Add conversation requests list

- Add routes to REST API for conversation requests
- Add websocket notification on new conversation requests. This is unreliable.
- Rename 'ColoredCallButton' as 'ColoredRoundButton' and move it to Buttons file for reuse
- Review logic to show conversation tabs
- Add useConversationDisplayNameShort for conversations' names in lists. Will need more work.
- Add hooks to help managing React Query's cache
- Use React Query to remove conversations and update the cache doing so.
- Add ContactService and ConversationService as a way to group reusable functions for the server. This is inspired by jami-android

Known bug: The server often freezes on getContactFromUri (in ContactService) when a new conversation request is received.

Change-Id: I46a60a401f09c3941c864afcdb2625b5fcfe054a
diff --git a/client/src/locale/fr/translation.json b/client/src/locale/fr/translation.json
index d970bf7..ac4e522 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/fr/translation.json
+++ b/client/src/locale/fr/translation.json
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
   "conversation_details_name": "Titre",
   "conversation_details_qr_code": "Code QR",
   "conversation_message": "Envoyer un message",
+  "conversation_request_accepted": "Vous avez accepté\nla demande de conversation",
+  "conversation_request_ask_join": "Bonjour,\nSouhaitez-vous rejoindre la conversation ?",
+  "conversation_request_has_sent_request": "{{contact}} vous a envoyé une demande de conversation.",
+  "conversation_request_waiting_for_sync": "En attente de la synchronisation de la conversation\npar {{contact}}.",
   "conversation_start_audiocall": "Démarrer appel audio",
   "conversation_start_videocall": "Démarrer appel vidéo",
   "conversation_title_1": "{{member0}}",