Fixes #1047 (Don't send UPDATE if remote doesn't support it (thanks Bogdan Krakowski for the report)) and fixes #1097 (Support sending UPDATE without SDP). Details:
 - Session timer fixes:
    - will look at remote capability in Allow header
    - if UPDATE is supported, will send UPDATE without SDP first. 
      If this fails, will send UPDATE with SDP
    - otherwise will send re-INVITE
 - PJSUA-LIB will look at dialog's remote capability to determine 
   whether re-INVITE or UPDATE should be sent to change default 
   addresses after ICE negotiation.
 - pjsip_inv_update() now allows NULL offer, in which case the
   UPDATE will be sent without SDP.

git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
5 files changed