Convert files in themes/ services/ contexts/ to TS

Convert all Javascript files in `client/src/themes`, `client/src/service`, `client/src/contexts` to Typescript.
Convert SvgIcon, Input, ConversationView, Button components to Typescript

Gitlab #30

Change-Id: I0d0505c28e21c771906edf8d5e7b8ce36126fa64
diff --git a/client/src/themes/ThemeDemonstrator.tsx b/client/src/themes/ThemeDemonstrator.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..977deed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/themes/ThemeDemonstrator.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import { Button, Stack, Switch, ThemeProvider, Typography } from '@mui/material';
+import {
+  BackButton,
+  CancelPictureButton,
+  CloseButton,
+  EditPictureButton,
+  InfoButton,
+  TakePictureButton,
+  TipButton,
+  UploadPictureButton,
+} from '../components/Button';
+import { NickNameInput, PasswordInput, RegularInput, UsernameInput } from '../components/Input';
+import defaultTheme from './Default';
+export const ThemeDemonstrator = () => {
+  return (
+    <ThemeProvider theme={defaultTheme}>
+      <Stack spacing="5px">
+        <Stack>
+          <Typography variant="h1">Exemple de titre H1</Typography>
+          <Typography variant="h2">Exemple de titre H2</Typography>
+          <Typography variant="h3">Exemple de titre H3</Typography>
+          <Typography variant="h4">Exemple de titre H4</Typography>
+          <Typography variant="h5">Exemple de titre H5</Typography>
+          <Typography variant="body1">Texte courant principal</Typography>
+          <Typography variant="body2">Texte courant secondaire</Typography>
+          <Typography variant="caption">Légendes et annotations</Typography>
+        </Stack>
+        <Stack spacing="5px" padding="5px" width="300px">
+          <Button variant="contained">Bouton primaire</Button>
+          <Button variant="outlined">Bouton secondaire</Button>
+          <Button variant="text">Bouton tertiaire</Button>
+          <Button variant="contained" size="small">
+            Bouton liste préférences
+          </Button>
+        </Stack>
+        <Stack direction="row" spacing="5px">
+          <CancelPictureButton />
+          <EditPictureButton />
+          <UploadPictureButton />
+          <TakePictureButton />
+        </Stack>
+        <Stack direction="row" spacing="5px">
+          <InfoButton />
+          <TipButton />
+        </Stack>
+        <Stack direction="row" spacing="5px">
+          <BackButton />
+          <CloseButton />
+        </Stack>
+        <Stack>
+          <Switch />
+        </Stack>
+        <Stack padding="5px" width="300px">
+          <UsernameInput />
+          <UsernameInput error defaultValue="Cyrille" />
+          <PasswordInput />
+          <PasswordInput error defaultValue="SavoirFaireLinux" />
+          <NickNameInput />
+          <RegularInput />
+        </Stack>
+      </Stack>
+    </ThemeProvider>
+  );