Fixed #1077: In ICE stream transport (ice_strans.c), automaticaly retry allocation once if TURN allocation fails. If this allocation retry also fails, notify the TURN user via on_ice_complete() callback. Details:
 - added new PJ_ICE_STRANS_OP_KEEP_ALIVE operation
 - also added new on_ice_transport_error() pjsua callback to allow application to react to the failure.

git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
diff --git a/pjsip/include/pjsua-lib/pjsua.h b/pjsip/include/pjsua-lib/pjsua.h
index eb1beb8..01d1f80 100644
--- a/pjsip/include/pjsua-lib/pjsua.h
+++ b/pjsip/include/pjsua-lib/pjsua.h
@@ -849,6 +849,19 @@
     pjsip_tp_state_callback on_transport_state;
+    /**
+     * This callback is called to report error in ICE media transport.
+     * Currently it is used to report TURN Refresh error.
+     *
+     * @param index	Transport index.
+     * @param op	Operation which trigger the failure.
+     * @param status	Error status.
+     * @param param	Additional info about the event. Currently this will
+     * 			always be set to NULL.
+     */
+    void (*on_ice_transport_error)(int index, pj_ice_strans_op op,
+				   pj_status_t status, void *param);
 } pjsua_callback;