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];
+    Word16  mag_shift_offset;
+    Word16 temp;
+    /* initialize variables */
+    test();
+    if (number_of_regions == NUMBER_OF_REGIONS)
+    {
+        num_categorization_control_bits = NUM_CATEGORIZATION_CONTROL_BITS;
+        move16();
+        num_categorization_control_possibilities = NUM_CATEGORIZATION_CONTROL_POSSIBILITIES;
+        move16();
+    } 
+    else
+    {
+        num_categorization_control_bits = MAX_NUM_CATEGORIZATION_CONTROL_BITS;
+        move16();
+        num_categorization_control_possibilities = MAX_NUM_CATEGORIZATION_CONTROL_POSSIBILITIES;
+        move16();
+    }
+    number_of_bits_per_frame = number_of_available_bits;
+    move16();
+    for (region=0; region<number_of_regions; region++)
+    {
+        region_mlt_bit_counts[region] = 0;
+        move16();
+    }
+    /* Estimate power envelope. */
+    number_of_envelope_bits = compute_region_powers(mlt_coefs,
+                                                    mag_shift,
+                                                    drp_num_bits,
+                                                    drp_code_bits,
+                                                    absolute_region_power_index,
+                                                    number_of_regions);
+    /* Adjust number of available bits based on power envelope estimate */
+    temp = sub(number_of_available_bits,number_of_envelope_bits);
+    number_of_available_bits = sub(temp,num_categorization_control_bits);
+    /* get categorizations */
+    categorize(number_of_available_bits,
+               number_of_regions,
+               num_categorization_control_possibilities,
+               absolute_region_power_index,
+               power_categories,
+               category_balances);
+    /* Adjust absolute_region_category_index[] for mag_shift.
+       This assumes that REGION_POWER_STEPSIZE_DB is defined
+       to be exactly 3.010299957 or 20.0 times log base 10
+       of square root of 2. */
+    temp = shl(mag_shift,1);
+    mag_shift_offset = add(temp,REGION_POWER_TABLE_NUM_NEGATIVES);
+    for (region=0; region<number_of_regions; region++)
+    {
+        absolute_region_power_index[region] = add(absolute_region_power_index[region],mag_shift_offset);
+        move16();
+    }
+    /* adjust the absolute power region index based on the mlt coefs */
+    adjust_abs_region_power_index(absolute_region_power_index,mlt_coefs,number_of_regions);
+    /* quantize and code the mlt coefficients based on categorizations */
+    vector_quantize_mlts(number_of_available_bits,
+                         number_of_regions,
+                         num_categorization_control_possibilities,
+                         mlt_coefs,
+                         absolute_region_power_index,
+                         power_categories,
+                         category_balances,
+                         &categorization_control,
+                         region_mlt_bit_counts,
+                         region_mlt_bits);
+    /* stuff bits into words */
+    bits_to_words(region_mlt_bits,
+                  region_mlt_bit_counts,
+                  drp_num_bits,
+                  drp_code_bits,
+                  out_words,
+                  categorization_control,
+                  number_of_regions,
+                  num_categorization_control_bits,
+                  number_of_bits_per_frame);
+ Function:    bits_to_words
+ Syntax:      bits_to_words(UWord32 *region_mlt_bits,              
+                            Word16  *region_mlt_bit_counts,                                                             
+                            Word16  *drp_num_bits,                                                                      
+                            UWord16 *drp_code_bits,                                                                     
+                            Word16  *out_words,                                                                         
+                            Word16  categorization_control,                                                                         
+                            Word16  number_of_regions,
+                            Word16  num_categorization_control_bits,
+                            Word16  number_of_bits_per_frame)                                                           
+ Description: Stuffs the bits into words for output
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |      32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.09      |     0.12
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    0.10      |     0.13
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |     32kbit     |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.12      |     0.15       |     0.19
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    0.14      |     0.17       |     0.21
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+void bits_to_words(UWord32 *region_mlt_bits,
+                   Word16  *region_mlt_bit_counts,
+                   Word16  *drp_num_bits,
+                   UWord16 *drp_code_bits,
+                   Word16  *out_words,
+                   Word16  categorization_control,
+                   Word16  number_of_regions,
+                   Word16  num_categorization_control_bits,
+                   Word16  number_of_bits_per_frame)
+    Word16  out_word_index = 0;
+    Word16  j;
+    Word16  region;
+    Word16  out_word;
+    Word16  region_bit_count;
+    Word16  current_word_bits_left;
+    UWord16 slice;
+    Word16  out_word_bits_free = 16;
+    UWord32 *in_word_ptr;
+    UWord32 current_word;
+    Word32  acca;
+    Word32  accb;
+    Word16  temp;
+    /* First set up the categorization control bits to look like one more set of region power bits. */
+    out_word = 0;
+    move16();
+    drp_num_bits[number_of_regions] = num_categorization_control_bits;
+    move16();
+    drp_code_bits[number_of_regions] = (UWord16)categorization_control;
+    move16();
+    /* These code bits are right justified. */
+    for (region=0; region <= number_of_regions; region++)
+    {
+        current_word_bits_left = drp_num_bits[region];
+        move16();
+        current_word = (UWord32)drp_code_bits[region];
+        move16();
+        j = sub(current_word_bits_left,out_word_bits_free);
+        test();
+        if (j >= 0)
+        {
+            temp = extract_l(L_shr(current_word,j));
+            out_word = add(out_word,temp);
+            out_words[out_word_index++] = out_word;
+            move16();
+            out_word_bits_free = 16;
+            move16();
+            out_word_bits_free = sub(out_word_bits_free,j);
+            acca = (current_word << out_word_bits_free);
+            out_word = extract_l(acca);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            j = negate(j);
+            acca = (current_word << j);
+            accb = L_deposit_l(out_word);
+            acca = L_add(accb,acca);
+            out_word = extract_l(acca);
+            out_word_bits_free = sub(out_word_bits_free,current_word_bits_left);
+        }
+    }
+    /* These code bits are left justified. */
+    for (region=0;region<number_of_regions; region++)
+    {
+        accb = L_deposit_l(out_word_index);
+        accb = L_shl(accb,4);
+        accb = L_sub(accb,number_of_bits_per_frame);
+        test();
+        if(accb < 0)        
+        {
+            temp = shl(region,2);
+            in_word_ptr = &region_mlt_bits[temp];
+            region_bit_count = region_mlt_bit_counts[region];
+            move16();
+            temp = sub(32,region_bit_count);
+            test();
+            if(temp > 0)
+                current_word_bits_left = region_bit_count;
+            else
+                current_word_bits_left = 32;
+            current_word = *in_word_ptr++;
+            acca = L_deposit_l(out_word_index);
+            acca = L_shl(acca,4);
+            acca = L_sub(acca,number_of_bits_per_frame);
+            /* from while loop */
+            test();
+            test();
+            logic16(); 
+            while ((region_bit_count > 0) && (acca < 0))
+            {
+                /* from while loop */
+                test();
+                test();
+                logic16(); 
+                temp = sub(current_word_bits_left,out_word_bits_free);
+                test();
+                if (temp >= 0)
+                {
+                    temp = sub(32,out_word_bits_free);
+                    accb = LU_shr(current_word,temp);
+                    slice = (UWord16)extract_l(accb);
+                    out_word = add(out_word,slice);
+                    test();
+                    current_word <<= out_word_bits_free;
+                    current_word_bits_left = sub(current_word_bits_left,out_word_bits_free);
+                    out_words[out_word_index++] = extract_l(out_word);
+                    move16();
+                    out_word = 0;
+                    move16();
+                    out_word_bits_free = 16;
+                    move16();
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    temp = sub(32,current_word_bits_left);
+                    accb = LU_shr(current_word,temp);
+                    slice = (UWord16)extract_l(accb);
+                    temp = sub(out_word_bits_free,current_word_bits_left);
+                    test();
+                    accb = slice << temp;
+                    acca = L_deposit_l(out_word);
+                    acca = L_add(acca,accb);
+                    out_word = extract_l(acca);
+                    out_word_bits_free = sub(out_word_bits_free,current_word_bits_left);
+                    current_word_bits_left = 0;
+                    move16();
+                }
+                test();
+                if (current_word_bits_left == 0)
+                {
+                    current_word = *in_word_ptr++;
+                    region_bit_count = sub(region_bit_count,32);
+                    /* current_word_bits_left = MIN(32,region_bit_count); */
+                    temp = sub(32,region_bit_count);
+                    test();
+                    if(temp > 0)
+                        current_word_bits_left = region_bit_count;
+                    else
+                        current_word_bits_left = 32;
+                }
+                acca = L_deposit_l(out_word_index);
+                acca = L_shl(acca,4);
+                acca = L_sub(acca,number_of_bits_per_frame);
+            }
+            accb = L_deposit_l(out_word_index);
+            accb = L_shl(accb,4);
+            accb = L_sub(accb,number_of_bits_per_frame);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Fill out with 1's. */
+    test();
+    while (acca < 0)
+    {
+        test();
+        current_word = 0x0000ffff;
+        move32();
+        temp = sub(16,out_word_bits_free);
+        acca = LU_shr(current_word,temp);
+        slice = (UWord16)extract_l(acca);
+        out_word = add(out_word,slice);
+        out_words[out_word_index++] = out_word;
+        move16();
+        out_word = 0;
+        move16();
+        out_word_bits_free = 16;
+        move16();
+        acca = L_deposit_l(out_word_index);
+        acca = L_shl(acca,4);
+        acca = L_sub(acca,number_of_bits_per_frame);
+    }
+ Function:    adjust_abs_region_power_index
+ Syntax:      adjust_abs_region_power_index(Word16 *absolute_region_power_index,
+                                            Word16 *mlt_coefs,
+                                            Word16 number_of_regions)
+              inputs:   *mlt_coefs
+                        *absolute_region_power_index
+                        number_of_regions
+              outputs:  *absolute_region_power_index
+ Description: Adjusts the absolute power index
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |      32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.03      |      0.03
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    0.12      |      0.12
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |     32kbit     |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.03      |     0.03       |     0.03
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    0.14      |     0.14       |     0.14
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+void adjust_abs_region_power_index(Word16 *absolute_region_power_index,Word16 *mlt_coefs,Word16 number_of_regions)
+    Word16 n,i;
+    Word16 region;
+    Word16 *raw_mlt_ptr;
+    Word32 acca;
+    Word16 temp;
+    for (region=0; region<number_of_regions; region++)
+    {
+        n = sub(absolute_region_power_index[region],39);
+        n = shr(n,1);
+        test();
+        if (n > 0)
+        {
+            temp = extract_l(L_mult0(region,REGION_SIZE));
+            raw_mlt_ptr = &mlt_coefs[temp];
+            for (i=0; i<REGION_SIZE; i++)
+            {
+                acca = L_shl(*raw_mlt_ptr,16);
+                acca = L_add(acca,32768L);
+                acca = L_shr(acca,n);
+                acca = L_shr(acca,16);
+                *raw_mlt_ptr++ = extract_l(acca);
+            }
+            temp = shl(n,1);
+            temp = sub(absolute_region_power_index[region],temp);
+            absolute_region_power_index[region] = temp;
+            move16();
+        }
+    }
+ Function:    compute_region_powers
+ Syntax:      Word16 compute_region_powers(Word16  *mlt_coefs,                         
+                                           Word16  mag_shift,                         
+                                           Word16  *drp_num_bits,                      
+                                           UWord16 *drp_code_bits,                     
+                                           Word16  *absolute_region_power_index,       
+                                           Word16  number_of_regions)
+                mlt_coefs[DCT_LENGTH];                      
+                mag_shift;                                          
+                drp_num_bits[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];                      
+                drp_code_bits[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];                     
+                absolute_region_power_index[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];       
+                number_of_regions;
+ Description: Computes the power for each of the regions
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |    32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.09      |    0.09
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    0.13      |    0.13
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |     32kbit     |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.20      |     0.20       |     0.20
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    0.29      |     0.29       |     0.29
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+Word16 compute_region_powers(Word16  *mlt_coefs,
+                             Word16  mag_shift,
+                             Word16  *drp_num_bits,
+                             UWord16 *drp_code_bits,
+                             Word16  *absolute_region_power_index,
+                             Word16  number_of_regions)
+    Word16 *input_ptr;
+    Word32 long_accumulator;
+    Word16 itemp1;
+    Word16 power_shift;
+    Word16 region;
+    Word16 j;
+    Word16 differential_region_power_index[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];
+    Word16 number_of_bits;
+    Word32 acca;
+    Word16 temp;
+    Word16 temp1;
+    Word16 temp2;
+    input_ptr = mlt_coefs;
+    for (region=0; region<number_of_regions; region++)
+    {
+        long_accumulator = L_deposit_l(0);
+        for (j=0; j<REGION_SIZE; j++)
+        {
+            itemp1 = *input_ptr++;
+            move16();
+            long_accumulator = L_mac0(long_accumulator,itemp1,itemp1);
+        }
+        power_shift = 0;
+        move16();
+        acca = (long_accumulator & 0x7fff0000L);
+        logic32();
+        test();
+        while (acca > 0)
+        {
+            test();
+            long_accumulator = L_shr(long_accumulator,1);
+            acca = (long_accumulator & 0x7fff0000L);
+            logic32();
+            power_shift = add(power_shift,1);
+        }
+        acca = L_sub(long_accumulator,32767);
+        temp = add(power_shift,15);
+        test();
+        test();
+        logic16();
+        while ((acca <= 0) && (temp >= 0))
+        {
+            test();
+            test();
+            logic16();
+            long_accumulator = L_shl(long_accumulator,1);
+            acca = L_sub(long_accumulator,32767);
+            power_shift--;
+            temp = add(power_shift,15);
+        }
+        long_accumulator = L_shr(long_accumulator,1);
+        /* 28963 corresponds to square root of 2 times REGION_SIZE(20). */
+        acca = L_sub(long_accumulator,28963);
+        test();
+        if (acca >= 0)
+            power_shift = add(power_shift,1);
+        acca = L_deposit_l(mag_shift);
+        acca = L_shl(acca,1);
+        acca = L_sub(power_shift,acca);
+        acca = L_add(35,acca);
+        acca = L_sub(acca,REGION_POWER_TABLE_NUM_NEGATIVES);
+        absolute_region_power_index[region] = extract_l(acca);
+    }
+    /* Before we differentially encode the quantized region powers, adjust upward the
+    valleys to make sure all the peaks can be accurately represented. */
+    temp = sub(number_of_regions,2);
+    for (region = temp; region >= 0; region--)
+    {
+        temp1 = sub(absolute_region_power_index[region+1],DRP_DIFF_MAX);
+        temp2 = sub(absolute_region_power_index[region],temp1);
+        test();
+        if (temp2 < 0)
+        {
+            absolute_region_power_index[region] = temp1;
+            move16();
+        }
+    }
+    /* The MLT is currently scaled too low by the factor
+       ENCODER_SCALE_FACTOR(=18318)/32768 * (1./sqrt(160).
+       This is the ninth power of 1 over the square root of 2.
+       So later we will add ESF_ADJUSTMENT_TO_RMS_INDEX (now 9)
+       to drp_code_bits[0]. */
+    /* drp_code_bits[0] can range from 1 to 31. 0 will be used only as an escape sequence. */
+    temp1 = sub(1,ESF_ADJUSTMENT_TO_RMS_INDEX);
+    temp2 = sub(absolute_region_power_index[0],temp1);
+    test();
+    if (temp2 < 0)
+    {
+        absolute_region_power_index[0] = temp1;
+        move16();
+    }
+    temp1 = sub(31,ESF_ADJUSTMENT_TO_RMS_INDEX);
+	/*
+	 * The next line was corrected in Release 1.2 
+	 */
+    temp2 = sub(absolute_region_power_index[0], temp1);  
+    test();
+    if (temp2 > 0)
+    {
+        absolute_region_power_index[0] = temp1;
+        move16();
+    }
+    differential_region_power_index[0] = absolute_region_power_index[0];
+    move16();
+    number_of_bits = 5;
+    move16();
+    drp_num_bits[0] = 5;
+    move16();
+    drp_code_bits[0] = (UWord16)add(absolute_region_power_index[0],ESF_ADJUSTMENT_TO_RMS_INDEX);
+    move16();
+    /* Lower limit the absolute region power indices to -8 and upper limit them to 31. Such extremes
+     may be mathematically impossible anyway.*/
+    for (region=1; region<number_of_regions; region++)
+    {
+        temp1 = sub(-8,ESF_ADJUSTMENT_TO_RMS_INDEX);
+        temp2 = sub(absolute_region_power_index[region],temp1);
+        test();
+        if (temp2 < 0)
+        {
+            absolute_region_power_index[region] = temp1;
+            move16();
+        }
+        temp1 = sub(31,ESF_ADJUSTMENT_TO_RMS_INDEX);
+        temp2 = sub(absolute_region_power_index[region],temp1);
+        test();
+        if (temp2 > 0)
+        {
+            absolute_region_power_index[region] = temp1;
+            move16();
+        }
+    }
+    for (region=1; region<number_of_regions; region++)
+    {
+        j = sub(absolute_region_power_index[region],absolute_region_power_index[region-1]);
+        temp = sub(j,DRP_DIFF_MIN);
+        test();
+        if (temp < 0)
+        {
+            j = DRP_DIFF_MIN;
+        }
+        j = sub(j,DRP_DIFF_MIN);
+        move16();
+        differential_region_power_index[region] = j;
+        move16();
+        temp = add(absolute_region_power_index[region-1],differential_region_power_index[region]);
+        temp = add(temp,DRP_DIFF_MIN);
+        absolute_region_power_index[region] = temp;
+        move16();
+        number_of_bits = add(number_of_bits,differential_region_power_bits[region][j]);
+        drp_num_bits[region] = differential_region_power_bits[region][j];
+        move16();
+        drp_code_bits[region] = differential_region_power_codes[region][j];
+        move16();
+    }
+    return (number_of_bits);
+ Function:    vector_quantize_mlts
+ Syntax:      void vector_quantize_mlts(number_of_available_bits,
+                                        number_of_regions,                     
+                                        num_categorization_control_possibilities,
+                                        mlt_coefs,                                    
+                                        absolute_region_power_index,                  
+                                        power_categories,                             
+                                        category_balances,                            
+                                        p_categorization_control,                               
+                                        region_mlt_bit_counts,                        
+                                        region_mlt_bits)                              
+              Word16 number_of_available_bits;                                        
+              Word16 number_of_regions;
+              Word16 num_categorization_control_possibilities;
+              Word16 mlt_coefs[DCT_LENGTH];                                         
+              Word16 absolute_region_power_index[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];                  
+              Word16 power_categories[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];                             
+              Word16 category_balances[MAX_NUM_CATEGORIZATION_CONTROL_POSSIBILITIES-1];         
+              Word16 *p_categorization_control;                                                 
+              Word16 region_mlt_bit_counts[MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];                        
+              Word32 region_mlt_bits[4*MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGIONS];                            
+ Description: Scalar quantized vector Huffman coding (SQVH)
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |     32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.57      |     0.65
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    0.78      |     0.83
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |     32kbit     |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.62      |     0.90       |     1.11
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    1.16      |     1.39       |     1.54
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+void vector_quantize_mlts(Word16 number_of_available_bits,
+                          Word16 number_of_regions,
+                          Word16 num_categorization_control_possibilities,
+                          Word16 *mlt_coefs,
+                          Word16 *absolute_region_power_index,
+                          Word16 *power_categories,
+                          Word16 *category_balances,
+                          Word16 *p_categorization_control,
+                          Word16 *region_mlt_bit_counts,
+                          UWord32 *region_mlt_bits)
+    Word16 *raw_mlt_ptr;
+    Word16 region;
+    Word16 category;
+    Word16 total_mlt_bits = 0;
+    Word16 temp;
+    Word16 temp1;
+    Word16 temp2;
+    /* Start in the middle of the categorization control range. */
+    temp = shr(num_categorization_control_possibilities,1);
+    temp = sub(temp,1);
+    for (*p_categorization_control = 0; *p_categorization_control < temp; (*p_categorization_control)++)
+    {
+        region = category_balances[*p_categorization_control];
+        move16();
+        power_categories[region] = add(power_categories[region],1);
+        move16();
+    }
+    for (region=0; region<number_of_regions; region++)
+    {
+        category = power_categories[region];
+        move16();
+        temp = extract_l(L_mult0(region,REGION_SIZE));
+        raw_mlt_ptr = &mlt_coefs[temp];
+        move16();
+        temp = sub(category,(NUM_CATEGORIES-1));
+        test();
+        if (temp < 0)
+        {
+            region_mlt_bit_counts[region] =
+            vector_huffman(category, absolute_region_power_index[region],raw_mlt_ptr,
+                           &region_mlt_bits[shl(region,2)]);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            region_mlt_bit_counts[region] = 0;
+            move16();
+        }
+        total_mlt_bits = add(total_mlt_bits,region_mlt_bit_counts[region]);
+    }
+    /* If too few bits... */
+    temp = sub(total_mlt_bits,number_of_available_bits);
+    test();
+    test();
+    logic16();
+    while ((temp < 0) && (*p_categorization_control > 0))
+    {
+        test();
+        test();
+        logic16();
+        (*p_categorization_control)--;
+        region = category_balances[*p_categorization_control];
+        move16();
+        power_categories[region] = sub(power_categories[region],1);
+        move16();
+        total_mlt_bits = sub(total_mlt_bits,region_mlt_bit_counts[region]);
+        category = power_categories[region];
+        move16();
+        raw_mlt_ptr = &mlt_coefs[region*REGION_SIZE];
+        move16();
+        temp = sub(category,(NUM_CATEGORIES-1));
+        test();
+        if (temp < 0)
+        {
+            region_mlt_bit_counts[region] =
+                vector_huffman(category, absolute_region_power_index[region],raw_mlt_ptr,
+                           &region_mlt_bits[shl(region,2)]);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            region_mlt_bit_counts[region] = 0;
+            move16();
+        }
+        total_mlt_bits = add(total_mlt_bits,region_mlt_bit_counts[region]);
+        temp = sub(total_mlt_bits,number_of_available_bits);
+    }
+    /* If too many bits... */
+    /* Set up for while loop test */
+    temp1 = sub(total_mlt_bits,number_of_available_bits);
+    temp2 = sub(*p_categorization_control,sub(num_categorization_control_possibilities,1));
+    test();
+    test();
+    logic16();
+    while ((temp1 > 0) && (temp2 < 0))
+    {
+        /* operations for while contitions */
+        test();
+        test();
+        logic16();
+        region = category_balances[*p_categorization_control];
+        move16();
+        power_categories[region] = add(power_categories[region],1);
+        move16();
+        total_mlt_bits = sub(total_mlt_bits,region_mlt_bit_counts[region]);
+        category = power_categories[region];
+        move16();
+        temp = extract_l(L_mult0(region,REGION_SIZE));
+        raw_mlt_ptr = &mlt_coefs[temp];
+        move16();
+        temp = sub(category,(NUM_CATEGORIES-1));
+        test();
+        if (temp < 0)
+        {
+            region_mlt_bit_counts[region] =
+                vector_huffman(category, absolute_region_power_index[region],raw_mlt_ptr,
+                           &region_mlt_bits[shl(region,2)]);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            region_mlt_bit_counts[region] = 0;
+            move16();
+        }
+        total_mlt_bits = add(total_mlt_bits,region_mlt_bit_counts[region]);
+        (*p_categorization_control)++;
+        temp1 = sub(total_mlt_bits,number_of_available_bits);
+        temp2 = sub(*p_categorization_control,sub(num_categorization_control_possibilities,1));
+    }
+ Function:    vector_huffman
+ Syntax:      Word16 vector_huffman(Word16  category,     
+                                    Word16  power_index,  
+                                    Word16  *raw_mlt_ptr,  
+                                    UWord32 *word_ptr)     
+              inputs:     Word16  category
+                          Word16  power_index
+                          Word16  *raw_mlt_ptr
+              outputs:    number_of_region_bits
+                          *word_ptr
+ Description: Huffman encoding for each region based on category and power_index  
+ WMOPS:     7kHz |    24kbit    |     32kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.03      |     0.03
+          -------|--------------|----------------  
+            MAX  |    0.04      |     0.04
+          -------|--------------|---------------- 
+           14kHz |    24kbit    |     32kbit     |     48kbit
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            AVG  |    0.03      |     0.03       |     0.03
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+            MAX  |    0.04      |     0.04       |     0.04
+          -------|--------------|----------------|----------------
+Word16 vector_huffman(Word16 category,
+                      Word16 power_index,
+                      Word16 *raw_mlt_ptr,
+                      UWord32 *word_ptr)
+    Word16  inv_of_step_size_times_std_dev;
+    Word16  j,n;
+    Word16  k;
+    Word16  number_of_region_bits;
+    Word16  number_of_non_zero;
+    Word16  vec_dim;
+    Word16  num_vecs;
+    Word16  kmax, kmax_plus_one;
+    Word16  index,signs_index;
+    Word16  *bitcount_table_ptr;
+    UWord16 *code_table_ptr;
+    Word32  code_bits;
+    Word16  number_of_code_bits;
+    UWord32 current_word;
+    Word16  current_word_bits_free;
+    Word32 acca;
+    Word32 accb;
+    Word16 temp;
+    Word16 mytemp;			 /* new variable in Release 1.2 */
+    Word16 myacca;			 /* new variable in Release 1.2 */
+    /* initialize variables */
+    vec_dim = vector_dimension[category];
+    move16();
+    num_vecs = number_of_vectors[category];
+    move16();
+    kmax = max_bin[category];
+    move16();
+    kmax_plus_one = add(kmax,1);
+    move16();
+    current_word = 0L;
+    move16();
+    current_word_bits_free = 32;
+    move16();
+    number_of_region_bits = 0;
+    move16();
+    /* set up table pointers */
+    bitcount_table_ptr = (Word16 *)table_of_bitcount_tables[category];
+    code_table_ptr = (UWord16 *) table_of_code_tables[category];
+    /* compute inverse of step size * standard deviation */
+    acca = L_mult(step_size_inverse_table[category],standard_deviation_inverse_table[power_index]);
+    acca = L_shr(acca,1);
+    acca = L_add(acca,4096);
+    acca = L_shr(acca,13);
+	/*
+	 *  The next two lines are new to Release 1.2 
+	 */
+	mytemp = acca & 0x3;
+    acca = L_shr(acca,2);
+    inv_of_step_size_times_std_dev = extract_l(acca);
+    for (n=0; n<num_vecs; n++)
+    {
+        index = 0;
+        move16();
+        signs_index = 0;
+        move16();
+        number_of_non_zero = 0;
+        move16();
+        for (j=0; j<vec_dim; j++)
+        {
+            k = abs_s(*raw_mlt_ptr);
+            acca = L_mult(k,inv_of_step_size_times_std_dev);
+            acca = L_shr(acca,1);
+			/*
+			 *  The next four lines are new to Release 1.2
+			 */
+			myacca = (Word16)L_mult(k,mytemp);
+			myacca = (Word16)L_shr(myacca,1);
+			myacca = (Word16)L_add(myacca,int_dead_zone_low_bits[category]);
+			myacca = (Word16)L_shr(myacca,2);
+            acca = L_add(acca,int_dead_zone[category]);
+			/*
+			 *  The next two lines are new to Release 1.2
+			 */
+			acca = L_add(acca,myacca);
+			acca = L_shr(acca,13);
+            k = extract_l(acca);
+            test();
+            if (k != 0)
+            {
+                number_of_non_zero = add(number_of_non_zero,1);
+                signs_index = shl(signs_index,1);
+                test();
+                if (*raw_mlt_ptr > 0)
+                {
+                    signs_index = add(signs_index,1);
+                }
+                temp = sub(k,kmax);
+                test();
+                if (temp > 0)
+                {
+                    k = kmax;
+                    move16();
+                }
+            }
+            acca = L_shr(L_mult(index,(kmax_plus_one)),1);
+            index = extract_l(acca);
+            index = add(index,k);
+            raw_mlt_ptr++;
+        }
+        code_bits = *(code_table_ptr+index);
+        number_of_code_bits = add((*(bitcount_table_ptr+index)),number_of_non_zero);
+        number_of_region_bits = add(number_of_region_bits,number_of_code_bits);
+        acca = code_bits << number_of_non_zero;
+        accb = L_deposit_l(signs_index);
+        acca = L_add(acca,accb);
+        code_bits = acca;
+        move32();
+        /* msb of codebits is transmitted first. */
+        j = sub(current_word_bits_free,number_of_code_bits);
+        test();
+        if (j >= 0)
+        {
+            test();
+            acca = code_bits << j;
+            current_word = L_add(current_word,acca);
+            current_word_bits_free = j;
+            move16();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            j = negate(j);
+            acca = L_shr(code_bits,j);
+            current_word = L_add(current_word,acca);
+            *word_ptr++ = current_word;
+            move16();
+            current_word_bits_free = sub(32,j);
+            test();
+            current_word = code_bits << current_word_bits_free;
+        }
+    }
+    *word_ptr++ = current_word;
+    move16();
+    return (number_of_region_bits);