Fix components rerendering unnecessarily

Before, some providers (WebRtcProvider, CallProvider...) were rendered conditionally.
This was causing all their children to re-render when the provider rendered.

Instead of using conditional rendering, these providers now use `ConditionalContextProvider`.
It always renders the provider, but sets its value to `initialValue` if the dependencies are not all defined.
If all dependencies are defined, the value is the result of the `useProviderValue` hook.

- New file: `ConditionalContextProvider`
- New file: `HookComponent` - Component that calls a hook when mounted and calls a `callback` function with the hook result as argument
- For `WebRtcProvider` and `CallProvider`, use `createOptionalContext` to create the context and `ConditionalContextProvider` to provide their value only when the conditions are met
- In `WebRtcProvider`, set the webRtcConnection to undefined when not in a call
- For all providers, wrap their `value` prop in `useMemo` to avoid unnecessary rerenders

Change-Id: Ide947e216d54599aabc71cf4bd026bd20d6e0daf
diff --git a/client/src/contexts/CustomThemeProvider.tsx b/client/src/contexts/CustomThemeProvider.tsx
index a78aefb..7a6f346 100644
--- a/client/src/contexts/CustomThemeProvider.tsx
+++ b/client/src/contexts/CustomThemeProvider.tsx
@@ -42,13 +42,16 @@
   const theme = useMemo(() => buildDefaultTheme(mode), [mode]);
+  const value = useMemo(
+    () => ({
+      mode,
+      toggleMode,
+    }),
+    [mode, toggleMode]
+  );
   return (
-    <CustomThemeContext.Provider
-      value={{
-        mode,
-        toggleMode,
-      }}
-    >
+    <CustomThemeContext.Provider value={value}>
       <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>{children}</ThemeProvider>