Ticket #774:
 - Initial source of G.722.1/Annex C integration.
 - Disabled some "odd" modes of L16 codec (11kHz & 22kHz mono & stereo) while releasing some payload types.

git-svn-id: https://svn.pjsip.org/repos/pjproject/trunk@2563 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
diff --git a/third_party/g7221/common/stl-files/basop32.c b/third_party/g7221/common/stl-files/basop32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86d97dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/g7221/common/stl-files/basop32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2724 @@
+/*                                                      v.1.0 - 26.Jan.2000
+  =============================================================================
+                          U    U   GGG    SSSS  TTTTT
+                          U    U  G       S       T
+                          U    U  G  GG   SSSS    T
+                          U    U  G   G       S   T
+                           UUU     GG     SSS     T
+                   ========================================
+                    ITU-T - USER'S GROUP ON SOFTWARE TOOLS
+                   ========================================
+       =============================================================
+       COPYRIGHT NOTE: This source code, and all of its derivations,
+       is subject to the "ITU-T General Public License". Please have
+       it  read  in    the  distribution  disk,   or  in  the  ITU-T
+       Recommendation G.191 on "SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR SPEECH AND  AUDIO
+       =============================================================
+                Incorporated from anonymous contributions for 
+                ETSI Standards as well as G.723.1, G.729, and G.722.1
+        This file contains the definition of 16- and 32-bit basic
+        operators to be used in the implementation of signal
+        processing algorithms. The basic operators try to resemble
+        assembly language instructions that are commonly found in
+        digital signal processor (DSP) CPUs, thus allowing algorithm
+        C-code implementations more directly mapeable to DSP assembly
+        code.
+        *********************************************************
+         NOTE: so far, this module does not have a demo program!
+        *********************************************************
+  Defined in basop.h. Self-documentation within each function.
+  26.Jan.00	v1.0	Incorporated to the STL from updated G.723.1/G.729 
+                        basic operator library (based on basicop2.c) and 
+                        G.723.1's basop.c [L_mls(), div_l(), i_mult()]
+  05.Jul.00     v1.1    Added 32-bit shiftless accumulation basic 
+                        operators (L_msu0, L_mac0, L_mult0). Improved
+                        documentation for i_mult().
+  =============================================================================
+ |                                                                           |
+ | Basic arithmetic operators.                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ | $Id $
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Include-Files                                                           |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "typedef.h"
+#include "basop32.h"
+#if (WMOPS)
+#include "count.h"
+extern BASIC_OP multiCounter[MAXCOUNTERS];
+extern int currCounter;
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Local Functions                                                         |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 saturate (Word32 L_var1);
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Constants and Globals                                                   |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Flag Overflow = 0;
+Flag Carry = 0;
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Functions                                                               |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : saturate                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    Limit the 32 bit input to the range of a 16 bit word.                  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1                                                                 |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var1 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 saturate (Word32 L_var1)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    if (L_var1 > 0X00007fffL)
+    {
+        Overflow = 1;
+        var_out = MAX_16;
+    }
+    else if (L_var1 < (Word32) 0xffff8000L)
+    {
+        Overflow = 1;
+        var_out = MIN_16;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        var_out = extract_l (L_var1);
+#if (WMOPS)
+        multiCounter[currCounter].extract_l--;
+    }
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of saturate() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : add                                                     |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    Performs the addition (var1+var2) with overflow control and saturation;|
+ |    the 16 bit result is set at +32767 when overflow occurs or at -32768   |
+ |    when underflow occurs.                                                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 add (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    Word32 L_sum;
+    L_sum = (Word32) var1 + var2;
+    var_out = saturate (L_sum);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].add++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of add() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : sub                                                     |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    Performs the subtraction (var1+var2) with overflow control and satu-   |
+ |    ration; the 16 bit result is set at +32767 when overflow occurs or at  |
+ |    -32768 when underflow occurs.                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 sub (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    Word32 L_diff;
+    L_diff = (Word32) var1 - var2;
+    var_out = saturate (L_diff);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].sub++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of sub() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : abs_s                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    Absolute value of var1; abs_s(-32768) = 32767.                         |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0x0000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 abs_s (Word16 var1)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    if (var1 == (Word16) 0X8000)
+    {
+        var_out = MAX_16;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (var1 < 0)
+        {
+            var_out = -var1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            var_out = var1;
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].abs_s++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of abs_s() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : shl                                                     |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Arithmetically shift the 16 bit input var1 left var2 positions.Zero fill|
+ |   the var2 LSB of the result. If var2 is negative, arithmetically shift   |
+ |   var1 right by -var2 with sign extension. Saturate the result in case of |
+ |   underflows or overflows.                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 shl (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    Word32 result;
+    if (var2 < 0)
+    {
+        if (var2 < -16)
+            var2 = -16;
+        var_out = shr (var1, (Word16) -var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+        multiCounter[currCounter].shr--;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        result = (Word32) var1 *((Word32) 1 << var2);
+        if ((var2 > 15 && var1 != 0) || (result != (Word32) ((Word16) result)))
+        {
+            Overflow = 1;
+            var_out = (var1 > 0) ? MAX_16 : MIN_16;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            var_out = extract_l (result);
+#if (WMOPS)
+            multiCounter[currCounter].extract_l--;
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].shl++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of shl() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : shr                                                     |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Arithmetically shift the 16 bit input var1 right var2 positions with    |
+ |   sign extension. If var2 is negative, arithmetically shift var1 left by  |
+ |   -var2 with sign extension. Saturate the result in case of underflows or |
+ |   overflows.                                                              |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 shr (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    if (var2 < 0)
+    {
+        if (var2 < -16)
+            var2 = -16;
+        var_out = shl (var1, (Word16) -var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+        multiCounter[currCounter].shl--;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (var2 >= 15)
+        {
+            var_out = (var1 < 0) ? -1 : 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (var1 < 0)
+            {
+                var_out = ~((~var1) >> var2);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                var_out = var1 >> var2;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].shr++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of shr() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : mult                                                    |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    Performs the multiplication of var1 by var2 and gives a 16 bit result  |
+ |    which is scaled i.e.:                                                  |
+ |             mult(var1,var2) = extract_l(L_shr((var1 times var2),15)) and  |
+ |             mult(-32768,-32768) = 32767.                                  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 mult (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    Word32 L_product;
+    L_product = (Word32) var1 *(Word32) var2;
+    L_product = (L_product & (Word32) 0xffff8000L) >> 15;
+    if (L_product & (Word32) 0x00010000L)
+        L_product = L_product | (Word32) 0xffff0000L;
+    var_out = saturate (L_product);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].mult++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of mult() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_mult                                                  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   L_mult is the 32 bit result of the multiplication of var1 times var2    |
+ |   with one shift left i.e.:                                               |
+ |        L_mult(var1,var2) = L_shl((var1 times var2),1) and                 |
+ |        L_mult(-32768,-32768) = 2147483647.                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_mult (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    L_var_out = (Word32) var1 *(Word32) var2;
+    if (L_var_out != (Word32) 0x40000000L)
+    {
+        L_var_out *= 2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Overflow = 1;
+        L_var_out = MAX_32;
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_mult++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_mult() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : negate                                                  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Negate var1 with saturation, saturate in the case where input is -32768:|
+ |                negate(var1) = sub(0,var1).                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 negate (Word16 var1)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    var_out = (var1 == MIN_16) ? MAX_16 : -var1;
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].negate++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of negate() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : extract_h                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return the 16 MSB of L_var1.                                            |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1                                                                 |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32 ) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var1 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 extract_h (Word32 L_var1)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    var_out = (Word16) (L_var1 >> 16);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].extract_h++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of extract_h() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : extract_l                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return the 16 LSB of L_var1.                                            |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1                                                                 |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32 ) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var1 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 extract_l (Word32 L_var1)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    var_out = (Word16) L_var1;
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].extract_l++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of extract_l() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : round                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Round the lower 16 bits of the 32 bit input number into the MS 16 bits  |
+ |   with saturation. Shift the resulting bits right by 16 and return the 16 |
+ |   bit number:                                                             |
+ |               round(L_var1) = extract_h(L_add(L_var1,32768))              |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1                                                                 |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32 ) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var1 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 round (Word32 L_var1)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    Word32 L_rounded;
+    L_rounded = L_add (L_var1, (Word32) 0x00008000L);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_add--;
+    var_out = extract_h (L_rounded);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].extract_h--;
+    multiCounter[currCounter].round++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of round() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_mac                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Multiply var1 by var2 and shift the result left by 1. Add the 32 bit    |
+ |   result to L_var3 with saturation, return a 32 bit result:               |
+ |        L_mac(L_var3,var1,var2) = L_add(L_var3,L_mult(var1,var2)).         |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var3   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_mac (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    Word32 L_product;
+    L_product = L_mult (var1, var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_mult--;
+    L_var_out = L_add (L_var3, L_product);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_add--;
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_mac++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_mac() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_msu                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Multiply var1 by var2 and shift the result left by 1. Subtract the 32   |
+ |   bit result to L_var3 with saturation, return a 32 bit result:           |
+ |        L_msu(L_var3,var1,var2) = L_sub(L_var3,L_mult(var1,var2)).         |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var3   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_msu (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    Word32 L_product;
+    L_product = L_mult (var1, var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_mult--;
+    L_var_out = L_sub (L_var3, L_product);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_sub--;
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_msu++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_msu() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_macNs                                                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Multiply var1 by var2 and shift the result left by 1. Add the 32 bit    |
+ |   result to L_var3 without saturation, return a 32 bit result. Generate   |
+ |   carry and overflow values :                                             |
+ |        L_macNs(L_var3,var1,var2) = L_add_c(L_var3,L_mult(var1,var2)).     |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var3   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Caution :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    In some cases the Carry flag has to be cleared or set before using     |
+ |    operators which take into account its value.                           |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_macNs (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    L_var_out = L_mult (var1, var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_mult--;
+    L_var_out = L_add_c (L_var3, L_var_out);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_add_c--;
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_macNs++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_macNs() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_msuNs                                                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Multiply var1 by var2 and shift the result left by 1. Subtract the 32   |
+ |   bit result from L_var3 without saturation, return a 32 bit result. Ge-  |
+ |   nerate carry and overflow values :                                      |
+ |        L_msuNs(L_var3,var1,var2) = L_sub_c(L_var3,L_mult(var1,var2)).     |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var3   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Caution :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    In some cases the Carry flag has to be cleared or set before using     |
+ |    operators which take into account its value.                           |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_msuNs (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    L_var_out = L_mult (var1, var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_mult--;
+    L_var_out = L_sub_c (L_var3, L_var_out);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_sub_c--;
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_msuNs++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_msuNs() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_add                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   32 bits addition of the two 32 bits variables (L_var1+L_var2) with      |
+ |   overflow control and saturation; the result is set at +2147483647 when  |
+ |   overflow occurs or at -2147483648 when underflow occurs.                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var2   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_add (Word32 L_var1, Word32 L_var2)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    L_var_out = L_var1 + L_var2;
+    if (((L_var1 ^ L_var2) & MIN_32) == 0)
+    {
+        if ((L_var_out ^ L_var1) & MIN_32)
+        {
+            L_var_out = (L_var1 < 0) ? MIN_32 : MAX_32;
+            Overflow = 1;
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_add++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_add() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_sub                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   32 bits subtraction of the two 32 bits variables (L_var1-L_var2) with   |
+ |   overflow control and saturation; the result is set at +2147483647 when  |
+ |   overflow occurs or at -2147483648 when underflow occurs.                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var2   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_sub (Word32 L_var1, Word32 L_var2)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    L_var_out = L_var1 - L_var2;
+    if (((L_var1 ^ L_var2) & MIN_32) != 0)
+    {
+        if ((L_var_out ^ L_var1) & MIN_32)
+        {
+            L_var_out = (L_var1 < 0L) ? MIN_32 : MAX_32;
+            Overflow = 1;
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_sub++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_sub() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_add_c                                                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Performs 32 bits addition of the two 32 bits variables (L_var1+L_var2+C)|
+ |   with carry. No saturation. Generate carry and Overflow values. The car- |
+ |   ry and overflow values are binary variables which can be tested and as- |
+ |   signed values.                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var2   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Caution :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    In some cases the Carry flag has to be cleared or set before using     |
+ |    operators which take into account its value.                           |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_add_c (Word32 L_var1, Word32 L_var2)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    Word32 L_test;
+    Flag carry_int = 0;
+    L_var_out = L_var1 + L_var2 + Carry;
+    L_test = L_var1 + L_var2;
+    if ((L_var1 > 0) && (L_var2 > 0) && (L_test < 0))
+    {
+        Overflow = 1;
+        carry_int = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if ((L_var1 < 0) && (L_var2 < 0))
+        {
+            if (L_test >= 0)
+	    {
+                Overflow = 1;
+                carry_int = 1;
+	    }
+            else
+	    {
+                Overflow = 0;
+                carry_int = 1;
+	    }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (((L_var1 ^ L_var2) < 0) && (L_test >= 0))
+            {
+                Overflow = 0;
+                carry_int = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Overflow = 0;
+                carry_int = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (Carry)
+    {
+        if (L_test == MAX_32)
+        {
+            Overflow = 1;
+            Carry = carry_int;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (L_test == (Word32) 0xFFFFFFFFL)
+            {
+                Carry = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Carry = carry_int;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Carry = carry_int;
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_add_c++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_add_c() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_sub_c                                                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Performs 32 bits subtraction of the two 32 bits variables with carry    |
+ |   (borrow) : L_var1-L_var2-C. No saturation. Generate carry and Overflow  |
+ |   values. The carry and overflow values are binary variables which can    |
+ |   be tested and assigned values.                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var2   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Caution :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    In some cases the Carry flag has to be cleared or set before using     |
+ |    operators which take into account its value.                           |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_sub_c (Word32 L_var1, Word32 L_var2)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    Word32 L_test;
+    Flag carry_int = 0;
+    if (Carry)
+    {
+        Carry = 0;
+        if (L_var2 != MIN_32)
+        {
+            L_var_out = L_add_c (L_var1, -L_var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+            multiCounter[currCounter].L_add_c--;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            L_var_out = L_var1 - L_var2;
+            if (L_var1 > 0L)
+            {
+                Overflow = 1;
+                Carry = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        L_var_out = L_var1 - L_var2 - (Word32) 0X00000001L;
+        L_test = L_var1 - L_var2;
+        if ((L_test < 0) && (L_var1 > 0) && (L_var2 < 0))
+        {
+            Overflow = 1;
+            carry_int = 0;
+        }
+        else if ((L_test > 0) && (L_var1 < 0) && (L_var2 > 0))
+        {
+            Overflow = 1;
+            carry_int = 1;
+        }
+        else if ((L_test > 0) && ((L_var1 ^ L_var2) > 0))
+        {
+            Overflow = 0;
+            carry_int = 1;
+        }
+        if (L_test == MIN_32)
+        {
+            Overflow = 1;
+            Carry = carry_int;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Carry = carry_int;
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_sub_c++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_sub_c() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_negate                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Negate the 32 bit variable L_var1 with saturation; saturate in the case |
+ |   where input is -2147483648 (0x8000 0000).                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_negate (Word32 L_var1)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    L_var_out = (L_var1 == MIN_32) ? MAX_32 : -L_var1;
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_negate++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_negate() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : mult_r                                                  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Same as mult with rounding, i.e.:                                       |
+ |     mult_r(var1,var2) = extract_l(L_shr(((var1 * var2) + 16384),15)) and  |
+ |     mult_r(-32768,-32768) = 32767.                                        |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 mult_r (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    Word32 L_product_arr;
+    L_product_arr = (Word32) var1 *(Word32) var2;       /* product */
+    L_product_arr += (Word32) 0x00004000L;      /* round */
+    L_product_arr &= (Word32) 0xffff8000L;
+    L_product_arr >>= 15;       /* shift */
+    if (L_product_arr & (Word32) 0x00010000L)   /* sign extend when necessary */
+    {
+        L_product_arr |= (Word32) 0xffff0000L;
+    }
+    var_out = saturate (L_product_arr);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].mult_r++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of mult_r() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_shl                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Arithmetically shift the 32 bit input L_var1 left var2 positions. Zero  |
+ |   fill the var2 LSB of the result. If var2 is negative, arithmetically    |
+ |   shift L_var1 right by -var2 with sign extension. Saturate the result in |
+ |   case of underflows or overflows.                                        |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_shl (Word32 L_var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    if (var2 <= 0)
+    {
+        if (var2 < -32)
+            var2 = -32;
+        L_var_out = L_shr (L_var1, (Word16) -var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+        multiCounter[currCounter].L_shr--;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (; var2 > 0; var2--)
+        {
+            if (L_var1 > (Word32) 0X3fffffffL)
+            {
+                Overflow = 1;
+                L_var_out = MAX_32;
+                break;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (L_var1 < (Word32) 0xc0000000L)
+                {
+                    Overflow = 1;
+                    L_var_out = MIN_32;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            L_var1 *= 2;
+            L_var_out = L_var1;
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_shl++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_shl() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_shr                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Arithmetically shift the 32 bit input L_var1 right var2 positions with  |
+ |   sign extension. If var2 is negative, arithmetically shift L_var1 left   |
+ |   by -var2 and zero fill the -var2 LSB of the result. Saturate the result |
+ |   in case of underflows or overflows.                                     |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_shr (Word32 L_var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    if (var2 < 0)
+    {
+        if (var2 < -32)
+            var2 = -32;
+        L_var_out = L_shl (L_var1, (Word16) -var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+        multiCounter[currCounter].L_shl--;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (var2 >= 31)
+        {
+            L_var_out = (L_var1 < 0L) ? -1 : 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (L_var1 < 0)
+            {
+                L_var_out = ~((~L_var1) >> var2);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                L_var_out = L_var1 >> var2;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_shr++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_shr() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : shr_r                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Same as shr(var1,var2) but with rounding. Saturate the result in case of|
+ |   underflows or overflows :                                               |
+ |    - If var2 is greater than zero :                                       |
+ |          if (sub(shl(shr(var1,var2),1),shr(var1,sub(var2,1))))            |
+ |          is equal to zero                                                 |
+ |                     then                                                  |
+ |                     shr_r(var1,var2) = shr(var1,var2)                     |
+ |                     else                                                  |
+ |                     shr_r(var1,var2) = add(shr(var1,var2),1)              |
+ |    - If var2 is less than or equal to zero :                              |
+ |                     shr_r(var1,var2) = shr(var1,var2).                    |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 shr_r (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    if (var2 > 15)
+    {
+        var_out = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        var_out = shr (var1, var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+        multiCounter[currCounter].shr--;
+        if (var2 > 0)
+        {
+            if ((var1 & ((Word16) 1 << (var2 - 1))) != 0)
+            {
+                var_out++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].shr_r++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of shr_r() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : mac_r                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Multiply var1 by var2 and shift the result left by 1. Add the 32 bit    |
+ |   result to L_var3 with saturation. Round the LS 16 bits of the result    |
+ |   into the MS 16 bits with saturation and shift the result right by 16.   |
+ |   Return a 16 bit result.                                                 |
+ |            mac_r(L_var3,var1,var2) = round(L_mac(L_var3,var1,var2))       |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var3   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0x0000 8000 <= L_var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.              |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 mac_r (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    L_var3 = L_mac (L_var3, var1, var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_mac--;
+    L_var3 = L_add (L_var3, (Word32) 0x00008000L);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_add--;
+    var_out = extract_h (L_var3);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].extract_h--;
+    multiCounter[currCounter].mac_r++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of mac_r() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : msu_r                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Multiply var1 by var2 and shift the result left by 1. Subtract the 32   |
+ |   bit result to L_var3 with saturation. Round the LS 16 bits of the res-  |
+ |   ult into the MS 16 bits with saturation and shift the result right by   |
+ |   16. Return a 16 bit result.                                             |
+ |            msu_r(L_var3,var1,var2) = round(L_msu(L_var3,var1,var2))       |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var3   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0x0000 8000 <= L_var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.              |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 msu_r (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    L_var3 = L_msu (L_var3, var1, var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_msu--;
+    L_var3 = L_add (L_var3, (Word32) 0x00008000L);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_add--;
+    var_out = extract_h (L_var3);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].extract_h--;
+    multiCounter[currCounter].msu_r++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of msu_r() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_deposit_h                                             |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Deposit the 16 bit var1 into the 16 MS bits of the 32 bit output. The   |
+ |   16 LS bits of the output are zeroed.                                    |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x7fff 0000.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_deposit_h (Word16 var1)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    L_var_out = (Word32) var1 << 16;
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_deposit_h++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_deposit_h() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_deposit_l                                             |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Deposit the 16 bit var1 into the 16 LS bits of the 32 bit output. The   |
+ |   16 MS bits of the output are sign extended.                             |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0xFFFF 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_deposit_l (Word16 var1)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    L_var_out = (Word32) var1;
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_deposit_l++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_deposit_l() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_shr_r                                                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Same as L_shr(L_var1,var2) but with rounding. Saturate the result in    |
+ |   case of underflows or overflows :                                       |
+ |    - If var2 is greater than zero :                                       |
+ |          if (L_sub(L_shl(L_shr(L_var1,var2),1),L_shr(L_var1,sub(var2,1))))|
+ |          is equal to zero                                                 |
+ |                     then                                                  |
+ |                     L_shr_r(L_var1,var2) = L_shr(L_var1,var2)             |
+ |                     else                                                  |
+ |                     L_shr_r(L_var1,var2) = L_add(L_shr(L_var1,var2),1)    |
+ |    - If var2 is less than or equal to zero :                              |
+ |                     L_shr_r(L_var1,var2) = L_shr(L_var1,var2).            |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 3                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1                                                                 |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= var1 <= 0x7fff ffff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_shr_r (Word32 L_var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    if (var2 > 31)
+    {
+        L_var_out = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        L_var_out = L_shr (L_var1, var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+        multiCounter[currCounter].L_shr--;
+        if (var2 > 0)
+        {
+            if ((L_var1 & ((Word32) 1 << (var2 - 1))) != 0)
+            {
+                L_var_out++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_shr_r++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_shr_r() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_abs                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    Absolute value of L_var1; Saturate in case where the input is          |
+ |                                                               -214783648  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 3                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1                                                                 |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= var1 <= 0x7fff ffff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x0000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_abs (Word32 L_var1)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    if (L_var1 == MIN_32)
+    {
+        L_var_out = MAX_32;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (L_var1 < 0)
+        {
+            L_var_out = -L_var1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            L_var_out = L_var1;
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_abs++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_abs() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_sat                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    32 bit L_var1 is set to 2147483647 if an overflow occured or to        |
+ |    -2147483648 if an underflow occured on the most recent L_add_c,        |
+ |    L_sub_c, L_macNs or L_msuNs operations. The carry and overflow values  |
+ |    are binary values which can be tested and assigned values.             |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 4                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1                                                                 |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= var1 <= 0x7fff ffff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_sat (Word32 L_var1)
+    Word32 L_var_out;
+    L_var_out = L_var1;
+    if (Overflow)
+    {
+        if (Carry)
+        {
+            L_var_out = MIN_32;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            L_var_out = MAX_32;
+        }
+        Carry = 0;
+        Overflow = 0;
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_sat++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_sat() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : norm_s                                                  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Produces the number of left shift needed to normalize the 16 bit varia- |
+ |   ble var1 for positive values on the interval with minimum of 16384 and  |
+ |   maximum of 32767, and for negative values on the interval with minimum  |
+ |   of -32768 and maximum of -16384; in order to normalize the result, the  |
+ |   following operation must be done :                                      |
+ |                    norm_var1 = shl(var1,norm_s(var1)).                    |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 15                                                  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0x0000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 000f.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 norm_s (Word16 var1)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    if (var1 == 0)
+    {
+        var_out = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (var1 == (Word16) 0xffff)
+        {
+            var_out = 15;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (var1 < 0)
+            {
+                var1 = ~var1;
+            }
+            for (var_out = 0; var1 < 0x4000; var_out++)
+            {
+                var1 <<= 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].norm_s++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of norm_s() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : div_s                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Produces a result which is the fractional integer division of var1  by  |
+ |   var2; var1 and var2 must be positive and var2 must be greater or equal  |
+ |   to var1; the result is positive (leading bit equal to 0) and truncated  |
+ |   to 16 bits.                                                             |
+ |   If var1 = var2 then div(var1,var2) = 32767.                             |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 18                                                  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var1                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0x0000 0000 <= var1 <= var2 and var2 != 0.            |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : var1 <= var2 <= 0x0000 7fff and var2 != 0.            |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0x0000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+ |             It's a Q15 value (point between b15 and b14).                 |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 div_s (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word16 var_out = 0;
+    Word16 iteration;
+    Word32 L_num;
+    Word32 L_denom;
+    if ((var1 > var2) || (var1 < 0) || (var2 < 0))
+    {
+        printf ("Division Error var1=%d  var2=%d\n", var1, var2);
+        abort(); /* exit (0); */
+    }
+    if (var2 == 0)
+    {
+        printf ("Division by 0, Fatal error \n");
+        abort(); /* exit (0); */
+    }
+    if (var1 == 0)
+    {
+        var_out = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (var1 == var2)
+        {
+            var_out = MAX_16;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            L_num = L_deposit_l (var1);
+#if (WMOPS)
+            multiCounter[currCounter].L_deposit_l--;
+            L_denom = L_deposit_l (var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+            multiCounter[currCounter].L_deposit_l--;
+            for (iteration = 0; iteration < 15; iteration++)
+            {
+                var_out <<= 1;
+                L_num <<= 1;
+                if (L_num >= L_denom)
+                {
+                    L_num = L_sub (L_num, L_denom);
+#if (WMOPS)
+                    multiCounter[currCounter].L_sub--;
+                    var_out = add (var_out, 1);
+#if (WMOPS)
+                    multiCounter[currCounter].add--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].div_s++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of div_s() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : norm_l                                                  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Produces the number of left shifts needed to normalize the 32 bit varia-|
+ |   ble L_var1 for positive values on the interval with minimum of          |
+ |   1073741824 and maximum of 2147483647, and for negative values on the in-|
+ |   terval with minimum of -2147483648 and maximum of -1073741824; in order |
+ |   to normalize the result, the following operation must be done :         |
+ |                   norm_L_var1 = L_shl(L_var1,norm_l(L_var1)).             |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 30                                                  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1                                                                 |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= var1 <= 0x7fff ffff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0x0000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 001f.                |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word16 norm_l (Word32 L_var1)
+    Word16 var_out;
+    if (L_var1 == 0)
+    {
+        var_out = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (L_var1 == (Word32) 0xffffffffL)
+        {
+            var_out = 31;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (L_var1 < 0)
+            {
+                L_var1 = ~L_var1;
+            }
+            for (var_out = 0; L_var1 < (Word32) 0x40000000L; var_out++)
+            {
+                L_var1 <<= 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].norm_l++;
+    return (var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of norm_l() ------------------------- */
+  *****************************************************************
+   Additional operators extracted from the G.723.1 Library
+   Adapted for WMOPS calculations
+  *****************************************************************
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : L_mls                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Multiplies a 16 bit word v by a 32 bit word Lv and returns a 32 bit     |
+ |   word (multiplying 16 by 32 bit words gives 48 bit word; the function    |
+ |   extracts the 32 MSB and shift the result to the left by 1).             |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   A 32 bit word can be written as                                         |
+ |    Lv = a  +  b * 2^16                                                    |
+ |   where a= unsigned 16 LSBs and b= signed 16 MSBs.                        |
+ |   The function returns v * Lv  /  2^15  which is equivalent to            |
+ |        a*v / 2^15 + b*v*2                                                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 6 [to be confirmed]                                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Lv                                                                      |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= var1 <= 0x7fff ffff.                   |
+ |   v                                                                       |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0x8000 <= var1 <= 0x7fff.                             |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var_out                                                                |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+Word32 L_mls (Word32 Lv, Word16 v)
+   Word32   Temp  ;
+   Temp = Lv & (Word32) 0x0000ffff ;
+   Temp = Temp * (Word32) v ;
+   Temp = L_shr( Temp, (Word16) 15 ) ;
+   Temp = L_mac( Temp, v, extract_h(Lv) ) ;
+#if (WMOPS)
+   multiCounter[currCounter].L_shr--;
+   multiCounter[currCounter].L_mac--;
+   multiCounter[currCounter].extract_h--;
+   multiCounter[currCounter].L_mls++;
+   return Temp ;
+/* ------------------------- End of L_mls() ------------------------- */
+|                                                                           |
+|   Function Name : div_l                                                   |
+|                                                                           |
+|   Purpose :                                                               |
+|                                                                           |
+|   Produces a result which is the fractional integer division of L_var1 by|
+|   var2; L_var1 and var2 must be positive and var2 << 16 must be greater or|
+|   equal to L_var1; the result is positive (leading bit equal to 0) and    |
+|   truncated to 16 bits.                                                   |
+|   If L_var1 == var2 << 16 then div_l(L_var1,var2) = 32767.                |
+|                                                                           |
+|   Complexity weight : 20                                                  |
+|                                                                           |
+|   Inputs :                                                                |
+|                                                                           |
+|    L_var1                                                                 |
+|             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+|             range : 0x0000 0000 <= var1 <= (var2 << 16)  and var2 != 0.   |
+|             L_var1 must be considered as a Q.31 value                     |
+|                                                                           |
+|    var2                                                                   |
+|             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+|             range : var1 <= (var2<< 16) <= 0x7fff0000 and var2 != 0.      |
+|             var2 must be considered as a Q.15 value                       |
+|                                                                           |
+|   Outputs :                                                               |
+|                                                                           |
+|    none                                                                   |
+|                                                                           |
+|   Return Value :                                                          |
+|                                                                           |
+|    var_out                                                                |
+|             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+|             range : 0x0000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff.                |
+|             It's a Q15 value (point between b15 and b14).                 |
+Word16 div_l (Word32  L_num, Word16 den)
+    Word16   var_out = (Word16)0;
+    Word32   L_den;
+    Word16   iteration;
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].div_l++;
+    if ( den == (Word16) 0 ) {
+        printf("Division by 0 in div_l, Fatal error \n");
+        exit(0);
+    }
+    if ( (L_num < (Word32) 0) || (den < (Word16) 0) ) {
+        printf("Division Error in div_l, Fatal error \n");
+        exit(0);
+    }
+    L_den = L_deposit_h( den ) ;
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_deposit_h--;
+    if ( L_num >= L_den ){
+        return MAX_16 ;
+    }
+    else {
+        L_num = L_shr(L_num, (Word16)1) ;
+        L_den = L_shr(L_den, (Word16)1);
+#if (WMOPS)
+        multiCounter[currCounter].L_shr-=2;
+        for(iteration=(Word16)0; iteration< (Word16)15;iteration++) {
+            var_out = shl( var_out, (Word16)1);
+            L_num   = L_shl( L_num, (Word16)1);
+#if (WMOPS)
+            multiCounter[currCounter].shl--;
+            multiCounter[currCounter].L_shl--;
+            if (L_num >= L_den) {
+                L_num = L_sub(L_num,L_den);
+                var_out = add(var_out, (Word16)1);
+#if (WMOPS)
+            multiCounter[currCounter].L_sub--;
+            multiCounter[currCounter].add--;
+            }
+        }
+        return var_out;
+    }
+/* ------------------------- End of div_l() ------------------------- */
+|                                                                           |
+|   Function Name : i_mult                                                  |
+|                                                                           |
+|   Purpose :                                                               |
+|                                                                           |
+|   Integer 16-bit multiplication. No overflow protection is performed if   |
+|   ORIGINAL_G7231 is defined.                                              |
+|                                                                           |
+|   Complexity weight : TBD                                                 |
+|                                                                           |
+|   Inputs :                                                                |
+|                                                                           |
+|    a                                                                      |
+|             16 bit short signed integer (Word16).                         |
+|                                                                           |
+|    b                                                                      |
+|             16 bit short signed integer (Word16).                         |
+|                                                                           |
+|   Outputs :                                                               |
+|                                                                           |
+|    none                                                                   |
+|                                                                           |
+|   Return Value :                                                          |
+|                                                                           |
+|             16 bit short signed integer (Word16). No overflow checks      |
+|             are performed if ORIGINAL_G7231 is defined.                   |
+Word16 i_mult (Word16 a, Word16 b)
+#ifdef ORIGINAL_G7231
+   return a*b ;
+   Word32 register c=a*b;
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].i_mult++;
+   return saturate(c) ;
+/* ------------------------- End of i_mult() ------------------------- */
+   ********************************************************************** 
+   The following three operators are not part of the original 
+   G.729/G.723.1 set of basic operators and implement shiftless
+   accumulation operation.
+   ********************************************************************** 
+ |
+ |   Function Name : L_mult0
+ |
+ |   Purpose :
+ |
+ |   L_mult0 is the 32 bit result of the multiplication of var1 times var2
+ |   without one left shift.
+ |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1
+ |
+ |   Inputs :
+ |
+ |    var1     16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.
+ |
+ |    var2     16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.
+ |
+ |   Return Value :
+ |
+ |    L_var_out
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.
+ |___________________________________________________________________________
+Word32 L_mult0 (Word16 var1,Word16 var2)
+  Word32 L_var_out;
+  L_var_out = (Word32)var1 * (Word32)var2;
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_mult0++;
+  return(L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_mult0() ------------------------- */
+ |
+ |   Function Name : L_mac0
+ |
+ |   Purpose :
+ |
+ |   Multiply var1 by var2 (without left shift) and add the 32 bit result to
+ |   L_var3 with saturation, return a 32 bit result:
+ |        L_mac0(L_var3,var1,var2) = L_add(L_var3,(L_mult0(var1,var2)).
+ |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1
+ |
+ |   Inputs :
+ |
+ |    L_var3   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.
+ |
+ |    var1     16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.
+ |
+ |    var2     16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.
+ |
+ |   Return Value :
+ |
+ |    L_var_out
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.
+ |___________________________________________________________________________
+Word32 L_mac0 (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+  Word32 L_var_out;
+  Word32 L_product;
+  L_product = L_mult0(var1,var2);
+  L_var_out = L_add(L_var3,L_product);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_mac0++;
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_mult0--;
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_add--;
+  return(L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_mac0() ------------------------- */
+ |
+ |   Function Name : L_msu0
+ |
+ |   Purpose :
+ |
+ |   Multiply var1 by var2 (without left shift) and subtract the 32 bit
+ |   result to L_var3 with saturation, return a 32 bit result:
+ |        L_msu0(L_var3,var1,var2) = L_sub(L_var3,(L_mult0(var1,var2)).
+ |
+ |   Complexity weight : 1
+ |
+ |   Inputs :
+ |
+ |    L_var3   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.
+ |
+ |    var1     16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.
+ |
+ |    var2     16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.
+ |
+ |   Return Value :
+ |
+ |    L_var_out
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.
+ |___________________________________________________________________________
+Word32 L_msu0 (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
+  Word32 L_var_out;
+  Word32 L_product;
+  L_product = L_mult0(var1,var2);
+  L_var_out = L_sub(L_var3,L_product);
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_msu0++;
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_mult0--;
+    multiCounter[currCounter].L_sub--;
+  return(L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of L_msu0() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : LU_shl                                                  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Arithmetically shift the 32 bit input L_var1 left var2 positions. Zero  |
+ |   fill the var2 LSB of the result. If var2 is negative, arithmetically    |
+ |   shift L_var1 right by -var2 with sign extension. Saturate the result in |
+ |   case of underflows or overflows.                                        |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+UWord32 LU_shl (UWord32 L_var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word16 neg_var2;
+    UWord32 L_var_out;
+    if (var2 <= 0)
+    {
+        if (var2 < -32)
+            var2 = -32;
+        neg_var2 = negate(var2);
+        L_var_out = LU_shr (L_var1, neg_var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+        multiCounter[currCounter].negate--;
+        multiCounter[currCounter].LU_shr--;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (; var2 > 0; var2--)
+        {
+            if (L_var1 > (UWord32) 0X7fffffffL)
+            {
+                Overflow = 1;
+                L_var_out = UMAX_32;
+                break;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (L_var1 < (UWord32) 0x00000001L)
+                {
+                    Overflow = 1;
+                    L_var_out = MIN_32;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            L_var1 *= 2;
+            L_var_out = L_var1;
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].LU_shl++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of LU_shl() ------------------------- */
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Function Name : LU_shr                                                  |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Purpose :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Arithmetically shift the 32 bit input L_var1 right var2 positions with  |
+ |   sign extension. If var2 is negative, arithmetically shift L_var1 left   |
+ |   by -var2 and zero fill the -var2 LSB of the result. Saturate the result |
+ |   in case of underflows or overflows.                                     |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Complexity weight : 2                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Inputs :                                                                |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var1   32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.                 |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    var2                                                                   |
+ |             16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
+ |             range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Outputs :                                                               |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    none                                                                   |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |   Return Value :                                                          |
+ |                                                                           |
+ |    L_var_out                                                              |
+ |             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  |
+ |             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.              |
+ |___________________________________________________________________________|
+UWord32 LU_shr (UWord32 L_var1, Word16 var2)
+    Word16  neg_var2;
+    UWord32 L_var_out;
+    if (var2 < 0)
+    {
+        if (var2 < -32)
+            var2 = -32;
+        neg_var2 = negate(var2);
+        L_var_out = LU_shl (L_var1, neg_var2);
+#if (WMOPS)
+        multiCounter[currCounter].negate--;
+        multiCounter[currCounter].LU_shl--;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (var2 >= 32)
+        {
+            L_var_out = 0L;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            L_var_out = L_var1 >> var2;
+        }
+    }
+#if (WMOPS)
+    multiCounter[currCounter].LU_shr++;
+    return (L_var_out);
+/* ------------------------- End of LU_shr() ------------------------- */
+/* ************************** END OF BASOP32.C ************************** */