

npm install


Run with hot-reload for development

npm start

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the app.

Build for production

npm run build

Preview the production build

npm run start:prod

Run tests

Run Jest tests:

npm test

Run Cypress tests:

npm run test:cypress

Lint files

npm run lint

Lint and fix files:

npm run lint:fix

Format files

npm run format

Clean build output

npm run clean

Update the translation files

npm run extract-translations

The translations are handled by i18next.


  • Uncomment the line // import config from "./sentry-server.config.json" assert { type: "json" }; in sentry.js
  • Uncomment the line // import config from "../sentry-client.config.json" and the init config Sentry.init(... in index.ts
  • Add sentry-client.config.json file in client and sentry-server.config.json (ask them to an admin)