set styles for messages

Change-Id: I8b86255a55a745a305f953f77122a98970de0958
diff --git a/client/src/components/Message.js b/client/src/components/Message.js
index 7cfbbdc..b86c43f 100644
--- a/client/src/components/Message.js
+++ b/client/src/components/Message.js
@@ -1,27 +1,236 @@
-import { Typography } from '@mui/material'
-import { GroupOutlined } from '@mui/icons-material'
-import React from 'react'
-import ConversationAvatar from './ConversationAvatar'
+import { Box, Chip, Divider, Stack, Typography } from "@mui/material"
+import dayjs from "dayjs"
+import isToday from "dayjs/plugin/isToday"
+import isYesterday from "dayjs/plugin/isYesterday"
+import React from "react"
-function Message(props) {
-    const message = props.message
-    if (message.type == 'text/plain')
-        return (<div className="message">
-            <div className="message-avatar">
-                <ConversationAvatar name={} /></div>
-            <Typography className="message-text">{message.body}</Typography>
-        </div>)
-    else if (message.type == 'contact')
-        return (<div className="contact-event">
-            <Typography className="message-text">Contact event</Typography>
-        </div>)
-    else if (message.type == 'initial')
-        return (<div className="conversation-event">
-            <Typography variant="h6" className="message-text" color="textSecondary">
-                <div className="inline-avatar"><GroupOutlined color="action" style={{ fontSize: 32 }} /></div>Conversation created
-                </Typography>
-        </div>)
-    else return ''
+export const MessageCall = (props) => {
+  return (
+    <Stack
+      alignItems="center"
+    >
+      "Appel"
+    </Stack>
+  )
-export default Message
\ No newline at end of file
+export const MessageInitial = (props) => {
+  return (
+    <Stack
+      alignItems="center"
+    >
+      "Le Swarm a été créé"
+    </Stack>
+  )
+export const MessageDataTransfer = (props) => {
+  return (
+    <MessageBubble
+      backgroundColor={"#E5E5E5"}
+      position={props.position}
+      isFirstOfGroup={props.isFirstOfGroup}
+      isLastOfGroup={props.isLastOfGroup}
+    >
+      "data-transfer"
+    </MessageBubble>
+  )
+export const MessageMember = (props) => {
+  return (
+    <Stack
+      alignItems="center"
+    >
+      <Chip
+        sx={{
+          width: "fit-content",
+        }}
+        label={`${} s'est joint`}
+      />
+    </Stack>
+  )
+export const MessageMerge = (props) => {
+  return (
+    <Stack
+      alignItems="center"
+    >
+      "merge"
+    </Stack>
+  )
+export const MessageText = (props) => {
+  return (
+    <MessageBubble
+      backgroundColor={props.bubbleColor}
+      position={props.position}
+      isFirstOfGroup={props.isFirstOfGroup}
+      isLastOfGroup={props.isLastOfGroup}
+    >
+      <Typography variant="body1" color={props.textColor}>
+        {props.message.body}
+      </Typography>
+    </MessageBubble>
+  )
+export const MessageDate = ({time}) => {
+  let textDate
+  if (time.isToday()) {
+    textDate = "Today"
+  }
+  else if (time.isYesterday()) {
+    textDate = "Yesterday"
+  }
+  else {
+    const date =,'0')
+    const month = (time.month()+1).toString().padStart(2,'0')
+    textDate = `${date}/${month}/${time.year()}`
+  }
+  return (
+    <Box marginTop="30px">
+      <Divider>
+        {textDate}
+      </Divider>
+    </Box>
+  )
+export const MessageTime = ({time, hasDateOnTop}) => {
+  const hour = time.hour().toString().padStart(2,'0')
+  const minute = time.minute().toString().padStart(2,'0')
+  const textTime = `${hour}:${minute}`
+  return (
+    <Stack
+      direction="row"
+      justifyContent="center"
+      margin="30px"
+      marginTop={hasDateOnTop ? "20px" : "30px"}
+    >
+      <Typography
+        variant="caption"
+        color="#A7A7A7"
+        fontWeight={700}
+      >
+        {textTime}
+      </Typography>
+    </Stack>
+  )
+export const MessageBubblesGroup = (props) => {
+  const isUser = true // should access user from the store
+  const position = isUser ? "end" : "start"
+  const bubbleColor = isUser ? "#005699" : "#E5E5E5"
+  const textColor = isUser ? "white" : "black"
+  return (
+    <Stack // Container for an entire row with a single group of bubbles
+      direction="row"
+      justifyContent={position}
+    >
+      <Stack // Container for a group of bubbles with the partipants informations
+        width="66.66%"
+        paddingTop="30px"
+        alignItems={position}
+      >
+        <ParticipantName
+          name={props.messages[0]?.author}
+          position={position}
+        />
+        <Stack // Container for the bubbles alone
+          spacing="6px"
+          alignItems={position}
+          direction="column-reverse"
+        >
+          {
+            (message, index) => {
+              let Component
+              switch (message.type) {
+                case "text/plain":
+                  Component = MessageText
+                  break
+                case "application/data-transfer+json":
+                  Component = MessageDataTransfer
+                  break
+              } 
+              return (
+                <Component // Container for a single bubble
+                  key={} 
+                  message={message}
+                  textColor={textColor}
+                  position={position}
+                  bubbleColor={bubbleColor}
+                  isFirstOfGroup={index == props.messages.length-1}
+                  isLastOfGroup={index == 0}
+                />
+              )
+            }
+          )}
+        </Stack>
+      </Stack>
+    </Stack>
+  )
+const MessageBubble = (props) => {
+  const largeRadius = "20px"
+  const smallRadius = "5px"
+  const radius = React.useMemo(() => {
+    if (props.position == "start") {
+      return {
+        borderStartStartRadius: props.isFirstOfGroup ? largeRadius : smallRadius,
+        borderStartEndRadius: largeRadius,
+        borderEndStartRadius: props.isLastOfGroup ? largeRadius : smallRadius,
+        borderEndEndRadius: largeRadius,
+      }
+    }
+    return {
+      borderStartStartRadius: largeRadius,
+      borderStartEndRadius: props.isFirstOfGroup ? largeRadius : smallRadius,
+      borderEndStartRadius: largeRadius,
+      borderEndEndRadius: props.isLastOfGroup ? largeRadius : smallRadius,
+    }
+  }, [props.isFirstOfGroup, props.isLastOfGroup, props.position])
+  return (
+    <Box
+      sx={{
+        width: "fit-content",
+        backgroundColor: props.backgroundColor,
+        padding: "16px",
+        ...radius,
+      }}
+    >
+      {props.children}
+    </Box>
+  )
+const ParticipantName = (props) => {
+  return (
+    <Box
+      marginBottom="6px"
+      marginLeft="16px"
+      marginRight="16px"
+    >
+      <Typography
+        variant="caption"
+        color="#A7A7A7"
+        fontWeight={700}
+      >
+        {}
+      </Typography>
+    </Box>
+  )
\ No newline at end of file